Category : September 2020
Family Focus 9/27/2020

September 27, 2020
Dear BA Families:
This past week our entire staff gathered for an all-staff meeting to plan, prepare and share as our first month of school wraps up. The dedicated BA teachers are not simply teaching in school, they are teaching our distance learners, cleaning their classrooms multiple times a day, implementing, modeling and reminding students to practice safety. Our staff is tracking, cleaning, calling and responding as questions arise. BA is blessed by our teachers and staff. They are doing an incredible amount of work and I am impressed with all that they do. Please keep them in your prayers. Kind words and treats are always welcome!
Minnesota Fall Sports: Football and Volleyball are back in the fall schedule as voted and approved by the MSHSL after feedback from Minnesota schools. Our first volleyball game is Oct 8 and the first football game is October 10. Public viewing is limited, watch for details. Volleyball games will be broadcast as inside crowds are not allowed. Watch for an updated schedule soon. Coop sports continue this fall. With all sports now back in session, it is important that families continue to practice COVID protocols at home. In order for our school to stay open and games to continue, we need our students and staff to remain COVID free! Limit group gatherings of students outside of school, wear masks while in public, and keep your child home if they have symptoms. Thank you!
Social Media Checks: Please check in with your students’ social media accounts like Tik Tok or Snapchat. We have heard that some students may have shared inappropriate images. We hope this is not the case, but we encourage you to talk with your child and monitor their account. If you have concerns, you may reach out to me. It’s also a great opportunity to review the social media policy in our student handbook with your child. Click hereto access the student handbook.
Upcoming Events:
- Sept 29: FFA meeting for students, 3pm
- Sept 29: NHS application deadline, 3pm
- Sept 30: Pre-ACT test for 11th grade
- October 2: School pictures, grades 6-8
- October 5: Senior Retreat
- October 5, 6, 8: Middle School MAP testing
- October 8: Middle School Parent/Teacher conferences,
- October 10: Spooktacular 5k/1-mile run/walk for Catholic Education. More info here
- October 14-16: MEA - No School
- October 31: Trunk or Treat
- Wanted: Face Masks, Sanitizer and Disinfectant Wipes!
- Feeling Ill? Please keep students and their siblings home. This is part of the safety protocols for COVID. Click here for info and call the attendance line ( or 507-334-3948) with the symptoms.
Thank you for your continued prayers and partnership!
Mindy Reeder, President/Principal
(See separate sections below for updates specific to high school or middle school)
Homecoming/Fall Spirit Events
The Senior Class is working on Fall Spirit/Homecoming events, including spirit week activities and the King crowning. More details will be announced soon as we plan activities in light of the new football schedule.
Spooktacular Oct 10: Sign up today!
Support Catholic education - join us Oct 10 for the BA/DMCS Spooktacular Fun Run. Both virtual and in-person events offered this year. Students are asked to raise $50 through participation or sponsors. LOTS of great incentives, including top fundraiser, top class, and an all-school goal of 120 participants. Find a copy attached of the pledge sheet given to students today in homeroom. In-person race sign up here; virtual race sign up here. First participant drawing held Oct 2.
TRUNK OR TREAT Oct 30: Trunks Needed!
The annual BA/DMCS Trunk or Treat will be a drive-by event held at the Rice County Fairgrounds Saturday, October 31, from 4-6pm. Free hot dog dinner included! Sign up to host a trunk here.
Fall Testing: MS NWEA Map, Pre-ACT, PSAT, ACT Aspire
Attached is a complete list of 2020 fall testing; note that middle school testing begins Oct 5. Please review this and prepare your child by getting plenty of rest. Students should bring a water bottle they can fill at school for their tests.
Morning Announcements/Mass Online
Students in full time distance learning were emailed the link to view morning announcements and Friday Mass. Please email Kris Sauer if you have any questions.
FFA Meeting Sept 29
BA’s first FFA meeting for the year will be held on Tuesday, September 29th at 3pm by the greenhouse. All 7th-12th graders are welcome to join and are encouraged to bring a friend.
Student Pictures
Middle school students will have their pictures taken Friday, October 2nd. An order form was given to students today in homeroom. If your high schoolstudent forgot to turn in their form today, please bring to the office next week.
Please remind your student(s) of the importance of bringing a mask with them to school every day. They should have extras in their backpack, their locker, and their car. While we have extras available, we have been going through them faster than anticipated. Thank you!
Students should re-start their laptops weekly. We recommend Saturday nights. Quit all applicaitions. Plug the laptop in and re-start (leave display open!). Software updates will get installed during these re-starts.
The Minnesota State High School League has approved playing football and volleyball yet this fall. Practices for these sports begin tomorrow, Monday, September 28. Game schedules can be found on our athletics website,, or by clicking on the calendar on the school website home page.
The activity fee for football participants in grades 9-12 is $135. The activity fee for volleyball participants in grades 7-12 is $135. Fees may be paid online at our athletics website: Fees may also be added to your TADS account by emailing Activities Director Ed Friesen or by check delivered to the school office. In addition to payment of the activity fee, each particpant must also complete the annual eligibility statement and health questionnaire found here. Participants must also have a valid sports physical clearance on file with the school's activities office.
No spectators will be allowed at volleyball matches. Volleyball matches will be streamed online. Bethlehem Academy's home matches may be viewed on our NFHS Network Channel. Information for away match streaming will be posted on the volleyball schedule (several other schools in the conference will also be using NFHS Network - subscribe to BA's channel and you will have access to streams produced by other schools using NFHS Network as well. A monthly subscription costs $10.99 while a yearly pass costs $69.99
Football games can have 250 spectators. BA fans will purchase varsity game tickets for both home games and away games through Bethlehem Academy. The district has decided schools will sell 170 tickets to the home fans and 80 tickets to the away fans. All tickets will be priced $5. A season ticket package will be made available for the families of football players first. Then, remaining tickets will be sold first-come, first-serve. More information on ticket sales for each game will be announced soon. Games will also be posted online as a "video on demand" and some may possibly be streamed live.
Due to the limited number of football participants in grades 7 & 8, we will continue the middle school football skills program that is already taking place but will not be scheduling games with other schools at this time.
Class of 2021 Senior Retreat Oct 5
As the annual trip to the Sinsinawa Mound is not an option, staff is planning a day-long NET Ministry-led retreat for the Class of 2021 Monday, October 5 at Derham Farm/The Barns at Crockers Creek. More details to follow.
Gr 11-12: National Honor SocietyApplications
National Honor Society (NHS) applications are now available. To be eligible for NHS, a junior or senior must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5. In addition, students must have been enrolled at BA for at least a year, have a reputation of excellent character, demonstrate leadership qualities, and have a heart for serving others. If your student qualifies and is interested in membership in one of the nation’s oldest service organizations, please encourage them to pick up an application from Mrs. Piehl in Rm 112. Applications are due by 3pm Tuesday, September 29. Current members do not need to reapply.
Class of 2022: PRE-ACT Sept 30
All 11th grade students will take the Pre-ACT in the library on September 30 from 8AM-11:30AM. Please contact Counselor Tori Rogers if you have any questions.
AP Exam Order Deadline: October 13
Students taking AP courses at BA are required to take the May AP exams. Students not in AP classes are allowed to take the exams if they choose. See attached form for more information and a test order form; contact Ms Rogers with questions.
Jostens Reps @ BA October 20
Josten’s representatives will be meeting with the sophomores (class rings) and seniors (graduation) on October 20 during period 3.
School Pictures, Grades 6-8
Middle school students will have their pictures taken Friday, October 2nd. An order form was given to students today in homeroom.
Middle School Conferences Online October 8
Middle School Parent/Teacher conferences will be held from 4-7:30pm Thursday, October 8. Please sign up for a time to meet with your child’s teachers and discuss their progress HERE.
Synod 2020
The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis are continuing Synod 2020 with two virtual prayer and study series. Download the app or sign up for weekly emails to participate and learn more. Click here for more information.
Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group
Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. Visit for more information.
Attached Files |
Friday Focus 9/18/2020

September 18, 2020
Dear BA Families:
Bethlehem Academy students begin each day with greetings and prayer. Each morning I have the blessing of greeting students at our front entrance and beginning my day with a senior who shares a prayer with the school body and several announcements. We emulate our mission to “empower our students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual, and academic excellence.” With each small act, a smile in the morning, a greeting and a prayer, we create an environment where students thrive and grow in their faith. I am thankful to be a part of the BA mission.
Spirit Fest for Divine Mercy Catholic Church! I hope that you can join the festivities in your car or virtually this Saturday, September 19 from 4- 9 p.m. at Divine Mercy Catholic Church. Purchase a raffle ticket, bid on auction items, volunteer, or send in your donation. We are thankful to our church as an integral part of our school and mission and for the many ways they support BA. Find virtual event information here.
Staff Update: We extend our prayers to HS math teacher Sue Jandro, who will be on medical leave for the next few weeks. We thank Ed Friesen for covering her academic classes while she is out. Please reach out to him at if you or your student has any questions.
BA Board:Please welcome our three new board members: Erin Langenfeldt, Jessica Simones, and Alex Hanson. We are thankful to have their leadership on our Board. This week the BA Board met with the Sinsinawa Dominican Council, our governing body, to review the Board’s handbook, their roles and procedures. The Sinsinawa Dominican Council governs our Board and school leadership through a mission that reminds us of how to make each decision and support one another toward a greater purpose. I invite you to learn more about the Dominican sisters at their website; Review information regarding our board on our webpage here.
COVID Update: Each week we evaluate, review and revise procedures based on State, County or in school feedback. We thank you as parents for partnering with us during these first few weeks as we roll out the many protocols to keep our students and staff safe. Your family received a separate email this week sharing important information about how we will handle sick students and determine when they might move to distance learning as well as our updated student item drop off procedure. We have posted this to our COVID page.
Minnesota Fall Sports: Our cooperative teams are off to an amazing start as their shortened season begins. Just this week we learned that the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) is re-evaluating their decision to move football and volleyball to the spring. Each school was asked to respond to a survey confirming that we have football and volleyball and the pros and cons of each season as well as risk. School leadership thanks the many parents and board members who shared their voice with us. The MSHSL Board of Directors has a special meeting on Monday and we will share news with you as soon as we have more information.
- Wanted: Face Masks, Sanitizer and Disinfectant Wipes!
Upcoming Events:
- Watch for Homecoming updates as fall sports decisions are awaited by the state!
- Sept. 19: Divine Mercy Church Spirit Fest - held in the church parking lot, don’t miss it, flyer below.
- Sept. 21: Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa Mass of the Holy Spirit, 4:45pm (see attachment for invite & worship guide)
- Sept. 24: Parent Resource Night - A drive-through event for free materials and giveaways at the Rice County Fairgrounds from 6- 7:30 p.m. (Poster attached.)
- Sept 25: School pictures, grades 9-11
- Sept 29: FFA meeting for students, 3pm
- Sept 30: Pre-ACT test for 11th grade
- October 2: School pictures, grades 6-8
- October 8: Middle School Parent/Teacher conferences - format to be determined
- October 10: Spooktacular 5k/1-mile run/walk for Catholic Education
- October 14-16: MEA - No School
- October 20: Jostens in-school meeting with 10th (rings) and 12th (graduation) grade students
Thank you for your continued prayers and partnership!
Mindy Reeder, President/Principal
(See separate sections below for updates specific to high school or middle school)
BA Student Art Show @ Paradise Center of the Arts to Oct 24:
Student artwork from current BA students and alumni are on exhibit at the Paradise Center for the Arts! The exhibition opens tonight, Friday, September 18 with a simple reception from 5:00-7:00pm. No food or live music and if you attend, we ask that you social distance (masks required). The exhibit runs through October 24, so please stop by and check out this amazing artwork when you can.
School Pictures, Grades 6-11
Mike Oldenburg (recommended by longtime BA photographer, Paul Swenson, now retired) will be at Bethlehem Academy September 25 and October 2 to take student pictures. An order form is attached and will be distributed to students next week.
- September 25 – High school, grades 9-11 (middle school at Mass)
- October 2 – Middle school (high school at Mass)
FFA Meeting Sept 29
BA’s first FFA meeting for the year will be held on Tuesday, September 29th at 3pm by the greenhouse. All 7th-12th graders are welcome to join and are encouraged to bring a friend.
Home and School Dues
A reminder to parents to please send in your Home & School forms along with the $25 payment to the Front Office.
Calling in Sick
Parents, when you call or email for a student's absence, we ask that you be very specific about providing symptoms. That will help us to decide whether to recommend COVID testing or not. Click here for more information, including a symptoms guide and our protocols for the possible transition to distance learning.
Calling All Student-Athletes: Annual Eligibility Statement and Health Questionnaire
Students that participate in Bethlehem Academy’s school athletics program are required to complete the Annual Eligibility Statement and Health Questionnaire. This item needs to be completed once each school year. Please complete if your child will be participating in football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, softball, golf or track & field. Note also that the form needs to be completed for each participating student. Find the online form here.
Mass Day Dress Code Reminder
Just a reminder of our Mass dress code: Young men will wear dress pants and a collared shirt. Young women will wear dress pants, collared or crew neck dress shirt, dress (crew or polo style neckline) or skirt. Skirt and dress lengths must be no be more than 2 inches above the kneecap. Shoulders should be covered. Jeans, shorts and hooded sweatshirts are not permitted on Mass Days.
- SUBS: Join the BA Team as a substitute teacher. We love our subs and will be looking to add to our team. Please email Lisa Moonto get your substitute packet completed. Requirements: Must have a college degree, pass our background check, and must complete Virtus requirements.
- VAN DRIVER: We are looking for a BA Van driver for a new Owatonna route. If interested, please contact Kris Sauer at
Homework Club
Homework Club is offered every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm. Mrs. Kohl will be available in Room 204 to help any student who needs extra help with their homework.
Gr 11-12: National Honor SocietyApplications
National Honor Society (NHS) applications are now available. To be eligible for NHS, a junior or senior must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5. In addition, students must have been enrolled at BA for at least a year, have a reputation of excellent character, demonstrate leadership qualities, and have a heart for serving others. If your student qualifies and is interested in membership in one of the nation’s oldest service organizations, please encourage them to pick up an application from Mrs. Piehl in Rm 112. Applications are due by 3pm Tuesday, September 29. Current members do not need to reapply.
Gr 10-12 Parents: Virtual College Info Seminar (Sept. 22)
Parents of students in grades 10-12 are invited to participate in a college admissions webinar, “Navigating the college process in the new COVID-19 world.” Held virtually Tuesday, September 22, 7:30-8:30pm, the seminar is sponsored by the MN Independent Schools Forum and is free to all BA parents. Register at this link; note that signing up gives you access to the recorded seminar if you can’t attend live.
Class of 2022: PRE-ACT Sept 30
All 11th grade students will take the Pre-ACT in the library on September 30 from 8AM-11:30AM. Please contact Counselor Tori Rogers if you have any questions.
Jostens Reps @ BA October 20
Josten’s representatives will be meeting with the sophomores (class rings) and seniors (graduation) on October 20 during period 3.
Synod 2020
The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis are continuing Synod 2020 with two virtual prayer and study series. Download the app or sign up for weekly emails to participate and learn more. See attached flyer or click here for more information.
Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group
Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both.
Visit for more information, class schedules and registration link.
SpiritFest September 19!
Attached Files |
Invitation for Sinsinawa Sponsored Schools - Mass of the Holy Spirit - 9-21-2020.pdf |
Friday Focus 9/11/2020

September 11, 2020
Dear BA Families:
During the first few weeks of school routines and new traditions emerge. I want to thank you for reminding your scholar to continue to practice safe and healthy choices at home and at school. I’ve been impressed that with only minimal reminders, students have adapted to wearing their masks at school and social distancing. The changes are allowing us to remain open and this habit is beginning to become routine. As we look forward, we are meeting with our senior class and student council to discuss special celebrations and events and think about how we could do them differently this year while keeping our traditions. Our multimedia class may also take on new opportunities to help us create active online events and videos this year.
Welcome 6th Grade and New Middle School Students! This week we held an online orientation for our 6th grade class and new middle school students. We are blessed to partner with each family to ensure that your scholar thrives. Thank you for choosing Bethlehem Academy!
Congratulations to Verity Wray-Raabolle! Verity is a Semifinalist in the 2021 National Merit Scholarship competition. She is among only 16,000 students nationally being recognized for her prowess on her national assessments. We are so proud of her accomplishments.
- Masks: Please remember that all masks need to be appropriate. Like our dress code policy, masks cannot have symbols, large words or logos. If students come to school with an inappropriate mask, or mask with a large symbol, logos or word(s), they will be given a different mask to wear.
- Drop off Table: In an effort to mitigate exposure, if you are dropping off items during the school day, we will have a table for you to place these items outside of the school office. Please be sure to label all items, checks, or forms dropped off at the table.
- UPDATED SYMPTOM Home Checks: The MN Dept of Health has released an updated home screening tool for schools. Find the updated screening tool here. Please be sure to complete home health checks in the morning and to have your scholar stay home if they have a fever or symptoms described on this list. Find a symptom decision tree and other symptom/screening information on our COVID Response Plans web page.
- Wanted: Face Masks, Sanitizer and Disinfectant Wipes!
Upcoming Events:
- Homecoming may be changed to a Fall Celebration - details coming after our student meetings
- Sept. 19: Divine Mercy Church Spirit Fest - held in the church parking lot, don’t miss it, details below.
- Sept. 21: Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa Mass of the Holy Spirit, 4:45pm (see attachment)
- Sept. 24: County-wide Parent Informational Drive-through Event, free materials and giveaways at the Rice County Fairgrounds - drive through from 6- 8 p.m.
- October 8: Middle School Parent/Teacher conferences - format to be determined
- Oct. 14-16: MEA - No School
Thank you for your continued prayers and partnership. To help us remain in person, please continue to practice safe, social distancing when your student gathers with friends outside of school!
Mindy Reeder, President/Principal
(See separate sections below for updates specific to high school or middle school)
Counseling Services @ BA
We are pleased to welcome our new Guidance Counselor, Tori Rogers. She is excited to begin working with your students and has plans to meet individually with each one, starting with the Class of 2021. Please see the attached Introduction to the Counselor letter from Ms. Rogers for more information.
Calling in Sick
Parents, when you call or email for a student's absence, we ask that you be very specific about providing symptoms. That will help us to decide whether to recommend they should be tested for COVID or not. See below and click here for more information, including a symptoms guide.
MSHSL Football/Volleyball Fall Practice Season Begins 9/14
The Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) fall practice season for football and volleyball begins on Monday.
As these and other athletic activities take place, we want to inform you of the risks involved with interscholastic athletics activities. We will take every precaution we can to minimize the risk of injury or the transmission of disease. Yet, it is not possible for us to eliminate all risks of participation. We cannot guarantee that participants will not be exposed to COVID-19 or other diseases. Please note the attached notice from the MSHSL with more information.
BA Trap Team: Modified Fall Season Signup
The BA Trap Team is going to participate in the Minnesota High School Clay Target Leagues modified fall season. Current team members need to log into the Team Management system and update their information. Students in grades 6-12 who have a DNR Firearms Safety Certificate are eligible to participate; listen to school announcements for sign up information. Athletes need to provide their own ammunition for the fall league. Please contact Coach Rost (507-339-3695) or Coach Marquardt (507-384-7386) with questions.
- SUBS: Join the BA Team as a substitute teacher. We love our subs and will be looking to add to our team. Please email Lisa Moon to get your substitute packet completed. Requirements: Must have a college degree, pass our background check, and must complete Virtus requirements.
- VAN DRIVER: We are looking for a BA Van driver for a new Owatonna route. If interested, please contact Kris Sauer at
2019-2020 Yearbooks
Good news! There are extra yearbooks for sale. If you are interested in purchasing a yearbook please bring $60 to Mr. Zabel or to the school office. You can make the check out to Bethlehem Academy and memo Josten Yearbook.
Homework Club
Homework Club is offered every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm. Mrs. Kohl will be available in Room 204 to help any student who needs extra help with their homework.
HIGH SCHOOL PHY ED STUDENTS: We will be allowing you to change starting Monday, September 14. You will not have lockers, but will be able to change prior to class. Mr. Knutson will have all of the details. Please plan to bring a change of clothes for PE.
SADD Student Recruitment
High school students are invited to join our local chapter of the nationally recognized student group, SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions). This student organization focuses on helping students make positive and healthy choices in their everyday lives. Students were sent this link to sign up: Online registration due Friday, September 11.
6-8th Grade Football Meeting - See attached information sheet on the middle school football program and contact Mr. Brent Zabel at if you have any questions. First practice: Tuesday, September 15.
6th Grade & New Middle School Families
An email with the middle school orientation powerpoint and other information was sent Thursday; packets were sent home with our in-person students on Friday (online students, your packets are in the mail). Please contact if you have any questions or did not receive this information.
Fall Faith Formation Registration is OPEN!
BA students that would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation need to sign up for Divine Mercy’s Confirmation program in order to meet the requirements. Divine Mercy’s confirmation program consists of a combination of large group presentations, small group discussion, service in our parish, and hands-on experiences with our Catholic faith. In the past we have gathered the kids in a large group to watch the presentation for the evening and then they would go to small group for the remainder of the class. This year they will go right to small group and class has been reduced to one hour. Videos will be available for them to watch one week prior to the class. We are flexible and have the program ready to be taken fully into distance learning if necessary later in the year. Confirmation is about taking the knowledge the students have learned, moving that information to the heart, and learning how to nurture a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Community is an essential part of our faith and we grow in relationship through each other. This is why we bring all the students together, regardless of where they are enrolled in school, to meet the requirements of confirmation. Confirmation is for students in 8th grade and older. Students who have already been confirmed are always welcome to join us as student leaders. Registration is required but there is no cost.
Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group
Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both.
Visit for more information, class schedules and registration link.
SpiritFest September 19!
Attached Files |
Friday Focus 9/4/2020

Dear BA Families:
Thank you for your partnership in this first week! I’ve had the opportunity to meet our students, connect with some parents, and observe an amazing school family here at Bethlehem Academy during these first few days. A special welcome to all of our new students and families this year. I also enjoyed meeting with our 9th grade families and will be praying for all of you and your dreams for high school as you begin these incredible four years.
As you know, in order to mitigate exposure, we are gathering for weekly Mass separately. This Friday was our first High School Mass. Next Friday our Middle School will gather for their weekly Mass. Although this is not ideal, we seek to maintain health and safety during the COVID pandemic while continuing to follow our mission to foster academic excellence and spiritual growth. This Friday, a representative of the Sinsinawa Council commissioned me as your school President and Principal along with our Board Chair, Kathy Nass. I was honored to receive this special blessing. When you can, please join us online for Mass at:
- Masks: Please remember that all masks need to be appropriate. No symbols or large words or logos can be on masks, like our dress code policy. If students come to school with an inappropriate mask, or mask with a large symbol, logos or word(s), they will be given a different mask to wear.
- Daily Screenings/Symptoms Qs: A reminder to please take your student(s) temperature and screen for symptoms daily. Click here for more information, including what to do if your student has symptoms.
- Drop off Table: In an effort to mitigate exposure, if you are dropping off items during the school day, we will have a table for you to place these items outside of the school office. Please be sure to label all items, checks or forms dropped off at the table.
- Wanted: Face Masks, Sanitizer and Disinfectant Wipes!
- Uniform Policy: At the end of this newsletter is our uniform policy for daily wear and Mass days. Please review with your scholar as this year we cannot hand out alternative clothing due to COVID restrictions.
- Home Checks: Please be sure to complete home health checks in the morning and to have your scholar stay home if they have a fever or any symptoms.
