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Family Focus 2/1/2020

date 02/01/2020 author Ed Friesen category January 2020, February 2020 comment Leave a comment

February 1, 2020

In this Edition:

Note from Dr. Briscoe…

We have just finished another successful Catholic Schools Week at BA. This week gave everyone a chance to celebrate the great opportunity that a Catholic Education provides. Students got the chance to serve others with the Jesus Food pack this week. We value the support that you provide us with your time, talent, dollars and trusting us with your child. Thank you!

A couple of people asked me about the process for “excusing” your child during the school day. We need a phone call or an e-mail to explain why they will be gone and the amount of time during the school day. This helps us to make sure that everyone is safe and we know where your son/daughter is during the day. I have noticed some recent phone calls/e-mails excusing a student for lunch. I am fine with lunch with family tied into a medical appointment or to celebrate passing your driver’s test or getting your braces off. We struggle with the idea of excusing a student for lunch. We don’t have open campus. The senior class has had open campus for the last part of each school year for several years. They ask permission from the school administration and it is granted following certain parameters. Please wait until the spring for open campus lunch to begin for seniors only. A lot of positive conversations happen at the lunch table and we need you here for all of the school day. Thanks for your help with this.

We have gained nearly one hour of precious daylight since the winter solstice on December 21. Piper enjoyed a plate of spaghetti with grandpa Tuesday night.

Chuck Briscoe

SnoBall Grand March, TONIGHT, Saturday, February 1 @ 8pm

Join us in Van Orsow Auditorium Saturday @ 8pm for SnoBall Grand March and the crowning of our 2020 SnoBall Queen. All are welcome! Doors open at 7:00pm; students should start lining up by 7:30pm. Dance ends at midnight. 

SnoBash, TONIGHT, February 1, 2020

Parents! After SnoBall’s Grand March, plan to hang out at Carbone’s from 9:30pm-12am. Get your tickets in the BA front office. Tickets will also be sold at Grand March and at the door Saturday night. Ticket includes beer, soda, and music provided by Noah Battles. Hosted by the Junior class parents, all proceeds benefit Post Prom 2020.

Just Announced: The Wizard of Oz is BA’s 2020 Spring Musical!

Mark your calendars for April 24-26! BA will be putting on The Wizard of Oz for this year’s spring show. Tryouts for singing and non-singing parts start Monday, February 10; all students in grades 7-12 are eligible. Sign up for tryouts in the Choir Room.

Tryout dates:

  • 2/10 – Auditions from 3:15-6:00pm
  • 2/11 – Auditions from 6:00-8:00pm
  • 2/12 – Auditions from 3:15-6:00pm
  • 2/12 – Callbacks (time TBD; students check email)

NWEA MAP Testing Feb 4-6 for Grades 6-8

Middle school students will be taking the winter NWEA tests Tuesday through Thursday next week. Please see the testing schedule below:

Tuesday, Feb 4

  • 8:05am-9:55am: Grade 8 Math
  • 11:11am-1:00pm: Grade 7 Reading
  • 1:03pm-2:55pm: Grade 6 Language

Wednesday, Feb 5

  • 8:05am-9:55am: Grade 6 Math
  • 11:11am-1:00pm: Grade 8 Reading
  • 1:03pm-2:55pm: Grade 7 Language

Thursday, Feb 6 (No WIN)

  • 8:05am-9:55am: Grade 7 Math
  • 11:11am-1:00pm: Grade 6 Reading
  • 1:03pm-2:55pm: Grade 8 Language

BA Pancake Breakfast Tickets/Volunteers

It’s Pancake Breakfast time at BA! This annual event raises money for BA’s Industrial Arts and Hot Lunch Programs. Tickets for the February 23rd event are $6 each for all you can eat pancakes, sausages, applesauce, milk and coffee. Every BA family was sent 10 tickets to buy/sell. Extra tickets are available in the front office. Weekly Amazon gift card drawings start Friday, February 7 for anyone who has turned in ticket money, and a case of our Famous Lunch Lady Chocolate Chunk cookies will be awarded to the person who sells the most tickets! Volunteers needed for this great event – click here to sign up – hours count towards your family service hours. Please join us for this fun family event - and thank you for supporting these great BA programs!

