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Friday Focus 9/4/2020

date 09/11/2020 author Ed Friesen category September 2020, 2020-21 comment Leave a comment

Dear BA Families:


Thank you for your partnership in this first week! I’ve had the opportunity to meet our students, connect with some parents, and observe an amazing school family here at Bethlehem Academy during these first few days. A special welcome to all of our new students and families this year. I also enjoyed meeting with our 9th grade families and will be praying for all of you and your dreams for high school as you begin these incredible four years.

As you know, in order to mitigate exposure, we are gathering for weekly Mass separately. This Friday was our first High School Mass. Next Friday our Middle School will gather for their weekly Mass. Although this is not ideal, we seek to maintain health and safety during the COVID pandemic while continuing to follow our mission to foster academic excellence and spiritual growth. This Friday, a representative of the Sinsinawa Council commissioned me as your school President and Principal along with our Board Chair, Kathy Nass. I was honored to receive this special blessing. When you can, please join us online for Mass at:


  • Masks: Please remember that all masks need to be appropriate. No symbols or large words or logos can be on masks, like our dress code policy. If students come to school with an inappropriate mask, or mask with a large symbol, logos or word(s), they will be given a different mask to wear.
  • Daily Screenings/Symptoms Qs: A reminder to please take your student(s) temperature and screen for symptoms daily. Click here for more information, including what to do if your student has symptoms.
  • Drop off Table: In an effort to mitigate exposure, if you are dropping off items during the school day, we will have a table for you to place these items outside of the school office. Please be sure to label all items, checks or forms dropped off at the table.
  • Wanted: Face Masks, Sanitizer and Disinfectant Wipes!
  • Uniform Policy: At the end of this newsletter is our uniform policy for daily wear and Mass days. Please review with your scholar as this year we cannot hand out alternative clothing due to COVID restrictions.
  • Home Checks: Please be sure to complete home health checks in the morning and to have your scholar stay home if they have a fever or any symptoms.

Additional communication and upcoming events:

    • September 7:No School, Labor Day
  • September 9, 3:30pm: Greenhouse Dedication/Christening

Thank you for your continued prayers and partnership. To help us remain in person, please continue to practice safe, social distancing when your student gathers with friends outside of school!


Mindy Reeder, President/Principal



(See separate sections below for updates specific to high school or middle school)


  • SUBS: Join the BA Team as a substitute teacher. We love our subs and will be looking to add to our team. Please email Lisa Moon to get your substitute packet completed. Requirements: Must have a college degree, pass our background check, and must complete Virtus requirements.
  • VAN DRIVER: We are looking for a BA Van driver for a new Owatonna route. If interested, please contact Kris Sauer at

2019-2020 Yearbooks

Students received their yearbooks in homeroom this morning. If your student was absent, homeroom teachers will hold their yearbook until they return. Distance learners, students with questions, or students wishing to purchase a yearbook should email Mr. Zabel or see him after school. 

Homework Club

Homework Club will be offered every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:10-4:00pm starting Tuesday, September 8. Mrs. Kohl will be on hand at that time in Room 204 to help any students who need extra help with their homework. 

Dismissal Time Reminder

A reminder that teachers will dismiss in staggered releases to mitigate congregating:

  • 2:45 - Grade 6
  • 2:47 - Grade 7
  • 2:49 - Grade 8
  • 2:51 - Grade 9
  • 2:52 - Grade 10
  • 2:54 - Grade 11
  • 2:55 - Grade 12

Younger siblings, if riding with an older sibling, may stay in their classroom until their sibling’s class is dismissed. Students may go directly to their locker and then to their car or mode of transportation. They are not to congregate.

Amazon Smiles/Scrip/Box Tops

See attached flyer for easy ways to save money on tuition and raise money for Bethlehem Academy on the things you are already shopping for!

Laptop Updates

*Please have your child(ren) confirm the "Cardinal App Store" is installed in their laptop's Applications folder.  This app needs to be installed in order for BA to push out software updates to laptops.  Please have your child see Mr. Friesen if the Cardinal App Store is not present.   (Students that received laptops prior to Orientation Day are the ones who may be missing the Cardinal App Store.)

*Please have your child re-start their laptop every weekend.  We recommend on Saturday night, prior to going to bed,to quit all applications, plug in the power adapter and re-start the laptop and leave the display lid open so any software updates can be installed.  Then, re-start again on Sunday morning.  (Note:  On a Mac, closing a window does not quit a program.  If there is a dot by the applicaiton icon in the dock, the application is still running.  Quit applicaitons from the menubar or holding down the trackpad while the mouse is over the application icon in the dock.  The Finder (2 smiley face icon) is the only application that should be running when re-starting the laptop.)


SADD Student Recruitment

High school students are invited to join our local chapter of the nationally recognized student group, SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions). This student organization focuses on helping students make positive and healthy choices in their everyday lives. Students were sent this link to sign up: Online registration due Friday, September 11.


6-8th Grade Football Meeting - 15-minute meeting Wed, September 9, at 3:15 p.m. in the cafeteria with Mr. Zabel.

6th Grade & New Middle School Families: Orientation September 9

All 6th graders and families new to BA’s Middle School are asked to join us for an orientation meeting on Wednesday, September 9. The meeting will be held via Zoom starting at 6pm and will focus on welcoming you to BA and providing tips and information to set your student up for success in middle school. Watch your email for a Zoom link next week.


Fall Faith Formation Registration is OPEN!

BA students that would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation need to sign up for Divine Mercy’s Confirmation program in order to meet the requirements. Divine Mercy’s confirmation program consists of a combination of large group presentations, small group discussion, service in our parish, and hands-on experiences with our Catholic faith. Confirmation is about taking the knowledge the students have learned, moving that information to the heart, and learning how to nurture a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Community is an essential part of our faith and we grow in relationship through each other. This is why we bring all the students together, regardless of where they are enrolled in school, to meet the requirements of confirmation. Confirmation is for students in 8th grade and older. Students who have already been confirmed are always welcome to join us as student leaders. Registration is required but there is no cost.

Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group

Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. 

Visit for more information, class schedules and registration link. 

SpiritFest September 19!


Dress and Appearance Code

Bethlehem Academy is committed to advocating for the dignity of every person within our school community. The purpose of the dress code is threefold: Modesty, Consistency, and Safety which impact student learning. Students are held responsible for the clothing they choose to wear.


All students will wear a collared or crew neck shirt with sleeves. Shirts must be opaque and buttoned with the exception of the top button at the neck. Polo type, button up and dressier styled crew neck shirts without large graphics are acceptable. Other acceptable shirts include any Bethlehem Academy, Faribault Coop Sports (in which students actively participate), Minnesota High School League section/state tournament shirts (in which students actively participate), college/university/military shirt, or any positive youth activity shirt (examples include: athletic camps, club sports teams, community theater productions, Church youth group). Shirts with large graphics that advertise a business, workplace or marketing brand are not acceptable (examples include but are not limited to: Designer Labels, Sporting Goods Stores, Restaurant Chains). Additional items that may be worn over the shirt include zip-ups, fleece wear, sweaters and crew/hooded sweatshirts that meet the requirements above. Midriffs, cleavage, and undergarments must be covered.


All students will wear pant/trouser style bottoms (of any color) including jeans that meet the top of the ankles. Khaki and jean jogger pants may be worn. Prior to MEA and following spring break, students may wear dress shorts or bermuda shorts that are knee length with a sewn hem. Short lengths may not be more than 2 inches above the knee cap. Students are allowed to wear capri pants of any color. Jogger dress pants and jogger jeans are acceptable.


All dresses must have a crew or collared neckline. All skirt and dress lengths must be not be more than 2 inches above the kneecap.

Mass Days

Young men will wear dress pants and a collared shirt. Young women will wear dress pants, collared or crew neck dress shirt, dress (crew or polo style neckline) or skirt. Skirt and dress lengths must be not be more than 2 inches above the kneecap. Shoulders should be covered. Jeans, shorts and hooded sweatshirts are not permitted on Mass Days.


All students will wear shoes. State law requires that for health reasons, no bare feet will be allowed in the school building. Backless shoes are acceptable. Flip flops may be worn before MEA and following Spring Break.


Hairstyles that draw undue attention to the student will not be permitted. Highlights, braids and extensions must be of a color that occurs naturally in humans and not be in such contrast as to draw undue attention to the student. Facial hair should be kept neat and clean

Unacceptable Clothing Items 

Unacceptable clothing items include: leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, skorts, athletic jogger pants, sweatpants, nylon sport pants, athletic shorts, transparent shirts, sleeveless shirts, hats (once inside the building should be removed), cut-off shorts, torn clothing, and clothing with inappropriate designs and/or messages including, but not limited to, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco references.

All student groups are allowed to wear uniform tops (jerseys, t-shirts, hoodies, jackets) with dress code bottoms on event days to celebrate group unity, preparation and bring awareness to the community about student events.

Students not in acceptable attire will be expected to do the following:

→go to the office to change in order to meet dress code expectations. 

→call parents to provide alternative clothing.

→remain in the office until proper clothing is attained. (Unexcused absence)

Dress Down Days

Throughout the school year, there may be declared “Dress Down Days” for various reasons.

On these days, the items listed in the “Unacceptable Clothing Items” section (above) from this handbook, continue to be UNACCEPTABLE.

The list of unacceptable items for dress includes: 

leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, skorts, athletic jogger pants, sweatpants, nylon sport pants, athletic shorts, transparent shirts, sleeveless shirts, hats (once inside the building should be removed), cut-off shorts, torn clothing, and clothing with inappropriate designs and/or messages including, but not limited to alcohol, tobacco and other drug references. 

For some Dress Down Days, the organization sponsoring the day may specify specific clothing items that are or are not acceptable. Special criteria specified for a specific Dress Down Day, as advertised by the organization sponsoring the day, takes precedence.

Attached Files

Scrip-Amazon-Box Tops Handout.pdf

FHS Coop Activities wk 9-8-20.pdf


Friday Focus 8/28/2020

date 09/11/2020 author Ed Friesen category August 2020, 2020-21 comment Leave a comment

August 28, 2020

Dear BA Families:

Orientation day is Monday! Watch this video to learn more. Staff at BA have had an incredibly packed workshop week in final preparation and training to welcome students home. For all students joining us in-person, please arrive on Monday between 8:45-9 a.m. Students will need to do their well check at home. Do not come to school with a fever or any symptoms, see the link below. Once students arrive, they will report directly to their homeroom. Online only students will be sent the orientation presentation and videos by noon on Monday. 


  • Bring a pen or pencil to fill out paperwork in your homeroom class during orientation.
  • Take a picture of your car license plate if you want to park at school.

PARENT DROP OFF TABLE: In an effort to mitigate exposure, if you are dropping off items during the school day, we will have a table for you to place these items outside of the school office. Please be sure to label all items, checks or forms dropped off at the table.

Additional communication and upcoming events:

WELCOME WEEK! Special events planned for each day while honoring social distancing.

    • August 31: StudentOrientation Day - 6-12th Grade (9-11:30 a.m.) - Students will meet only in homerooms-online students will connect virtually. HEALTH CHECK AT HOME! Please take your student(s) temperature and check for symptoms found here: Health Screening/Symptoms List
    • September 1: First day of school, doors unlocked at 7:30 a.m. HEALTH CHECK AT HOME! Please take your student(s) temperature and check for symptoms found here: Health Screening/Symptoms List
    • September 2: High School Orientation & Blessing for 9th Grade Students and Parents - 6:00-7:00 p.m. Remember to please do your home screening before arriving. Health Screening/Symptoms List 
    • September 4: School IS in session this Friday before the Labor Dayweekend
    • September 4: Mass Day, High School hosts; Commissioning of President Reeder
    • September 7:No School, Labor Day
  • September 9: Greenhouse Dedication/Christening, 3:30pm
  • September 9: 6th Grade & New MS Family Orientation, 6pm


  • SUBS: Join the BA Team as a substitute teacher. We love our subs and will be looking to add to our team. Please email Lisa Moon to get your substitute packet completed. Requirements: Must have a college degree, pass our background check, and attend Virtus training.
  • VAN DRIVER: We are looking for a BA Van driver for a new Owatonna route. If interested, please contact Kris Sauer at

We ask for your continued prayer for our school staff, students and families as we begin our year back on campus.


Mindy Reeder, President/Principal


Welcome New Staff!

We are so excited to have the following new staff join us at BA this year: Ms. Casi Story, Ag/Industrial Arts Teacher; Ms. Emily Shimota, High School Theology Teacher; and Ms. Tori Rogers, Guidance Counselor. See the attache for more information and a welcome message from each.

9th Grade Families: High School Orientation September 2!*

Incoming freshmen and parents - we are hosting a mandatory High School Orientation for all incoming 9th graders and their parents next Wednesday, September 2 from 6-7pm. We ask that you wear a mask, pre-screen for symptoms, and use Entrance C (by the visitor parking spots) to enter. Parents will meet in the gym; students will gather in the BA cafeteria. New to BA or a returning family, please join us as we discuss ways to partner and support each other as your student starts their high school journey. **The parent portion of this event will be live streamed and recorded. Watch for a link next week.

6th Grader & New Middle School Families: Orientation September 9

All 6th graders and families new to BA’s Middle School are asked to join us for an orientation meeting on Wednesday, September 9. The meeting will be held via Zoom starting at 6pm and will focus on welcoming you to BA and providing tips and information to set your student up for success in middle school. 

Robotics Program Update

Due to COVID-19, we are putting Robotics for both middle and high school teams on hold until the end of September, at which point a decision will be made to either extend or relax that hold. Because competitions are not likely to happen this year, we will be doing Robotics only as an internal activity without offsite competition. Also, because we are not competing, Robotics won't be charging a fee for the 2020-2021 season. Mr. Robinson is very excited to start up the Robotics program once it is safe and responsible to meet. All students, grades 6-12 can join. If you are interested in participating, please contact

HS Math Students: TI Calculators

The high school math department has a limited number of TI calculators available for students to rent for the year. Please contact Mrs. Jandro if you are interested in this program. 

Wanted: Face Masks & Sanitizer!

We are developing a parent wish list for COVID-19 related items. At this time, we are asking anyone who has the time/interest/supplies to please make and donate cloth face masks. While we have a supply of disposable facemasks on hand, and will provide a Cardinal facemask for every student and staff, we know we will need extra masks as the year progresses. Completed masks can be dropped off at the BA Office during regular business hours. In addition, we anticipate going through a lot of hand sanitizer, donations being accepted. Thank you!

From the Nurse’s Office

  • Health Conditions: Due to screening for COVID, please be sure the school nurse, Mary Herzog, is aware of any existing health conditions for your child, including allergies, asthma, diabetes or other diagnosed conditions.
  • Students entering 7th grade this fall: Please make sure that you have had your tetanus booster and 1st meningitis shot before the start of school in the fall. Reminder letters will be sent out.
  • Students entering12th grade this fall:The meningitis booster requirements for this fall has been postponed because of Covid 19. Many have already had their booster shot. If you are seeing your doctor for any reason, you can still have this immunization but it is not necessary before the start of school in fall.

Amazon Smiles

If you shop at Amazon, consider ordering through Amazon Smiles and raise money for Bethlehem Academy! Go to, choose Faribault B A Inc. as your non-profit organization (include a space between the B and the A), and start shopping. BA automatically gets a donation for every purchase you make. It works with Amazon Prime and you can use Scrip to pay for your purchases.


Hometown Credit Union: Part-Time Teller Wanted

Hometown Credit Union is looking to hire a high-school student for a part-time teller opening in our Faribault office. The ideal candidate would be a sophomore or junior that is not involved in after-school extracurriculars. They would work most days after school until 6 and some Saturday mornings. Please contact Kurt Halverson at 507-455-6726 or if interested.

DMCS After Program Care Assistant

Divine Mercy Catholic School is looking for a 10th-12th grade student who is willing to work in our After Care program Monday-Friday 3:00-5:30 pm. Must enjoy younger children and be reliable. This is a paid position. Please send a letter of interest to Gina Ashley at Divine Mercy Catholic School (


Fall Faith Formation Registration is OPEN!

BA students that would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation need to sign up for Divine Mercy’s Confirmation program in order to meet the requirements. Divine Mercy’s confirmation program consists of a combination of large group presentations, small group discussion, service in our parish, and hands-on experiences with our Catholic faith. Confirmation is about taking the knowledge the students have learned, moving that information to the heart, and learning how to nurture a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Community is an essential part of our faith and we grow in relationship through each other. This is why we bring all the students together, regardless of where they are enrolled in school, to meet the requirements of confirmation. Confirmation is for students in 8th grade and older. Students who have already been confirmed are always welcome to join us as student leaders. Registration is required but there is no cost.

Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group

Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. 

Visit for more information, class schedules and registration link. 

SpiritFest September 19!

Attached Files

New BA Staff 2020.pdf

Family Focus 8/21/2020

date 09/11/2020 author Ed Friesen category August 2020, 2020-21 comment Leave a comment

August 21, 2020

Dear BA Families:

Thank you for sending us your questions and joining us for the live session this week. I do wish I we could gather in our beautiful gymnasium to connect more personally, but I am so thankful for your partnership, your support, and your prayers as we begin our year focused on our mission: “To love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire, and to seek the truth: Veritas.” If you weren’t able to attend, you can view the 50-minute view on our website here

BACK-TO-SCHOOL PACKET: You should have received your “Back-to-School” packet in the mail. In the packet you will find traditional student information as well as a COVID Addendum to the Student Policy Handbook for students and families to review along with an updated school calendar and supply list. Every student and parent/guardian MUST submit the Student Handbook and Technology e-form found at this link:

Additional communication and upcoming events:

WELCOME WEEK! Special events planned for each day honoring social distancing.

  • August 31: StudentOrientation Day - 6-12th Grade (9-11:30 a.m.) - Students will meet only in homerooms / online students will connect virtually. HEALTH CHECK AT HOME! Please take your student(s) temperature and check for symptoms found here: Health Screening/Symptoms List
  • September 1: First day of school, doors unlocked at 7:30 a.m. HEALTH CHECK AT HOME! Please take your student(s) temperature and check for symptoms found here: Health Screening/Symptoms List
  • September 2: High School Orientation for 9th Grade Students and Parents - 6:00-7:30 p.m.
  • September 4: School IS in session this Friday before Labor Day
  • September 4: Mass Day, High School
  • September 7:No School, Labor Day

LOOKING FOR SOMETHING NEW? Join the BA Team as a substitute teacher. We love our subs and will be looking to add to our team. Please email Lisa Moonto get your substitute packet completed. Requirements: Must have a college degree, pass our background check, and attend Virtus training.

We ask for your continued prayer for our school, DMCS, and our parish, as we finalize and implement plans for this fall to bring our students and staff back together in prayer, study, community and service.


Mindy Reeder, President/Principal


Workshop Week Office Hours

The BA Front Office will have the following hours next week for Workshop Week. Email Barb Johnson with questions.

  • Monday, August 24: 8:00am-3:00pm
  • Tuesday, August 25: 1:00pm-3:00pm
  • Wednesday: CLOSED so staff can attend workshop sessions
  • Thursday, August 26: 1:00-3:00pm
  • Friday, August 27: 8:00am-1:00pm

9th Grade Families: Save the Date: September 2!

Incoming freshmen and parents - we are hosting a mandatory High School Orientation for all incoming 9th graders and their parents. Mark Wednesday, September 2 from 6-7:30pm on your calendars and plan to join us. More details coming soon! 

Summer Reading Assignments, Grades 6-12

Students in grades 6-12 have an assigned book to read over the summer. Find your student(s) summer reading assignment on our website under Academics here.

Robotics Program Update

Due to COVID-19, we are putting Robotics for both middle and high school teams on hold until the end of September, at which point a decision will be made to either extend or relax that hold. Because competitions are not likely to happen this year, we will be doing Robotics only as an internal activity without offsite competition. Also, because we are not competing, Robotics won't be charging a fee for the 2020-2021 season. Mr. Robinson is very excited to start up the Robotics program once it is safe and responsible to meet. All students, grades 6-12 can join. If you are interested in participating, please contact

HS Math Students: TI Calculators

The high school math department has a limited number of TI calculators available for students to rent for the year. Please contactMrs. Jandro if you are interested in this program. 

Wanted: Face Masks & Sanitizer!

We are developing a parent wish list for COVID-19 related items. At this time, we are asking anyone who has the time/interest/supplies to please make and donate cloth face masks. While we have a supply of disposable facemasks on hand, and will provide a Cardinal facemask for every student and staff, we know we will need extra masks as the year progresses. Completed masks can be dropped off at the BA Office during regular business hours. In addition, we anticipate going through a lot of hand sanitizer, donations being accepted. Thank you!

From the Nurse’s Office

  • Health Conditions: Due to screening for COVID, please be sure the school nurse, Mary Herzog, is aware of any existing health conditions for your child, including allergies, asthma, diabetes or other diagnosed conditions.
  • Students entering 7th grade this fall: Please make sure that you have had your tetanus booster and 1st meningitis shot before the start of school in the fall. Reminder letters will be sent out.
  • Students entering12th grade this fall:The meningitis booster requirements for this fall has been postponed because of Covid 19. Many have already had their booster shot. If you are seeing your doctor for any reason, you can still have this immunization but it is not necessary before the start of school in fall.

Red Cross Blood Drive August 27

Bethlehem Academy is hosting a Red Cross blood drive 8am-2pm at Divine Mercy Catholic Church Thursday, August 27. Please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter Bethlehem Academy to schedule an appointment. Amazon is donating a $5 gift card via email to all participants!

Amazon Smiles

If you shop at Amazon, consider ordering through Amazon Smiles and raise money for Bethlehem Academy! Go, choose Faribault B A Inc. as your non-profit organization (include a space between the B and the A), and start shopping. BA automatically gets a donation for every purchase you make. It works with Amazon Prime and you can use Scrip to pay for your purchases.


Hometown Credit Union: Part-Time Teller Wanted

Hometown Credit Union is looking to hire a high-school student for a part-time teller opening in our Faribault office. The ideal candidate would be a sophomore or junior that is not involved in after-school extracurriculars. They would work most days after school until 6 and some Saturday mornings. Please contact Kurt Halverson at 507-455-6726 or if interested.

DMCS After Program Care Assistant

Divine Mercy Catholic School is looking for a 10th-12th grade student who is willing to work in our After Care program Monday-Friday 3:00-5:30 pm. Must enjoy younger children and be reliable. This is a paid position. Please send a letter of interest to Gina Ashley at Divine Mercy Catholic School (

Class of 2021 & 2022: 1st United Bank Board of Directors

1st United Bank has an exciting opportunity for high school students in Faribault. They are accepting applications for their 2020-2021 Junior Board of Directors. Eligible applicants include Juniors and Seniors in high school for the 2020-2021 school year. Individuals should possess an enthusiastic approach to community involvement, and an interest in business, banking or finance. Application deadline: August 28


Fall Faith Formation Registration is OPEN!

BA students that would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation need to sign up for Divine Mercy’s Confirmation program in order to meet the requirements. Divine Mercy’s confirmation program consists of a combination of large group presentations, small group discussion, service in our parish, and hands-on experiences with our Catholic faith. Confirmation is about taking the knowledge the students have learned, moving that information to the heart, and learning how to nurture a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Community is an essential part of our faith and we grow in relationship through each other. This is why we bring all the students together, regardless of where they are enrolled in school, to meet the requirements of confirmation. Confirmation is for students in 8th grade and older. Students who have already been confirmed are always welcome to join us as student leaders. Registration is required but there is no cost.

Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group

Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. 

Visit for more information, class schedules and registration link. 

SpiritFest September 19!

Family Friday Focus 08/14/2020

date 08/14/2020 author Ed Friesen category August 2020, 2020-21 comment Leave a comment

Dear BA Families:

Our school building is buzzing with final preparations for our return to campus. Along with the traditional preparations, our staff is also redesigning the classroom environment to include the new health and safety protocols for this fall. From spaced desks to plexi partitions and hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the building, these safety measures will allow us to engage with our student body through in-person learning. Please take time to review our “Return to Campus Guide” and our “BA Pandemic Preparedness Plan” on our school COVID Response webpage found by clicking here. In addition to these documents, you will find links to other important resources. We will continue to update this webpage throughout the year and keep you informed.

BACK-TO-SCHOOL PACKET: Please look for your “Back-to-School” packet to arrive early next week. In the packet you will find traditional student information as well as a COVID Addendum to the Student Policy Handbook for students and families to review along with an updated school calendar and supply list. Every student and parent/guardian MUST submit the Student Handbook and Technology e-form found at this link:

First Q&A VIDEO / PARENT LIVE Q&A SESSION AUGUST 18: Thank you for sending us your questions! Check out our first Q&A video discussing face coverings, orientation and classroom setup here. Next week we are inviting you to join us for a live, online parent Q&A session. See info below to join us Tuesday, August 18 beginning at 6:15 p.m. 

Additional communication and upcoming events:

  • August 14: Back-To-School mailing sent.
  • August 18: Parent Live Question & Answer Session, login at: or by Phone Number (â

    Family Focus 08/01/2020

    date 08/01/2020 author Ed Friesen category August 2020, 2020-21 comment Leave a comment

    Dear BA Families:

    Governor Tim Walz shared a new algorithm with our State Thursday for considerations in reopening schools this fall. In addition, Catholic schools met with the Diocese Friday to review this information and how it impacts the variables within each school and for Bethlehem Academy. On Monday and Tuesday, BA leadership will meet with the BA Board and our Staff to finalize plans. We look forward to sharing our plan with families in next “Friday Focus for Families” newsletter. 

    Where are we at in our time frame to share final plans with students and families?

    • August 3 & 4: District Meeting, BA Board, Leadership and Staff meetings to review final fall plans 
    • August 7: Parent and student communication regarding fall plans through “Friday Focus for Families” newsletter and links on our website and social media accounts
    • August 10-14: Bring in student leadership to review plans and assist with orientation

    WHAT’S NEW? 

    • Greenhouse - We’re building! Drive by to see the progress and development of our new greenhouse. What a joy to expand our educational excellence in our agricultural program.
    • High School STEM Solar Grant Pilot Program - BA is one of a few select MN high schools chosen to be a part of Minnesota Independent Schools Forum STEM Community Partnership with We Share Solar. Our high school will be receiving materials and curriculum to implement a new STEM project utilizing solar power. Not only will this be built into our curriculum across high school subjects, but students will build a solar powered item to support communities in need in Africa. Our staff will receive training this fall for implementation later this year.
    • Positivity Project Pilot Program for Middle School - BA was also awarded a middle school grant to pilot a new Positivity Project curriculum. This program will be implemented into our religion classes and focuses on developing young minds and hearts. Our staff attended an initial meeting to review this week. 
    • Senior Student Webpage & Links: Seniors, be sure to check out our college planning webpage for information, links and scholarships to assist you as you continue your personal journey following graduation! 
    • Donation Updates: Did you want to support BA during the summer with a gift or a memorial? Online gifts accepted at this link
    • Summer Fundraisers: What amazing, generous group of SMART Challenge Riders we have! They are off biking on their second day of the challenge and we are so thankful to them. It’s not too late to sponsor them!. In addition, you can still join us for golf! Register for our August 7 Cardinal Golf Classic, at the link below. 

    Continue to pray for our school, DMCS, and our parish as we plan for this fall to bring our students and staff back together in prayer, study, community and service.

    Blessings, Mindy Reeder




    Summer Office Hours

    The front office is open Monday-Thursday from 9am to 1pm through August 20. The office is closed on Fridays. Regular office hours resume Monday, August 24.


    SMART Ride through August 1

    Our 12 riders took off on Day 1 of the ride Thursday and have been blessed with good roads and great weather. Follow updates on Facebook and find rider profiles and sponsor your favorite rider(s) here.

    Friday, August 7 @ The Legacy: Register TODAY!

    Today, July 31, is the last day to register for this fun golf tournament! Just $100/golfer includes 18 holes, awards dinner, gift and on-course games. Sign up online here. 

    Wanted: Facemasks & Sanitizer!

    We are developing a parent wish list for COVID-19 related items. At this time, we are asking anyone who has the time/interest/supplies to please make and donate cloth facemasks.  While we have a supply of disposable facemasks on hand, and will provide a Cardinal facemask for every student and staff, we know we will need extra masks as the year progresses. Completed masks can be dropped off at the BA Office during regular business hours. In addition, we anticipate going through a lot of hand sanitizer, donations being accepted. Thank you!

    From the Nurse’s Office

    Students entering 7th grade this fall:  Please make sure that you have had your tetanus booster and 1st meningitis shot before the start of school in the fall.  Reminder letters will be sent out.  

    Students entering 12th grade this fall:  The meningitis booster requirements for this fall has been postponed because of Covid 19.  Many have already had their booster shot.  If you are seeing your doctor for any reason, you can still have this immunization but it is not necessary before the start of school in fall.


    Class of 2021: Faribault Rotary Strive Program

    Faribault Rotary’s introductory Strive session was held June 10, but they would like more students involved! Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month through January. Because of the unique circumstances, students may watch a recorded version of this session and it will count as them attending it live. A link to the video that discusses Strive and how to register for the program is at: See June 18 email for more information; contact Kurt Halvorsen at with questions.

    Class of 2021: Army ROTC Scholarship Program

    The Army ROTC scholarship application is currently open. Students who complete the application can earn a full tuition and fee scholarship to more than 1,700 colleges nationwide. Some colleges are unique in that they will give free room and board to Army ROTC scholarship awardees. The first scholarship review board meets in October, so it is vital that those who desire to apply start now so they have enough time to complete the online application and ensure all other requirements; physical fitness test, transcript requested / submitted, and Officer interview. Interested seniors should contact Mr. Todd Frerichs  

    Class of 2021 & 2022: 1st United Bank Board of Directors

    1st United Bank has an exciting opportunity for students in Faribault and surrounding communities. They are accepting applications for our 2020-2021 Junior Board of Directors. Eligible applicants include Juniors and Seniors in High School for the 2020-2021 school year. Individuals should possess an enthusiastic approach to community involvement, and an interest in business, banking or finance. Please see the attached flyer for more information.


    Aim Higher Scholarships

    The Aim Higher Foundation has announced expanded scholarship opportunities for K-8 students this summer. New applicants are encouraged to apply via the TADS financial aid application, and students whose family situation due to COVID-19 are encouraged to update their spring application. See the attached flyer for more information on how to apply, or go to to find out more. Application deadline is August 7. 


    (click on hyperlink for more information)

    7/30-8/1 SMART Ride
    8/7 Cardinal Golf Classic
    8/7 BA Reopen Plans announced
    8/13 BA Fall Sports Meeting
    8/17 HS Fall Sports Open
    8/24 MS Fall Sports Open
    8/27 BA & DMCC Blood Drive, 8am-2pm
    8/31 Orientation
    9/1 First Day of School!

    Attached Files




    Family Focus 7/25/2020

    date 07/25/2020 author Ed Friesen category July 2020, 2020-21 comment Leave a comment

    July 24, 2020

    Dear BA Families:

    Each week brings us new changes, challenges and opportunities. Know that our staff is praying for each other and our students and families during this time. Our COVID Team met for nearly three hours this week to share their subcommittee recommendations based on the recommendations of the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. This impressive group focused on continuing our mission to seek excellence in all that we do for our students at Bethlehem Academy. The COVID Team is developing action steps to implement three scenarios, Scenario 1 - Everyone is back with safety measures; Scenario 2 - A hybrid of this model; and Scenario 3 - Online learning. 

    As we plan for these three scenarios, we’d like your feedback on several issues related to our back to school plans. Please complete the short (5 minute) survey here: This information will help inform the work of our task forces and assist us in making plans suited to the families we serve. Thank you in advance for your input on this.

    We thank you for your honest and open feedback from students, parents and staff in regards to distance learning experiences last spring. We understand that new strategies to engage students and ensure excellence will need to be implemented for any online learning environment, even our snow days. Although many experienced a positive learning environment, others shared ideas for improvement and better communication. Our staff is excited to review best practices from schools nationwide as we plan for any possible online learning in the future.

    Where are we at in our time frame to share final plans with students and families?

    • July 27-29: Staff and Board meetings to review health and safety plans
    • July 30: Governor Walz announcement and recommendations for schools and BA Teacher Leader meeting to review and revise the COVID Team plans
    • August 3: District Meeting to review their plans and how this impacts BA
    • August 1-7: Bring in student leadership to improve on ideas and create videos
    • August 7: Parent and student communication regarding fall plans through “Friday Focus for Families” newsletter and links on our website and social media accounts

    WHAT’S NEW? 

    • Greenhouse - We’re building! Drive by to see the progress and development of our new greenhouse. What a joy to expand our educational excellence in our agricultural program.
    • High School STEM Solar Grant Pilot Program - BA is one of a few select MN high schools chosen to be a part of Minnesota Independent Schools Forum STEM Community Partnership with We Share Solar. Our high school will be receiving materials and curriculum to implement a new STEM project utilizing solar power. Not only will this be built into our curriculum across high school subjects, but students will build a solar powered item to support communities in need in Africa. Our staff will receive training this fall for implementation later this year.
    • Positivity Project Pilot Program for Middle School - BA was also awarded a middle school grant to pilot a new Positivity Project curriculum. This program will be implemented into our religion classes and focuses on developing young minds and hearts. Our staff will receive professional development this August.
    • Senior Student Webpage & Links: Seniors, be sure to check out our college planning webpage for information, links and scholarships to assist you as you continue your personal journey following graduation! Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
    • Donation Updates: Did you want to support BA during the summer with a gift or a memorial? Online gifts accepted at this link
    • Summer Fundraisers: What amazing, generous group of SMART Challenge Riders we have! See below to sponsor one of these amazing people. In addition, it’s not too late to join us for golf! Register or sponsor our Cardinal Golf Classic, at the link below. 

    Please join me in praying for Julie Trnka and her family at the loss of her father-in-law. Continue to pray for our school, DMCS, and our parish as we plan for this fall to bring our students and staff back together in prayer, study, community and service.


    Mindy Reeder,



    Summer Office Hours

    The front office is open Monday-Thursday from 9am to 1pm through August 20. The office is closed on Fridays. Regular office hours resume Monday, August 24.


    The SMART Ride is this upcoming week: Thursday, July 30-Saturday, August 1

    12 riders are ready for this year’s SMART Ride next week! Each bike in support of Catholic education; all proceeds go to BA student scholarships. Find rider profiles and sponsor your favorite rider(s) here.

    Friday, August 7 @ The Legacy

    Join us for this fun tournament & great social event in support of Bethlehem Academy! Just $100/golfer includes 18 holes, awards dinner, gift and on-course games. Register by July 31. Form attached or sign up online here. 

    Wanted: Facemasks 

    We are developing a parent wish list for COVID-19 related items. At this time, we are asking anyone who has the time/interest/supplies to please make and donate cloth facemasks.  While we have a supply of disposable facemasks on hand, and will provide a Cardinal facemask for every student and staff, we know we will need extra masks as the year progresses. Completed masks can be dropped off at the BA Office during regular business hours. Thank you!

    From the Nurse’s Office

    Students entering 7th grade this fall:  Please make sure that you have had your tetanus booster and 1st meningitis shot before the start of school in the fall.  Reminder letters will be sent out.  

    Students entering 12th grade this fall:  The meningitis booster requirements for this fall has been postponed because of Covid 19.  Many have already had their booster shot.  If you are seeing your doctor for any reason, you can still have this immunization but it is not necessary before the start of school in fall.

    Coop Sports Update

    Attached is text from a Faribault Daily News article regarding Faribault Public Schools District 656 school board’s most recent meetings regarding the cooperative sports programs.  The public school board is turning their focus towards examining the loss of students through open-enrollment to neighboring school districts. We encourage you to continue to express gratitude for the cooperative program opportunities and share the positive benefits to the Faribault community.  We know this can be an emotional issue, but it is important to be positive, appreciative, and supportive of Faribault Public Schools.  Every community needs a good public school system.  And, every public school system needs the support of its community.  Finding solutions to these and other underlying issues facing Faribault will involve much dialogue and people working together.

    MSHSL Sports Update

    The MN State High School League (MSHSL) is holding weekly online meetings with activities directors. We continue to plan for fall sports but know there will be changes in how we operate. The MSHSL Board of Directors meets on August 4.  Summer activities are operating on protocols based on the Minnesota Department of Health’s guidance for youth and adult sports released June 19 as well as the new face mask/face covering order.  Please note that it is important for students to practice social distancing and hygiene habits all the time, not just while participating in activities. 


    Class of 2021: Faribault Rotary Strive Program

    Faribault Rotary’s introductory Strive session was held June 10, but they would like more students involved! Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month through January. Because of the unique circumstances, students may watch a recorded version of this session and it will count as them attending it live. A link to the video that discusses Strive and how to register for the program is at: See June 18 email for more information; contact Kurt Halvorsen at with questions.

    Class of 2021: Army ROTC Scholarship Program

    The Army ROTC scholarship application is currently open. Students who complete the application can earn a full tuition and fee scholarship to more than 1,700 colleges nationwide. Some colleges are unique in that they will give free room and board to Army ROTC scholarship awardees. The first scholarship review board meets in October, so it is vital that those who desire to apply start now so they have enough time to complete the online application and ensure all other requirements; physical fitness test, transcript requested / submitted, and Officer interview. Interested seniors should contact Mr. Todd Frerichs 

    Class of 2021 & 2022: 1st United Bank Board of Directors

    1st United Bank has an exciting opportunity for students in Faribault and surrounding communities. They are accepting applications for our 2020-2021 Junior Board of Directors. Eligible applicants include Juniors and Seniors in High School for the 2020-2021 school year. Individuals should possess an enthusiastic approach to community involvement, and an interest in business, banking or finance. Please see the attached flyer for more information.


    Aim Higher Scholarships

    The Aim Higher Foundation has announced expanded scholarship opportunities for K-8 students this summer. New applicants are encouraged to apply via the TADS financial aid application, and students whose family situation due to COVID-19 are encouraged to update their spring application. See the attached flyer for more information on how to apply, or go to to find out more. Application deadline is August 7. 


    (click on hyperlink for more information)

    7/30-8/1 SMART Ride
    8/7 Cardinal Golf Classic
    8/7 BA Reopen Plans announced
    8/13 BA Fall Sports Meeting
    8/17 HS Fall Sports Open
    8/24 MS Fall Sports Open
    8/31 Orientation
    9/1 First Day of School!


    Attached Files



    FDN Coop Stay Article 7-20-20.pdf

    Cardinal Classic Golf flyer 2020.pdf


    Family Focus 07/17/20

    date 07/25/2020 author Ed Friesen category 2020-21, July 2020 comment Leave a comment

    July 17, 2020

    Dear BA Families:

    This Friday Focus for Families is my first official communication with all of you, our school parents, directly. I look forward to connecting with you weekly to share pertinent information and to build a strong partnership. Today, communication takes multiple forms, from weekly school newsletters, to social media school accounts, video news, blogs, updates on our website and communication through PowerSchool, as well as interviews on the radio and with our local newspaper. What sometimes seems clear from our office, may not be clear to you, so please reach out with questions as we begin our partnership. I thank you for taking time to complete our Distance Learning surveys. All of your input is valued as our staff moves forward to planning for all scenarios this fall. Prayers are also critical for all staff, students and families so please join me in praying as we plan.

    2020 FALL PLANS: A COVID Team was created with representatives of staff and faculty upon my arrival in July. This team met to review Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) protocols and are presently meeting in subgroups to plan for the fall. Please know that at this time, all of these ideas are tentative plans based on recommendations from MDH and CDC following the guidance from the Diocese protocols. What are some of the considerations that we are reviewing?

    • Groups of students staying together to mitigate exposure
    • Creative ideas for band and choir to minimize groups
    • Additional lunch periods
    • Masks worn upon entering the school and in hallways
    • Spacing desks and minimizing class sizes
    • Cancellations of field trips and rethinking service projects
    • Rethinking large group events and pepfests
    • Considerations for size of group at weekly Mass

    What is our time frame to share final plans with students and families?

    • July 21: BA COVID Team meets to review recommendations from subgroups
    • July 23: District meeting to review transportation plans
    • July 27: Governor Walz announcement and recommendations for schools
    • July 28: BA Leadership Team and Teacher Leader meeting to review and revise BA COVID Team Plans considering local and state recommendation impacts
    • July 29: BA All Staff Meeting to finalize plans
    • August 1-7: Bring in student leadership to improve on ideas and create videos.
    • August 7: Parent communication regarding fall plans through Family Focus newsletter and links on our website and social media accounts

    I know that there is a lot of information and planning to take place in the next few weeks. I’m proud of our dedicated teachers and staff who are preparing for multiple scenarios and am blessed to be at BA to begin my partnership with this amazing community. I look forward to connecting with students during sports practices and in early August to put into action the best plans for this fall. Here is the latest video communicating some of this information with Mr. Wollesheim, Assistant Principal: . Thank you for your prayers!

    Blessings, Mindy Reeder, President/Principal


    Summer Office Hours

    The front office is open Monday-Thursday from 9am to 1pm through August 20. The office is closed on Fridays. Regular office hours resume Monday, August 24.

    BA Scholarship Challenge Update

    We are so excited to announce that we surpassed our Scholarship Challenge Grant goal of $15,000! Thanks to our many supporters, we’ll now receive an additional $15,000 match to fund student scholarships. To all those able to help use meet this goal - THANK YOU!!


    Thursday, July 30-Saturday, August 1 (1-day ride options available!)

    We’ve got 12 riders signed up for this year’s SMART Challenge Bike Ride. Each person rides in support of Catholic education; all proceeds go to BA student scholarships. Find rider profiles and sponsor your favorite rider(s) here.

    Friday, August 7 @ The Legacy

    Join us for this fun golf tournament & great social event in support of Bethlehem Academy! Just $100/golfer includes 18 holes, awards dinner, gift and on-course games. Register by July 31. Form attached or sign up online here.


    Welcome to our New Staff

    We are excited to welcome the following new members to the BA Team: Cassie Vogt, Guidance Counselor, Emily Shimota, HS Religion, Casi Story, Ag and Industrial Tech. Watch this space and our social media accounts for a more extensive introduction.   

    From the Nurse’s Office

    Students entering 7th grade this fall:  Please make sure that you have had your tetanus booster and 1st meningitis shot before the start of school in the fall.  Reminder letters will be sent out. 

    Students entering 12th grade this fall:  The meningitis booster requirements for this fall has been postponed because of Covid 19.  Many have already had their booster shot.  If you are seeing your doctor for any reason, you can still have this immunization but it is not necessary before the start of school in fall.

    Sports Update

    The MN State High School League (MSHSL) is holding weekly online meetings with activities directors. We continue to plan for fall sports but know there will be changes in how we operate. The MSHSL has task forces working on scenarios.  Governor Walz and the Minnesota Department of Education will announce how public schools will reopen the week of July 27.  That decision will impact the direction the MSHSL will take. The MSHSL Board of Directors meets on August 4.  Summer activities are operating on protocols based on the Minnesota Department of Health’s guidance for youth and adult sports released June 19. Please note that it is important for students to practice social distancing and hygiene habits all the time, not just while participating in activities. 


    Class of 2021: Faribault Rotary Strive Program

    Faribault Rotary’s introductory Strive session was held June 10, but they would like more students involved! Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month through January. Because of the unique circumstances, students may watch a recorded version of this session and it will count as them attending it live. A link to the video that discusses Strive and how to register for the program is at: See June 18 email for more information; contact Kurt Halvorsen at with questions.

    Class of 2021 & 2022: 1st United Bank Junior Board of Directors

    1st United Bank has an exciting opportunity for students in Faribault and surrounding communities. They are accepting applications for our 2020-2021 Junior Board of Directors. Eligible applicants include Juniors and Seniors in High School for the 2020-2021 school year. Individuals should possess an enthusiastic approach to community involvement, and an interest in business, banking or finance. Please see the attached flyer for more information.


    Aim Higher Scholarships

    The Aim Higher Foundation has announced expanded scholarship opportunities for K-8 students this summer. New applicants are encouraged to apply via the TADS financial aid application, and students whose family situation due to COVID-19 are encouraged to update their spring application. See the attached flyer for more information on how to apply, or go to to find out more. Application deadline is August 7. 

    CSCOE Virtual Summer Programs

    The Catholic School Center of Excellence has put together a series of online educational videos aimed at K-8 students on topics ranging including STEM, the performing arts, and the 4 His Glory sports program with former Viking Matt Birk. Find more information on the attached flyer.

    (click on hyperlink for more information)

    7/30-8/1 SMART Ride
    8/7 Cardinal Golf Classic
    8/7 BA Reopen Plans announced
    8/13 BA Fall Sports Meeting
    8/17 HS Fall Sports Open
    8/24 MS Fall Sports Open
    8/31 Orientation
    9/1 First Day of School


    Attached Files

    Cardinal Classic Golf flyer 2020.pdf

    CSCOE Virtual Summer Programs.pdf

    AIM Higher 2020-Summer-Application.pdf


    2020-21 Calendar Draft v5b-BA.pdf


    Family Focus 07/03/2020

    date 07/25/2020 author Ed Friesen category 2020-21, July 2020 comment Leave a comment

    July 3, 2020

    Happy 4th of July Weekend!!

    Welcome to new President/Principal Mindy Reeder!
    This July begins my partnership with you as your President/Principal for Bethlehem Academy. What a joy to join you in my 11th year as a principal serving Catholic schools. I consider this my vocation and look forward to serving the students, staff, and families of Bethlehem Academy as well as the greater community of Faribault. To come back in my new capacity truly feels like coming home!

    My connection with Bethlehem Academy is both personal and professional. My husband and I are proud Bethlehem Academy (BA) parents with the graduation of our son in 2012. Through the dedicated staff and personal relationships developed at BA, our son thrived and discovered his true gifts while embraced by the BA and Faribault community. Bethlehem Academy holds a rich history in the community and I am honored to represent BA’s fortitude and follow the Sinsinawa Dominican sisters in devotion of prayer, ministry, study, and community that inspired generations, including multiple extended family members. As I join the BA school community, I look forward to continuing to expand all areas of excellence with the BA dedicated staff while honoring the rich traditions established in our community.

    This fall I want to reassure all families, students and staff, that we will be open. It may look different, it may feel different, but our doors will welcome students. Over the summer I will be meeting with our Bethlehem Academy Board of Directors, the Sinsinawa Dominicans Sponsors Council, BA leadership teams, and teachers and staff to ensure excellence, build relationships, and secure support while we walk through these changes together. We will put effective measures in place to ensure the health and safety of all of our students and staff while meeting our mission to provide excellence in education and spiritual growth. Please do understand that this could change if there is national or state-wide mandates for schools.

    “We Are BA” truly exemplifies our unity at this time and I invite you to reach out with questions and ideas as we move forward. I am devoted to you and know that God has great plans for us as this new school year begins where “We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth-VERITAS!”

    Blessings, Mindy Reeder,
    Bethlehem Academy President/Principal 2020
    Ed. S; Ed. M.

    Summer Office Hours

    The front office is closed July 3rd for the 4th of July holiday and will resume summer hours (Monday-Thursday from 9am to 1pm) July 6. Please note the office is closed on Fridays during the summer. 

    BA Scholarship Challenge Extended to July 4

    Help us double our money! The MN Foundation offering to match our $15,000 in donations for the Scholarship Challenge has extended the deadline to July 4th.  Donate here to help if you can. If you prefer to send a check, email us at so we can include it in the count. Thank you!


    SMART Bike Ride:  ***New Dates!***Thursday, July 30-Saturday, August 1 (1-day ride options available!)

    Join the SMART Ride & help raise money for BA scholarships! Single day options available; each day’s rides will start/end at BA. Just $30/day or $75 for all 3 days. Registration, rider sponsor pages & other info at:

    Cardinal Golf Classic:  Friday, August 7 @ The Legacy

    Join us for this fantastic golf scramble tournament & great social event in support of Bethlehem Academy! Just $100/golfer includes 18 holes, awards dinner, gift and on-course games. Registration form attached or sign up online at


    Planning for the Fall

    We are diligently planning for a safe return to school at the end of August. We are reviewing the MN Department of Education guidelines, along with guidance from the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and to open school in the fall.

    From the Nurse’s Office

    Students entering 7th grade this fall:  Please make sure that you have had your tetanus booster and 1st meningitis shot before the start of school in the fall.  Reminder letters will be sent out. 

    Students entering 12th grade this fall:  The meningitis booster requirements for this fall has been postponed because of Covid 19.  Many have already had their booster shot.  If you are seeing your doctor for any reason, you can still have this immunization but it is not necessary before the start of school in fall.

    Class of 2021: Faribault Rotary Strive Program

    Faribault Rotary’s introductory Strive session was held June 10, but they would like more students involved! Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month through January. Because of the unique circumstances, students may watch a recorded version of this session and it will count as them attending it live. A link to the video that discusses Strive and how to register for the program is at: See June 18 email for more information; contact Kurt Halvorsen at Faribaultrotarystrive@gmail.comwith questions. 

    Attached Files

    Cardinal Classic Golf 2020 Flyer.pdf

    DMCS Summer e Newsletter JULY 2, 2020.pdf


    Family Focus 6/1/2020

    date 07/25/2020 author Ed Friesen category 2019-20, June 2020 comment Leave a comment


    Pass/No Credit Option for Semester 2

    Recognizing the challenges placed on students and families, Bethlehem Academy has adopted a Semester 2 Pass/No Credit grading option for students who may have struggled academically during the 4th quarter due to distance learning. AP and CIS classes do not qualify, and there are a number of restrictions and caveats. Please review the attached grading policy. If interested in pursuing this grading option, please log into PowerSchool to review current grades. Note the attached form must be returned to BA by June 4, 2020.


    THANK YOU to everyone involved in the production of our Senior Week/Commencement programs. Best wishes and Congratulations to the Class of 2020! In case you missed any of the virtual programs, they remain viewable on Bethlehem Academy’s Facebook page ( and YouTube channel (


    2020-2021 Financial Aid & Tuition Agreements

    Most tuition agreements have been sent via TADS to families of enrolled students. Please contact Sister Mary Margaret ( or Kris Sauer ( with questions or if your financial situation has changed since the February financial aid deadline. We will work with you to keep your students at Bethlehem Academy.

    From the Nurse’s Office

    Students entering 7th grade this fall: Please make sure that you have had your tetanus booster and 1st meningitis shot before the start of school in the fall. Reminder letters will be sent out.

    Students entering 12th grade this fall: The meningitis booster requirements for this fall has been postponed because of Covid 19. Many have already had their booster shot. If you are seeing your doctor for any reason, you can still have this immunization but it is not necessary before the start of school in fall.

    2020-2021 Faribault Rotary Strive Program

    Faribault Rotary is going to hold Strive meetings online via Zoom until further notice; the first meeting will be on Wednesday, June 10th at 9:00 am. They will hold meetings on the second Wednesday of the month through January. Interested students will need to e-mail to receive the link to the first Strive meeting.

    Get Involved in BA! Join the Board of Directors

    The BA Board of Directors is looking for 5-6 people to join the Board! It's a great way to meet new people, make new friends, and move BA forward. You will only have two meetings a month, so it isn’t a huge time commitment. And you can even join with a friend! We need you! If you want to help, have questions, or are on the fence about joining, please reach out to any of our current members, who would be happy to talk: Kathy Nass (Board Chair, 507-323-5365), Mike Donkers, Debbie Korman, Mellanie Smith, Kathy Halvorson, Mary Campbell, Pat DeGrood, Melissa Casper, Cory Caron, and Crystal Bauer. Bethlehem Academy needs our parents, alumni, friends to serve and help guide BA. We can’t wait to welcome you to the Board. Thank you! #WEAREBA #TogetherWeFly

    Needed: Used Summer Reading/IRP Novels

    A note from our English Departments: If you have any old summer reading novels, or IRP (Independent Reading Novels), sitting around at home that you would not mind donating we would love them!!! We will have a table available in the gym on the day students return laptops and textbooks for these book donations. Thank you for your consideration.

    Box Tops

    Great news! If you shop for groceries online, you can now submit your email receipts from select retailers to earn Box Tops for your school. Click here for details. You can also turn in your receipts to school right after you shop and Mrs. Smisek will scan them digitally if you don’t have the app. And, through May 10, earn double Box Tops when you buy any Box Tops participating products. This program helps support our middle school science program.

    Grade 9-10 Students: Be a Big!

    Big Brothers Big Sister of Southern Minnesota is recruiting interested 9th and 10th grade students for next school year. Check out this message from BA junior Kennedy Tutak: Interested students need to have a valid driver’s license by December 2020; commit to at least 2 years; want to be a kid’s new friend! Click here to take the first step in becoming a Big. Contact Megan Horton, Community Outreach Director at for more information.

    Yearbook Orders

    Still want to buy a 2019-2020 yearbook? It’s not too late! The BA Multimedia class has worked hard to create a memorable yearbook highlighting this historic year. Purchase yours for just $60 + tax online at


    Summer event dates below – please add these to your calendar! More information coming soon.

    • Cardinal Café @ the Rice County Fair: Cancelled for July 2020
    • Cardinal Golf Classic: Friday, August 7
    • S.M.A.R.T. Challenge Ride: Thursday, August 6-Saturday, August 8 (1-day ride options available!)
    • Heritage Days Parade: Saturday, August 8, 2pm.


    Attached Files


    2020-21 Calendar Draft 5-BA.pdf


    Family Focus 5/22/2020

    date 06/02/2020 author Ed Friesen category May 2020 comment Leave a comment

    Note from Dr. Briscoe…

    I am sending out my final newspaper column in my final Friday Focus. It has been a joyful four years at BA and I wish the school community much success in the future. Students: thanks for your outstanding efforts during the stay at home pandemic. We are all stronger individuals for the sacrifices we have made. Thanks and please leave the light on for me.

    May 2020 Daily News Column

    New Beginnings:

    I struggled with the title of this column, the final column that I will write as a school principal. The past 35 years as a principal have been joyful 99% of the time. I have had the ultimate privilege to create hope for hundreds of staff members and thousands of students. All have had a huge impact on my life. They were certainly challenges, struggling with the death of students and staff members, and having to make very difficult decisions that all leaders have to make. As I prepare to go out the door, I will keep all of the great memories and leave the difficulty of the 1% in a small shoebox on a shelf.

    My heart grieves for the Class of 2020. We left for spring break on March 6 and never came back. I was looking forward to going off the stage with them on graduation night. I scheduled my rotator cuff surgery for the first day of spring break, March 9, with hopes that I could minimize my time away. While I have adapted to the life of a left-hander in the past two months, I never thought that when we left on March 6 we would end up canceling all of the school events that create the memories the seniors will talk about at their class reunions forever. It was painful to cancel the play, concerts, prom, and then all of the graduation events. High school graduation is one of the major transitions of everyone’s life. There will never be a way to create the graduation that was to occur on May 22, 2020. I wrote my final speech before my surgery and was looking forward to that one final speech. I started the speech with my usual line that “I will spend the next five minutes or so trying to tell eighteen-year olds something that they don’t already know.” This always brought laughter from the audience which relaxed me to deliver a great speech. I wanted them to get five minutes of free advice from me that they would remember. We will follow the new state guidelines and have a virtual ceremony with students and their family in cars in the Bethlehem Academy parking lot on May 29, 2020. We will have cars come up and we will present diplomas with our masks and gloves on. My hope is that the Class of 2020 will talk about the last quarter of their senior year at every class reunion in the future.

    Seniors, remember to always be kind and humble. Continue to practice service to others and go out of your way to volunteer to help neighbors and community members who need your help. When we recover from this scary virus, there will be numerous people needing your help. The Jesus that I know spent his life with the homeless, the sick and the people who struggled with the challenges that life brings each of us. Follow his pathway!

    1. the isolation that we have all felt these past few months may we all remember to visit our parents, grandparents and relatives who reside in nursing homes. The loneliness that we feel after these few months will be felt by many of our elderly for much longer. hope that you will stay connected to the Church throughout your life.

    I can promise you that you will make mistakes, get off track and some of you will need redirection. Like the MapQuest in your cell phone and car that says “recalculating” some of you will have to rely on us to go down a new pathway. Remember that life is a journey. Take the time to smell the flowers, drink good coffee, and treasure your family and friends. I love you; I will miss you and I wish you success. The BA Light will always be on for you! Nice Bike, Class of 2020! Thanks for the memories!

    Dr. Chuck Briscoe


    Staff Departures

    We wish Sara Heselton, Mary Duecker, and Jake Schuman good luck in their future endeavors. We also wish Chuck Briscoe and Terry Condit a long and happy retirement.

    Laptop & Textbook Drop Off, May 26-27

    Families are asked to pick a time slot on Tuesday, May 26 or Wednesday, May 27 to return BA laptops, textbooks, calculators, sports uniforms, instruments or any other school property checked out to your students. In order to maintain the health and safety of our students and staff, please sign up for a specific family drop off time via this link. We ask everyone to wear masks and honor 6-feet social distancing requirements while in the building. Thank you!

    Pass/No Credit Option for Semester 2

    Recognizing the challenges placed on students and families, Bethlehem Academy has adopted a Semester 2 Pass/No Credit grading option for students who may have struggled academically during the 4th quarter due distance learning. AP and CIS classes do not qualify, and there are number of restrictions and caveats. Please review the attached grading policy. If interested in pursuing this grading option. please log into PowerSchool on or after May 29 to review current grades. Note the attached form must be returned to BA by June 4, 2020.


    THANK YOU to everyone involved in the production of the wonderful 2020 virtual Mary Ceremony!

    We look forward to continuing our celebration of the Class of 2020 next week. All virtual programs are viewable on Bethlehem Academy’s Facebook page ( and YouTube channel (

    Baccalaureate, Wednesday, May 27, 7:00 pm: YouTube premier.

    Awards Program, Thursday, May 28: The virtual grade 6-12 awards program will debut at 7:00pm on Facebook and YouTube.

    Commencement, May 29

    • 7:00pm: Virtual Commencement ceremony will be presented at 7:00pm on Facebook and YouTube as well as on Power96 Radio (
    • 8:00-8:15pm: In-person diploma presentation in BA’s parking lot followed by a and short recessional south on Third Avenue.


    Calendar Updates

    • May 26-27: Laptop and Textbook turn in; sign up here
    • May 27: Baccalaureate program, 7:00pm virtual presentation on BA’s YouTube Channel
    • May 28: Awards Ceremony, 7pm virtual presentation on BA’s Facebook page, YouTube Channel
    • May 29: Commencement: 7pm virtual ceremony broadcast live on Facebook/YouTube followed by a brief diploma presentation in the BA parking lot and recessional south on 3rd Avenue


    2020-2021 Financial Aid & Tuition Agreements

    We will begin releasing tuition agreements via TADS today, May 22. See separate parent email for more information. Please contact Sister Mary Margaret ( or Kris Sauer ( with questions.

    PSAT Exam Signup for Class of 2022

    Current sophomores: the PSAT exam is scheduled for October 28, 2020. Students interested in taking the exam need to email Mr. Schuman at by Friday, May 29 to meet the registration deadline.

    Get Involved in BA! Join the Board of Directors

    The BA Board of Directors is looking for 5-6 people to join the Board! It's a great way to meet new people, make new friends, and move BA forward. You will only have two meetings a month, so it isn’t a huge time commitment. And you can even join with a friend! We need you! If you want to help, have questions, or are on the fence about joining, please reach out to any of our current members, who would be happy to talk: Kathy Nass (Board Chair, 507-323-5365), Mike Donkers, Debbie Korman, Mellanie Smith, Kathy Halvorson, Mary Campbell, Pat DeGrood, Melissa Casper, Cory Caron, and Crystal Bauer. Bethlehem Academy needs our parents, alumni, friends to serve and help guide BA. We can’t wait to welcome you to the Board. Thank you! #WEAREBA #TogetherWeFly

    Needed: Used Summer Reading/IRP Novels

    A note from our English Departments: If you have any old summer reading novels, or IRP (Independent Reading Novels), sitting around at home that you would not mind donating we would love them!!! We will have a table available in the gym on the day students return laptops and textbooks for these book donations. Thank you for your consideration.

    Box Tops

    Keep turning in your Box Tops or to scan them digitally for credit! You can also turn in your receipts to school right after you shop and Mrs. Smisek will do scan them digitally if you don’t have the app. And, through May 10, earn double Box Tops when you buy any Box Tops participating products. This program helps support our middle school science program.

    Grade 9-10 Students: Be a Big!

    Big Brothers Big Sister of Southern Minnesota is recruiting interested 9th and 10th grade students for next school year. Check out this message from BA junior Kennedy Tutak: Interested students need to have a valid driver’s license by December 2020; commit to at least 2 years; want to be a kid’s new friend! Click here to take the first step in becoming a Big. Contact Megan Horton, Community Outreach Director at for more information.

    Yearbook Orders

    Still want to buy a 2019-2020 yearbook? It’s not too late! The BA Multimedia class has worked hard to create a memorable yearbook highlighting this historic year. Purchase yours for just $60 + tax online at


    Summer event dates below – please add these to your calendar! More information coming soon.

    • Cardinal Café @ the Rice County Fair: July 22-26
    • Cardinal Golf Classic: Friday, August 7
    • S.M.A.R.T. Challenge Ride: Thursday, August 6-Saturday, August 8 (1-day ride options available!)
    • Heritage Days Parade: Saturday, August 8, 2pm.


    Attached Files

    PassNo Credit.pdf


Our Mission
Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
105 3rd Ave. SW
Faribault, MN  55021
Phone:  507-334-3948
Fax:  507-334-3949