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Family Focus 3/26/2021

date 03/31/2021 author Ed Friesen category 2020-21, March 2021 comment Leave a comment

Dear BA Families:

Blessed Holy Week! I do pray that Spring Break brought you joy. I know that some students and families are just completing quarantines due to cases, exposure, or travel. We look forward to having everyone back in-person soon! During this Holy Week, BA students will begin on Wednesday with reconciliation. As we celebrate the Triduum, beginning with Holy Thursday and culminating with Easter Sunday, I am overjoyed to be at BA serving our students, staff and families where we can celebrate the gift of everlasting life through Jesus. May your spirit be exuberant this Easter.

This quarter also begins our end-of-year testing, starting with our 9th and 10th grade students taking the Aspire test (see high school section below for more information on this exam). This test is an all-day test on April 6 for 9th grade and April 8t for 10th grade. We will offer a free breakfast for the 9th and 10th grade students on these days from 7:30-8:00 a.m.

    BABS - DENIM & DIAMONDS, April 10, 2021:  Don't forget to order your raffle tickets here, purchase an admissions ticket here, volunteer to help here, consider a donationhere, support this year's Fund-A-Need and plan to attend in-person or online to bid on our fabulous items! Check out our BABS webpage for all the details, including admissions and sponsors to date! A separate email with all of the information and volunteer needs was sent yesterday.

    Schedule for the upcoming three weeks: 

    • March 31: HS & MS Reconciliation
    • April 1: Complete enrollment by today for a chance to win a $200 Amazon Gift Card!
    • April 2: NO SCHOOL/Good Friday
    • April 5: NO SCHOOL/Easter Monday
    • April 6:
      • Red Cross Blood Drive @ BA. See info below. 
      • Aspire Test for 9th Grade at BA (Breakfast 7:30-8)
      • Student summer worker deadline. See info below.
    • April 8: Aspire Test for 10th Grade at BA (Breakfast 7:30-8)
    • April 9: HS Mass
    • April 10: BABS Denim & Diamonds, find info here

    KUDOS: Proud of our Shop Students who built birdhouses and donated them to River Bend Nature Center and partnered with the Fire Station on a table project this past month AND our High School Student Council & Student Service Club who led a month-long Lenten service project that brought in 100 pounds of toiletries that were donated today to St. Vincent dePaul for families in need. 


    • 2021-2022 Enrollment-WIN a $200 Gift Card! Re-enroll and register for classes by April 1 to be eligible for a $200 Amazon Gift Card drawing! Please email Kris Sauer with questions.
    • 2021-22 TADS Financial Aid updates: We are still accepting applications for tuition assistance. Be sure to take advantage of our needs-based scholarship program and apply by April 5 using this link: financial aid app. Please respond to any emails from TADS requesting documents or additional information as we cannot review/assess incomplete applications. Contact Kris Sauer if you need assistance with this process. 

    BA Annual FundTHANK YOU-what a blessing! We are at $244,045 - 98% of our goal of $250,000. Gifts to the annual fund can be sent through June 30, 2021 - perhaps we will surpass our goal thanks to prayers and support this year!

    COVID UPDATES: At this time, we have 1 additional positive case of school students and/or staff. Any confirmed or exposed school members are quarantined. All interested staff have received the vaccine. We will continue to follow safety protocols including spacing, mask wearing, ventilation and cleaning as well as the 10 day quarantine. We will be evaluating any updates from MDH and the CDC for implementation after Easter.

    • Family vaccine connector: If you or anyone in your family is interested in receiving a vaccine, please sign up at the State of MN's Vaccine Connector, a tool that helps Minnesotans find out when, where, and how to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Sign up here.  
    • COVID Tests recommended: The Minnesota High School League and Health Department is recommending testing for students, especially in sports where they have experienced increases. They are offering free tests and families may receive them at home. Click here to get your free test.
    • Free Mental Health Resources available to Families: The Rice County Trauma Project has partnered with Advanced Trauma Consulting to create a short video series addressing grief, loss and pandemic trauma. You'll find the toolkit HERE.

    Please continue to pray for Ella Banon, younger sister to one of BA's 8th grade students, Barak Barner. Your prayers and support are asked for by the family. Fiind Ella's GoFundMe page at this link. Ella Strong t-shirts may also be ordered here.  

    Mindy Reeder, President/Principal


    Spring Sports
    Practices for spring sports begin on Monday, March 29.  Spring sport activity fees may be paid online or by sending a check to the school office.  The activity fee for baseball, fastpitch softball, golf and track & field is $135 per participant.  The $165 fee for trap shooting may also be paid online or by sending a check to the school office..  

    Easter Flower Pick Up March 30-31
    Flowers ordered through the BA Activities Association will be available for pickup in BA's Front Lobby Tuesday, March 30 and Wednesday, March 31 from 3:00-6:00pm. 

    Student Summer Work Sign Up By April 6
    Our summer student work program is back! High School students (grades 9-12 in 2021-22) who apply and qualify for financial aid will have first priority; other interested students are encouraged to apply. Please call the BA office @ 334-3948 or email Barb Johnson with the names of your interested students. Students are guaranteed 2 weeks and will work at both BA and DMCS under the direction of Head Custodian Steve Zabel. Hired students may be asked to work additional weeks. The hourly wage is $8.21 per hour. All student earnings will be credited to their tuition account.  Requests for summer work must be submitted by Tuesday, April 6, 2021.  

    Student Council Blood Drive April 6
    BA's Student Council is hosting an American Red Cross blood drive at BA on Tuesday, April 6 (Red Day). Interested parents and students should use this link to sign up and then click on Bethlehem Academy on the left. Spots are filling up fast!  If you are 17 years old or older, you are eligible to donate.  If you are 16, you can donate with parent permission. See this page for more information about donating and eligibility requirements. FYI that donors will need a picture ID with you on April 6 (driver’s license, BA student ID). Thank you!

    Face masks and BA Car Clings Available for Sale
    We are now selling BA face masks and car clings in the BA Front Office! Click here for more information. Send in payment (cash or check made out to BA) with your order to Tammy in the front office or email Tammy with any questions. 


    On April 6 (Grade 9) and April 8 (Grade 10) your child will be taking ACT® Aspire® assessments. The valuable data we gain from these assessments allows us to make evidence-based decisions when addressing your child’s strengths, areas for improvement, and growth potential. This can give you an early indication of his or her likely readiness for the future, providing time to address areas where improvement is needed. We will be administering the ACT Aspire Summative assessment to continue charting your child’s progress year-over-year. Measuring academic growth is necessary to keep your child on track for college and career readiness. The test is aligned with the ACT, the most popular college entrance test in the United States.  It will allow us to adjust curriculum and instruction as needed, to help maximize your child’s ACT performance in the coming years. We ask you to encourage your child to do their best and get plenty of sleep the night before. To learn more about the test, visit

    GRADE 10/11: PSEO Update
    PSEO Student Registration: Deadline May 31st, no exceptions. More information about what PSEO is can be found here on the BA website. If your student is interested in PSEO, they must set up an appointment with Ms. Rogers to discuss their options; apply to their selected college’s PSEO program; email Ms. Rogers a completed Notice of Student Registration form and a transcript request, OR meet with Ms. Rogers a second time. If emailed, must be sent before noon on 05/31.

    JUNIORS: Upcoming ACT Test Dates
    Register here! for the April 17 exam (late signup deadline: March 26) and the June 12 exam (sign up deadline: May 7; late signup deadline: May 21). 

    JUNIORS: STRIVE Program Information-First meeting March 31
    STRIVE is a select group of seniors that meets 8 times during the school year to help students achieve their goals after graduation. Meetings are online via Zoom and in each session we hear from community members who cover topics like goal setting, budgeting, applying for scholarships, career development and more.  If you are not able to attend the session live, a recorded version will be available for you to watch.  Students who are part of STRIVE and participate in at least 6 meetings will be eligible to apply for STRIVE scholarships. The first meeting is March 31. See attached flyer for more information. 

    College Visit Info
    University of St Thomas Info Session March 31

    Join the Virtual Info Session (30 minutes) on March 31st with an admissions counselor who will cover academics, campus life, the admissions process, and basics of financial aid!  

    Signature College Night: A Virtual Event!

    Virtual College Night Event Week of April 19
    BA Students have been invited to a Virtual college night event! With the ongoing challenges of holding in-person College Fairs, the school/college counseling staff from Catholic high schools in the metro area have teamed up to deliver exciting programming for students and families the week of April 19, 2021. These events will include live, virtual sessions with admission representatives from a variety of colleges and universities with a different theme each night. Sessions will begin at 6:30 p.m. with recordings available later. Registration for these events is free, yet necessary to secure a spot, due to limited capacity. See attached flyer to learn more!

    SENIORS: Open Campus
    Open campus for seniors in good standing begins today and is offered every  Friday through April 30. Daily open campus begins Monday, May 3rd. Seniors may only leave campus during a scheduled lunch or study hall. Signed parent permission is required and students must sign in and out in the front office. 


    Guatemala Mission Trip Info Night April 19
    Interested high school students and their parents should plan to attend this introductory session held April 19 at 6pm in the St. Faustina Commons. See attached flyer for more information. Email Anna at with questions.

    2021-22 Rotary Strive Program
    High School Mission Retreat Flyer
    Signature College Nights

    Family Focus 3/12/2021

    date 03/26/2021 author Ed Friesen category March 2021, 2020-21 comment Leave a comment

    Dear BA Families:

    Happy Spring Break! I do pray that your family finds time to refresh and renew in body, mind and spirit this Lent and over our Spring Break. I know that our staff looks forward to this time. Over the last two weeks additional stress was added for both our staff and scholars due to new COVID cases, expanded quarantining and added online learning students. Thank you for shifting with us this Friday as we adapted to these changes in order to finish our 3rd quarter positively. I'm praying that when we return, we are all healthy and refreshed for our final quarter of the school year! Please see updates below for online learning changes. 

      BABS - DENIM & DIAMONDS, April 10, 2021: Your packets were mailed! Don't forget to order your raffle tickets here, consider a donation here, and plan to attend in-person or online to bid on all of our auction items. Check out our "BABS" webpage for all the details, including admissions and sponsors to date! 

      We are also looking for these items for our auction:

      • Gas outdoor fireplace
      • Wine, beer and/or your favorite mixers
      • Gift Cards
      • Vacation homes/destinations
      • Sports or golfing outings
      • Experiences... 

      Schedule for the upcoming three weeks: 

      • March 15-19: NO SCHOOL / SPRING BREAK
      • March 23: Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day - send a card!
      • March 24: High School Stations of the Cross
      • March 31: HS & MS Reconciliation
      • April 1: Enroll by today for $200 Amazon Gift Card drawing
      • April 2: NO SCHOOL/Good Friday
      • April 5: NO SCHOOL/Easter Monday
      • April 5: Student Summer Worker deadline
      • April 6: Red Cross Blood Drive @ BA
      • April 10: BABS Denim & Diamonds, find info here


      • Proud of MS Student - Owen Dotterweich for competing this week in the Regional Spelling Bee and representing BA!
      • Congratulations to our students of the month! What an honor to hear how dedicated they are each month to one or more of the Dominican pillars of: Prayer, Study, Community and Service. Find the ceremony on our Facebook page here.  
      • Congratulations to senior Verity Wray-RaabolleShe was selected as a National Merit Finalist, one of only a few in the nation. We are proud of her dedication to excellence at BA! See the presentation here, and watch for a Facebook post honoring Verity's accomplishment after spring break. 


      • 2021-2022 Enrollment-WIN a $200 Gift Card! Re-enroll and register for classes by April 1 to be eligible for a $200 Amazon Gift Card drawing! Please email Kris Sauer with questions.
      • Class Registration: BA is expanding course offerings!  Students need to register by MARCH 12 to ensure class options for next year. Some classes have size limits.
      • 2021-22 TADS Financial Aid applications still open. We are still accepting applications for tuition assistance. Be sure to take advantage of our needs-based scholarship program and apply via TADS by April 1 using this link: financial aid app. Applications received after this date will be put on a deferred list.


      • BA Annual FundTHANK YOU-what a blessing! We are at $242,238 - 97% of our goal of $250,000. Gifts to the annual fund can be sent through June 30, 2021 - perhaps we will surpass our goal thanks to prayers and support this year!

      COVID UPDATES: At this time, we have 3 additional positive cases of school students and/or staff. Any confirmed or exposed school members are quarantined. All interested staff have received the vaccine. We will continue to follow safety protocols including spacing, mask wearing, ventilation and cleaning. Plans for BA moving forward:

      • Online Learners: As we hopefully return to a more normal fourth quarter, please know that online learning is reserved for students quarantining and students with medical/health concerns. If you elected for online learning all year, you are able to continue although we do encourage you to return to in person class. All other reasons for online learning are no longer accepted including: online learning for athletes, vacations, and sick days. This was never the intent of online learning and has resulted in extra stress and academic concerns for both teachers and scholars.
      • Spring Break Plans: If you are traveling over spring break, please follow the CDC guidelines. Upon return, if your student or anyone in your family is experiencing symptoms, we would ask that you quarantine. As a precaution, you may choose to quarantine for the first three days following spring break to ensure that you do not have symptoms. Please email with any travel-related distance learning requests. 
      • Family vaccine connector: If you or anyone in your family is interested in receiving a vaccine, please sign up at the State of MN's Vaccine Connector, a tool that helps Minnesotans find out when, where, and how to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Fill out the form to sign up here.  
      • COVID Tests recommended: The Minnesota High School League and Health Department is recommending testing for students, especially in sports where they have experienced increases. This is free and families may receive them at home. Click here to get your free test.
      • Free Mental Health Resources available to Families: The Rice County Trauma Project has partnered with Advanced Trauma Consulting to create a short video series addressing grief, loss and pandemic trauma. You'll find the toolkit HERE.

      Please pray for Ella Banon, younger sister to one of BA's 8th grade students, Barak Barner. Your prayers and support are asked for by the family; find Ella's GoFundMe page at this link. Ella Strong t-shirts may also be ordered here.  

      Mindy Reeder, President/Principal


      Spring Break Volunteers Needed
      Maintenance has 65 bags of salt that need to be moved to the boiler room and the Mother Samuel Building over spring break. If interested and able to help, please contact Steve Zabel. Service hours provided. Day/time flexible.  

      Friday Morning Student-led Rosary
      Campus Ministry is leading the rosary every Friday during Lent. Please meet in Ms. Shimota's classroom Friday mornings at 7:40am. Rosaries and prayer sheets will be provided. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to attend! 

      Spring Break SCRIP Note
      Scrip orders will NOT be processed the week of March 15 - March 19 due to Spring Break.  Please plan your order for next week accordingly.  If you have any questions please contact Peggy Johnson at

      Student Summer Work Sign Up By April 5
      Our summer student work program is back! High School students (grades 9-12 in 2021-22) who apply and qualify for financial aid will have first priority; other interested students are encouraged to apply. Please call the BA office @ 334-3948 or email Barb Johnson @ with the names of your interested students. Students are guaranteed 2 weeks and will work at both BA and DMCS under the direction of Head Custodian Steve Zabel. Hired students may be asked to work additional weeks. The hourly wage is $8.21 per hour. All student earnings will be credited to their tuition account.  Requests for summer work must be submitted by Monday, April 5, 2021.  

      Face masks and BA Car Clings Available for Sale
      We are now selling BA face masks and car clings in the BA Front Office! Click here for more information. Send in payment (cash or check made out to BA) with your order to Tammy in the front office or email Tammy with any questions. 


      Junior & Senior Parents: After Prom Meeting March 23
      Prom 2021 is on and all junior and senior parents are invited to an After Prom brainstorming session Tuesday, March 23rd at 6:30pm in the BA Cafeteria. Many hands make light work. Let's make Prom a memorable event in 2021! See parent email sent March 12 or contact Debbie Korman at 507-339-8059 with questions. 

      FREE ACT/SAT Practice Test & Prep Online
      The weekend of March 20 and 21 the Princeton Review is offering a Free Practice ACT and Free Practice SAT, and Scores Back Strategy Session for MN students. They are offering a free practice ACT, SAT, and review session. If your student cannot attend the specific date and time next weekend sign up and your student will have 3 months to take a practice test.

      PSEO/CIS/AP Meeting Video Links
      If you missed the PSEO/CIS/AP Meeting hosted by Ms Rogers March 4th, find a recording here and on the BA Website in the Counselor's Corner. This video covers each of these pathways for students to earn college credits before graduation! Contact Ms. Rogers with any questions. 

      SENIORS: Open Campus
      Open campus for seniors in good standing will begin on Fridays starting Friday, March 26 through Friday, April 30. Daily open campus will begin Monday, May 3rd. Seniors may only leave campus during a scheduled lunch or study hall. Parent permission is required and students must sign in and out in the front office. Permission forms must be turned in to the Front Office. 

      SENIORS: College Scholarship Opportunities
      There are several national and local scholarships available with deadlines in March, including the Schulze Family Foundation Scholarship, Tri-Lakes Sportsman’s Club Scholarship, Faribo 4 Kids Thomas Laughlin Scholarship, Allina Health Orthopedics Sports Medicine Scholarship, and the Steele-Waseca Electric Coop College Scholarship. Have your students check the Scholarships section of Naviance (find video here; find Naviance information on our web page here) or email Ms. Rogers to find out more. 



      SCRIP Note:  Scrip orders will NOT be processed the week of March 15 - March 19 due to Spring Break.  Please plan your order for next week accordingly.  If you have any questions please contact Peggy Johnson at

      DMCC Youth Ministry Events

      High School Spring Break Mission Night, March 17, 6-9pm
      Since we aren't able to physically go on a mission trip to Guatemala, we are bringing a little bit a Guatemala right here! Movie night, discussion, prayer and guest speakers. We will also talk about plan for future mission trips. Open to anyone in 8th grade on up. No registration required. Held in the Youth Room of the IC Basement.

      More information and programs on the Divine Mercy Catholic Church High School Youth Ministry page at

      Faribault Youth Baseball Traveling League Sign Up 
      Youth baseball traveling leagues are forming now! Practices begin early April. Registration open to March 15. Register at or email with questions.

      Attached Files




      Family Focus 3/05/2021

      date 03/26/2021 author Ed Friesen category March 2021, 2020-21 comment Leave a comment

      Dear BA Families:
      Blessed March and Lent! During this week of Lent with students back in school for 5 days, we reflected on prayer, service, and fasting. My challenge to our students was to speak positively as much as possible, leaving swear words out of their vocabulary. Theology students placed large banners of Saints representing all backgrounds around the school. We gathered for the Rosary and Mass this morning and our staff continues to reflect on "A Lenten Journey with Jesus Christ and St. Thomas Aquinas" during this season of Lent. 

      CELEBRATING VOCATIONS: Join me next week in honoring our sisters as part of National Catholic Sisters Week as well as our Priests. On Tuesday, March 9, we invite you to send a message, share a gift card, or just thank those that serve us at BA through their vocation.

      THANK YOU FOR JOINING US FOR CONFERENCES! We love connecting with our parents to celebrate the progress and areas for growth of each BA scholar. Thank you for partnering with us along this educational journey.

        BABS - DENIM & DIAMONDS, April 10, 2021: We are presently looking for amazing donations and sponsors for our Silent and Live Auction - please fill out the online form here to donate. Event tickets will be limited this year and Silent & Live Auction bidding will be both in person and online! We need your help to add to some of our baskets and auction items, please consider donating:

        • Gas outdoor fireplace
        • Wine, beer and/or your favorite mixers
        • Gift Cards
        • Vacation homes/destinations
        • Sports or golfing outings
        • Experiences... 
        Check out our "BABS" webpage for all the details, including admissions and raffle ticket and our sponsors to date!

        Schedule for the upcoming three weeks: 

        • March 8-12: Full in-person (no WIN Wednesday)
        • Homework Club: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 3-4 p.m.
        • March 9: Celebrate our Sisters and our Priests with thanks!
        • March 10: Prom Dress Down Day ($1; $2 for hats or leggings)
        • March 11: Student of the Month, 7:30am
        • March 12: Final course selection due in PowerSchool
        • March 12: HS Mass / MS WIN - LAST DAY OF THE QUARTER
        • March 12: Last day of Toiletry Drive; 6th grade spring football sign up and Senior Open Campus forms deadline (see below for more info)
        • March 15-19: NO SCHOOL / SPRING BREAK


        • 2021-2022 Enrollment-WIN a $200 Gift Card! Re-enroll and register for classes by April 1 to be eligible for a $200 Amazon Gift Card drawing! Please email Kris Sauer with questions.
        • Class Registration: BA is expanding course offerings!  Students need to register by MARCH 12 to ensure class options for next year. Some classes have size limits.
        • 2021-22 TADS Financial Aid applications still open. We are still accepting applications for tuition assistance. Be sure to take advantage of our needs-based scholarship program and apply via TADS ASAP using this link: financial aid app


        • BA Annual Fund: Our goal is to raise $250,000 by June 30, 2021. As of March 4th we are at $231,478 - 92% of our goal. WE CHALLENGE ALL DONORS TO SHARE THEIR ANNUAL FUND GIFT - WE LOVE BA! 

        COVID UPDATES: At this time, we have no additional positive cases of school students and/or staff although some sports teams have had exposure. Any exposed school members are quarantined. All interested staff have received the vaccine and Rice County numbers are very low. We will continue to follow safety protocols including spacing, mask wearing, ventilation and cleaning. Plans for BA moving forward:

        • Online Learners: You will be able to come to school prior or after school for support as well as WIN time on Friday mornings. We would love to have you come back to in-person learning as this last week of the quarter is critical. Please notify the office (507-334-3948) if you are able to join us in person.
        • Spring Break Plans: If you are traveling over spring break, please be aware there is no quarantine requirement at this time for travel within the United States (If traveling internationally, see the CDC guidelines.) If upon return your student or anyone in your family is experiencing symptoms, we would ask that you quarantine. As a precaution, you may choose to distance learn for the first three days following spring break to ensure that you do not have symptoms. Please email me with any travel-related distance learning requests. 
        • Family vaccine connector: If you or anyone in your family is interested in receiving a vaccine, please sign up at the State of MN's Vaccine Connector, a tool that helps Minnesotans find out when, where, and how to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Fill out the form to sign up: 

        Mindy Reeder, President/Principal


        Friday Morning Student-led Rosary
        Campus Ministry is leading the rosary every Friday during Lent. Please meet in Ms. Shimota's classroom Friday mornings at 7:40am. Rosaries and prayer sheets will be provided. Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to attend! 

        Toiletry Drive for St. Vincent de Paul Until March 12
        Student Service Club and Student Council are hosting a toiletry drive for St. Vincent de Paul. Items will collected through Spring Break. Students donating items will be eligible for a dress down day pass drawing. Items needed include: shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, etc.

        Spring Break SCRIP Note
        Scrip orders will NOT be processed the week of March 15 - March 19 due to Spring Break.  Please plan your order for next week accordingly.  If you have any questions please contact Peggy Johnson at

        Student Summer Work Sign Up By April 5
        Our summer student work program is back! High School students (grades 9-12 in 2021-22) who apply and qualify for financial aid will have first priority; other interested students are encouraged to apply. Please call the BA office @ 334-3948 or email Barb Johnson @ with the names of your interested students. Students are guaranteed 2 weeks and will work at both BA and DMCS under the direction of Head Custodian Steve Zabel. Hired students may be asked to work additional weeks. The hourly wage is $8.21 per hour. All student earnings will be credited to their tuition account.  Requests for summer work must be submitted by Monday, April 5, 2021. 

        Face masks and BA Car Clings Available for Sale
        We are now selling BA face masks and car clings in the BA Front Office! Click here for more information. Send in payment (cash or check made out to BA) with your order to Tammy in the front office or email Tammy with any questions. 


        SENIORS: Open Campus
        Open campus for seniors in good standing will begin on Fridays starting Friday, March 26 through Friday, April 30. Daily open campus will begin Monday, May 3rd. Seniors may only leave campus during a scheduled lunch or study hall. Parent permission is required and students must sign in and out in the front office. Seniors were given open campus permission forms in homeroom today. A signed parent permission form must be turned in to the BA Front Office by Friday, March 12 in order for seniors to participate.

        JUNIORS: April 17 ACT Sign Up Deadline is March 12
        A reminder that the deadline to sign up for the April 17 ACT exam is Friday, March 12. Students can register for the test here. Contact Ms. Rogers with any questions. 

        Cannon River Driving School
        Cannon River Driving School will conduct a driver's education class at BA after spring break.   This class meets 10 times for 3 hours to meet the 30 hour requirement for classroom instruction.  Classes will meet 3pm to 6pm March 22-26 and March 29-April 1 and 8:30am-11:30am on April 2.  See attachments below fo registration form.

        SENIORS: College Scholarship Opportunities
        There are several national and local scholarships available with deadlines in March, including the Schulze Family Foundation Scholarship, Tri-Lakes Sportsman’s Club Scholarship, Faribo 4 Kids Thomas Laughlin Scholarship, Allina Health Orthopedics Sports Medicine Scholarship, and the Steele-Waseca Electric Coop College Scholarship. Have your students check the Scholarships section of Naviance (find video here; find Naviance information on our web page here) or email Ms. Rogers to find out more. 


        Spring Football for Grade 6: Sign up by March 12
        Spring football is back and a team is being formed for students in grades 4-6. See attached flyer for more information and email Kevin Dokkestul at by Friday, March 12 if interested.  


        SCRIP Note:  Scrip orders will NOT be processed the week of March 15 - March 19 due to Spring Break.  Please plan your order for next week accordingly.  If you have any questions please contact Peggy Johnson at

        DMCC Youth Ministry Events
        High School Prolife Apologetics Night March 10, 7:15-8:30pm 
        Held in the DMCS Gym, high schoolers are invited to join Emily Albrecht from Equal Rights Institute to learn more about Prolife Apologetics. 

        High School Spring Break Mission Night, March 17, 6-9pm
        Since we aren't able to physically go on a mission trip to Guatemala, we are bringing a little bit a Guatemala right here! Movie night, discussion, prayer and guest speakers. We will also talk about plan for future mission trips. Open to anyone in 8th grade on up. No registration required. Held in the Youth Room of the IC Basement.

        More information and programs on the Divine Mercy Catholic Church High School Youth Ministry page at

        Cannon River Drivers Ed Classroom Course

        Spring Football League for Grades 4-6

        Our Mission
        Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
        105 3rd Ave. SW
        Faribault, MN  55021
        Phone:  507-334-3948
        Fax:  507-334-3949