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Family Focus 12/11/2020

December 11, 2020
Dear BA Families:
Blessed 2nd Week of Advent! This week brought BA students and staff together both here and online for our Immaculate Conception Holy Day Mass. What a joy to celebrate this feast day.
BA RECEIVES FULL ACCREDITATION! After our review we are happy to share that Bethlehem Academy continues as a school of excellence and is now fully accredited by MNSAA for another seven years. Each accreditation review period has us reflect on our strengths and areas for growth. Please visit our strategic plan here for updates on our progress.
This week my father quietly left this world. He loved Christmas and in the past had portrayed St. Nicholas for the students at my Catholic elementary schools, even though he was a Lutheran! It’s fitting that God called him home the morning after the feast day for St. Nicholas. I thank the BA community for your kind words and prayers during this time of loss. You may view his story at: Others of the BA family also recently passed including Father Patrick Griffin. Our prayers are with all families at this time who are experiencing loss as their loved ones are called home.
This next week we will be in our Hybrid Phase One learning model. Here is a review of the week ahead, a detailed bell schedule for the week is attached:
- Monday, Dec 14, Red Day: All students in person learning. Ugly Sweater $1 Dress Down Day, proceeds to purchase masks for St. Vincent de Paul. Band practice, all grades.
- Tuesday, Dec 15, White Day: All students in person learning. Christmas Sock Day. Special high school schedule for reconciliation/regular middle school schedule. Band practice, all grades.
- Wednesday, Dec 16: No classes scheduled. Students may be asked to come in for exams (distance learners) and/or additional assistance/review as arranged with teachers.
- Thursday, Dec 17, Red Day: All students in the building. Special middle school schedule for reconciliation. Regular schedule for high school. Red Day high school final exams/activities.
- Friday, Dec 18, White Day: Middle school Mass celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe. MS follows a Mass day dress code and schedule. High school follows a regular White Day schedule. White day high school final exams/activities. Parent and student surveys due by 6pm.
- Monday, Dec 21- Friday, Jan 1: NO SCHOOL / MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY 2021!
COVID Update: As of December 9, 2020, we have not had any additional cases and remain at nine positive Covid-19 cases in our BA family (members who have tested positive but not transferred through school.) Presently we have only one student quarantining due to outside exposure, not exposure through BA and therefore we are returning to school next week in Hybrid Phase One (all students here, four days a week). Please continue to follow the protocols at home and any time your family is in public so that we can offer hybrid or full in-person learning in the months ahead depending on our numbers, the County numbers, and State and Archdiocese recommendations.
- Updated Student Symptom Screening form and Decision Tree - click on the links for updated information.
- Traveling for Christmas or gathering with groups outside of your immediate family? Please plan to quarantine at home and notify the school office that your child will be online that first week in January. Call/email the school attendance line (334-3948, to let us know. Thank you for partnering with us to keep our students and staff safe!
BA Survey: Please take a few minutes to respond to our survey questions as we complete our first full semester of the academic year. We ask that you please complete the survey by next Friday, Dec. 18, 2020. Find the parent survey at this link and the student survey at this link.
- BA Annual Fund: Our goal is to raise $250,000 by June 30, 2021. As of December 9 we are at $80,044-Thank you! We invite you, or your extended family, to help us achieve $100,000 in our Annual Fund by Christmas! This is a great time to give! With the 2020 COVID giving tax rule changes, all donations of any amount can be taken as a tax credit in 2020. Please spread the news and help us achieve $100,000 by Christmas!
- BA Bash Raffle Tickets-Looking for a unique stocking stuffer? Order 2020 BA Bash Raffle tickets! Only 1000 $25 tickets printed - send your payment to the front office today and we’ll place you in the drawing. Top Prize-$2020, 2nd Prize-$1020, 3rd Prize: $520. Proceeds help us cover extra costs related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Click HERE to download your order form. All ticket orders must be received by December 30, 2020. Thank you!
KUDOS: Congratulations to Elliot Smith ‘21, one of only 14 MN students named to the Minnesota Football Coaches Association Class 1A Individual Academic All-state Team and to the following on being named to the Gopher Volleyball All-Conference Team: Brianna Radatz ‘21 (1st team); Kennedy Tutak ‘21 (second team); Reagan Kangas ‘23 (honorable mention) and Jennifer Robert (sportsmanship award). Brianna, Kennedy, and Kate Trump ‘23 were also named to the Faribault Daily News All-Area Volleyball Team!
Blessings during our first week of Advent! Please continue to pray for the Gardner family.
Mindy Reeder, President/Principal
SCHEDULE CHANGE: Christmas Break will be a full two week break to clean our building and allow additional professional development time for our staff. We will be out of school Dec. 21-Jan. 1, 2021.
Christmas Spirit Dress Down Day Monday!
Get in the Christmas spirit! SADD and BA’s Student Service Club are sponsoring a $1 Christmas Sweater Dress Down Day on Monday, December 14. As they requested, all proceeds will go to purchase face masks for St. Vincent de Paul. Mask donations are also welcomed. Extend the Christmas spirit and wear Christmas socks on Tuesday-no donation required.
MS and HS Band/Choir Next Week
Thank you to David Swenson ‘15 for filling in for Mr. Gardner! A reminder that both high school and middle school students will have band Monday and Tuesday next week, December 14 and December 15. Please be sure your students have their instruments as we will be recording their Christmas songs on Tuesday to share with our community later in the week. Choir will record on Thursday, Dec 17. Students will not have band practice next Thursday and Friday but will have a study hall instead.
Attendance Reminders
A gentle reminder to call or email the front office (507-334-3948 or for any changes to your scholar’s attendance - doctor appointment, excused absence, college visit, change in distance learning, etc. They will then inform your scholar’s teachers. Thank you for your help with this!
Home and School Update
It’s not too late to pay your Home and School dues! Please turn your $25 in at the front office. Also a reminder that Home and School is looking for new parent volunteers. See the attached Christmas letter from Michelle and Jane. New volunteers are needed or this group so vital to our school community will have to end. Thank you!
Make your voice heard!
A bipartisan group of U.S. Senators and House members have revived the COVID relief talks and the US Council of Cathlic Bishops (USCCB) is asking for our help to ensure Catholic schools are included in this new legislation. To tell Congress Catholic schools need access to emergency aid, click on this link to share your support.
BA Christmas Angel Fund
Help us support BA families in need!Please consider a donation to the Christmas Angel Student Lunch Account Fund. Many families in our BA community are struggling in a multitude of ways this Christmas season. Please keep them all in your prayers and, if you are able, please consider donating to help families cover their students’ lunch accounts, many of whom fall just outside the federal and state guidelines for assistance. Donations can be dropped off at the BA front entrance or mailed to our address. Thank you!
Prospective Student Visit Options
Help us grow our student enrollment and spread the good news about BA! Take the Future Cardinal Challenge and invite one family/student to join us for a personal touror one of our limited shadow opportunities. Mid-year transfers are welcome, and applications are now open for 2021-2022. Find more information on our admission page.
Alumni Update Form
We would appreciate any updates for your post-college graduates. Please fill out the attached form and email it to Sister Mary Margaret. Alumni can also update their contact information, sign up for our Veritas newsletter, or share news on our Alumni website page found here. Thank you!
Mobile Food Distribution: Volunteers & Distribution Info
Area community groups have joined forces to provide mobile food distribution. Drop off sites are Thursday, 12/17 at South Central College and 12/18 at Evergreen Estates and Cannon River Mobile Home Park. Flyers in English and Spanish attached with more information.
Holiday Shopping: Amazon Smiles
If you are holiday shopping via Amazon, go to, pick Bethlehem Academy as your organization and AmazonSmile will donate to BA, at no cost to you. It works with Amazon Prime and you can use Scrip to pay for your purchases. Thank you!
Holiday Scrip: Holiday SCRIP is a great option for gift giving! You purchase these small denomination gift cards after all Sunday Masses at Divine Mercy Catholic Church and from the Divine Mercy Catholic School Business Office at 15 SW Third Avenue.
December ACT Exam Cancelled
The ACT for December 12 has been cancelled due to COVID 19. If you were planning to take the test on this date, you should be rescheduled for a future date. A reminder to seniors: most schools right now are test optional due to the pandemic. Please contact Ms. Rogers if you have questions or need help rescheduling your ACT exam.
Unemployment Benefits to HS Students
The State of MN has announced that due to Covid-19, high school students who have lost work due to the pandemic may be eligible to receive unemployment. If your student lost their job due to the pandemic, they may be eligible to receive unemployment benefits. The application deadline is December 26. FYI that Ms. Rogers also emailed this information to all high school students December 10. Find more information here.
Ag Career Scholarship
The Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) is providing four $5,000 scholarships to MN students who are pursuing a career in agriculture. Find the application is at The deadline to apply is January 8. Scholarship applicants must be a young adult member of MCGA who is working toward a degree in an agriculture-related field.
Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group
Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. Visit for more information.
Attached Files |
Food Delivery in Faribault-English-December2020 FINAL Locations.pdf |
Food Delivery in Faribault-Spanish-December20202 - FINAL Locations.pdf |
Family Focus 12/4/2020

Dear BA Families:
Welcome Advent! What a blessing to celebrate Advent and prepare our hearts for the joyous celebration of Christmas and the birth of our Savior. Bethlehem Academy is decked in Advent reminders, from our creche to our Advent wreath. During our full hybrid model, a member of our Peer Ministry group is reading an Advent prayer each Monday and Thursday morning while we light the first week’s candle.
This week Mrs. Jandro returned to her math classroom. We are so excited to have her back at school and invite everyone to continue to pray for her extended healing. In addition, we will have a substitute teacher for Band. Welcome to David Swenson, Class of 2015 alum and a music and theology graduate studies student at the University of Notre Dame. He will sub over the next two weeks for band rehearsals when he is available. Please remind your scholar to bring their band instrument!
This next week we will continue with our full hybrid learning model. Here is a review of the week ahead:
- Monday, Dec. 7: All A-Ka scholars report; Ke-Z scholars report online to PowerSchool and check in with all classes for lessons and assignments. (Unless you have made other arrangements.)
- Tuesday, Dec. 8: MASS DAY SCHEDULE 8:05 a.m. - All in person and online students report, middle school to homeroom, high school to first hour classes. All students in the building will attend Mass in our gymnasium as it is a Holy Day and DMCS will be at IC Church. Students at home (Ke-Z) are asked to join us online on our YouTube channel. (
9:30 a.m. – Ke-Z students report online to PowerSchool and check in with all first hour classes for lessons and assignments.
- Wednesday, Dec. 9-Student Support Day (WIN): Students needing support or time for projects may schedule time to come into the building or may be requested to report by a teacher. Student Service Club will be packing COVID bags for St. Vincent de Paul from 2-3pm.
- Thursday, Dec. 10-Friday, Dec 11: All Ke-Z scholars report; A-Ka report online to PowerSchool and check in with all classes for lessons and assignments. (Unless you have made other arrangements.)
COVID Update: As of December 3, 2020, we have had 9 positive Covid-19 cases in our BA family (members who have tested positive but not transferred through school.) Presently we have 22 students quarantining due to outside exposure, not exposure through BA. Please continue to follow the protocols at home and any time your family is in public so that we can offer hybrid or full in-person learning in the months ahead depending on our numbers and State and Archdiocese recommendations. When these numbers drop, or we have no additional cases in our BA family, we can consider changing learning models.
- Updated Student Symptom Screening form and Decision Tree - click on the links for updated information.
- Traveling for Christmas or gathering with groups outside of your immediate family?Please plan to quarantine at home and notify the school office that your child will be online that first week in January. Thank you for partnering with us to keep our students and staff safe!
- BA Annual Fund: Our goal is to raise $250,000 by June 30, 2021. To date we are at $75,944-Thank you! We invite you, or your extended family, to help us achieve $100,000 in our Annual Fund by Christmas! This is a great time to give! With the 2020 COVID giving tax rule changes, all donations of any amount can be taken as a tax credit in 2020. Please spread the news and help us achieve $100,000 by Christmas!
- BA Bash Raffle Tickets-Looking for a unique stocking stuffer? Order 2020 BA Bash Raffle tickets! Only 1000 $25 tickets printed - send your payment to the front office today and we’ll place you in the drawing. Top Prize-$2020, 2nd Prize-$1020, 3rd Prize: $520. Click HERE to download your order form. All ticket orders must be received by December 30, 2020. Thank you!
KUDOS: Thank you to all of our parents who helped to contribute to the coffee treat at school this week for our staff. What a blessing! Also, congratulations to all of our Students of the Month honored this week. They exemplified one of the four Dominican pillars of prayer, study, community and service and we are so proud of our scholars: Shae Battles, Riley Bauer, Madelyn Bauer, Luke Caron, Aiden Carroll, Megan Cina, Matthew Croke, Karlie DeGrood, Madelyn Gersemehl, Aubrianna Howard, Allison McCabe, Luke McCrea, Sophy Smith, Zachary Velishek, Jonathan Vold, and Verity Wray-Raabolle.
Blessings during our first week of Advent! Please continue to pray for the Gardner family.
Mindy Reeder, President/Principal
SCHEDULE CHANGE: Christmas Break will be a full two week break to clean our building and allow additional professional development time for our staff. We will be out of school Dec. 21-Jan. 1, 2021.
BA Mass Update
Several families have reached out regarding viewing live BA Masses via Divine Mercy Catholic Church’s Facebook page. FYI that the parish Facebook page can be viewed without logging into Facebook, as it is a public site. Viewers can ignore the log-in/create account information that loads on the bottom of the page and watch Mass without having to log in. With the no wifi in Immaculate Conception, streaming to YouTube or other platforms can be a challenge while streaming to Facebook using a cellular connection has worked consistently. Know also that the Masses remain on the DMCC Facebook page in video format, so if you have concerns and are not able to be with your student while Mass is streaming live, you can choose to watch it together at a time that is more convenient for your family. Finally, as we will be hosting a separate on Tuesday, December 8 a Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mass (a Holy Day of Obligation) in Van Orsow Auditorium. That Mass will be streamed on our BA YouTube channel. Find that link here.
BA Christmas Angel Fund
Help us support BA families in need!Please consider a donation to the Christmas Angel Student Lunch Account Fund. Many families in our BA community are struggling in a multitude of ways this Christmas season. Please keep them all in your prayers and, if you are able, please consider donating to help families cover their students’ lunch accounts, many of whom fall just outside the federal and state guidelines for assistance. Donations can be dropped off at the BA front entrance or mailed to our address. Thank you!
Prospective Student Visit Options
Help us grow our student enrollment and spread the good news about BA! Take the Future Cardinal Challenge and invite one family/student to join us for a personal tour or one of our limited shadow opportunities. Mid-year transfers are welcome, and applications are now open for 2021-2022. Find more information on our admission page.
Alumni Update Form
We would appreciate any updates for your post-college graduates. Please fill out the attached form and email it to Sister Mary Margaret. Alumni can also update their contact information, sign up for our Veritas newsletter, or share news on our Alumni website page found here. Thank you!
Mobile Food Distribution: Volunteers & Distribution Info
Area community groups have joined forces to provide mobile food distribution. Drop off sites are Thursday, 12/17 at South Central College and Friday 12/4 and 12/18 at Evergreen Estates and Cannon River Mobile Home Park. Flyers in English and Spanish attached with more information. Volunteers also need to pack and distribute the food boxes! Contact Becky Ford at to help.
Holiday Shopping: Amazon Smiles
If you are holiday shopping at Amazon, please go to and choose Faribault B A Inc. as your organization (include a space between the B and the A). Amazon will send BA a donation for every purchase you make. It works with Amazon Prime and you can use Scrip to pay for your purchases. Thank you!
Holiday Scrip: Holiday SCRIP is a great option for gift giving! You purchase these small denomination gift cards after all Sunday Masses at Divine Mercy Catholic Church and from the Divine Mercy Catholic School Business Office at 15 SW Third Avenue.
Potential KoAm Host Family Opportunity
The KoAm Educational Foundation has reached out about a possible international transfer student. Jisoo (9th-grade female) has been studying in Minnesota this fall, but her school is extremely small (7 girls in the entire high school), and she is looking for a school with more opportunities to make friends and get involved. Jisoo is outgoing, practical, and laid-back. She loves to dance, compose, and sing and is hoping to pursue a career in the arts. She is an only child but would love a host family with siblings she can interact with and spend time with. She came to the US spring 2020 right before COVID, and despite the difficulty of distance learning, she came back this fall in the hopes of attending school in person and learning more about US culture and language. Please contact Kris at or KoAm at or call KoAm at 1-800-521-6640 for more information.
Middle School Edge/High School Youth GroupMiddle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. Visit for more information.
Attached Files |
Food Delivery in Faribault-English-December2020 FINAL Locations.pdf |
Food Delivery in Faribault-Spanish-December20202 - FINAL Locations.pdf |
Nov. 30 - Return to School - Full Hybrid

Dear BA Families:
Thank you for partnering with us during these challenging times. Our online learning reset period improved student success and engagement compared to online learning last spring, and we thank you for partnering with us during this timeframe. We even welcomed a new middle school student during this period! As you are aware, COVID 19 cases and deaths have escalated dramatically since we went into our reset. We pray that you and your extended family have remained healthy and safe during this time.
With planning and prayers, we are returning to campus starting Monday, November 30, 2020, in our full hybrid model which splits our student body into two alpha sections. This decision was made based on county numbers, input from the Diocese, school leadership team, faculty and our own quarantining and COVID case counts which have been changing daily. To date, we have had nine positive cases. By moving to a full hybrid model, even if a student tests positive for COVID, we will significantly limit the number of students we need to send home to quarantine. By reducing the number of students in the building, we can also mitigate any possible holiday exposure and increase our chances to return to full in-person learning possibly yet this December. Here are specifics for how this model will work, starting Monday, Nov. 30:
November 30-Dec. 11, 2020: Full Hybrid
- Students with last names A-Ka report to school Monday and Tuesday each week.
- Students with last names Ke-Z report to school Thursday and Friday
- Wednesday is our support day - no scheduled classes. Students who need extra support or time to work on projects may come to school. Both teachers and/or students may schedule meetings for this time.
- A full detailed report of our hybrid model is in our Addendum for your review is at this link.
Some students may be asked to report daily; we will be contacting those families directly. If you have any extenuating circumstances which warrants a change for your child’s reporting days, please email the school to let us know of your request:
What will the next two weeks look like? Both Faribault and BA’s buses are still operating.
- Mon, Nov. 30-Tues, Dec 1: All A-Ka scholars report; Ke-Z report online to PowerSchool and check in with all classes for lessons and assignments.*Tuesday we celebrate students of the month from A-Ka.
- Wednesday, Dec. 2 –Students needing support or time for projects may schedule time to come into the building or may be requested to report by a teacher.
- Thursday, Dec. 3 – All Ke-Z scholars report; A-Ka report online to PowerSchool and check in with all classes for lessons and assignments. *Today we celebrate students of the month from Ke-Z.
- Friday, Dec. 4 – MASS DAY SCHEDULE. All in person and online students report to homeroom. Ke-Z students will attend Mass. All students at home (A-Ka) are asked to watch Mass online ( 9:30am: Students report to class, A-Ka students report online and check all classes for lessons and assignments.
- Monday, Dec. 7 – All A-Ka scholars report; Ke-Z report online to PowerSchool and check in with all classes for lessons and assignments.
- Tuesday, Dec. 8 – MASS DAY SCHEDULE. All in person and online students report to homeroom. All students in the building will attend Mass in our gymnasium as it is a Holy Day and DMCS will be at IC Church. All students at home (Ke-Z) are asked to join us online ( 9:30 a.m. – Ke-Z students report online to PowerSchool and check in with all classes for lessons and assignments.
- Wednesday, Dec. 9 – Students needing support or time for projects may schedule time to come into the building or may be requested to report by a teacher.
- Thursday, Dec. 10-Friday, Dec 11: All Ke-Z scholars report; A-Ka report online to PowerSchool and check in with all classes for lessons and assignments.
Why are we returning in this full hybrid model? Due to our reset, Bethlehem Academy is better positioned to have students safely in the building; however, since the time of our initial shift to an online reset on November 10, we have had new students and staff diagnosed with COVID, new families having to quarantine, and more families asking to move to distance learning if we return. By returning to campus in full hybrid, we can further mitigate exposure. For those of you still worried if it is safe to return to campus, please know that we have taken even additional precautions including:
- Spreading desks out further or grouping them to limit possible exposure.
- Limited lunchroom seating to no more than 3 a table
- In addition, to date we have not had spread within our building
Final Note: Please note, this plan may still need to be adjusted depending on COVID cases within our building, exposure, or on a positive side, the lack of cases or exposure. The more you do at home to mitigate cases and exposure, the more likely we can continue in hybrid or change to full in-person learning.
Finally, a couple of notes:
- In regards to students when learning remotely, the teachers have adapted their format to do a check in with distance and flipped lesson, so that when students are here they are getting more direct support, which is what was recommended by the schools utilizing this learning model. Our staff feel confident that this will work well.
- Revised symptom checklist for student self-screening: At the advice of public health authorities, we have revised our student screening checklist. Please see the attached checklist to screen for symptoms on days your student will be in the building.
Please contact the school with any questions. Sending wishes for a blessed and safe Thanksgiving! Finally, lease share enjoy and share this link to our virtual Grandparents Day program.
Family Focus 11/22/2020
November 22, 2020 Dear BA Families: Happy Sunday as we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus, King of the Universe! What an exciting week as we wrapped up our fall sports. Every day seems to bring new information as we adapt to our environment and changing needs. We hold you and your family in our prayers each week as we meet these challenges together. Our Accreditation review is complete. This review ensures that we follow excellence in all that we do, a process that happens every seven years. Our strategic plan is online for your review. Next week is our short Thanksgiving week. Please watch for grandparent letters to be shared with you so that you can give these to your loved ones. We’ll also be creating a virtual grandparent presentation - watch for this next week! Here is a look at our week: GIVING WEEK AT BA - It’s not too late to donate to our Annual Fund! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS ALREADY SUPPORTED BA! We have reached our $25,000 match challenge (Oct-Dec) thanks to the donations this week. To date our Annual Fund is at: $70,239 (+$25,000 match) = $95,239 - 38% of our goal of $250,000. You can make a gift to our Annual Fund until June 30, 2021, at COVID UPDATE: Although we’ve had seven positive cases among our students and staff to date, all are now healthy and all but one are off of their quarantine restrictions. We ask that during the Thanksgiving break you continue following COVID safety protocols with your family in order to limit your exposure so that we can return to school. KUDOS: Congratulations to Kennedy Tutak ‘21, our State Farm Athlete of the Week, to our Student Service Club for collecting and donating over 650 pairs of socks for St. Vincent de Paul - and to all who supported their sock drive with donations, and special congratulations to both of our volleyball and football teams and their coaches on an amazing year despite all the challenges thrown their way this season! SCHEDULE CHANGE: Christmas Break will be a full two week break to clean our building and allow additional professional development time for our staff. We will be out of school Dec. 21-Jan. 1, 2021. Blessings, Mindy Reeder, Online Letter Jacket Ordering Originally, MECA Sportswear was planning on being here Monday, Nov. 16 for letter jacket ordering. With BA currently in online learning mode, the letter jackets may be ordered online at this link. A new date for the representative to come to BA will be set in the near future. Attached is the original letter jacket ordering announcement and a letter jacket sizing guide. We encourage students, especially the boys, to consider the Traditional BA Cardinal letter jacket. November SADD Posters Attached please find two posters on Thankfulness prepared by SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) students. Meant to be hung in high-traffic areas in our building, we ask that you share them with your students. Thank you! Volunteer Opportunities Holiday Shopping: Amazon Smiles If you are holiday shopping at Amazon, please go to http:/ and choose Faribault B A Inc. as your organization (include a space between the B and the A). Amazon will send BA a donation for every purchase you make. It works with Amazon Prime and you can use Scrip to pay for your purchases. Thank you! Prospective Student Visit Options We’d love to grow our student enrollment! If you know of a family interested in our authentically Catholic, Domincan prep school, please invite them to sign up here for a family tour offered Monday to Friday from 3-6pm. We are also working on limited shadow opportunities; stay tuned for more information. Potential KoAm Host Family Opportunity The KoAm Educational Foundation has reached out about a possible international transfer student. Jisoo (9th-grade female) has been studying in Minnesota this fall, but her school is extremely small (7 girls in the entire high school), and she is looking for a school with more opportunities to make friends and get involved. Jisoo is outgoing, practical, and laid-back. She loves to dance, compose, and sing and is hoping to pursue a career in the arts. She is an only child but would love a host family with siblings she can interact with and spend time with. She came to the US spring 2020 right before COVID, and despite the difficulty of distance learning, she came back this fall in the hopes of attending school in person and learning more about US culture and language. Please contact Kris at or KoAm at or call KoAm at 1-800-521-6640 for more information. Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. Visit for more information. Attached Files
Ed Friesen
November 2020, 2020-21
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mreeder@bacards.orgALL-BA UPDATES
Family Focus 11/13/2020

Dear BA Families:
Our online learning reset was very positive this first week. Thank you for supporting your student and partnering with our teachers to shift to online learning during this reset period. Mr. Wollersheim has reached out to students who missed a class and assisted them. Please remember, our campus is open and we can support your student as needed during this online learning period. Let us know if you plan to come into school. In addition, some teachers will be calling small groups of students to work on art, shop, or other projects at school. In addition, students who missed class or are behind in their work as asked to come in, if possible, on Wednesday, November 18, to receive support. Here is our schedule for next week:
- Monday – Nov. 16 – RED DAY
- 8:05 Morning Announcements: (Also bookmarked in the Cardinal App Store)
- Middle School Online Schedule: *See your schedule online
- High School Online Schedule: RED DAY – follow your personal school bell schedule
- Tuesday – Nov. 17 – WHITE DAY
- 8:05 Morning Announcements: (Also bookmarked in the Cardinal App Store)
- Middle School Online Schedule: *See your schedule online
- High School Online Schedule: WHITE DAY – follow your personal school bell schedule
- Wednesday – Nov. 18: MASS DAY & WIN-STUDENT SUPPORT DAY (No live classes) THIS IS ALSO OUR NATIONAL ACCREDITATION DAY AT BA! We will have a team at BA reviewing all of our areas for excellence.
- 8:30 a.m. MASS with DMCS online at or if you can come to IC, please do!
- After Mass: If you need support, please email teachers. If you missed class or are behind in assignments, you will be asked to come into school. If you cannot come into school, you will be connected with online. Teachers may also be reaching out to students.
- Thursday – Nov. 19: RED DAY ***GIVE TO THE MAX DAY – Support BA at:
- 8:05 Morning Announcements: (Also bookmarked in the Cardinal App Store)
- Middle School Online Schedule: *See your schedule online
- High School Online Schedule: RED DAY – follow your personal school bell schedule Friday
- Friday - Nov. 20: WHITE DAY *Normal schedule (NOT a Mass day)
- 8:05 Morning Announcements: (Also bookmarked in the Cardinal App Store)
- Middle School Online Schedule: *See your schedule online
- High School Online Schedule: WHITE DAY – follow your personal school bell schedule
GIVING WEEK AT BA-Nov. 16-20! Please consider a gift to the BA Annual Fund this week, or share the link with friends and family on your social media platforms starting next Monday. We would love to see every parent make a gift of support of any size to our fund and show our parent strength! Our goal this year is to raise $250,000. To date we have raised: $63,831.85 - 25.5% of our goal.
- HELP US REACH OUR MATCH! A donor has stepped up with a $25,000 match by December 31, 2020. Click here to read a copy of our letter and share this link with others at:
COVID UPDATE: At this time we have six positive reported COVID 19 cases at BA. Please join me in praying or a quick recovery for our students and staff. With all of this news, I wanted to share The Catholic Spirit published this wonderful article for prayer at home:
- Online Learning Picture Challenge - WHAT ARE YOU THANKFUL FOR? Send us your photos by Friday, Nov. 20 to create a Thanksgiving Wall of Blessings! Don’t forget, we will be writing letters to our grandparents this week as we cannot celebrate Grandparents Day together.
KUDOS: Special congratulations this week to our senior football player John Rose, State Farm’s Athlete of the Week and senior swimmer Abby Larson, who on Nov. 11, signed a National Letter of Intent to participate in Division I swimming at the University of St. Thomas next fall.
SCHEDULE CHANGE: Christmas Break will be a full two week break to clean our building and allow additional professional development time for our staff. We will be out of school Dec. 21-Jan. 1, 2021.
Upcoming Events:
- Nov. 16-20-Giving Week and Give to the Max Day, Nov. 19 - Support BA during national Giving Week with a donation online or by sharing this link-
- Nov. 24: Grandparents Day will not be held in person this year. Students will be writing letters to their grandparents, or grandfriends. Please watch for these letters to come home and mail or share them with grandparents and special friends!
- Nov. 25-27: NO SCHOOL - Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
- Nov. 30: Return to in-person learning, schedule to be determined.
Please join me in praying for students and families as they recover from COVID. I invite you to also join me during weekly Adoration at any time.
Mindy Reeder
Student Directory
We are close to finalizing this year’s student directory. If you DO NOT want your address and phone numbers included in the directory, please email Barb Johnson ( by Wednesday, November 18.
Volunteer Opportunities
- BABS Committee-We are looking forward to another fantastic BABS event April 10, 2021! BABS (BA Boosters & Supporters) is our biggest fundraising and social event of the year and key to successfully moving BA forward. Mrs. Reeder at Our first virtual meeting is Dec 2 at 6pm. Thank you!
Each weekend students should take the following steps to make sure that important software updates are installed on their laptops:
- Plug in laptop
- Quit all applications. (Closing a window does not quit the program on a Mac. Choose quit from the application menu or click & hold mouse over app in the doc and choose quit)
- Re-start laptop and leave lid display open
This weekend there are important updates for Microsoft Office, Google Chrome, Zoom and Safari.
Class of 2021: College Early Action Deadline 11/15
Reminder: the next round of early action admissions are due November 15. Please remind your seniors to check their college application deadlines, follow up with teachers for letters of recommendation, and with Ms Rogers for your transcript requests!
- Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group
Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. Visit for more information.
- DMCS Butter Braid Sales: DMCS students are selling butter braids! Order by November 30 for December 15 delivery. If interested, send the attached form and payment in with your student and have them drop it off in the BA Front Office. We will be sure it gets to DMCS by the order deadline.
- DMCS Holiday Scrip: Holiday SCRIP is now available. See attached flyer for more information. Holiday SCRIP is also available after all Sunday Masses at Divine Mercy Catholic Church and from the Divine Mercy Catholic School Business Office at 15 SW Third Avenue.
IRIS Turkey Trot: This year’s IRIS Turkey Trot will be held Thursday, November 26th both in person and virtually. See attached flyer for more information and note the November 12 (today) registration deadline for a free t-shirt!
Online Learning "Reset" - 11/8/2020

Dear BA Parents & Students:
We hope this beautiful warm Sunday has you outside enjoying time with your family. This weekend BA learned of two more positive COVID-19 cases, one student and one staff, as well as other students needing to quarantine due to positive cases in their family or in their sport. With the students and staff currently out and those that we would need to add to our quarantine list, or who have notified us, we would have well over 60 students and 8 staff out. Due to these numbers, we will be doing a reset. A reset is a short learning period where we voluntarily move to online learning to meet all quarantine requirements and hopefully stop the spread. Therefore, we will begin online learning this week, starting on Wednesday, November 11. (There will be no classes on Tuesday, November 10 to provide teachers an added preparation day.). As a reminder, here is the link to our online learning expectations and guide to online learning; please scroll down to Scenario 3 starting on page 9: (
Below is the schedule and details. Please note, because our school is voluntarily moving to online learning for a short period to reset, activities, meetings and sports will continue, except for those students who are required to quarantine. In addition, if your student needs extra support or internet access, please let us know as the building will be open for students; just call us to confirm this at 507-334-3948. We will also be calling students directly if they are not attending their zoom classes or turning in assignments. Find our schedule for through Thanksgiving below:
**Band students, please note, if your instrument is at school you are required to pick it up as your grade will be directly affected.**
Monday – Nov. 9 (NO SCHOOL – planned professional development day)
- Noon to 6 p.m. – Pick up any books, band instruments, supplies that are needed.
Tuesday – Nov. 10 (NO SCHOOL – professional development added preparation day)
- 7:30am-3:00pm Pick up any books, band instruments, supplies that are needed.
- 8:05 Morning Announcements-Special Veteran’s Day presentation: (Bookmarked in Cardinal App Store)
- Middle School Online Schedule: *See your schedule below for times and classes
- High School Online Schedule: WHITE DAY – follow your personal school bell schedule
Thursday – Nov. 12 – RED DAY
- 8:05 Morning (Bookmarked in Cardinal App Store)
- Middle School Online Schedule: *See your schedule below for times and classes
- High School Online Schedule: RED DAY – follow your personal school bell schedule
Friday – Nov. 13 – WHITE DAY
- 8:05 Morning (Bookmarked in Cardinal App Store)
- 8:30 a.m. MASS – If you are not in quarantine you may attend in person at IC; otherwise join us online at:
- Middle School Online Schedule: *See your schedule below for times and classes
- High School Online Schedule: WHITE DAY – follow your personal school bell schedule
Monday – Nov. 16 – RED DAY
- 8:05 Morning (Bookmarked in Cardinal App Store)
- Middle School Online Schedule: *See your schedule below for times and classes
- High School Online Schedule: RED DAY – follow your personal school bell schedule
Tuesday – Nov. 17 – WHITE DAY
- 8:05 Morning (Bookmarked in Cardinal App Store)
- Middle School Online Schedule: *See your schedule below for times and classes
- High School Online Schedule: WHITE DAY – follow your personal school bell schedule
Wednesday – Nov. 18: STUDENT SUPPORT DAY (No live classes) If you need support, please email teachers. Teachers may also be reaching out to students.
Thursday – Nov. 19: RED DAY. ***GIVE TO THE MAX DAY – Online giving to support BA at:
- 8:05 Morning (Bookmarked in Cardinal App Store)
- Middle School Online Schedule: *See your schedule below for times and classes
- High School Online Schedule: RED DAY – follow your personal school bell schedule
Friday – Nov. 20: WHITE DAY
- 8:05 Morning (Bookmarked in Cardinal App Store)
- 8:30 a.m. MASS – If you are not in quarantine you may attend in person; otherwise join us online at:
- Middle School Online Schedule: *See your schedule below for times and classes
- High School Online Schedule: WHITE DAY – follow your personal school bell schedule
Monday – Nov. 23 – RED DAY
- 8:05 Morning (Bookmarked in Cardinal App Store)
- Middle School Online Schedule: *See your schedule below for times and classes
- High School Online Schedule: RED DAY – follow your personal school bell schedule
Tuesday – Nov. 24 – WHITE DAY
- 8:05 Morning (Bookmarked in Cardinal App Store)
- Middle School Online Schedule: *See your schedule below for times and classes
- High School Online Schedule: RED DAY – follow your personal school bell schedule
Wednesday, Nov 25-Friday, November 26 - Thanksgiving Break
We will gather back as a school family on Monday, November 30. Any adjustments to the schedule when we return will be shared with families. Thank you for your partnership and support. Please let us know how best we can support you. If you need access to the school internet and do not have to quarantine, staff will be in the building, please let us know. In addition, if your scholar is sick please call the attendance line or email attendance at: Do not hesitate to reach out with questions during this short reset period.
Mindy Reeder
6th Grade |
7th Grade |
8th Grade |
Period 1 8:05-8:49 |
English (Cina) |
PE/Art |
Math (Sr. Melissa) |
Period 2 8:52-9:36 |
Science (Smisek) |
Social Studies (Coller) |
PE/Tech |
Period 3 9:30-10:23 |
PE/Tech |
English (Coller) |
Science (Smisek) |
10:23-11:03 |
Period 4 11:03-11:47 |
Religion (Ricker) |
Science (Smisek) |
English (Cina) |
Period 5 11:50-12:34 |
Math (Cina) |
Religion (Kohl) |
Social Studies (Coller) |
Period 6 12:37-1:21 |
MN Studies (Coller) |
Math (Sr. Melissa) |
Religion (Smisek)/Spanish |
Period 7 1:24-2:08 |
Spanish |
Period 8 2:11-2:55 |
Music |
Music |
Music |
Family Focus 11/6/2020

November 6, 2020
Dear BA Families:
What lovely weather this first week of November! Each day our Peer Ministry class has joined us on morning announcements to lead the prayer for vocations as part of the National Vocations Week. BA is blessed to have 97 graduates follow the call to vocations. We invite you to continue praying for vocations at home, here is a link to the vocations’ prayer:
Growing spiritually in our faith is a central to our mission. Each BA staff person and teacher set a spiritual goal this fall. To enrich this goal, professional development and growth opportunities are offered throughout the year. Our staff will be hearing personally from David Rinaldi, a Catholic presenter and NET Ministries program director on Monday during their workshop. I also recently attended the online presentation by Father Spitzer on our Catholic Faith and Science through the Diocese. He is not only motivational, but inspirational in how he shares the beautiful links between science and our faith. I invite you to listen and connect to his teachings online through many videos and resources through the Magi Center and Credible Catholics found here. We would love to also have parents joining in prayer through Adoration in a parents’ prayer group. Please email me if you are interested in helping us start this group!
ELECTION AT BA: BA students voted this week to participate in a mock election. The process, support and promotion of candidates and results were shared with our student body and online. We pray for final election results as we wait.
ANNUAL REPORT: Bethlehem Academy celebrates and shares our progress toward our strategic plan each year through our BA Annual Report. This past year, though challenging, resulted in positive growth in academics and financial stability. Read the report here for the full details about our 2019-20 academic year.
ANNUAL FUND: The Annual Fund helps to bring in over $200,000 each year to support our schools mission. Our goal this year is to raise $250,000. Each gift to our annual fund supports the foundation of our school, providing academic support, expanding new programs and meeting budgetary needs. To date we have raised: $49,092 - 19.6% of goal.
- HELP US REACH OUR MATCH! A donor has stepped up with a $25,000 match by December 31, 2020. Click here to read a copy of our letter and share this link with others at:
PACK YOUR LUNCH! Students will need to continue to bring bag lunches, Nov. 10-13, 2020. THANK YOU! |
COVID UPDATE: At this time we have three reported COVID 19 cases at BA. Next week is a four day week, so we will continue with in-person learning on those days. On October 27, the Deputy Commissioner of Education issued a letter emphasizing school level approaches. Deputy Commissioner Mueller references Step 5 on page 8 of the Safe Learning Plan which Governor Walz released in late July. This step states, "After the initial selection of a learning model for school opening, the decision to shift to an alternative learning model should center on the impact of COVID-19 at the school level, while maintaining awareness of changes in viral activity in the community through continued review of the biweekly county-level case data." In addition we did update our addendum here. We will meet with all staff on Monday and share any teaching model changes with our families next week. With all of this news, I wanted to share The Catholic Spirit published this wonderful article for prayer at home:
SCHEDULE CHANGE: Christmas Break will be a full two week break to clean our building and allow additional professional development time for our staff. We will be out of school Dec. 21-Jan. 1, 2021.
Upcoming Events:
- Nov 9:No School / Teacher Workday
- Nov 9: Virtual Open House for Prospective Gr 6-12 Students - 6 pm on our Facebook page
- Nov 10: BA School Store Closes for Christmas Orders; reopens in January. Click here to order.
- Nov. 11: Happy Veteran’s Day! A limited program at BA for students will be held.
- Nov. 19: Give to the Max Day - Donate online and share the link-
- Nov. 24: Grandparents Day will not be held in person this year. Students will be writing letters to their grandparents, or grandfriends. Please watch for these letters to come home to mail!
- NOv. 25-27: NO SCHOOL - Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Mindy Reeder, President/Principal
Online School Store Order Deadline Nov 10!
***New Items Added*** Be sure to check out the BA school store! New items, including window clings and Under Armour hoodies and fleece pants just added. The store closes November 10 for early December (Christmas!) delivery. Get your order in today. Find the link here.
Virtual Open House November 9, 6pm
We will be hosting an virtual open house Monday, November 9, at 6pm for prospective students in grades 6-12. Please encourage friends and neighbors who might be interested in our authentically Catholic, Dominican prep school to watch live or at their convenience. On campus family tours offered Monday through Friday from 3-6pm. Register for a tour here.
Volunteer Opportunities
- BABS Committee-We are looking forward to another fantastic BABS event April 10, 2021! BABS (BA Boosters & Supporters) is our biggest fundraising and social event of the year and key to successfully moving BA forward. To make this event a success, we need your help. If you are interested in serving on the BABS Planning Committee, please contact Mrs. Reeder at Thank you!
- Family Service, a non-profit agency that helps seniors with different needs, is seeking volunteers to help senior homeowners in Faribault with fall clean-up. This would include raking, picking up sticks, cleaning out garden beds, etc. Please contact Jennell Loeffler at 507-287-2010 ext. 1082 or if interested.
- Tutors-Do you have time during the school day? Do you have a math or language arts degree and could support high school students? We are looking for volunteer tutors in several subjects to support our high school students during study hall. You can meet with them virtually during their study hall. Call to learn more: 507.334.3948.
- Masks-Please remind your student(s) of the importance of bringing a mask with them to school every day. They should have extras in their backpack, their locker, and their car. While we have extras available, we have been going through them faster than anticipated. Thank you!
- Donations of masks and hand sanitizer welcome!
St. Catherine’s University: Weekly Virtual Info Sessions
Junior/Senior girls: The Counseling Center at St. Catherine's University in St Paul is offering weekly virtual group information sessions on Mondays from 3:30-4:00pm. If you are interested in joining, email Anne Moe at for a zoom link or with more specific questions as you explore your college options.
- Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group
Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. Visit for more information.
- DMCS Butter Braid Sales: DMCS students are selling butter braids! Order by November 30 for December 15 delivery. If interested, send the attached form and payment in with your student and have them drop it off in the BA Front Office. We will be sure it gets to DMCS by the order deadline.
- DMCS Holiday Scrip: Holiday SCRIP will be sold after all Sunday Masses beginning this weekend. Thank you for your support of the SCRIP program! We will also be selling it out of the DMCS Business Office beginning Tuesday, November 10th!
Attached Files |
Family Focus 10/30/2020

October 30, 2020
Dear BA Families:
Thank you for your partnership! Watch today’s Q1 video update from Mr. Wollersheim and I at this link.
November begins with All Saints Day, a special day to gather at Mass in praise of all who inspire us. As I look back on the many All Saints’ Day celebrations of my past, my favorite is when students dress as their favorite Saint and share the story of the Saint with others at weekend Masses. Although All Saints' Day is a solemn holy day of the Catholic Church it is also a day of joy, dedicated to the Saints of the Church. As you walk the halls of Bethlehem Academy, Saint pictures and their stories, created by students, invite us to learn more. In addition, images of the Saints that guide BA, St. Dominic and St. Catherine of Siena, welcome you at our entrance, continually guiding the direction of our school. This Sunday I hope to see you at Mass and invite you to join in conversation with your family in the history of the Saints.
This next week our students in the US Government class will wrap up their Mock Electionand study of the election process and our current candidates. All social studies classes participated in civil discourse and learned about the United States Bishops direction in civic debate. Here is the information shared with students: (Pledge and USCB Debate Guide)
ANNUAL FUND: Did you know that each year Bethlehem Academy invites donors to support us with a gift? The Annual Fund helps to bring in over $200,000 each year. Our goal this year is to raise $250,000. Our Annual Fund provides the foundation necessary to run the school and gives us an opportunity to continue the mission established by our Sinsinawa Dominican founders in 1865. Each gift to our annual fund supports the foundation of our school, providing academic support, expanding new programs and meeting budgetary needs. To date we have raised: $42,737- 17% of goal.
- HELP US REACH OUR MATCH! A donor has stepped up with a $25,000 match by December 31, 2020. If we raise $25,000 between October 1 – December 31st, the donor will double your gift to the Annual Fund! Please help us double the gifts to our school. Click here to read a copy of our recent Annual Fund letter with more information. You can share the link to support us with others at:
COVID UPDATE: At this time we have no COVID 19 cases to report at BA. We will continue with in-person learning but are evaluating calendar dates and working with the County and State to ensure that we follow guidelines if cases continue to rise in our area. Please review the updated addendum here.
KUDOS: Congratulations to our Section 1A Swim Champions, senior swimmers, Abby Larson (200 free & 500 free) and Verity Wray-Raabolle (200 backstroke). What a great way to wrap up their year!
Upcoming Events:
- Oct. 31: Trunk & Treat event at the Rice County Fairgrounds (4-6 p.m.)
- Nov. 1: All Saints Day
- Nov 9:No School / Teacher Workday
- Nov 9: Open House for Prospective Gr 6-12 Students - 6-7 p.m. Click here for info; flyer attached
- Nov 10: BA School Store Closes for Christmas Orders; reopens in January. Click here to order.
- Nov. 19: Give to the Max Day - Donate online and share the link-
Thank you for your continued partnership! Report cards will be available today for your review online. Thank you to our high school families for joining us for conferences online this Thursday. Have a blessed All Saints Day this Sunday.
Mindy Reeder, President/Principal
10/30 Football/Volleyball Game Access
Girls varsity volleyball take on Waseca tonight @ home; watch the game live on our NFHS network here.
BA vs Medford 7pm tonight @ Bruce Smith Field for the Battle of the Paddle! Watch live right here on our Facebook page; follow Gordy's play-by-play on KDHL AM 920 at
BA Online School Store Now Available!
***New Items Added*** Be sure to check out the BA school store! New items, including window clings and Under Armour hoodies and fleece pants just added. The store closes November 10 for early December (Christmas!) delivery. Get your order in today. Find the link here.
Open House November 9
We will be hosting an in-person open house Monday, November 9, from 6-8pm for prospective students in grades 6-12. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Please encourage friends and neighbors who might be interested in our authentically Catholic, Dominican prep school to sign up on our webpage here. An open house flyer is also attached.
Volunteer Opportunities
- BABS Committee-We are looking forward to another fantastic BABS event April 10, 2021! BABS (BA Boosters & Supporters) is our biggest fundraising and social event of the year and key to successfully moving BA forward. To make this event a success, we need your help. If you are interested in serving on the BABS Planning Committee, please contact Mrs. Reeder at Thank you!
- Family Service Rochester, a non-profit agency that helps seniors with different needs, is seeking volunteers to help senior homeowners in Faribault with fall clean-up. This would include raking, picking up sticks, cleaning out garden beds, etc. Please contact Jennell Loeffler at 507-287-2010 ext. 1082 or if interested.
- Tutors-Do you have time during the school day? Do you have a math or language arts degree and could support high school students? We are looking for volunteer tutors in several subjects to support our high school students during study hall. You can meet with them virtually during their study hall. Call to learn more: 507.334.3948.
- Masks-Please remind your student(s) of the importance of bringing a mask with them to school every day. They should have extras in their backpack, their locker, and their car. While we have extras available, we have been going through them faster than anticipated. Thank you!
- Donations of masks and hand sanitizer welcome!
St. Catherine’s University: Weekly Virtual Info Sessions
Junior/Senior girls: the Counseling Center at St. Catherine's University in St Paul is offering weekly virtual group information sessions on Mondays from 3:30-4:00pm. If you are interested in joining, email Anne Moe at for a zoom link or with more specific questions as you explore your college options.
- Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group
Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. Visit for more information.
Attached Files |
Family Focus 10/23/2020

October 23, 2020
Dear BA Families:
Celebrating our scholars is a part of our mission in the BA Family! God has a plan for each person and as we celebrate their strengths, they become more aware of who God is calling them to be. Homecoming celebrated our seniors, in fall sports, and on our Royal Court. Many of our senior athletes have been recognized in their sport and we’ve shared this online. Congratulations to all of our seniors and special congratulations to our Homecoming King, J. J. Malecha, escorted by Ashley Rost.
This week we also held our first “Student of the Month” recognition. Students gathered to hear what teachers see as their strengths, exhibiting through the Dominican pillars of: Prayer, Study, Community and Service. We are proud of each honoree and invite you to enjoy our video sharing this event with you. Congratulations: Austin Ahlman, Payton Bice, Maci Bongers, Declan Chappuis, Jared Davila, Destinee Fregoso, Malia Hunt, Brooke Johnson, Riley Kangas, Lucas Klokonos, Zachary McCabe, Isabella Pankonin, Jason Shuda and Monica Wilder.
National Honor Society Inductees: Congratulations to the following juniors and seniors, inducted into the National Honor Society following the conclusion of this morning’s high school Mass following the characteristics of Character, Leadership, Scholarship, Service and Citizenship: Isaac Caron, Avery Han, Madelyn Bauer, Camryn Belmont, Emily Casper, Ellie Cohen, Matthew Croke, Andrew Donahue, Madelyn Gersemehl, Mercedes Huerta, Abby Kugler, Molly Lund, Livia Schulz, Sophia Smith, Aiden Tobin.
US GOVERNMENT STUDIES: Mr. Tom Madden extends learning during election times for our scholars. Here is an update of what students in his classes will be experiencing this election year.
Mr. Madden: “With the election coming up on November 3rd we at Bethlehem Academy are educating our students about the electoral process. In the ‘Citizenship and Government’ course students will learn about political parties and the electoral process. As part of this unit, they will be researching candidates running for federal office and creating campaign posters. The posters will help educate their fellow students about the candidates and some of their major beliefs/plans. In conjunction with the Office of Minnesota Secretary of State, Steve Simon, the school will hold a Mock Election in which students will cast ballots for the President, Senate and the House of Representatives.
We strongly believe that we need to prepare our students to be active citizens in our democracy. We want them to leave our doors knowing the importance of voting and how their voices matter. In the previous midterm elections of 2018, Minnesota led the nation with a youth (ages 18-29) turnout rate of 43.7%. While this number is low, it shows the impact young men and women can have in an election.”
COVID UPDATE: At this time we have no COVID 19 cases reported. We will continue with in-person learning but as our County rises in COVID 19 cases, we will also ensure that students are prepared should we need to move to Hybrid. We will keep families alerted to any changes in our learning format and adjustments that may be needed to any of our models as we move throughout the year. In addition, we’ve updated the “Parent & Student COVID Addendum” over our MEA workshop to clarify specific areas, add the new decision tree model, and update any changes from MDH that are pertinent to Catholic schools. Please review the updated addendum here.
Upcoming Events:
- October 27: Picture Retake Day
- October 29:
- DRESS DOWN DAY! Bring a $1 or Candy for our “Trunk or Treat” event and you can dress down! (See dress code info below)
- PSAT test for Juniors @ BA 8am-12pm
- HS Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences (Sign up here)
- October 31: Trunk or Treat at the Fairgrounds, 4-6pm; register your trunk here.
Thank you for your continued prayers and partnership! Please reach out if you have any concerns or questions.
Mindy Reeder, President/Principal
MS & 9th Grade Speaker David Rinaldi: Living Your Faith!
David Rinaldi, NET Ministries Program Director, spoke to our middle school and 9th grade students today on Living Your Faith!: So many teens perceive faith formation as just another subject like math or history. They see it as just a bunch of stuff they're forced to learn but that has no relevance to their life. In this presentation, David shows that our faith isn't about a bunch of facts and figures--it's about a relationship with a Father who loves them more than they'll ever realize! David encourages and equips young people to place God at the center of their lives and challenges them to share His love with others. At NET Ministries, David trains and equips missionaries to bring the Gospel to nearly 100,000 people a year. He holds a Master's Degree in Theology from Ave Maria University and has 20 years of ministry experience with youth and young adults. He has given over 1000 presentations to a variety of audiences and has never been run out of town. David's presentations are grounded in the teachings of the Catholic Church and are based on the Bible, the Catechism, and the writings of the saints. Please ask your students about this amazing speaker!
BA Robotics Club Starts Oct 26
After a delayed start, the Vex Robotics Club is ready to get started! The first meeting for BA students will be held Monday, Oct 26, 3-5pm in the BA library. High School Robotics will only meet on Mondays this year; no school, no robotics and no fees this year. Interested students should bring a signed copy of the attached form to the first meeting.
FFA Oct 26 Meeting & Fruit/Butter Braid Sales
The next FFA meeting is Monday, October 26th at 3:00pm in the greenhouse. Officers will be nominated for elections. FFA members are selling Fruit/Butter Braid Sales through Nov 6. All profits will go into the FFA fund which covers the cost for contest fees, state, and hopefully next year’s national convention. Email Ms. Story for more information.
Picture Retake Day Oct 27
For those that were missing for school pictures, a photo order form is attached. For those requesting a retake, please bring in the original photos. We will replace their initial order. Please indicate on the returning order what they didn’t like about the initial photos so that can be corrected on the retakes.
Trunk or Treat Dollar/Candy Dress Down Day Oct 29
Student Service Club is hosting a Dress Down Day Thursday October 29. For a dollar or a bag of candy, students may dress down for the day. Hats, leggings (worn with a long top/skirt/dress), sweats or athletic pants are allowed. NO athletic shorts and NO COSTUMES, please. All attire must be neat, clean, modest and free of offensive logos. All proceeds go to our community drive through Trunk or Treat event from 4-6pm Saturday, October 31 at the Rice County Fairgrounds.
Socktober through Oct 31
Student Service Club is hosting Socktober through October 31. Please consider donating new socks for any age; there will be a box at the side door of BA, and a decorated box at DMCC. All socks will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul.
BA Online School Store Now Available!
We are pleased to announce that we have created an online school store selling BA spiritwear. Find the link here. Orders will be taken online through Tuesday, Nov 10, with delivery expected the first week in December. Choose door-to-door delivery (fees apply) or local delivery to BA (free). These items make great Christmas gifts. Check it out today!
Open House November 9
We will be hosting an in-person open house Monday, November 9, from 6-8pm for prospective students in grades 6-12. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Please encourage anyone interested in our authentically Catholic, Dominican prep school to sign up on our webpage here.
Volunteer Opportunities
- BABS Committee-We are looking forward to another fantastic BABS event April 10, 2021! BABS (BA Boosters & Supporters) is our biggest fundraising and social event of the year and key to successfully moving BA forward. To make this event a success, we need your help. If you are interested in serving on the BABS Planning Committee, please contact Mrs. Reeder at Thank you!
- Family Service Rochester, a non-profit agency that helps seniors with different needs, is seeking volunteers to help senior homeowners in Faribault with fall clean-up. This would include raking, picking up sticks, cleaning out garden beds, etc. Please contact Jennell Loeffler at 507-287-2010 ext. 1082 or if interested.
- Tutors-Do you have time during the school day? Do you have a math or language arts degree and could support high school students? We are looking for volunteer tutors in several subjects to support our high school students during study hall. You can meet with them virtually during their study hall. Call to learn more: 507.334.3948.
- Masks-Please remind your student(s) of the importance of bringing a mask with them to school every day. They should have extras in their backpack, their locker, and their car. While we have extras available, we have been going through them faster than anticipated. Thank you!
- Donations of masks and hand sanitizer welcome!
Juniors: PSAT Testing Oct 29
Reminder: Juniors who signed up last spring will be taking the PSAT exam Thursday, October 29 from 8am until noon at BA. Registered students received an email this week from their school counselor, Ms. Rogers, with test instructions. ***We have 3 extra tests for this October date. Contact Ms. Rogers ASAP if your student is interested.*** If your student did not sign up for the October PSAT, the CollegeBoard just added a new January testing date. We will begin taking registration for the January PSAT when we have more information in early November. Please reach out to Ms. Rogers ( with any questions.
HS P/T Conferences
High School Parent/Teacher conferences will be held Thursday, October 29th via individual Zoom meetings. Core high school teachers have 5-minute blocks from 4-7:30pm; specialist teachers are available to meet with parents from 4-5:30pm. Please note that Ms. Ricker, our Choir Director, will not be available to meet October 29. If an individual conference is needed, she will be available after November 3rd. Please contact her at if you wish to set up a time to meet. Please sign up for a time to meet with your child’s teachers and discuss their progress HERE.
Class of 2021: Coca-Cola Scholarship due October 31
The Coca-Cola Scholars Program, the largest corporate-sponsored, achievement-based scholarship program in the country, is now accepting applications from current high school seniors to become Coca-Cola Scholars and receive one of 150 college scholarships worth $20,000. Click here for information on how to apply.
St. Catherine’s University: Weekly Virtual Info Sessions
Junior/Senior girls: the Counseling Center at St. Catherine's University in St Paul is offering weekly virtual group information sessions on Mondays from 3:30-4:00pm. If you are interested in joining, email Anne Moe at for a zoom link or with more specific questions as you explore your college options.
Class of 2021 - Early Action Deadline Nov 1!
Seniors! Early action deadlines for most colleges starts on November 1! Remember to request your transcripts and letters of recommendation through Naviance. Check out the Naviance how-to videos on matching the Common App, requesting letters of recommendation, adding colleges and requesting transcripts, and exploring colleges at this link. If you have any questions, please email and/or stop by Ms. Roger’s office.
- David Rinaldi Parent Presentation - Friday Night - Don’t miss it!
We want to encourage you to make this a date night for you and your spouse! Hear from David Rinaldi as he talks about Christ-centered parenting in today's crazy world and how you remain united as husband and wife. Following Dave's talk there will be refreshments and time for you to talk as a couple. Our evening will end with Adoration and priests will be available for confession. Free to attend, RSVP required here.
- Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group
Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. Visit for more information.
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