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Family Focus, 9/8/2023

date 09/08/2023 author Ed Friesen category September 2023, 2023-24 comment Leave a comment

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)

September 8, 2023

Dear BA Families: 

Service and Learning. This week our scholars heard from the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center on online safety and their online footprint. The lyceum highlighted online citizenship as well as what to watch out for when online. Additionally, parents attended an evening presentation. Visit their webpage for information (Jacob W).

On Friday, all BA scholars gathered for grade level service projects across town including: parish grounds; Milestone Senior Center; United Way Bookstore; IRIS; Calvary Cemetery; River Bend Nature Center and clean up along the Straight River Bike trails. This day of service is a tradition at BA, bringing scholars together as we serve out the Dominican Pillar of Service in our community.

IN CLASSROOMS: BA scholars should be feeling comfortable with their schedules and their classes. Student homework is in Schoology, so be sure to ask them to see the Schoology class pages. Parents can check grades periodically in PowerSchool. Reach out with questions on these programs to our technology coordinator, Ed Friesen at .

HOMEWORK HELP: Students can find teachers before or after school for support. We do have homework club for Middle School starting every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 p.m. For High School students, Ms. Ashley has resource time, email her at: . For High School math, Mrs. Allen is available after school and Mr. Gilmore before school. 

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar.

  •  Sept. 9: Deadline to order t-shirts/sweatshirts for the 2023 Dig Pink/Tackle Cancer events; click HERE to order.
  • Sept. 14 - Dig Pink/Tackle Cancer Dress Down Day and fundraiser @ home volleyball game. Click HERE for more information.
  • Sept. 15 - Tackle Cancer fundraiser events @ home football game
  • Sept. 16: SpiritFest @ Divine Mercy Catholic Church. Volunteers needed! Click HERE to help! (Students earn service hours.) 
  • Sept. 28 - School picture day! Photo order forms to be sent home with students Sep 22
  • Oct. 2-6: HOMECOMING WEEK!

See the Prom Fundraiser! Scan and order your hats today.

Reminders:  Don't forget, we have free breakfast offered from 7:30-8 a.m. each morning. Doors open at 7:30 a.m. and pick up time is 3 p.m. Lifeteen kicks off this Sunday, see flier below.

BA JOB OPENINGS: Email if interested at:

  • Part-time Van Driver
  • Substitute Teachers (Must have college degree)


  • The BA Annual Fund drive goal is: $255,000. Each gift supports our scholars and staff directly. Please consider a gift or call to set up a meeting at 507-334-3948. To date we have already received $47,102-THANK YOU! Donate online at: Annual Fund
  • SAVE THE DATE! On November 3rd at 1 p.m. we will host the Bethlehem Academy Sponsorship Transition Ceremony for Dominican Veritas Ministries - Parents invited! 
  • Nov. 5: New Founder's Day Alumni/Donor Event - Details to come!
Please pray for our scholars when they are online. Special prayers for our new students, may they connect with BA scholars and families.

Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal


Mass Day School Store: Click HERE to order Mass Day-appropriate BA gear.

2022-2023 Yearbooks were distributed today (Sept. 1) in homeroom. Contact Brent Zabel ( with questions or to purchase a 2022-23 yearbook.

Robotics Team Registration Open: The Vex IQ Robotics season has begun and it's not too late to join the team! Open to middle and high school students, Robotics meets Mon & Thurs from 3-5pm in the DMCS Media Lab. Cost to participate is $75; click HERE for the registration form. 

MS Homework Help: Homework help for middle school students is offered every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 3-4pm.

Fall Trap: if your scholar is interested in either a fall trap shooting league and/or occasional practice sessions, contact Coach Troy at 507-384-7386 or

Letter Jackets: Students that have earned a letter in an activity or expect to earn a letter this school year may order a letter jacket.  Bethlehem Academy has worked with Meca Sportswear for chenille letters and letter jackets for over 30 years.  The BA Chenille Letters we award to students are from Meca Sporswear.  Meca will be here on Thursday, September 14 for letter jacket sizing and ordering.  Click HERE for more for more information on letter jackets from Meca.  The traditional BA letter jacket has been around for decades.  It is a Cardinal Red jacket with leather sleeves along with 2 white UCLA shoulder insert stripes.  Alternatively, students may also consider an all-black leather jacket.  The base of the jackets includes the student's graduation year on a sleeve and name on the front chest.

Josten's recently expanded into the letter jacket business.  Their sales rep will be here a week after Meca Sportswear.  Bethlehem Academy has worked with Josten's in other areas (yearbooks, class rings, graduation items) for many years as well.  The Josten's jacket base price DOES NOT include the student's graduation year on a sleeve and name on the front chest.  Click HERE for Josten's online ordering information.  

Rotary STRIVE Scholarship Program for Seniors: Rotary's STRIVE program kicks off with their first meeting September 13. Click HERE for more information on this scholarship program. Click HERE to register. 

1st United Jr Board of Directors Scholarship Program: BA juniors and seniors are invited to apply for the 1st United Jr Board of Directors. This is a scholarship program. Deadline to apply is September 15. Find information and the application HERE



Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus, 9/1/23

date 09/03/2023 author Kris Sauer category 2023-24, September 2023 comment Leave a comment

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)

September 1, 2023

Dear BA Families: 

Our first week of the 2023-24 academic year is wrapped up! I hope your scholar is feeling comfortable and excited about some of their classes. Our staff is working hard to ensure that curriculum is engaging and challenging, with support available when needed. Please reach out to your scholar's teachers with any questions.

ONLINE SAFETY-Wed., Sept. 6: Ensuring that your scholar is safe online is critical in today's society. Bethlehem Academy is hosting an online safety presentation for parents of 6-12th grade students on Wednesday, Sept. 6 from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria. PLEASE JOIN US! This is a free presentation and so important for parents. (Flier below)

    UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar.

    • Sept. 4: NO SCHOOL, Labor Day
    • Sept. 6, 6:00pm - Parent Social Media/Technology safety presentation by the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center. See flier below.
    • Sept. 7: 1st day of Robotics, 3-5pm & MS Homework Club, see info below
    • Sept. 8: All School Student Service Day after Mass! (Service Day dress code, see info below)
    • Sept. 9: Deadline to order t-shirts/sweatshirts for the 2023 Dig Pink/Tackle Cancer events; click HERE to order.
    • Sept. 14 - Dig Pink/Tackle Cancer Dress Down Day and fundraiser @ home volleyball game. Click HERE for more information.
    • Sept. 15 - Tackle Cancer fundraiser events @ home football game
    • Sept. 16: SpiritFest @ Divine Mercy Catholic Church. Volunteers needed! Click HERE to help! (Students earn service hours.) 
    • Sept. 28 - School picture day! Photo order forms to be sent home with students Sep 22
    • Oct. 2-6: HOMECOMING WEEK!

    Reminders:  Don't forget, we have free breakfast offered from 7:30-8 a.m. each morning. 

    BA JOB OPENINGS: Email if interested at:

    • Part-time Van Driver
    • Substitute Teachers (Must have college degree)


    • The BA Annual Fund drive goal is: $255,000. Each gift supports our scholars and staff directly. Please consider a gift or call to set up a meeting at 507-334-3948. To date we have already received $46,552-THANK YOU! Donate online at: Annual Fund
    • SAVE THE DATE! On November 3rd at 1 p.m. we will host the Bethlehem Academy Sponsorship Transition Ceremony for Dominican Veritas Ministries - Parents invited! 
    • Nov. 5: New Founder's Day Alumni/Donor Event - Details to come!
    As we gather together, special prayers are asked for Maui during their recovery. The Diocese has shared these ways to support this community: Catholic Charities USA and Catholic Charities Hawaii.

    Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal


    Schoolwide Service Day Sept. 8: Next Friday, BA will be living out its mission of service and sending each grade out into the community to perform acts of service next Friday, Sept 8. Students will depart for their work sites following Mass (no Mass dress code), and will return in time for Period 3 (HS) and Period 8 (MS). Bag lunches will be provided by the school. Students should bring water bottles and gloves and are asked to wear Cardinal t-shirts and pants/shoes appropriate for the work at their site. See below for more information.

    Grade 12 – Milestone Senior Center and United Way Bookstore. Projects range from visit with elderly to yard work, cleaning, painting, and sorting books.
    Grade 11 – Divine Mercy Catholic Church. Students will help clean inside the church and do yard work at the House of Gratitude and Garden of Mercy.
    Grade 10 – Calvary Cemetery. Students will paint inside of new building, clean flat grave markers; tree clearing. Extra supplies, including flat-edge shovels or other small tools for clearing tombstones, paint brushes & buckets, suggested.
    Grade 9 – IRIS (Infants Remembered in Silence). Projects include yard work, cleaning, creating bereavement support packets and labeling and stamping 1500 Turkey Trot Postcards
    Grade 7 and Grade 8 - River Bend Nature Center. Grade 7 will help clear buckthorn; Grade 8 will help take down the compass and collecting trash from trails and driveway.
    Grade 6 – Straight River Bike Trail. Students will help clean the trail.

    Mass Day School Store: Click HERE to order Mass Day-appropriate BA gear.

    2022-2023 Yearbooks were distributed today (Sept. 1) in homeroom. Contact Brent Zabel ( with questions or to purchase a 2022-23 yearbook.

    Robotics Opens Sept. 7: Robotics begins after Labor Day! Open to middle and high school students, the team meets Mon & Thurs from 3-5pm in the DMCS Media Lab. Cost to participate is $75; click HERE for the registration form. 

    MS Homework Help Starts Thurs, Sept 7: Homework help for middle school students is offered every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 3-4pm, starting Thursday, Sept. 7.

    Fall Sports:  Fall sports are underway.  Please visit for more information.  The online registration form for football and volleyball can be found under the More menu as can the link to pay the $140 activity fee. The activity fee may also be paid by check or as an additional charge to your tuition account.  

    Middle school soccer began Tuesday, August 29. Please visit for more information on cooperative sports or contact the activities office.

    Fall Trap: if your scholar is interested in either a fall trap shooting league and/or occasional practice sessions, contact Coach Troy at 507-384-7386 or

    Sept 6 Parent Social Media Presentation Flyer: 

    Rotary STRIVE Scholarship Program for Seniors: Rotary's STRIVE program kicks off with their first meeting September 13. Click HERE for more information on this scholarship program. Click HERE to register. 

    1st United Jr Board of Directors Scholarship Program: BA juniors and seniors are invited to apply for the 1st United Jr Board of Directors. This is a scholarship program. Deadline to apply is September 15. Find information and the application HERE



    Online BA School Calendar:

    Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

    Family Focus 8/26/23

    date 08/30/2023 author Kris Sauer category August 2023, 2023-24 comment Leave a comment

    "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
    Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)

    August 26, 2023

    Dear BA Families: 

    We look forward to seeing your scholars on Monday for orientation! Please see the schedule below for times and details. Our first full day of school will be Tuesday, August 29th. A reminder that from 7:30-8:00 a.m. we offer a free, continental breakfast for all scholars. Lunches this year are also free, however, extra snacks and treats will be taken out of your scholar's lunch account, so please send in a check. Additionally, Mr. Friesen sent email went to returning parents and students Friday afternoon with information on how to sign up to pick up their laptops this weekend.

    Monday, Aug 28 Back to School Picnic & Orientation Events

    8:30am: Seniors arrive to pick out their parking spot
    9-11:30am: Student Orientation (new & returning students, no hot lunch). Meet in the gym. Homeroom assignments will be posted for student reference. Students will get copies of their schedules and their locker assignments in homeroom. Bring your school supplies to get set up for Tuesday!
    11:30am-1pm: New-Gr 9-12 Laptop Training (lunch provided)

    5:30pm, New Middle School Parent Meeting, BA Cafeteria: Mandatory parent orientation meeting for all 6th grade and new 7th and 8th grade students. New 7th/8th graders will get their laptops; 6th grade students will get their laptops in technology class; a parent must attend this meeting in order for the laptop to be taken home. Please email Brent Zabel if you are not able to attend.

    6:00pm, New High School Parent Meeting: All new high school parents are invited to join us in Room 105 for information and resources to help make your scholar's transition to BA a success.

    6:30pm Back-to-School Picnic for All BA Families: All Cardinal families are invited to join us for our Back-to-School picnic at 6:30pm! Free hot dog dinner and games for the whole family. We'll have information tables (student groups and more) and BA gear for sale. Join us on the Back 40 (south side of BA near the greenhouse) for a great way to kick off a fantastic Cardinal year!

    FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: Tuesday, August 29
    7:30 a.m. Doors Open/Breakfast available (students must eat in the cafeteria)
    8:05 a.m. Tardy Bell
    2:55 p.m. Dismissal


    • The BA Annual Fund drive letters were mailed out this August. Our goal for this year is: $255,000. Each gift supports our scholars and staff directly. Please consider a gift this year or call to set up a meeting at 507-334-3948. To see the letter, please visit: Annual Fund

    UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar.

    • Aug. 29: First Day of School! Tardy bell rings at 8:05 a.m.
    • Sep 4: NO SCHOOL, Labor Day
    • Sep 6, 6:00pm - Social Media/Technology safety presentation for Parents presented by the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center. See flyer below.
    • Sep 14 - Dig Pink cancer fundraiser @ home volleyball game
    • Sep 15 - Tackle Cancer fundraiser events @ home football game
    • Sep 16: SpiritFest @ Divine Mercy Catholic Church 
    • Sep 28 - School picture day! Photo order forms to be sent home with students Sep 22

    BA JOB OPENINGS: Email if interested at:

    • Part-time Van Driver
    • Substitute Teachers (Must have college degree)
    Please pray for the beginning of our school year. Reach out with questions.

    Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal

    Schedule Updates/Counselor Meetings: Reminder that School Counselor Stephen Uphus is available to meet with students regarding scheduling changes following orientation Monday, Aug 28 from 

    Back to School Information: Click HERE for everything you need for back to school, including dress code, summer read, school supply, & online school store info.

    Fall Sports:  Fall sports are underway.  Grades 9-12 teams are finishing their first week of practices.  Middle school teams will begin practices on Monday, August 21:  7th/8th grade football will meet at 3:15 in Room 211.  Grades 6-8 volleyball will practice from 3:30-5:00 at DMCS on Monday.  Please visit for more information.  The online registration form for football and volleyball can be found under the More menu as can the link to pay the $140 activity fee. The activity fee may also be paid by check or as an additional charge to your tuition account.  

    Middle school soccer will begin on Tuesday, August 29 right after school.  Please visit for more information on cooperative sports or contact the activities office.

    Rotary STRIVE Scholarship Program for Seniors: Rotary's STRIVE program kicks off with their first meeting September 13. Click HERE for more information on this scholarship program. Click HERE to register. 

    Sept 6 Parent Social Media Presentation Flyer: 


    Click HERE to fill out the Youth Discipleship survey. 

    Online BA School Calendar:

    Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

    Family Focus 8/18/23

    date 08/23/2023 author Kris Sauer category August 2023, 2023-24 comment Leave a comment

    "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
    Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)

    August 18, 2023

    Dear BA Families: 

    Welcome Back! Our BA teachers return on Monday with a full week of workshops planned to prepare for a fantastic school year. We are excited to welcome returning and new scholars to BA. With new courses and plans for the year in progress, we look forward to a wonderful year together. Go Cardinals!

    What's New at BA?

    • Friday Mass Days @ Immaculate Conception Church- Join us now on Fridays at 10:30 a.m.
    • Habitudes - for Social Emotional Learning (a part of Theology)
    • New Courses - Business education, Church History, War History, AP Music Theory, Current Events
    • New Teachers & Staff: Kenneth Gigante, MS Math Support & Theology; Cecilia Allen, HS Algebra 2; Jolene Beske, Business classes; and Kallie Battles, HS Science, Multimedia and Int. Algebra. New staff: Lori Bittenbender, front office; Penny Thorpe & Jason Collins, maintenance; Jon Rysdam & Sarah Babcock, kitchen.
    • Change of Titles/Duties: Brent Zabel will be acting Middle School Dean; Ed Friesen will be Administrative Dean, supporting teachers and managing high school discipline; Katy Ashley will be teaching HS Social Studies courses, as well as HS Theology.
    • Building Updates: New walk-in freezer in our cafeteria. Updated library space to classroom and student center (still in progress.)
    • The BA Annual Fund drive kicks of this August with a goal of $255,000. Each gift is supports our scholars and staff directly. Please consider a gift this year or call to set up a meeting at 507-334-3948.

    UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar.

    • Wed., Aug. 23 (5:30-6:30 p.m.) Back to School Picnic
    • Wed., Aug. 23 (6:15-7 p.m.) New family orientation (parents and students)
    • Mon., Aug. 28 (9-11:30 a.m.) Student Orientation
      • Seniors - arrive by 8:30 a.m. to pick your parking spot.
      • New High School Students - 11:30a.m.-1p.m. Stay to eat pizza and receive your laptop.
      • MANDATORY New Middle School Parents (All Gr 6, New Gr 7 & 8) technology training/orientation - 5:30p.m., BA Cafeteria, at least one parent must attend to get student laptop
    • Tues. Aug. 29: First Day of School! Tardy bell rings at 8:05 a.m.

    BA JOB OPENINGS: Email if interested at:

    • Part-time Van Driver
    • Part-time Kitchen Assistant
    • Substitute Teachers (Must have college degree)
    I look forward to seeing everyone at our "Back-to-School" picnic on Wednesday, August 23 beginning at 5:30p.m! Please reach out if you have any questions.

    Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal

    Schedule Updates/Counselor Meetings: See dates below for times when School Counselor Stephen Uphus will be available in person to discuss schedule changes/additions. The open office hours will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. FYI that he sent this information directly to students via their BA email. Mr. Uphus will continue to work on requests that have already been sent, but encourages students to come see him during the times below as it is usually easier to sort things out in person. Please know that you can email Stephen as well at or at 507-334-3948, ext. 217 | voice/text: 507-323-9979. Office availability listed below:

    • Thursday August 24th: 8am-3pm
    • Friday August 25th: 8am-3pm
    • Monday, August 28th (following student orientation): 11:30am-3pm
    Back to School Information: Click HERE for everything you need for back to school, including dress code, summer read, school supply, & online school store info.

    Fall Sports:  Fall sports are underway.  Grades 9-12 teams are finishing their first week of practices.  Middle school teams will begin practices on Monday, August 21:  7th/8th grade football will meet at 3:15 in Room 211.  Grades 6-8 volleyball will practice from 3:30-5:00 at DMCS on Monday.  Please visit for more information.  The online registration form for football and volleyball can be found under the More menu as can the link to pay the $140 activity fee.  The activity fee may also be paid by check or as an additional charge to your tuition account.  

    Middle school soccer will begin on Tuesday, August 29 right after school.  Please visit for more information on cooperative sports or contact the activities office.


    Click HERE to fill out the Youth Discipleship survey. 

    Online BA School Calendar:

    Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

    Family Focus 6/2/23

    date 08/17/2023 author Kris Sauer category June 2023, 2022-23 comment Leave a comment

    "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
    1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)

    June 2, 2023

    Dear BA Families: 

    Happy Summer! What an exciting week at BA. During these last two days, our 6-11th grade scholars gathered for finals, locker clean out, and a middle school day at the park as well as lunch on the back 40!  Our lady Cardinals brought home the Section 1A Championship and are headed to state next week, see details below. Our BA co-op participants competed at competitions in golf and track and field. Our Trap team took 1st place in the conference! Watch the news for all of the updates and progress of our athletes! Also, don't forget to scroll below to check out the summer reading requirements, teacher tutors and summer programs and camps. 

    Attend the Games - Order tickets online: The Cardinals are going to state in softball for the first time in its roughly 35 years of existence. The state tournament is held at Caswell Park in North Mankato, just off of Lor-Ray Drive and US Hwy 14.
    • Thursday-June 8: 1:30pm and 8:15pm. Ticket prices are $13 adults and $8 students. You must purchase digital tickets at:
    • Friday’s game schedule is based on how we do Thursday.
      • 5th place game is at 1:30pm
      • 3rd place game is at 3:30pm
      • Championship game is at 5:30pm.

    Game times are subject to change due to such things as weather delays or a preceding game going extra innings. (Please see the notes below for what you can bring to the game.)


    • Brent Zabel as Middle School Dean/Advanced Science Course Teacher.
    • Kallie Donahue Battles - 9th and 10th grade science and MS theology.
    • Jolene Beske is joining our staff to teach business courses.
    • Cecilia Allen will be teaching Algebra 2 in high school.
    • Katy Ashley will be teaching some social studies courses as she begins her teacher training.
    • Welcome to our new office team: Nikki Dut as our office secretary and Lori Bittenbender as the office assistant, see write ups, below
    • Please welcome Jon Rysdam, our new Lunch Program Supervisor. His introduction coming soon.
    • Penny Thorpe joins our maintenance team as co-head of cleaning, building and grounds with Loren Tatge. Steve Zabel will stay on part-time consulting the maintenance team.
    • The BA Annual Fund drive is at $234,200+ with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! Gifts accepted through June 30, 2023.
    • BA Cardinal Club Raffle ticket order forms have been mailed! Get yours early to win!

    UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar. 

    • Heritage Days Parade, June 17: be on the BA/DMCS float! Student and parent sign up at this link
    • Cardinal Cafe at the Rice County Fair, July 19-25: work the fair stand and get your hours in early! Find the sign up HERE
    • SMART Ride, July 27-29: Bicycle single or multiple days for BA
    • Cardinal Golf Classic, Aug 4 at the Faribault Golf Club: Committee members needed - will earn parent hours! Contact Kris at
    BA Job Openings: Help Spread the Word! BA is seeking an Assistant Athletic Director/High School Dean, Math Support Teacher and part-time Van Driver for 2023-24. Contact Mindy Reeder at 507-334-3948 or at for info.

    Prayers for your summer - hope to see you at the State softball games!

    Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal

    Summer Office Hours: Our front office will be staffed Monday to Thursday from 9am to 1pm June 5 to August 18. The office will be closed Fridays and the week of July 3-7.

    Report Cards/Summer Mailing: 2nd semester report cards and our summer mailing with school supply lists, summer read list and other important items should be in the mailing late next week after grades are finalized Monday afternoon.

    MN State Softball Tournament Details:

    • Each individual must have a ticket to be scanned. Tickets may be on a mobile device or printed. 
    • No backpacks, duffel bags, briefcases, shoulder bags, etc., other than purses, will be allowed into the facility. All bags/purses are subject to being searched. 
    • Camera tri-pods/mono-pods and “selfie sticks” are NOT allowed. 
    • No beverages, food or noisemakers will be allowed to be brought into the facility. 
    • No balloons, laser pointers, noisemakers, air-horns, horns, drums, or whistles will be allowed in the facility. 
    • No weapons of any kind including licensed concealed carry weapons, knives, etc. are allowed 
    • No signs or banners may be hung in the facility. Hand-held signs allowed (can be held by one person).

    Summer Read Assignments-See link to form given to your scholar below:

    23-24 Tuition Agreements: parents with enrolled students for 2023-24 should have received an email with their tuition agreement. Please review your agreement and payment plan. If you need to change the payment schedule of your agreement, please contact Kris Sauer at or 507-334-3948, x206. If you believe you require additional financial assistance, please complete the form found here

    Summer Band: High school (gr 8-12) summer band camp late July, early August; high school percussion tryouts due by July 25; band lessons for all grades starting after July 4th.  Click HERE for Mr. Lorence's letter with all the details; click HERE for the summer band lesson sign up form. 

    Summer Math Tutoring

    • Mrs. Lynette Battles will be offering math tutoring this summer for 4th-8th grade students.  Cost is $150 for 6 one hour sessions. Please email her at for more information and availability. 
    • Mr. David Gilmore is offering math tutoring for $30/hour this summer. Contact him at

    Summer Camps @ BA: Click HERE for information and registration forms for football, basketball, volleyball, robotics camps and summer voice lessons. 

    DMCC Summer Programs: Great opportunities this summer through the Divine Mercy Catholic Church youth groups, including Totus Tuus. More info and sign up at this link.

    Online BA School Calendar:

    Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

    Family Focus, 5/26/23

    date 06/01/2023 author Kris Sauer category May 2023, 2022-23 comment Leave a comment

    "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
    1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)

    May 26, 2023

    Dear BA Families: 
    A Cardinal send off to our Seniors! We gathered to recognize scholars from all grades, but especially our seniors, for our 2022-23 BA Awards Day Ceremony. What an honor for our staff to recognize your scholars. Each year brings growth for scholars in all four pillars of: prayer, study, community and service. After the ceremony, staff gathers with seniors for our traditional brunch. This intimate event is our final send-off with our seniors, before commencement. Senior parents - thank you! Thank you for giving your scholar the gift of Catholic education and for partnering with us throughout this journey!

    EARLY RELEASE DAYS & DRESS CODE: Just a reminder that there is no school on Monday, May 29. School resumes on Tuesday, May 30th and our last day is Wednesday, May 31st. Our last two days we will release at 1 p.m. Lunch is provided. See the dress code notes, below.

    CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR ATHLETES! Our girls' softball brought home the Sub-Section Title with a phenomenal 10-0 victory! Come and cheer them on this next Tuesday, May 30. BA participants in Coop FHS sports are also shining at regional events. Watch the news for all of the updates and progress of our athletes.


    • New Staff/Positions for 2023-24:
      • Brent Zabel as Middle School Dean/Advanced Science Course Teacher.
      • Kallie Donahue Battles - 9th and 10th grade science and MS theology.
      • Jolene Beske is joining our staff to teach business courses.
      • Katy Ashley will be teaching some social studies courses as she begins her teacher training.
      • Welcome to our new office team: Nikki Dut as our office secretary and Lori Bittenbender as the office assistant, see write ups, below.
      • Please welcome Jon Rysdam, our new Lunch Program Supervisor. His introduction coming soon.
    • The BA Annual Fund drive is at $233,900+ with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! Gifts accepted through June 30, 2023.
    • BA Cardinal Club Raffle ticket order forms have been mailed! Get yours early to win!


    UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar. 

    • Monday, May 29: Memorial Day - no school
    • Tuesday, May 30: 1pm dismissal, lunch served
    • Wednesday, May 31: 1pm dismissal, lunch served - last day of school!  *Students may come out of dress code, but dress for the weather and review the "not allowed" list for out-of-dress code days.
    • BA Summer events: See below for great ways to support BA and earn service hours for parents and students!
    BA Job Openings: Help Spread the Word! BA is seeking an Assistant Athletic Director/High School Dean, Math Support Teacher, Van Driver, and Maintenance Supervisor for 2023-24. Contact Mindy Reeder at 507-334-3948 or at for info.

    It has been an honor for our staff and faculty to serve your family and your scholar. May summer be a blessing to you and your family, and may God keep you safe in your travels. Until next fall - Fly Cardinals!

    Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal

    Introducing New BA Staff:
    Nikki Dut, Office Secretary: 
    I am honored to be a part of such a brilliant team. I’m a mother of six and have taken in two additional children as well. I love cooking, planning events and fundraising for organizations. I also enjoy reading and learning, walks and outdoors. I am currently completing my bachelor’s degree as well. I look forward to remembering each and everyone’s name and face when I begin at BA!

    Lori Bittenbender, Office Assistant: I am looking forward to serving the BA community while working in the front office. Our family has lived in Faribault for the last 5 years. We have an 8th grade daughter at BA and our son will join the Cardinal family as a 6th grader next school year. Our oldest daughter will be a junior at Shattuck St. Mary's where my husband is a teacher. For the past 17 years, I have owned my own business as a public relations freelancer but have also been involved in education field for many years as a reading tutor as well as working and living on boarding school campuses. 

    23-24 Tuition Agreements: parents with enrolled students for 2023-24 should have received an email with their tuition agreement. Please review your agreement and payment plan. If you need to change the payment schedule of your agreement, please contact Kris Sauer at or 507-334-3948, x206. If you believe you require additional financial assistance, please complete the form found here

    Order your 2022-2023 BA Yearbook! Click HERE to order online or use the form found here and return to the front office with your payment. Orders due May 31. Contact Mr. Zabel at with questions.

    Save the date for BA summer events! See below for several parent and student summer service opportunities. All are great ways to support BA! See our Events page HERE; more information to follow via parent email. 

    • Heritage Days Parade, June 17: be on the BA/DMCS float! Student and parent sign up at this link
    • Cardinal Cafe at the Rice County Fair, July 19-25: work the fair stand and get your hours in early! Find the sign up HERE
    • SMART Ride, July 27-29: Bicycle single or multiple days for BA
    • Cardinal Golf Classic, Aug 4 at the Faribault Golf Club: Committee members needed - will earn parent hours! Contact Kris at

    Summer Band: High school (gr 8-12) summer band camp late July, early August; high school percussion tryouts due by July 25; band lessons for all grades starting after July 4th.  Click HERE for Mr. Lorence's letter with all the details. 

    Summer Math Tutoring

    • Mrs. Lynette Battles will be offering math tutoring this summer for 4th-8th grade students.  Cost is $150 for 6 one hour sessions. Please email her at for more information and availability. 
    • Mr. David Gilmore is offering math tutoring for $30/hour this summer. Contact him at

    Summer Camps @ BA: Click HERE for information and registration forms for football, basketball, volleyball, robotics camps and summer voice lessons. 

    DMCC Summer Programs: Great opportunities this summer through the Divine Mercy Catholic Church youth groups, including Totus Tuus. More info and sign up at this link.

    Juniors: Sign up for STRIVE: STRIVE, a Faribault Rotary-sponsored program is taking registrations for the 2023-2024 school year. Sign up to participate HERE

    Online BA School Calendar:

    Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

    Family Focus 5-19-23

    date 05/24/2023 author Kris Sauer category May 2023, 2022-23 comment Leave a comment

    "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
    1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)

    May 19, 2023

    Dear BA Families: 
    May God richly bless our Seniors this next week! Please join us at our Baccalaureate Mass on Wednesday, May 24th or for graduation on Friday, May 26 as we recognize our seniors' hard work and accomplishments. I invite you to also join me in continuing to pray for our seniors. 

    It is with a heavy heart that I share that John Wollersheim, Assistant Principal, will be officially retiring from his position at BA. He will continue to support BA as a consultant next year. We will be celebrating all of our staff who are retiring during our awards ceremony on Friday, May 26 from 9:30-11:00 a.m. Please send cards to honor them.

    EARLY RELEASE DAYS & DRESS CODE: Just a reminder that students will be released between 11 and 11:30 a.m. after the BA Awards Ceremony on Friday, May 26. No lunch is provided. There is no school on Monday, May 29 and school on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 30th & 31st ,will release at 1 p.m. Lunch is provided the last two days of school. See the dress code notes, below.

    KUDOS to our FFA TEAM! Our FFA Team gathered last Saturday for their banquet, to recognize their leaders, and to commemorate their teams and accolades. Our Dairy team even received an additional national award this week - with a plaque now hanging in our ag department classroom. Congratulations to Mr. Johnson and all of his team!

    SUPPORT OUR ATHLETES! Join our athletes this next week as they compete at regional and state competitions. Our girls' softball is ranked #1 in our division! Play off games for them are at home on Monday and Tuesday. Coop sports will also have regional and state competitions, go to the BA sports calendar to support our Cardinals!


    • BA Staff Retiring: Steve Zabel, Julie Trnka, Barb Johnson, John Wollersheim and Tammy Anderson  
    • BA Teachers Leaving: Father John Powers, Josh Maus and Mark Nuehring
    • New Staff for 2023-24: We welcome Brent Zabel as Middle School Dean. He will continue to also teach the upper level science courses. Ms. Kallie Donahue Battles is joining the BA family as our new 9th and 10th grade science instructor and additional courses. Jolene Beske is joining our staff to teach business courses while Katy Ashley will be teaching some social studies courses as she begins her teacher training.
    • The BA Annual Fund drive is at $233,900+ with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! Gifts accepted through June 30, 2023.


    UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar. 

    • May 18-31: Click here for a printable copy of the finals/senior week schedule
    • Wednesday, May 24: Mary Ceremony in gym @ 1pm, assembly schedule; Baccalaureate at DMCC, 7:30pm 
    • Friday, May 26: Awards Day @ 9:30am, Mass dress code; grades 6-11 dismissed around 11am, no lunch served; Commencement, 7:30pm
    • Monday, May 29: Memorial Day - no school
    • Tuesday, May 30: 1pm dismissal, lunch served
    • Wednesday, May 31: 1pm dismissal, lunch served - last day of school!  *Students may come out of dress code, but dress for the weather and review the "not allowed" list for out of dress code days.
    • BA Summer events: See below for great ways to support BA and earn service hours for parents and students!
    BA Job Openings: Help Spread the Word! BA is seeking a Math Support Teacher, and Maintenance Supervisor for 2023-24. Contact Mindy Reeder at 507-334-3948 or at for info.

    Please join me in prayers this spring as we wrap up our school year, praying for our scholars and teachers in the final weeks of the school year with special prayers for our seniors. Special prayers for Ms. Tondryk and Mr. Wollin as they support their family members.

    Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal

    23-24 Tuition Agreements: parents with enrolled students for 2023-24 should have received an email with their tuition agreement. Please review your agreement and payment plan. If you need to change the payment schedule of your agreement, please contact Kris Sauer at or 507-334-3948, x206. If you believe you require additional financial assistance, please complete the form found here

    Order your 2022-2023 BA Yearbook! Click HERE to order online or use the form found here and return to the front office with your payment. Orders due May 31. Contact Mr. Zabel at with questions.

    Save the date for BA summer events! See below for several parent and student summer service opportunities. All are great ways to support BA! See our Events page HERE; more information to follow via parent email. 

    • Heritage Days Parade, June 17: be on the BA/DMCS float! 
    • Cardinal Cafe at the Rice County Fair, July 19-25: work the fair stand and get your hours in early!
    • SMART Ride, July 27-29: Bicycle single or multiple days for BA
    • Cardinal Golf Classic, Aug 4 at the Faribault Golf Club: Committee members needed! Contact Kris at

    Summer Band: High school (gr 8-12) summer band camp late July, early August; high school percussion tryouts due by July 25; band lessons for all grades starting after July 4th.  Click HERE for Mr. Lorence's letter with all the details. 

    Summer Math Tutoring

    • Mrs. Lynette Battles will be offering math tutoring this summer for 4th-8th grade students.  Cost is $150 for 6 one hour sessions. Please email her at for more information and availability. 
    • Mr. David Gilmore is offering math tutoring for $30/hour this summer. Contact him at

    Summer Camps @ BA: Click HERE for information and registration forms for football, basketball, volleyball, robotics camps and summer voice lessons. 

    DMCC Summer Programs: Great opportunities this summer through the Divine Mercy Catholic Church youth groups, including Totus Tuus. More info and sign up at this link.

    Juniors: Sign up for STRIVE: STRIVE, a Faribault Rotary-sponsored program is taking registrations for the 2023-2024 school year. Sign up to participate HERE


    Online BA School Calendar:

    Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

    Family Focus 5/12/23

    date 05/16/2023 author Kris Sauer category 2022-23, May 2023 comment Leave a comment

    "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
    1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)

    May 12, 2023

    Dear BA Families: 
    May events continue! This week our musical students shared their talents at the Spring Concert. From strings, to jazz, and a teacher/student published song, music rang out in the auditorium. Thank you for joining us and a special thank you to Emily Cicha and Brad Lorence for preparing their scholars for a wonderful performance.

    Additionally this week, our Houses gathered for the last time this year. We made more than 400 sandwiches for the homeless, worked together in each House to complete a scavenger hunt, and listened to speeches from students running for office as well as a special presentation from Air Force 1st Lt. Joe Belina, OHS '16 and Air Force Academy grad. It was a great week to be Cardinal! Special thanks to all of our teachers during this Teacher Appreciation Week, and to our lunch ladies and maintenance teams for the extra work with Houses and our Spring Concert. THANK YOU!


    • BA Staff Retiring: Steve Zabel, Julie Trnka, Barb Johnson and Tammy Anderson  (Please contact me to learn more.)
    • BA Teachers Leaving: Father John Powers, Josh Maus and Mark Nuehring
    • New Staff for 2023-24: We welcome Brent Zabel as Middle School Dean. He will continue to also teach the upper level science courses. Ms. Kallie Donahue Battles is joining the BA family as our new 9th and 10th grade science instructor and additional courses. Jolene Beske is joining our staff to teach business courses while Katy Ashley will be teaching some social studies courses as she begins her teacher training.
    • The BA Annual Fund drive is at $232,200+ with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! Gifts accepted through June 30, 2023.
    • Watch for information on our Cardinal Club Raffle, the Heritage Days parade June 17, the Cardinal Cafe at the Rice County Fair July 19-23, our SMART Ride July 27-29, and Cardinal Golf Classic August 4!


    UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar. 

    • May 17: Guatemala Mission Trip application due
    • May 18-31: Click here for a printable copy of the finals/senior week schedule
    • Wednesday, May 24: Mary Ceremony in gym @ 1pm, special schedule; Baccalaureate at DMCC, 7:30pm 
    • Friday, May 26: Awards Day @ 9:30am, grades 6-11 dismissed around 11am, no lunch served; Commencement, 7:30pm
    • Monday, May 29: Memorial Day - no school
    • Tuesday, May 30: 1pm dismissal, lunch served
    • Wednesday, May 31: 1pm dismissal, lunch served - last day of school! 
    BA Job Openings: Help Spread the Word! BA is seeking a Kitchen Manager and Maintenance Supervisor for 2023-24. Contact Mindy Reeder at 507-334-3948 or at for info.

    Please join me in prayers this spring as we wrap up our school year, praying for our scholars and teachers in the final weeks of the school year with special prayers for our seniors.

    Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal


    Order your 2022-2023 BA Yearbook! Click HERE to order online or use the form found here and return to the front office with your payment. Orders due May 31. Contact Mr. Zabel at with questions.

    Summer Math Tutoring: Lynette Battles will be offering math tutoring this summer for 4th-8th grade students.  Cost is $150 for 6 one hour sessions. Please email her at for more information and availability. 

    Summer Camps @ BA: Click HERE for information and registration forms for football, basketball, volleyball, robotics camps and summer voice lessons. 

    DMCC Summer Programs: Great opportunities this summer through the Divine Mercy Catholic Church youth groups, including Totus Tuus. More info and sign up at this link.

    Juniors: Sign up for STRIVE: STRIVE, a Faribault Rotary-sponsored program is taking registrations for the 2023-2024 school year. Sign up to participate HERE

    Reminder: High school after school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30.

    Online BA School Calendar:

    Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

    Family Focus, 5/5/23

    date 05/10/2023 author Kris Sauer category May 2023, 2022-23 comment Leave a comment

    "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
    1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)

    May 5, 2023

    Dear BA Families: 
    It's Prom at BA and May events! Join us tomorrow (Saturday, May 6) for our Prom Grand March at 5pm, details below as our May events begin. Also, for your planning purposes, please keep in mind we will have three early release days this spring:

    • Friday, May 26 (Awards Day @ 9:30am, dismissed around 11am, no lunch); 
    • Tuesday, May 30 (lunch served, 1pm dismissal); 
    • Wednesday, May 31st (lunch served, 1pm dismissal) - last day of school! 

    Teacher Appreciation Week May 8-12: Bethlehem Academy is blessed to have a history of teachers serving our scholars for many years. Additionally, this year we welcomed new teachers into our Catholic school family. Please thank them for their service and dedication and celebrate them this week - send an email, a note card, or treats to school. WE LOVE OUR TEACHERS!

    The Month of Mary: May is the month of Mary. We began this month with the DMCS 1st grade Mary Crowning. What a joy to celebrate Mass as an entire school family! Later this month, our seniors will close out our year with the Mary crowning ceremony and the distribution of flowers to those who made a difference in their lives. Additionally, the Archdiocese offers family events for the month of May honoring Mary, see the opportunities below.


    • BA Staff Retiring: Steve Zabel, Julie Trnka, Barb Johnson and Tammy Anderson  (Please contact me to learn more.)
    • BA Teachers Leaving: Father John Powers and Mark Nuehring
    • New Staff for 2023-24: We welcome Brent Zabel as Middle School Dean. He will continue to also teach the upper level science courses. Ms. Kallie Donahue Battles is joining the BA family as our new 9th and 10th grade instructor and may teach additional courses, see Kallie's introduction below.
    • The BA Annual Fund drive is at $227,200+ with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! Gifts accepted through June 30, 2023.
    • Watch for information on our Cardinal Club Raffle, the Cardinal Cafe at the Rice County Fair, our SMART Ride and Cardinal Golf Classic!


    UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar. See some additional Archdiocese events and invitations below.

    • May 6:
      • Prom, Grand March 5pm @ BA, click HERE for info
      • DMCC Kite Festival, student volunteers needed (service hours) from 9am-1pm. Click HERE to sign up. 
    • May 7: Guatemala Mission Trip info meeting (option #2), 6pm DMCC
    • May 8: Last 1pm WIN day of the quarter for support
    • May 9: AP English Language Exam, Student Council candidates registration due
    • May 10:
      • Student of the Month, 7:30am
      • BA Band/Choir Spring Concert, 6:30pm in Van Orsow Auditorium
    • May 11: AM WIN Schedule - House Activity & Student Council Candidate speeches; AVANT Spanish Test
    • May 12: 
      • Ag Science/FFA Baby Animal Day @ BA
      • Student Council elections
      • DMCS Family Fun Day, 4:30-7pm : Student Volunteers needed! Click here to sign up to volunteer.
    • May 15: Intercultural Club Midtown Global Market field trip. Permission slips due May 10. Find the form HERE
    • May 17:
      • Student Council Class Officer elections
      • Guatemala Mission Trip application due
    • May 18-31: Click here for the finals/senior week schedule
    BA/DMCS Job Openings: Help Spread the Word!
    • Positions available at Bethlehem Academy for 2023-2024, contact Mindy Reeder at 507-334-3948 or at
      • Kitchen Manager; and 
      • Maintenance Supervisor 
    • DMCS is hiring a full-time admissions, marketing and fundraising director. Contact Gina Ashley @ for info

    Please join me in prayers this spring as we wrap up our school year, praying for our scholars and teachers in the final weeks of the school year with special prayers for our seniors.

    Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal

    Welcome BA Alum, Kallie Battles! My name is Kallie (Donahue) Battles. I am excited to return to BA as a teacher! After graduating from BA in 2017, I studied biology and education at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University. Most recently, I taught middle school science at Holy Cross Catholic School in Webster. My husband, Noah, and I are getting ready to welcome our first child this June. I look forward to meeting you and your children this fall!

    Student Volunteer Opportunities: See below for 2 great opportunities for students to volunteer and earn service hours!

    • Saturday, May 6 Kite Festival at Divine Mercy Catholic Church! One-hour slots available from 9am through 1pm. Click HERE to volunteer.
    • Friday, May 12, 4:30-7pm, DMCS Family Fun Day at Divine Mercy Catholic Church. Help especially needed at the temporary tattoo bar and bingo game. Click HERE to sign up and volunteer.

    Guatemala Mission Trip Info Session:  Live your faith - join the joint BA/DMCC Guatemala Mission Trip February 2024! If you missed Wednesday's meeting, a second information session will be held Sunday, May 7, 6pm in the commons area at Divine Mercy Catholic Church. Interested but can't make the meeting? Contact Mrs. Rachel Tondryk for more information. Ready to sign up? Click HERE to fill out the mission trip application form, due May 17. 

    Order your 2022-2023 BA Yearbook! Click HERE to order online or use the form found here and return to the front office with your payment. Orders due May 31. Contact Mr. Zabel at with questions.

    RaiseRight (SCRIP) Tuition Credit Program Update for April: Click HERE.

    Summer Math Tutoring: Lynette Battles will be offering math tutoring this summer for 4th-8th grade students.  Cost is $150 for 6 one hour sessions. Please email her at for more information and availability. 

    Summer Camps @ BA: Check out our great summer camp offerings for students elementary through high school. Open to all area students. Click HERE for information and registration forms for football, basketball, volleyball, robotics camps and summer voice lessons. 

    DMCC Summer Programs: Great opportunities this summer through the Divine Mercy Catholic Church youth groups, including Totus Tuus and the high school Steubenville Conference. See the flyer below; learn more and sign up at this link.

    Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis Prayer Events:
    Join in these prayer and advocacy events as our legislators make final decisions during this session. See below for information and links. 

    Friday, May 5 – Final First Friday Adoration: Join in praying before the Blessed Sacrament for our state and our lawmakers from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Capitol in Rm B420 – the Governor’s Dining Room. Learn more.

    Thursday, May 11 – Final Capitol Thursday: RSVP to join the MCC staff from 10 – 11:30 a.m. and learn about advocacy, have a Capitol tour, and meet with your legislators.

    Archdiocesan Family Rosary Procession

    Sunday, May 7, 2 p.m. (Procession line-up at 1:30 p.m.), Procession from State Capitol to Cathedral of Saint Paul

    As a public witness to our Catholic faith during the month of May dedicated to our Blessed Mother Mary, come with family and friends to the annual Archdiocesan Family Rosary Procession. Archbishop Bernard Hebda will join at the Capitol and in the Cathedral. Learn more and view the Archbishop's video inviting you to participate HERE

    Prom/Post-Prom information: Click HERE for Into the Night Prom information and HERE for a non-BA student guest permission form. Click HERE for Post-Prom information and the permissions slip. All permission slips are due April 28.

    Juniors: Sign up for STRIVE: STRIVE, a Faribault Rotary-sponsored program is taking registrations for the 2023-2024 school year. Sign up to participate HERE

    Senior Parents: Open Campus Information-Daily open campus began Monday, May 1 for eligible seniors. Lunch and study halls are eligible, Mass is not. Please contact Mr. Wollersheim at or 507-334-3948 with questions. 

    High School Reminders: 

    • After school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30 (link to info)

    • Senior Scholarships: Click HERE for a list of college and community scholarship opportunities, requirements and deadlines.

    Student volunteers needed! Sign up for this student service hour event HERE. 



    Online BA School Calendar:

    Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

    Family Focus 4/28/23

    date 05/02/2023 author Kris Sauer category April 2023, 2022-23 comment Leave a comment

    "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
    1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)

    April 28, 2023

    Dear BA Families: 
    Welcome May! As we turn the calendar to the last month of the school year, I look back at all our scholars have achieved - we are proud of our Cardinals! We have also achieved more of our strategic plans to continually improve the Bethlehem Academy legacy and tradition.

    Achievements from our Strategic Plan in 2022-23 include:

    • New courses and programs
    • Increased student support for high school
    • Continued Social Emotional Learning & Houses
    • Strong participation in athletics and activities, including District, Regional, and State awards in: Football, Volleyball, Coop Sports, Spelling Bee, Band & Choir Excellent & Superior ratings and History Day and FFA State awards.
    • Increased student retreats and all-school service events
    • New doors on classrooms, new parking lot, and new bricks on south outside wall.
    • Balanced budget and increased revenue through fundraisers and donations.
    As we plan for next year, thank you for your feedback on our parent survey as this helps affirm plans and review areas for improvement in our strategic plan. 

    KUDOS! Congratulations to our FFA Team at the State Convention. Check out our facebook page for all the details and awards. Additionally, we are so proud of all of our students and staff who in our theater production, open this weekend. Come out to see this wonderful production! Thanks to our Patrick Baucher, our director from the Paradise Center of the Arts, and Jason Hillesheim for set, art and lights!

    REGISTRATION: A special thank you to everyone who has registered for next year. We are at 90% registered and thank you for the time this takes to complete the scholarship application and enrollment forms. Award letters will be out in early May. If you have questions about next year, please do reach out. Ms. Sauer and I will be following up, as well. 


    • BA Staff Retiring: Steve Zabel, Julie Trnka, Barb Johnson and Tammy Anderson  (Please contact me to learn more.)
    • BA Teachers Leaving: Father John Powers and Mark Nuehring
    • New Staff for 2023-24: Cecilia Allen will be added to our High School Math Department, see her write up below and welcome her back! Jolene Beske will be teaching business courses, she was announced several weeks ago. Katy Ashley will begin her studies to become a teacher and will be teaching a few courses as well as supporting high school students next year.
    • The BA Annual Fund drive is at $225,700+ with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! Gifts accepted through June 30, 2023.
    • Watch for information on our Cardinal Club Raffle, the Cardinal Cafe at the Rice County Fair, our SMART Ride and Cardinal Golf Classic!


    UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar

    • April 28-30: Spring Play @ BA: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, see info below
    • May 1: Daily open campus begins for eligible seniors
    • May 3:
      • AP English Lit Exam
      • HS Guatemala Mission Trip Info Meeting, 6pm, Room 107 (option #1)
    • May 4:
      • 6th grade field trip to River Bend Nature Center, click HERE for permission slip
      • AP Statistics Exam
    • May 5: AP European History Exam
    • May 6:
      • Prom, Grand March 5pm @ BA, click HERE for info
      • DMCC Kite Festival, student volunteers needed (service hours) from 9am-1pm. Click HERE to sign up. 
    • May 7: HS Guatemala Mission Trip info meeting (option #2), 6pm DMCC
    • May 8: Last 1pm WIN day of the quarter for support
    • May 9: AP English Language Exam
    • May 10:
      • Student of the Month, 7:30am
      • BA Band/Choir Spring Concert, 6:30pm in Van Orsow Auditorium
    • May 11: AM WIN Schedule - House Activity; AVANT Spanish Test
    BA/DMCS Job Openings: Help Spread the Word!
    • Positions available at Bethlehem Academy for 2023-2024, contact Mindy Reeder at 507-334-3948 or at
      • Full and/or part-time positions in the Front Office
      • Kitchen Manager; and 
      • Maintenance Supervisor 
    • DMCS is hiring a full-time admissions, marketing and fundraising director. Contact Gina Ashley @ for info

    Please join me in prayers this spring as we wrap up our school year, praying for our scholars and teachers in the final weeks of the school year with special prayers for our seniors.

    Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal

    Welcome back, Cecilia Allen! Greetings Bethlehem Academy Family! It appears as though the saying “Once a Cardinal, always a Cardinal” is really true. After a seven year absence from the halls of Bethlehem Academy, I will be returning this fall as a part-time math teacher. Faribault has been home for my husband Paul and I for 23 years and all four of our children went through the DMCS and BA school systems. After graduating from Winona State University in 1986, I have spent 35 of those years teaching math to both elementary, middle, and high school students with some private tutoring on the side. Of those 35 years, 31 have been at Catholic Schools including BA from 2000 - 2016 and DMCS from 2017 - present. God has blessed me with the opportunity to work in both schools and I am very thankful. I am truly looking forward to doing everything I can to help BA students understand (and hopefully enjoy) the beauty of mathematics all while being surrounded by a community of faith-filled people who live and practice that faith!

    Order your 2022-2023 BA Yearbook! Click HERE to order online or use the form found here and return to the front office with your payment. Orders due May 31. Contact Mr. Zabel at with questions.

    RaiseRight (SCRIP) Tuition Credit Program Update for April: Click HERE.

    Summer Math Tutoring: Lynette Battles will be offering math tutoring this summer for 4th-8th grade students.  Cost is $150 for 6 one hour sessions. Please email her at for more information and availability. 

    Summer Camps @ BA: Check out our great summer camp offerings for students elementary through high school. Open to all area students. Click HERE for information and registration forms for football, basketball, volleyball, robotics camps and summer voice lessons. 

    DMCC Summer Programs: Great opportunities this summer through the Divine Mercy Catholic Church youth groups, including Totus Tuus and the high school Steubenville Conference. See the flyer below; learn more and sign up at this link.

    Prom/Post-Prom information: Click HERE for Into the Night Prom information and HERE for a non-BA student guest permission form. Click HERE for Post-Prom information and the permissions slip. All permission slips are due April 28.

    Juniors: Sign up for STRIVE: STRIVE, a Faribault Rotary-sponsored program is taking registrations for the 2023-2024 school year. Sign up to participate HERE

    Senior Parents: Open Campus Information-
    Daily open campus begins Monday, May 1 for eligible seniors. Lunch and study halls are eligible, Mass is not. Please contact Mr. Wollersheim at or 507-334-3948 with questions. 

    High School Reminders: 

    • After school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30 (link to info)

    • Senior Scholarships: Click HERE for a list of college and community scholarship opportunities, requirements and deadlines.

    Student volunteers needed! Sign up for this student service hour event HERE. 

    Learn more about these summer programs at DMCC and sign up at this link.


    Online BA School Calendar:

    Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

    Our Mission
    Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
    105 3rd Ave. SW
    Faribault, MN  55021
    Phone:  507-334-3948
    Fax:  507-334-3949