Bethlehem Academy
Online/Flexible Learning Day for Students
Goals of the Flexible/Online Learning Day:
- To minimize the disruption to academic progress caused by weather-related and other emergency school closures by making these days as educationally productive and engaging as possible.
- To provide students with online learning opportunities that is increasingly becoming a part of both college study and workplace training.
What happens during a BA Flexible Learning Day?
- Students will attend online classes held through Zoom or Google Meet.
- Students should be properly dressed for class, sitting at a desk or table. Student cameras should be on during the online session.
- Students will complete assignments posted in Schoology and PowerSchool, the school’s student information and learning management systems.
- Teachers will conduct virtual classes using Zoom or Google Meet, following the bell schedule for the day. Attendance will be taken. The links for the Zoom or Google Meet will be posted in Schoology as well as sent through email. These links should be posted by 8:00am.
- Teachers will be posting assignments for students to complete. Flexible learning days will count towards the official school day count. Students are responsible for completing the assigned work.
- Teachers are will post assignments in Schoology. By posting in the Activities module, assignments will appear on the student’s dashboard and calendar. This will provide one consistent location for students and parents to check for assignments. In addition to the PowerSchool posting, teachers may also email the assignment to students. Teachers will communicate their expectations for the assignment:
- A narrative with an objective and specific instructions explaining the work to be done.
- Clear due dates along with directions on how to turn in the assignment.
- Directions on where to find any necessary additional resources such as links, documents, etc.
- The times teachers will be available online for questions.
- Teachers will have online “office hours” and will be available for at least 2 hours. Teachers will post the time(s) they will be available to answer questions submitted through email, Schoology messaging or other electronic means normally used by the class. Teachers may split their office hours into two different time blocks – for example, once in the morning and once in the afternoon.
- Student and faculty logins to Schoology will be monitored.
- Students will log into Schoology at the start of the school day to get Zoom/Google Meet links for period 1.
- Students will complete posted assignments by specified due date. Students needing a due date extension for an appropriate reason will contact their teachers with the request.
- Students are to be aware that the red/white rotation does not change when an online/flexible learning day is held. If the weather forecast may result in a school closure, students should anticipate this possibility and bring home course materials for all classes - both red days and white days.
- Homerooms and Study Halls do not meet during an online flex learning day.
Click Here to Access Schoology and PowerSchool: