Category : August 2023
Family Focus 8/26/23

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
August 26, 2023
Dear BA Families:
We look forward to seeing your scholars on Monday for orientation! Please see the schedule below for times and details. Our first full day of school will be Tuesday, August 29th. A reminder that from 7:30-8:00 a.m. we offer a free, continental breakfast for all scholars. Lunches this year are also free, however, extra snacks and treats will be taken out of your scholar's lunch account, so please send in a check. Additionally, Mr. Friesen sent email went to returning parents and students Friday afternoon with information on how to sign up to pick up their laptops this weekend.
Monday, Aug 28 Back to School Picnic & Orientation Events
8:30am: Seniors arrive to pick out their parking spot9-11:30am: Student Orientation (new & returning students, no hot lunch). Meet in the gym. Homeroom assignments will be posted for student reference. Students will get copies of their schedules and their locker assignments in homeroom. Bring your school supplies to get set up for Tuesday!
11:30am-1pm: New-Gr 9-12 Laptop Training (lunch provided)
5:30pm, New Middle School Parent Meeting, BA Cafeteria: Mandatory parent orientation meeting for all 6th grade and new 7th and 8th grade students. New 7th/8th graders will get their laptops; 6th grade students will get their laptops in technology class; a parent must attend this meeting in order for the laptop to be taken home. Please email Brent Zabel if you are not able to attend.
6:00pm, New High School Parent Meeting: All new high school parents are invited to join us in Room 105 for information and resources to help make your scholar's transition to BA a success.
6:30pm Back-to-School Picnic for All BA Families: All Cardinal families are invited to join us for our Back-to-School picnic at 6:30pm! Free hot dog dinner and games for the whole family. We'll have information tables (student groups and more) and BA gear for sale. Join us on the Back 40 (south side of BA near the greenhouse) for a great way to kick off a fantastic Cardinal year!
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: Tuesday, August 29
7:30 a.m. Doors Open/Breakfast available (students must eat in the cafeteria)
8:05 a.m. Tardy Bell
2:55 p.m. Dismissal
- The BA Annual Fund drive letters were mailed out this August. Our goal for this year is: $255,000. Each gift supports our scholars and staff directly. Please consider a gift this year or call to set up a meeting at 507-334-3948. To see the letter, please visit: Annual Fund
UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar.
- Aug. 29: First Day of School! Tardy bell rings at 8:05 a.m.
- Sep 4: NO SCHOOL, Labor Day
- Sep 6, 6:00pm - Social Media/Technology safety presentation for Parents presented by the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center. See flyer below.
- Sep 14 - Dig Pink cancer fundraiser @ home volleyball game
- Sep 15 - Tackle Cancer fundraiser events @ home football game
- Sep 16: SpiritFest @ Divine Mercy Catholic Church
- Sep 28 - School picture day! Photo order forms to be sent home with students Sep 22
BA JOB OPENINGS: Email if interested at:
- Part-time Van Driver
- Substitute Teachers (Must have college degree)
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
Schedule Updates/Counselor Meetings: Reminder that School Counselor Stephen Uphus is available to meet with students regarding scheduling changes following orientation Monday, Aug 28 from 1:30am-3pm.
Fall Sports: Fall sports are underway. Grades 9-12 teams are finishing their first week of practices. Middle school teams will begin practices on Monday, August 21: 7th/8th grade football will meet at 3:15 in Room 211. Grades 6-8 volleyball will practice from 3:30-5:00 at DMCS on Monday. Please visit for more information. The online registration form for football and volleyball can be found under the More menu as can the link to pay the $140 activity fee. The activity fee may also be paid by check or as an additional charge to your tuition account.
Middle school soccer will begin on Tuesday, August 29 right after school. Please visit for more information on cooperative sports or contact the activities office.
Rotary STRIVE Scholarship Program for Seniors: Rotary's STRIVE program kicks off with their first meeting September 13. Click HERE for more information on this scholarship program. Click HERE to register.
Sept 6 Parent Social Media Presentation Flyer:

Click HERE to fill out the Youth Discipleship survey.
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 8/18/23

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
August 18, 2023
Dear BA Families:
Welcome Back! Our BA teachers return on Monday with a full week of workshops planned to prepare for a fantastic school year. We are excited to welcome returning and new scholars to BA. With new courses and plans for the year in progress, we look forward to a wonderful year together. Go Cardinals!
What's New at BA?
- Friday Mass Days @ Immaculate Conception Church- Join us now on Fridays at 10:30 a.m.
- Habitudes - for Social Emotional Learning (a part of Theology)
- New Courses - Business education, Church History, War History, AP Music Theory, Current Events
- New Teachers & Staff: Kenneth Gigante, MS Math Support & Theology; Cecilia Allen, HS Algebra 2; Jolene Beske, Business classes; and Kallie Battles, HS Science, Multimedia and Int. Algebra. New staff: Lori Bittenbender, front office; Penny Thorpe & Jason Collins, maintenance; Jon Rysdam & Sarah Babcock, kitchen.
- Change of Titles/Duties: Brent Zabel will be acting Middle School Dean; Ed Friesen will be Administrative Dean, supporting teachers and managing high school discipline; Katy Ashley will be teaching HS Social Studies courses, as well as HS Theology.
- Building Updates: New walk-in freezer in our cafeteria. Updated library space to classroom and student center (still in progress.)
- The BA Annual Fund drive kicks of this August with a goal of $255,000. Each gift is supports our scholars and staff directly. Please consider a gift this year or call to set up a meeting at 507-334-3948.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar.
- Wed., Aug. 23 (5:30-6:30 p.m.) Back to School Picnic
- Wed., Aug. 23 (6:15-7 p.m.) New family orientation (parents and students)
- Mon., Aug. 28 (9-11:30 a.m.) Student Orientation
- Seniors - arrive by 8:30 a.m. to pick your parking spot.
- New High School Students - 11:30a.m.-1p.m. Stay to eat pizza and receive your laptop.
- MANDATORY New Middle School Parents (All Gr 6, New Gr 7 & 8) technology training/orientation - 5:30p.m., BA Cafeteria, at least one parent must attend to get student laptop
- Tues. Aug. 29: First Day of School! Tardy bell rings at 8:05 a.m.
BA JOB OPENINGS: Email if interested at:
- Part-time Van Driver
- Part-time Kitchen Assistant
- Substitute Teachers (Must have college degree)
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal
Schedule Updates/Counselor Meetings: See dates below for times when School Counselor Stephen Uphus will be available in person to discuss schedule changes/additions. The open office hours will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. FYI that he sent this information directly to students via their BA email. Mr. Uphus will continue to work on requests that have already been sent, but encourages students to come see him during the times below as it is usually easier to sort things out in person. Please know that you can email Stephen as well at or at 507-334-3948, ext. 217 | voice/text: 507-323-9979. Office availability listed below:
- Thursday August 24th: 8am-3pm
- Friday August 25th: 8am-3pm
- Monday, August 28th (following student orientation): 11:30am-3pm
Fall Sports: Fall sports are underway. Grades 9-12 teams are finishing their first week of practices. Middle school teams will begin practices on Monday, August 21: 7th/8th grade football will meet at 3:15 in Room 211. Grades 6-8 volleyball will practice from 3:30-5:00 at DMCS on Monday. Please visit for more information. The online registration form for football and volleyball can be found under the More menu as can the link to pay the $140 activity fee. The activity fee may also be paid by check or as an additional charge to your tuition account.
Middle school soccer will begin on Tuesday, August 29 right after school. Please visit for more information on cooperative sports or contact the activities office.

Click HERE to fill out the Youth Discipleship survey.
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar: