Category : June 2021
Family Focus 6/29/21

June 29, 2021
Dear BA Families:
Happy July 4th! I hope that the month of June has brought you relaxation and joy that only Minnesota summers can bring. This month BA scholars attended camps, church programs and summer support. Teachers continued in their educational journey through June professional development opportunities. Our maintenance team and student workers dig in every day to ensure that our buildings are prepared to shine this fall. We are so thankful for their hard work and impressed with our student workers!
Join us this summer! We need your support and involvement to ensure success at our summer events. Please be sure to sign up to take a shift at the Rice County Fair, join us on the trails or sponsor a rider on our BA SMART Ride, and gather your team for the BA Golf Classic! See all the details below.
As we prepare for the next school year, we look forward to beginning the year by implementing "Houses" and the Positivity Project school wide. These programs extend social and emotional learning programming by connecting more students and celebrating our unique, God given traits. Our enrollment is up for the first time in four years and we look forward to welcoming new students into the BA Family as well as new teachers. Please welcome:
Father John Powers: Father John grew up in Northeast Minneapolis with his sister, and parents, Marge and Mike Powers. He attended St. John’s University, studying history, and graduated in 2009. He entered the St. Paul Seminary and was ordained in 2015. He has served at various locations and will now be assigned to Holy Trinity in Waterville, St. Andrew’s in Elysian and Bethlehem Academy where he will teach a middle school theology class. Father John looks forward to getting to know our students and families! |
Shane Roessler - Counselor: Mrs. Roessler is an experienced counselor with over 20 years of service. She lives in Waseca with her husband and two daughters. She will be supporting our students as our new guidance counselor beginning in the fall. "I would have to say that I am most excited to begin working with a great group of students who are striving to be the best they can be and helping out the world around them." |
Edward Wendt, Jr. – Band Teacher: Mr. Wendt, Jr. comes to BA band from Totino-Grace Fine Arts Academy. He has organized drum lines, directed jazz and pep bands and organized band trips to St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans. "I want my students and future students to have experiences like these that they will remember for the rest of their lives. These experiences are what I hope to bring to the classroom when teaching band for Bethlehem Academy!" |
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Rachel Tondryk – Spanish Teacher: Rachel graduated from the University of St. Thomas with a double major in Spanish and Education. Her last year of college was spent living in Costa Rica and attending La Universidad de Veritas in San José. She taught Spanish at her alma mater, Benilde-St. Margaret’s High School, coached, and served on various committees. After a short period at home with her children she returned to teaching at St. Dominic School in Northfield. Rachel is thrilled to continue at BA and feels blessed that she and her daughters will be a part of the BA community. |
In addition, positions have been offered for our new math teacher and high school support staff person - introductions coming soon!
- June 28-July 13: School Store open - see below for details
- July 23-27: Cardinal Cafe at the Rice Count Fair!
- July 29-31: SMART Ride - Join us to raise scholarship dollars!
- August 6: Cardinal Classic Golf Tournament, Faribault Golf Club. Sign up to play, click here.
- Annual Fund: We are just shy, $1,100 from our $250,000 annual fund goal. Thank you to everyone who helped us surpass all previous annual fund drives in this critical year!
- Cardinal Club Raffle: One more day to get your raffle tickets in! Get your order in by noon Wed June 30 to be included in tomorrow's drawing at 1:56pm. To date we have raised more than $11,000 to support BA needs through this raffle.
- BA Fair Stand: We need your support at the Rice County Fair. We want to thank the Simones family for agreeing to manage the stand and we need you to volunteer - July 21-25, 2021. We are asking EVERY STUDENT AND FAMILY TO TAKE A SHIFT IN ORDER TO MEET OUR BUDGETARY NEEDS. Click HERE to sign up today. Thank you!
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2021-22 Tuition Agreements Sent: Financial aid has been awarded and tuition agreements have been sent. Please complete your agreement ASAP so we may plan for the fall. Contact Kris Sauer or Sister Mary Margaret if you have questions or concerns regarding your agreement.
May your summer bring joy, may your family find peace and may God bless you during the summer months! Our office will be open from 9-1 p.m. M-Th. Stop in!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder
Cardinal Cafe at the Rice County Fair!: The Rice County Fair is back and so is the Cardinal Café! Join us for this longstanding BA tradition! Volunteers are needed for all shifts. Jobs include taking orders, taking and assembling food, drink and snack orders and manning the grill! Help promote BA and earn service hours. Sign up to volunteer HERE. Tell all your friends to stop by and get a burger, a famous Lunch Lady cookie, or just to say hello while at the Rice County Fair this year!
SMART Ride July 29-31, 2021
Save the date for this summer's SMART ride! Single day biking options available or join all 3 days, with camping at Mankato. This great event raises money for student scholarships! Click here for information on this great event.
Cardinal Golf Classic Aug 6
Registration is now open for the annual Cardinal Golf Classic! This year's event will be held at the Faribault Golf Club Friday, August 6 with a scramble format starting at 1pm. Registration just $100 includes golf, awards dinner, gift and hole contests. Sign up your foursome here today!
Summer Sports Camps @ BA!
BA/DMCS football and basketball summer camps are still open! Click here for information and registration forms for these great programs!
2021-2022 Calendar, Supply List: See attached for next year's BA/DMCS school calendar and school supply list.
Don't forget about your student's summer read! Find the list of books and the handouts on our website at this link.
Host Family Needed for 2021-22
Host family needed for KoAm-sponsored Jiyun (8th grade female from South Korea), arriving next fall. Great cultural exchange, monthly stipend & support provided. Jiyun is sociable, empathetic, proactive, and responsible. She wants to become a good college student with good English skills. Jiyun has a younger brother and loves school, friends, and music. She is excited to come to America and study at BA! Contact Kris Sauer if interested in this great opportunity.
REMINDER: Required Immunizations
All students who will be in 7th grade this fall are required by law to have a Tdap (tetanus booster) as well as a meningitis shot. The meningitis shot is the first in a two-shot series which should be completed at 16 years of age. Students who will be in 12th grade are required by law to have a second meningitis shot. Students should have had their first shot in the series before the start of 7th grade. Any students who have conscientious objector forms on file will need to fill out a new form for this fall. If you have any questions or need a conscientious objector form, please contact Mary Herzog in the nurse’s office, 507-334-3948.
2021-2022 BA/DMCS School Calendar
2021-2022 School Supply List