Category : February 2024
Family Focus 2/23/24

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
February 23, 2024
Dear BA Parents/Guardians:
We are honored by your dedication to Catholic education! Yesterday we sent an enrollment, tuition, class registration, and parent service hour update. If you missed the email, you can find it HERE. Please reach out to Kris Sauer with any questions. A reminder that high school class registrations are due March 22. Find the course guide and class registration forms HERE. Please reach out to Mr. Uphus with questions.
Boys basketball celebrates senior night tonight in their last home/regular game of the season. Head down to Van Orsow Auditorium and cheer them on!
Early tuition assistance application deadline is today, Friday, February 23. Our final deadline is April 15 for BA need-based tuition assistance. Contact Kris to set up an appointment if you need help with the form or scanning/uploading the required documents. .
BABS/Financial Update: BABS Class basket donations! Homeroom teachers have spoken with your students about the BABS Silent Auction Homeroom Baskets. Please send your item or $10 donation in to the front office by March 15. Thank you! Save the date and plan to join us April 13th for BABS 2024, the 40th Anniversary Ruby Gala. This is our biggest night of celebration and fundraising in support of BA! Find ticket and other information HERE. Contact Teresa Lebens if interested in donating, sponsoring, or volunteering for this fabulous celebration! Our Annual Fund goal is to raise $255,000 for operating expenses not covered by tuition; $189,355 has been donated so far. Consider a gift and help us fund operating and faculty salary expenses not covered by tuition HERE.
Here is a look at our schedule for next week:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar:
- March 3: Winter Band/Choir Concert, 7pm
- March 4: Maintenance Team Appreciation Day
- March 6: Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4-7pm
- March 7: Student of the Month, 7:30am
- Prom Dining Night Out @ Crooked Pint, 5-9pm
- March 8: End of the 3rd Quarter
- Middle School PCA Art Exhibit opening
- March 11: BA/DMCS hosts DMCC soup supper, 6pm
- March 12: Reconciliation
- March 14: SADD $ Dress Down Day
- March 15: Senior Open Campus begins
- March 16: DMCS Scholarship Gala, get tickets HERE
Congratulations: to the Emerald on their run at State; and to BA's girls basketball team and the Faribault boys co-op hockey team on their seasons. Good Luck to BA's Faribault boy's co-op swimmers today and wrestlers this weekend, BA boys basketball as they start section play next week.
Prayers for Evie and other students injured in the recent car accident, our students, our families, and those that are sick and/or struggling during this Lenten season.
Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
John Wollersheim, Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen Uphus
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at
Extended Absences/Family Trips
Parents/Guardians are required to communicate any planned student absence, with dates, to BA’s main office at least one week prior to a planned absence. This is especially true for family trips. Students taking trips outside BA’s scheduled days off must complete a class planned absence form prior to missing school. If a request is not made at least one week before the absence, teachers may not be able to provide make-up work in advance, and, sometimes, even with notice, advance work may not be available. Students are responsible for completing all work missed during their time out of school. Students are encouraged to check Schoology each day while out of school for additional information. Students should plan to talk directly with their teachers once they return to school, and plan to spend extra time to catch up after trips/vacations. Teachers will allow additional time for makeup work, within a reasonable time period.
Rome Trip: Last Call! Last opportunity to join the Rome Pilgrimage – June 7-18, 2024. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to visit Rome, Assisi, and Florence. Cost for the trip is $3,995 . Deadline for registration is February 29. Please contact Caryn Coller at if you are interested in joining the trip.Link to travel page -
Tuition Assistance Early Application Deadline-Tonight @ 11:59pm: Apply today to be eligible for the most scholarships. Find the TADS financial aid application at; click HERE for more information on all our scholarship and assistance programs. All application must be in no later than April 15 for BA tuition assistance consideration. Email Kris Sauer with questions or if you need help with this process.
Tax Information in FACTS: Looking for tuition information for your 2023 tax return? Click HERE for a step-by-step guide to finding that information in FACTS. Contact Kris or Lisa if you need further assistance.
Prom Car Wash Cards: Who needs a car wash? The Junior class is hosting a Kwik Trip car wash card fundraiser today through March 1 to raise money for Prom. Each card sells for $35 for 5 Ultimate car washes to be used at any Kwik Trip car wash. Click HERE for the order form or talk to any Junior class student. Payment by cash or check is required at the time of the order and all orders are due to the school office no later than 3 p.m. Fri March 1st. Orders will be available through the school office approximately 2 weeks after the sale ends March 1, and Junior class students will deliver all orders placed with them. Please help us crush our 300 card sales goal!
BA HS PT Summer Nanny Sought: A DMCS family with two energetic boys is looking for a responsible, kid-centric BA student for a part-time summer nanny position. Ideally, the student would have a drivers license/vehicle for transportation, CPR certified, and available 2-3 days a week during the entire summer, flexible days. Email Kris Sauer for contact information if interested.
Drivers Training @ BA: This class is confirmed! If you haven't registered, there is still time. Cannon River Driving School will host driver's training at BA the weeks of March 11 and March 18. On-campus classes are Monday-Friday from 3:15-6:30pm. Cost $125/student. Registration closes March 8. Register for class and behind the wheel at this link; register for class only here. Contact Denise at with questions.
Seniors: Service Cord Info: Service cord forms and information can be found HERE; contact Mr. Uphus with questions.
Seniors: College Scholarship Info: Go to our scholarship page HERE for updated local and national college scholarship offerings.MIDDLE SCHOOL UPDATES
Wolf Ridge Trip Follow-Up
From Julie Smisek, MS Science Teacher: I wanted to send a note of thanks to the following people: Thank you to Kris Shuda who continues to generously host and donate all her Tastefully Simple profits for our fundraiser and to the local Knights of Columbus for their generous donation, both of which help defray the cost of the bus; to Mrs. Piehl and the BA NHS members for packing treat bags for our 8th graders; and to our wonderful seven parent chaperones and middle school counselor who took the week from their jobs and other responsibilities to keep our 8th graders safe and on task the week in Finland,MN. We couldn’t have had such a successful trip without chaperones like you! Thank you for a great trip!
AFTER SCHOOL REMINDER: A reminder that students are not supervised when they are waiting in the building for a ride at the end of the school day. If you are not able to pick your student up at 3pm, please ask them to wait in the front lobby and not run through the halls or congregate by the vending machines after they have purchased their after-school snack. Your help with this is greatly appreciated!
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![]() Register for the Eucharistic Congress here: |
Talk to your teens about mental health and how they are feeling. Normalize these conversations, and reach out for help if there are concerns about mental, physical, or chemical health issues. Having frequent talks with teens in a safe environment will show that you care about their physical and mental health. It can also foster a more open and honest dialogue about the risks of underage drinking, drug use, and other topics. For more information about local chemical and mental health resources, visit the RCCMHC Resource Directory at
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Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus, 2/15/24

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
February 15, 2024
Dear BA Parents/Guardians:
The long Presidents' Day Weekend is upon us. A reminder there is NO SCHOOL tomorrow (Feb 16) or Monday (Feb 19). A reminder as well that Parent/Teacher Conferences have moved to March 6. Enjoy the long weekend!
This week has provided another reminder of the blessings of faith and the strength of our BA community. As you know, BA junior Evie Donahue was in a serious car accident this past weekend and this week, the Cardinal community rallied in support of Evie and her family. Intercultural Club donated the proceeds from their planned Tuesday bake sale, Student Council led a prayer service prior to the start of Ash Wednesday Mass for all involved, and today was a sea of blue as we held a dress down day. Through prayers, cards, meals, flowers, and $500 in proceeds, Cardinals have shared their love and support. We are pleased to share that Evie is now home from the hospital and is focused on getting back to full strength. Want to show your support in a more tangible way? The girls basketball team is selling a version of their "God gives his toughest battles to the strongest soldiers" team t-shirt, with all proceeds going to help all injured students. Click HERE to order the $20 t-shirt by Monday, February 19.
Spring play auditions next week! BA almnus Will McIntrye (and current Paradise Center for the Arts Performing Arts & Education Director) is hosting auditions for all BA middle and high school students interested in BA's annual spring play......drum roll....Godspell, Jr! Auditions will be held next Wed (Feb 21) and Thursday (Feb 22) from 3:10-4:30pm. Click HERE to sign up to audition; click here for the audition packet.
Early tuition assistance application deadline is next Friday, February 23. If you are a current Flaherty Scholar, Aim Higher or CASF Scholarship recipient (or want to be considered for these scholarships), you MUST complete the application in TADS by February 23rd. Contact Kris to set up an appointment if you need assistance with the form or scanning/uploading the required documents. .
BABS/Financial Update: BABS Class basket donations! Homeroom teachers have spoken with your students about the BABS Silent Auction Homeroom Baskets. Please send your item or $10 donation in to the front office. Thank you! Save the date and plan to join us April 13th for BABS 2024, the 40th Anniversary Ruby Gala. This is our biggest night of celebration and fundraising in support of BA! Find ticket and other information HERE. Contact Teresa Lebens if interested in donating, sponsoring, or volunteering for this fabulous celebration! Our Annual Fund goal is to raise $255,000 for operating expenses not covered by tuition; $189,355 has been donated so far. Consider a gift and help us fund operating and faculty salary expenses not covered by tuition HERE.
Here is a look at our schedule for next week:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar:
- Feb. 23: Early TADS deadline: apply by today at for the most scholarship options!
- Feb. 20-23: FFA Week - celebrating this great program and the opportunities it gives our scholars!
- Feb. 28: Bus Driver Appreciation Day
- Feb 29: 1pm WIN schedule/High School History Day presentations
- Rome $ Dress Down Day
- March 1: BA Student Art Reception, 5-7pm, Paradise Center for the Arts; Prom car wash sales deadline
- March 3: Winter Band/Choir Concert, 7pm
- March 4: Maintenance Team Appreciation Day
- March 6: Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4-7pm
- March 7: Prom Dining Night Out @ Crooked Pint, 5-9pm
GOOD LUCK to members of the Faribault Emeralds Dance Team at STATE this Saturday in high kick at 3:00pm. Good luck as well to all our student-athletes in both BA and co-op sports as the regular season winds down and section competition heats up!
Prayers for Evie and other students injured in last weekend's care accident, our students, our families, and those that are sick and/or struggling during this Lenten season.
Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
John Wollersheim, Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen Uphus
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at
ONE WEEK to the Tuition Assistance Early Application Deadline: Apply by Feb 23 to be eligible for the most scholarships. Find the TADS financial aid application at; click HERE for more information on all our scholarship and assistance programs. All application must be in no later than April 15 for BA tuition assistance consideration. Email Kris Sauer with questions or if you need help with this process.
Tax Information in FACTS: Looking for tuition information for your 2023 tax return? Click HERE for a step-by-step guide to finding that information in FACTS. Contact Kris or Lisa if you need further assistance.
Prom Car Wash Cards: Who needs a car wash? The Junior class is hosting a Kwik Trip car wash card fundraiser today through March 1 to raise money for Prom. Each card sells for $35 for 5 Ultimate car washes to be used at any Kwik Trip car wash. Click HERE for the order form or talk to any Junior class student. Payment by cash or check is required at the time of the order and all orders are due to the school office no later than 3 p.m. Fri March 1st. Orders will be available through the school office approximately 2 weeks after the sale ends March 1, and Junior class students will deliver all orders placed with them. Please help us crush our 300 card sales goal!
Parent Volunteers needed for home basketball games:
BA HS PT Summer Nanny Sought: A DMCS family with two energetic boys is looking for a responsible, kid-centric BA student for a part-time summer nanny position. Ideally, the student would have a drivers license/vehicle for transportation, CPR certified, and available 2-3 days a week during the entire summer, flexible days. Email Kris Sauer for contact information if interested.
Drivers Training @ BA: This class is confirmed! If you haven't registered, there is still time. Cannon River Driving School will host driver's training at BA the weeks of March 11 and March 18. On-campus classes are Monday-Friday from 3:15-6:30pm. Cost $125/student. Registration closes March 8. Register for class and behind the wheel at this link; register for class only here. Contact Denise at with questions.
Seniors: Service Cord Info: Service cord forms and information can be found HERE; contact Mr. Uphus with questions.
Seniors: College Scholarship Info: Go to our scholarship page HERE for updated local and national college scholarship offerings.MIDDLE SCHOOL UPDATES
AFTER SCHOOL REMINDER: A reminder that students are not supervised when they are waiting in the building for a ride at the end of the school day. If you are not able to pick your student up at 3pm, please ask them to wait in the front lobby and not run through the halls or congregate by the vending machines after they have purchased their after-school snack. Your help with this is greatly appreciated!
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![]() Register for the Eucharistic Congress here: |
Talk to your teens about mental health and how they are feeling. Normalize these conversations, and reach out for help if there are concerns about mental, physical, or chemical health issues. Having frequent talks with teens in a safe environment will show that you care about their physical and mental health. It can also foster a more open and honest dialogue about the risks of underage drinking, drug use, and other topics. For more information about local chemical and mental health resources, visit the RCCMHC Resource Directory at
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Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 2/9/24

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
February 9, 2024
Dear BA Parents/Guardians:
The Lenten season begins with our celebration of Ash Wednesday Mass this Wednesday, February 14 at 10:30am. As we lean into the Lenten season, we focus on efforts to repent, reflect and restore with special prayers to start our day, a focus on Lenten activities in our Theology classrooms, and Stations of the Cross scheduled for the week of March 11. We encourage you to find time at home to reinforce these Lenten activities and offer Loyola Press's "8 Ways to Pray During Lent" as a resource to find more time for personal and family-centered prayer this season.
As the season of Lent commences, twelve high school students will be leaving next week for a 10-day mission trip to Jamaica in conjunction with Divine Mercy Catholic Church. Our 8th graders likewise leave Monday for several days at the Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center in Finland, MN, where they will focus their time on outdoor science-based activities and class bonding. Please pray for both groups to have a successful trip!
A few reminders: Presidents' Day Weekend starts Friday, with NO SCHOOL February 16 and Monday, February 19. Head of School Search: the position has been posted; please pray for committed, dedicated, experienced applicants! A reminder that Parent/Teacher Conferences will NOT be held in February. They have been rescheduled to March 6th. Just TWO WEEKS to submit by Feb 23 an application for tuition assistance and be eligible for the most scholarships! Info on this and how to get your 2023 tax information below.
BABS/Financial Update: Homeroom teachers have begun speaking to your students about the BABS Silent Auction Homeroom Baskets. More information to follow. Save the date and plan to join us April 13th for BABS 2024, the 40th Anniversary Ruby Gala! This is our biggest night of celebration and fundraising in support of BA! Find ticket and other information HERE. Contact Teresa Lebens if interested in donating, sponsoring, or volunteering for this fabulous celebration! Our Annual Fund goal is to raise $255,000 for operating expenses not covered by tuition; $187,905 has been donated so far. Consider a gift and help us fund operating and faculty salary expenses not covered by tuition HERE.
Here is a look at our schedule for next week:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar:
- Feb. 16: NO SCHOOL
- Feb. 19: NO SCHOOL, Presidents' Day
- Feb. 23: Early TADS deadline: apply by today at for the most scholarship options!
- Feb. 20-23: FFA Week - celebrating this great program and the opportunities it gives our scholars!
- Feb. 28: Bus Driver Appreciation Day
- Feb 29: 1pm WIN schedule/High School History Day presentations
- Rome $ Dress Down Day
- March 3: Winter Band/Choir Concert, 7pm
Kudos: To seniors Hudson Dillon and Elliott Viland who signed Letters of Intent to play DII football next year at Minnesota State University Mankato and Southwest Minnesota State University, respectively. Kudos as well to co-op hockey (Oliver Linnemann), wrestling (Lucas Nelson and Elliott Viland) and swimming (Elliot Daschner) seniors who were honored during recent Senior Night events; and to our math, science and agriculture students of the month honored on Thursday. God is good!
THANK YOU to school counselors Mr. Stephen Uphus and Mrs. Katie Smith for their hard work and support of our students! Prayers for our students, our families and those that are sick and/or struggling as we approach the Lenten season.
Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
John Wollersheim, Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen Uphus
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at
TWO WEEKS to the Tuition Assistance Early Application Deadline: Apply by Feb 23 to be eligible for the most scholarships. Find the TADS financial aid application at; click HERE for more information on all our scholarship and assistance programs. All application must be in no later than April 15 for BA tuition assistance consideration. Reach out to Kris Sauer with questions or if you need help with this process.
Tax Information in FACTS: Looking for tuition information for your 2023 tax return? Click HERE for a step-by-step guide to finding that information in FACTS. Contact Kris or Lisa if you need further assistance.
Parent Volunteers needed for home basketball games:
BA HS PT Summer Nanny Sought: A DMCS family with two energetic boys is looking for a responsible, kid-centric BA student for a part-time summer nanny position. Ideally, the student would have a drivers license/vehicle for transportation, CPR certified, and available 2-3 days a week during the entire summer, flexible days. Email Kris Sauer for contact information if interested.
Drivers Training @ BA: This class is confirmed! If you haven't registered, there is still time. Cannon River Driving School will host driver's training at BA the weeks of March 11 and March 18. On-campus classes are Monday-Friday from 3:15-6:30pm. Cost $125/student. Registration closes March 8. Register for class and behind the wheel at this link; register for class only here. Contact Denise at with questions.
Seniors: Service Cord Info: Service cord forms and information can be found HERE; contact Mr. Uphus with questions.
Seniors: College Scholarship Info: Go to our scholarship page HERE for updated local and national college scholarship offerings.DIVINE MERCY CHURCH & SCHOOL UPDATES
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![]() Register for the Eucharistic Congress here: |
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Talk to your teens about mental health and how they are feeling. Normalize these conversations, and reach out for help if there are concerns about mental, physical, or chemical health issues. Having frequent talks with teens in a safe environment will show that you care about their physical and mental health. It can also foster a more open and honest dialogue about the risks of underage drinking, drug use, and other topics. For more information about local chemical and mental health resources, visit the RCCMHC Resource Directory at
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Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 2/2/24

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
February 2, 2024
Dear BA Parents/Guardians:
Congratulations to our band, choir, and fine arts student participating in this weekend's Gopher Conference Honors Fine Arts Program. Check out the band and choir concert and see our students' artwork at Kenyon-Wanamingo High School at 1pm tomorrow, Saturday, February 1. Best of luck and congratulations to all!
We look forward to opening our doors this weekend to prospective new students during our Winter Open House. Please let anyone you know who is thinking about Bethlehem Academy know that we will be here on Sunday from 11am-1pm to welcome them, answer questions, and give tours.
A few reminders: Counselor Day Monday! Please share your thanks with Mr. Uphus and Ms. Smith for all the work they do for our students; encourage your scholars to reach out as well! Parent/teacher conferences have been rescheduled to March 6th. Deacon Hjalmar will not be joining us at BA as previously reported, he has moved on to another opportunity in the Twin Cities. Find tuition assistance (applications received by Feb 23 are eligible for the most scholarships!) and 2023 tax information below. Appointment pickup - please go to Door C to pick up your student for appointments during the school day.
Financial Update: Save the date and plan to join us April 13th for BABS 2024, the 40th Anniversary Ruby Gala! Contact Teresa Lebens if interested in donating, sponsoring, or volunteering for our biggest fundraising event of the year! Our Annual Fund goal is to raise $255,000 for operating expenses not covered by tuition; $187, 905 has been donated so far. Consider a gift and help us fund operating and faculty salary expenses not covered by tuition HERE.
Here is a look at our schedule for next week:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar:
- Feb. 12-15: Wolf Ridge 8th Grade Trip
- Feb. 12-21: Jamaica Mission Trip
- Feb. 14: Ash Wednesday Mass, 10:30am
- Feb. 15: Prom Car Wash Promo begins
- Feb. 16: NO SCHOOL
- Feb. 19: NO SCHOOL, Presidents' Day
- Feb. 23: Early TADS deadline: apply by today for the most scholarship
Kudos: To our students participating in this weekend's Gopher Conference Honors Fine Arts program; to FFA students Kendra Hanson '24 and Luke McCrea '26, competing today for state-level achievement and a regional officer position; to our entire staff for another successful field trip experience for our students; to Mrs. Celeste Donlon for her work planning two Catholic Schools' Week Masses; and to our students for their excellent representation of Bethlehem Academy this week. God is good!
Prayers for our students, our families and those that are sick and/or struggling.
Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
John Wollersheim, Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen Uphus
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at
Tuition Assistance Applications Open: Apply by Feb 23 to be eligible for the most scholarships. Find the TADS financial aid application at; click HERE for more information on all our scholarship and assistance programs. Reach out to Kris Sauer with questions or if you need assistance with this process.
Tax Information in FACTS: Looking for tuition information for your 2023 tax return? Click HERE for a step-by-step guide to finding that information in FACTS. Contact Kris or Lisa if you need further assistance.
Parent Volunteers needed for home basketball games:
Drivers Training @ BA: This class is confirmed! If you haven't registered, there is still time. Cannon River Driving School will host driver's training at BA the weeks of March 11 and March 18, 2024. On-campus classes are Monday-Friday from 3:15-6:30pm. Cost $125/student. Registration closes March 8. Register for class and behind the wheel at this link; register for class only here. Contact Denise at with questions.
Seniors: Service Cord Info: Service cord forms and information can be found HERE; contact Mr. Uphus with questions.
Seniors: College Scholarship Info: Go to our scholarship page HERE for updated local and national college scholarship offerings.DIVINE MERCY CHURCH & SCHOOL UPDATES
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Register for the Eucharistic Congress here:
Talk to your teens about mental health and how they are feeling. Normalize these conversations, and reach out for help if there are concerns about mental, physical, or chemical health issues. Having frequent talks with teens in a safe environment will show that you care about their physical and mental health. It can also foster a more open and honest dialogue about the risks of underage drinking, drug use, and other topics. For more information about local chemical and mental health resources, visit the RCCMHC Resource Directory at |
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Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar: