What to know about registering for classes at Bethlehem Academy (BA):

Brief Overview of Additional Schedule Options

Incoming high school students (grades 9-12):

How do you determine what is the correct course to select?  How does one decide what is the best route to take?  What do I do?  There are a lot of ways to determine answers to these questions and one correct way does not exist.  Please reach out to your school counselor ( ) if you have any questions or concerns.  Meanwhile, some things to keep in mind:
  • Course registration is the first step.  The decisions you make regarding courses at this course registration stage are not set in stone.  You will be able to make adjustments to your choices and class schedule up until the start of school next fall.  Hopefully this helped to get you started in thinking of how you want your time at BA to look, what you want to get out of this experience and how it can help you get to where you want to go.  Sometimes planning things out helps:
    • If you are an incoming 9th grade student, feel free to use the 9th Grade Credit Sheet to review your options and create a potential plan for the next four years.  Use the Curriculum Guide for details and important information!
    • If you are incoming 10th, 11th or 12th grade student, feel free to use your credit sheet to review your class choices and lay out the remaining years (Don't forget to use the Curriculum Guide for the latest and greatest information).
  • Thinking about what you want to do after high school is often very helpful.  Knowing where you want to go helps determine the route you can take to get there.  Please reach out to your counselor for help in reviewing potential paths.  If you are not sure, or even if you do know what you want to do, taking courses that provide you with the most options at the end of your high school career is important.  You never know what might change in a month or a year.  Keep your options open by taking advantage of what BA offers.  
    • Check the Curriculum Guide for important information on when classes are offered (some are offered every other year) and if there are any prerequisites for classes that you need to have completed in order to take the class.  The Curriculum Guide also provides you with when classes are offered (semesters and grades) as well as what classes are about and what they expect of you as a student. It is your greatest resource!
  • Keep in mind:  BALANCE.  Stop and think about what is expected of you outside of school.  Are you in sports?  Are you working?  Do you have responsibilities outside of school that you have to take care of?  BA is a college-prep school.  You will be asked to complete work outside of the school day.  In addition, CIS, PSEO and AP courses will require even more time and effort.  Our brains do not work best on lack of sleep and over stressed.  Be sure to think about the big picture and make necessary adjustments.
  • Use your resources.  Many of the classes offered at BA are currently taught by BA staff.  Ask them what their class is like, how much work is involved and their expectations of students in that class.  
  • Finally, your counselor is here to help you.  Do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything more!

Incoming 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Students:

BA strives to help our middle school students develop in "body, mind and soul."  The course offerings provide opportunities to strengthen and broaden the knowledge of our middle school students.  In addition to core subjects, elective courses are offered that provide learning experiences on a variety of topics.  This exposure provides students with experiences that will help them grow and determine what future courses at BA they may be interested in pursuing.  

Music is one of the areas that students are provided an opportunity to experience.  Middle school students are able to choose the format within they will experience music.  Students registering for 6th, 7th and 8th grade will have the opportunity to choose between band, choir and the option of doing both band and choir.  If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the school counselor.

Our Mission
Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
105 3rd Ave. SW
Faribault, MN  55021
Phone:  507-334-3948
Fax:  507-334-3949