2020-2021 Enrollment Now Open

We have opened enrollment for 2020-2021 and ask that you re-enroll your student for next year. You should have received an email from TADS with a link to get started. Please click here for instructions and more information on re-enrolling. We ask that you complete re-enrollment for your student(s) by Tuesday, March 17, in order for us to best plan for next year. Email Kris Sauer or call her at 507-334-3948 x206 if you have any questions.

Financial Aid Deadline February 17

We are committed to providing a Bethlehem Academy education to all families who desire it. Any family who is concerned about affording full tuition and fees is encouraged to apply for financial aid through TADS, with whom we partner to fairly assess need. The deadline to apply for financial aid for the 2020-2021 school year is Monday, February 17, 2020, and must be met to be considered for Archdiocesan scholarships. Please note that you MAY use your 2018 tax return to apply.

Upcoming Events/Service Opportunities

BA Mailing Volunteers Needed Feb 6-7

Please contact Sr Mary Margaret if you are available to help with a mailing next Thursday/Friday. This is one way to complete volunteer hours. Thank you.

Feb 9 IRIS Pancake Breakfast/Bingo Volunteers

IRIS is looking for volunteers to help with various areas at their upcoming pancake breakfast & bingo event on Sunday, February 9 at the American Legion. Opportunities begin at 7:00 am and run in 3 hours shifts until 4:30pm or so until cleanup is done. Responsibilities include set up, bussing tables, kitchen clean up, selling bingo cards, bake sale table, clean up after event and so on. Please contact Lori if your student would like to help for a shift and earn service hours. Lori can be reached at: 507-334-4748 or

Open House, Feb 23

Help us grow our Cardinal family! Invite interested families and friends to join us from 10 am - 12 noon Sunday, February 23 for our next open house. Info tables, tours and complimentary pancake tickets for all who attend. The open house sign up can be found here.

Basketball Game Day Volunteers
Parent and adult volunteers are needed to assist at our home basketball games this winter.  Volunteers are needed to sell tickets at the admissions table or to assist with concession stand operations.  Please see the table below for game dates.  Click on a date to sign up.  To sign-up to work a home basketball event, please follow this link:

Accreditation Visit March 23-25

Preparations are continuing for our on-site accreditation visit by the Minnesota Non-public School Accrediting Association (MNSAA) on March 23-25. You will be hearing more about their visit and some of you may be contacted during their visit. Thank you for your support of BA.

BA Employment Opportunities

  • Spring Coaches: Assistant and JV Baseball and Track and Field coaches sought for the 2020 spring season. Contact Ed Friesen for more information.
  • Morning BA Van Driver: needed immediately for 6:15-8:00am route. Contact Kris Sauer if interested.
  • Substitute Teachers sought ASAP. Contact Sister Mary Margaret if interested.


2/1 SnoBall, Grand March, 8:00 pm
2/1 SnoBash @ Carbones, 9:30 pm – 12:00 am
2/1 MS Robotics Teams @ State Championships
2/1 HS Science Olympiad
2/4-2/6 NWEA Testing, Gr 6-8
2/5 Respect Retreat, Grade 9
2/6 Student of the Month, 7:15 am
2/7 Mass Day
2/7 Gopher Conf Honors Concert Rehearsals @ BA
2/8 Gopher Conference Honors Concert @ BA
2/8 MS Science Olympiad
2/10-14 8th Grade @ Wolf Ridge
2/11-12 Student Shadow Days
2/14 No School
2/17 No School/President’s Day/Teacher Workday
2/17 TADS Financial Aid Deadline
2/21 Mass Day
2/23 BA Pancake Breakfast, 8:30am-12:00pm
2/23 BA Open House, 10:00am-12:00pm
2/26 Ash Wednesday / Mass Day
2/28 Winter Concert

View our online activities calendar:

Friday Family Focus - January 24

date 02/01/2020 author Ed Friesen category January 2020 comment Leave a comment

January 24, 2020

Note from Dr. Briscoe…

BA along with all Catholic Schools across the country will celebrate the 46th Annual Catholic Schools Week from January 25 through January 31, 2020.  There are several activities throughout the week to honor and promote Catholic Education.  We will finish the week by sending each class on an all-day field trip on Friday, January 31.  Students will go by bus leaving BA around 8:15 am and returning to BA before 3:00 p.m. We are asking each student to donate $25.00 to help us with this event.  If your family wants to donate more than that we will use the dollars to help other students.  We will only go if the vast majority of students complete their permission form and donates the money by Monday, January 27, 2020.  The staff is excited to help provide this opportunity for all students.

Catholic Schools Week Begins Tomorrow!

Saturday, January 25th

Mass at Divine Mercy Catholic Church, 4:00 pm

We will begin the week with special participation at the 4:00 pm Mass at Divine Mercy Catholic Church on Saturday, January 25th.  Please join us as students and adults from the Bethlehem Academy community represent our school as readers, choir members, gift bearers, servers, hosts, and Extra Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion.  Thank you for your continued support of Catholic education in Faribault and we look forward to celebrating with you on January 25th!

Tuesday, January 28th

Jesus Food Pack & Friends, Siblings, Cousins Shadow Day

Fundraising for the Catholic Schools Week Jesus Food pack is underway.  Please prayerfully consider contributing to our goal of $10,000.  The more money we raise, the more meals we can pack, and all the more people can be fed.  Donations can be made by check, written out to BA or DMCS, and dropped off at either front office.  Students may also purchase Dress Down Passes.  We greatly appreciate your continued support of our mission-driven Catholic school and community!  

Tuesday, January 28th is also Friends Shadow Day.  Invite a friend interested in BA to join your student for the day.  Parents must sign their visiting student up at this link.

Wednesday, January 29th

Mass and Buddy Day with DMCS

Thursday, January 30th

Talent Show

Friday, January 31st

Class Field Trips

Student Council Dress Down Pass for Jesus Food

  • Purchase (during lunch) one of the following options:
    • $15 for 10 days
    • $10 for 6 days
    • $5 for 3 days
  • Student will check in to the office each morning to receive a dress code pass for the day
  • May not be used on Mass Days
  • May not be used on a special dress down day (ex. Dress down day for children’s cancer)
  • Must be used before April 1
  • Expectations:
  • Attire should always be neat, clean & modest.
  • Sweatpants, athletic pants, warm-up pants, jogger pants are acceptable.
  • Shirts with larger graphics may be worn (graphic content needs to be school appropriate).
  • Hooded sweatshirts may be worn.
  • No Shorts before spring break; athletic shorts may be worn after spring break.
  • No yoga pants, pajama pants, leggings, jeggings, etc.  Leggings are not pants.
  • No hats or headbands.

$10 provides 43 meals!

$15 provides 65 meals!

Our community goal is to reach $10,000  which will provide 43,478 meals! 

You can also make a donation in addition to buying a dress down pass.

Note from Mr. Wollin…

Hello Everyone,

We experienced our first snow day and our first flexible learning day.  There were some glitches, I know, but this will be a work in progress, and we will get it down eventually.  We are working on the technical glitches and I have told our staff to be flexible.  I know a number of you parents did contact teachers with your concerns.  We actually need to know the concerns so that we can try to fix them.  Thank you for your patience with this.  I am confident it can work.

We also have NWEA Test coming up for Middle School.  These are very important for your children.  They let us know where we stand in comparison to others around the state and nation, but also how much improvement your children have made.  Please make sure your children get extra rest, eat well, and are focused for these tests.  It is our goal to have everyone take them seriously and do their best.  The dates are February 4,5,6.

Next week is Catholic Schools week.  I hope everyone takes part and has a great time.  I know you have received some information about our activities.  It should be a great week!

Host Families Needed ASAP for

Current & Future Students!

A current BA international student – a 10th grade boy from China - is in need of a new host family.  In addition, we are looking for two host families for twins from the Ukraine-a boy and girl who wish to start next year as 11th graders. The boy LOVES hockey (his father & grandfather were professionals) and the girl is very artistic.  PLEASE contact Kris ASAP ( or 507-334-3948, x206) if you or anyone you know might be interested in hosting these great students!


Pancake Breakfast Tickets in Mail

It’s Pancake Breakfast time!  This annual event raises money for the Industrial Arts and Hot Lunch Programs. Tickets for the February 23rd event are $6 each for all you can eat pancakes, sausages, applesauce, milk and coffee. Letters were sent to each family Thursday asking that you sell 10 tickets for this event; extra tickets are available in the front office.  Weekly prize drawings start February 7 for anyone who has turned in ticket money, and there’s a case of our Famous Lunch Lady Chocolate Chunk cookies for the person that sells the most tickets!  Volunteers needed for this great event – click here for the SignUpGenius sign up and work towards your family service hours.

Upcoming Events

Shoot for the Cure/Future Cardinal Night, Jan 27

Rescheduled!  Shoot for the Cure will now be held Monday, January 27 @ the boys game vs JWP.  Same great activities planned to raise money for Alex's Lemonade Stand.  We'll have Connie cookies, bracelets made by elementary students & suckers for sale; a paper airplane toss for prizes, a Wall of Hope and other great activities!  AND it's Future Cardinal Night!  Future Cardinals and their families get free admission showing the attached flyer at the door. Please join us for this great event!

SnoBash February 1, 2020

After the Grand March, plan to hang out at Carbone’s from 9:30pm-12am.  Get your $10 advanced tickets in the BA front office or $13.00 at the door. Includes beer, soda, and music provided by Noah Battles.  Hosted by the Junior Class Parents, all proceeds benefit Post Prom 2020.

Open House, Feb 23

Help us grow our Cardinal family!  Invite interested families and friends to join us from 10 am - 12 noon Sunday, February 23 for our next open house!  Info tables, tours and complimentary pancake tickets for all who attend! Sign up here.

2020-2021 Enrollment Now Open

We have opened enrollment for 2020-2021 and ask that you re-enroll your student for next year.  You should have received an email from TADS Thursday with a link to get started.  We ask that you complete re-enrollment for your student(s) by Tuesday, March 17, in order for us to best plan for next year.  Please let Kris Sauer ( know if you have any questions.  We are here to help.

Financial Aid Deadline February 17

We are committed to providing a Bethlehem Academy education to all families who desire it.  Any family who is concerned about affording full tuition and fees is encouraged to apply for financial aid through TADS, with whom we partner to fairly assess need.  The deadline to apply for financial aid for the 2020-2021 school year is Monday, February 17, 2020, and must be met to be considered for Archdiocesan scholarships.  Please note that you MAY use your 2018 tax return to apply.


(click on hyperlink for more info)

1/25-2/1 Catholic Schools Week
1/27 Shoot for the Cure/Future Cardinals @ Boys Basketball Game vs. JWP
1/28 Friends, Cousins, Siblings Shadow Day
1/28 Jesus Food Pack
1/29 Mass Day, Buddy Day, Special Schedule
1/30 Talent Show, Special Schedule
1/30 Class Field Trips
2/1 SnoBall, Grand March, 8:00 pm
2/1 SnoBash, 9:30 pm – 12:00 am
2/1 Robotics at State Championship
2/1 HS Science Olympiad
2/4-2/6 NWEA Testing
2/5 Respect Retreat, Grade 9
2/6 Student of the Month, 7:15 am
2/7 Mass Day
2/7 Gopher Conf. Honors Concert Rehearsals
2/8 1:30pm -Gopher Conf. Honors Concert at BA

(click on hyperlink for more info)

1/25-2/1 Catholic Schools Week
1/27 Shoot for the Cure/Future Cardinals @ Boys Basketball Game vs. JWP
1/28 Friends, Cousins, Siblings Shadow Day
1/28 Jesus Food Pack
1/29 Mass Day, Buddy Day, Special Schedule
1/30 Talent Show, Special Schedule
1/30 Class Field Trips
2/1 SnoBall, Grand March, 8:00 pm
2/1 SnoBash, 9:30 pm – 12:00 am
2/1 Robotics at State Championship
2/1 HS Science Olympiad
2/4-2/6 NWEA Testing
2/5 Respect Retreat, Grade 9
2/6 Student of the Month, 7:15 am
2/7 Mass Day
2/7 Gopher Conf. Honors Concert Rehearsals
2/8 1:30pm -Gopher Conf. Honors Concert at BA

Click HERE for the online school activities calendar.

Our Mission
Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
105 3rd Ave. SW
Faribault, MN  55021
Phone:  507-334-3948
Fax:  507-334-3949