Category : April 2023
Family Focus 4/28/23

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
April 28, 2023
Dear BA Families:
Welcome May! As we turn the calendar to the last month of the school year, I look back at all our scholars have achieved - we are proud of our Cardinals! We have also achieved more of our strategic plans to continually improve the Bethlehem Academy legacy and tradition.
Achievements from our Strategic Plan in 2022-23 include:
- New courses and programs
- Increased student support for high school
- Continued Social Emotional Learning & Houses
- Strong participation in athletics and activities, including District, Regional, and State awards in: Football, Volleyball, Coop Sports, Spelling Bee, Band & Choir Excellent & Superior ratings and History Day and FFA State awards.
- Increased student retreats and all-school service events
- New doors on classrooms, new parking lot, and new bricks on south outside wall.
- Balanced budget and increased revenue through fundraisers and donations.
KUDOS! Congratulations to our FFA Team at the State Convention. Check out our facebook page for all the details and awards. Additionally, we are so proud of all of our students and staff who in our theater production, open this weekend. Come out to see this wonderful production! Thanks to our Patrick Baucher, our director from the Paradise Center of the Arts, and Jason Hillesheim for set, art and lights!
REGISTRATION: A special thank you to everyone who has registered for next year. We are at 90% registered and thank you for the time this takes to complete the scholarship application and enrollment forms. Award letters will be out in early May. If you have questions about next year, please do reach out. Ms. Sauer and I will be following up, as well.
- BA Staff Retiring: Steve Zabel, Julie Trnka, Barb Johnson and Tammy Anderson (Please contact me to learn more.)
- BA Teachers Leaving: Father John Powers and Mark Nuehring
- New Staff for 2023-24: Cecilia Allen will be added to our High School Math Department, see her write up below and welcome her back! Jolene Beske will be teaching business courses, she was announced several weeks ago. Katy Ashley will begin her studies to become a teacher and will be teaching a few courses as well as supporting high school students next year.
- The BA Annual Fund drive is at $225,700+ with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! Gifts accepted through June 30, 2023.
- Watch for information on our Cardinal Club Raffle, the Cardinal Cafe at the Rice County Fair, our SMART Ride and Cardinal Golf Classic!
UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar
- April 28-30: Spring Play @ BA: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, see info below
- May 1: Daily open campus begins for eligible seniors
- May 3:
- AP English Lit Exam
- HS Guatemala Mission Trip Info Meeting, 6pm, Room 107 (option #1)
- May 4:
- 6th grade field trip to River Bend Nature Center, click HERE for permission slip
- AP Statistics Exam
- May 5: AP European History Exam
- May 6:
- May 7: HS Guatemala Mission Trip info meeting (option #2), 6pm DMCC
- May 8: Last 1pm WIN day of the quarter for support
- May 9: AP English Language Exam
- May 10:
- Student of the Month, 7:30am
- BA Band/Choir Spring Concert, 6:30pm in Van Orsow Auditorium
- May 11: AM WIN Schedule - House Activity; AVANT Spanish Test
- Positions available at Bethlehem Academy for 2023-2024, contact Mindy Reeder at 507-334-3948 or at
- Full and/or part-time positions in the Front Office
- Kitchen Manager; and
- Maintenance Supervisor
- DMCS is hiring a full-time admissions, marketing and fundraising director. Contact Gina Ashley @ for info
Please join me in prayers this spring as we wrap up our school year, praying for our scholars and teachers in the final weeks of the school year with special prayers for our seniors.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
Welcome back, Cecilia Allen! Greetings Bethlehem Academy Family! It appears as though the saying “Once a Cardinal, always a Cardinal” is really true. After a seven year absence from the halls of Bethlehem Academy, I will be returning this fall as a part-time math teacher. Faribault has been home for my husband Paul and I for 23 years and all four of our children went through the DMCS and BA school systems. After graduating from Winona State University in 1986, I have spent 35 of those years teaching math to both elementary, middle, and high school students with some private tutoring on the side. Of those 35 years, 31 have been at Catholic Schools including BA from 2000 - 2016 and DMCS from 2017 - present. God has blessed me with the opportunity to work in both schools and I am very thankful. I am truly looking forward to doing everything I can to help BA students understand (and hopefully enjoy) the beauty of mathematics all while being surrounded by a community of faith-filled people who live and practice that faith!
Order your 2022-2023 BA Yearbook! Click HERE to order online or use the form found here and return to the front office with your payment. Orders due May 31. Contact Mr. Zabel at with questions.
RaiseRight (SCRIP) Tuition Credit Program Update for April: Click HERE.
Summer Math Tutoring: Lynette Battles will be offering math tutoring this summer for 4th-8th grade students. Cost is $150 for 6 one hour sessions. Please email her at for more information and availability.
DMCC Summer Programs: Great opportunities this summer through the Divine Mercy Catholic Church youth groups, including Totus Tuus and the high school Steubenville Conference. See the flyer below; learn more and sign up at this link.
Prom/Post-Prom information: Click HERE for Into the Night Prom information and HERE for a non-BA student guest permission form. Click HERE for Post-Prom information and the permissions slip. All permission slips are due April 28.
Juniors: Sign up for STRIVE: STRIVE, a Faribault Rotary-sponsored program is taking registrations for the 2023-2024 school year. Sign up to participate HERE.
Senior Parents: Open Campus Information-Daily open campus begins Monday, May 1 for eligible seniors. Lunch and study halls are eligible, Mass is not. Please contact Mr. Wollersheim at or 507-334-3948 with questions.
High School Reminders:
( After school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30link to info)
Senior Scholarships: Click HERE for a list of college and community scholarship opportunities, requirements and deadlines.
Student volunteers needed! Sign up for this student service hour event HERE.
Learn more about these summer programs at DMCC and sign up at this link.
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 4-21-23

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
April 21, 2023
Dear BA Families:
THANK YOU! BABS 2023 was a fantastic event. We surpassed fundraising goals - Thank you to our sponsors, our families, our staff, our supporters and alumni, and especially our BABS Committee! Our gross profit was over $155,000 with our fund-a-need over $76,000 + an additional $25,000 match. GOD IS GOOD!
2023-24 SCHOOL YEAR: We value your partnership and strive each year to implement plans from our Strategic Plan in order to continue in all areas of our mission as a school of excellence. We encourage you to talk with us and complete the parent survey so that we can evaluate and capture all of our strengths and areas for growth. See the links highlighted above.
REGISTRATION: A special thank you to everyone who has registered for next year. I know this takes time to complete the scholarship application and enrollment forms and we appreciate your completion of these necessary forms. If you have questions about next year, please do reach out. Ms. Sauer and I will be following up, as well.
STAFFING UPDATES: Each spring staffing decisions and retirement plans are made. I always find this a hard time of year as we treasure each member of the BA family. This spring Steve Zabel, Julie Trnka, and Barb Johnson have decided to retire. Additionally, Tammy Anderson plans to spend more time with her new grand-baby; therefore, we have several staff positions open for next year. Please contact me to learn more if you are interested in applying! Father John Powers has been reassigned to a Dayton, MN, parish and we do not know yet if a new Chaplain will be reassigned. Additionally, we plan to add to our math department and evaluate the possibility of hiring of Middle School Dean of Students. We will keep you updated of other staffing announcements.
- The BA Annual Fund drive is at $225,000+ with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! Gifts accepted through June 30, 2023.
- Watch for information on our Cardinal Club Raffle, the Cardinal Cafe at the Rice County Fair, our SMART Ride and Cardinal Golf Classic!
UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar
- April 21: Middle School Lock In, 7-11pm.
- April 25: Parent Survey deadline. Fill out HERE.
- April 26: Grade 11 College Fair/Twins Game
- April 27: Grade 6-7 retreat (@ BA)
- April 28-30: Spring Play @ BA: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- May 6: Prom
- May 10:
- Student of the Month, 7:30am
- BA Band/Choir Spring Concert
- Positions available at Bethlehem Academy for 2023-2024, contact Mindy Reeder at 507-334-3948 or at
- Full and/or part-time positions in the Front Office
- Kitchen Manager; and
- Maintenance Supervisor
- DMCS is hiring a full-time admissions, marketing and fundraising director. Contact Gina Ashley @ for info
Please join me in prayers this spring as we wrap up our school year, praying for our scholars and teachers in the final weeks of the school year with special prayers for our seniors.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
2023 Parent Survey: As we plan for next year, we would value your feedback to make our school and community stronger! Please take our short parent survey found HERE by Tuesday, April 25.
Order your 2022-2023 BA Yearbook! Click HERE to order online or use the form found here and return to the front office with your payment. Orders due May 31. Contact Mr. Zabel at with questions.
RaiseRight (SCRIP) Tuition Credit Program Update for April: Click HERE.

Summer Camps @ BA: Volleyball and Robotics Info Just Added! Check out our great summer camp offerings for students elementary through high school. Open to all area students. Click HERE for information and registration forms for football, basketball, volleyball, robotics camps and summer voice lessons.
DMCC Summer Programs: Great opportunities this summer through the Divine Mercy Catholic Church youth groups, including Totus Tuus and the high school Steubenville Conference. See the flyer below; learn more and sign up at this link.
Prom/Post-Prom information: Click HERE for Into the Night Prom information and HERE for a non-BA student guest permission form. Click HERE for Post-Prom information and the permissions slip. All permission slips are due April 28.
Senior Parents: Open Campus Information- Find BA's Open Campus Policy and parent permission form HERE. Please contact Mr. Wollersheim at or 507-334-3948 with questions.
High School Reminders:
( After school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30link to info)
Senior Scholarships: Click HERE for a list of college and community scholarship opportunities, requirements and deadlines.
Learn more about these summer programs at DMCC and sign up at this link.
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 4-14-23

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
April 14, 2023
Dear BA Families:
I look forward to seeing many of you at BABS - we are sold out for the dinner, but 7pm Live Auction tickets are still available! This is our most important fundraiser of the year and we thank you for your support. Here are links to all of the ways to connect for BABS 2023:
- Order BABS raffle tickets HERE. Cash, gift card & filled BruTank cooler among the raffle prizes! Drop forms off at BA until 5pm Friday or at the door Saturday from 5-7pm.
- No Gala ticket? No worries! Join us for the Live Auction and Fund-A-Need! Entrance at 7pm, drink ticket included. Order at the door or in advance HERE.
- Silent Auction Open! Check out the fabulous auction items and place your bids HERE. Bidding closes Sunday, April 16 @ 2pm. Pick up items Sunday from 3-5pm or by appointment during school hours.
- Parent volunteers needed! Help needed tomorrow at the bread and bead game sales. Sign up HERE.
- The BA Annual Fund drive is at $224,761+ with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! Gifts accepted through June 30, 2023.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar
- April 15: BABS Red & Black Gala - BA's BIGGEST event of the year.
- April 16: BABS Silent Auction bidding closes at 2pm. Item pickup from 3-5pm in the BA lobby or by appointment (507-334-3948) during school hours.
- April 17: Middle School Lockin (April 21) permission slips due to Ms. Coller. Click HERE for the permission slip.
- April 18:
- April 20: Afternoon WIN schedule/Club yearbook photos taken. *National Tornado Drill
- April 21: Middle School Lock In, 7-11pm.
- April 25: Parent Survey deadline. Fill out HERE.
- April 26: Grade 11 College Fair/Twins Game
- April 27: Grade 6-7 retreat (@ BA)
- April 28-30: Spring Play @ BA: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Please reach out at any time so that we can partner with you and support your scholar -
Please join me in prayers this Spring as we wrap up our school year, praying for our scholars and teachers in the final weeks of the school year.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
2023 Parent Survey: As we plan for next year, we would value your feedback to make our school and community stronger! Please take our short parent survey found HERE by April 25.
Order your 2022-2023 BA Yearbook! Click HERE to order online or use the form found here and return to the front office with your payment. Orders due May 31. Contact Mr. Zabel at with questions.
RaiseRight (SCRIP) Tuition Credit Program Update for April: Click HERE.

Summer Camps @ BA: Check out our great summer camp offerings for students elementary through high school. Click HERE for information and registration forms.
Tuition Tax Statements: Click HERE for instructions on how to find and print your 2022 tuition tax statement in FACTS/\; use this link to get to your account; our District Code is FCS-MN.
DMCC Summer Programs: Great opportunities this summer through the Divine Mercy Catholic Church youth groups, including Totus Tuus and the high school Steubenville Conference. See the flyer below; learn more and sign up at this link.
HOBAN Merit-Based Scholarships Essays Due April 18: Looking for a scholarship opportunity to support your tuition costs at BA? Please have your scholar apply for the John E. and Lucille M. Hoban scholarship. Scholars must write a short essay due by April 18. (Apply Here)
Prom/Post-Prom information: Will be emailed to junior and senior parents Monday. Required permission forms will be due to the BA Front Office by April 28.
Senior Parents: Open Campus Information- Find BA's Open Campus Policy and parent permission form HERE. Please contact Mr. Wollersheim at or 507-334-3948 with questions.
High School Reminders:
( After school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30link to info)
Senior Scholarships: Click HERE for a list of college and community scholarship opportunities, requirements and deadlines.
Middle School Lock In April 21, 7-11pm @ BA: Permission slips for the Student Council-sponsored Middle School Lock In are due to Ms. Coller by Monday, April 17. Click HERE for the permission slip.
Learn more about these summer programs at DMCC and sign up at this link.
FYI that the 4-H event below has been CANCELLED. Contact Kelly ( or Ashley Purry ( with questions.

Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 4/6/23

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you."
1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)
April 6, 2023
Dear BA Families:
Blessed Holy Week! Our scholars gathered during Holy Week for Stations of the Cross, the BA Red Cross Blood Drive, and a joint Mass with DMCS. I pray as you take part in the Triduum that you will experience the joy of Easter!

BABS 2023: It's not too late to support BABS! This is our most important fundraiser of the year and we need every family's support!
- Order raffle tickets HERE.
- Turn in final auction items/donate a bottle of wine. Classes are also collecting grade level items for a Silent Auction Class Basket - contact your student's homeroom teacher for more information.
- Auction Items are available to preview on our auction site! Items are being added daily, so keep checking back. The BABS Silent auction goes live Wednesday, April 12 @ 4pm, with bids accepted through Sunday, April 16 @ 2pm. Preview & bid on auction items HERE.
- Parent volunteers needed! This is a service hour event. Sign up HERE.
- The BA Annual Fund drive is at $224,241+ with a goal of $265,000 for this academic year! Gifts accepted through June 30, 2023.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar
- April 7 & 10: No School - Good Friday/Easter Monday
- April 11:
- Senior grad cord applications due. Click HERE for info and applications (deadline extended).
- Post Prom meeting, 6pm, BA Cafeteria
- April 11-25: Prom tickets for sale during Cardinal B, C lunch
- April 12: Student of the Month, 7:30am BA Cafeteria
- April 14:
- Senior yearbook survey and graduation/baby/senior slideshow photos due
- Tuition assistance deadline, TADS application HERE
- Campus Ministry Trip: Winona Cotter & Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine
- Rome $ Dress Down Day
- April 15: BABS Red & Black Gala - BA's BIGGEST event of the year.
- April 18: Hoban Scholarship applications, a merit-based scholarship for students entering grades 9-12 next year, due. Click HERE for info
- April 20: Afternoon WIN schedule/Club yearbook photos taken. *National Tornado Drill
- April 26: Grade 11 College Fair/Twins Game
- April 27: Grade 6-7 retreat (@ BA)
- April 28-30: Spring Play @ BA: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
- Please reach out at any time so that we can partner with you and support your scholar -
- Scholars are allowed in the building between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. If you are not able to meet this time, please let us know.
- We will be hiring a new Kitchen Manager and Maintenance Supervisor as Julie Trnka and Steve Zabel retire this spring - call if you wish to learn more: 507-334-3948 and ask for Mindy.
- We also need an adult summer work supervisor, working with student workers 30 hours/week from 8am-2:30pm June 6-August 11. Click HERE for more information.
- DMCS is hiring a full-time admissions, marketing and fundraising director. Contact Gina Ashley @ for info.
Please join me in prayers this Spring as we wrap up our school year.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
Order your 2022-2023 BA Yearbook! Click HERE to order online or use the form found here and return to the front office with your payment. Orders due May 31. Contact Mr. Zabel at with questions.

Summer Camps @ BA: Check out our great summer camp offerings for students elementary through high school. Click HERE for information and registration forms.
Tuition Tax Statements: Click HERE for instructions on how to find and print your 2022 tuition tax statement in FACTS but use this link to get to your account; our District Code is FCS-MN.
DMCC Summer Programs: Great opportunities this summer through the Divine Mercy Catholic Church youth groups, including Totus Tuus and the high school Steubenville Conference. See the flyer below; learn more and sign up at this link.
HOBAN Merit-Based Scholarships for BA 9-12 Scholars: Looking for a scholarship opportunity to support your tuition costs at BA? Please have your scholar apply for the John E. and Lucille M. Hoban scholarship. Scholars must write a short essay due by April 18. (Apply Here)
Senior Parents: Open Campus Information- Find BA's Open Campus Policy and parent permission form HERE. Please contact Mr. Wollersheim at or 507-334-3948 with questions.
High School Reminders:
( After school support is available for students in the library Tuesday - Thursday until 3:30link to info)
Senior Scholarships: Click HERE for a list of college and community scholarship opportunities, requirements and deadlines!
Senior Service Cord: Click here for the senior service cord guidelines. Applications are due April 11, 2023 (new deadline!).
Learn more about these summer programs at DMCC and sign up at this link.

Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar: