Monthly Archives : June 2022
Family Focus June 3, 2022-Summer Edition

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him." Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
June 3, 2022
Dear BA Families:
Congratulations to our Graduates! We send our Class of 2022 graduates off with prayers and blessings. They are now a part of the Bethlehem Academy legacy and we look forward to hearing from them in the future as they pursue their dreams.
We will be busy this summer planning for the next school year. Our school office is open Monday through Thursday 9-1 p.m. Come in if you need to drop something off, order more Cardinal raffle tickets, or come in and talk with us. We're excited to expand our programs and courses and welcome new staff! Please see our first introduction, below, of our new BA Band Director.
BA SEEKS BOARD MEMBERS: Would you like to be a part of our Board? Please consider supporting our school through Board leadership. The application link is here: (Application for Board)
MASS DRESS CODE: As part of our plan for improvement, we thank you for your specific feedback on the dress code and Mass dress. We will be moving forward with a simpler Mass dress code, BA polos and dress slacks or khakis. All scholars will be provided a BA shirt for our first year roll out. The student council will help select the shirt style.
HANDBOOK UPDATES: In addition, as part of our Strategic Plan our handbook is reviewed annually. Updates to the handbook will be completed over the summer and shared with students during Orientation and Back-to-School week. It will be available online in August as well.
BA SUMMER EVENTS-Please join us!
(click on the links for more information)
- BA Summer Sports & Robotics Camps
- DMCS Scholarship Night, June 10
- Heritage Days Parade, June 18, 6:15pm: Student volunteers needed! Get an early start on your service hours. Email Kris Sauer to sign up.
- BA's Cardinal Cafe @ the Rice County Fair, July 20-24: Earn service hours: parent & student volunteers needed!
- BA's SMART Ride for Catholic Education, July 28-30: Ride a single day or camp & rider for up to 3 or support a rider
- Cardinal Golf Classic @ The Legacy, Aug 5, 12 noon: great sponsorship opportunities and/or register to golf
Get ready for 2022-2023 (click link for info)
- Summer Office Hours: stop by to pick up lost & found items, including glasses, a full set of retainers, jewelry, hoodies, and water bottles.
- Summer Reading Assignments
- 2022-23 BA SCHOOL CALENDAR (Link)
- School Supply List 2022-2023
Continue to pray over the summer for our new teachers, safety of scholars, and prayers for Ukraine and all of those suffering from violence and loss. Please continue to join us during the month of May in saying a Hail Mary or the Rosary as we celebrate Mary.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
Welcome to our new band director!
Hello BA! My name is Brad Lorence and I will be the band director at BA this fall. I am super excited. I graduated from the University of Northern Iowa in December of 2021 with my degree in Instrumental Music Education. I enjoy being outdoors, particularly playing golf, going on hikes, and watching various sporting events. I am also a big fan of road trips and beautiful, historic Catholic churches. Mbeannaí Dia thú!

Click HERE to register!
Registration for the Steubenville Youth Conference is now open! Open to grades 8 (going into 9th next year) and up. July 29-31 at the University of St. Thomas. Cost is $275 per person, $100 deposit to hold your spot. Register online HERE. Find the conference video teaser HERE.
Summer Youth Formation Programs! Summer Stretch and Totus Tuus registration is open! There is a program for everyone, grades 1-12! Teen leaders also needed. Find more information and register online HERE.
Family Focus May 20, 2022

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him." Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
May 20, 2022
Dear BA Families:
It's our last week of school! As we look forward to all of our traditional events next week, we also thank you for taking time to complete our parent surveys. Your feedback on specific questions, your input on what is going well and areas for growth help us celebrate areas of achievements and plan for improvement through our Strategic Plan for the future. (Review our Plan)
BA SEEKS BOARD MEMBERS: Would you like to be a part of our Board? Please consider supporting our school through Board leadership. The application link is here: (Application for Board)
MASS DRESS CODE: As part of our plan for improvement, we thank you for your specific feedback on the dress code and Mass dress. We will be moving forward with a simpler Mass dress code, BA polos and dress slacks or khakis. All scholars will be provided a BA-provided shirt for our first year roll out. The student council will help select the shirt style.
HANDBOOK UPDATES: In addition, as part of our Strategic Plan our handbook is reviewed annually. Updates to the handbook will be completed over the summer and shared with students during Orientation and Back-to-School week. It will be available online in August as well.
TUITION AGREEMENTS & FINANCIAL AID: This information is available in FACTS and financial awards have been given. If you have questions or need more support, please reach out to Kris Sauer at
END OF YEAR SCHEDULE CHANGES & CONCERT ADDITIONS: Please note the special schedules and early releases next week.
- Wed, May 25:
- 1 p.m. BA Mary Ceremony - at the close of the ceremony, scholars are released. (~2:30 p.m.)
- 7:30 p.m. Baccalaureate Mass is at Divine Mercy Catholic Church
- Thurs, May 26: Students will be released at 1 p.m. *Please note, there are golf, track and softball games today as well.
- Fri, May 27: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!
- 9:15 a.m. Middle School Band Concert
- 9:30 a.m. Awards Ceremony
- 11:15 a.m. Dismissal for scholars Grades 6-11
- No lunch will be served
- 11:15 a.m. Senior/Staff Brunch
- 7 p.m. High School Band Concert in gymnasium
- 7:30 p.m. Commencement in gymnasium.
- 2022-23 BA School Calendar (Link)
CELEBRATING RETIRING STAFF: Please send cards to send off Sue Jandro, Cassie Kratt, Mary Herzog, Hugh McCusker and Tom Madden as they depart from our school family for retirement or other life adventures!
KUDOS: Congratulations to all of our spring sports teams and coop participants on a fantastic year! We look forward to final competitions next week! A special thank you to all of our coaches.
- May 20: Middle School Lock-In and DMCS Family Fun Night
- May 24: HS Finals, Red Periods 1-3; Senior Rehearsal
- May 25: Gr 9-11 Finals Period 3, Cardinals A-C (See schedule above)
- May 26: Gr 9-11 White Day Finals 1, 2; Early dismissal at 1 pm
- May 27: Last Day of School! (See schedule above)
- Click HERE for the 2022-2023 BA School Calendar
- Find our event school calendar on our website HERE
We have had a good response to our open positions and look forward to announcing our new hires! Prayers for Ukraine and all staff and scholars as we prepare for our summer. Please continue to join us during the month of May in saying a Hail Mary or the Rosary as we celebrate Mary.
SUMMER READING ASSIGNMENTS: Don't forget about the summer reading assignment for English class! Faculty will be discussing the required read in class early next week. Information will be posted on our website under the Academics tab by the summer break.
HIGHWAY CLEAN-UP The BA Student Council will be cleaning up our adopted highway tomorrow, Saturday, May 21. Our adopted highway is MN Highway 60 from mile marker 154 to mile marker 157, east of Faribault. Students are to meet at BA at 8:45am. This community service project is not limited to just student council members; any member of the student body is welcome to join and help! Please dress appropriately for the weather and walking in highway ditches. Students should also bring work gloves.
SUMMER CAMPS: Join our championship volleyball and robotics teams at camps this summer! Lots of options for students grades 2-12, including volleyball, boys & girls basketball, football and robotics. Non-BA students welcome to attend! Find information and registration forms and get signed up at: Summer Programs
Positivity Project Home Activities: To help extend the learning to your students' homes, we encourage you to share these P2 for Families resources with your students' families. The password is: P2- 6-8 | 9-12
SOFTBALL PLAYOFFS: The BA Cardinals are seeded #2 in their sub-section and will be hosting playoff games on Monday, May 23 and Tuesday, May 24. More information to come.
Click HERE to register!
The City of Faribault is Hiring! Check out their website for student summer positions.
Registration for the Steubenville Youth Conference is now open! Open to grades 8 (going into 9th next year) and up. July 29-31 at the University of St. Thomas. Cost is $275 per person, $100 deposit to hold your spot. Register online HERE. Find the conference video teaser HERE.
Summer Youth Formation Programs! Summer Stretch and Totus Tuus registration is open! There is a program for everyone, grades 1-12! Teen leaders also needed. Find more information and register online HERE.