Monthly Archives : September 2024
Family Focus 9/20/24

September 20, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardians:
Our football and volleyball teams have done a great job this week planning Dig Pink and Tackle Cancer events. If you didn't join us for volleyball Tuesday, tonight is a great opportunity to cheer on our Cardinal football team AND help the team TACKLE CANCER. All funds raised will be donated directly to the Randy Shaver Cancer Research Fund. Game time is 7pm at Bruce Smith Field. Thank you for your support of this effort to build community and do good in service for others!
Next week is Homecoming Week! This is a special week full of traditions and events. Please encourage your sons and daughters to participate in activities responsibly, be safe and appropriate, and follow CARDS (Character, Accountability, Decision-Making, Service). We have reminded students of this as well, particularly when it comes to any unsanctioned events. We want this to be fun week for all. Please Note: We discourage middle school students from doing any out-of-school activities. They are invited to dress up and join us for all of the events at school this week as well as the game on Friday. For our high schoolers: a reminder to get permission for any out-of-school "decorating."
Homecoming Week Dress Down/Theme Day Info:
- Students must wear themed attire or come to school in the normal dress code.
- If dressing in the theme for the day:
- Athletic shorts of a modest length (mid-thigh) may be worn if following the theme of the day.
- Leggings may be worn with shorts, skirts or dresses fitting the theme. If wearing a theme-appropriate top with leggings, the top must be long. It cannot be cropped or waist-length.
- No Faribault busing! The public schools do not have school. The BA van will run as scheduled.
- Students must come to school in the morning. We will take attendance following morning announcements and then board buses for Mass at DMCC. DO NOT send your child directly to Divine Mercy.
- The dress down theme for Friday is Cardinal spirit wear. Because we will attend Mass, students may not wear shorts, leggings, or hats on Friday. Jeans (dress code appropriate) on this Mass Day are acceptable.
- Middle school students will be dismissed at approximately 1:45pm, following the departure of the parade vehicles for the DMCC campus.
- High school students will return in parade vehicles at the conclusion of the parade and be dismissed from there at approximately 2:30pm.
Spirit Fest: Please plan to join our Divine Mercy Catholic Church community to celebrate Spirit Fest tomorrow. Loads of activities from live music to great food to Mass, an outdoor movie, loads of activities and fireworks to end the evening! MANY volunteers are needed for this event. Please sign up HERE if you are able to help - up to 5 hours will count towards your BA parent service hour requirement. Thank you!
The week ahead:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar
- October 2: Student of the Month, 7:30am BA gym
- October 3: Picture Day
- October 10: Prom $ Dress Down
- October 12: DMCS Spooktacular
- October 16-18: No School/MEA Break
- October 23: Parent-Teacher Conferences
- October 25: NHS induction ceremony; MS Dance
- October 31: Costume $ Dress Down; Trunk or Treat event 4-6pm
May you have a restful and blessed weekend!
In partnership,
Kris Sauer, Ed Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School
Permanent Host family Needed! Although we have a temporary family, a permanent placement for Harang is still needed. BA offers tuition credit, fulfillment of the parent service hour requirement, and an all-season athletic pass to host families. Consider hosting this delightful student and give her the gift of a BA education! Contact Kris or Cheryl at PSE with questions or if interested.
Parent Volunteer Opportunities: Divine Mercy Catholic Church is hosting their annual Spirit Fest event tomorrow - Saturday, September 21. BA parents who volunteer at this event can earn up to 5 BA parent service hours. Click HERE for the link to sign up. Volleyball & Football Home Games: Help needed to take tickets and work concessions at our fall home football and volleyball games. Find the game sign ups in POINT at: Click HERE for more information on our parent volunteer program. Find directions on how to self-report your hours HERE.
Fall Sports Digital Tickets
Bethlehem Academy and the other members of the Gopher Conference have adopted GoFan as our digital ticketing platform. Get the GoFan app on your mobile device or visit the website to buy your tickets in advance. Volleyball and football passes are available as well.
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Moms in Prayer Group: Enrich your prayer life - all moms are invited to join this fabulous group Tuesdays at 1:45pm at BA in Sr Theresa's office in the basement level (stop in the front office for directions.) |
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Click HERE to order. ![]() |
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 9/13/24

September 13, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardians:
It was indeed a GREAT week to be a Cardinal! On Wednesday, September 11, we took a break from routine to gather together in prayer in remembrance of the events of 9/11. From there, every class went out into the community for several hours of volunteering. The joy on your sons and daughters faces as they served others was inspiring. Thank you for your partnership in their education focused on the Dominican values of prayer, study, commmunity and service!
Next week our football and volleyball teams continue coming together as a community to serve. The girls will host a DIG PINK event at their September 17th home volleyball games and the boys will host a TACKLE CANCER event at their home football game on September 20. Students will have a dress down day ($1 for pink, sweatpants; $2 for hats) on Tuesday, September 17. All proceeds go to the Randy Shaver Cancer Research Fund. Please participate and support our student-athletes as you are able!
Middle School Parents: Next week, Sept 16-19, begins our Fall NWEA MAP testing. Please help your son or daughter understand that working through these assessments and trying their hardest is important so that we can have accurate data. Thank you for helping them get a good night’s sleep as well. Note that students who miss a test due to schedules or illness will have a chance for a make up exam.
Spirit Fest: Please plan to join our Divine Mercy Catholic Church community to celebrate Spirit Fest, their annual fall event Saturday, Sept 21. Loads of activities from live music to great food to Mass, an outdoor movie, loads of activities and fireworks to end the evening! MANY volunteers are needed for this event. Please sign up HERE if you are able to help - up to 5 hours will count towards your BA parent service hour requirement. Thank you!
Homecoming is just two weeks away! Congratulations to our 2024 Court candidates: Nicholas Archambault, Noah Casper, Cole Goodwin, and Peter Schoolmeesters. Order your homecoming t-shirts by 3pm Monday, September 16. Click HERE for an order form. See below for themed dress days September 23-27 and homecoming activities on September 27, including the pep fest, coronation, and parade (new route this year). Go, Cardinals - Wrangle the Wildcats!
In other highlights: While we have a temporary family, we are still looking for a permanent host family for an accepted 8th grade girl from So Korea. Please consider opening your home to this student! Find more information below. The Vex IQ Robotics program begins with practices on September 16. This is great club open to all BA students. Click HERE for the registration form and more information.
Finally, NO homework club next week, September 16-19.
The week ahead:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar
- September 21: Spirit Fest at Divine Mercy Catholic Church - Volunteer HERE - parents can earn up to 5 service hours!
- September 22-23: Senior class retreat
- September 23-27: Homecoming Week: Wrangle the Wildcats! See below for themed dress down days and more information.
- September 27: BA homecoming events; Middle School dismissed at 1:45pm; High School dismissed following the parade at 2:45pm.
- October 2: Student of the Month, 7:30am BA gym
- October 3: Picture Day!
- October 12: Spooktacular
- October 16-18: No School/MEA Break
May you have a restful and blessed weekend!
In partnership,
Kris Sauer, Ed Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School

Dig Pink/Tackle Cancer Dress Down Day & Events: BA volleyball and BA football are again participating in the Randy Shaver Tackle Cancer & Dig Pink fundraiser. BA volleyball will raise funds at their home game on Tuesday, September 17th. BA football will raise funds at their home game on Friday, September 20th. There will also be a $1 dress down day on Tuesday, September 17th. Please join us at the games for additional opportunities at each of the events to participate in raising funds for Cancer Research.*Proceeds from the events, t-shirt and hoodie sales, and the dress down day will all be donated to the Randy Shaver Cancer Fund.*
Homecoming Week 2024: T-shirt orders are due by 3pm Monday!! Click HERE for an order form. BA will celebrate Homecoming Week September 23-27. Students are encouraged to follow the dress theme for each day. Note that students not participating in the theme should follow the dress code. Friday, September 27th will begin with Mass at Divine Mercy Catholic Church (139 Mercy Drive) followed by buddy activities with Divine Mercy Catholic School. All are invited to attend the noon pep fest and coronation in BA's Van Orsow Auditorium. The homecoming parade will follow. This year's parade will go from BA out to DMCS instead of through downtown Faribault. The Homecoming Dance for high school students (a mixer-type dance) will be held in the BA gym following the football game until 11:30pm. PARENTS! Join us at Corks & Pints after the game for your own event - 1st 100 in the door receive $1 off their first beverage!
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Parent Volunteer Opportunities: Divine Mercy Catholic Church is hosting their annual Spirit Fest event Saturday, September. BA parents who volunteer at this event can earn up to 5 BA parent service hours. Click HERE for the link to sign up. Volleyball & Football Home Games: Help needed to take tickets and work concessions at our fall home football and volleyball games. Find the game sign ups in POINT at: Click HERE for more information on our parent volunteer program. Find directions on how to self-report your hours HERE.
Fall Sports Digital Tickets
Bethlehem Academy and the other members of the Gopher Conference have adopted GoFan as our digital ticketing platform. Get the GoFan app on your mobile device or visit the website to buy your tickets in advance. Volleyball and football passes are available as well.
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Moms in Prayer Group: Enrich your prayer life - all moms are invited to join this fabulous group Tuesdays at 1:45pm at BA in Sr Theresa's office in the basement level (stop in the front office for directions.) |
High School Updates
Juniors: Sign up for the PSAT by 9/17! BA will be offering an opportunity for 11th graders to take the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT) in October (21-25, date TBD). Associated costs will be covered by BA. The PSAT is a test designed to help high school sophomores and juniors prepare for the SAT. The PSAT can also gauge your aptitude for other national tests and inform which areas you'll need to focus your studying on. It also affords a student the opportunity to earn a scholarship and the prestigious title of National Merit Scholar if they perform well enough. If interested, please fill out the form at this link by Tuesday, September 17. Parents or students are also encouraged to reach out to our school counselor in person or Information on the scholarship program can be found HERE.
Senior parents: Zoom prayer event September 17 for your senior. Click HERE to register. See flyer below (updated QR code)

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![]() Register HERE for Edge! |
Click HERE to order. ![]() |

Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 9/6/24

September 6, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardians:
The school year is in full swing! We hope your sons and daughters are settling in and getting used to the routine of school. We are here to help, so please do reach out if there is any way we can support you.
The next few weeks will be busy with lots of great events and opportunities for our students to grow in our Dominican pillars of prayer, study, community, and service. See below for more information on our annual school-wide service day next Wednesday, September 11 - and please consider donating to the service day drive for St. Vincent de Paul, one of our service sites. We'll be collecting canned goods, soap, shampoo, conditioner, and toothpaste - send contributions in with your students by next Wednesday. BA volleyball and football teams are raising money for cancer through their Dig Pink/Tackle Cancer events. Order shirts and hoodies by September 11 and plan to participate in the games on September 17 and September 20. Finally, homecoming is just around the corner! See below for themed dress days September 23-27 and homecoming activities on September 27, including the pep fest, coronation, and parade (new route this year). Go, Cardinals - Wrangle the Wildcats! See below for all the details.
In other highlights: We are looking for a host family for an accepted 8th grade girl from So Korea who will be arriving hopefully late September. Please consider opening your home to this student! Find more information below. The Vex IQ Robotics program begins with practices on September 16. This is great club open to all BA students. Click HERE for the registration form and more information.
The week ahead:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar
- September 11: All-school Student Service Day & St. Vincent de Paul donation drive (see below)
- September 13: 1st United Bank Jr Board of Directors applications due (juniors and seniors)-see info below
- September 16: Vex IQ Robotics Team first meeting. Click HERE to sign up.
- September 17: Dig Pink/Tackle Cancer pink dress down day fundraiser; Dig Pink events at home VB games. Order gear HERE by 9/11 at 11:59pm
- September 20: Tackle Cancer event @ home football game
- September 21: Spirit Fest at Divine Mercy Catholic Church - see below for volunteer link, parents can earn up to 5 service hours!
- September 22-23: Senior class retreat
- September 23-27: Homecoming Week: Wrangle the Wildcats! See below for themed dress down days and more information.
- September 27: No Faribault busing! BA homecoming events; Middle School dismissed by 1:45pm; High School dismissed following the parade at 2:45pm.
May you have a restful and blessed weekend!
In partnership,
Kris Sauer, Ed Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School
Service Day 2024 Donation Drive and Info: As is our tradition as a Dominican school focused on prayer, study, community and service - all grades will be departing for service sites in the Faribault community following a short prayer service on Wednesday, September 11, which is also a National Day of Service and Remembrance. Students will be provided a bag lunch (or may bring their own) and are asked to dress in Cardinal shirts and work-ready pants and shoes. More details to follow next week. We are also conducting a donation drive for St. Vincent de Paul, one of our service sites. Please, if you are able, send donations of canned goods and toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste) in with your student by next Wednesday. Thank you for supporting these acts of service!
Homecoming Week 2024: BA will celebrate Homecoming Week September 23-27. Students are encouraged to follow the dress theme for each day - see the list below. Note that students not participating in the theme should follow the dress code. Friday, September 27th will begin with Mass at Divine Mercy Catholic Church (139 Mercy Drive) followed by buddy activities with Divine Mercy Catholic School. All are invited to attend the noon pep fest and coronation in BA's Van Orsow Auditorium. The homecoming parade will follow. This year's parade will go from BA out to DMCS instead of through downtown Faribault. See below for themed dress down days:
- Monday, September 23rd: Color Day - Grades will wear the following colors: 6th: Red; 7th: Green; 8th: Yellow; 9th: Purple; 10th: Orange; 11th: Pink; 12th: Clear; Faculty/Staff: Blue
- Tuesday, September 24th: Adam Sandler Day (Students wear over-sized, baggy clothing)
- Wednesday, September 25th: Western Wear
- Thursday, September 26th: Hawaiian/Tropical Day
- Friday, September 27th: Cardinal spirit wear

Dig Pink/Tackle Cancer Gear Order, Dress Down Day & Events: Unfortunately, cancer touches the lives of so many in numerous ways. We would like to come together and do our part to help.
BA volleyball and BA football are again participating in the Randy Shaver Tackle Cancer & Dig Pink fundraiser. BA volleyball will raise funds at their home game on Tuesday, September 17th. BA football will raise funds at their home game on Friday, September 20th. T-shirts and Hoodies are available for purchase in white or light pink. Click HERE to order by 11:59 Wednesday, September 11. ORDER SOON! There will also be a $1 dress down day on Tuesday, September 17th. Please join us at the games for additional opportunities at each of the events to participate in raising funds for Cancer Research.*Proceeds from the events, t-shirt and hoodie sales, and the dress down day will all be donated to the Randy Shaver Cancer Fund.*
Host family Needed! Host family needed ASAP for accepted student arriving soon from South Korea! BA offers tuition credit, fulfillment of the parent service hour requirement, and an all-season athletic pass to host families. Consider hosting this delightful student and give her the gift of a BA education! Monthly stipend, BA tuition credit, parent volunteer hour credit for the year; and annual home game family pass included for the host family. Contact Kris or Cheryl at PSE with questions or if interested.
2023-2024 Yearbooks: Extra copies are available for purchase ($79.46). Contact Mrs. Kallie Battles to get your copy!
Homework Club is available Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays from 3-4pm in Mrs. Kohl's 2nd floor library classroom. No need to sign up, students are invited to join her when they need to. Plan Ahead: NO Homework Club September 16-19.
Parent Volunteer Opportunities: Divine Mercy Catholic Church is hosting their annual Spirit Fest event Saturday, September. BA parents who volunteer at this event can earn up to 5 BA parent service hours. Click HERE for the link to sign up. Volleyball & Football Home Games: Help needed to take tickets and work concessions at our fall home football and volleyball games. Find the game sign ups in POINT at: Click HERE for more information on our parent volunteer program. Find directions on how to self-report your hours HERE.
Fall Sports Digital Tickets
Bethlehem Academy and the other members of the Gopher Conference have adopted GoFan as our digital ticketing platform. Get the GoFan app on your mobile device or visit the website to buy your tickets in advance. Volleyball and football passes are available as well.
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Moms in Prayer Group: Enrich your prayer life - all moms are invited to join this fabulous group Tuesdays at 1:45pm at BA in Sr Theresa's office in the basement level (stop in the front office for directions.) |
High School Updates
Juniors and Seniors! 1st United Bank Junior Board of Director Applications for this year are now available. Click HERE for a copy. All applications must be in by September 13th.
Juniors: Sign up for the PSAT by 9/17! BA will be offering an opportunity for 11th graders to take the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT) in October (21-25, date TBD). Associated costs will be covered by BA. The PSAT is a test designed to help high school sophomores and juniors prepare for the SAT. The PSAT can also gauge your aptitude for other national tests and inform which areas you'll need to focus your studying on. It also affords a student the opportunity to earn a scholarship and the prestigious title of National Merit Scholar if they perform well enough. If interested, please fill out the form at this link by Tuesday, September 17. Parents or students are also encouraged to reach out to our school counselor in person or Information on the scholarship program can be found HERE.

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![]() Click HERE to sign up for confirmation. |
![]() Register HERE for Edge! |
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Click HERE to order. ![]() |
Lawn Mowing Job: Mary Ann, a BA neighbor on Willow Street, is looking for a BA student or adult to mow her lawn. Mower available on site, $20/time. Contact her at 507-334-3000 if interested.
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 8/30/24

August 30, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardians:
What a great first week! We rolled out the red carpet Tuesday to welcome everyone back to campus to begin the week and ended this morning celebrating a wonderful Mass together. Thank you to Campus Ministry and our high school students for working together to set up and take down chairs so we could gather and prayer in a more reverent environment. It is so wonderful to have new and returning Cardinals back in the building! Tonight our BA Cardinal football team will open their season on the road at Winona Cotter. Go, Cardinals!
Staffing updates: We are excited to announce that Paul Brown, with years of experience in construction, will join our maintenance team next Tuesday. Regretfully, due to unforeseen circumstances, Lindsay Bjorkquist will not be working at BA as a middle school counselor this school year. We are collaborating with Phoenix School Consulting not only to fill the MS Counselor position, but to provide coverage until that happens. In the interim, students should work with School Counselor Nathan Bienias as needed. Finally, we are looking for a part-time kitchen staff assistant (Mondays & Tuesdays), as Sarah Babcock has decided to shift to substituting in the kitchen as needed. And, we are still looking for someone to help direct our spring play! Click HERE to find information on our website about these openings.
Parents, one last thing: your daughters are lovely and dressed so nicely, especially for our first Mass of the school year. Mrs. Sauer shared this with all the girls before Mass, and we ask you to remind them of this as well: do please wear skirts/dresses that are long enough to be mid-thigh and, if wearing shirts or dresses with scooped, rounded or squared necklines, that those necklines be modest, preferably near their collar bone. Thank you!
The week ahead:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar
- September 11: All-school Student Service Day, more details to come
- September 13: 1st United Bank Jr Board of Directors applications due (juniors and seniors)
- September 17: Dig Pink/Tackle Cancer pink dress down day fundraiser; Dig Pink events at home VB games
- September 20: Tackle Cancer event @ home football game
- September 21: Spirit Fest at Divine Mercy Catholic Church - see below for volunteer link
- September 22-23: Senior class retreat
- September 23-27: Homecoming Week: Wrangle the Wildcats!
REMINDER: NO SCHOOL Monday, September 2 for Labor Day.
May you have a restful and blessed long weekend!
In partnership,
Kris Sauer, Ed Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School
2023-2024 Yearbooks are in and were distributed to students this past week. Extra copies are available for purchase ($79.46). Contact Mrs. Kallie Battles to get your copy!
Homework Club starts next week and is available Monday, Tuesday and Thursdays from 3-4pm in Mrs. Kohl's 2nd floor library classroom. No need to sign up, students are invited to join her when they need to.
Parent Volunteer Opportunities: Divine Mercy Catholic Church is hosting their annual Spirit Fest event Saturday, September. BA parents who volunteer at this event can earn up to 5 BA parent service hours. Click HERE for the link to sign up. Volleyball & Football Home Games: Help needed to take tickets and work concessions at our fall home football and volleyball games. Find the game sign ups in POINT at: Click HERE for more information on our parent volunteer program. Find directions on how to self-report your hours HERE.
2024-2025 Parent Ambassadors: We are looking for a Grade 7 and Grade 10 parent representatives to serve as a liaison for each class with both the school and prospective families. Serving in this capacity fulfills the parent service hour requirement for the year. Find more information on the POINT BA page; click here for parent volunteer program information; contact Kris with questions.
2024-2025 Back-to-School web page: Click HERE for all your back to school resources!
Bethlehem Academy and the other members of the Gopher Conference have adopted GoFan as our digital ticketing platform. Get the GoFan app on your mobile device or visit the website to buy your tickets in advance. Volleyball and football passes are available as well.
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Moms in Prayer Group: Enrich your prayer life - all moms are invited to join this fabulous group Tuesdays at 1:45pm at BA in Sr Theresa's office in the basement level (stop in the front office for directions.) |
High School Updates
Juniors and Seniors! 1st United Bank Junior Board of Director Applications for this year are now available. Click HERE for a copy. All applications must be in by September 13th.
DMCS Job Opening!![]() |
Click HERE to register. ![]() |
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![]() Click HERE to sign up for confirmation. |
![]() Register HERE for Edge! |
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Lawn Mowing Job: Mary Ann, a BA neighbor on Willow Street, is looking for a BA student or adult to mow her lawn. Mower available on site, $20/time. Contact her at 507-334-3000 if interested.
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar: