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Family Focus 3/28/25

date 03/28/2025 author Kris Sauer category 2024-25, March 2025 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

March 28, 2025 - Celebrating our 160th Year!

Dear BA Parents/Guardians: 

It was good to be back in the building! Spring certainly does feel like it's here (or, at least it does today...!)

A few reminders as we look ahead to the upcoming week:
  • No Faribault busing Monday, March 31
  • Guatemala 2026 Spring Break Service Trip: Click HERE for the information packet; students must apply by April 13, click HERE for the form. FYI that a BA Rome/Italy mission trip has been moved to June 2027. Stay tuned for more details. 
  • Enrollment: Thank you to all who have registered for the 2025-2026 school year. This is a great help with our planning. If you have not yet registered, please get this completed soon. We cannot distribute tuition assistance to students who are not enrolled. You can contact Kris Sauer if you are having problems with the registrations process, are not planning to return, or have any questions. 
Spring Dress Code: Following spring break, our dress code allows for shorts on non-Mass days. Sandals are also now acceptable. From the Student & Parent Handbook (click HERE for the full dress code policy):
  • Shorts may be worn before MEA and following spring break. Shorts must be dress or Bermuda/cargo style shorts, mid-thigh or longer, with sewn hems. No athletic shorts, cut-offs, or biking shorts.
  • Flip-flops and sandals may be worn before MEA and following spring break. For safety reasons, appropriate footwear (tennis shoes, closed toe shoes) must be worn in PE and art classes and in the woodshop or science labs. 
The week ahead: 

The month ahead - April Events
  • April 8: Gr 9 Pre-ACT Test; Gr 8 HS parent info night, 6:30pm BA gym
  • April 9: Campus Ministry $ Dress Down
  • April 10: Gr 10 Pre-ACT Test; Student Council Blood Drive 8am-2pm, BA gym
  • April 11: Mass @ BA, 10:30am; Campus Ministry Pilgrimage trip
  • April 12: BABS Night!
  • April 18: No School/Good Friday
  • April 21: No School/Easter Monday
  • April 22-24: NWEA testing, middle school
  • April 23: Intercultural Club $ Dress Down Day; 8th grade field trip to Bakken Museum
  • April 25: Middle School Lock-In
  • April 28-May 2: SADD Safe Driving Week
  • April 28-29: FFA State Convention
  • April 30: Student of the Month, 7:30am; 1pm WIN schedule, HS safe driving assembly

2025 -2026 School Calendar: Find it HERE. Other BA news on our Facebook and Instagram pages. 

The April 12th BABS Gala - our biggest fundraiser of the year - is just around the corner! See below for Gala ticket info, raffle ticket options, and parent volunteer opportunities to help with this great event. We'll be honoring our teachers - four former teachers will be inducted into our Court of Honor (Sr. Julie Coyne, OP, Kathy & Mac McClellan, Carolyn Shaffer), raising money to meet the gap between tuition and expenses, and hosting a special fund-a-need to raise money for our Teacher Endowment Fund. Our amazing staff deserves a salary closer to that earned by Faribault public school teachers! Find more information below; click here for the event website.

Prayers for all those dealing with illness, the loss of a family member or close friend, and all those intentions held close to your heart.

In partnership, 
Kris SauerEd Friesen, 
Interim Co-Heads of School

Student Summer Work-Sign up by April 1/Hoban Scholarship Essays Due April 4: Rising 9-12 students can earn tuition credit working 2 weeks @ BA - email Lisa Moon ( to get on the student summer work list. Click HERE for information. Rising high school students encouraged to apply for the 2025 Hoban Scholarship. Essays due April 4. Click HERE for information. 

HS Parent Info Night April 8:  BA will be hosting a high school parent information session for 8th grade parents Tuesday, April 8 at 6:30pm. We will present information on graduation requirements, courses available for freshmen, common course tracks based on career goals, academic and co-curricular opportunities, and the transition to high school. All are welcome!

BABS Gala April 12th event20 parent volunteer 2-hour shifts still available!
BABS Auction Item Donations: sign up to purchase a gift card for silent auction items 
Thank you!

Get your tickets HERE by Monday, March 31 - tickets are selling FAST!
BABS Raffle Tickets! Three great raffle options for BABS 2025 - cash, gift card, and (new!) golden ticket. Click HERE for a form to order your tickets! 

College Scholarship Info: Click HERE for details, applications, and deadlines - 8 local scholarship opportunities have deadlines from March 15 to April 4! 
Senior Service Cord Deadline April 4: find information on how to apply HERE

Click here for other Divine Mercy Catholic Church youth events. 



Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 3/21/25

date 03/27/2025 author Kris Sauer category 2024-25, March 2025 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

March 21, 2025 - Celebrating our 160th Year!

Dear BA Parents/Guardians: 

We hope you had a wonderful, restful, and fantastic spring break! We are looking forward to welcoming your sons and daughters back to campus on Monday.

A few reminders as we start the week:
  • No Faribault busing March 24-28 or Monday, March 31
  • Guatemala Mission Trip spring 2026 information session March 27 - see below. FYI that a BA Rome mission trip for June 2026 is also in the works, details pending. 
  • Rising high school student summer work program sign up and Hoban Scholarship essay information below. 
  • Seniors: many college scholarship applications have deadlines in the next few weeks. Click here for the full list. Service cord applications are due April 4. Find the service cord application HERE
  • Grade 6-11 parents: please complete enrollment forms for next year as soon as possible. Thank you!
The week ahead: 


2025 -2026 School Calendar: Find it HERE. Other BA news on our Facebook and Instagram pages. 

Prayers for all those dealing with illness, the loss of a family member or close friend, and all those intentions held close to your heart,

Kris SauerEd Friesen, 
Interim Co-Heads of School

Student Summer Work/Hoban Scholarship: Student summer work (April 1 deadline) and Hoban Merit Scholarship (due April 4) applications are now available for students in grades 8-11. Click HERE for information. 

8th grade parents: BA will be hosting a high school parent information session for 8th grade parents Tuesday, April 8 at 6:30pm. We will present information on graduation requirements, courses available for freshmen, common course tracks based on career goals, academic and co-curricular opportunities, and the transition to high school. Please reach out to Kris or Ed with questions or suggestions for other topics to address. More information to follow.

Current Parent Service Hour Opportunities: Log in to POINT at to check your hours and sign up to volunteer for: 
BABS Raffle Tickets! Three great raffle options for BABS 2025 - cash, gift card, and (new!) golden ticket. Click HERE for a form to order your tickets! 


Need 2024 tax information? Click HERE.
Looking to order a 2024-2025 yearbook? Click HERE
Get your BA gear at the school store! Click HERE for information. 
Post-Prom is selling Cry Baby Craig's hot sauce. Click HERE for information. 
College Scholarship Info: Click HERE for details, applications, and deadlines - 8 local scholarship opportunities have deadlines from March 15 to April 4! 
Senior Service Cord Deadline April 4: find information on how to apply HERE


Click here for Divine Mercy Catholic Church youth events. 



Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 3/14/2025

date 03/21/2025 author Kris Sauer category 2024-25, March 2025 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

March 14, 2025 - Celebrating our 160th Year!

Dear BA Parents/Guardians: 

It certainly feels like spring today! We wish everyone a blessed and restful spring break next week, and safety for all those traveling. 

New Football Coach Hired! We are excited to announce that Mr. Christian Harmeyer has accepted the Head Football Coach position. Mr. Harmeyer was an All-American and First Team All-Conference player at DII Minnesota State Mankato and has coached at FHS, Nicollet, JWP, and Cleveland. Read more about his background and experience HERE. 

Thank you to all who have completed enrollment forms for 2025-2026 as this is a great help in our planning for next year. If you have not already done so, please complete this soon. We will begin tuition assistance decisions after spring break. Students must be enrolled to receive assistance. Contact Mrs. Sauer with questions or if you are having trouble re-enrolling. 

Spring Break + the week we return: 

2025 -2026 School Calendar: Find it HERE. Other BA news on our Facebook and Instagram pages. 

Please note there is no Faribault busing March 17-28. Busing resumes Tuesday, March 29.

Have a blessed, safe, and restful spring break! 
Kris SauerEd Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School

Summer Work/Hoban Scholarship: Student summer work (April 1 deadline) and Hoban Merit Scholarship (due April 4) applications are now available for students in grades 8-11. Click HERE for information. 

8th grade parents: BA will be hosting a high school parent information session for 8th grade parents Tuesday, April 8 at 6:30pm. We will present information on graduation requirements, courses available for freshmen, common course tracks based on career goals, academic and co-curricular opportunities, and the transition to high school. Please reach out to Kris or Ed with questions or suggestions for other topics to address. More information to follow spring break.

Current Parent Service Hour Opportunities: Log in to POINT at to check your hours and sign up to volunteer for: 
BABS Raffle Tickets! Three great raffle options for BABS 2025 - cash, gift card, and (new!) golden ticket. Click HERE for a form to order your tickets! 


Need 2024 tax information? Click HERE.
Looking to order a 2024-2025 yearbook? Click HERE
Get your BA gear at the school store! Click HERE for information. 
Post-Prom is selling Cry Baby Craig's hot sauce. Click HERE for information. 
College Scholarship Info: Click HERE for details, applications, and deadlines - 8 local scholarship opportunities have deadlines from March 15 to April 4! 
Senior Service Cord Deadline April 4: find information on how to apply HERE



Click here for Divine Mercy Catholic Church youth events. 



Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 03/07/2025

date 03/13/2025 author Kris Sauer category 2024-25, March 2025 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

March 7, 2025 - Celebrating our 160th Year!

Dear BA Parents/Guardians: 

Excited to welcome Mrs. Paula Leider to the BA Family as our new Head of School! Mrs. Leider will start July 1, 2025. Click HERE to read more. Thanks and gratitude as well for the hard work put in by members of the Head of School Search Committee, Search Committee Chair Erin Langenfeld, and BA Board Chair Beth Dienst during the hiring process. 

2025 -2026 School Calendar: Our 2025-2026 school calendar can be found on our website HERE. Additional event dates will be built in as the spring progresses. Note that we will have a full two-week break at Christmas and are following the Faribault Public Schools’ spring break schedule, with a longer Easter break about a week later so that BA staff may attend the National Catholic Educational Association Conference in Minneapolis.

Thank you to all who have completed enrollment forms for 2025-2026 as this is a great help in our planning for next year. If you have not already done so, please complete this soon. Contact Mrs. Sauer with questions. 

Parents with sons or daughters in grades 8-11:

  • Class registration forms are now due. Click HERE for registration forms, course guide, and other information. Contact Mr. Friesen or Mr. Bienias with questions. 
  • Student summer work and Hoban Merit Scholarship application are now available. Click HERE for information. 
The week ahead: 

Find other BA news on our Facebook and Instagram pages. 

Thank you to parents and students who joined us for Parent/Teacher Conferences yesterday. Congratulations to our BA Red Knowledge Bowl Team on their first-ever participation in regional competition and to our high school band, earning a SUPERIOR rating at large group competition today! Finally, two big events tonight - the DMCS Bingo/Meat Raffle from 6-9pm and the Paradise Center for the Arts' Youth Art Month opening reception from 5-7pm. 

Have a blessed weekend, 
Kris SauerEd Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School


New Parent Service Hour Opportunities: Log in to POINT at to check your hours and sign up to volunteer for: 
BABS 2025, April 12: Get your tickets now for Blossom & Bloom, the BABS 2025 Gala at . You don't want to miss this great night celebrating our Court of Honor inductees, students and staff! 


Need 2024 tax information? Click HERE.
Looking to order a 2024-2025 yearbook? Click HERE
Get your BA gear at the school store! Click HERE for information. 
Post-Prom is selling Cry Baby Craig's hot sauce. Click HERE for information. 
College Scholarship Info: Click HERE for details, applications, and deadlines - 8 local scholarship opportunities have deadlines from March 15 to April 4!


Click here for Divine Mercy Catholic Church youth events. 



Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 2/28/24

date 03/06/2025 author Kris Sauer category 2024-25, February 2025 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

February 28, 2025 - Celebrating our 160th Year!

Dear BA Parents/Guardians: 

Busy week ahead! Good luck to all our students participating in History Day and Knowledge Bowl regions, band (winter concert and Gopher Conference large group competition), student of the month, FFA competition, and exhibiting artwork at the Paradise Center for the Arts!

We begin the Lenten season with a PreK-12 Mass at Divine Mercy Catholic Church at 8:30am next Wednesday, March 5, with the chance to repent, reflect, and refocus on putting Christ at the center of all we do. Campus Ministry and our Theology Department are planning additional Lenten activities, prayers, and opportunities to participate in Stations of the Cross as we prepare for Easter.

Reminder that today is deadline to submit an application for tuition assistance in TADS. Applications received after that date will be allocated aid as available. Find the application at Enrollment is also open - emails from Catholic Schools of Faribault have been sent to all parents. Please reach out with questions. 

Parent/Teacher Conferences are this Thursday, March 6, from 4-6pm at BA. High School parents are encouraged to sign up to meet with teachers at this link. Middle School Parents with conference requests received an email with scheduling details. If you did not receive an email but would still like to connect with your child’s teachers, please reach out to them directly to schedule a meeting.

Finally, high school class registration has begun for 2025-26. Students have a copy of their class registration form and the course guide for next year. We ask that all registrations be turned in by Friday, March 7. Parents can find the course guide and registration forms at this link. Know that we collaborate with families and students to craft a schedule that works for their interests and needs, including working to find ways to take classes that may not be in our course syllabus. Please reach out to Mr. Friesen or Mr. Bienias with questions or to set up a meeting.

The week ahead: 

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calenda

  • March 10: Opening day softball, track, baseball (arm conditioning)
  • March 13: SADD St. Patrick's Day $ Dress Down
  • March 14: 10:30 am Mass @ BA
  • March 17: Baseball, golf opening day
  • March 17-21: Spring Break, No School
  • March 24: Prom Kwik Trip Car Wash card sales start (to April 4)
  • March 28: 10:30am Mass @ BA
Find other BA news on our Facebook and Instagram pages

Prayers for Pope Francis and for all those in our community with special intentions at this time. 

With gratitude, 
Kris SauerEd Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School

Lost and Found: The stack of clothing and other items on our lost and found table is growing! Please encourage your sons and daughters to check out the lost and found items in the cafeteria for anything that may belong to them.

Parent Service Hour Program: Several new parent volunteer opportunities now available. Log in to POINT and sign up to volunteer at our April 12th BABS event, the Cardinal Golf Classic Committee, and the 160th Celebration Committee. Hours can also be earned by shopping at our BABS Amazon Store - click HERE to purchase and plan to self-report your hours. Log in to POINT at to check your hours and sign up to volunteer. Click HERE for parent volunteer program information.

BABS 2025, April 12: Get your tickets now for Blossom & Bloom, the BABS 2025 Gala at - you won't want to miss this great night celebrating our students and staff! Parent volunteers also needed. Click HERE for the link to volunteer the night of BABS 2025. 


Kleenex donations: THANK YOU to everyone who donated Kleenex the last few weeks. Your generosity is truly appreciated!

2024 Tax Information: Because we changed payment systems, retrieving your 2024 tax information for tuition and fees is a two-step process this year. Payments made for the 2023-2024 school year is in FACTS. You received a letter in your semester 1 report card mailing (sent January 21) with directions on how to access your FACTS account and get your tax statement. For a record of payments made for the 2024-2025 school year, you will need to log into your EduTrak account at Click on the purple tuition icon, then click on view invoice, payments made will be listed at the bottom of the page. Click HERE for a step-by-step guide on this process. Please contact Business Manager Lisa Moon for assistance at or 507-334-3948, x209.
Come and join us March 6th for some Godfather’s pizza and help us raise money for post-prom.  Thank you for your support!
The post-prom committee is selling Cry Baby Craig's hot sauce to help raise money for a safe and fun post-prom event. Spice up your meals with some Cry Baby Craig's hot sauce, made right here in Faribault. If you would like to purchase a bottle, please contact Nettie Battles (, Chris Bothun, or you can purchase it in the BA office.  Thank you for your support!
School Store now open! Purchase BA gear at the concessions stand during home basketball games or order online HERE for front office pickup.  
Order Your Yearbook!  Your Yearbook Staff is putting together an outstanding book that highlights all students and their activities before, during, and after school. You won’t want to miss the chance for your student to relive this year’s memories forever!  Click HERE to place your order.

Class of 2026 Scholarship Opportunity: The MN Association of Townships invite all current juniors to apply for their $2000 scholarship program. Find the application HERE. Essays, supporting materials, and application must be postmarked by June 1, 2025. 

  • Senior Open Campus begins March 28, Fridays only through April 25th. Daily open campus begins Monday, April 28. More details to follow. 
  • College Scholarship Info: More local college scholarship information has been added to the BA website! Click HERE for details. 
  • Senior Week: Detailed information to be provided late March, but major events for senior week include:
    • Wednesday, May 21, 1pm Mary Ceremony in the BA gym. Baccalaureate Mass at Divine Mercy Catholic Church, 7:30pm. All are welcome to both events.
    • Friday, May 23, 9am Awards Ceremony in the BA gym, all are welcome. Grades 6-11 dismissed around 11am; Senior Faculty/Staff Brunch, 11:15am, seniors only @ BA (senior moms typically plan to go out to lunch together); Commencement, 7:30pm - all are welcome, unlimited unreserved seating. Fr. Kevin Kenney will be our 2025 Commencement speaker. 




Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 2/21/2025

date 02/24/2025 author Kris Sauer category 2024-25, February 2025 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

February 21, 2025 - Celebrating our 160th Year!

Dear BA Parents/Guardians: 

Excited to share that enrollment links for the 2025-2026 school year have been sent out to everyone. See yesterday's parent email, and please reach out with questions.

Tuition assistance applications are due next Friday, February 28. Applications received after that date will be allocated aid as available. Find the application at; 2023 tax returns may be used, but 2024 W-2s and current paystubs must be submitted. Contact Kris Sauer if you have questions or need assistance with enrollment or tuition assistance.

We enjoyed a cold-shortened but busy week. Students in Knowledge Bowl competed in sections Thursday, with the 4-member Bethlehem Academy Red team placing 2nd and advancing to regional competition for the first time ever! Congratulations to Elsie Arnold, Zach McCabe, Luke McCrea, and Monica Wilder as they move on in competition. The girls basketball season ended last night with a tough section loss at Fillmore Central, but ended the season with the best record since 2012-2013. Finally, good luck to our boys co-op swimmers as they compete in sections this coming week.

Some scheduling notes:

  • The Winter Band Concert has been moved to Tuesday, March 4 at 6pm. Please adjust your calendars for this new date. 
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, March 6 from 4-6pm. Our focus this semester is to honor teacher requests for parent/teachers meetings. High school conferences will be opened up to all high school parents next week; middle school parents should reach out to teachers directly to arrange a meeting if they have not already been contacted. Please watch your email for more information. 
The week ahead: 

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calenda

  • February 28: 10:30am Mass @ BA; TADS financial aid applications due (
  • March 3: History Day regional competition, 4-6pm, Mankato
  • March 4: 7th grade retreat; Knowledge Bowle Regional Meet, 9am in Rochester; Winter Band Concert, 6pm
  • March 5: 8:30am Ash Wednesday Mass @ DMCC - Lenten Season begins
  • March 6: P/T Conferences, 4-6pm; Post-Prom DNO @ Godfather's
  • March 7: Third quarter ends; DMCS Meat Raffle Fundraiser, 6pm
  • March 13: SADD St. Patrick's Day $ Dress Down
  • March 14: 10:30 am Mass @ BA
  • March 17-21: Spring Break, No School
Find other BA news on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Finally, we said farewell today to part-time choir teacher and BA alumni, Mary Clare Melero. We are so grateful for her time with us and wish her nothing but prayers and blessings as she moves forward with her pregnancy! For the remainder of the year, we are adjusting the middle school schedule so that Mr. Lorence can take on Mr. Melero's choir class. Choir students will continue alternating choir with music appreciation as they have all year. 

Prayers for healing, health, and happiness for our Bethlehem Academy Cardinal family!

With gratitude, 
Kris SauerEd Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School

Parent Service Hour Program: Several new parent volunteer opportunities now available. Log in to POINT and sign up to volunteer for our 2025 BABS event April 12th, the Cardinal Golf Classic Committee, and the 160th Celebration Committee. For the 160th Committee: 10 hours guaranteed for 24-25, all hours June-August apply to 25-26 with no limit. Committee options include: entertainment, food/beverages, Mass planning; tours/signage, logistics, alumni outreach/class reunions. Hours can also be earned by shopping at our BABS Amazon Store - click HERE to purchase and plan to self-report your hours. Log in to POINT at to check your hours and sign up to volunteer. Click HERE for parent volunteer program information.
BABS 2025, April 12: Get your tickets now for Blossom & Bloom, the BABS 2025 Gala at - you won't want to miss this great night celebrating our students and staff! Parent volunteers also needed. Click HERE for the link to sign up to help at BABS 2025. 


Kleenex needed! Cold and flu season is upon us and our classroom supply of tissues is running low. Please consider donating if you are able. Thank you!

2024 Tax Information: Because we changed payment systems, retrieving your 2024 tax information for tuition and fees is a two-step process this year. Payments made for the 2023-2024 school year is in FACTS. You received a letter in your semester 1 report card mailing (sent January 21) with directions on how to access your FACTS account and get your tax statement. For a record of payments made for the 2024-2025 school year, you will need to log into your EduTrak account at Click on the purple tuition icon, then click on view invoice, payments made will be listed at the bottom of the page. Click HERE for a step-by-step guide on this process. Please contact Business Manager Lisa Moon for assistance at or 507-334-3948, x209.
Come and join us March 6th for some Godfather’s pizza and help us raise money for post-prom.  Thank you for your support!
The post-prom committee is selling Cry Baby Craig's hot sauce to help raise money for a safe and fun post-prom event. Spice up your meals with some Cry Baby Craig's hot sauce, made right here in Faribault. If you would like to purchase a bottle, please contact Nettie Battles (, Chris Bothun, or you can purchase it in the BA office.  Thank you for your support!
School Store now open! Purchase BA gear at the concessions stand during home basketball games or order online HERE for front office pickup.  
Order Your Yearbook!  Your Yearbook Staff is putting together an outstanding book that highlights all students and their activities before, during, and after school. You won’t want to miss the chance for your student to relive this year’s memories forever!  Click HERE to place your order.

Spanish Trip Update from Mrs. Tondryk: Dear Parents - Thank you so much for your interest and support for our Spanish Immersion Weekend at El Lago del Bosque. Unfortunately, we did not have enough students interested to move forward with the trip this year. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding. Lago del Bosque does offer an incredible Spanish summer immersion program with scholarship opportunities that I encourage you to look into, but participation in that won't be coordinated by BA at this time. I look forward to trying again next year and welcome any comments, feedback, or questions you may have regarding future plans for BA Spanish immersion opportunities.

Class of 2026 Scholarship Opportunity: The MN Association of Townships invite all current juniors to apply for their $2000 scholarship program. Find the application HERE. Essays, supporting materials, and application must be postmarked by June 1, 2025. 

  • Senior Open Campus begins March 28, Fridays only through April 25th. Daily open campus begins Monday, April 28. More details to follow. 
  • College Scholarship Info: More local college scholarship information has been added to the BA website! Click HERE for details. 
  • Senior Week: Detailed information to be provided late March, but major events for senior week include:
    • Wednesday, May 21, 1pm Mary Ceremony in the BA gym. Baccalaureate Mass at Divine Mercy Catholic Church, 7:30pm. All are welcome to both events.
    • Friday, May 23, 9am Awards Ceremony in the BA gym, all are welcome. Grades 6-11 dismissed around 11am; Senior Faculty/Staff Brunch, 11:15am, seniors only @ BA (senior moms typically plan to go out to lunch together); Commencement, 7:30pm - all are welcome, unlimited unreserved seating. Fr. Kevin Kenney will be our 2025 Commencement speaker. 




Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 2/14/2025

date 02/20/2025 author Kris Sauer category 2024-25, February 2025 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

February 14, 2025 - Celebrating our 160th Year!

Dear BA Parents/Guardians: 

Happy Valentine's Day! We hope you find yourself blessed by God's love today.

Reminder that there is NO SCHOOL Monday, February 17 as we observe President's Day.

It was a great week at BA - our 6th and 7th graders went on a field trip to the MN History Center, with lots of hands-on activities including exploring a sod house, experiencing a simulation of the 1965 Fridley tornado, and participating in a mission aboard a C-47 transport plane on D-Day. Our 8th graders spent yesterday in retreat where they were invited into a deeper relationship with God and challenged to listen and recognize God's voice in their lives. So many students went to confession that retreat leaders were afraid they would run out of time! So proud of our students for being open to God's word and of our HS student leaders who helped with this amazing retreat. High school students participated in History Day, with 18 making it to the regional competition in Mankato. Finally, we celebrated our senior boys and girls basketball players and their parents at home games this past week. God is good!

As we plan for next year, there are many other wonderful things in the works. We are talking to some excellent candidates for our Head of School, head football, and choir positions and are adding college class options to our curriculum all while growing popular co-curricular programs like Campus Ministry, FFA, and Knowledge Bowl. Exciting things are happening as well with our staff. As you may know, Ed Friesen successfully completed his master’s in educational leadership last fall. Michael Bengen will complete a masters in PE and health in May and Grant Yackly will earn his master’s in educational leadership and technology integration this summer. Katy Ashley is halfway through a master’s program and Brent Zabel, Kallie Battles, and Tom Nardi are all starting master’s programs this spring and summer. At completion, nearly 80% of BA's teaching staff will have earned a master’s in their field of education. We are so grateful for their dedication to professional development and their commitment to guiding your sons and daughters to achieve personal, spiritual, and academic excellence!

Reminder to families seeking tuition assistance that the deadline to apply is two weeks from today, Friday, February 28. Applications received after that date will be allocated aid as available. Find the application at; 2023 tax returns may be used, but 2024 W-2s and current paystubs must be submitted. Contact Kris Sauer if you have questions or need assistance.

The week ahead: 

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calenda

  • February 26: 6th grade Youth Frontiers retreat
  • February 28: 10:30am Mass @ BA; TADS financial aid applications due (
  • March 3: History Day regional competition; Winter Band Concert, 6pm
  • March 4: 7th grade retreat
  • March 5: 8:30am Ash Wednesday Mass @ DMCC - Lenten Season begins
  • March 6: P/T Conferences, 4-6pm; Post-Prom DNO @ Godfather's
  • March 7: Third quarter ends; DMCS Meat Raffle Fundraiser
  • March 13: SADD St. Patrick's Day $ Dress Down
  • March 14: 10:30 am Mass @ BA
  • March 17-21: Spring Break, No School
Find other BA news on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Prayers for healing, health, and happiness for our Bethlehem Academy Cardinal family!

With gratitude, 
Kris SauerEd Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School

Get your tickets now for Blossom & Bloom, the BABS 2025 Gala at - you won't want to miss this great night celebrating our students and staff! 


Kleenex needed! Cold and flu season is upon us and our classroom supply of tissues is running low. Please consider donating if you are able. Thank you!

2024 Tax Information: Because we changed payment systems, retrieving your 2024 tax information for tuition and fees is a two-step process this year. Payments made for the 2023-2024 school year is in FACTS. You received a letter in your semester 1 report card mailing (sent January 21) with directions on how to access your FACTS account and get your tax statement. For a record of payments made for the 2024-2025 school year, you will need to log into your EduTrak account at Click on the purple tuition icon, then click on view invoice, payments made will be listed at the bottom of the page. Click HERE for a step-by-step guide on this process. Please contact Business Manager Lisa Moon for assistance at or 507-334-3948, x209.
School Store now open! Purchase BA gear at the concessions stand during home basketball games or order online HERE for front office pickup.  
Order Your Yearbook!  Your Yearbook Staff is putting together an outstanding book that highlights all students and their activities before, during, and after school. You won’t want to miss the chance for your student to relive this year’s memories forever!  Click HERE to place your order.

Win a Trip to Washington, DC! 10th and 11th grade students who are Steele-Waseca Cooperative members are invited to apply to win a FREE trip to Washington, D.C. this June! Deadline is February 18, 2025. Click HERE for the application and other information.  

Class of 2026 Scholarship Opportunity: The MN Association of Townships invite all current juniors to apply for their $2000 scholarship program. Find the application HERE. Essays, supporting materials, and application must be postmarked by June 1, 2025. 

Seniors: College Scholarship Info: More local college scholarship information has been added to the BA website! Click HERE for details. 





Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 2/7/25

date 02/11/2025 author Kris Sauer category 2024-25, February 2025 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

February 7, 2025 - Celebrating our 160th Year!

Dear BA Parents/Guardians: 

We hope you are enjoying this long weekend with your sons and daughters! Faculty spend today in professional development on topics ranging from AI in the classroom to curriculum development, with several staff members participating in a Chamber-sponsored business mixer to explore school-community partnerships and opportunities. 

Looking ahead, we are starting to frame up the school calendar for next year. Unfortunately, Faribault Public Schools has not finalized their 25-26 calendar and we are also waiting to hear from the Archdiocese regarding staff participation expectations for next year's NCEA (Nat'l Catholic Education Association) Conference that will be held April 7-9, 2026, in Minneapolis. Know that we are eager to finalize this and will get that to you as soon as possible.

Enrollment and class registration for 2025-2026 will be opening soon. Families seeking tuition assistance are reminded that the deadline to apply is February 28. Applications received after that date will be allocated aid as available. Find the application at; 2023 tax returns may be used, but 2024 W-2s and current paystubs must be submitted. Contact Kris Sauer if you have questions or need assistance.

Parent service hours opportunities: parent volunteers are needed to help on the 160th Anniversary Celebration (August 2) and the Cardinal Golf Classic (August 1) committees. Both events are this summer, but planning is starting now. Helping means you can earn parent hours for this year through May and an early start on hours for next year for time June to August. Log into POINT ( to sign up and contact Kris with questions. Another option: we've set up an Amazon store for BABS wish list items. Find the list to donate an item HERE - one parent hour earned for every $25 spent (self-report via POINT). 

Service hour reminders: if you sign up to volunteer through POINT, there is no need to self-report your hours as the system automatically counts then for you. Student hours should not be logged under parent accounts; their hours are separate and must be turned in to their Theology teachers. Parents who volunteer for co-op sports teams may self-report a maximum of 5 parent volunteer hours/season. Volunteering for DMCS/DMCC-only events (SpiritFest, Spooktacular, etc.) may self-report a maximum of 5 parent hours for each event. We are grateful for your partnership, and your gifts of time and treasure. Please reach out to Kris with questions. 

Finally, excited to share that last weekend's winter open house was the most successful in recent years, and fundraising to date for the annual fund is above average for this time of year. Please share the good new of BA within your family and friend networks and help us grow enrollment for next year! 

The week ahead: 

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar

  • February 13: Prom $ dress down, 1pm WIN schedule for History Day; grade 6-7 field trip; grade 8 retreat
  • February 14: 10:30am Mass at BA
  • February 17: NO SCHOOL, President's Day
  • February 20: FFA blue & gold $ dress down day
  • February 21: 8:30am Mass at DMCC
  • February 26: 6th grade Youth Frontiers retreat
  • February 28: 10:30am Mass @ BA; TADS financial aid applications due (
Find other BA news on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Prayers for those in our community who are sick or undergoing surgeries, and for healing, health, and happiness for our Bethlehem Academy Cardinal family!

With gratitude, 
Kris SauerEd Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School

Kleenex needed! Cold and flu season is upon us and our classroom supply of tissues is running low. Please consider donating if you are able. Thank you!

2024 Tax Information: Because we changed payment systems, retrieving your 2024 tax information for tuition and fees is a two-step process this year. Payments made for the 2023-2024 school year is in FACTS. You received a letter in your semester 1 report card mailing (sent January 21) with directions on how to access your FACTS account and get your tax statement. For a record of payments made for the 2024-2025 school year, you will need to log into your EduTrak account at Click on the purple tuition icon, then click on view invoice, payments made will be listed at the bottom of the page. Click HERE for a step-by-step guide on this process. Please contact Business Manager Lisa Moon for assistance at or 507-334-3948, x209.
BABS - our biggest event of the year - is just around the corner. Get your tickets now at

School Store now open! Purchase BA gear at the concessions stand during home basketball games or order online HERE for front office pickup.  

Order Your Yearbook!  Your Yearbook Staff is putting together an outstanding book that highlights all students and their activities before, during, and after school. You won’t want to miss the chance for your student to relive this year’s memories forever!  Click HERE to place your order.

Basketball Home Game Volunteers Needed. The basketball season presents many volunteer opportunities.  We need volunteers to sell tickets for games and to help with concessions. Visit Volunteer Connection on the school website to learn more about volunteering (now is a good time to check your hours for the year) and how to use the Point app to sign up.

Spring Spanish Trip! Don’t miss out on an incredible Spanish immersion opportunity for your student to attend the immersion weekend at El Lago del Bosque in Bemidji through Concordia Language Villages from March 14–16, 2025! This program offers hands-on cultural and language activities in a fully immersive environment, helping students grow in fluency and confidence. Please email if interested! April dates are also available. 

Win a Trip to Washington, DC! 10th and 11th grade students who are Steele-Waseca Cooperative members are invited to apply to win a FREE trip to Washington, D.C. this June! Deadline is February 18, 2025. Click HERE for the application and other information.  

Class of 2026 Scholarship Opportunity: The MN Association of Townships invite all current juniors to apply for their $2000 scholarship program. Find the application HERE. Essays, supporting materials, and application must be postmarked by June 1, 2025. 

Seniors: College Scholarship Info: New college scholarship information has been added to the BA website. Click HERE for details. 





Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 1/31/25

date 02/06/2025 author Kris Sauer category 2024-25, January 2025 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

January 31, 2025 - Celebrating our 160th Year!

Dear BA Parents/Guardians: 

What a blessing to celebrate Catholic Schools' Week with your sons and daughters this week! Our middle schoolers joined DMCS students for Mass and Buddy Day/service projects while our high school students traveled to The Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis for Mass, tours of this beautiful cathedral, and service for the homeless. It was a wonderful day living out our Dominican pillars of prayer, study, community, and service!  Thank you to all who supported the Basilica project with your donations.

Please join us for the 4pm BA-sponsored Catholic Schools' Week Mass tomorrow at Divine Mercy Catholic Church. We are hosting a new student open house this Sunday from 11am-1pm. Please help us grow enrollment and invite interested students and families to join us for this event!

Enrollment for 2025-2026 will be opening soon. Families seeking needs-based scholarships and aid are reminded to apply NOW for financial aid via TADS; aid applications close February 28. 2023 tax returns may be used, but 2024 W-2s and current paystubs must be submitted. Find the application at  Reminder that families must apply each year for requested aid; applications do not carry over from year-to-year. Contact Kris Sauer if you have questions or need assistance.

The week ahead: 

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar

  • February 1: BA-hosted Mass, 4pm, Divine Mercy Catholic Church
  • February 2: Admissions Open House, 11am-1pm; click HERE to register for this new student event: help us grow enrollment - encourage interested families to attend!
  • February 5: Student of the Month, 7:30am, BA gym
  • February 6: Post Prom Dining Night Out, Godfathers, 4-7pm
  • February 7: NO SCHOOL / Teacher Workday
  • February 13: Prom $ dress down, 1pm WIN schedule for History Day; grade 6-7 field trip; grade 8 retreat
  • February 14: 10:30am Mass at BA
  • February 17: NO SCHOOL, President's Day
Find other BA news on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Finally, two things: one - a reminder that we have NO SCHOOL next Friday; and two - congratulations to our 2025 SnoBall Queen, Brooklyn Becker!

Prayers for the victims of the DC plane crash, for those affected by the California wildfires, for those in our community who are sick or undergoing surgeries, and for healing, health, and happiness for our Bethlehem Academy Cardinal family!

With gratitude, 
Kris SauerEd Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School

Kleenex needed! Cold and flu season is upon us and our classroom supply of tissues is running low. Please consider donating if you are able. Thank you!

2024 Tax Information: as shared via parent email yesterday: Because we changed payment systems, retrieving your 2024 tax information for tuition and fees paid is a two-step process this year. Payments made for the 2023-2024 school year can be retrieved from FACTS. You received a letter in your semester 1 report card mailing (sent January 21) with directions on how to access your FACTS account and get your tax statement. To access a record of payments made for the 2024-2025 school year, you will need to access EduTrak, our current payment system. To do so, log into your EduTrak account at Click on the purple tuition icon, then click on view invoice, payments made will be listed at the bottom of the page. Click HERE for a step-by-step guide on this process. Please contact Business Manager Lisa Moon for assistance at or 507-334-3948, x209.
School Store now open! Purchase BA gear at the concessions stand during home basketball games or order online HERE for front office pickup.
Order Your Yearbook!  Your Yearbook Staff is putting together an outstanding book that highlights all students and their activities before, during, and after school. You won’t want to miss the chance for your student to relive this year’s memories forever!  Click HERE to place your order.

Basketball Home Game Volunteers Needed! The basketball season presents many volunteer opportunities.  We need volunteers to sell tickets for games and to help with concessions. Visit Volunteer Connection on the school website to learn more about volunteering (now is a good time to check your hours for the year) and how to use the Point app to sign up.

Spring Spanish Trip! Don’t miss out on an incredible Spanish immersion opportunity for your student to attend the immersion weekend at El Lago del Bosque in Bemidji through Concordia Language Villages from March 14–16, 2025! This program offers hands-on cultural and language activities in a fully immersive environment, helping students grow in fluency and confidence. Please email if interested! April dates are also available. 

Win a Trip to Washington, DC! 10th and 11th grade students who are Steele-Waseca Cooperative members are invited to apply to win a FREE trip to Washington, D.C. this June! Deadline is February 18, 2025. Click HERE for the application and other information.  

Class of 2026 Scholarship Opportunity: The MN Association of Townships invite all current juniors to apply for their $2000 scholarship program. Find the application HERE. Essays, supporting materials, and application must be postmarked by June 1, 2025. 

Seniors: College Scholarship Info: New college scholarship information has been added to the BA website. Click HERE for details. 




Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 01-24-2025

date 01/30/2025 author Kris Sauer category 2024-25, January 2025 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

January 24, 2025 - Celebrating our 160th Year!

***Head of School Update from the Board***
The Search Committee has been having ongoing conversations with a top candidate for the Head of School position. We are following a comprehensive process which includes approvals from Dominican Veritas Ministries, our canonical sponsor, as well as Archbishop Hebda. Please pray for all involved as we continue these important discussions. Please reach out to us at with any questions. -Beth Dienst, Board Chair and Erin Langenfeld, Head of Search Committee

Dear Parents/Guardians: 

Our cold-shortened week was nonetheless spirit-filled as students participated in SnoBall Week themes and activities! Please join us tomorrow night in Van Orsow Auditorium for the 8pm SnoBall Grand March and coronation. Good luck to all our wonderful SnoBall Queen candidates: Brooklyn Becker (Noah Casper), Olivia Glumack (Zander Smith), Taylor Moon (Cole Goodwin), Jocelyn Simones (Peter Schoolmeesters), and Anna Tobin (Declan Chappuis). Guests will be dismissed following the mother-son/father-daughter dance for all SnoBall participants. The dance ends at 11pm. See the flyer below for SnoBash, an adult-only event hosted by junior parents for post-prom.

Looking ahead, we are excited to celebrate our mission and our faith with Catholic Schools' Week activities January 26 through February 2. Click here for the full week's events. Our Mass/field trip/service day for middle and high school students will be held Wednesday, January 29. Field trip permission forms and fees are due Monday, January 27. Click here for a link to information shared in yesterday's parent email. A HUGE thank you for your generous response to our request for donations for our Basilica service project-please bring all donations to the BA front office by Monday, January 27.

Semester 1 report cards were mailed Tuesday, January 21. We are committed to helping all families afford a BA education for their sons and daughters and invite families to fill out a tuition assistance application in TADS found at to be eligible for needs-based scholarships and aid. Applications must be submitted by February 28 to be eligible for all scholarships, including those sponsored by the Archdiocese. Reminder that families must apply each year for aid; applications do not carry over from year-to-year. Contact Kris Sauer if you have questions or need assistance.

The week ahead: 

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar

  • January 25: SnoBall Dance & Coronation, Grade 9-12, 8pm Grand March in the BA gym
  • January 25: SnoBash Post Prom event, 9-11pm, Faribault Golf Club (see flyer below)
  • January 26: Bishop Kenney Mass & Reception, 10am DMCC
  • January 27-31: Catholic Schools Week (CSW), click HERE for the schedule
  • January 27: CSW field trip permission slips & fees due; Basilica service project donations due
  • January 29: CSW Mass, field trip, service day Click HERE for info
  • February 1: BA-hosted Mass, 4pm, Divine Mercy Catholic Church
  • February 2: Admissions Open House, 11am-1pm; click HERE to register for this new student event: help us grow enrollment - encourage interested families to attend!
  • February 5: Student of the Month, 7:30am, BA gym
  • February 6: Post Prom Dining Night Out, Godfathers
  • February 7: NO SCHOOL / Teacher Workday
Find other BA news on our Facebook and Instagram pages.

Continued prayers for those affected by the LA wildfires and for healing, health, and happiness in for our Bethlehem Academy Cardinal family!

With gratitude, 
Kris SauerEd Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School


All are welcome to join us in Van Orsow Auditorium for the 8pm Grand March and SnoBall Queen coronation!
Order Your Yearbook!  Your Yearbook Staff is putting together an outstanding book that highlights all students and their activities before, during, and after school. You won’t want to miss the chance for your student to relive this year’s memories forever!  Click HERE to place your order.

Basketball Home Game Volunteers Needed! The basketball season presents many volunteer opportunities.  We need volunteers to sell tickets for games and to help with concessions. Visit Volunteer Connection on the school website to learn more about volunteering (now is a good time to check your hours for the year) and how to use the Point app to sign up.

Jan 25 SnoBall Dance: SnoBall, a girl-ask-boy semi-formal dance for students in grades 9-12, will be held January 25. Traditionally, the girls purchase a tie for their date that matches their dress. The girls arrange for a bouquet and boutonniere with a local florist that the boy picks up and pays for the day of the dance. Boys typically wear a black shirt and pants, girls wear modest cocktail-style dresses. Couples usually go out for pictures and to dinner with a group of friends prior to the dance. Parents and guests gather in Van Orsow Auditorium for the 8:00 p.m. Grand March, where participating couples are introduced and the SnoBall Queen is crowned. The Mother-Son/Father-Daughter dance follows coronation for all SnoBall dance participants. The dance ends at 11pm.

Win a Trip to Washington, DC! 10th and 11th grade students who are Steele-Waseca Cooperative members are invited to apply to win a FREE trip to Washington, D.C. this June! Deadline is February 18, 2025. Click HERE for the application and other information.  

Class of 2026 Scholarship Opportunity: The MN Association of Townships invite all current juniors to apply for their $2000 scholarship program. Find the application HERE. Essays, supporting materials, and application must be postmarked by June 1, 2025. 

Spring Spanish Trip! Don’t miss out on an incredible Spanish immersion opportunity for your student to attend the immersion weekend at El Lago del Bosque in Bemidji through Concordia Language Villages from March 14–16, 2025! This program offers hands-on cultural and language activities in a fully immersive environment, helping students grow in fluency and confidence. Please email if interested! April dates are also available. 

Seniors: College Scholarship Info: New college scholarship information has been added to the BA website. Click HERE for details. 




Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Our Mission
Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
105 3rd Ave. SW
Faribault, MN  55021
Phone:  507-334-3948
Fax:  507-334-3949