Family Focus 11/17/23

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
November 17, 2023
Dear BA Families:
As approach Thanksgiving break, we are profoundly blessed to be continuing the Dominican legacy gifted to us by the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa and extraordinarily grateful for you, our families, as well as our alumni, supporters, and benefactors who make up our school community. Thank you!
Grandparents Day November 21: All grandparents are invited to join us Tuesday, November 21 at 1pm for our Grandparents Day program. Students whose grandparents are unable to attend may invite someone else in their lives to join us or will be "adopted" by students with visiting grandparents. Note that students will be dismissed around 2:30pm following the conclusion of the program (note later dismissal time). Click HERE for a copy of the flyer with more information, including the annual Grandparent's Day baking contest and an optional questionnaire. Parent volunteers needed for reception setup and staffing starting at 11:30. Email Kris Sauer if you are able to help - earn parent service hours!

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar.
- Nov. 19: Paul J. Kim event @ DMCC. Sign up HERE
- Nov. 20: Boys basketball season begins
- Nov. 21: Grandparents Day, 1pm; early dismissal at 2:30pm
- Nov. 22-24: Thanksgiving Break
- Nov 30: Prom $ Dress Down Day
- Dec. 4: Grade 11 retreat
- Dec. 5: NHS $ Dress Down Day
- Dec. 6: 8th grade parent Wolf Ridge mtg, 6pm, Rm 207
- Dec. 7: 1pm WIN Schedule
- Student of the Month, 7:30am, BA Gym
- Prom dining night out at Godfather's, 4-7pm
- Dec. 8: Immaculate Conception Mass, 10:30am
- Dec 12: Reconciliation, special schedule
- Dec. 15: Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass, 10:30am
- Dec 17: Band/Choir Christmas Concert, 1:30pm, BA Gym
- Middle School: 3-4pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Room 204 with Mrs. Kohl
- High School: 3-3:30pm Monday and Wednesday, Room 105 with Ms. Ashley
God's blessings to you on this Thanksgiving - may you enjoy time with family and friends; prayers for all those who have recently lost loved ones; prayers for peace and an end to ongoing world conflicts.
Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
John Wollersheim, Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen Uphus
Yearbook Orders! Multimedia student have been working hard on the 2023-2024 yearbook. If you order by 1/26/24, the price is $69 + tax. Click HERE to order online. Please contact Mrs. Kallie Battles at with questions.

Girls and Boys Basketball Registration: Registration for girls and boys basketball is now open. The link to register may be found on our athletics website, under the More menu. The activity fee for participating in basketball is $140 per player. The fee may be paid online under the More menu at, by check or by having the fee added to your tuition account. Student participants must also have a valid sports physical clearance on file with the school's activities office in order to participate. Sports physicals are good for 3 years from the date of the exam. Sports physical clearance forms are available on under the More menu. Boys Basketball practices will begin on Monday, November 20.
Basketball Team Apparel:
- Girls Basketball Team Store:
- Boys Basketball Team Store:
Girls JO Volleyball Registration Meeting: Sunday, November 26, 7pm in the BA Cafeteria. Open to all 6th-11th grade girls. Find the flyer with more information and the link to register HERE.
Juniors: ACT Test BOGO Offer - Deadline TODAY, Dec 17: Students who pay to register for the December 2023 ACT will receive a discount code that can be used to take another ACT® test for free. Click HERE for more information.
Seniors: College Scholarship Info: Go to our scholarship page HERE for updated local and national college scholarship offerings.
8th Grade Wolf Ridge Parent Meeting: Wednesday, December 6, 6pm in Room 207-208 - Julie Smisek's classrooms. Contact Julie with questions.


15th Annual IRIS Turkey Trot Nov. 23: Volunteers needed. Click HERE to sign up and help (student volunteer hours earned). Want to run/walk? Sign up for the race HERE.
Faribault Soccer Registration Opens Nov. 1: Faribault Soccer runs off-season programs for ages 3-18. Program registration opens November 1. Click HERE for the flyer; click HERE to register.
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 11/10/23

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
November 10, 2023
Dear BA Families:
The Luckow Family asked that we share the message below with all of you:
Please continue to keep the Luckow Family in your prayers.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar.
- Nov. 13: Girls basketball season begins
- Nov. 14: NHS $ Dress Down Day
- Nov. 15: Grade 9 & 10 Retreat, Shieldsville; AP test fees due (see below)
- Nov. 19: Paul J. Kim event @ DMCC. Sign up HERE
- Nov. 20: Boys basketball season begins
- Nov. 21: Grandparents Day, 1pm; early dismissal at 2pm
- Nov. 22-24: Thanksgiving Break
Thank you Veterans! This morning we held a Veteran's Day ceremony, featuring guest speaker Captain Stephen Uphus, Minnesota Army National Guard and BA School Counselor. Thank you to SADD for planning the ceremony, and to all who participated.
Last Friday we celebrated our long heritage with the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa and formally transferred the canonical sponsorship of Bethlehem Academy to Dominican Veritas Ministries (DVM). Find a link to the ceremony HERE; Click HERE for a brief description of DVM and what it means for the governance of BA.
Grandparents Day November 21: All grandparents are invited to join us Tuesday, November 21 for a 1pm Grandparents Day program. Students will be dismissed following the conclusion of the program around 2pm.
A reminder that homework help is available for both middle and high school students:
- Middle School: 3-4pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Room 204 with Mrs. Kohl
- High School: 3-3:30pm Monday and Wednesday, Room 105 with Ms. Ashley
Continued prayers for the Luckow family and for all members of our community who have lost loved ones this past month.
Blessings, The BA Leadership Team

Girls and Boys Basketball Registration: Registration for girls and boys basketball is now open. The link to register may be found on our athletics website, under the More menu. The activity fee for participating in basketball is $140 per player. The fee may be paid online under the More menu at, by check or by having the fee added to your tuition account. Student participants must also have a valid sports physical clearance on file with the school's activities office in order to participate. Sports physicals are good for 3 years from the date of the exam. Sports physical clearance forms are available on under the More menu.
Varsity and JV Girls basketball practices will begin on Monday, November 13. Middle School Girls basketball practices will begin on Tuesday, November 14. Boys Basketball practices will begin on Monday, November 20.
Registration for Winter Co-operative Sports through Faribault Public Schools is now open. This includes Dance, Hockey, Wrestling, Gymnastics and Boys Swimming. Register through Faribault's Infinite Campus Portal. Click here for an InfiniteCampus portal account application form. Or, contact for assistance in setting up an account.
AP Exam Fees Due Wednesday, Nov. 15: Reminder that AP test registration and payment is due to Mr. Uphus or AP teachers by the end of the day on Wednesday, November 15 (original deadline was Nov 13. Cost for each exam is $98. Reach out to Mr. Uphus with any questions or concerns about payment and ordering.
Seniors: College Scholarship Info: Go to our scholarship page HERE for updated local and national college scholarship offerings.


Sign up for the Paul Kim event here:

15th Annual IRIS Turkey Trot Nov. 23: Volunteers needed. Click HERE to sign up and help (student volunteer hours earned). Want to run/walk? Sign up for the race HERE.
Faribault Soccer Registration Opens Nov. 1: Faribault Soccer runs off-season programs for ages 3-18. Program registration opens November 1. Click HERE for the flyer; click HERE to register.
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 11-3-23

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)
November 3, 2023
Dear BA Families:
Thank you for your prayers and support for the Luckow family. It is at times like these that truly demonstrate the power and strength of our BA and DMCS communities. Arrangements have been made for Mitch Luckow’s visitation and funeral. Find a link to his obituary with details HERE. We encourage all families to attend the visitation; BA will be sending flowers on behalf of students and staff. The link to a meal train signup, including other ways to support the family, can be found HERE.
Next Wednesday, Nov. 8, we will follow at 10:30am Mass schedule. We have made special arrangements for the 8th grade class to attend the funeral; all other students will be in a WIN study period during the scheduled Mass time. A bus will be provided for the 8th graders. A reminder that this is a regular school day with a special schedule; students wishing to attend separately with their families must email attendance as with any other excused absence.
Here is a look at our schedule for next week:
UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2023-2024 BA School Calendar.
- Nov. 6: Veteran's Day poetry contest deadline-see info below
- Nov. 7: Mitch Luckow Visitation, 3-7pm, Boldt Funeral Home
- Nov. 8: Mitch Luckow funeral, 10:30am, Divine Mercy Catholic Church, visitation at the church 9:30-10:30am
- Nov. 9: FFA Dress Down Day
- Student of the Month, 7:30am, BA gym
- BA Fall Open House for prospective students, 5-7 pm. Help us grow our enrollment! Invite interested students to join us for our Fall Open House. Click HERE to preregister.
- Nov. 10: SPECIAL SCHEDULE for 8:15am Veterans Day ceremony and 10:30am Mass Day. Mass Dress Code for students.
- Nov. 13: Girls basketball season begins
- Nov. 15: Grade 9 & 10 Retreat, Shieldsville
- Nov. 20: Boys basketball season begins
- Nov. 21: Grandparents Day, 1pm; early dismissal at 2pm
- Nov. 22-24: Thanksgiving Break
In a transfer of sponsorship ceremony this afternoon, we celebrated our long heritage with the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa and our new sponsorship through Dominican Veritas Ministries, of which the Sinsinawans are a founding member. Thank you to all our honored guests, Board members, alumni, and parents who attended. We will have more information in our parent email next week.
Good luck to our girls co-op cross country runners, competing at the state tournament tomorrow at 2:45pm. Football and volleyball seasons ended in section play this past week - congratulations to all our student-athletes for their dedication and team work this season! Finally, thank you to all our students, staff, parents, and community members who participate in Tuesday's Trunk or Treat. It was a resounding success.
Prayers for the Luckow family, for our Domincan Sisters of Sinsinawa, for our BA community, and for peace in the war-torn areas of the world.
Blessings, The BA Leadership Team

Yearbook Orders!: Multimedia student have been working hard on the 2023-2024 yearbook. If you order by next Friday, the cost is $63 + tax; after that the price is $69 + tax through 1/26/2024, So act now and purchase a yearbook before the price goes up! Click HERE to order online. Please contact Mrs. Battles at with questions.
Autumn Cash Raffle: Purchase a raffle ticket and win cash prizes ranging from $2023 to $523. Click HERE for the order form.
Tastefully Simple Wolf Ridge 8th Grade Fundraiser Orders Due Nov 6: 8th graders are hosting a Tastefully Simple fundraiser to raise money for their February Wolf Ridge trip. Place an order with one of our 8th graders or order online directly at this link and 100% of all profits go to this trip! Contact Kris Shuda for questions about the fundraiser; Julie Smisek for Qs about the trip.
Girls and Boys Basketball Registration: Registration for girls and boys basketball is now open. The link to register may be found on our athletics website, under the More menu. The activity fee for participating in basketball is $140 per player. The fee may be paid online under the More menu at, by check or by having the fee added to your tuition account. Student participants must also have a valid sports physical clearance on file with the school's activities office in order to participate. Sports physicals are good for 3 years from the date of the exam. Sports physical clearance forms are available on under the More menu.
Girls basketball practices will begin on Monday, November 13. Boys Basketball practices will begin on Monday, November 20.
Registration for Winter Co-operative Sports through Faribault Public Schools is now open. This includes Dance, Hockey, Wrestling, Gymnastics and Boys Swimming. Register through Faribault's Infinite Campus Portal. Click here for an InfiniteCampus portal account application form. Or, contact for assistance in setting up an account.
Boys Basketball Assistant Coach Opening: Bethlehem Academy has an opening for an assistant boys basketball coach. Interested individuals may contact Ed Friesen ( or 507-334-3948 x205) for more information and to apply.
Seniors: College Scholarship Info: Go to our scholarship page HERE for updated local and national college scholarship offerings.


Sign up for the Paul Kim event here:

15th Annual IRIS Turkey Trot Nov. 23: Volunteers needed. Click HERE to sign up and help (student volunteer hours earned). Want to run/walk? Sign up for the race HERE.
Faribault Soccer Registration Opens Nov. 1: Faribault Soccer runs off-season programs for ages 3-18. Program registration opens November 1. Click HERE for the flyer; click HERE to register.
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar: