Category : 2019-20
Family Focus 6/1/2020

Pass/No Credit Option for Semester 2
Recognizing the challenges placed on students and families, Bethlehem Academy has adopted a Semester 2 Pass/No Credit grading option for students who may have struggled academically during the 4th quarter due to distance learning. AP and CIS classes do not qualify, and there are a number of restrictions and caveats. Please review the attached grading policy. If interested in pursuing this grading option, please log into PowerSchool to review current grades. Note the attached form must be returned to BA by June 4, 2020.
THANK YOU to everyone involved in the production of our Senior Week/Commencement programs. Best wishes and Congratulations to the Class of 2020! In case you missed any of the virtual programs, they remain viewable on Bethlehem Academy’s Facebook page ( and YouTube channel (
2020-2021 Financial Aid & Tuition Agreements
Most tuition agreements have been sent via TADS to families of enrolled students. Please contact Sister Mary Margaret ( or Kris Sauer ( with questions or if your financial situation has changed since the February financial aid deadline. We will work with you to keep your students at Bethlehem Academy.
From the Nurse’s Office
Students entering 7th grade this fall: Please make sure that you have had your tetanus booster and 1st meningitis shot before the start of school in the fall. Reminder letters will be sent out.
Students entering 12th grade this fall: The meningitis booster requirements for this fall has been postponed because of Covid 19. Many have already had their booster shot. If you are seeing your doctor for any reason, you can still have this immunization but it is not necessary before the start of school in fall.
2020-2021 Faribault Rotary Strive Program
Faribault Rotary is going to hold Strive meetings online via Zoom until further notice; the first meeting will be on Wednesday, June 10th at 9:00 am. They will hold meetings on the second Wednesday of the month through January. Interested students will need to e-mail to receive the link to the first Strive meeting.
Get Involved in BA! Join the Board of Directors
The BA Board of Directors is looking for 5-6 people to join the Board! It's a great way to meet new people, make new friends, and move BA forward. You will only have two meetings a month, so it isn’t a huge time commitment. And you can even join with a friend! We need you! If you want to help, have questions, or are on the fence about joining, please reach out to any of our current members, who would be happy to talk: Kathy Nass (Board Chair, 507-323-5365), Mike Donkers, Debbie Korman, Mellanie Smith, Kathy Halvorson, Mary Campbell, Pat DeGrood, Melissa Casper, Cory Caron, and Crystal Bauer. Bethlehem Academy needs our parents, alumni, friends to serve and help guide BA. We can’t wait to welcome you to the Board. Thank you! #WEAREBA #TogetherWeFly
Needed: Used Summer Reading/IRP Novels
A note from our English Departments: If you have any old summer reading novels, or IRP (Independent Reading Novels), sitting around at home that you would not mind donating we would love them!!! We will have a table available in the gym on the day students return laptops and textbooks for these book donations. Thank you for your consideration.
Box Tops
Great news! If you shop for groceries online, you can now submit your email receipts from select retailers to earn Box Tops for your school. Click here for details. You can also turn in your receipts to school right after you shop and Mrs. Smisek will scan them digitally if you don’t have the app. And, through May 10, earn double Box Tops when you buy any Box Tops participating products. This program helps support our middle school science program.
Grade 9-10 Students: Be a Big!
Big Brothers Big Sister of Southern Minnesota is recruiting interested 9th and 10th grade students for next school year. Check out this message from BA junior Kennedy Tutak: Interested students need to have a valid driver’s license by December 2020; commit to at least 2 years; want to be a kid’s new friend! Click here to take the first step in becoming a Big. Contact Megan Horton, Community Outreach Director at for more information.
Yearbook Orders
Still want to buy a 2019-2020 yearbook? It’s not too late! The BA Multimedia class has worked hard to create a memorable yearbook highlighting this historic year. Purchase yours for just $60 + tax online at
Summer event dates below – please add these to your calendar! More information coming soon.
Cardinal Café @ the Rice County Fair: Cancelled for July 2020- Cardinal Golf Classic: Friday, August 7
- S.M.A.R.T. Challenge Ride: Thursday, August 6-Saturday, August 8 (1-day ride options available!)
- Heritage Days Parade: Saturday, August 8, 2pm.
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