Category : December 2022
Family Focus 12/16/22

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
December 16, 2022
Dear BA Families:
BLESSED 3rd WEEK OF ADVENT! This week began with our Christmas Concert on Sunday. What beautiful music our scholars created to celebrate the season! Congratulations to our band and choir directors, Mr. Lorence and Ms. Cicha on a wonderful concert. Our scholars also gathered for a special Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass, delivered our service projects to the community, and completed our FFA giving tree gifts. The snow arrived on Thursday, delaying our start and canceling our 10th and 11th grade retreat - we will reschedule for later in the year. The Back 40 does look like a Winter Wonderland!
COUNSELOR UPDATE: We are saddened to share that one of our counselors, Shane Roessler, has accepted a new position with the judicial courts. She is excited about this change, but sad to leave. Please click HERE to read her personal update. We will be working with Phoenix Counseling in replacing the counselor as soon as possible.
MERRY CHRISTMAS! I want to wish each family, each scholar, a beautiful Christmas! May the Holy Spirit guide you and wrap you in loving arms as you celebrate during break with friends and family. We are thankful for you!
- The BA Annual Fund drive is at $97,200 with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! We are so thankful to our supporters and will receive a $40,000 match for reaching $100,000 by 12/31/22. Thank you for considering an end-of-year gift!
- Looking for a fun stocking stuffer? Purchase a BA Bash raffle ticket, still available next week in the office!
- Post Prom has a Dine Out scheduled from 4-8pm Dec. 20 at Perkins! Go out to eat and support Post Prom!
- Join us at the BA Red Cross Blood Drive on Dec. 21 at DMCC. See info below.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online.
- Dec 19 & 20: Finals for High School *Dress down days! See above.
- Dec 20: Dining Night Out at Perkins, 4-8pm, dine in or take out; 10% of sales back to BA Post Prom
- Dec 21: BA Red Cross Blood Drive at Divine Mercy Catholic Church-volunteers & donors needed! See below for info.
- Dec 21-Jan 3: Christmas Break-NO SCHOOL
- Jan 4: Semester 2 begins with a Red 40-min Mass day
- Jan 6: Student Council $ Dress Down Day
- Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email or call 507-334-3948, x 302 by 8am if possible. Thank you!
- MS Homework Club/HS Homework Help: Homework Club with Mrs. Kohl is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 3-4pm in Room 204 for middle school students. Academic support for high school students is led by Mrs. Ashley from 3-3:30pm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the library.
Please continue to pray for staff with ailing family members, students with sick family members or parents recovering from surgery, and families with special needs this Christmas. May the light of Advent bring them hope!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
Office Hours During Break: During Christmas break, any communication, donations, or raffle tickets may be mailed in or dropped off at the side entrance door, Door C. The office will be open:
- Wed., Dec. 21 – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- Wed., Dec. 28 – 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The office will be closed all other days through January 2. January 3rd is a teacher workday and the office will be open 8am-3pm. We wish you a blessed Christmas break and a Happy New Year!
Band/Choir Christmas Concert video: Click here for a link to the Dec 11 Christmas concert and thank you to FCTV for editing the video!

BA Blood Drive: BA will be hosting a blood drive at Divine Mercy Catholic Church December 21 from 9am– 2pm. More donor spots added! We are still looking for student volunteers. Students can earn service hours for each hour they are present. Click here to volunteer or donate blood: Volunteer Link; Blood Donor Link. Thank you!
BA's American Heart Challenge: This is a service learning program sponsored by SADD and the American Heart Association where students will learn the health effects of vaping & tobacco and earn 2 hours of community service for participating. Registration is at this link - donation and participation deadline is December 20, 2022.
RaiseRight Update: Click HERE for the December newsletter.BABS Donations needed! Consider adding BABS to your holiday shopping list! Find our BABS Amazon wish list at: Thank you!

BA Bash Raffle: Click HERE for the BA Bash raffle ticket order form.
Basketball Game Volunteers: The high school basketball season is upon us. With 2 dozen home games from December through February, there are many volunteer opportunities. We need parent volunteers to sell admission (tickets) and to work in the concession stand. Click the links to volunteer at an upcoming game: Girls Basketball Volunteers; Boys Basketball Volunteers
Basketball Officials: BA needs individuals to officiate junior high basketball this winter. Contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Counselor Tidbits: Click HERE for an update on Couseling Office staffing. Click HERE for the Counselor's Corner page on our website, including updated graduation service cord information.
Positivity Project: This week's character focus is Self-Control. Click here for more information.HIGH SCHOOL UPDATES
- After school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30 (link to info)
- Please remind your high school student to check their email and class Schoology on a regular basis! (Thank you for your support with this!)
Online School Calendar:
Family Focus 12/9/22

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
December 9, 2022
Dear BA Families:
BLESSED 2nd WEEK OF ADVENT! This week we celebrated St. Nicholas's Feast Day, participated in the Immaculate Conception Mass with parishioners, and gathered for Reconciliation and Adoration. We also held a dress down to support the Friesen family. Each week of Advent brings us closer in our relationship with Christ as we prepare for His coming.
As we draw closer to the end of our first semester of the school year, we are thankful for each family, each student, and each benefactor that supports BA through gifts of time, talent and treasure. This past Saturday we honored former teacher, Eileen Kriechbaum and long-time supporters, Barb and Dick Rost, as new inductees into our Court of Honor. What a joy to honor those who support our mission! We are blessed by so much support for BA!
FUNDRAISERS & EVENTS AT BA: In order to live out our mission, there is always a fundraiser or event at our school! Presently, we're inviting families to support either our Annual Fund drive, with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year, or purchase a BA Bash raffle ticket - it makes a great stocking stuffer! To date, our Annual Fund is at $84,400 - with a goal to reach $100,000 before the end of the year in order to receive up to $40,000 in matching funds! In addition, our Post Prom has a Dine Out schedule for Dec. 20 and BA is hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on Dec. 21 while our FFA collects needed items for families in the area. See below for more information.
CHRISTMAS CONCERT: Please remember to join us for our Christmas Concert on Sunday, December 11th beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the BA gymnasium featuring our bands and choirs. High school band and choir students should report at 5:45 p.m., middle school students should report by 6 p.m.
- Middle School Band Attire: Please dress up, Santa hats are allowed. Follow normal dress code rules.
- Middle School Choir Attire: Please dress up in black and white and follow normal dress code rules.
- High School Band Attire: Please wear all black. Follow normal dress code rules.
- High School Choir Attire: Dress up, but students will wear choir robes.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online.
- Dec 11: 6:30-7:30pm BA Band & Choir Christmas Concerts
- Dec 13: WIN Day, 1pm schedule
- Dec 14: Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass, 10:20am (60 min)
- Dec 14: Candy gram order deadline, see info below
- Dec 14: FFA Christmas Giving Tree gift deadline, see info below
- Dec 15: Grade 10 & 11 retreat @ St. Patrick's Church in Shieldsville
- Dec 16: SADD Ugly Xmas Sweater $ Dress Down Day - Finals begin
- Dec 19 & 20: Finals for High School *Dress down days! See above.
- Dec 20: Dining Night Out at Perkins, 4-8pm, dine in or take out; 10% of sales back to BA Post Prom
- Dec 21: NO SCHOOL
- Dec 21: BA Red Cross Blood Drive at Divine Mercy Catholic Church-volunteers needed! See below for info.
- Dec 21-Jan 3: Christmas Break-NO SCHOOL
- Jan 4: Semester 2 begins
- Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email or call 507-334-3948, x 302 by 8am if possible. Thank you!
- MS Homework Club/HS Homework Help: Homework Club with Mrs. Kohl is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 3-4pm in Room 204 for middle school students. Academic support for high school students is led by Mrs. Ashley from 3-3:30pm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the library.
Please continue to pray for staff with ailing family members, students with sick family members, struggling students, and families with special needs this Christmas. May the light of Advent bring them hope!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
Rome Trip Summer 2024: It's not too late to join! Please contact Ms Caryn Coller if interested.

BA's American Heart Challenge: This is a service learning program sponsored by SADD and the American Heart Association where students will learn the health effects of vaping & tobacco and earn 2 hours of community service for participating. Registration is at this link - donation and participation deadline is December 20, 2022.
BA Blood Drive: BA will be hosting a blood drive at Divine Mercy Catholic Church December 21 from 9am– 2pm. We are still looking for 8 student volunteers. Students can earn service hours for each hour they are present. Click here to volunteer: Volunteer Link. All blood donations slots have been filled. Thank you!Calling all recent BA graduates! Ms. Shane Roessler, School Counselor, is looking for recent graduates to return and be part of panel of college students to share what college is like, how it is different/same than high school and any other insider information that they wish they would have known their senior year in high school. We will be hosting this panel over a lunch period early January (the first week we return to school). If you know of a graduate who will be around during that time, please let Mrs. Shane Roessler know at, or call/text 507-291-3675. THANK YOU!
RaiseRight Update: Last weekly order before Christmas is due Tues, Dec 13. Limited supply of small denomination gift cards available at DMCS and at Divine Mercy Church. Click HERE for the December newsletter with more information.BABS Donations needed! Consider adding BABS to your holiday shopping list! Find our BABS Amazon wish list at: Thank you!
Basketball Game Volunteers: The high school basketball season is upon us. With 2 dozen home games from December through February, there are many volunteer opportunities. We need parent volunteers to sell admission (tickets) and to work in the concession stand. See the links below to volunteer at an upcoming game:
- Girls Basketball Volunteers:
- Boys Basketball Volunteers:
Basketball Officials: BA needs individuals to officiate junior high basketball this winter. Contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Boys Basketball Middle School Coach Opening: BA is currently looking for an additional middle school boys basketball coach. Interested individuals may contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Counselor Tidbits: Click HERE for this a tidbit on gratitude. Click HERE for the Counselor's Corner page on our website, including updated graduation service cord information.

Click HERE for the BA Bash raffle ticket order form.
Positivity Project: This week's character focus is Self-Control. Click here for more information.
- After school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30 (link to info)
- Please remind your high school student to check their email and class Schoology on a regular basis! (Thank you for your support with this!)
Middle School News: Click HERE to find the second quarter middle school newsletter. You should also have received a copy by email. Please contact your child’s advisory teacher if you have any questions or concerns. Thank your for partnering with us at Bethlehem Academy!
DIVINE MERCY CATHOLIC SCHOOL/CHURCH UPDATESHelp Wanted: Divine Mercy Catholic School is seeking a 9th-12th grade student to assist in their After School Program. This can be Monday-Friday or shared with another person and can range in time from 3:00-4:30 pm or later, if needed. This is a paid position. Please contact Ginger Van Hecke at DMCS if you are interested.
Online School Calendar:
Family Focus 12/2/22

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
December 2, 2022
Dear BA Families:
BLESSED ADVENT! This week began our first week of Advent. Our Peer Ministry led us in a special Advent prayer. All of our students gathered in Houses to complete service projects. Together we created 9 throw blankets, 240 Christmas gift bags for elderly and EMT providers, as well as 105 veteran cards. It was a wonderful way to start Advent!
SPECIAL HOUSES' SERVICE PROJECTS: We completed our service commitment and will have December 21 off from school! Our last day of school before Christmas break will be Tuesday, Dec. 20. Please remember, high school students have finals so it is important that they are here!
SENIOR PARENTS: There are updates for scholarships and awards as well as a revised process for graduation service cords on the High School Counselor's webpage, please check this often! (Counselor's Corner)

UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online.
- Dec 3: Benefactors Brunch
- Dec 6: St. Nicholas Day! Rome Trip meeting @ 3pm (see below)
- Dec 7: Student of the Month, 7:30am; Wolf Ridge parent meeting, 6pm Rm 207
- Dec 8: Immaculate Conception Mass for BA/guests (10:30am, 60 min)
- Dec 9: Reconciliation, 12-2:30pm; special schedule
- Dec 11: 6:30-7:30pm BA Band & Choir Christmas Concerts, please note, we moved the band concert to Dec. 11 as Dec. 12 is the celebration of Our Lady Guadalupe at the Parish
- Dec 13: WIN Day, 1pm schedule
- Dec 14: Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass, 10:20am (60 min)
- Dec 14: Candy gram order deadline (see info below)
- Dec 15: Grade 10 & 11 retreat @ Shieldsville
- Dec 16: SADD Ugly Xmas Sweater $ Dress Down Day
- Dec 21: NO SCHOOL
- Dec 21: BA Red Cross Blood Drive at Divine Mercy Catholic Church see below for volunteer and donation info
- Dec 21-Jan 3: Christmas Break-NO SCHOOL
- Jan 4: Semester 2 begins
- Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email or call 507-334-3948, x 302 by 8am if possible. Thank you!
- Volunteers needed! BABS Committee members needed - help us plan for our largest fundraiser of the year! Sign up HERE. Find our new Volunteer Connection page HERE.
- MS Homework Club/HS Homework Help: Homework Club with Mrs. Kohl is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 3-4pm in Room 204 for middle school students. Academic support for high school students is led by Mrs. Ashley from 3-3:30pm every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the library.
As you may be aware, my Advent began with the loss of my mother. She had been on hospice, so although it was not a surprise, it is always a loss to lose a loved one. We will celebrate her life on Monday, December 5. Your kind words and prayers are appreciated. Please continue to pray for staff with ailing family members, students who are struggling and all of our families this Christmas that the light of Advent will inspire them!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
Rome Trip Info Meeting: There will be an informational meeting for BA's trip to Rome the summer of 2024 in Mr. Nuehring’s room on Tues, Dec 6 at 3pm. If scholars are unable to make it or have questions, please see Ms. Coller or Mr. Nuehring.
Rome Trip Candy Grams: Help support the Bethlehem Academy Rome pilgrimage trip for summer of 2024! Candy canes with a message can be ordered for $1.00 each. Candy canes will be delivered December 19th. Return the order form (find it HERE) with payment to the Bethlehem Academy office by December 14th. Label the envelope: Candy Gram. Thank you for your support!
BA's American Heart Challenge: Allana Kern, Director of Youth Market with the American Heart Association, spoke to high school students yesterday. Below is a message from Allana regarding her talk:
BA Families: We are excited to announce that December’s health topic is focused on NO VAPING OR TOBACCO! We know from scripture that our body is to be treated well. We were bought at a price and are not our own (1 Corinthians 6:20). That's why Bethlehem Academy, with your SADD club's sponsorship, is taking on the American Heart Challenge! It is an amazing service learning program where students will learn the health effects of vaping & tobacco, and they can even earn 2 hours of community service just for participating! Registration has begun, and I would like to invite you to join the effort as part of our school team at this link. I greatly appreciate your support and look forward to making a difference in the health of our community this December. Thank you, Allana Kern
BA Blood Drive: December 21 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m., BA will be hosting a blood drive at Divine Mercy Catholic Church. We are looking for many volunteers to fill slots for each hour. Students can earn service hours for each hour they are present. If a scholar is interested in giving blood at this drive, there are some requirements: be at least 17 years old (16 with parental consent), weigh at least 110 lbs., and you have not donated blood in the last 56 days. Click these links to sign up: Volunteer Link; Blood Donation LinkCalling all recent BA graduates! Ms. Shane Roessler, School Counselor, is looking for recent graduates to return and be part of panel of college students to share what college is like, how it is different/same than high school and any other insider information that they wish they would have known their senior year in high school. We will be hosting this panel over a lunch period early January (the first week we return to school). If you know of a graduate who will be around during that time, please let Mrs. Shane Roessler know at, or call/text 507-291-3675. THANK YOU!
RaiseRight/Earn Even More Tuition Credit: To check out the November RaiseRight (Scrip) newsletter, click HERE. Wanted: people to help sell Scrip gift cards after Mass on the weekends. You will be able to choose the Mass times that work for you. You may choose to work once a month or more. A calendar schedule will be sent to you. You will earn $7 for your child’s tuition credit each time you sell. This would simply involve sitting at the desk in the Narthex and selling gift cards. When everyone is finished purchasing, you will count the inventory, sign the log sheet, and put the cards back in the safe. Interested? Please contact Peggy Johnson at or (507) 334-7706.BABS Donations needed! Consider adding BABS to your holiday shopping list! Find our BABS Amazon wish list at: Thank you!
Basketball Registration: Please visit our sports website,, and click on the More menu to get the link for the registration form. The activity fee is $140 per participant. The fee may be paid online at under the More menu, by check or by contacting Ed Friesen ( to have the fee added to your tuition payment account. Participants must also have a valid sports physical clearance on file in the school's activities office. Sports physicals are good for 3 years from the date of the exam.
Basketball Officials: BA needs individuals to officiate junior high basketball this winter. Contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Boys Basketball Middle School Coach Opening: BA is currently looking for an additional middle school boys basketball coach. Interested individuals may contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948) if interested.
Counselor Tidbits: Click HERE for this week's tidbit on gratitude. Click HERE for the Counselor's Corner page on our website, including updated graduation service cord information.

Click HERE for the BA Bash raffle ticket order form.
- After school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30 (link to info)
- Second semester schedule changes are DUE by December 8. Forms are available in the library outside of the counseling office.
- Please remind your high school student to check their email and class Schoology on a regular basis! (Thank you for your support with this!)
Help Wanted: Divine Mercy Catholic School is seeking a 9th-12th grade student to assist in their After School Program. This can be Monday-Friday or shared with another person and can range in time from 3:00-4:30 pm or later, if needed. This is a paid position. Please contact Ginger Van Hecke at DMCS if you are interested.
Online School Calendar: