Category : November 2022
Family Focus 11/18/22

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
November 18, 2022
Dear BA Families:
Blessed Thanksgiving to all of our families! We are so thankful for your partnership at Bethlehem Academy and invite you to join our school as we focus on gratitude this week and next: "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." - 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
GRANDPARENTS DAY - Tuesday, Nov. 22: Please extend an invitation to grandparents/special adults in your scholar's life to join us in the BA gymnasium on Tuesday, November 22 at 1 pm for a special program, tours, and cookies. (Regular 2:55pm release for scholars although some may leave early with grandparents, with your permission, after the program.) Click HERE for the invite and questionnaire. Click HERE for the 1pm Assembly Class Schedule.
SPECIAL HOUSES' SERVICE PROJECTS: On December 1st, our House Committee is planning for scholars to participate in a variety of service projects, tying blankets, making sandwiches for the homeless, and gift bags for emergency staff and area nursing homes. IF OUR STUDENTS WORK HARD AND COMPLETE THEIR SERVICE PROJECTS - We will all have December 21 off! Donations accepted toward these projects, please send either cash/check, small candy canes and bags of Hershey kisses or personal products to school! THANK YOU!
SENIOR PARENTS: There are updates for scholarships and awards as well as a revised process for graduation service cords on the High School Counselor's webpage, please check this often! (Counselor's Corner)
BENEFACTOR'S BRUNCH - DECEMBER 3: You're invited to join us for a special Mass and brunch to celebrate retired teacher, Ms. Eileen Kriechbaum and longtime BA supporters, Barb & Dick Rost as we honor them at 10am on Saturday, December 3, 2022, at BA.
SPECIAL ADVENT EVENTS: During Advent we have special Masses and our Christmas Concerts, so please mark your calendars!
- December 3: Benefactor's Brunch - 10am Mass followed by lunch and a short program. Please RSVP to by Nov. 30.
- December 6: St. Nicholas Day!
- December 8: 10:20 a.m. Immaculate Conception Mass at IC
- December 11: 6:30-7:30pm BA Band & Choir Christmas Concerts, please note, we moved the band concert to Dec. 11 as Dec. 12 is the celebration of Our Lady Guadalupe at the Parish.
- December 14: 10:20 a.m. BA will celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass at IC

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online.
- Nov 21: NHS $ Dress Down Day for Thanksgiving meal project; Boys basketball opens
- Nov. 22: Grandparents Day! Please invite grandparents and special adults to come to BA for a program, tours, and cookies at 1 pm! Click HERE for 1pm Assembly Class Schedule
- Nov. 23-25: NO SCHOOL - Happy Thanksgiving! God's blessings
- Dec. 1: Health Speaker for HS & WIN day for Houses (Service Projects)
- Dec 2: NHS $ Dress Down Day
- Dec 3: Benefactors Brunch
- Dec 8: Immaculate Conception Mass for BA/guests (10:20am, 60 min)
- Dec 11: Choir and Band Winter Concert, 6:30pm (NOTE NEW DATE FOR BAND CONCERT)
- Dec 14: Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass, 10:20am (60 min)
- Dec 16: SADD Ugly Xmas Sweater $ Dress Down Day
- Dec 21: BA Red Cross Blood Drive at Divine Mercy Catholic Church Sign up at and enter: Bethlehem Academy to schedule an appointment from 9am to 2pm.
- Dec 22-Jan 3: Christmas Break-NO SCHOOL
- Jan 4: Semester 2 begins
- Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email or call 507-334-3948, x 302 by 8am if possible. Thank you!
- Volunteers needed! BABS Committee members needed - help us plan for our largest fundraiser of the year! Sign up HERE. Find our new Volunteer Connection page HERE.
- MS Homework Club/HS Homework Help: Homework Club with Mrs. Kohl is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 3-4pm in Room 204 for middle school students. Academic support for high school students is led by Mrs. Ashley from 3-3:30pm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the library.
Wishing all of our families a blessed Thanksgiving Break. Since next week is a short week, we will not be sending out a Friday Focus. Enjoy this precious time with family and friends and keep each other in your prayers. BA will be closed November 23-25 and returns on Monday, November 28.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
Calling all recent BA graduates! Ms. Shane Roessler, School Counselor, is looking for recent graduates to return and be part of panel of college students to share what college is like, how it is different/same than high school and any other insider information that they wish they would have known their senior year in high school. We will be hosting this panel over a lunch period early January (the first week we return to school). If you know of a graduate who will be around during that time, please let Mrs. Shane Roessler know at, or call/text 507-291-3675. THANK YOU!
RaiseRight/Earn Even More Tuition Credit: To check out the November RaiseRight (Scrip) newsletter, click HERE. Wanted: people to help sell Scrip gift cards after Mass on the weekends. You will be able to choose the Mass times that work for you. You may choose to work once a month or more. A calendar schedule will be sent to you. You will earn $7 for your child’s tuition credit each time you sell. This would simply involve sitting at the desk in the Narthex and selling gift cards. When everyone is finished purchasing, you will count the inventory, sign the log sheet, and put the cards back in the safe. Interested? Please contact Peggy Johnson at or (507) 334-7706.
Basketball Registration: Registration is now open for participation in boys and girls basketball this winter. Please visit our sports website,, and click on the More menu to get the link for the registration form. The activity fee is $140 per participant. The fee may be paid online at under the More menu, by check or by contacting Ed Friesen ( to have the fee added to your tuition payment account. Participants must also have a valid sports physical clearance on file in the school's activities office. Sports physicals are good for 3 years from the date of the exam.
Boys Basketball Team Store: Get your BA Boys Basketball team and fan apparel now. Orders must placed by November 23. Click HERE for the team store!
Basketball Officials: BA needs individuals to officiate junior high basketball this winter. Contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Boys Basketball Middle School Coach Opening: BA is currently looking for an additional middle school boys basketball coach. Interested individuals may contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Counselor Tidbits: Click HERE for this week's tidbit on gratitude. Click HERE for the Counselor's Corner page on our website, including updated graduation service cord information.

Click HERE for the BA Bash raffle ticket order form.
Juniors & Seniors:
- ACT Exams: Find ACT college test dates and registration deadlines at this LINK.
- SAT Testing: Find SAT college test dates and registration deadlines HERE.
Online School Calendar:
Family Focus 11/11/22

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
November 11, 2022
Dear BA Families:
Happy Veteran's Day! What an honor to host area Veterans this morning and to hear from past American Legion commander and Air Force veteran, John McDonough. The service of our veterans to our country is a grand example to our scholars.
GRANDPARENTS DAY - Tuesday, Nov. 22: Please extend an invitation to grandparents/special adults in your scholar's life to join us in the BA gymnasium on November 22 at 1 pm for a special program, tours and cookies. (Regular 2:55pm release for scholars although some may leave early with grandparents, with your permission, after the program.) Click HERE for the invite and questionnaire.
SPECIAL ADVENT EVENTS: During Advent we have special Masses and our Christmas Concerts, so please mark your calendars, now!
- December 8: 10:30 a.m. Immaculate Conception Mass at IC
- December 11: 6:30-7:30 p.m. BA Band & Choir Christmas Concerts, please note, we moved the band concert to Dec. 11 as Dec. 12 is the celebration of Our Lady Guadalupe at the Parish.
- December 14: 10:30 a.m. BA will celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass at IC

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online.
- Nov 12: Altar Server training for ALL servers at DMCC, 10am. See flyer HERE.
- Nov 14: Girls basketball opens
- Nov 18: Prom Dress Down Day; Thanksgiving basket collection deadline (see below for more information)
- Nov 21: Boys basketball opens
- Nov. 22: Grandparents Day! Please invite grandparents and special adults to come to BA for a program, tours, and cookies at 1 pm!
- Nov. 23-25: NO SCHOOL - Happy Thanksgiving! God's blessings
- Dec 2: NHS Dress Down Day
- Dec 3: Benefactors Brunch
- Dec 8: Immaculate Conception Mass for BA and guests (10:30 a.m.)
- Dec 11: Choir and Band Winter Concert (NOTE NEW DATE FOR BAND CONCERT)
- Dec 21: BA Red Cross Blood Drive at Divine Mercy Catholic Church Sign up at and enter: Bethlehem Academy to schedule an appointment from 9am to 2pm.
- Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email or call 507-334-3948, x 302 by 8am if possible. Thank you!
- Volunteers needed! BABS Committee members needed - help us plan for our largest fundraiser of the year! Sign up HERE. Find our new Volunteer Connection page HERE.
- MS Homework Club/HS Homework Help: Homework Club with Mrs. Kohl is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 3-4pm in Room 204 for middle school students. Academic support for high school students is led by Mrs. Ashley offered 3-3:30pm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the library.
Wishing all of our families a blessed Thanksgiving Break. Since next week is a short week, we will not be sending out a Friday Focus. Enjoy this precious time with family and friends and keep each other in your prayers. BA will be closed Nov 23-25 and returns on Monday, Nov. 28.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
Thanksgiving Basket Drive: Peer Ministry is sponsoring a Thanksgiving basket collection. Students were given a suggested item to donate during homeroom this week. Deadline for collecting items is Friday, Nov 18. The goal is for each homeroom to create a Thanksgiving dinner basket that will then be donated to St. Vincent de Paul and our local food shelf. Please help if you can!
RaiseRight/Earn Even More Tuition Credit: To check out the November RaiseRight (Scrip) newsletter, click HERE. Wanted: people to help sell Scrip gift cards after Mass on the weekends. You will be able to choose the Mass times that work for you. You may choose to work once a month or more. A calendar schedule will be sent to you. You will earn $7 for your child’s tuition credit each time you sell. This would simply involve sitting at the desk in the Narthex and selling gift cards. When everyone is finished purchasing, you will count the inventory, sign the log sheet, and put the cards back in the safe. Interested? Please contact Peggy Johnson at or (507) 334-7706.
Basketball Registration: Registration is now open for participation in boys and girls basketball this winter. Please visit our sports website,, and click on the More menu to get the link for the registration form. The activity fee is $140 per participant. The fee may be paid online at under the More menu, by check or by contacting Ed Friesen ( to have the fee added to your tuition payment account. Participants must also have a valid sports physical clearance on file in the school's activities office. Sports physicals are good for 3 years from the date of the exam.
Boys Basketball Team Store: Get your BA Boys Basketball team and fan apparel now. Orders must placed by November 23. Click HERE for the team store!
Basketball Officials: BA needs individuals to officiate junior high basketball this winter. Contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Kleenex Needed! We would greatly appreciate any Kleenex donations as we approach the cold/flu season. We only have a few boxes left. Thank you!
Juniors & Seniors:
- ACT Exams: Find ACT college test dates and registration deadlines at this LINK.
- SAT Testing: Find SAT college test dates and registration deadlines HERE.

Online School Calendar:
Family Focus 11-4-22

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
November 4, 2022
Dear BA Families:
Welcome November! With the warm weather, it has not felt like November, although our playoff schedule certainly highlights the changing of the seasons. It is very exciting to move forward so confidently in playoffs with our volleyball ranked #1 and football #2 in sections - THANK YOU COACHES, STUDENTS & FAMILIES FOR YOUR SUPPORT! We also want to especially congratulate our Cross Country Coop Team as they head to State this Saturday! *Please note, if our volleyball and football teams make it to State, upcoming school days may be revised, depending on the day and times of the games.
This week BA celebrated Halloween in partnership with DMCS for our annual "Trunk or Treat" event. What a fantastic turnout and so many creative trunks! Our scholars also gathered for Mass on All Saints' Day with many from the community joining us for this Holy Day. It was a wonderful first week of November - God is shining down!
BA OPEN HOUSE-Monday, November 7: Please invite families and potential new students to our open house on Monday, November 7. This is a great time to showcase our school! Pre-registration for these families is helpful at: (Open House).
VETERAN'S DAY PROGRAM AT BA: Please join us for a short Veteran's Day program on Friday, Nov. 11 at 8:30 a.m. in the gymnasium. IF WE ARE AT STATE FOR VOLLEYBALL, WE MAY POSTPONE TO MONDAY, NOV. 14.
NEW FACES AT BA: Over the next few months students may comment about new faces, extra staff in some classrooms. In addition to observations and support from Mr. Wollersheim and me, some of our new teachers are also assigned outside coaches who are supporting their professional development needs as new teachers. These coaches will be in the classroom more often during the second semester.
GRANDPARENTS DAY - Tuesday, Nov. 22: Please extend an invitation to grandparents/special adults in your scholar's life. Join us in the BA gymnasium Nov 22 at 1 pm for a special program, tours and cookies. Regular 2:55pm release for scholars.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online.
- Nov 7: BA Open House for prospective students, 5:30-7:30pm, Pre-register HERE
- Nov 8: SADD poetry contest deadline, see below
- The Signery Post-Prom Fundraiser, 6:30-8:30pm, click HERE for a flyer with more information
- Nov 11: Veteran's Day program (May be moved to Nov. 14)
- Nov 12: Altar Server training for ALL servers at DMCC, 10am. See flyer HERE.
- Nov. 22: Grandparents Day! Please invite grandparents and special adults to come to BA for a program, tours, and cookies at 1 p.m.!
- Nov. 23-25: NO SCHOOL - Happy Thanksgiving! God's blessings
- Volunteers needed! BABS Committee members needed - help us plan for our largest fundraiser of the year! Sign up HERE. Find our new Volunteer Connection page HERE.
- Homework Club: Homework Club with Mrs. Kohl is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 3-4pm in Room 204. All students welcome!
- Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email by 8am if possible. Thank you!
Prayers for families struggling at this time, students with special needs, and prayers for peace in Ukraine.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
SADD Veteran's Day Poetry Contest: All students are invited to submit a poem or inspirational tribute speech about Veteran's Day or patriotism. Submissions due to Mrs. Donlon by Tues, Nov 8. Winner earns a $25 Target gift card & a chance to read their work at our Veteran's Day program Nov 11. All participants entered in a Caribou gift card drawing. See the flyer HERE.
Counselor Tidbits: This week we are touching on technology! Click HERE for the flyer. Click HERE for the Counselor's Corner page on our website.
Basketball Officials: BA needs individuals to officiate junior high basketball this winter. Contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Kleenex Needed! We would greatly appreciate any Kleenex donations as we approach the cold/flu season. We only have a few boxes left. Thank you!
Juniors & Seniors:
- ACT Exams: Find ACT college test dates and registration deadlines at this LINK.
- SAT Testing: Find SAT college test dates and registration deadlines HERE.
Wolf Ridge Tastefully Simple Fundraiser to Nov 4: Support the Wolf Ridge trip! See an 8th grader for forms and to order these great Tastefully Simple products; click HERE for an information form; or To see the online catalog, go to and to order email Orders will be delivered directly to you by Thanksgiving.
School Calendar: