Category : October 2022
Family Focus 10-28-22

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
October 28, 2022
Dear BA Families:
Thank you for attending conferences and meeting with our teachers. We value your partnership in the educational journey of your scholar. Please continue to reach out with questions as we begin our second quarter of the school year.
GO CARDINALS! This week BA was active! What a joy to be continuing in section playoff games for football and volleyball. Thank you for attending our games and supporting our scholars! Our lady Cardinals in Coop Cross Country are also heading to State - Congratulations! This week FFA attended the National Conference in Indianapolis. We look forward to learning more about the National FFA program. In addition, our National Honor Society inducted in new members during our Mass. It was a great week to be a Cardinal!
SOCKTOBER! Did you send in new socks? You still have one more day to send your socks in for SADD, on Monday, Oct 31. They are collecting socks for the homeless through St. Vincent de Paul.
DRESS DOWN DAY & TRUNK OR TREAT-Oct. 31: Students are invited to dress down or in costume for a $1 or bag of candy on Monday. Neat, clean, modest costumes encouraged. JOIN US Halloween night from 4-6pm as BA and DMCS host a joint "trick or treating" event in the BA parking lot. Families and clubs host various trunks. Open to the whole community, this event easily draws over 1000 people. Sign up a trunk HERE (this is a parent volunteer hour event)
OPEN HOUSE: Please invite families and potential students to our open house on Monday, November 7. This is a great time to showcase our school! Pre-registration for these families is helpful at: (Open House).
THINKING SNOBALL? If you're already shopping for Snoball Dresses, please keep in mind that we ask all dresses to be "modest." Dresses should not be shorter than 2 inches above the knee, or have low necklines. If you are not sure, please send a picture of you in your dress to Mrs. Piehl or Mrs. Reeder.
From the Parent/Student Handbook - "School expectations for dress and behavior are in effect for all BA dances. While attire may be more or less formal than the school day, it will continue to be evaluated in terms of being clean, neat, and modest. Modesty in dress is highly encouraged for dances because this is a reflection of Bethlehem Academy. It is possible that a student would be asked to change before entering the dance if he/she is wearing inappropriate attire."

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online.
- Oct 28: MS Halloween Dance (hosted by Jr Class/Prom), 7-9pm; Click HERE for registration form
- Oct 28: DMCS Prairie Fire "Snow White" performance, 6:30pm
- Oct 29: DMCS Prairie Fire "Snow White" performance, 6:30pm, See flyer HERE
- Oct 31: Trunk or Treat Dress Down, $1 or bag candy to wear costumes (neat, clean, modest, and no scary masks or plastic weapons please) proceeds go to Trunk or Treat event
- Oct 31: BA/DMCS Trunk or Treat event, 4-6pm; Register your trunk HERE; Cars out of BA main parking lot by 3:15pm.
- Nov. 1: All Saints Day Mass at BA at 10:20 a.m. at IC, 60 min Mass
- Nov 4: Founder's Day! BA celebrates with the Sinsinawa Dominicans on their founding day.
- Tastefully Simple Wolf Ridge fundraiser closes, see MS section for details;
- FFA fruit fundraiser closes, click HERE for flyer
- Nov 7: BA Open House for prospective students, 5:30-7:30pm, Pre-register HERE
- Nov 8: SADD poetry contest deadline, see below
- The Signery Post-Prom Fundraiser, 6:30-8:30pm, click HERE for a flyer with more information
- Nov 11: Veteran's Day program (May be moved to Nov. 14)
- Nov 12: Altar Server training for ALL servers at DMCC, 10am. See flyer HERE.
- Volunteers needed! BABS Committee members needed - help us plan for our largest fundraiser of the year! Sign up HERE. Find our new Volunteer Connection page HERE.
- Homework Club: Homework Club with Mrs. Kohl is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 3-4pm in Room 204. All students welcome!
- Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email by 8am if possible. Thank you!
Prayers for families struggling at this time, students with special needs, and prayers for peace in Ukraine.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
SADD Veteran's Day Poetry Contest: All students are invited to submit a poem or inspirational tribute speech about Veteran's Day or patriotism. Submissions due to Mrs. Donlon by Tues, Nov 8. Winner earns a $25 Target gift card & a chance to read their work at our Veteran's Day program Nov 11. All participants entered in a Caribou gift card drawing. See the flyer HERE.
Basketball Officials: BA needs individuals to officiate junior high basketball this winter. Contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Kleenex Needed! We would greatly appreciate any Kleenex donations as we approach the cold/flu season. We only have a few boxes left. Thank you!
Class of 2023 Seniors & Parents:
- College Application Fee Waiver Closes Oct 31: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities are are waiving their application fee for the ENTIRE MONTH of October. For more information, please check out the following:
- ACT Exams: Find ACT college test dates and registration deadlines at this LINK.
- SAT Testing: Find SAT college test dates and registration deadlines HERE.
Wolf Ridge Tastefully Simple Fundraiser to Nov 4: Support the Wolf Ridge trip! See an 8th grader for forms and to order these great Tastefully Simple products; click HERE for an information form; or To see the online catalog, go to and to order email Orders will be delivered directly to you by Thanksgiving.
Free Tutoring Service: Carleton College offers a FREE tutoring service to Rice County students. Sessions are typically via Zoom and 1:1 with a Carleton student once a week. Sign up HERE if interested.
School Calendar:
Family Focus 10/14/22

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
October 14, 2022
Dear BA Families:
MEA is almost here! Our first quarter of the academic year ends on Tuesday, October 18th with an early release at 1pm and conferences to follow from 1:30-6:30pm. They are in-person conferences this fall, our Feb winter conferences will be via Zoom. We look forward to sharing the progress and areas of growth with you! TO SIGN UP, CLICK HERE (sign up will close Mon, Oct 17 at 1pm so that faculty can prepare) and if you can, please bring a bag of candy for our Trunk or Treat event Oct 31 - 1000 community kids join us each year! Don't forget, school is closed Oct. 19-21 for MEA break.
SPOOKTACULAR CHALLENGE FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL: Did you sign up your middle school student or your entire family for Spooktacular this Saturday? We are encouraging middle school students to shine at the joint Spooktacular event. Students who participate can earn prizes. Same day registration available. We'll see you tomorrow!
CELEBRATING OUR PRIESTS: This week we thanked our three priests, Fr. John Powers, the BA Chaplain, and the priests of Divine Mercy Church: Fr. Clayton Forner and Fr. Cory Rohlfing. These men serve others without hesitation, presiding for Masses and funerals, serving our schools, and giving of themselves to ensure spiritual growth among all of us. Take a minute to thank our priests by sending an email, a note, or recognition gift!
SOCKTOBER! What is it? It's our SADD organization collecting socks for the homeless through St. Vincent de Paul. Send in new socks this month!
TRUNK OR TREAT: What is it? BA and DMCS host a joint "trick or treating" event in the BA parking lot from 4-6pm on Halloween, October 31st. Families and clubs host various trunks for students to stop at for treats. Open to the whole community, this event easily draws over 1000 people. Join the fun! Sign up a trunk HERE (this is a parent volunteer hour event)

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online.
- Oct 15: Spooktacular Fun Run; Same day registration open at 7am for 8:30am first race start!
- Oct 16: International Club Outing to Fireside Orchard
- Oct. 16 & 17: Senior Class Retreat
- Oct 18: Early Release @ 1pm, P/T Conferences 1:30-6:30pm Sign up HERE; bring a bag of candy for Trunk or Treat!
- Oct 19-21: MEA - NO SCHOOL
- Oct 26: NHS Induction @ 10:25am Mass
- Oct 28: MS Halloween Dance (hosted by Jr Class/Prom), 7-9pm; Click HERE for registration form
- Oct 31: Trunk or Treat Dress Down, $1 or bag candy to wear costumes (neat, clean, modest, and no scary masks or plastic weapons please) proceeds go to Trunk or Treat event
- Oct 31: BA/DMCS Trunk or Treat event, 4-6pm; Register your trunk HERE
- Nov. 1: All Saints Day Mass at BA at 10:30 a.m. at IC
- Nov 4: Tastefully Simple Wolf Ridge fundraiser closes, see MS section for details
- Nov 7: BA Open House for prospective students, 5:30-7:30pm, Pre-register HERE
- Nov 9: The Signery Post-Prom Fundraiser, 6:30-8:30pm, click HERE for a flyer with more information
- Volunteers needed! Sign up here: volleyball games, football games. Find our new Volunteer Connection page HERE.
- Homework Club: Homework Club with Mrs. Kohl is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 3-4pm in Room 204. All students welcome!
- Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email by 8am if possible. Thank you!
Prayers for peace in Ukraine and safe travels for families over MEA.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
BA School Directory Update: We will be finalizing the Bethlehem Academy School Directory soon. If you do not want your phone number or address in the directory, please contact the main office ASAP. The directories will include all families in grades 6-12 and will be distributed to all families that have paid their $30 Home & School dues. (You can still pay in the office or use the QR code to Venmo your fees.) Please make sure to notify the office of any phone, email or address changes for school correspondence and in the event that we need to reach you during the school day.
BABS Night Committee Volunteers Needed: Take part in planning BA's largest fundraising event of the year; food, games, entertainment, auctions, decorating & more - help is needed in all areas! Click HERE to sign up for the committee (this a parent service hours opportunity!) A staff member will connect with you to answer any questions you may have.
PowerSchool and Schoology: Please check your email for information about setting up your parent accounts for both the PowerSchool web portal and the Schoology website. Mobile apps are also available for PowerSchool and Schoology. PowerSchool will be the primary site to see grades and attendance information. Schoology will be the site to view what is currently happening in the classroom (assignments, lesson plans, notes, instructional videos, etc.). Please contact Ed Friesen for questions and assistance.
BA Positions available - We are still looking to fill positions on our Board Committees, for our BA Van, and for the BA Fair Stand. Contact President/Principal Mindy Reeder if interested.
Class of 2023 Seniors & Parents:
- College Application Fee Waiver: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities are are waiving their application fee for the ENTIRE MONTH of October. For more information, please check out the following:
- ACT Exams: Find ACT college test dates and registration deadlines at this LINK.
- SAT Testing: Find SAT college test dates and registration deadlines HERE.
Oct 15 Spooktacular Middle School Challenge: Same Day Registration Available starting at 7am! Middle school scholars are invited to join the October 15 BA/DMCS Halloween-themed Spooktacular Fun Run for Catholic education! Walk, run or participate virtually and get pledges to be eligible for prize drawings. On race day, enjoy candy stops on the route, prizes for best costumes & race winners. All participants get a free t-shirts; participating BA middle school students are eligible for weekly gift card drawings and entry into two prize drawings (have 2 race participants, entered into drawing for a squishmallow! AND if participant fees + pledges = $125, entered into drawing for 4 tickets to the MN Zoo Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular). Click HERE for the information sheet and pledge form. Register to run/walk in the Oct 15 event HERE. Register or turn in pledges by Monday, October 17 to be eligible for the prize drawings!
Wolf Ridge Tastefully Simple Fundraiser to Nov 4: Support the Wolf Ridge trip! See an 8th grader for forms and to order these great Tastefully Simple products; click HERE for an information form; orders will be delivered directly to you by Thanksgiving.
Free Tutoring Service: Carleton College offers a FREE tutoring service to Rice County students. Sessions are typically via Zoom and 1:1 with a Carleton student once a week. Sign up HERE if interested.
Milestone Senior Living has Openings for Resident Assistants for their part-time evening and weekend shift. This is particularly good position for students who may be interested in a career in health care or nursing. Find the flyer HERE or contact Amy Brunner at 507-331-2748 Ext #6 or if interested.
School Calendar:
Family Focus 10-7-22

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
October 7, 2022
Dear BA Families:
Happy Homecoming 2022! Congratulations to our Homecoming King Kyle Ernste and his escort Brooke Johnson! Scholars have had a full week of celebrations and special events. Our joint Homecoming Mass was a beautiful reflection of the Catholic schools of Faribault, from singing to instrumentation and our own alumnus, Fr. Mike Skluzacek 1971, as presider. Thank you for partnering with us throughout the week and and reminders to our scholars of appropriate behavior expectations. I hope to see you at our 7pm game tonight, Friday, Oct. 7 at Bruce Smith Field as we cheer on our Cardinals!
CONFERENCES! Fall BA Conferences 6-12th grade are slated for Tuesday, October 18 from 1:30-6:30 p.m. This is an early release day at 1 p.m. These are in-person conferences, our winter conferences will be via Zoom. Be sure to sign up with the teachers that you would like to meet with. We look forward to sharing the progress and areas of growth with you! TO SIGN UP, CLICK HERE.
SPOOKTACULAR CHALLENGE FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL: This year we are encouraging our Middle School students to shine at the joint Spooktacular event. Students who participate can earn prizes. I'll be walking the course with them on Oct. 15 - so sign up the entire family to support the Catholic Schools of Faribault!
SOCKTOBER! What is it? It's our SADD organization collecting socks for the homeless through St. Vincent de Paul. Send in new socks this month!
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online.
- Oct 12: Junior Parent Info Night, 7pm, cafeteria - more info in HS section
- Oct 12: Student of the Month, 7:30am, cafeteria
- PSAT for Juniors who signed up for exam
- Oct. 14: Peer Ministry Dress Down $$
- Oct 15: Spooktacular Fun Run; Sign up HERE; more info in middle school section below
- Oct 16: International Club Outing to Fireside Orchard, see info in HS section
- Oct. 16 & 17: Senior Class Retreat
- Oct 18: Early Release @ 1pm, P/T Conferences 1:30-6:30pm
- Oct 19-21: MEA - NO SCHOOL
- Oct 26: NHS Induction @ 10:25 Mass
- Oct 31: Trunk or Treat Dress Down, $1 or bag candy to wear costumes (modest, and no scary masks or plastic weapons, please) proceeds go to Trunk or Treat event
- Oct 31: BA/DMCS Trunk or Treat event, 4-6pm; Register your trunk HERE (parent volunteer hours!), more info below
- Nov 7: BA Open House for prospective students
- Volunteers needed! Sign up here: volleyball games, football games. Find our new Volunteer Connection page HERE.
- Homework Club: Homework Club with Mrs. Kohl is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 3-4pm in Room 204. All students welcome!
- Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email by 8am if possible. Thank you!
Prayers for safety and proper etiquette at tonights game and dance.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
BA/DMCS Trunk or Treat Oct 31 - Our biggest community event of the year is held Mon Oct 31 from 4-6pm in the BA parking lots. Free hot dogs and trick or treating for the entire Faribault community. Close to 1000 kids (and their family members!) have traditionally joined us to trick or treat from decorated car/truck trunks. Pulling off an event of this size truly takes our whole BA/DMCS community! Candy donations (1000 kids!) are welcome at any time in the BA Front Office. Sign up to be a trunk in this great event HERE. (This event earns parent volunteer hours.)
Positivity Project: Forgiveness (6-8) Grades (9-12): To review the trait of Forgiveness (you forgive those who have done wrong and you accept that people make mistakes) with your scholar, please click on the highlighted grades above (password: P2), where together you can watch a video, read a quote, and talk about the answers to three questions.BA Positions available - We are still looking to fill positions on our Board Committees, for our BA Van, and for the BA Fair Stand. Contact President/Principal Mindy Reeder if interested:
Junior Parent Info Night: Please join us for a Junior Parent Night presentation on Wednesday, October 12, at 7:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria. We will be covering what to expect for the rest of this year and how best to prepare for senior year. We look forward to seeing you there! (Students are not expected to attend but are more than welcome to attend!)
Class of 2023 Seniors & Parents:
- Senior Parents/Info Night Presentation: Thank you to those of you who attended the Senior Parent Informational Night. Your time was appreciated! Here is a link to the slides and the information and links contained within: Senior Parent Night Slides. If you missed the presentation, here is a link to the recorded presentation: Senior Parent Night Presentation.
- College Application Fee Waiver: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities are are waiving their application fee for the ENTIRE MONTH of October. For more information, please check out the following:
SAT Testing: Find SAT college test dates and registration deadlines (Oct 7 for the Nov 5 test) HERE.
International Club Field Trip Oct 16: Join us! The International Club works to connect our international exchange students with our BA host country students. Our first event of the year is at Fireside Orchard in Northfield. On Sun, Oct 16 we will meet in the BA parking lot at 11:30am. Students will carpool and return by 2:30pm. Admission is free, but students will need to bring their own money for lunch or other treats. We will receive a guided tour of the facilities, do an apple tasting, play yard games, have lunch, and have fun! Permission slips (click HERE) are due by Friday, Oct 7. Contact Ms. Tondryk with questions.
CLOSE UP TRIP 2023: Open to students in grades 9-12, the trip will be March 26-April 2, 2023, and include Washington, DC and New York City. Trip cost is $2970 and includes travel, food, hotels, tickets to events, and many other extras. Contact Dave Wollin with questions or visit the Project Close Up website.
Oct 15 Spooktacular Middle School Challenge: Middle school scholars are invited to join the October 15 BA/DMCS Halloween-themed Spooktacular Fun Run for Catholic education! Walk, run or participate virtually and get pledges to be eligible for prize drawings! On race day, enjoy candy stops on the route, prizes for best costumes & race winners. All participants get a free t-shirts; participating BA middle school students are eligible for weekly gift card drawings and entry into two prize drawings (have 2 race participants, entered into drawing for a squishmallow! AND if participant fees + pledges = $125, entered into drawing for 4 tickets to the MN Zoo Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular). Click HERE for the information sheet and pledge form. Register to run/walk in the Oct 15 event HERE. Register or turn in pledges by next Wed (Oct 6) for the first weekly drawing!
Free Eye Exam/Glasses Program: Shopko has a program entitled Kids In Focus which provides eye examinations and glasses for children (ages 5 – 17) who need them but do not have eye care insurance. Find out more by clicking here: Kids in Focus | Eye Care for Children in Need | Shopko Optical. A new Shopko Optical has opened in Faribault and the Faribault Lions Club has agreed to partner with them. If your scholar needs this service, please reach out to Mrs. Reeder or Mrs. White, our school nurse, will work with the Lions Club to provide a voucher for the examination and see that their visual needs are met.