Monthly Archives : January 2023
Family Focus, 1/27/23

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
January 27, 2023
Dear BA Families:
Celebrating Catholic Schools! As high school families gather on Saturday for our traditional SnoBall event, we will also be kicking off on Sunday our celebration of Catholic Schools Week (CSW), Prek-12 nationwide. We join other Catholic schools in this national event commemorating what makes our schools different: Faith, Excellence and Service! Our schools will join together for Mass on Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. BA's Campus Ministry will share special prayers during the week and we will gather with our DMCS buddies Wednesday, pack food during our field trip day Thursday, and enjoy a Talent Show/Knowledge Bowl competition on Friday. It's a great week to be a Cardinal!
THURSDAY, FEB. 2 - CSW FIELD TRIP - HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS MUST ARRIVE BY 7:45AM as their buses leave at 7:50am. Did you get your form in for the field trip? The permission form and field trip fee is linked: HERE if you forgot. If you wish to have the fee added to your FACTS account, please indicate that on the form.
2023-24 ENROLLMENT IS OPEN! We thank you for your partnership in your scholar's education. Our Board has approved keeping tuition increases low, with only a 1% increase for next year, while also working to expand scholarships and programs each year. Please be sure to complete your financial aid application (click HERE to apply) by Feb. 22 to ensure eligibility for all available scholarships. Re-enroll in FACTS by Feb 22 and the $10 re-enrollment fee will be waived. Contact Kris Sauer with questions or to set up an appointment if help is needed.
ROBOTICS HELP NEEDED: We are looking for a Robotics assistant. If you are able to help on Mondays and/or Thursdays after school, please email me. You are paid a stipend to assist -
- The BA Annual Fund drive is at $209,614+ with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! Gifts accepted through June 30, 2023.
- BABS - A Red & Black Gala Event on April 15 is in need of silent and live auction items. We are excited to announce a new program, catered meal by Patty LeBeau and live entertainment by Laura O'Connor. Invites coming soon! Email Teresa Lebens with your donations at:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online.
- Jan 28: "Winter Wonderland" SnoBall Dance, Grand March & SnoBall Queen Coronation 8pm; dance ends at 11pm; Post-Prom SnoBash parent event 9-10:45pm @ Faribault's Elks Lodge-see below for more information
- Jan 29: Rome Trip Bake Sale at DMCC after the 8am & 10am Masses.
- Jan 30: Faribault Emeralds Community Performance & Senior Night-6:30pm @ FHS. Free admission with item for St. Vincent de Paul's food shelf. Click here for flyer.
- Feb 3: Youth Basketball Night @ Boys Basketball game - sign up link HERE
- Jan 29-Feb 5: Catholic Schools Week
- Feb 1: Joint BA/DMCS Mass @ IC, 1 hr, 8:30am
- Feb 1: BA/DMCS Buddy Day
- Feb 2: Class field trips (no color day), click here for forms & info
- Feb 5: BA will host the 5 p.m. Mass @ Divine Mercy Church. After Mass, high school students are invited to stay and participate in the ProLife speaker presentation. Click HERE for flyer.
- Feb 8: Student of the Month, 7:30am
- Feb 10: Dress Down Day, International Cultural Club
- Feb 11: Gopher Conference Band/Choir/Art Honors Concert, Maple River (Feb 10=practice day)
- Feb 12: Winter Admissions Open House 11am-1pm. Invite a prospective Cardinal to join us! Advance registration HERE, walk-ins welcome.
- Feb 13-16: 8th Grade @ Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center
- Feb 14: Prom Dress Down Day
- Feb 16: 1pm WIN schedule
- Feb 17 & 20: No School, President's Day weekend
KUDOS: Congratulations to our scholars on the Emerald's Dance Team for bringing home a Gopher Big 9 Conference Championship win!
Please continue to join me in praying for family members, BA parents, and staff members who need God's healing touch!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
SnoBash, Jan 28: Parents: Come and join us at the Elks from 9-10:45pm for a night of fun supporting post-prom activities! To purchase advance tickets either use Venmo (see QR code or click HERE) or drop payment in the BA office. Be sure to include the number of tickets, names, and an email address for confirmation with your payment. The post prom committee will have a list of pre-paid guests at the front door.
FREE At-Home COVID Tests: The Nurse's Office has extra at-home COVID tests available. Stop by the front office to pick up a FREE test kit for your family!
Parent/Teacher Conference Update: Our winter parent-teacher conferences will NOT be held February 15 as originally scheduled. The new date is Wednesday, March 1, 4-8pm with conferences held via Zoom. A sign up link will be sent at a later date.
Basketball Game Volunteers/Parent Service Hours: The high school basketball season is upon us. With 2 dozen home games from December through February, there are many volunteer opportunities. We need parent volunteers to sell admission (tickets) and to work in the concession stand. Click the links to help: Girls Basketball Volunteers; Boys Basketball Volunteers and your parent service hours will be automatically recorded. Thank you!
Basketball Officials: BA needs individuals to officiate junior high basketball this winter. Contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Counselor Tidbits: Click HERE for the Counselor's Corner page on our website, including updated graduation service cord information.
Positivity Project: This week's character focus is Perserverance (click for more info)HIGH SCHOOL UPDATES
Jan 28 SnoBall Dance Info/Purchase Tickets by Jan 24: The January 28 "Winter Wonderland" SnoBall is a girl-ask-boy semi-formal dance for students in grades 9-12. Tickets are on sale during high school lunches ($30/couple, $15/single) through Tues, Jan 24. A signed form, found in the front office, is required for a non-BA grade 9-12 guest. Typically, the girls purchase a tie for their date that matches their dress. The girls arrange for a bouquet and boutonniere with a local florist that the boy picks up and pays for the day of the dance. Boys wear a dress shirt (most choose black), tie, and nice pants; girls wear semi-formal dresses. Attire that is neat, clean, and modest is expected of all participants. Couples usually go out to dinner with a group of friends prior to the Grand March. Parents and guests gather in the gym at 8:00pm for the Grand March, where participating couples are introduced and the SnoBall Queen is crowned. There will be a row of chairs in front of the stands for guests with mobility issues. Usually, the Mother-Son/Father-Daughter dance follows coronation, then parents and guests depart and the dance begins. The dance ends at 11:00 p.m.
SnoBall Grand March Reserved Seating: The post-prom committee is selling $15 reserved seats for SnoBall's Grand March Saturday, January 28. This is separate from and behind the rows reserved for SnoBall Court parents/families. Email Darla Hanson at to reserve your seat.
SENIOR PARENTS: SNOBALL SNACK DONATIONS: The Class of 2023 invites you to donate by clicking HERE. Thank you!
- After school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30 (link to info)
- Senior Scholarships: Click HERE for a list of college and community scholarship opportunities, requirements and deadlines!
- Senior Service Cord: Click here for the senior service cord guidelines. Applications due April 6, 2023.
- Please remind your high school student to check their email and class Schoology on a regular basis! (Thank you for your support with this!)
Click HERE to sign up for the DMCC MS Retreat!

Online School Calendar:
Family Focus 1-20-23

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
January 20, 2023
Dear BA Families:
Happy SnoBall Week! We look forward to celebrating SnoBall next week as we honor our seniors at another traditional BA event. Review the dress up days and events below. Please plan to join us at the 8pm SnoBall Grand March on Saturday, Jan 28.
MONDAY - Jan. 23: Please note, there is no school for Faribault Public Schools on Monday; however, BA does have school. Please keep in mind that there will not be any Faribault busing Monday and make arrangements if your scholar rides the Faribault bus.
STAFF UPDATE: We look forward to welcoming Katie Smith as our new Middle School Counselor; we will have a full introduction when she begins January 30th. We are also looking for a Robotics assistant. If you are able to help on Mondays and/or Thursdays after school, please email me. You are paid a stipend to assist -
2023-24 ENROLLMENT IS OPEN! We thank you for your partnership in your scholar's education. Our Board has approved keeping tuition increases low, with only a 1% increase for next year, while working to expand scholarships and programs each year. Please be sure to complete your financial aid application (click HERE for the application) by Feb. 22 to ensure eligibility for all available scholarships. Re-enroll in FACTS by Feb 22 and the $10 re-enrollment fee will be waived.
CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK - Field Trip & Events Jan. 30-Feb. 5, 2023. We will have special prayers, a joint Mass, buddy day, a talent show, and on Thursday, Feb 2, an all-school field trip combined with service. Our high school students will be packing food. The food packs require 18 year olds on each line of the food pack. We will need additional adult volunteers for our 9-11th grade group. Please join us to help! Email your interest in attending by January 27th to The permission form and cost for the field trip was sent home to parents via email and to students in paper form. You can also find the forms and field trip information by clicking HERE. PLEASE RETURN YOUR FEE & FORM BY FRI, JAN. 27th. If you wish to have the fee added to your tuition, please indicate that on the form.
- The BA Annual Fund drive is at $207,764+ with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! Gifts accepted through June 30, 2023.
- BABS - A Red & Black Gala Event on April 15 is in need of silent and live auction items. We are excited to announce a new program, catered meal, and entertainment. Invites coming soon! Email Teresa Lebens with your donations at:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online.
- Jan 23: NO FARIBAULT BUSING. BA is in session but Faribault Public Schools do not have school on this day.
- Jan 23-27: SnoBall Week Dress Down Days-see graphic. Reminder of our dress code policy (Handbook, p 30): When the school has special dress theme days for Homecoming and other school spirit
events, the student should wear the specified attire or come to school in the normal dress code. - Jan 28: "Winter Wonderland" SnoBall Dance, Grand March & SnoBall Queen Coronation 8pm; dance ends at 11pm; Post-Prom SnoBash parent event 9-10:45pm @ Faribault's Elks Lodge-see below for more information
- Jan 29: Rome Trip Bake Sale at DMCC after the 8am & 10am Masses.
- Feb 3: Youth Basketball Night @ Boys Basketball game - see info below, link to sign up HERE
- Jan 29-Feb 5: Catholic Schools Week
- Feb 1: Joint BA/DMCS Mass @ IC, 1 hr, 8:30am
- Feb 1: BA/DMCS Buddy Day
- Feb 2: Class field trips (no color day), click here for forms & info
- Feb 5: BA will host the 5 p.m. Mass @ Divine Mercy Church. We are looking for student ushers, servers, and eucharistic ministers. After Mass, high school students are invited to stay and participate in the ProLife speaker presentation.
- Feb 12: Winter Admissions Open House 11am-1pm. Invite a prospective Cardinal to join us! Advance registration HERE, walk-ins welcome.
- Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email or call 507-334-3948, x 302 by 8am if possible. Thank you!
Please continue to join me in praying for family members, BA parents, and staff members who need God's healing touch!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
SnoBash, Jan 28: Parents: Come and join us at the Elks from 9-10:45pm for a night of fun supporting post-prom activities! To purchase advance tickets either use Venmo (see QR code or click HERE) or drop payment in the BA office. Be sure to include the number of tickets, names, and an email address for confirmation with your payment. The post prom committee will have a list of pre-paid guests at the front door. Advance ticket sales will be accepted until Jan 27 @ 3pm.
Parent/Teacher Conference Update: Our winter parent-teacher conferences will NOT be held February 15 as originally scheduled. The new date is Wednesday, March 1, 4-8pm with conferences held via Zoom. A sign up link will be sent at a later date.
Theatre Club Update: Going forward Theatre Club will meet EVERY Wednesday at 3pm. All are welcome!
Youth Basketball Night Feb 3: Prospective students and families are invited to join us Feb 3 at the boys basketball game for a fun, free, family night! Register online HERE.
Basketball Game Volunteers/Parent Service Hours: The high school basketball season is upon us. With 2 dozen home games from December through February, there are many volunteer opportunities. We need parent volunteers to sell admission (tickets) and to work in the concession stand. Click the links to help: Girls Basketball Volunteers; Boys Basketball Volunteers and your parent service hours will be automatically recorded. Thank you!
Basketball Officials: BA needs individuals to officiate junior high basketball this winter. Contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Counselor Tidbits: Click HERE for the Counselor's Corner page on our website, including updated graduation service cord information.
Positivity Project: This week's character focus is Perserverance (click for more info)HIGH SCHOOL UPDATES
Jan 28 SnoBall Dance Info/Purchase Tickets by Jan 24: The January 28 "Winter Wonderland" SnoBall is a girl-ask-boy semi-formal dance for students in grades 9-12. Tickets are on sale during high school lunches ($30/couple, $15/single) through Tues, Jan 24. A signed form, found in the front office, is required for a non-BA grade 9-12 guest. Typically, the girls purchase a tie for their date that matches their dress. The girls arrange for a bouquet and boutonniere with a local florist that the boy picks up and pays for the day of the dance. Boys wear a dress shirt (most choose black), tie, and nice pants; girls wear semi-formal dresses. Attire that is neat, clean, and modest is expected of all participants. Couples usually go out to dinner with a group of friends prior to the Grand March. Parents and guests gather in the gym at 8:00pm for the Grand March, where participating couples are introduced and the SnoBall Queen is crowned. There will be a row of chairs in front of the stands for guests with mobility issues. Usually, the Mother-Son/Father-Daughter dance follows coronation, then parents and guests depart and the dance begins. The dance ends at 11:00 p.m.
SnoBall Grand March Reserved Seating: The post-prom committee is selling $15 reserved seats for SnoBall's Grand March Saturday, January 28. This is separate from and behind the rows reserved for SnoBall Court parents/families. Email Darla Hanson at to reserve your seat.
SENIOR PARENTS: SNOBALL SNACK DONATIONS: From Brooke Johnson, Senior Class Secretary: "Thank you so much for your continued support over our years at BA; our gratitude is immeasurable. You make it possible to have events like SnoBall every year. In honor of our final year at BA, we have one more “ask” of you. We are looking to have snacks and beverages available at the SnoBall dance, snacks like salty/savory chips, sweet treats, fruits/veggies, and water/juice! We invite you to donate by clicking HERE. Thanks again—you’re the BEST!"
- After school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30 (link to info)
- Senior Scholarships: Click HERE for a list of college and community scholarship opportunities, requirements and deadlines!
- Senior Service Cord: Click here for the senior service cord guidelines. Applications due April 6, 2023.
- Please remind your high school student to check their email and class Schoology on a regular basis! (Thank you for your support with this!)
Click HERE to sign up for the DMCC MS Retreat!

Online School Calendar:
Family Focus 1-13-23

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
January 13, 2023
Dear BA Families:
Bethlehem Academy had an active week, from athletic events to academic competitions, complete with a snow/ice day! Our staff love seeing our scholars thrive! Keeping our scholars involved in programs along with their academic schedule helps them develop in body, mind, and soul. Thank you for encouraging your scholar to participate. SnoBall will be celebrated the week of January 23rd. This tradition invites our young women to ask a young man to the SnoBall dance. We will honor our seniors at different events during this week. Congratulations to our 2023 SnoBall Queen candidates - Destinee Fregoso, Lindsay Hanson, Brooke Johnson, Reagan Kangas, and Amelia Pemrick. See below for more details!
UPCOMING CATHOLIC SCHOOLS' WEEK - Field Trip & Events Jan. 30-Feb. 3, 2023. After SnoBall, we celebrate Catholic Schools' Week. We will have special prayers, a joint Mass, buddy day, a talent show, and on Thursday, Feb 2, an all-school field trip combined with service. Our high school students will be packing food. The food packs require 18 year olds on each line of the food pack. We will need additional adult volunteers for our 9-11th grade group. Please join us to help! Email your interest in attending by January 27th to The permission form and cost for the field trip was sent home to parents, via email, and to students, in paper form. You can also find the forms and field trip information by clicking HERE. PLEASE RETURN YOUR FEE & FORM BY JAN. 27th. If you wish to have the fee added to your tuition, please indicate that on the form.
BETHLEHEM ACADEMY TRIP EXPERIENCES: Each year BA strives to offer a travel experience to educate and enrich. This year we have a group of students traveling with Mr. Wollin on a Close Up trip to New York and Washington, D.C. Next year, your scholar has the opportunity to travel to Rome! An informational and fundraising meeting will be held Jan. 19 at 1:30 during WIN time for interested scholars. If you have further questions, contact Caryn Coller
- The BA Annual Fund drive is at $205,494+ with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! We are so thankful to our supporters and have received our matching gift. THANK YOU! Gifts accepted through June 30, 2023.
- BABS - A Red & Black Gala Event on April 15 is in need of silent and live auction items. Email Teresa Lebens with your items at:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online.
- Jan 13: Youth Basketball Night @ Girls BBall game - see info below
- Jan 16: NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King Day
- Jan 19: WIN Day
- Jan 23: NO FARIBAULT BUSING. BA is in session but Faribault Public Schools do not have school on this day.
- Jan 23-27: SnoBall Week Dress Down Days-see below for more info
- Jan 28: "Winter Wonderland" SnoBall Dance, Grand March & SnoBall Queen Coronation 8pm; dance ends at 11pm; Post-Prom SnoBash parent event 9-10:45pm @ Faribault's Elks Lodge-see below for more information
- Feb 3: Youth Basketball Night @ Boys Basketball game - see info below
- Jan 29-Feb 5: Catholic Schools Week
- Feb 1: Joint BA/DMCS Mass @ IC, 1 hr, 8:30am
- Feb 1: BA/DMCS Buddy Day
- Feb 2: Class field trips (no color day), click here for forms & info
- Feb 5: BA will host the 5 p.m. Mass @ Divine Mercy Church. We are looking for student ushers, servers, and euchari
stic ministers. After Mass, High School students are invited to stay and participate in the ProLife speaker presentation.
- Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email or call 507-334-3948, x 302 by 8am if possible. Thank you!
Please continue to join me in praying for family members, BA parents, and staff members who need God's healing touch!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
SnoBall Week Dress Down Theme Days: Monday, Jan 23: Pajama Day; Tuesday, Jan 24: Jersey Day; Wednesday, Jan 25: Dress Your Best (or Mass attire); Thursday, Jan 26: Cardinal Spirit Day; Friday, Jan 27: Beach Day. We will have a SnoBall Court assembly and prayer service Fri, Jan 27 starting at 1pm. See HS section below for SnoBall Dance information.
SnoBash, Jan 28: Come and join us for a night of fun supporting post-prom activities! Open to all parents, SnoBash 2023 will be held at the Elks Lodge in Faribault, Saturday, Jan 28, from 9-10:45pm. To purchase advance tickets, please place payment in an envelope ($20/ticket in advance, $25 at the door) and drop in the designated basket in the BA office. On the envelope, please list the number of tickets, names, and an email address for confirmation. The post prom committee will collect from the office, send confirmations, and have a list of pre-paid guests at the front door. Advanced ticket sales will be accepted until January 27 @ 3pm.
Theatre Club Update: going forward we will have Theatre Club EVERY Wednesday at 3pm starting January 18. All are welcome!

Mr. Nuehring's room. Please contact Ms Caryn Coller if interested.

Basketball Game Volunteers/Parent Service Hours: The high school basketball season is upon us. With 2 dozen home games from December through February, there are many volunteer opportunities. We need parent volunteers to sell admission (tickets) and to work in the concession stand. Click the links to help: Girls Basketball Volunteers; Boys Basketball Volunteers and your parent service hours will be automatically recorded. Thank you!
Basketball Officials: BA needs individuals to officiate junior high basketball this winter. Contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Counselor Tidbits: Click HERE for the Counselor's Corner page on our website, including updated graduation service cord information.
Positivity Project: This week's character focus is Perserverance (click for more info)HIGH SCHOOL UPDATES
Jan 28 SnoBall Dance Info: The January 28 "Winter Wonderland" SnoBall is a girl-ask-boy semi-formal dance for students in grades 9-12. Tickets are on sale during high school lunches ($30/couple, $15/single) starting next week. Typically, the girls purchase a tie for their date that matches their dress. The girls arrange for a bouquet and boutonniere with a local florist that the boy picks up and pays for the day of the dance. Boys wear a dress shirt (most choose black), tie, and nice pants; girls wear semi-formal dresses. Attire that is neat, clean and modest is expected of all participants. Couples usually go out to dinner with a group of friends prior to the Grand March. Parents and guests gather in the gym at 8:00pm for the Grand March, where participating couples are introduced and the SnoBall Queen is crowned. Usually, the Mother-Son/Father-Daughter dance follows coronation, then parents and guests depart and the dance begins. The dance ends at 11:00p.m.
SnoBall Grand March Reserved Seating: The post-prom committee is selling $15 reserved seats for SnoBall's Grand March Saturday, January 28. This is separate from and behind the rows reserved for SnoBall Court parents/families. Watch for further details on how to reserve your seat.
- After school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30 (link to info)
- Please remind your high school student to check their email and class Schoology on a regular basis! (Thank you for your support with this!)
Click HERE to sign up for the DMCC MS Retreat!

Online School Calendar:
Family Focus Jan 6, 2023

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
January 6, 2023
Dear BA Families:
HAPPY NEW YEAR & WELCOME BACK! I hope the spirit of Christmas resides in you all month long as we experience the layers of snow and ice this January. Did you make a New Year's resolution? For all scholars, their new semester begins this week - a great opportunity to start fresh and exceed their personal goals! Mr. Uphus will be working with scholars on any semester schedule needs.
REFLECTIONS ON THE POPE: Pope Benedict XVI passed away at age 95 on New Years Eve. He leaves a legacy for all of us to share with our families as a person of faith and strong teacher. Join me in prayers.
UPCOMING CATHOLIC SCHOOLS' WEEK - Field Trip & Events Jan. 30-Feb. 3, 2023. Staff are busy planning Catholic Schools' Week events the week after SnoBall Week. We will have special prayers, a joint Mass, buddy day, talent show and an all-school field trip combining service with an activity on Thursday, Feb. 2. Our high school students will be packing food. The food packs require 18 year olds or older, to "close the food packs." Because of this, we will need additional adult volunteers for our 9-11th grade group. Please join us to help! Email your interest in attending by January 30th to The permission form and cost for the field trip will be sent home next week and due back by January 30th.
- The BA Annual Fund drive is at $154,500+ with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! We are so thankful to our supporters and have received our matching gift. THANK YOU! Gifts accepted through June 30, 2023.
- BABS - A Red & Black Gala Event on April 15 is in need of silent and live auction items. Email Teresa Lebens with your items at:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online.
- Jan 9, 10, 12, 13: Middle School MAP Testing-see info below
- Jan 11: Student of the Month, 7:30am, Cafeteria
- Jan 12: DMCS/BA Spelling Bee
- Jan 13: Youth Basketball Night @ Girls BBall game - see info
- Jan 16: NO SCHOOL, Martin Luther King Day
- Jan 19: WIN Day
- Jan 28: SnoBall Dance
- Jan 29-Feb 3: Catholic Schools Week
- Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email or call 507-334-3948, x 302 by 8am if possible. Thank you!
Please continue to pray for staff healing from surgery and continued healing for Bob Crone and Shelley Friesen, as well as all of our students as we begin Semester 2.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal

Basketball Game Volunteers: The high school basketball season is upon us. With 2 dozen home games from December through February, there are many volunteer opportunities. We need parent volunteers to sell admission (tickets) and to work in the concession stand. Click the links to help: Girls Basketball Volunteers; Boys Basketball Volunteers
Basketball Officials: BA needs individuals to officiate junior high basketball this winter. Contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Counselor Tidbits: Click HERE for an update on Counseling Office staffing. Click HERE for the Counselor's Corner page on our website, including updated graduation service cord information.
Positivity Project: This week's character focus is Prudence (click for more info)HIGH SCHOOL UPDATES
- After school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30 (link to info)
- Please remind your high school student to check their email and class Schoology on a regular basis! (Thank you for your support with this!)
MAP testing will begin next week for middle school students. Please be sure your scholars get plenty of rest, eat a good breakfast, and come to school with their laptops fully charged for the online tests. See test schedule below:
Monday, January 9
P1 and 3: Grade 6 Reading
P4 and 5: Grade 7 Math
P6 and 7/8: Grade 8 Language
Tuesday January 10
P2 and 3: Grade 8 Reading
P4 and 5: Grade 6 Math
P6 and 7/8: Grade 7 Language
Thursday January 11
Morning – Spelling Bee
P6 and 7/8: Grade 6 Language
Friday January 12
P1 and 2: Grade 7 Reading
P4 and 5: Grade 8 Math
Online School Calendar:
Family Focus 12/16/22

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
December 16, 2022
Dear BA Families:
BLESSED 3rd WEEK OF ADVENT! This week began with our Christmas Concert on Sunday. What beautiful music our scholars created to celebrate the season! Congratulations to our band and choir directors, Mr. Lorence and Ms. Cicha on a wonderful concert. Our scholars also gathered for a special Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass, delivered our service projects to the community, and completed our FFA giving tree gifts. The snow arrived on Thursday, delaying our start and canceling our 10th and 11th grade retreat - we will reschedule for later in the year. The Back 40 does look like a Winter Wonderland!
COUNSELOR UPDATE: We are saddened to share that one of our counselors, Shane Roessler, has accepted a new position with the judicial courts. She is excited about this change, but sad to leave. Please click HERE to read her personal update. We will be working with Phoenix Counseling in replacing the counselor as soon as possible.
MERRY CHRISTMAS! I want to wish each family, each scholar, a beautiful Christmas! May the Holy Spirit guide you and wrap you in loving arms as you celebrate during break with friends and family. We are thankful for you!
- The BA Annual Fund drive is at $97,200 with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! We are so thankful to our supporters and will receive a $40,000 match for reaching $100,000 by 12/31/22. Thank you for considering an end-of-year gift!
- Looking for a fun stocking stuffer? Purchase a BA Bash raffle ticket, still available next week in the office!
- Post Prom has a Dine Out scheduled from 4-8pm Dec. 20 at Perkins! Go out to eat and support Post Prom!
- Join us at the BA Red Cross Blood Drive on Dec. 21 at DMCC. See info below.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online.
- Dec 19 & 20: Finals for High School *Dress down days! See above.
- Dec 20: Dining Night Out at Perkins, 4-8pm, dine in or take out; 10% of sales back to BA Post Prom
- Dec 21: BA Red Cross Blood Drive at Divine Mercy Catholic Church-volunteers & donors needed! See below for info.
- Dec 21-Jan 3: Christmas Break-NO SCHOOL
- Jan 4: Semester 2 begins with a Red 40-min Mass day
- Jan 6: Student Council $ Dress Down Day
- Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email or call 507-334-3948, x 302 by 8am if possible. Thank you!
- MS Homework Club/HS Homework Help: Homework Club with Mrs. Kohl is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 3-4pm in Room 204 for middle school students. Academic support for high school students is led by Mrs. Ashley from 3-3:30pm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the library.
Please continue to pray for staff with ailing family members, students with sick family members or parents recovering from surgery, and families with special needs this Christmas. May the light of Advent bring them hope!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
Office Hours During Break: During Christmas break, any communication, donations, or raffle tickets may be mailed in or dropped off at the side entrance door, Door C. The office will be open:
- Wed., Dec. 21 – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Wed., Dec. 28 – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The office will be closed all other days through January 2. January 3rd is a teacher workday and the office will be open 8am-3pm. We wish you a blessed Christmas break and a Happy New Year!
Band/Choir Christmas Concert video: Click here for a link to the Dec 11 Christmas concert and thank you to FCTV for editing the video!

BA Blood Drive: BA will be hosting a blood drive at Divine Mercy Catholic Church December 21 from 9am– 2pm. More donor spots added! We are still looking for student volunteers. Students can earn service hours for each hour they are present. Click here to volunteer or donate blood: Volunteer Link; Blood Donor Link. Thank you!
BA's American Heart Challenge: This is a service learning program sponsored by SADD and the American Heart Association where students will learn the health effects of vaping & tobacco and earn 2 hours of community service for participating. Registration is at this link - donation and participation deadline is December 20, 2022.
RaiseRight Update: Click HERE for the December newsletter.BABS Donations needed! Consider adding BABS to your holiday shopping list! Find our BABS Amazon wish list at: Thank you!

BA Bash Raffle: Click HERE for the BA Bash raffle ticket order form.
Basketball Game Volunteers: The high school basketball season is upon us. With 2 dozen home games from December through February, there are many volunteer opportunities. We need parent volunteers to sell admission (tickets) and to work in the concession stand. Click the links to volunteer at an upcoming game: Girls Basketball Volunteers; Boys Basketball Volunteers
Basketball Officials: BA needs individuals to officiate junior high basketball this winter. Contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Counselor Tidbits: Click HERE for an update on Couseling Office staffing. Click HERE for the Counselor's Corner page on our website, including updated graduation service cord information.
Positivity Project: This week's character focus is Self-Control. Click here for more information.HIGH SCHOOL UPDATES
- After school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30 (link to info)
- Please remind your high school student to check their email and class Schoology on a regular basis! (Thank you for your support with this!)
Online School Calendar: