Category : October 2023
Family Focus 10/27/23

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
October 27, 2023
Dear BA Families:
Good luck to our student-athletes as they compete in section play & compete @ State! Congratulations to our co-op cross country team runners headed to STATE Nov 4 (2:45pm race time) after finishing 2nd in the section meet yesterday! Cardinal football play tomorrow at 2pm at Bruce Smith Field, taking on Kenyon-Wanamingo in their 2nd game of section play - come cheer them on!! Girls volleyball won their section opener last night, beating Lanesboro in straight sets. They will play Tuesday, October 31 at 7:30pm vs Fillmore Central at Rochester Mayo Civic Center. Go, Cardinals!!
Trunk or Treat is Tuesday, Oct. 31: Dress down day and event information below. Volunteer trunks still needed! Due to the cold, we'll have Entrance C open for volunteers to warm up - hot drinks will also be available. Sign up HERE. This is a parent and student volunteer event.

Here is a look at our schedule for next week:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar.
- Oct. 27: MS Dance, 7-9pm; Cost is $10/student, permission slip & payment due Oct 23.
- Oct 31:
- Nov. 1: Special WEDNESDAY 10:30am Mass for All Saints Day
- Nov. 2: School Photo Re-takes will be at 8 am at DMCS. Photo forms are available in the front office. If students want re-takes they have to bring their old photos back.
- Nov. 3, 1pm (WIN Schedule):
- Dress Your Best or Mass Dress Code Day. Bethlehem Academy Sponsorship Transition Ceremony for Dominican Veritas Ministries - Parents invited! Special guests include: Archbishop Hebda and former BA Principal Sr. Kathleen Theis, OP.
- Senior graduation orders due
- Nov. 9: Student of the Month, 7:30am, BA gym
- BA Fall Open House for prospective students, 5-7 pm. Help us grow our enrollment! Invited interested students to join us for our Fall Open House. Click HERE to preregister. Cardinal Visit Days also available.
- Nov. 10: Mass Day, Veteran's Day ceremony-Special Schedule, see flyer below for student poetry contest
Please join Pope Francis today, October 27, in a day of prayer for peace.
Blessings, The BA Leadership Team

Trunk or Treat Event Oct 31, 4-6 pm: Volunteer trunks needed for the BA/DMCS community-wide Trunk or Treat event in the BA/DMCS parking lots. This is a parent and student service hour event. Sign up to host a trunk HERE. Due to the forecasted cold weather, the building will be open for volunteers to take a break and warm up. Hot drinks provided!

Autumn Cash Raffle: Purchase a raffle ticket and win cash prizes ranging from $2023 to $523. Click HERE for the order form.

Tastefully Simple Wolf Ridge 8th Grade Fundraiser: From Oct. 9-Nov. 6, 8th graders are hosting a Tastefully Simple fundraiser to raise money for their February Wolf Ridge trip. Place an order with one of our 8th graders or order online directly at this link and 100% of all profits go to this trip! Contact Kris Shuda for questions about the fundraiser; Julie Smisek for Qs about the trip.
Football and Volleyball Playoffs
- Saturday, October 28 - 2pm - Varsity Football Playoff vs. Kenyon-Wanamingo at Bruce Smith Field
- Tuesday, October 31 - approx. 7:30pm - Varsity Volleyball vs. Fillmore Central at Rochester Mayo Civic Center
- Thursday, November 2 - 7:30pm - Varsity Volleyball Playoffs continue at Rochester Mayo Civic Center
- Friday, November 3 - Section Football Championship To Be Announced
- Saturday, November 4 - 10am - Section Volleyball Championship at Rochester Mayo Civic Center; 2:45pm - Girls Class AA State Cross Country Meet at University of Minnesota Les Bolstad Golf Course
Faribault Archers Oct. 29 Registration: Faribault Falcons Archers are hosting an information and registration session at the Rice County Fairgrounds Faribault Archery Club 3-5pm on Oct. 29. Open to all grade 6-12 students, click HERE for the flyer with more information, click HERE to register online (click on Register in the upper right corner.)
Boys Basketball Assistant Coach Opening: Bethlehem Academy has an opening for an assistant boys basketball coach. Interested individuals may contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948 x205) for more information and to apply.
Attention Seniors! Jostens graduation packets were handed out this week at school or can be picked up in the main office. Graduation orders include your cap & gown for graduation, so make sure to place your order no later than Friday, November 3rd, 2023, online at: Any question on graduation items? Email Jostens at or call (507) 282-5373.
Seniors: College Scholarship Info: Go to our scholarship page HERE for updated local and national college scholarship offerings.
MS Halloween Dance Oct 27, 7-9pm: The Junior Class Prom Committee is hosting a Halloween dance for MS students. Cost is $10/student, permission slip & payment due Oct 23. Parent chaperones needed! Sign up HERE.


15th Annual IRIS Turkey Trot Nov. 23: Volunteers needed. Click HERE to sign up and help (student volunteer hours earned). Want to run/walk? Sign up for the race HERE.
Faribault Soccer Registration Opens Nov. 1: Faribault Soccer runs off-season programs for ages 3-18. Program registration opens November 1. Click HERE for the flyer; click HERE to register.
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 10/20/23

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
October 20, 2023
Dear BA Families:
BA's Leadership Team hopes you are enjoying this MEA Break! Thank you for joining faculty at Parent/Teacher conferences Tuesday to partner in your student's education.
This team, together with our faculty, is dedicated to and focused on continuing to provide an outstanding education for your students, committed as they always are on our foundational Dominican pillars of prayer, study, community and service. Please reach out to the following team members as needed:
- John Wollersheim: Acting Principal; on campus Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday; taking the lead on curriculum, scheduling, and policy.
- Ed Friesen: High School Dean/Athletics Director/Technology Director and will continue teaching his current math classes
- Brent Zabel: Middle School Dean/HS Science Teacher
- Kris Sauer: Enrollment, Advancement, Communications, Marketing, Events, Tuition Assistance
- Stephen Uphus: High School Counseling, Assessment, Scheduling
- Katie Smith: Middle School Counseling (Monday, Thursday)

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar.
- Oct. 24: Josten's rep here (10th grade: class rings, 12th grade: graduation)
- Oct. 26: PSAT Exam (11th graders who registered)
- Oct. 27: NHS Induction @ 10:30 am Mass/ MASS DRESS CODE
- Oct. 29: MS Dance, 7-9pm; Cost is $10/student, permission slip & payment due Oct 23.
- Oct 31: Trunk or Treat dress down - bring a $ or bag of candy for this community event! Trunks needed for the BA/DMCS Trunk or Treat from 4-6pm in the BA parking lot - sign up HERE.
- Nov. 1: Special WEDNESDAY 10:30am Mass (All Saints Day)
- Nov. 3, 1pm: Bethlehem Academy Sponsorship Transition Ceremony for Dominican Veritas Ministries - Parents invited! Special guests include: Archbishop Hebda and former BA Principal Sr. Kathleen Theis, OP.
- Nov. 9: Student of the Month, 7:30am; BA Fall Open House for prospective students, 5-7 pm
- Nov. 10: Mass Day, Veteran's Day ceremony
BA JOB OPENINGS: Have a flexible schedule? Consider driving our student van in the morning (6:50-7:50) and/or in the afternoons after fall sports finish. We are also in need of a part-time kitchen assistant. Email if interested.
Blessings, The BA Leadership Team

Trunk or Treat Event Oct 31, 4-6 pm:Volunteer trunks needed for the BA/DMCS community-wide Trunk or Treat event in the BA/DMCS parking lots. This is a parent and student service hour event. Sign up to host a trunk HERE.
Autumn Cash Raffle: Purchase a raffle ticket and win cash prizes ranging from Click HERE for the order form.

Tastefully Simple Wolf Ridge 8th Grade Fundraiser: From Oct. 9-Nov. 6, 8th graders are hosting a Tastefully Simple fundraiser to raise money for their February Wolf Ridge trip. Place an order with one of our 8th graders or order online directly at this link and 100% of all profits go to this trip! Contact Kris Shuda for questions about the fundraiser; Julie Smisek for Qs about the trip.
Football and Volleyball Playoffs
- Tuesday, October 24 - 7pm - Varsity Football vs. Wabasha-Kellogg. The game will be played in Kasson. Adult tickets are $8 and student tickets are $5.
- Thursday, October 26 - 7pm - Varsity Volleyball vs. Lanesboro at BA. Adult tickets are $8 and student tickets are $5
- Saturday, October 28 - 2pm - Varsity Football Playoffs continue. (BA will host on Saturday with a victory Tuesday night.)
- Tuesday, October 31 - approx. 7:30pm - Varsity Volleyball Playoffs continue at Rochester Mayo Civic Center
- Thursday, November 2 - 7:30pm - Varsity Volleyball Playoffs continue at Rochester Mayo Civic Center
- Friday, November 3 - Section Football Championship To Be Announced
- Saturday, November 4 - 10am - Section Volleyball Championship at Rochester Mayo Civic Center
Faribault Archers Oct. 29 Registration: Faribault Falcons Archers are hosting an information and registration session at the Rice County Fairgrounds Faribault Archery Club 3-5pm on Oct. 29. Open to all grade 6-12 students, click HERE for the flyer with more information, click HERE to register online (click on Register in the upper right corner.)
Boys Basketball Assistant Coach Opening: Bethlehem Academy has an opening for an assistant boys basketball coach. Interested individuals may contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948 x205) for more information and to apply.

Seniors: College Scholarship Info: Go to our scholarship page HERE for updated local and national college scholarship offerings.
MS Halloween Dance Oct 27, 7-9pm: The Junior Class Prom Committee is hosting a Halloween dance for MS students. Cost is $10/student, permission slip & payment due Oct 23. Parent chaperones needed! Sign up HERE.
Order your Christmas decor online at by October 25.

15th Annual IRIS Turkey Trot Nov. 23: Volunteers needed. Click HERE to sign up and help (student volunteer hours earned). Want to run/walk? Sign up for the race HERE.
Faribault Soccer Registration Opens Nov. 1: Faribault Soccer runs off-season programs for ages 3-18. Program registration opens November 1. Click HERE for the flyer; click HERE to register.
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 10/13/23

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
October 13, 2023
Dear BA Families:
Thank you! I have been blessed to serve as the President/Principal at BA for these past three plus years. Thank you for this opportunity. I will continue to pray for BA's faculty, staff and scholars during this transitional period and especially for the next leader to come to BA. I hope to see you at future events!
Here is a look at our schedule for next week:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar.
- Oct. 14: Spooktacular! Register HERE. Parent volunteer hours given for all registered for either the in person or virtual races!
- Oct 16, 1pm: Parent/teacher conference registration closes. Sign up here to meet with your scholar's teachers
- Oct. 17: 1pm dismissal (regular Faribault 3pm bus schedule)
- SADD Socktober Dress Down Day: pair of socks or $1 for sweats, $2 for hats, leggings. Student service hours earned for packs of socks. All proceeds/socks to St. Vincent de Paul.
- 2:00-6:30 pm: Parent/teacher conferences - bring candy donations for Trunk or Treat (see below)!
- Oct. 18-20: NO SCHOOL, MEA Break
- Oct. 26: PSAT Exam (11th graders who registered)
- Oct. 27: NHS Induction @ 10:30 am Mass
- Oct 31: Trunk or Treat dress down - bring a $ or bag of candy for this community event! Trunks needed for the BA/DMCS Trunk or Treat from 4-6pm in the BA parking lot - sign up HERE.
- Nov. 3, 1pm: Bethlehem Academy Sponsorship Transition Ceremony for Dominican Veritas Ministries - Parents invited! Guest speaker: former BA Principal Sr. Kathleen Theis, OP.
BA JOB OPENINGS: Have a flexible schedule? Consider driving our student van in the morning (6:50-7:50) and/or in the afternoons after fall sports finish. We are also in need of a part-time kitchen assistant. Email if interested.
- The BA Annual Fund drive goal is: $255,000. Each gift supports our scholars and staff directly. Please consider a gift or call to set up a meeting at 507-334-3948. To date we have received $70,989 - THANK YOU! Donate online at: Annual Fund
- Autumn Cash Raffle: Purchase a raffle ticket and win cash prizes ranging from Click HERE for the order form.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal

Trunk or Treat Oct 31: Volunteer trunks needed for the BA/DMCS community-wide Trunk or Treat event Tuesday, October 31 from 4-6pm in the BA/DMCS parking lots. This is a parent and student service hour event. Sign up to host a trunk HERE. Lots of candy needed for the 1000 trick-or-treaters who join us for this event! Candy donations gladly accepted. Bring to P/T conferences next Tuesday afternoon; heads up that there will be a $/bag of candy costume dress down on Oct 31 for this event.

Tastefully Simple Wolf Ridge 8th Grade Fundraiser: From Oct. 9-Nov. 6, 8th graders are hosting a Tastefully Simple fundraiser to raise money for their February Wolf Ridge trip. Place an order with one of our 8th graders or order online directly at this link and 100% of all profits go to this trip! Contact Kris Shuda for questions about the fundraiser; Julie Smisek for Qs about the trip.
Registration for Winter Co-operative Sports* through Faribault Public Schools is now open. This includes Dance, Hockey, Wrestling, Gymnastics and Boys Swimming. Register through Faribault's Infinite Campus Portal. Click here for an InfiniteCampus portal account application form. Or, contact for assistance in setting up an account. *Dance season begins October 23. Students participating in dance must be registered by October 20.
Faribault Archers Oct. 29 Registration: Faribault Falcons Archers are hosting an information and registration session at the Rice County Fairgrounds Faribault Archery Club 3-5pm on Oct. 29. Open to all grade 6-12 students, click HERE for the flyer with more information, click HERE to register online (click on Register in the upper right corner.)
Boys Basketball Assistant Coach Opening: Bethlehem Academy has an opening for an assistant boys basketball coach. Interested individuals may contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948 x205) for more information and to apply.

Juniors! MN House Page Program: applications due Nov 23. Go to our scholarship page HERE for more information.
MS Halloween Dance Oct 27, 7-9pm: The Junior Class Prom Committee is hosting a Halloween dance for MS students. Cost is $10/student, permission slip & payment due Oct 23. Parent chaperones needed! Sign up HERE.

Order your Christmas decor online at by October 25.

15th Annual IRIS Turkey Trot Nov. 23: Volunteers needed. Click HERE to sign up and help (student volunteer hours earned). Want to run/walk? Sign up for the race HERE.
Faribault Soccer Registration Opens Nov. 1: Faribault Soccer runs off-season programs for ages 3-18. Program registration opens November 1. Click HERE for the flyer; click HERE to register.
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 10/6/23

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
October 6, 2023
Dear BA Families:
Happy Homecoming! BA scholars have celebrated in style this week with Buddy Day, a joint Mass, themed dress up days, and today's prayer service and pep fest. Please join us tonight at the football game and afterward, all parents, alumni and BA supporters are invited to the gathering at Corks & Pints (next to 10,000 Drops) for fun and fellowship. The first 100 will receive a $1 discount ticket toward the beverage of their choice.
Here is a look at our schedule for next week:

REMINDERS: BA scholars should not be arriving before 7:30 a.m. unless they have a meeting. If you do need to drop off your scholar earlier, please let the office know and tell your child that they should report to the cafeteria prior to 7:30 a.m. Email:
UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar.
- Oct. 6: Homecoming!
- 7:00 pm Football game vs Kenyon-Wanamingo, Cardinal Family Youth Night
- Post-Game-HS Students: High School Student Homecoming Dance (see info in HS section below)
- Post-Game: Parent/Alumni Social @ Corks & Pints/10,000 Drops. First 100 adults get at $1 off their beverage of choice. Join us!
- Oct. 11: Student of the Month celebrated in the gym @ 7:30 am
- Oct. 14: Spooktacular! Register HERE; Pledge form, prize & shoe drive information HERE.
- Oct. 17: 1pm dismissal (regular Faribault 3pm bus schedule) parent/teacher conferences from 2-6:30pm, sign up here to meet with your scholar's teachers
- Oct. 18-20: NO SCHOOL, MEA Break
BA JOB OPENINGS: Have a flexible schedule? Consider driving our student van in the morning (6:50-7:50) and/or in the afternoons after fall sports finish. We are also in need of a part-time kitchen assistant. Email if interested.
- The BA Annual Fund drive goal is: $255,000. Each gift supports our scholars and staff directly. Please consider a gift or call to set up a meeting at 507-334-3948. To date we have already received $56,269-THANK YOU! Donate online at: Annual Fund
- SAVE THE DATE! On November 3rd at 1 p.m. we will host the Bethlehem Academy Sponsorship Transition Ceremony for Dominican Veritas Ministries - Parents invited! Guest speaker: former BA Principal Sr. Kathleen Theis, OP.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal

Trunk or Treat Oct 31: Volunteer trunks needed for the BA/DMCS community-wide Trunk or Treat event Tuesday, October 31 from 4-6pm in the BA/DMCS parking lots. This is a parent and student service hour event. Sign up to host a trunk HERE.
Tastefully Simple Wolf Ridge 8th Grade Fundraiser: From Oct. 9-Nov. 6, 8th graders are hosting a Tastefully Simple fundraiser to raise money for their February Wolf Ridge trip. Place an order with one of our 8th graders or order online directly at this link and 100% of all profits go to this trip! Contact Kris Shuda for questions about the fundraiser; Julie Smisek for Qs about the trip.
Rome Pilgrimage June 2024: It's not too late to sign up for the 2024 Pilgrimage to Rome! Highlights of the trip will include St. Peter’s Basilica Mass and tour, Vatican Museums & Sistine Chapel, Colosseum, San Francesco - Church of St. Francis, and Michelangelo’s David. Cost for trip is $3,995 which includes airfare, accommodations, transportation in Rome and to Assisi and Florence, as well as most meals. Trip is open to current high school students and adults. Please contact Ms. Caryn Coller for more details or student permission slip. Click HERE for our travel company information.
Homecoming Dance, Oct. 6: The Homecoming Dance follows the football game at BA. Approximate start time is 9:30pm and will end at midnight. Students in grades 9-12 may attend the dance. Cost of the dance is $5 or a package of socks. BA students may bring 1 guest who does not attend BA. That guest needs to be 9th grade or older. This form must be completed for any guest attending the dance. The form is also available in the office and must be turned in by Thursday, October 5. Guest must arrive with the BA student who signed them up for the dance. Note: If students ask to leave the dance early, we will ask to talk to a parent to let them know your student is leaving the dance.
Juniors! PSAT Exam: A reminder that 11th graders need to let Mr. Uphus know by Monday, Oct. 9 if they will take the free PSAT exam on Oct. 26. Click HERE for more information on the exam and the related National Merit Scholarship Program.
Juniors! MN House Page Program: applications due Nov 23. Go to our scholarship page HERE for more information.
MS Halloween Dance Oct 27, 7-9pm: The Junior Class Prom Committee is hosting a Halloween dance for MS students. Cost is $10/student, permission slip & payment due Oct 23. Parent chaperones needed! Sign up HERE.
Registration for Winter Cooperative Sports through Faribault Public Schools is now open. This includes Dance, Hockey, Wrestling, Gymnastics and Boys Swimming. Registration is to be done through Faribault's Infinite Campus Portal. Click here for an InfiniteCampus portal account application form. Or, contact for assistance in setting up an account.
*Dance season begins October 23. Students participating in dance must be registered by October 20. Those dance participants that are in the choreography group need be registered by Monday, October 9.
Boys Basketball Assistant Coach Opening: Bethlehem Academy has an opening for an assistant boys basketball coach. Interested individuals may contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948 x205) for more information and to apply.

Click HERE for LifeLine Registration.

Order your Christmas decor online at by October 25.

Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar: