News Article
Leadership Update From the Board Chair
July 22, 2024

Dear BA Community:

Last October we began the process of identifying and hiring a new Head of School for Bethlehem Academy.
Following a task force review of the position, a search committee comprised of members of the Board of Directors (who are also current and past parents) and BA and DMCS staff, began the work of hiring a new leader for Bethlehem Academy. We had several good candidates, including two who were brought on campus for interviews and a school visit in the late spring. Although both candidates had many positive attributes and experiences, after much discernment, the search committee has decided to relaunch our search for this critical leadership position next month.
In the absence of a new hire, the BA Board of Directors has, following a meeting of the Head of School search committee last week, voted and approved an interim leadership plan for the 2024-2025 school year.
It is with the full confidence of the Board that Mr. Ed Friesen (BA Class of 1986) and Mrs. Kris Sauer will serve as interim co-heads of school for 2024-2025, with both reporting to the Board of Directors.
In this model, the leadership team format implemented last spring will continue, albeit with more structure and delegation of duties. Mr. Friesen and Mrs. Sauer will work collaboratively on areas of strategic concern; Mr. Friesen will focus on academics and student life while Mrs. Sauer will focus on advancement, enrollment, outreach, and business operations. Mr. Brent Zabel (Class of 2005) will serve as Dean of Students and a new Assistant AD/Assistant Dean/Technology Integrationist has been hired. 

The Board is confident in this team’s ability to continue to fulfill Bethlehem Academy's Dominican Catholic mission and serve our school community. As we begin our 160th year, please pray for a successful head of school search. Working together, I know we will have another positive and productive school year.
Beth Dienst
Chair, Bethlehem Academy Board of Directors

Our Mission
Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
105 3rd Ave. SW
Faribault, MN  55021
Phone:  507-334-3948
Fax:  507-334-3949