Family Focus 8/20/21

August 20, 2021
Dear BA Families:
WELCOME TO THE 2021-22 SCHOOL YEAR! This next week we look forward to welcoming scholars and families back at our special orientation events including the Back-to-School Picnic on Wed., Aug. 25 from 5-6:30 p.m. on the Back 40, if weather permits (in the gym if rain). New scholars and families are encouraged to attend a special orientation following the picnic at 6:45 p.m. in the gymnasium. Thursday, Aug. 26, all BA scholars return at 9 a.m. for orientation. We will gather in the gymnasium Thursday morning. Please have your scholars wear their Cardinal t-shirts as we'll be taking an all-school photo at the end of orientation.
I love that parents are helping us start our school year by creating a prayer group. See below to join the Moms in Prayer group here at BA. In addition, we would like to see all parents at the school and parish-wide "Parent Presentation - It's all about the Relationship" by Joe Roueche on Sept. 22 from 7-8:30 p.m in the BA gym. While you're at the presentation, all Middle School (located at DMCS) and High School/Confirmation scholars (located at Divine Mercy Church) will attend the NET retreats from 6-9:30 p.m. This is a blessed way to begin our year, together! Mark your calendars!
COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: Here is a quick graphic to review our plans as of today. Know that mandates or escalating cases could change what is required at any time. Link here to our webpage with detailed information.
TECHNOLOGY UPDATE: New student laptops were ordered this summer but please be aware that arrival of some of the new devices are delayed. Although we are working hard to expedite this in order to have everything in place, it is possible that all students may not have laptops during the first week of school.
MENTOR FAMILIES: BA is looking for Mentor families to help support families of the 16 new high school and 17 new middle school students (at every grade level!) to our Cardinal community. If you would be willing to be a mentor family or want to learn more, email Kris Sauer at:
- August 25: Back-to-School Picnic, 5-6:30pm, BA Back 40
- August 26: Student Orientation, 9-11:30am Students please wear Cardinal spirit wear or BA colors (red, black). No Faribault busing; BA Van routes will run; No lunch served; bring school supplies!
- August 30: First Day of School! Faribault busing & BA Van will run.
- September 3: Tentative service projects planned for BA scholars.
- September 6: Labor Day. No School.
- Tuition Agreements: We still have about 30 families who need to set up their payment plan with FACTS. Payments are due this month! See your email for a link to set this up in FACTS. Check your junk mail folder if you haven't seen anything. Note that we are NOT USING TADS this year, but FACTS. Contact Kris Sauer @ with questions.
- Tracking Volunteer Hours - Parents: Log your parent volunteer hours at: HS Students will log their volunteer hours separately in Naviance, MS students through their religion classes.
- FREE LUNCH in 2021-22: As a carryover of COVID school grants and support, BA will once again be offering free lunches to students. You'll only need to put money into your child's account for those extra helpings and treats that they love!

A reminder to send your cards of thanks/congratulations/best wishes to Sister Mary Margaret to the front office by August 30.
KUDOS: To our Office and Maintenance staff who work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure a safe, clean and prepared start to the school year!
SUPPORTING THE DMCS "United for our Future" CAMPAIGN! Join us in prayer and support of the Divine Mercy Catholic School Capital Campaign. The stronger our local elementary, the stronger BA will be!
Join us in praying for the start of the school year and the health of all students and staff. We join with Pope Francis who has asked everyone to unite in praying for the “battered population of Afghanistan and the people of Haiti."
Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal
Online School Store Now Open!Order your new BA gear at our online school store. Orders taken through midnight, August 30. Find the link HERE. We also have select items available for purchase, either online or in the school office, including Yeti tumblers, Puravida bracelets in BA colors, and polo shirts. Items will also be available for sale at the Back to School picnic Aug 25 from 5-6:30pm. See the available items HERE.
Home & School Bake Sale @ Aug 25 Picnic
Home & School is sponsoring a bake sale at Back to School Night (Wed Aug 25, 5-6:30pm on the Back 40)! Stop by our table to buy some tasty treats and learn about what we do. If you haven't already paid your dues, you can do that too! We will also be having a drawing for a basket of tasty treats for anyone who has already paid their dues or pays them that night. You will need to be present to win. If you can donate to our bake sale, please sign up HERE.
Invitation to Join Moms in Prayer Group
"Mom, will you pray for me?" Our kids are facing a battlefield for their hearts and minds. Placing our children and their schools in the Lord’s capable hands is what Moms in Prayer is all about. Through prayer, battles are won. Please contact Lori Bittenbender, mom to a new 7th BA grader, to partner in the Moms in Prayer ministry and pray with other BA moms. We will meet for only one hour a week at BA (Room 102, in the conference room) to pray for our kids, their teachers and Bethlehem Academy. If interested, please contact me at 972-955-4730 or Learn more about Moms in Prayer at
House Program Introduction
Want to know about our new House Program at BA? Click HERE to view the introductory video we will be using at student orientation Aug 26 prior to sorting our students into their Houses. Thank you to Student Council leaders and seniors Madelyn Bauer, Aiden Tobin, Matthew Croke, and Katie Seidel for their work in putting this together!
Back to School Information: Find back to school information, including school supply lists, summer reading assignments, and other important information on our Back to School page HERE. Our updated COVID-19 information page is HERE.
Summer Read Program
Don't forget about your student's summer read! Find the list of books and the handouts on our website at this link.
REMINDER: Required Immunizations
All students who will be in 7th grade this fall are required by law to have a Tdap (tetanus booster) as well as a meningitis shot. The meningitis shot is the first in a two-shot series which should be completed at 16 years of age. Students who will be in 12th grade are required by law to have a second meningitis shot. Students should have had their first shot in the series before the start of 7th grade. Any students who have conscientious objector forms on file will need to fill out a new form for this fall. If you have any questions or need a conscientious objector form, please contact Mary Herzog in the nurse’s office, 507-334-3948.
BA/DMCC Red Cross Blood Driver Aug 24
Give the life-saving gift of blood! BA and Divine Mercy Catholic Church are hosting a blood drive at the church Tuesday, Aug 24 from 9am to 2pm. Spots are still available and all donors receive a variety of complimentary incentives. Sign up HERE.
Volunteer at SpiritFest Saturday, September 18!
Parents and students! Many volunteers are needed to help make the Sept 18 Divine Mercy Catholic Church's annual SpiritFest a success. Sign up for a volunteer shift at this link. Hours served are eligible for our family and students' volunteer hours.
Joe Roueche Parent Presentation Sept 22
Parents, while your students attend the HS and MS NET Retreats, please join us in the BA gym for a 7pm presentation by Joe Roueche on "It's All About the Relationships." Click HERE for more information.
Theater Director Position
Bethlehem Academy is seeking a Director to lead our theater and drama programs throughout the year. Do you have a heart for theater? Do you love working with middle and high school students? This position is paid a stipend per show or program (Drama Club; Musical Production) and typically arranges a schedule for practices after the school day. Qualifications: Experience in theater and musical productions. Directing experience preferred. Application: Please send your resume and three references to: Mindy Reeder –
SCRIP Note Update: BA students and families may participate in the DMCS Scrip program to earn tuition credit. See the attached August update for more information.
South Parking Lot-Staff Only Parking
Parents of student drivers please remind your scholars that the south parking lot by the greenhouse has been designated for staff only this school year. The main parking remains an option for all students and visitors.
- Gopher Football High School Band Day: Sign Up by Aug 25-All 9-12 BA Band Students & Parents: Gopher Football Band day is a tremendous opportunity for local High School bands to perform during halftime on the field of Huntington Bank Stadium. The Pride of Minnesota Marching Band and Spirit Squad Day is Saturday, September 11, 2021 at the 11am Minnesota vs. Miami University (OH) football game. If interested in this event, please sign-up by Wednesday, August 25th. Please email Mr. Wendt with any questions.
- Spirit Fest-Sept. 18 from 6:15-6:40 p.m.- The BA pep band will be playing for Spirit Fest on Saturday, September 18th on the stage. Please be there at 5:45pm for warm-ups.
Student Volunteers Needed Aug 24
Several high school students needed for a back to school project the morning of Tuesday, August 24. Service hours provided. Contact Mrs. Sauer at 507-334-3948, x206 or if able to help.
High School NET Retreat Sept 22
High school students! Click HERE for information on the High School NET retreat held Sept 22, 6-9:30pm at Divine Mercy Catholic Church.
DMCC High School Youth Group
Click HERE for Divine Mercy Catholic Church high school youth group information and activities!
Faribault Community Boards-Youth Leadership Positions
Getting involved in the community looks great on your high school resume as you live out the Dominican Pillar of Service! Here are options for volunteer leadership positions – and this will also help you meet your volunteer hour requirements at BA. Click HERE to check out the many options, from the Library Board to the Paradise Center for the Arts. Any students interested in applying can do so at this link:
1st United Bank Junior Board Applications
Rising 11th and 12th graders are invited to apply for the 1st United Bank Junior Board of Directors. Applications due September 10, 2021. More information attached.
Middle School NET Retreat Sept 22
Middle school students, please click HERE for information on registering for the Middle School NET retreat, 6-9pm at Divine Mercy Catholic School.
DMCC Middle School EDGE
Click HERE for information on Divine Mercy Catholic Church's middle school EDGE program. Open to all 5th-7th graders, this program is for those in middle school who want to come together with other teens to grow in their faith and to learn more about the Catholic Church. This provides a great opportunity to prepare for Confirmation.
DMCC Middle School EDGE
Faribault YouthConnect! Network offers many programs for to Faribault youth this fall during the after school hours and on non-school days. Attached is a menu (in three languages) highlighting various opportunities offered by 4-H, Buckham Library, FPS Community Schools, Faribault Public Schools Activities, Paradise Center for the Arts, Parks and Recreation and River Bend Nature Center. Check out the attached flyer for more information.
Scrip Note-August Update
1st United Bank Board of Directors Application
Faribault Youth Connect Fall Activity Flyer
Family Focus 8/13/21

August 13, 2021
Dear BA Families:
What a blessing to have such beautiful weather this weekend! By now all families should have received their "Back-to-School" packet. In the packet is important information, forms, and our COVID-19 Addendum updates for 2021-22. Click HERE to access all the information included in that mailing. Many families have emailed with questions on our COVID response, so please take a few minutes to review the plans for this fall at BA. Also, keep in mind, all of our plans could be changed due to mandates or high numbers. Information on our COVID response plan is on the school website at: If you have additional questions, we're also releasing a little Q & A video next week, or drop me an email. Our staff is so excited to welcome students back to campus this fall!
MENTOR FAMILIES: BA is looking for Mentor families to help support families new to our Cardinal community. If you would be willing to be a mentor family or want to learn more, email Kris Sauer at:
- August 25: Back-to-School Picnic, 5-6:30pm, BA Back 40
- August 26: Student Orientation, 9-11:30am (No Faribault busing; BA Van routes will run; No lunch served; bring school supplies!)
- August 30: First Day of School! (Faribault busing & BA Van will run)
- September 6: Labor Day. No School.
- Tuition Agreements: Thank you to parents who have set up their agreements for this fall! A reminder that tuition agreements must be set up before school starts. Payments are due this month! See your email for a link to set this up in FACTS. Check your junk mail folder if you haven't seen anything on this as it is NOT TADS this year, but FACTS. Contact Kris Sauer @ with questions.
- Tracking Volunteer Hours - Parents: Log your parent volunteer hours at: HS Students will log their hours in Naviance, MS students through their religion classes.
- FREE LUNCH in 2021-22: As a carryover of COVID school grants and support, BA will once again be offering free lunches to students. You'll only need to put money into your child's account for those extra helpings and treats that they love!

Yesterday we celebrated Sister Mary Margaret who, after 11 years of service here at Bethlehem Academy, will be moving to the Motherhouse at the Sinsinawa Mound where she will join their House of Welcome. She will be part of a community of Sisters who will journey with women who are discerning vowed membership with the Sinsinawa Dominicans. Send her a card of thanks/congratulations/best wishes to the front office by August 30!
GOLF CLASSIC KUDOS: A huge thank you to all 124 golfers who attended this year, our amazing sponsors, and our Golf Planning Committee: Ed Friesen, Kris Sauer, Tina Bokman, Dawn Pavel, Carrie Petersen, Sarah Speckhals and Mellanie Smith. It was a wonderful success with an anticipated $10,000+ profit and additional funding for the Adam Donahue '08 Scholarship here at BA!
SUPPORTING THE DMCS "United for our Future." Join us in prayer and support of the DMCS Capital Campaign. The stronger our local elementary, the stronger BA will be!
Join us in praying for the start of the school year and the health of all students and staff. If you have questions, our office will be open from 9am -1 pm Monday-Thursday. Stop in and don't forget to remind your students to complete their summer reading!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal
Invitation to Join Moms in Prayer Group
"Mom, will you pray for me?" Our kids are facing a battlefield for their hearts and minds. Placing our children and their schools in the Lord’s capable hands is what Moms in Prayer is all about. Through prayer, battles are won.
My name is Lori Bittenbender, and I’m a new BA mom. My daughter will start the 7th grade this upcoming school year. I’m involved in the Moms in Prayer ministry and I'm looking to pray with other BA moms. We will meet for only one hour a week and pray for our kids, their teachers and Bethlehem Academy in the Conference Room off of Room 102. If interested, please contact me at 972-955-4730 or Learn more about Moms in Prayer at
Summer Band Program-Last Week:
Grade 7-12 band students - summer band wraps up this Tuesday and Wednesday! Final practices will be at BA Aug 17-18 from 7-8:30pm. Contact Mr. Wendt at with any questions.
Bethlehem Academy Gopher Football High School Band Day
Attn: All 9-12 BA Band Students & Parents:
Gopher Football Band day is a tremendous opportunity for local High School bands to not only perform during halftime on the field of Huntington Bank Stadium, but also develop relationships and get to know current U of M students in the Pride of Minnesota Marching Band and Spirit Squad. Band day will be happening on Saturday, September 11, 2021. The Minnesota vs. Miama University (OH) Game starts at 11:00am. If interested in this event, please sign-up by Wednesday, August 25th. Please email Mr. Wendt with any questions.
Got Yard Games?
Please contact Kris at 507-334-3948, x206 or if you have a yard game (corn hole, giant Jenga, etc.) you'd be willing to donate for use at the Back-to-School Picnic Aug 25. Thank you!
Back to School Information: Find back to school information, including school supply lists, summer reading assignments, and other important information on our Back to School page HERE. Our updated COVID-19 information is HERE.
Summer Read Program
Don't forget about your student's summer read! Find the list of books and the handouts on our website at this link.
REMINDER: Required Immunizations
All students who will be in 7th grade this fall are required by law to have a Tdap (tetanus booster) as well as a meningitis shot. The meningitis shot is the first in a two-shot series which should be completed at 16 years of age. Students who will be in 12th grade are required by law to have a second meningitis shot. Students should have had their first shot in the series before the start of 7th grade. Any students who have conscientious objector forms on file will need to fill out a new form for this fall. If you have any questions or need a conscientious objector form, please contact Mary Herzog in the nurse’s office, 507-334-3948.
Theater Director Position
Bethlehem Academy is seeking a Director to lead our theater and drama programs throughout the year. Do you have a heart for theater? Do you love working with middle and high school students? This position is paid a stipend per show or program (Drama Club; Musical Production) and typically arranges a schedule for practices after the school day. Qualifications: Experience in theater and musical productions. Directing experience preferred. Application: Please send your resume and three references to: Mindy Reeder –
SCRIP Note Update: BA students and families may participate in the DMCS Scrip program to earn tuition credit. See the attached August update for more information.
Student Volunteers Needed Aug 24
Several high school students needed for a back to school project the morning of Tuesday, August 24. Service hours provided. Contact Mrs. Sauer at 507-334-3948, x206 or if able to help.
DMCC High School Youth Group
Click HERE for Divine Mercy Catholic Church high school youth group information and activities!
Faribault Community Boards-Youth Leadership Positions
Getting involved in the community looks great on your high school resume as you live out the Dominican Pillar of Service! Here are options for volunteer leadership positions – and this will also help you meet your volunteer hour requirements at BA. Click HERE to check out the many options, from the Library Board to the Paradise Center for the Arts. Any students interested in applying can do so at this link:
1st United Bank Junior Board
Rising 11th and 12th graders are invited to apply for the 1st United Bank Junior Board of Directors. Applications due September 10, 2021. More information attached.
DMCC Middle School EDGE
Click HERE for information on Divine Mercy Catholic Church's middle school EDGE program. Open to all 5th-7th graders, this program is for those in middle school who want to come together with other teens to grow in their faith and to learn more about the Catholic Church. This provides a great opportunity to prepare for Confirmation.
Scrip Note-August Update
1st United Bank Board of Directors Application
Family Focus 7/30/21

July 30, 2021
Dear BA Families: A special thank you to our students, our families, our alumni and our supporters for all they do for BA! It's been a wonderful week of service and dedication. Thanks to everyone who volunteered in the BA Cardinal Cafe fair stand, who sponsored a rider - or is riding in - our Smart Challenge ride, and all of our sponsors and players for next week's BA Golf Classic. We are so appreciative of the immense support we receive and the partnerships with area businesses and Divine Mercy Catholic Church and School - THANK YOU! It's great to be a Cardinal.
Speaking of Cardinals, alumni arrived back in Minnesota this week from the Class of 1956! They will be hosting a reunion this Saturday. In addition to their reunion, other classes celebrating this year include: Class of 1966; Class of 1971 and the Class of 1981. I look forward to connecting with alumni as they return to "where it all started!"
MENTOR FAMILIES: BA is looking for Mentor families to help support families new to our Cardinal community. If you would be willing to be a mentor family or want to learn more, email Kris Sauer at:
BACK-TO-SCHOOL: Keep the below dates in mind as you plan for our return to school! Our "Back-to-School" mailing will be sent out next week including the revised COVID addendum with minimum protocols that are required.
- August 6: Cardinal Classic Golf Tournament, Faribault Golf Club
- August 12: Fall sports meeting, 6:30pm, BA gym
- August 25: Back-to-School Picnic, 5-6:30pm, BA Back 40
- August 26: Student Orientation, 9-11:30am (No Faribault busing; BA Van routes will run; No lunch served; bring school supplies!)
- August 30: First Day of School! (Faribault busing & BA Van will run)
- Tracking Volunteer Hours - Parents: Log your volunteer hours at: HS Students will log their hours in Naviance, MS students through their religion classes
- FREE LUNCH in 2021-22: As a carryover of COVID school grants and support, BA will once again be offering free lunches to students. You'll only need to put money into your child's account for those extra helpings and treats that they love!
SUPPORTING THE DMCS "United for our Future." DMCS plans to build out by Divine Mercy Church and kicked off this campaign over the summer. Join us in prayers and discernment as you consider your support. BA looks forward to a rich partnership with DMCS throughout this build project.
Sending prayers to you this summer! Our office will be open from 9am--1 p.m. Monday-Thursday. Stop in and don't forget to remind your students to complete their summer reading!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal
Summer Band Program Starts August 3
Grade 7-12 band students - Mr. Wendt is starting up summer band! Band will practice Tues-Wed from 7-8:30pm the first three weeks of August. Plan to be at BA 7-8:30pm Aug 3-4, Aug 10-11, and Aug 17-18. Watch your email for more information.
Back to School Information: Find back to school information, including school supply lists, summer reading assignments, and other important information on our Back to School page HERE. Our annual summer back to school mailing will be sent next week.
Summer Read Program
Don't forget about your student's summer read! Find the list of books and the handouts on our website at this link.
REMINDER: Required Immunizations
All students who will be in 7th grade this fall are required by law to have a Tdap (tetanus booster) as well as a meningitis shot. The meningitis shot is the first in a two-shot series which should be completed at 16 years of age. Students who will be in 12th grade are required by law to have a second meningitis shot. Students should have had their first shot in the series before the start of 7th grade. Any students who have conscientious objector forms on file will need to fill out a new form for this fall. If you have any questions or need a conscientious objector form, please contact Mary Herzog in the nurse’s office, 507-334-3948.
Theater Director Position
Bethlehem Academy is seeking a Director to lead our theater and drama programs throughout the year. Do you have a heart for theater? Do you love working with middle and high school students? This position is paid a stipend per show or program (Drama Club; Musical Production) and typically arranges a schedule for practices after the school day. Qualifications: Experience in theater and musical productions. Directing experience preferred. Application: Please send your resume and three references to: Mindy Reeder –
SCRIP Note Update: BA students and families may participate in the DMCS Scrip program to earn tuition credit. See the attached summer program update for more information.
1st United Bank Junior Board
Rising 11th and 12th graders are invited to apply for the 1st United Bank Junior Board of Directors. Applications due September 10, 2021. More information attached.
Scrip Note Update
1st United Bank Board of Directors Application