Category : July 2021
Family Focus 7/30/21

July 30, 2021
Dear BA Families: A special thank you to our students, our families, our alumni and our supporters for all they do for BA! It's been a wonderful week of service and dedication. Thanks to everyone who volunteered in the BA Cardinal Cafe fair stand, who sponsored a rider - or is riding in - our Smart Challenge ride, and all of our sponsors and players for next week's BA Golf Classic. We are so appreciative of the immense support we receive and the partnerships with area businesses and Divine Mercy Catholic Church and School - THANK YOU! It's great to be a Cardinal.
Speaking of Cardinals, alumni arrived back in Minnesota this week from the Class of 1956! They will be hosting a reunion this Saturday. In addition to their reunion, other classes celebrating this year include: Class of 1966; Class of 1971 and the Class of 1981. I look forward to connecting with alumni as they return to "where it all started!"
MENTOR FAMILIES: BA is looking for Mentor families to help support families new to our Cardinal community. If you would be willing to be a mentor family or want to learn more, email Kris Sauer at:
BACK-TO-SCHOOL: Keep the below dates in mind as you plan for our return to school! Our "Back-to-School" mailing will be sent out next week including the revised COVID addendum with minimum protocols that are required.
- August 6: Cardinal Classic Golf Tournament, Faribault Golf Club
- August 12: Fall sports meeting, 6:30pm, BA gym
- August 25: Back-to-School Picnic, 5-6:30pm, BA Back 40
- August 26: Student Orientation, 9-11:30am (No Faribault busing; BA Van routes will run; No lunch served; bring school supplies!)
- August 30: First Day of School! (Faribault busing & BA Van will run)
- Tracking Volunteer Hours - Parents: Log your volunteer hours at: HS Students will log their hours in Naviance, MS students through their religion classes
- FREE LUNCH in 2021-22: As a carryover of COVID school grants and support, BA will once again be offering free lunches to students. You'll only need to put money into your child's account for those extra helpings and treats that they love!
SUPPORTING THE DMCS "United for our Future." DMCS plans to build out by Divine Mercy Church and kicked off this campaign over the summer. Join us in prayers and discernment as you consider your support. BA looks forward to a rich partnership with DMCS throughout this build project.
Sending prayers to you this summer! Our office will be open from 9am--1 p.m. Monday-Thursday. Stop in and don't forget to remind your students to complete their summer reading!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal
Summer Band Program Starts August 3
Grade 7-12 band students - Mr. Wendt is starting up summer band! Band will practice Tues-Wed from 7-8:30pm the first three weeks of August. Plan to be at BA 7-8:30pm Aug 3-4, Aug 10-11, and Aug 17-18. Watch your email for more information.
Back to School Information: Find back to school information, including school supply lists, summer reading assignments, and other important information on our Back to School page HERE. Our annual summer back to school mailing will be sent next week.
Summer Read Program
Don't forget about your student's summer read! Find the list of books and the handouts on our website at this link.
REMINDER: Required Immunizations
All students who will be in 7th grade this fall are required by law to have a Tdap (tetanus booster) as well as a meningitis shot. The meningitis shot is the first in a two-shot series which should be completed at 16 years of age. Students who will be in 12th grade are required by law to have a second meningitis shot. Students should have had their first shot in the series before the start of 7th grade. Any students who have conscientious objector forms on file will need to fill out a new form for this fall. If you have any questions or need a conscientious objector form, please contact Mary Herzog in the nurse’s office, 507-334-3948.
Theater Director Position
Bethlehem Academy is seeking a Director to lead our theater and drama programs throughout the year. Do you have a heart for theater? Do you love working with middle and high school students? This position is paid a stipend per show or program (Drama Club; Musical Production) and typically arranges a schedule for practices after the school day. Qualifications: Experience in theater and musical productions. Directing experience preferred. Application: Please send your resume and three references to: Mindy Reeder –
SCRIP Note Update: BA students and families may participate in the DMCS Scrip program to earn tuition credit. See the attached summer program update for more information.
1st United Bank Junior Board
Rising 11th and 12th graders are invited to apply for the 1st United Bank Junior Board of Directors. Applications due September 10, 2021. More information attached.
Scrip Note Update
1st United Bank Board of Directors Application
Family Focus 7/23/21

July 23, 2021
Dear BA Families:
Student and family volunteer time is needed for the success of BA events - and a rich part of our history. Each year we ask families to give the gift of time, 25 hours of their time, to support the many events, fundraisers, and programs at BA. With the beginning of our fiscal year in July, the Rice County Fair is the first opportunity students and families have to volunteer. If all students and parents signed up for one shift, we would be overwhelmed, but the work load would be easy. Typically our teams or clubs sign up for a time to work together - as we get back into our more "normal" events now that COVID restrictions have lifted, we need everyone to step up. We could really use your support this Saturday or Sunday at the Rice County fair stand - sign up online at: Additional volunteer hours will be available throughout the year as well.
Tracking Volunteer Hours
- Parents: In 2019 we kicked off an online tracking form for parents (which we did not use last year due to COVID limits on events). If you're volunteering at the fair, are part of our School Board or other committees, please track your time and let us know how you like to volunteer. Visit our volunteer page at:
- Students: Separately, our students track their volunteer and service hours through a school program called Naviance. This tracking helps them ensure that they've met their volunteer goals for the year, which vary by grade, and will also help remind them of their effort when they apply for scholarships and recognition.
FREE LUNCH in 2021-22: As a carryover of COVID school grants and support, BA will once again be offering free lunches to students. You'll only need to put money into your child's account for those extra helpings and treats that they love!
SUPPORTING THE DMCS "United for our Future." This past weekend I had the opportunity to attend the presentation to build a new school building for DMCS out on the grounds near the church. What a beautiful plan to ensure Catholic education in Faribault for generations! Some might wonder how this connects to BA. Our support in connected in multiple ways. First as united Catholic Schools of Faribault, we grow together and partner in so many ways. Our schools are stronger together and our partnership has endless potential. Second, DMCS is our main feeder school. Third, the new parish hall and school will provide additional opportunities for BA to partner with our parish and school for space, events and sports programs. Please join DMCS in prayers at this point for the success of their Capital Campaign, the future of Faribault Catholic schools.
- July 23-27: Cardinal Cafe at the Rice Count Fair! Sign up HERE to volunteer.
- July 29-31: SMART Ride - Sponsor one of our 10 riders, including Class of 2021 grads Luke Bauer and Isaac Caron!
- August 6: Cardinal Classic Golf Tournament, Faribault Golf Club. Spots are filling fast! Sign up to play, click here.
- August 12: Fall sports meeting, 6:30pm, BA gym
- August 25: Back-to-School Picnic, 5-7pm, BA Back 40
- August 25: New Family Orientation, 6:30pm, BA Cafeteria
- August 26: Student Orientation, 9-11:30am (No Faribault busing; BA Van routes will run)
- August 30: First Day of School! (Faribault busing & BA Van will run)
God bless you during the summer months! Our office will be open from 9am--1pm Monday-Thursday. Stop in and don't forget to remind your students to complete their summer reading!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder
Summer Band Program Starts August 3
Grade 7-12 band students - Mr. Wendt is starting up summer band! Band will practice Tues-Wed from 7-8:30pm the first three weeks of August. Plan to be at BA 7-8:30pm Aug 3-4, Aug 10-11, and Aug 17-18. Watch your email for more information.
Back to School Information: Find back to school information, including school supply lists, summer reading assignments, and other important information on our Back to School page HERE. Our annual summer back to school mailing will be sent early August.
Summer Read Program
Don't forget about your student's summer read! Find the list of books and the handouts on our website at this link.
SMART Ride July 29-31, 2021
Support one of our 10 riders for this 10th anniversary of the SMART Ride! This great event raises money for student scholarships! Riders include current & past parents, alumni (including 2 from the Class of 2021), and friends of BA. Click here to support one of these great riders - every pledge counts!
Cardinal Golf Classic Aug 6
Sign up by Friday, July 30, to join the Aug 6 Cardinal Golf Classic at the Faribault Golf Club. Scramble format starts at 12 noon & spots are filling fast! Sign up your foursome here today!
REMINDER: Required Immunizations
All students who will be in 7th grade this fall are required by law to have a Tdap (tetanus booster) as well as a meningitis shot. The meningitis shot is the first in a two-shot series which should be completed at 16 years of age. Students who will be in 12th grade are required by law to have a second meningitis shot. Students should have had their first shot in the series before the start of 7th grade. Any students who have conscientious objector forms on file will need to fill out a new form for this fall. If you have any questions or need a conscientious objector form, please contact Mary Herzog in the nurse’s office, 507-334-3948.
SCRIP Note Update: BA students and families may participate in the DMCS Scrip program to earn tuition credit. See the attached summer program update for more information.
1st United Bank Junior Board
Rising 11th and 12th graders are invited to apply for the 1st United Bank Junior Board of Directors. Applications due September 10, 2021. More information attached.
Scrip Note Update
1st United Bank Board of Directors Application
Family Focus 7/16/21

July 16, 2021
Dear BA Families:
It's Rice County Fair time! If you haven't signed up for a shift, please review the openings for the BA Fair Stand. We need everyone to support the stand as we support the community at the Rice County Fair!
Our staff continues to prepare for the next school year through professional development, implementation of "Houses," the Positivity Project school wide, and new courses. We are excited to welcome 19 new students this fall, an increase in enrollment of 7%! Our BA family also welcomes new teachers after the retirement of dedicated staff this year and changes in teachers. On a sad note, we say farewell to two additional staff, Matt Knutson and Sister Melissa Schreifels. They both touched students lives and we wish them the best in their new positions.
Please welcome: Edward Wendt, Band Director; Rachel Tondryk, Spanish Instructor; Father John Powers, 7th grade theology/Chaplain; Dave Wollin is expanding his role as an AP teacher and will also be our HS support instructor.
We also added two staff added this month:
Lynette Battles - Middle School & High School Math Teacher: Mrs. Battles graduated from Bethlehem Academy. She has taught in Catholic education for the past 15 years and earned her BS in Communication Disorders from the University of Minnesota, and a teaching license through the College of St. Catherine. She begins her Masters program through the University of St. Thomas Murray Institute this fall. She's very happy to continue her teaching career at Bethlehem Academy and looks forward to engaging math students and working with BA staff and families. She currently lives in Faribault with her husband Josh, and they have four children, Jacob, Noah, Alissa, and Shae. | |
Mr. Michael Bengen - PE/Health Teacher: Mr. Bengen graduated from Winona State University in 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in physical education and a minor in Developmental Adapted PE. He has a passion for helping people learn and become a better version of themselves. Outside of teaching, he enjoys going to his family camper where he fishes and plays yard games. Mr. Bengen is looking forward to being able to get to know the students at BA and possibly be able to coach some of them in the near future. |
We are also working with the Archdiocese, State, and County to review any needed COVID protocols for the fall of our school year. We will inform families of any updates, but do not anticipate many requirements.
- July 23-27: Cardinal Cafe at the Rice Count Fair! Sign up HERE to volunteer.
- July 29-31: SMART Ride - Join us to raise scholarship dollars or sponsor one of our 9 riders, including Class of 2021 grads Luke Bauer and Isaac Caron!
- August 6: Cardinal Classic Golf Tournament, Faribault Golf Club. Spots are filling fast! Sign up to play, click here.
- BA Fair Stand: We need your support at the Rice County Fair. We want to thank the Simones family for agreeing to manage the stand and we need you to volunteer - July 21-25, 2021. We are asking EVERY STUDENT AND FAMILY TO TAKE A SHIFT IN ORDER TO MEET OUR BUDGETARY NEEDS. Click HERE to sign up today. Thank you!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder
SMART Ride July 29-31, 2021
Save the date for this summer's SMART ride! Single day biking options available or join all 3 days, with camping at Minneopa State Park near Mankato. This great event raises money for student scholarships! Click here for information on joining the ride or sponsoring a rider.
Cardinal Golf Classic Aug 6
Registration is open for the annual Cardinal Golf Classic! This year's event will be held at the Faribault Golf Club Friday, August 6 with a scramble format starting at 12 noon. Registration just $100 includes golf, awards dinner, gift and hole contests. Spots filling fast. Sign up your foursome here today!
Back to School Information: Find back to school information, including school supply lists, summer reading assignments, and other important information on our Back to School page HERE. Our annual summer back to school mailing will be sent early August.
Don't forget about your student's summer read! Find the list of books and the handouts on our website at this link.
REMINDER: Required Immunizations
All students who will be in 7th grade this fall are required by law to have a Tdap (tetanus booster) as well as a meningitis shot. The meningitis shot is the first in a two-shot series which should be completed at 16 years of age. Students who will be in 12th grade are required by law to have a second meningitis shot. Students should have had their first shot in the series before the start of 7th grade. Any students who have conscientious objector forms on file will need to fill out a new form for this fall. If you have any questions or need a conscientious objector form, please contact Mary Herzog in the nurse’s office, 507-334-3948.
SCRIP Note Update: BA students and families may participate in the DMCS Scrip program to earn tuition credit. See the attached summer program update for more information.
1st United Bank Junior Board
Rising 11th and 12th graders are invited to apply for the 1st United Bank Junior Board of Directors. Applications due September 10, 2021. More information attached.
Scrip Note Update
1st United Bank Board of Directors Application