Additional communication and upcoming events:
- September 7:No School, Labor Day
- September 9, 3:30pm: Greenhouse Dedication/Christening
- September 9, 6pm: 6th Grade & New MS Family Orientation, 6pm via Zoom
- September 9, 7pm: Prayer for Racial Justice & Peace, Facebook livestream by St. Peter Claver, St. Paul
- September 9, 8pm: LADIES - Please join us for a night out at Divine Mercy Catholic Church. Event info.
- September 11: MS Mass-Link to Mass:
Thank you for your continued prayers and partnership. To help us remain in person, please continue to practice safe, social distancing when your student gathers with friends outside of school!
Mindy Reeder, President/Principal
(See separate sections below for updates specific to high school or middle school)
- SUBS: Join the BA Team as a substitute teacher. We love our subs and will be looking to add to our team. Please email Lisa Moon to get your substitute packet completed. Requirements: Must have a college degree, pass our background check, and must complete Virtus requirements.
- VAN DRIVER: We are looking for a BA Van driver for a new Owatonna route. If interested, please contact Kris Sauer at
2019-2020 Yearbooks
Students received their yearbooks in homeroom this morning. If your student was absent, homeroom teachers will hold their yearbook until they return. Distance learners, students with questions, or students wishing to purchase a yearbook should email Mr. Zabel or see him after school.
Homework Club
Homework Club will be offered every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:10-4:00pm starting Tuesday, September 8. Mrs. Kohl will be on hand at that time in Room 204 to help any students who need extra help with their homework.
Dismissal Time Reminder
A reminder that teachers will dismiss in staggered releases to mitigate congregating:
- 2:45 - Grade 6
- 2:47 - Grade 7
- 2:49 - Grade 8
- 2:51 - Grade 9
- 2:52 - Grade 10
- 2:54 - Grade 11
- 2:55 - Grade 12
Younger siblings, if riding with an older sibling, may stay in their classroom until their sibling’s class is dismissed. Students may go directly to their locker and then to their car or mode of transportation. They are not to congregate.
Amazon Smiles/Scrip/Box Tops
See attached flyer for easy ways to save money on tuition and raise money for Bethlehem Academy on the things you are already shopping for!
Laptop Updates
*Please have your child(ren) confirm the "Cardinal App Store" is installed in their laptop's Applications folder. This app needs to be installed in order for BA to push out software updates to laptops. Please have your child see Mr. Friesen if the Cardinal App Store is not present. (Students that received laptops prior to Orientation Day are the ones who may be missing the Cardinal App Store.)
*Please have your child re-start their laptop every weekend. We recommend on Saturday night, prior to going to bed,to quit all applications, plug in the power adapter and re-start the laptop and leave the display lid open so any software updates can be installed. Then, re-start again on Sunday morning. (Note: On a Mac, closing a window does not quit a program. If there is a dot by the applicaiton icon in the dock, the application is still running. Quit applicaitons from the menubar or holding down the trackpad while the mouse is over the application icon in the dock. The Finder (2 smiley face icon) is the only application that should be running when re-starting the laptop.)
SADD Student Recruitment
High school students are invited to join our local chapter of the nationally recognized student group, SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions). This student organization focuses on helping students make positive and healthy choices in their everyday lives. Students were sent this link to sign up: Online registration due Friday, September 11.
6-8th Grade Football Meeting - 15-minute meeting Wed, September 9, at 3:15 p.m. in the cafeteria with Mr. Zabel.
6th Grade & New Middle School Families: Orientation September 9
All 6th graders and families new to BA’s Middle School are asked to join us for an orientation meeting on Wednesday, September 9. The meeting will be held via Zoom starting at 6pm and will focus on welcoming you to BA and providing tips and information to set your student up for success in middle school. Watch your email for a Zoom link next week.
Fall Faith Formation Registration is OPEN!
BA students that would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation need to sign up for Divine Mercy’s Confirmation program in order to meet the requirements. Divine Mercy’s confirmation program consists of a combination of large group presentations, small group discussion, service in our parish, and hands-on experiences with our Catholic faith. Confirmation is about taking the knowledge the students have learned, moving that information to the heart, and learning how to nurture a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Community is an essential part of our faith and we grow in relationship through each other. This is why we bring all the students together, regardless of where they are enrolled in school, to meet the requirements of confirmation. Confirmation is for students in 8th grade and older. Students who have already been confirmed are always welcome to join us as student leaders. Registration is required but there is no cost.
Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group
Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both.
Visit for more information, class schedules and registration link.
SpiritFest September 19!
Dress and Appearance Code
Bethlehem Academy is committed to advocating for the dignity of every person within our school community. The purpose of the dress code is threefold: Modesty, Consistency, and Safety which impact student learning. Students are held responsible for the clothing they choose to wear.
All students will wear a collared or crew neck shirt with sleeves. Shirts must be opaque and buttoned with the exception of the top button at the neck. Polo type, button up and dressier styled crew neck shirts without large graphics are acceptable. Other acceptable shirts include any Bethlehem Academy, Faribault Coop Sports (in which students actively participate), Minnesota High School League section/state tournament shirts (in which students actively participate), college/university/military shirt, or any positive youth activity shirt (examples include: athletic camps, club sports teams, community theater productions, Church youth group). Shirts with large graphics that advertise a business, workplace or marketing brand are not acceptable (examples include but are not limited to: Designer Labels, Sporting Goods Stores, Restaurant Chains). Additional items that may be worn over the shirt include zip-ups, fleece wear, sweaters and crew/hooded sweatshirts that meet the requirements above. Midriffs, cleavage, and undergarments must be covered.
All students will wear pant/trouser style bottoms (of any color) including jeans that meet the top of the ankles. Khaki and jean jogger pants may be worn. Prior to MEA and following spring break, students may wear dress shorts or bermuda shorts that are knee length with a sewn hem. Short lengths may not be more than 2 inches above the knee cap. Students are allowed to wear capri pants of any color. Jogger dress pants and jogger jeans are acceptable.
All dresses must have a crew or collared neckline. All skirt and dress lengths must be not be more than 2 inches above the kneecap.
Mass Days
Young men will wear dress pants and a collared shirt. Young women will wear dress pants, collared or crew neck dress shirt, dress (crew or polo style neckline) or skirt. Skirt and dress lengths must be not be more than 2 inches above the kneecap. Shoulders should be covered. Jeans, shorts and hooded sweatshirts are not permitted on Mass Days.
All students will wear shoes. State law requires that for health reasons, no bare feet will be allowed in the school building. Backless shoes are acceptable. Flip flops may be worn before MEA and following Spring Break.
Hairstyles that draw undue attention to the student will not be permitted. Highlights, braids and extensions must be of a color that occurs naturally in humans and not be in such contrast as to draw undue attention to the student. Facial hair should be kept neat and clean
Unacceptable Clothing Items
Unacceptable clothing items include: leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, skorts, athletic jogger pants, sweatpants, nylon sport pants, athletic shorts, transparent shirts, sleeveless shirts, hats (once inside the building should be removed), cut-off shorts, torn clothing, and clothing with inappropriate designs and/or messages including, but not limited to, alcohol, drugs, and tobacco references.
All student groups are allowed to wear uniform tops (jerseys, t-shirts, hoodies, jackets) with dress code bottoms on event days to celebrate group unity, preparation and bring awareness to the community about student events.
Students not in acceptable attire will be expected to do the following:
→go to the office to change in order to meet dress code expectations.
→call parents to provide alternative clothing.
→remain in the office until proper clothing is attained. (Unexcused absence)
Dress Down Days
Throughout the school year, there may be declared “Dress Down Days” for various reasons.
On these days, the items listed in the “Unacceptable Clothing Items” section (above) from this handbook, continue to be UNACCEPTABLE.
The list of unacceptable items for dress includes:
leggings, jeggings, yoga pants, skorts, athletic jogger pants, sweatpants, nylon sport pants, athletic shorts, transparent shirts, sleeveless shirts, hats (once inside the building should be removed), cut-off shorts, torn clothing, and clothing with inappropriate designs and/or messages including, but not limited to alcohol, tobacco and other drug references.
For some Dress Down Days, the organization sponsoring the day may specify specific clothing items that are or are not acceptable. Special criteria specified for a specific Dress Down Day, as advertised by the organization sponsoring the day, takes precedence.
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