Monthly Archives : April 2024
Family Focus 4/19/24

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
April 19, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardians:
BABS 24: The 40th Anniversary Ruby Gala was a big success! Thank you to our parent volunteers both on the planning committee and the night of the event. Appreciation to all of you able to attended, who purchased raffle tickets, and/or who bid on our silent auction. Together we raised critical dollars to support our mission to provide personal, spiritual and academic excellence in a values, faith-based environment for our scholars. God is good!
2024-2025 enrollment/tuition agreements: Thank you to those that have completed enrollment for next year. Please look for an email from PowerSchool Enrollment for each student at BA. Check your spam/trash folder if you don't see it in your inbox. The enrollment deposit will be implemented when tuition agreements are sent early May as EduTrak (our new payment system) is working on a few adjustments. Do try to complete enrollment by next Friday, April 26 as we will begin working on financial aid awards next week for enrolled students. As we refine our processes, we will be working to remind parents that financial assistance is an investment in our scholars and their families. Many generous donors have worked hard to provide funds for this purpose. There is an expectation that students will give their best scholarly effort and have minimal absences from school from these benefactors. Please carefully read your financial aid letter when you receive it. Do contact Kris Sauer with questions.
Fundraising Update: While we reached our BABS appeal goal for scholarship and mission, we are about $5000 short of our $50,000 goal to upgrade the concessions and gym areas with new carpet, paint, and storage areas as well as refinishing the stage floor and purchasing a new screen/sound system in the gym. No donation is too small! Click HERE to donate online to the gym/concessions special appeal. The Annual Fund, which covers faculty and educational expenses not covered by tuition, is currently at $205,818 of the $255,000 budgeted for this year.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar
- April 26-28: Godspell, Jr performances
- April 29: Daily open campus begins for eligible seniors, except period 3 today for seatbelt safety/drunk driving panel high school presentation
- May 4: Prom: click HERE and/or see the high school section below for more information
- May 7: AP Statistics exam
- May 8: AP English Literature Exam
- Spring Band & Choir Concert
- May 9: 1pm WIN Schedule
- Student of the Month, 7:30am
- FFA Ag Day
- Avant Spanish test
- May 10: AP European History exam
- May 14: AP English Language exam
- May 15: AP Music Theory exam
Prayers for those who have recently lost loved ones, and for all those in our BA community who are suffering either physically or mentally at this time.
Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen Uphus, Katie Smith
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at
BA Summer Camps: Robotics camp dates are set for the weeks of August 5 and August 12. Click HERE for the registration flyer. Dates are being confirmed for our athletic camps. Stay tuned for more details.
May 4 Prom/Post-Prom: Click HERE for Under the Sea Prom information. Click HERE for Post-Prom information. Parents! Reserve your Grand March seats by May 3; $15 each, all proceeds to Post-Prom. Click HERE for the form. Volunteers are needed to help at Post-Prom. This is a parent service hour event. Click HERE to help at Post-Prom.
- Wed, May 22, 1pm: Mary Ceremony, BA gym
- Wed, May 22, 7:30pm: Baccalaureate, DMCC
- Fri, May 24, 9-11am: Awards Day program, including all senior awards/scholarships, BA gym
- Fri, May 24, 11:15am: Senior/Staff Brunch
- Fri, May 24, 7:30pm: Commencement, BA gym
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![]() Talk to your teens before they get behind the wheel. Make sure they understand the risks of drunk and drugged driving. Let your teens know that it’s never okay to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or to get in a car with a driver who has been drinking or using drugs. Remind youth that the best strategy for staying safe is to stay sober. For tips on how and when to begin the conversation, visit |
![]() Hable con sus hijos adolescentes antes de que se pongan al volante. Asegúrese de que entiendan los riesgos de conducir ebrio y endrogado. Hágales saber a sus hijos adolescentes que nunca está bien ponerse al volante de un vehículo motorizado bajo la influencia del alcohol u otras drogas, o subirse a un automóvil con un conductor que ha estado bebiendo o usando drogas. Recuerde a los jóvenes que la mejor estrategia para mantenerse a salvo es mantenerse sobrio. Para obtener consejos sobre cómo y cuándo comenzar la conversación, visite |
Stanford Summer Mentors program: Click HERE for the flyer with more information on this program.
Home for Sale Across the Street from BA: Click HERE for more information.
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Friday Focus April 12, 2024

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
April 12, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardians:
BABS 24: The 40th Anniversary Ruby Gala is tomorrow! We are so excited to celebrate our school community, our mission, and our 2024 Court of Honor Inductees at tomorrow's event. We look forward to seeing you there! If you didn't get tickets to the Gala, please consider bidding on our online silent auction. In addition to the wonderful homeroom baskets you helped create, we have over 90 amazing items to choose from, including a designated student parking spot, senior photo packages, autographed sports gear, a Coach purse set, and so much more! Click HERE to check it out - bidding closes at 6:30pm tomorrow, April 13. Thank you for your support!
2025-2025 enrollment: We are so excited to have our PowerSchool Enrollment system up and running! As a tuition-based school enrollment numbers drive everything from budgeting decisions to hiring. Accurate data is very important. Please complete this ASAP if you haven't already. To do so, look for an email from PowerSchool Enrollment; please check your junk/spam folder if you have troubles finding it. A reminder that we are still working with EduTrak to properly process the enrollment deposit; you can complete this step at a later date. Do reach out to Kris Sauer with questions if the system isn’t working for you. Thank you for your patience.
A reminder to families concerned about affording BA: Scholarships and tuition assistance is available. We believe our prep education should be accessible to all families who desire it for their scholars. We offer flexible payment plans and welcome all families to apply for tuition assistance so that we may partner with you to create a plan that works for your family. To do that, please fill out a financial aid application form by Monday, April 15. Apply at High school students wishing to be considered for the merit-based Hoban Scholarship must submit their essays to Kris Sauer by Tuesday, April 16.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar
- April 21-23: FFA at State
- April 22-25: Middle School MAP testing
- April 24: Administrative Professionals Day - thank our front office staff for their hard work!
- April 25: 6th Grade Youth Frontiers Retreat @ BA; 11th grade college fair/Twins game event
- April 26-28: Godspell, Jr performances
- April 29: Daily open campus begins for eligible seniors
- May 4: Prom - tickets go on sale April 8; see the high school section below for more information
Prayers for a successful BABS event, for our Head of School search, for those who have recently lost loved ones, and for all those in our BA community who are suffering either physically or mentally at this time.
Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen Uphus, Katie Smith
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at
Tuition Assistance: families concerned about affording a BA education are encouraged to complete a TADS financial aid application by Monday, April 15 to be considered for BA needs-based scholarships and grants. Apply at
HOBAN Scholarships for 2024-2025 BA 9-12 Scholars Due Tuesday, April 16: Applications for this merit scholarship are now open. 2024-25 students in good standing with a current GPA of 3.0 or higher are invited to apply by submitting the required essay to Mrs. Sauer by April 16. Click HERE for more information.
Tax Information in FACTS: Looking for tuition information for your 2023 tax return? Click HERE for a step-by-step guide to finding that information in FACTS. Contact Kris or Lisa if you need further assistance.
BA Summer Camps: Robotics camp dates are set for the weeks of August 5 and August 12. Click HERE for the registration flyer. Dates are being confirmed for our athletic camps. Stay tuned for more details.
May 4 Prom/Post-Prom Information: Prom tickets go on sale Monday, April 8 through Friday, April 19. Tickets are $30/person. Click HERE for Under the Sea Prom information and HERE for the non-BA student guest permission form. Click HERE for Post-Prom information and HERE for the permissions slip. All permission slips are due April 19. Parents! Volunteers are needed to help at Post-Prom. This is a parent service hour event. Click HERE to help at Post-Prom.
- Grad pictures, yearbook survey due April 12: Upload graduation photos HERE; click HERE to fill out the senior yearbook survey to submit your post-graduation plans.
- College Scholarship Info: Many local scholarships have April deadlines! Go to our scholarship page HERE for continuously updated local and national college scholarship offerings.
- Josten's Orders Still Open: Josten's has confirmed that senior parents can still order graduation items. Click HERE to place your order.
- Senior Week Event Dates/Times:
- Wed, May 22, 1pm: Mary Ceremony, BA gym
- Wed, May 22, 7:30pm: Baccalaureate, DMCC
- Fri, May 24, 9-11am: Awards Day program, including all senior awards/scholarships, BA gym
- Fri, May 24, 11:15am: Senior/Staff Brunch
- Fri, May 24, 7:30pm: Commencement, BA gym
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![]() Talk to your teens before they get behind the wheel. Make sure they understand the risks of drunk and drugged driving. Let your teens know that it’s never okay to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or to get in a car with a driver who has been drinking or using drugs. Remind youth that the best strategy for staying safe is to stay sober. For tips on how and when to begin the conversation, visit |
![]() Hable con sus hijos adolescentes antes de que se pongan al volante. Asegúrese de que entiendan los riesgos de conducir ebrio y endrogado. Hágales saber a sus hijos adolescentes que nunca está bien ponerse al volante de un vehículo motorizado bajo la influencia del alcohol u otras drogas, o subirse a un automóvil con un conductor que ha estado bebiendo o usando drogas. Recuerde a los jóvenes que la mejor estrategia para mantenerse a salvo es mantenerse sobrio. Para obtener consejos sobre cómo y cuándo comenzar la conversación, visite |
Stanford Summer Mentors program: Click HERE for the flyer with more information on this program.
Home for Sale Across the Street from BA: Click HERE for more information.
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 4/5/24

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
April 5, 2024
***Head of School Update from BA Board Chair Cory Caron***
Dear BA Parents and Guardians:
Thank you for your patience as we search for a new Head of School at Bethlehem Academy. We were grateful to have the opportunity today to host a potential candidate for a visit/interview at Bethlehem Academy. The candidate toured the school, visited classrooms, and met with faculty, staff, and student leaders before sitting down for a formal interview with search committee members. Your continued prayers are appreciated as the search process continues.
Sincerely, Cory Caron, BA Board Chair
Dear Parent/Guardians:
Welcome back! We hope your spring break was restful and included time spent with family and friends.
Emails from PowerSchool Enrollment were sent yesterday to register your student(s) for 2024-2025. Please be aware that we are experiencing setup issues with our EduTrak payment provider, so the enrollment fee is not processing as it should. We will be in touch when that has been resolved. A reminder that financial aid application forms are due by Monday, April 15. Apply at High school students wishing to be considered for the merit-based Hoban Scholarship must submit their essays to Kris Sauer by Tuesday, April 16.
**Volunteers needed for BABS 2024-our biggest fundraiser of the year** Click here to volunteer to sell raffle tickets after the DMCC Masses this weekend. Help is also needed for the April 13 event, including set up Friday night (April 12), for a variety of tasks at BABS April 13, and for clean up Sunday morning. This is a great parent service hour opportunity, and a wonderful way to connect with and give back to our BA community. Click HERE to volunteer for BABS.
BABS Silent Auction Goes Live Tomorrow at 10am! There are over 90 FABULOUS items to bid on, including all of the wonderful parent-supported homeroom baskets. Click HERE to preview the items now; bidding opens at 10am Saturday, April 6!

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar
- April 13: BABS - the 40th Anniversary Gala
- April 15: Deadline to apply for tuition assistance via TADS
- April 16: Hoban Merit Scholarship applications for high school students due
- April 19: Campus Ministry pilgrimage field trip
- April 21-23: FFA at State
- April 22-25: Middle School MAP testing
- April 24: Administrative Professionals Day - thank our front office staff for their hard work!
- April 25: 6th Grade Youth Frontiers Retreat @ BA; 11th grade college fair/Twins game event
- April 26-28: Godspell, Jr performances
- May 4: Prom - tickets go on sale April 8; see the high school section below for more information
Kudos to Student Council members for a very successful Red Cross Blood Drive this past Tuesday.
Prayers for a our Head of School search, for those who have recently lost loved ones, and for all those in our BA community who are suffering either physically or mentally at this time.
Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen Uphus, Katie Smith
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at
Tuition Assistance: families concerned about affording a BA education are encouraged to complete a TADS financial aid application by April 15 to be considered for BA needs-based scholarships and grants. Apply at
HOBAN Scholarships for 2024-2025 BA 9-12 Scholars: Applications for this merit scholarship are now open. 2024-25 students in good standing with a current GPA of 3.0 or higher are invited to apply by submitting the required essay by April 16. Click HERE for more information.
Tax Information in FACTS: Looking for tuition information for your 2023 tax return? Click HERE for a step-by-step guide to finding that information in FACTS. Contact Kris or Lisa if you need further assistance.
Spring Sports Registration Now Open! | |
Registration for the 2024 Spring Sports Season is now open. Bethlehem Academy sponsors its own girls fastpitch softball program. Girls in grades 6-12 may participate. High school practices for girls softball may start March 11. Middle school practices will begin during the week of March 18. Participants must complete the online registration form, have a valid sports physical clearance on file at the school and pay the $140 participation fee. Bethlehem Academy has cooperative programs with Faribault Public Schools for Baseball, Boys Track & Field, Girls Track & Field, Boys Golf, Girls Golf and Boys Tennis. Please visit for more information and to go to the Faribault Falcons registration page. Payment of activity fees is done online through the Faribault Public Schools InfiniteCampus portal. Please click here for an Infinite Campus account request form. High school programs will begin practices the week of March 11; middle school programs will begin the week of April 8. (Note boys tennis is only available to grades 7-12.) Please contact Shawn Behrens in the Faribault Activities Office ( or 507-333-6210) with questions. For middle school sports questions, contact Brent Hawkins ( or 507-333-6351). Note: Select the activity fee for your child's age (not team level) |
BA Summer Camps: Robotics camp dates are set for the weeks of August 5 and August 12. Click HERE for the registration flyer. Dates are being confirmed for our athletic camps. Stay tuned for more details.
May 4 Prom/Post-Prom Information: Prom tickets go on sale Monday, April 8 through Friday, April 19. Tickets are $30/person. Click HERE for Under the Sea Prom information and HERE for the non-BA student guest permission form. Click HERE for Post-Prom information and HERE for the permissions slip. All permission slips are due April 19. Parents! Volunteers are needed to help at Post-Prom. This is a parent service hour event. Click HERE to help at Post-Prom.
- Grad pictures, yearbook survey due April 12: Upload graduation photos HERE; click HERE to fill out the senior yearbook survey to submit your post-graduation plans.
- College Scholarship Info: Many local scholarships have April deadlines! Go to our scholarship page HERE for continuously updated local and national college scholarship offerings.
- Josten's Orders Still Open: Josten's has confirmed that senior parents can still order graduation items. Click HERE to place your order.
- Senior Week Event Dates/Times:
- Wed, May 22, 1pm: Mary Ceremony, BA gym
- Wed, May 22, 7:30pm: Baccalaureate, DMCC
- Fri, May 24, 9-11am: Awards Day program, including all senior awards/scholarships, BA gym
- Fri, May 24, 11:15am: Senior/Staff Brunch
- Fri, May 24, 7:30pm: Commencement, BA gym
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![]() Talk to your teens before they get behind the wheel. Make sure they understand the risks of drunk and drugged driving. Let your teens know that it’s never okay to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, or to get in a car with a driver who has been drinking or using drugs. Remind youth that the best strategy for staying safe is to stay sober. For tips on how and when to begin the conversation, visit |
![]() Hable con sus hijos adolescentes antes de que se pongan al volante. Asegúrese de que entiendan los riesgos de conducir ebrio y endrogado. Hágales saber a sus hijos adolescentes que nunca está bien ponerse al volante de un vehículo motorizado bajo la influencia del alcohol u otras drogas, o subirse a un automóvil con un conductor que ha estado bebiendo o usando drogas. Recuerde a los jóvenes que la mejor estrategia para mantenerse a salvo es mantenerse sobrio. Para obtener consejos sobre cómo y cuándo comenzar la conversación, visite |
Stanford Summer Mentors program: Click HERE for the flyer with more information on this program.
Home for Sale Across the Street from BA: Click HERE for more information.
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 3/22/24

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
March 22, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardians:
Happy Spring Break! May you have reflective and prayerful Triduum and a blessed Easter in celebration with family and friends. School resumes Tuesday, April 2.
After break, expect to see enrollment links for the 2024-2025 school year. We have been working to get our new system up and running through PowerSchool and hope that the integration will save some confusion and prove more streamlined for our families in the long run. This has been a bit more challenging than we had hoped. We appreciate your patience with this process.
The 2024-25 school calendar has been finalized! Please pay close attention as there are some dates that do not correspond to the public school calendar. Click HERE for a copy. Please note that our spring break falls a week earlier than the scheduled break for Faribault Public Schools.
**Get your BABS Tickets by March 30**: Get your friends together and join us for the BABS 40th Anniversary Ruby Gala April 13! Tickets are going fast as we plan to raise critical dollars to upgrade our concessions and gym area and celebrate our 2024 Court of Honor nominees Dave & Jeanne Campbell and Carol Hafemeyer '77 for their long dedication and contributions to Bethlehem Academy. Click HERE to reserve your tickets by March 30. Be sure to get in on the raffles for cash, gift cards, and a $500 BA tuition voucher; find the form to purchase raffle tickets HERE.
***Help needed this weekend to sell BABS raffle tickets after all DMCC Masses*** Click here to volunteer. This both a parent and student service hour opportunity. Thank you!
Here is a look at our upcoming schedule:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar
- April 10: No Faribault busing today - FPS is out of school; BA is in session
- Campus Ministry $ Dress Down Day
- April 11: 1pm WIN Schedule, Student of the Month @ 7:30am
- April 12: Grad pics, senior yearbook survey due
- April 13: BABS - the 40th Anniversary Gala
- April 15: Deadline to apply for tuition assistance via TADS
- April 16: Hoban Merit Scholarship applications for high school students due
Kudos to the high school History Day Project students on their success at the regional competition Tuesday. All six of BA’s group and individual projects that participated are advancing to the state competition on April 20.
Prayers for a blessed Easter!
Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen Uphus
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at
**Kleenex needed** Donations of kleenex gratefully accepted in the front office. Thank you!
American Red Cross Blood Drive
The Bethlehem Academy is hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Tuesday, April 2 from 8am to 2pm. There is always a need for blood. Donating blood is one way we can serve our community and make a difference! Sign up to donate HERE.
- Students aged 16 and older may donate blood.
- Click HERE to learn more about Student Donations
HS Summer Work Program: High school students entering grades 9-12 next fall are eligible to apply for our summer work program. Participants work 2 weeks and earn tuition credit for 2024-2025. Email by Tuesday, April 2 if interested. Click HERE for more information.
Tuition Assistance: families concerned about affording a BA education are encouraged to complete a TADS financial aid application by April 15 to be considered for BA needs-based scholarships and grants. Apply at
HOBAN Scholarships for 2024-2025 BA 9-12 Scholars: Applications for this merit scholarship are now open. 2024-25 students in good standing with a current GPA of 3.0 or higher are invited to apply by submitting the required essay by April 16. Click HERE for more information.
Tax Information in FACTS: Looking for tuition information for your 2023 tax return? Click HERE for a step-by-step guide to finding that information in FACTS. Contact Kris or Lisa if you need further assistance.
Spring Sports Registration Now Open! | |
Registration for the 2024 Spring Sports Season is now open. Bethlehem Academy sponsors its own girls fastpitch softball program. Girls in grades 6-12 may participate. High school practices for girls softball may start March 11. Middle school practices will begin during the week of March 18. Participants must complete the online registration form, have a valid sports physical clearance on file at the school and pay the $140 participation fee. Bethlehem Academy has cooperative programs with Faribault Public Schools for Baseball, Boys Track & Field, Girls Track & Field, Boys Golf, Girls Golf and Boys Tennis. Please visit for more information and to go to the Faribault Falcons registration page. Payment of activity fees is done online through the Faribault Public Schools InfiniteCampus portal. Please click here for an Infinite Campus account request form. High school programs will begin practices the week of March 11; middle school programs will begin the week of April 8. (Note boys tennis is only available to grades 7-12.) Please contact Shawn Behrens in the Faribault Activities Office ( or 507-333-6210) with questions. For middle school sports questions, contact Brent Hawkins ( or 507-333-6351). Note: Select the activity fee for your child's age (not team level) |
High School Class Registration Forms Due: A reminder to have your scholars turn in their class registration forms to Mr. Uphus ASAP. Click HERE for the forms and our 2024-2025 course guide.
Pre-ACT testing, Gr 9-10: A reminder that all 9th graders and 10th graders will take the Pre-ACT on Tuesday, April 2nd (9th Graders) and Thursday, April 4th (10th graders). Students taking the exam will report right away in the morning to Room 204 and will take the exam from Period 1 through Cardinal A. Please bring pencils and a calculator to the exam.
- Service Cord Applications Due April 4: Service cord forms and information can be found HERE; contact Mr. Uphus with questions.
- Grad pictures, yearbook survey due April 12: Upload graduation photos HERE; click HERE to fill out the senior yearbook survey to submit your post-graduation plans.
- College Scholarship Info: Many local scholarships have April deadlines! Go to our scholarship page HERE for continuously updated local and national college scholarship offerings.
- Josten's Orders Still Open: Josten's has confirmed that senior parents can still order graduation items. Click HERE to place your order.
Middle School Lock In April 5, 7-11pm: Games, food, fun! Donated snacks, parent chaperones needed. Click here for more information. Contact Ms.Coller with questions.
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![]() Register for the Eucharistic Congress here: |
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar: