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Family Focus 7/25/2020

July 24, 2020
Dear BA Families:
Each week brings us new changes, challenges and opportunities. Know that our staff is praying for each other and our students and families during this time. Our COVID Team met for nearly three hours this week to share their subcommittee recommendations based on the recommendations of the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. This impressive group focused on continuing our mission to seek excellence in all that we do for our students at Bethlehem Academy. The COVID Team is developing action steps to implement three scenarios, Scenario 1 - Everyone is back with safety measures; Scenario 2 - A hybrid of this model; and Scenario 3 - Online learning.
As we plan for these three scenarios, we’d like your feedback on several issues related to our back to school plans. Please complete the short (5 minute) survey here: This information will help inform the work of our task forces and assist us in making plans suited to the families we serve. Thank you in advance for your input on this.
We thank you for your honest and open feedback from students, parents and staff in regards to distance learning experiences last spring. We understand that new strategies to engage students and ensure excellence will need to be implemented for any online learning environment, even our snow days. Although many experienced a positive learning environment, others shared ideas for improvement and better communication. Our staff is excited to review best practices from schools nationwide as we plan for any possible online learning in the future.
Where are we at in our time frame to share final plans with students and families?
- July 27-29: Staff and Board meetings to review health and safety plans
- July 30: Governor Walz announcement and recommendations for schools and BA Teacher Leader meeting to review and revise the COVID Team plans
- August 3: District Meeting to review their plans and how this impacts BA
- August 1-7: Bring in student leadership to improve on ideas and create videos
- August 7: Parent and student communication regarding fall plans through “Friday Focus for Families” newsletter and links on our website and social media accounts
- Greenhouse - We’re building! Drive by to see the progress and development of our new greenhouse. What a joy to expand our educational excellence in our agricultural program.
- High School STEM Solar Grant Pilot Program - BA is one of a few select MN high schools chosen to be a part of Minnesota Independent Schools Forum STEM Community Partnership with We Share Solar. Our high school will be receiving materials and curriculum to implement a new STEM project utilizing solar power. Not only will this be built into our curriculum across high school subjects, but students will build a solar powered item to support communities in need in Africa. Our staff will receive training this fall for implementation later this year.
- Positivity Project Pilot Program for Middle School - BA was also awarded a middle school grant to pilot a new Positivity Project curriculum. This program will be implemented into our religion classes and focuses on developing young minds and hearts. Our staff will receive professional development this August.
- Senior Student Webpage & Links: Seniors, be sure to check out our college planning webpage for information, links and scholarships to assist you as you continue your personal journey following graduation! Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
- Donation Updates: Did you want to support BA during the summer with a gift or a memorial? Online gifts accepted at this link.
- Summer Fundraisers: What amazing, generous group of SMART Challenge Riders we have! See below to sponsor one of these amazing people. In addition, it’s not too late to join us for golf! Register or sponsor our Cardinal Golf Classic, at the link below.
Please join me in praying for Julie Trnka and her family at the loss of her father-in-law. Continue to pray for our school, DMCS, and our parish as we plan for this fall to bring our students and staff back together in prayer, study, community and service.
Mindy Reeder,
Summer Office Hours
The front office is open Monday-Thursday from 9am to 1pm through August 20. The office is closed on Fridays. Regular office hours resume Monday, August 24.
The SMART Ride is this upcoming week: Thursday, July 30-Saturday, August 1
12 riders are ready for this year’s SMART Ride next week! Each bike in support of Catholic education; all proceeds go to BA student scholarships. Find rider profiles and sponsor your favorite rider(s) here.
Friday, August 7 @ The Legacy
Join us for this fun tournament & great social event in support of Bethlehem Academy! Just $100/golfer includes 18 holes, awards dinner, gift and on-course games. Register by July 31. Form attached or sign up online here.
Wanted: Facemasks
We are developing a parent wish list for COVID-19 related items. At this time, we are asking anyone who has the time/interest/supplies to please make and donate cloth facemasks. While we have a supply of disposable facemasks on hand, and will provide a Cardinal facemask for every student and staff, we know we will need extra masks as the year progresses. Completed masks can be dropped off at the BA Office during regular business hours. Thank you!
From the Nurse’s Office
Students entering 7th grade this fall: Please make sure that you have had your tetanus booster and 1st meningitis shot before the start of school in the fall. Reminder letters will be sent out.
Students entering 12th grade this fall: The meningitis booster requirements for this fall has been postponed because of Covid 19. Many have already had their booster shot. If you are seeing your doctor for any reason, you can still have this immunization but it is not necessary before the start of school in fall.
Coop Sports Update
Attached is text from a Faribault Daily News article regarding Faribault Public Schools District 656 school board’s most recent meetings regarding the cooperative sports programs. The public school board is turning their focus towards examining the loss of students through open-enrollment to neighboring school districts. We encourage you to continue to express gratitude for the cooperative program opportunities and share the positive benefits to the Faribault community. We know this can be an emotional issue, but it is important to be positive, appreciative, and supportive of Faribault Public Schools. Every community needs a good public school system. And, every public school system needs the support of its community. Finding solutions to these and other underlying issues facing Faribault will involve much dialogue and people working together.
MSHSL Sports Update
The MN State High School League (MSHSL) is holding weekly online meetings with activities directors. We continue to plan for fall sports but know there will be changes in how we operate. The MSHSL Board of Directors meets on August 4. Summer activities are operating on protocols based on the Minnesota Department of Health’s guidance for youth and adult sports released June 19 as well as the new face mask/face covering order. Please note that it is important for students to practice social distancing and hygiene habits all the time, not just while participating in activities.
Class of 2021: Faribault Rotary Strive Program
Faribault Rotary’s introductory Strive session was held June 10, but they would like more students involved! Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month through January. Because of the unique circumstances, students may watch a recorded version of this session and it will count as them attending it live. A link to the video that discusses Strive and how to register for the program is at: See June 18 email for more information; contact Kurt Halvorsen at with questions.
Class of 2021: Army ROTC Scholarship Program
The Army ROTC scholarship application is currently open. Students who complete the application can earn a full tuition and fee scholarship to more than 1,700 colleges nationwide. Some colleges are unique in that they will give free room and board to Army ROTC scholarship awardees. The first scholarship review board meets in October, so it is vital that those who desire to apply start now so they have enough time to complete the online application and ensure all other requirements; physical fitness test, transcript requested / submitted, and Officer interview. Interested seniors should contact Mr. Todd Frerichs
Class of 2021 & 2022: 1st United Bank Board of Directors
1st United Bank has an exciting opportunity for students in Faribault and surrounding communities. They are accepting applications for our 2020-2021 Junior Board of Directors. Eligible applicants include Juniors and Seniors in High School for the 2020-2021 school year. Individuals should possess an enthusiastic approach to community involvement, and an interest in business, banking or finance. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Aim Higher Scholarships
The Aim Higher Foundation has announced expanded scholarship opportunities for K-8 students this summer. New applicants are encouraged to apply via the TADS financial aid application, and students whose family situation due to COVID-19 are encouraged to update their spring application. See the attached flyer for more information on how to apply, or go to to find out more. Application deadline is August 7.
(click on hyperlink for more information)
7/30-8/1 | SMART Ride |
8/7 | Cardinal Golf Classic |
8/7 | BA Reopen Plans announced |
8/13 | BA Fall Sports Meeting |
8/17 | HS Fall Sports Open |
8/24 | MS Fall Sports Open |
8/31 | Orientation |
9/1 | First Day of School! |
Attached Files |
Family Focus 07/17/20

July 17, 2020
Dear BA Families:
This Friday Focus for Families is my first official communication with all of you, our school parents, directly. I look forward to connecting with you weekly to share pertinent information and to build a strong partnership. Today, communication takes multiple forms, from weekly school newsletters, to social media school accounts, video news, blogs, updates on our website and communication through PowerSchool, as well as interviews on the radio and with our local newspaper. What sometimes seems clear from our office, may not be clear to you, so please reach out with questions as we begin our partnership. I thank you for taking time to complete our Distance Learning surveys. All of your input is valued as our staff moves forward to planning for all scenarios this fall. Prayers are also critical for all staff, students and families so please join me in praying as we plan.
2020 FALL PLANS: A COVID Team was created with representatives of staff and faculty upon my arrival in July. This team met to review Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) protocols and are presently meeting in subgroups to plan for the fall. Please know that at this time, all of these ideas are tentative plans based on recommendations from MDH and CDC following the guidance from the Diocese protocols. What are some of the considerations that we are reviewing?
- Groups of students staying together to mitigate exposure
- Creative ideas for band and choir to minimize groups
- Additional lunch periods
- Masks worn upon entering the school and in hallways
- Spacing desks and minimizing class sizes
- Cancellations of field trips and rethinking service projects
- Rethinking large group events and pepfests
- Considerations for size of group at weekly Mass
What is our time frame to share final plans with students and families?
- July 21: BA COVID Team meets to review recommendations from subgroups
- July 23: District meeting to review transportation plans
- July 27: Governor Walz announcement and recommendations for schools
- July 28: BA Leadership Team and Teacher Leader meeting to review and revise BA COVID Team Plans considering local and state recommendation impacts
- July 29: BA All Staff Meeting to finalize plans
- August 1-7: Bring in student leadership to improve on ideas and create videos.
- August 7: Parent communication regarding fall plans through Family Focus newsletter and links on our website and social media accounts
I know that there is a lot of information and planning to take place in the next few weeks. I’m proud of our dedicated teachers and staff who are preparing for multiple scenarios and am blessed to be at BA to begin my partnership with this amazing community. I look forward to connecting with students during sports practices and in early August to put into action the best plans for this fall. Here is the latest video communicating some of this information with Mr. Wollesheim, Assistant Principal: . Thank you for your prayers!
Blessings, Mindy Reeder, President/Principal
Summer Office Hours
The front office is open Monday-Thursday from 9am to 1pm through August 20. The office is closed on Fridays. Regular office hours resume Monday, August 24.
BA Scholarship Challenge Update
We are so excited to announce that we surpassed our Scholarship Challenge Grant goal of $15,000! Thanks to our many supporters, we’ll now receive an additional $15,000 match to fund student scholarships. To all those able to help use meet this goal - THANK YOU!!
Thursday, July 30-Saturday, August 1 (1-day ride options available!)
We’ve got 12 riders signed up for this year’s SMART Challenge Bike Ride. Each person rides in support of Catholic education; all proceeds go to BA student scholarships. Find rider profiles and sponsor your favorite rider(s) here.
Friday, August 7 @ The Legacy
Join us for this fun golf tournament & great social event in support of Bethlehem Academy! Just $100/golfer includes 18 holes, awards dinner, gift and on-course games. Register by July 31. Form attached or sign up online here.
Welcome to our New Staff
We are excited to welcome the following new members to the BA Team: Cassie Vogt, Guidance Counselor, Emily Shimota, HS Religion, Casi Story, Ag and Industrial Tech. Watch this space and our social media accounts for a more extensive introduction.
From the Nurse’s Office
Students entering 7th grade this fall: Please make sure that you have had your tetanus booster and 1st meningitis shot before the start of school in the fall. Reminder letters will be sent out.
Students entering 12th grade this fall: The meningitis booster requirements for this fall has been postponed because of Covid 19. Many have already had their booster shot. If you are seeing your doctor for any reason, you can still have this immunization but it is not necessary before the start of school in fall.
Sports Update
The MN State High School League (MSHSL) is holding weekly online meetings with activities directors. We continue to plan for fall sports but know there will be changes in how we operate. The MSHSL has task forces working on scenarios. Governor Walz and the Minnesota Department of Education will announce how public schools will reopen the week of July 27. That decision will impact the direction the MSHSL will take. The MSHSL Board of Directors meets on August 4. Summer activities are operating on protocols based on the Minnesota Department of Health’s guidance for youth and adult sports released June 19. Please note that it is important for students to practice social distancing and hygiene habits all the time, not just while participating in activities.
Class of 2021: Faribault Rotary Strive Program
Faribault Rotary’s introductory Strive session was held June 10, but they would like more students involved! Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month through January. Because of the unique circumstances, students may watch a recorded version of this session and it will count as them attending it live. A link to the video that discusses Strive and how to register for the program is at: See June 18 email for more information; contact Kurt Halvorsen at with questions.
Class of 2021 & 2022: 1st United Bank Junior Board of Directors
1st United Bank has an exciting opportunity for students in Faribault and surrounding communities. They are accepting applications for our 2020-2021 Junior Board of Directors. Eligible applicants include Juniors and Seniors in High School for the 2020-2021 school year. Individuals should possess an enthusiastic approach to community involvement, and an interest in business, banking or finance. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
Aim Higher Scholarships
The Aim Higher Foundation has announced expanded scholarship opportunities for K-8 students this summer. New applicants are encouraged to apply via the TADS financial aid application, and students whose family situation due to COVID-19 are encouraged to update their spring application. See the attached flyer for more information on how to apply, or go to to find out more. Application deadline is August 7.
CSCOE Virtual Summer Programs
The Catholic School Center of Excellence has put together a series of online educational videos aimed at K-8 students on topics ranging including STEM, the performing arts, and the 4 His Glory sports program with former Viking Matt Birk. Find more information on the attached flyer.
(click on hyperlink for more information)
7/30-8/1 | SMART Ride |
8/7 | Cardinal Golf Classic |
8/7 | BA Reopen Plans announced |
8/13 | BA Fall Sports Meeting |
8/17 | HS Fall Sports Open |
8/24 | MS Fall Sports Open |
8/31 | Orientation |
9/1 | First Day of School |
Attached Files |
Family Focus 07/03/2020

July 3, 2020
Happy 4th of July Weekend!!
Welcome to new President/Principal Mindy Reeder!
This July begins my partnership with you as your President/Principal for Bethlehem Academy. What a joy to join you in my 11th year as a principal serving Catholic schools. I consider this my vocation and look forward to serving the students, staff, and families of Bethlehem Academy as well as the greater community of Faribault. To come back in my new capacity truly feels like coming home!
My connection with Bethlehem Academy is both personal and professional. My husband and I are proud Bethlehem Academy (BA) parents with the graduation of our son in 2012. Through the dedicated staff and personal relationships developed at BA, our son thrived and discovered his true gifts while embraced by the BA and Faribault community. Bethlehem Academy holds a rich history in the community and I am honored to represent BA’s fortitude and follow the Sinsinawa Dominican sisters in devotion of prayer, ministry, study, and community that inspired generations, including multiple extended family members. As I join the BA school community, I look forward to continuing to expand all areas of excellence with the BA dedicated staff while honoring the rich traditions established in our community.
This fall I want to reassure all families, students and staff, that we will be open. It may look different, it may feel different, but our doors will welcome students. Over the summer I will be meeting with our Bethlehem Academy Board of Directors, the Sinsinawa Dominicans Sponsors Council, BA leadership teams, and teachers and staff to ensure excellence, build relationships, and secure support while we walk through these changes together. We will put effective measures in place to ensure the health and safety of all of our students and staff while meeting our mission to provide excellence in education and spiritual growth. Please do understand that this could change if there is national or state-wide mandates for schools.
“We Are BA” truly exemplifies our unity at this time and I invite you to reach out with questions and ideas as we move forward. I am devoted to you and know that God has great plans for us as this new school year begins where “We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth-VERITAS!”
Blessings, Mindy Reeder,
Bethlehem Academy President/Principal 2020
Ed. S; Ed. M.
Summer Office Hours
The front office is closed July 3rd for the 4th of July holiday and will resume summer hours (Monday-Thursday from 9am to 1pm) July 6. Please note the office is closed on Fridays during the summer.
BA Scholarship Challenge Extended to July 4
Help us double our money! The MN Foundation offering to match our $15,000 in donations for the Scholarship Challenge has extended the deadline to July 4th. Donate here to help if you can. If you prefer to send a check, email us at so we can include it in the count. Thank you!
SMART Bike Ride: ***New Dates!***Thursday, July 30-Saturday, August 1 (1-day ride options available!)
Join the SMART Ride & help raise money for BA scholarships! Single day options available; each day’s rides will start/end at BA. Just $30/day or $75 for all 3 days. Registration, rider sponsor pages & other info at:
Cardinal Golf Classic: Friday, August 7 @ The Legacy
Join us for this fantastic golf scramble tournament & great social event in support of Bethlehem Academy! Just $100/golfer includes 18 holes, awards dinner, gift and on-course games. Registration form attached or sign up online at
Planning for the Fall
We are diligently planning for a safe return to school at the end of August. We are reviewing the MN Department of Education guidelines, along with guidance from the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and to open school in the fall.
From the Nurse’s Office
Students entering 7th grade this fall: Please make sure that you have had your tetanus booster and 1st meningitis shot before the start of school in the fall. Reminder letters will be sent out.
Students entering 12th grade this fall: The meningitis booster requirements for this fall has been postponed because of Covid 19. Many have already had their booster shot. If you are seeing your doctor for any reason, you can still have this immunization but it is not necessary before the start of school in fall.
Class of 2021: Faribault Rotary Strive Program
Faribault Rotary’s introductory Strive session was held June 10, but they would like more students involved! Meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of the month through January. Because of the unique circumstances, students may watch a recorded version of this session and it will count as them attending it live. A link to the video that discusses Strive and how to register for the program is at: See June 18 email for more information; contact Kurt Halvorsen at Faribaultrotarystrive@gmail.comwith questions.
Attached Files |
Family Focus 6/1/2020

Pass/No Credit Option for Semester 2
Recognizing the challenges placed on students and families, Bethlehem Academy has adopted a Semester 2 Pass/No Credit grading option for students who may have struggled academically during the 4th quarter due to distance learning. AP and CIS classes do not qualify, and there are a number of restrictions and caveats. Please review the attached grading policy. If interested in pursuing this grading option, please log into PowerSchool to review current grades. Note the attached form must be returned to BA by June 4, 2020.
THANK YOU to everyone involved in the production of our Senior Week/Commencement programs. Best wishes and Congratulations to the Class of 2020! In case you missed any of the virtual programs, they remain viewable on Bethlehem Academy’s Facebook page ( and YouTube channel (
2020-2021 Financial Aid & Tuition Agreements
Most tuition agreements have been sent via TADS to families of enrolled students. Please contact Sister Mary Margaret ( or Kris Sauer ( with questions or if your financial situation has changed since the February financial aid deadline. We will work with you to keep your students at Bethlehem Academy.
From the Nurse’s Office
Students entering 7th grade this fall: Please make sure that you have had your tetanus booster and 1st meningitis shot before the start of school in the fall. Reminder letters will be sent out.
Students entering 12th grade this fall: The meningitis booster requirements for this fall has been postponed because of Covid 19. Many have already had their booster shot. If you are seeing your doctor for any reason, you can still have this immunization but it is not necessary before the start of school in fall.
2020-2021 Faribault Rotary Strive Program
Faribault Rotary is going to hold Strive meetings online via Zoom until further notice; the first meeting will be on Wednesday, June 10th at 9:00 am. They will hold meetings on the second Wednesday of the month through January. Interested students will need to e-mail to receive the link to the first Strive meeting.
Get Involved in BA! Join the Board of Directors
The BA Board of Directors is looking for 5-6 people to join the Board! It's a great way to meet new people, make new friends, and move BA forward. You will only have two meetings a month, so it isn’t a huge time commitment. And you can even join with a friend! We need you! If you want to help, have questions, or are on the fence about joining, please reach out to any of our current members, who would be happy to talk: Kathy Nass (Board Chair, 507-323-5365), Mike Donkers, Debbie Korman, Mellanie Smith, Kathy Halvorson, Mary Campbell, Pat DeGrood, Melissa Casper, Cory Caron, and Crystal Bauer. Bethlehem Academy needs our parents, alumni, friends to serve and help guide BA. We can’t wait to welcome you to the Board. Thank you! #WEAREBA #TogetherWeFly
Needed: Used Summer Reading/IRP Novels
A note from our English Departments: If you have any old summer reading novels, or IRP (Independent Reading Novels), sitting around at home that you would not mind donating we would love them!!! We will have a table available in the gym on the day students return laptops and textbooks for these book donations. Thank you for your consideration.
Box Tops
Great news! If you shop for groceries online, you can now submit your email receipts from select retailers to earn Box Tops for your school. Click here for details. You can also turn in your receipts to school right after you shop and Mrs. Smisek will scan them digitally if you don’t have the app. And, through May 10, earn double Box Tops when you buy any Box Tops participating products. This program helps support our middle school science program.
Grade 9-10 Students: Be a Big!
Big Brothers Big Sister of Southern Minnesota is recruiting interested 9th and 10th grade students for next school year. Check out this message from BA junior Kennedy Tutak: Interested students need to have a valid driver’s license by December 2020; commit to at least 2 years; want to be a kid’s new friend! Click here to take the first step in becoming a Big. Contact Megan Horton, Community Outreach Director at for more information.
Yearbook Orders
Still want to buy a 2019-2020 yearbook? It’s not too late! The BA Multimedia class has worked hard to create a memorable yearbook highlighting this historic year. Purchase yours for just $60 + tax online at
Summer event dates below – please add these to your calendar! More information coming soon.
Cardinal Café @ the Rice County Fair: Cancelled for July 2020- Cardinal Golf Classic: Friday, August 7
- S.M.A.R.T. Challenge Ride: Thursday, August 6-Saturday, August 8 (1-day ride options available!)
- Heritage Days Parade: Saturday, August 8, 2pm.
Attached Files |
Family Focus 5/22/2020

Note from Dr. Briscoe…
I am sending out my final newspaper column in my final Friday Focus. It has been a joyful four years at BA and I wish the school community much success in the future. Students: thanks for your outstanding efforts during the stay at home pandemic. We are all stronger individuals for the sacrifices we have made. Thanks and please leave the light on for me.
May 2020 Daily News Column
New Beginnings:
I struggled with the title of this column, the final column that I will write as a school principal. The past 35 years as a principal have been joyful 99% of the time. I have had the ultimate privilege to create hope for hundreds of staff members and thousands of students. All have had a huge impact on my life. They were certainly challenges, struggling with the death of students and staff members, and having to make very difficult decisions that all leaders have to make. As I prepare to go out the door, I will keep all of the great memories and leave the difficulty of the 1% in a small shoebox on a shelf.
My heart grieves for the Class of 2020. We left for spring break on March 6 and never came back. I was looking forward to going off the stage with them on graduation night. I scheduled my rotator cuff surgery for the first day of spring break, March 9, with hopes that I could minimize my time away. While I have adapted to the life of a left-hander in the past two months, I never thought that when we left on March 6 we would end up canceling all of the school events that create the memories the seniors will talk about at their class reunions forever. It was painful to cancel the play, concerts, prom, and then all of the graduation events. High school graduation is one of the major transitions of everyone’s life. There will never be a way to create the graduation that was to occur on May 22, 2020. I wrote my final speech before my surgery and was looking forward to that one final speech. I started the speech with my usual line that “I will spend the next five minutes or so trying to tell eighteen-year olds something that they don’t already know.” This always brought laughter from the audience which relaxed me to deliver a great speech. I wanted them to get five minutes of free advice from me that they would remember. We will follow the new state guidelines and have a virtual ceremony with students and their family in cars in the Bethlehem Academy parking lot on May 29, 2020. We will have cars come up and we will present diplomas with our masks and gloves on. My hope is that the Class of 2020 will talk about the last quarter of their senior year at every class reunion in the future.
Seniors, remember to always be kind and humble. Continue to practice service to others and go out of your way to volunteer to help neighbors and community members who need your help. When we recover from this scary virus, there will be numerous people needing your help. The Jesus that I know spent his life with the homeless, the sick and the people who struggled with the challenges that life brings each of us. Follow his pathway!
- the isolation that we have all felt these past few months may we all remember to visit our parents, grandparents and relatives who reside in nursing homes. The loneliness that we feel after these few months will be felt by many of our elderly for much longer. hope that you will stay connected to the Church throughout your life.
I can promise you that you will make mistakes, get off track and some of you will need redirection. Like the MapQuest in your cell phone and car that says “recalculating” some of you will have to rely on us to go down a new pathway. Remember that life is a journey. Take the time to smell the flowers, drink good coffee, and treasure your family and friends. I love you; I will miss you and I wish you success. The BA Light will always be on for you! Nice Bike, Class of 2020! Thanks for the memories!
Dr. Chuck Briscoe
Staff Departures
We wish Sara Heselton, Mary Duecker, and Jake Schuman good luck in their future endeavors. We also wish Chuck Briscoe and Terry Condit a long and happy retirement.
Laptop & Textbook Drop Off, May 26-27
Families are asked to pick a time slot on Tuesday, May 26 or Wednesday, May 27 to return BA laptops, textbooks, calculators, sports uniforms, instruments or any other school property checked out to your students. In order to maintain the health and safety of our students and staff, please sign up for a specific family drop off time via this link. We ask everyone to wear masks and honor 6-feet social distancing requirements while in the building. Thank you!
Pass/No Credit Option for Semester 2
Recognizing the challenges placed on students and families, Bethlehem Academy has adopted a Semester 2 Pass/No Credit grading option for students who may have struggled academically during the 4th quarter due distance learning. AP and CIS classes do not qualify, and there are number of restrictions and caveats. Please review the attached grading policy. If interested in pursuing this grading option. please log into PowerSchool on or after May 29 to review current grades. Note the attached form must be returned to BA by June 4, 2020.
THANK YOU to everyone involved in the production of the wonderful 2020 virtual Mary Ceremony!
We look forward to continuing our celebration of the Class of 2020 next week. All virtual programs are viewable on Bethlehem Academy’s Facebook page ( and YouTube channel (
Baccalaureate, Wednesday, May 27, 7:00 pm: YouTube premier.
Awards Program, Thursday, May 28: The virtual grade 6-12 awards program will debut at 7:00pm on Facebook and YouTube.
Commencement, May 29
- 7:00pm: Virtual Commencement ceremony will be presented at 7:00pm on Facebook and YouTube as well as on Power96 Radio (
- 8:00-8:15pm: In-person diploma presentation in BA’s parking lot followed by a and short recessional south on Third Avenue.
Calendar Updates
- May 26-27: Laptop and Textbook turn in; sign up here
- May 27: Baccalaureate program, 7:00pm virtual presentation on BA’s YouTube Channel
- May 28: Awards Ceremony, 7pm virtual presentation on BA’s Facebook page, YouTube Channel
- May 29: Commencement: 7pm virtual ceremony broadcast live on Facebook/YouTube followed by a brief diploma presentation in the BA parking lot and recessional south on 3rd Avenue
2020-2021 Financial Aid & Tuition Agreements
We will begin releasing tuition agreements via TADS today, May 22. See separate parent email for more information. Please contact Sister Mary Margaret ( or Kris Sauer ( with questions.
PSAT Exam Signup for Class of 2022
Current sophomores: the PSAT exam is scheduled for October 28, 2020. Students interested in taking the exam need to email Mr. Schuman at by Friday, May 29 to meet the registration deadline.
Get Involved in BA! Join the Board of Directors
The BA Board of Directors is looking for 5-6 people to join the Board! It's a great way to meet new people, make new friends, and move BA forward. You will only have two meetings a month, so it isn’t a huge time commitment. And you can even join with a friend! We need you! If you want to help, have questions, or are on the fence about joining, please reach out to any of our current members, who would be happy to talk: Kathy Nass (Board Chair, 507-323-5365), Mike Donkers, Debbie Korman, Mellanie Smith, Kathy Halvorson, Mary Campbell, Pat DeGrood, Melissa Casper, Cory Caron, and Crystal Bauer. Bethlehem Academy needs our parents, alumni, friends to serve and help guide BA. We can’t wait to welcome you to the Board. Thank you! #WEAREBA #TogetherWeFly
Needed: Used Summer Reading/IRP Novels
A note from our English Departments: If you have any old summer reading novels, or IRP (Independent Reading Novels), sitting around at home that you would not mind donating we would love them!!! We will have a table available in the gym on the day students return laptops and textbooks for these book donations. Thank you for your consideration.
Box Tops
Keep turning in your Box Tops or to scan them digitally for credit! You can also turn in your receipts to school right after you shop and Mrs. Smisek will do scan them digitally if you don’t have the app. And, through May 10, earn double Box Tops when you buy any Box Tops participating products. This program helps support our middle school science program.
Grade 9-10 Students: Be a Big!
Big Brothers Big Sister of Southern Minnesota is recruiting interested 9th and 10th grade students for next school year. Check out this message from BA junior Kennedy Tutak: Interested students need to have a valid driver’s license by December 2020; commit to at least 2 years; want to be a kid’s new friend! Click here to take the first step in becoming a Big. Contact Megan Horton, Community Outreach Director at for more information.
Yearbook Orders
Still want to buy a 2019-2020 yearbook? It’s not too late! The BA Multimedia class has worked hard to create a memorable yearbook highlighting this historic year. Purchase yours for just $60 + tax online at
Summer event dates below – please add these to your calendar! More information coming soon.
- Cardinal Café @ the Rice County Fair: July 22-26
- Cardinal Golf Classic: Friday, August 7
- S.M.A.R.T. Challenge Ride: Thursday, August 6-Saturday, August 8 (1-day ride options available!)
- Heritage Days Parade: Saturday, August 8, 2pm.
Attached Files |
Family Focus 5/15/2020

May 15, 2020
Note from Dr. Briscoe…
We all received clear directions from the Governor last Friday regarding graduation. None of us like losing most spring activities because of Covid-19, but we know that in life we have to endure things for the common good and we just can’t risk coming together and getting anyone sick or worse. I would like to take this moment to recognize our co-valedictorians, Nathan Smisek and Mikayla Bohner. Both will graduate from BA with a perfect 4.0 grade point average taking our most challenging courses. Nathan also earned the rank of Eagle Scout, an honor that only 6% of all Boy Scouts earn. Mikayla will continue her education at Gustavous majoring in music education and Nathan will attend St. John’s University majoring in biochemistry. We also have co-salutatorians, Greta Hillesheim and Emily Wilder.
We will finish the 2019-20 school year on May 22 for all students. Our virtual Awards Ceremony, Baccalaureate, and Commencement celebrations will be held May 27-29. We will provide an update on turning in laptops and school materials during the last part of May. We continue to hope and pray for additional students for the 2020-21 school year. I encourage you to recommend BA to your friends and neighbors and reach out to Kris Sauer at BA for more information. We will do our best to make BA affordable for every student.
Dr. Chuck Briscoe
Staff Update: John Wollersheim
We are excited to announce that John Wollersheim has been hired as a part-time Assistant Principal for the 2020-21 school year. Welcome back, John!
Finals Week, May 18-22
Finals week, by necessity, will follow a slightly different format as we conclude the year in distance learning.
High school students will follow the attached finals schedule for taking tests. Classes with papers/projects may follow a different due date schedule. Middle school students have final projects and/or tests scheduled throughout the week (see attached) Middle school teachers will communicate additional informatioin directly with their classes. To support your student, attached please find a finals week tip sheet prepared by SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions.) As always, please reach out to any faculty or staff member if you need assistance helping your student navigate learning as we complete this quarter.
Mary Ceremony May 20
BA's annual Mary Ceremony will be a virtual presentation this year. The video will air on Wednesday, May 20 at 7pm on our Facebook page ( and on our YouTube channel at and will remain available on both platforms after it runs live.
Seniors: Mary Ceremony Cards & Graduation Stole Pick Up
Seniors who have not yet done so are invited to please stop by school Monday between 9am and 3pm to pick up:
- Cards & postage stamps for Mary Ceremony
- Stoles
If you cannot pick up during these days/times, let us know and we can try to to continue proper social distancing and stay 6 ft apart; facemasks encouraged.
Seniors: Diploma Walk Schedule
Seniors and their parents are invited to come to BA so that graduates may walk the stage in their cap and gown to receive their diploma as part of the virtual commencement program (see below for more information on commencement). A sign up email will be sent separately to seniors and senior parents with 30 minute time slots available the afternoon of Wednesday, May 20; late afternoon Thursday, May 21; Friday, May 22, and possibly Tuesday, May 26. In addition to filming for the commencement program, BA photographers will be on hand to take photographs. Please be prepared with face masks as appropriate and respect social distancing guidelines at all times. Signup for diploma walk here:
Virtual Baccalaureate Ceremony May 27, Xpm
We hope to have a virtual, livestream Baccalaureate during the evening of May 27.
Virtual Awards Ceremony May 28, 7pm
Our 2020 Awards Ceremony will premier live on our Facebook page and YouTube channel at 7pm Thursday, May 28 and will remain available on both platforms after it runs live.
Commencement May 29
Bethlehem Academy’s 2020 Commencement will be a virtual program combined with a brief diploma presentation ceremony held in the Bethlehem Academy parking lot. Please be prepared with face masks as appropriate and respect social distancing guidelines at all times.
- Virtual Commencement Program airs live on Facebook and YouTube at 7pm, and will remain available on both platforms after it runs live.
- 8:00/8:15 pm – Brief BA parking lot program for the Class of 2020 and immediate family members. Each graduate will have one assigned parking spot in the BA parking lot. The program will include:
- An brief final message of congratulations by Dr. Briscoe
- Diploma drive by: Each senior will be called individually up to the diploma pick up table. Their car will move to the drop off area by the front lobby doors, the diploma envelope will be presented, the then car moves north on 3rdAve and turns on 1st to return to BA parking lot
- Final congratulations & horn honking
- Cars recess out of parking lot onto 3rdAve for a SHORT recessional, final route to be determined.
Summer Work Program
Given the current COVID-19 restrictions, we regret that we will have to cancel the student summer work program.
Calendar Updates
- May 18-22: Finals/make up week
- May 20: AP English Language (online) Exam, 1pm
- May 20: Mary Ceremony, 7pm live video presentation on BA’s Facebook page, YouTube Channel
- May 22: AP Statistics (online) Exam, 1pm
- May 22: Last Day of School
- May 26-28: Laptop and Textbook turn in; times tba
- May 27: Baccalauereate program, TBA
- May 28: Awards Ceremony, 7pm virtual presentation on BA’s Facebook page, YouTube Channel
- May 29: Commencement: 7pm virtual ceremony broadcast live on Facebook/YouTube followed by a brief diploma presentation and recessional in the BA parking lot
2020-2021 Financial Aid & Tuition Agreements
We are working on setting up tuition agreements for 2020-2021. Please watch for an email in the next week or so with more information.
2020-2021 Student Council Officers
High school students voted this week to elect Student Council officers for next year. Congratulations to the following students: President - JJ Malecha; Vice-President - Verity Wray-Raabolle; Treasurer - Elliot Smith; Secretary - Malia Hunt.
BAAA Merit Scholarship for Class of 2021
The BA Activities Association, the school’s booster club, awards two $250 merit scholarships to juniors to be applied towards your senior year tuition and fees. You can find the scholarship application here: Application deadline is 5pm, Friday, May 22.
PSAT Exam Signup for Class of 2022
Current sophomores: the PSAT exam is scheduled for October 28, 2020. Students interested in taking the exam need to email Mr. Schuman at by Friday, May 29 to meet the registration deadline.
Needed: Used Summer Reading/IRP Novels
A note from our English Departments: If you have any old summer reading novels, or IRP (Independent Reading Novels), sitting around at home that you would not mind donating we would love them!!! We will have a table available in the gym on the day students return laptops and textbooks for these book donations. Thank you for your consideration.
Box Tops
Keep turning in your Box Tops or to scan them digitally for credit! You can also turn in your receipts to school right after you shop and Mrs. Smisek will do scan them digitally if you don’t have the app. And, through May 10, earn double Box Tops when you buy any Box Tops participating products. This program helps support our middle school science program. Thank you!
Grade 9-10 Students: Be a Big!
Big Brothers Big Sister of Southern Minnesota is recruiting interested 9th and 10th grade students for next school year. Check out this message from BA junior Kennedy Tutak: Interested students need to have a valid driver’s license by December 2020; commit to at least 2 years; want to be a kid’s new friend! Click here to take the first step in becoming a Big. Contact Megan Horton, Community Outreach Director at for more information.
Yearbook Orders
Still want to buy a 2019-2020 yearbook? It’s not too late! The BA Multimedia class has worked hard to create a memorable yearbook highlighting this historic year. Purchase yours for just $60 + tax online at
Senior Scholarships/Transcripts
Seniors please email Mr. Schuman at with any questions on scholarships or if a transcript is needed for a particular scholarship. Students still applying to colleges should use Naviance to submit their transcript requests. Parents and students are encouraged to email at any time with questions/concerns.
Summer Lawn Mowing Jobs
The Olmsted County-based Neighbors Helping Neighbors program, a chore-based service to help seniors and those with disabilities with lawn mowing, is expanding in the Faribault area. They currently have two elderly women in our area looking for lawn mowing assistance. This summer the volunteers will not have contact with the homeowner, but will work in the yard on their own, or with their family. Contact Jackie at or 507-287-2010 if interested.
Seeking New Members for BA Board of Directors
It is time to think about joining the Bethlehem Academy Board of Directors. If you are committed to the mission of BA and want to help shape the future, consider applying for an open position on the Board. It meets monthly, works in-between on committees and is a vital part of BA. Applications are available here. Term begins August 2020 for three years. Questions? Contact Kathy Nass at 507-323-5365.
Summer event dates below – please add these to your calendar! More information coming soon.
- Cardinal Café @ the Rice County Fair: July 22-26
- Cardinal Golf Classic: Friday, August 7
- S.M.A.R.T. Challenge Ride: Thursday, August 6-Saturday, August 8 (1-day ride options available!)
- Heritage Days Parade: Saturday, August 8, 2pm.
Attached Files |
Family Focus 5/8/2020

May 8, 2020
Note from Dr. Briscoe…
I continue to applaud the efforts of BA students and staff to help make distance learning work successfully. None of us chose this but in life we learn that many times you have to make the best of the cards that you are dealt. As noted, the school year will end for all students on Friday, May 22. We will send out a finals schedule next week. We will also send out a plan to collect all school materials and laptops May 26-28.
We continue to prepare for a graduation program on Friday, May 29. We have had to adjust our plans to meet the guidelines released today by the MN Department of Education. Our discussions involve incorporating a celebratory parade that ends in a parking lot with the viewing of a virtual video program similar to what we did for BABS. The virtual program will conclude with a drive-up diploma presentation that follows state guidelines. More details to follow, but know that we will do the very best we can to honor the BA Class of 2020.
Dr. Chuck Briscoe
New BA President/Principal
The BA Board of Directors this week announced the hiring of Melinda “Mindy” Reeder as BA’s new President/Principal. Dr. Briscoe is retiring after 43 years in education, the last four at Bethlehem Academy. Ms. Reeder begins her tenure at BA July 1, 2020. Click here for a copy of the Board’s press release and Ms. Reeder’s introduction letter.
Hoban Scholarship
Students entering grades 9-12 for the 2020-2021 school year are invited to apply for the John E. Hoban and Lucille M. Hoban Merit Based Scholarship. Students must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher and be in good standing with the BA Leadership Team. Interested students must prepare and submit a 2-part essay to Sr. Mary Margaret by Thursday, May 14. Click here for more information, including the essay prompt.
Front Office Staffing
We are pleased to announce that Barb Johnson will be staffing the BA front office from 9am to 3pm, Monday-Friday.
PSAT Exam Signup for Class of 2022
Current sophomores: the PSAT exam is scheduled for October 28, 2020. Students interested in taking the exam need to email Mr. Schuman at by Friday, May 29 to meet the registration deadline.
Calendar Updates
- May 13: AP English Lit & AP European History (online) Exam
- May 15: Last day of regular classes
- May 18-22: Finals/make up week
- May 20: AP English Language (online) Exam, 1pm
- May 20: Mary Ceremony, 7pm video premiere presentation
- May 22: AP Statistics (online) Exam, 1pm
- May 22: Last Day of School
- May 26-28: Laptop and Textbook turn-in (times to be scheduled)
- May 28: Awards Ceremony, virtual presentation
- May 29: Commencement
Needed: Used Summer Reading/IRP Novels
A note from our English Departments: If you have any old summer reading novels, or IRP (Independent Reading Novels), sitting around at home that you would not mind donating we would love them!!! We will have a table available in the gym on the day students return laptops and textbooks for these book donations. Thank you for your consideration.
2020-2021 Financial Aid & Tuition Agreements
We encourage families with financial aid applications to be responsive to any emails from TADS requesting additional information. Financial aid allocations and Archdiocesen scholarships are in progress and any applications listed as POOR or FAIR in TADS are not eligible until this information is provided. Your help is appreciated, as our goal is to have tuition agreements out in May. Please contact Kris at with questions on this process.
Class Registration and Pending Enrollment
We are reaching out by phone and email to students whose TADS enrollment is pending and/or who have not submitted their 2020-2021 class registration in PowerSchool. Your assistance with this process is appreciated, as it helps us plan for classes and for next year’s budget. Please note that we cannot place students in classes until their enrollment is finalized. Contact Kris at with any questions. Thank you!
Box Tops
Keep turning in your Box Tops or to scan them digitally for credit! You can also turn in your receipts to school right after you shop and Mrs. Smisek will do scan them digitally if you don’t have the app. And, through May 10, earn double Box Tops when you buy any Box Tops participating products. This program helps support our middle school science program. Thank you!
Juniors: Mock ACT Exam
The ACT Prep Class final packets for Juniors in Mrs. Guth’s ACT prep class are available for pickup by the gym door at DMCS. Packets can be picked at DMCS Monday-Friday between 10-11:30am and 5-6 pm. Juniors not in the prep class interested in taking the mock test in preparation for the June 13 exam should contact Mrs. Guth at She will score the exams and be available to help students with corrections.
Grade 9-10 Students: Be a Big!
Big Brothers Big Sister of Southern Minnesota is recruiting interested 9th and 10th grade students for next school year. Check out this message from BA junior Kennedy Tutak: Interested students need to have a valid driver’s license by December 2020; commit to at least 2 years; want to be a kid’s new friend! Click here to take the first step in becoming a Big. Contact Megan Horton, Community Outreach Director at for more information.
Yearbook Orders
Still want to buy a 2019-2020 yearbook? It’s not too late! The BA Multimedia class has worked hard to create a memorable yearbook highlighting this historic year. Purchase yours for just $60 + tax online at
Tuition Payments
We are aware these are uncertain times for many of our families and finances may be tight. We have asked TADS to turn off all late payment fees. Please reach out to Sr Mary Margaret if you have concerns or need to alter your current payment plans or due dates as we are very willing to work with you. We appreciate the continual payments you are able to make as they help BA maintain a cash flow for salaries.
Building our Cardinal Community: Seniors & Community Stories
As we continue distance/online learning, building our community through (virtual) social connections is more important than ever! We continue to honor the Class of 2020 on our social media accounts. We also encourage you to send us YOUR funny, interesting, and creative photos/videos e-learning stories to And if you haven't already, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter today! We also encourage you to share your own photos/videos on social media using the hashtag: #WEAREBA #TogetherWeFly. Thank you!
Senior Scholarships/Transcripts
Seniors please email Mr. Schuman at with any questions on scholarships or if a transcript is needed for a particular scholarship. Students still applying to colleges should use Naviance to submit their transcript requests. Parents and students are encouraged to email at any time with questions/concerns.
Summer Lawn Mowing Jobs
The Olmsted County-based Neighbors Helping Neighbors program, a chore-based service to help seniors and those with disabilities with lawn mowing, is expanding in the Faribault area. They currently have two elderly women in our area looking for lawn mowing assistance. This summer the volunteers will not have contact with the homeowner, but will work in the yard on their own, or with their family. Contact Jackie at or 507-287-2010 if interested.
Nursing Home Outreach
We encourage you to join Ms. Heselton’s classes in sending letters, poems, or artwork to isolated nursing home residents. Please send your message to: Milestone Senior Living (2500 14th St NW, Faribault, MN 55021) or contact Anne Pleskonko @ to be a resident penpal; and/or Pleasant Manor Senior Community (41 Brand Ave, Faribault, MN 55021). Residents are lonely without the option for visitors and would love your notes of encouragement!
MSAB Captions Project
Caption podcasts for the MN State Academy for the Blind. Write subtitles for podcasts created by MSAB students. Please contact Jennifer Pelletier at if you would like to help.
Seeking New Members for BA Board of Directors
It is time to think about joining the Bethlehem Academy Board of Directors. If you are committed to the mission of BA and want to help shape the future, consider applying for an open position on the Board. It meets monthly, works in-between on committees and is a vital part of BA. Applications are available here. Term begins August 2020 for three years. Questions? Contact Kathy Nass at 507-323-5365.
Summer event dates below – please add these to your calendar! More information coming soon.
- Cardinal Café @ the Rice County Fair: July 22-26
- Cardinal Golf Classic: Friday, August 7
- S.M.A.R.T. Challenge Ride: Thursday, August 6-Saturday, August 8 (1-day ride options available!)
- Heritage Days Parade: Saturday, August 8, 2pm.
Attached Files |
Family Focus 5/1/2020

May 1, 2020
Note from Dr. Briscoe…
Happy May Day! I want to thank all if you for your outstanding support of BABS 2020 last weekend. This was our first virtual BABS and we had a record Fund-a-Need raising nearly $73,000. By topping $70,000, we were able to get a $25,000 match from a very prominent Minnesotan with no previous connection to BA. All of the match will go to scholarships to help us get additional students that we really need for the 2020-21 school year.
We will end the 2019-20 school year on May 22 for all students. We will be sending a schedule to have student drop off laptops and books from May 26-29. We will follow all guidelines from the Governor, the Archbishop and the Department of Health.
We have decided to have Graduation on Friday, May 29. Our goal is to have a commencement where the seniors are present and appropriately spaced in Van Orsow Auditorium. Our second goal is to have the parents appropriately spaced in the bleachers. Our hope is that we may be able to have other family members present as well. We intend to live-stream commencement. We will also record it. If none of that is possible, we will hold a virtual event on May 29. All decisions will be based on guidance given by Governor Walz, the MN Department of Education, MN Department of Health, the CDC and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis as well as consult with Dusty Dienst, Faribault’s Fire Chief and Director of Emergency Management, and with other schools.
We are committed to creating the best possible graduation experience we can for the Class of 2020. Unfortunately, what we want to do and what we can do may not align. No matter what, we will celebrate the Class of 2020 and the completion of this milestone.
Dr. Chuck Briscoe
Seniors: Graduation Stoles
Seniors: please return your red graduation stole to BA on Monday, May 4. We will be sending those back to our Josten’s representative so that the 2020 year can get printed on the stoles. Drop off can be done in the school office between 9am and 3pm on Monday, May 4. We are expecting a quick turnaround in time for the May 29 ceremony. Extra official announcements will also be available for $1 each.
Rising Seniors, Juniors & Sophomores: Student Council Elections
It is time to elect Student Council Officers for next school year. Students in the Class of 2021, 2022, and 2023 were sent emails with information on how to run for office. Candidate’s video speeches need to be sent to Mr. Friesen by Wednesday, May 6.
Juniors: Mock ACT Exam
The ACT Prep Class final packets for Juniors in Mrs. Guth’s ACT prep class are available for pickup by the gym door at DMCS starting Friday, May 1. Packets can be picked at DMCS Monday-Friday between 10-11:30am and 5-6 pm (evening pickup starting Monday, May 4). Juniors not in the prep class interested in taking the mock test in preparation for the June 13 exam should contact Mrs. Guth at Students can email Mrs. Guth their answers. She will sent students an answer key after correcting the exams and will be available to help them with corrections.
Calendar Updates
- May 1: BA in distance learning
- May 2: Prom - Postponed, new date/format TBD
- May 4: BA in distance learning school
- May 6: Spring Concert - Canceled
- May 6: Student Council Candidate Video Deadline
- May 7: Student of the Month, 9:30am ceremomy premieres live on Facebook (
- May 15: Last day of regular classes
- May 18-22: finals/make up week
- May 22: Last Day of School
- May 26-28: Laptop and Textbook turn in
- May 29: Commencement
2020-2021 Financial Aid & Tuition Agreements
We encourage families with financial aid applications to be responsive to any emails from TADS requesting additional information. Financial aid allocations and Archdiocesen scholarships are in progress and any applications listed as POOR or FAIR in TADS are not eligible until this information is provided. Your help is appreciated, as our goal is to have tuition agreements out in May. Please contact Kris at with questions on this process.
Class Registration and Pending Enrollment
We are reaching out by phone and email to students whose TADS enrollment is pending and/or who have not submitted their 2020-2021 class registration in PowerSchool. Your assistance with this process is appreciated, as it helps us plan for classes and for next year’s budget. Please note that we cannot place students in classes until their enrollment is finalized. Contact Kris at with any questions. Thank you!
Grade 9-10 Students: Be a Big!
Big Brothers Big Sister of Southern Minnesota is recruiting interested 9th and 10th grade students for next school year. Check out this message from BA junior Kennedy Tutak: Interested students need to have a valid driver’s license by December 2020; commit to at least 2 years; want to be a kid’s new friend!Click here to take the first step in becoming a Big. Contact Megan Horton, Community Outreach Director for more information.
Yearbook Orders
Still want to buy a 2019-2020 yearbook? It’s not too late! The BA Multimedia class has worked hard to create a memorable yearbook highlighting this historic year. Purchase yours for just $60 + tax online at
Tuition Payments
We are aware these are uncertain times for many of our families and finances may be tight. We have asked TADS to turn off all late payment fees. Please reach out to Sr Mary Margaret if you have concerns or need to alter your current payment plans or due dates as we are very willing to work with you. We appreciate the continual payments you are able to make as they help BA maintain a cash flow for salaries.
Building our Cardinal Community: Seniors & Community Stories
As we continue distance/online learning, building our community through (virtual) social connections is more important than ever! We continue to honor the Class of 2020 on our social media accounts. We also encourage you to send us YOUR funny, interesting, and creative photos/videos e-learning stories to And if you haven't already, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter today! We also encourage you to share your own photos/videos on social media using the hashtag: #WEAREBA #TogetherWeFly. Thank you!
Senior Scholarships/Transcripts
Seniors please email Mr. Schuman at with any questions on scholarships or if a transcript is needed for a particular scholarship. Students still applying to colleges should use Naviance to submit their transcript requests. Parents and students are encouraged to email at any time with questions/concerns.
Summer Lawn Mowing Jobs
The Olmsted County-based Neighbors Helping Neighbors program, a chore-based service to help seniors and those with disabilities with lawn mowing, is expanding in the Faribault area. They currently have two elderly women in our area looking for lawn mowing assistance. This summer the volunteers will not have contact with the homeowner, but will work in the yard on their own, or with their family. Contact at or 507-287-2010 if interested.
Nursing Home Outreach
We encourage you to join Ms. Heselton’s classes in sending letters, poems, or artwork to isolated nursing home residents. Please send your message to: Milestone Senior Living (2500 14th St NW, Faribault, MN 55021) or contact Anne Pleskonko @ to be a resident penpal; and/or Pleasant Manor Senior Community (41 Brand Ave, Faribault, MN 55021). Residents are lonely without the option for visitors and would love your notes of encouragement!
MSAB Captions Project
Caption podcasts for the MN State Academy for the Blind. Write subtitles for podcasts created by MSAB students. Please contact Jennifer Pelletier at if you would like to help.
Seeking New Members for BA Board of Directors
It is time to think about joining the Bethlehem Academy Board of Directors. If you are committed to the mission of BA and want to help shape the future, consider applying for an open position on the Board. It meets monthly, works in-between on committees and is a vital part of BA. Applications are available here. Term begins August 2020 for three years. Questions? Contact Kathy Nass at 507-323-5365.
Summer event dates below – please add these to your calendar! More information coming soon.
- Cardinal Café @ the Rice County Fair: July 22-26
- Cardinal Golf Classic: Friday, August 7
- S.M.A.R.T. Challenge Ride: Thursday, August 6-Saturday, August 8 (1-day ride options available!)
- Heritage Days Parade: Saturday, August 8, 2pm.
Family Focus 4/25/2020

April 25, 2020
Note from Dr. Briscoe…
I want to thank all of you for your outstanding support of the 2019-20 BA Annual Fund. After not meeting our goal for the past several years, we have been able to exceed our goal of $200,000 by $43,000. We are now at $243,000 and still climbing. You are helping us to fill the gap between what student pay for tuition and what it costs us to cover our costs and keep the lights on at BA. Thank you for your help!
TONIGHT is our first and hopefully our last Virtual BABS. This is the 35th annual BABS and because of Covid-19 we are hosting BABS as a virtual event. We had several people come together to make a 35 minute video on April 15. It will be very strange to deliver a speech on the stage in the BA Auditorium at the podium with the cameraman being the only person in the auditorium. We need you to go on-line and bid on both silent and live auction items. There are several great items that we hope you will find interesting enough to bid on. We will conclude the program with the fund-a-need portion of the program. All dollars generated in the fund-a-need will go to mission and scholarship. Our enrollment is down and we really need to open our doors for more students. The dollars that you donate on Saturday will help open the doors for students. You know the quality of a BA education and how it changes the lives of students forever.
The Governor on Thursday extended distance learning for the rest of the school year. We are tentatively planning on having the school year end on May 22 for everyone. We will have a decision on Graduation by next Friday.
We value all of you for trusting your students’ education with a great faculty.
Dr. Chuck Briscoe
BABS will be live tonight via Facebook and on our YouTube channel at The auction site is live and can be found at Our Fund-a-Need this year is for mission and scholarship – donations can be made online or by sending a check to us at BA. We are well on our way to our Fund-a-Need goal of $70,000. If we hit the goal tonight, we will get a matching gift of $95,000. Thank you for your support. Now, more than ever, #WEAREBA!
Distance Learning Update
Governor Tim Walz on Thursday issued an executive order announcing that all schools in Minnesota will remain closed through the end of the academic year. Our teachers and staff have planned for this possibility and are prepared to continue instructing your child via distance learning through the end of the school year.
In light of this announcement, we have made some adjustments to our academic calender: May 1 and May 4 are distance learning days at BA. (The public schools have this day off; we do not.) The last day of regular class instruction, especially at the high school level, will be May 15. The week of May 18 will be for completion of final projects, papers, tests and make up work with the last day of school falling on May 22. Students will turn in laptops and textbooks the week of May 26-28.
The Minnesota State High School League yesterday announced the cancellation of all spring activities. We are making plans to host the Mary and Awards Ceremony virtually, with a decision on Commencement by next week. Senior received their caps and gowns yesterday and had their pictures taken. We continue to honor the Class of 2020 via social media posts and will continue to find ways to celebrate them and share this important milestone with the community while still adhering to stay-at-home orders and social distancing guidelines.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and flexibility during this unprecedented time. The health and safety of our students remains our top priority as we continue to navigate this national health crisis.
Calendar Updates
- Spring Play, April 24-26: Cancelled
- May 1: BA in distance learning
- Prom, May 2: Postponed, new date/format TBD
- May 4: BA in distance learning
- Spring Concert, May 6: Cancelled
- May 15: Last day of regular classes
- May 18-22: finals/make up week
- May 22: Last Day of School
- May 26-28: Laptop and Textbook turn in
2020-2021 Financial Aid & Tuition Agreements
We encourage families with financial aid applications to be responsive to any emails from TADS requesting additional information. Financial aid allocations and Archdiocesen scholarships are in progress and any applications listed as POOR or FAIR in TADS are not eligible until this information is provided. Your help is appreciated, as our goal is to have tuition agreements out in May. Please contact Kris at with questions on this process.
Class Registration and Pending Enrollment
We are reaching out by phone and email to students whose TADS enrollment is pending and/or who have not submitted their 2020-2021 class registration in PowerSchool. Your assistance with this process is appreciated, as it helps us plan for classes and for next year’s budget. Please note that we cannot place students in classes until their enrollment is finalized. Contact Kris at with any questions. Thank you!
Tuition Payments
We are aware these are uncertain times for many of our families and finances may be tight. We have asked TADS to turn off all late payment fees. Please reach out to Sr Mary Margaret if you have concerns or need to alter your current payment plans or due dates as we are very willing to work with you. We appreciate the continual payments you are able to make as they help BA maintain a cash flow for salaries.
Building our Cardinal Community: Seniors & Community Stories
As we continue distance/online learning, building our community through (virtual) social connections is more important than ever! We continue to honor the Class of 2020 on our social media accounts. We also encourage you to send us YOUR funny, interesting, and creative photos/videos e-learning stories to And if you haven't already, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter today! We also encourage you to share your own photos/videos on social media using the hashtag: #WEAREBA #TogetherWeFly. Thank you!
Senior Scholarships/Transcripts
Mr. Schuman will continue to email all seniors any new scholarship offers that come up. See below for a list of current scholarships and deadlines. Students should email Mr. Schuman at with any questions or if a transcript is needed for a particular scholarship. Students still applying to colleges should use Naviance to submit their transcript requests. Parents and students are encouraged to email at any time with questions/concerns.
Faribault Sertoma Club Scholarship
The Faribault Sertoma Club will offer (2) $1500 scholarships for post-secondary education to high school seniors graduating in the spring of 2020. The recipients of these scholarships will be students who best personify Sertoma’s motto, “Service to Mankind.” Please email Mr. Schuman for an application. Deadline is April 30, 2020.
Rotary STRIVE Program Postponed
Juniors: the Rotary STRIVE program is postponed until further notice. Please e-mail if you have any questions.
Summer Lawn Mowing Jobs
The Olmsted County-based Neighbors Helping Neighbors program, a chore-based service to help seniors and those with disabilities with lawn mowing, is expanding in the Faribault area. They currently have two elderly women in our area looking for lawn mowing assistance. This summer the volunteers will not have contact with the homeowner, but will work in the yard on their own, or with their family. Contact at or 507-287-2010 if interested.
Nursing Home Outreach
We encourage you to join Ms. Heselton’s classes in sending letters, poems, or artwork to isolated nursing home residents. Please send your message to: Milestone Senior Living (2500 14th St NW, Faribault, MN 55021) or contact Anne Pleskonko @ to be a resident penpal; and/or Pleasant Manor Senior Community (41 Brand Ave, Faribault, MN 55021). Residents are lonely without the option for visitors and would love your notes of encouragement!
MSAB Captions Project
Caption podcasts for the MN State Academy for the Blind. Write subtitles for podcasts created by MSAB students. Please contact Jennifer Pelletier at if you would like to help.
Seeking New Members for BA Board of Directors
It is time to think about joining the Bethlehem Academy Board of Directors. If you are committed to the mission of BA and want to help shape the future, consider applying for an open position on the Board. It meets monthly, works in-between on committees and is a vital part of BA. Applications are available here. Term begins August 2020 for three years. Questions? Contact Kathy Nass at 507-323-5365.
Summer event dates below – please add these to your calendar! More information coming soon.
- Cardinal Café @ the Rice County Fair: July 22-26
- Cardinal Golf Classic: Friday, August 7
- S.M.A.R.T. Challenge Ride: Thursday, August 6-Saturday, August 8 (1-day ride options available!)
Attached Files |
Family Focus 4/17/2020

April 17, 2020
Note from Dr. Briscoe…
We continue to be very proud of our students and teachers at BA. We know this is not easy and we are making adjustments to work load as we move forward. We look forward to honoring the Class of 2020, and continue to discuss options for Senior Week in the event the Governor extends distance learning through the end of the school year. We will all be stronger people for enduring the Covid Challenge of 2020. My prayers are that there will be light at the end of the tunnel and that school, church, and our lives will return to normal sometime in 2020. The “new normal” is very hard for us to do.
April 2020 Faribault Daily News Column
Opportunities to Grow:
As a long-time educator, I have witnessed several students and staff members rise above the challenges that life can throw at them and find a way to adapt and continue to grow and flourish. Sometimes the curve balls in life can be very hard to hit. When the pitch is really inside you will have to hit the ground and dust yourself up and get back in the batting box.
I love baseball. My dad was a very good pitcher and started throwing the ball back and forth with me before I was in kindergarten. I still have his pitching glove which is smaller than the choppers I wear to shovel snow. As I got older all of the lessons paid off as I could throw the ball hard and have fun playing baseball. Until a few years ago I used to say that I could still help the Twins using their model of pitching to contact.
The many years of pitching finally caught up with my right shoulder. An MRI in late 2018 indicated a slight rotator cuff tear. An MRI in early 2020 indicated that the shoulder was now a mess and I would need surgery. The tear was into the bicep and the pain was very challenging. The doctor said that I needed the surgery immediately if I hoped to save the parts of my shoulder. I had hoped to wait until after BABS or in the summer but my decision to have the surgery immediately proved to be a blessing with the virus hitting in mid-March.
On March 9th Donna and I walked into Summit Orthopedics at 5:30 a.m. for surgery. This was the first day of spring break and I hoped that I would minimize the number of days of school I would miss. I had no idea on that day that we would probably not be going back to school until fall. Dr. Warner told me that my job was to show up and relax. He would do the heavy lifting and together we would get through this. After several hours I left with my shoulder in a brace and my new ice machine in the car. The repairs were worse than expected and I now have two screws in my bicep and two holding one of the tendons to the bone. I will not set off any alarms at the airport as the screws are plastic. My favorite Faribault jeweler had promised me that the first few days would be the worst and he was correct. I spent most of my day and night in a recliner for the first few days. t got better with each passing day.
Going from two hands to one presented many challenges. It was my first time at bat in my youth. I had to keep swinging and to remember to run to first, not third base when I hit the ball. Eventually the swing got easier and someday I hope to hit a homerun again. I am always hopeful and there were days I could hear one of my mother’s favorite comments, “things could be worse.” After two weeks I got permission to drive one-handed which got easier with practice. There now is no coffee on my morning drive with only one hand. We are on a long break from dancing and we pray that we can resume dancing on the kitchen floor and riding a bike in May. The fine art of shaving is a real challenge with one hand and so is brushing your teeth.
This has been a reminder for me to appreciate the simple things in life, like the ability to tie your shoes and open a door. We take many things for granted, but between the virus and my surgery I am smelling the flowers, drinking good coffee and practicing social distancing. Like most of you, I am not wired to shelter in place. I pray that someday we can meet for coffee, get on a dance floor and hug each other again. Stay safe, stay home and keep washing your hands.
Dr. Chuck Briscoe
BABS 2020
Please check out our Facebook page at and please help us spread the word by sharing posts on our upcoming BABS event. See links to the auction site and event web page below. Mark your calendars and plan to join us online for our virtual BABS event!
- Monday, April 20, 10:00am: BABS online auction opens:
- Saturday, April 25, 7:00pm: BABS online event, more information here:
Please like and share all week long our BABS posts!!!
Calendar Updates
- Spring Play, April 24-26: Cancelled
- Prom, May 2: Postponed, new date/format TBD
- Spring Concert, May 6: Cancelled
2020-2021 Financial Aid & Tuition Agreements
We encourage families with financial aid applications to be responsive to any emails from TADS requesting additional information. Financial aid allocations and Archdiocesen scholarships are in progress and any applications listed as POOR or FAIR in TADS are not eligible until this information is provided. Your help is appreciated, as our goal is to have tuition agreements out in May. Please contact Kris at ksauer@bacards.orgwith questions on this process.
Class Registration and Pending Enrollment
We are reaching out by phone and email to students whose TADS enrollment is pending and/or who have not submitted their 2020-2021 class registration in PowerSchool. Your assistance with this process is appreciated, as it helps us plan for classes and for next year’s budget. Please note that we cannot place students in classes until their enrollment is finalized. Contact Kris at with any questions. Thank you!
Tips for Successful Distance Learning
Mr. Schuman, our Guidance Counselor, sent all BA students a video this week with words of encouragement and tips to staying on track with distance learning. Find the video here:
Faribault Public Library Online Resources
The Faribault Public Library is offering an electronic library card and numerous online resources. Check out the attached flyer for more information.
SCRIP Update
Good news! Barring any unforeseen circumstances, DMCS will resume placing Scrip orders on Tuesday, April 21. All orders must be received by 8:30 am that morning. You will be able to pick-up your orders every Thursday from 4-6pm starting April 23rd. Pick up will be at DMCS Door # 3 (the side gym door). Just pull up and honk your horn! Peggy will meet you with your order. PLEASE NOTE: orders must be paid by check. (The online payment option will not be available until further notice.) All standing SCRIP orders will be resumed as well. ACH orders will be processed as usual. If you do not wish to receive your standing order at this time, please notify Peggy Johnson at You may still purchase gift cards for Hy-Vee, Fareway, Kwik Trip, Walmart and Communinty Scrip at 1st United Bank in Faribault. Please contact Peggy if you have any questions about the program.
Top PSAT Score Congratulations!
Please join us in applauding BA junior Verity Wray-Raabolle for her outstanding achievement on the 2019-2020 SAT/National Merit Scholarship Test. She is among the top 1% of the more than 1.5 million high school juniors across the United States who took the exam, and is one of the 50,000 highest scoring students who will be recognized as either a Semifinalist or Commended student next fall. We are very proud of Verity at BA. She is an outstanding student, and a kind, caring person who reflects the values that BA students proudly display as students and as leaders in their schools and communities after graduation.
Tuition Payments
We are aware these are uncertain times for many of our families and finances may be tight. We have asked TADS to turn off all late payment fees. Please reach out to Sr Mary Margaret if you have concerns or need to alter your current payment plans or due dates as we are very willing to work with you. We appreciate the continual payments you are able to make as they help BA maintain a cash flow for salaries.
Building our Cardinal Community: Seniors & Community Stories
As we continue distance/online learning, building our community through (virtual) social connections is more important than ever! In the coming weeks, we will continue honoring the Class of 2020 on our social media accounts. We also encourage you to send us YOUR funny, interesting, and creative photos/videos e-learning stories to And if you haven't already, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twittertoday! We also encourage you to share your own photos/videos on social media using the hashtag: #WEAREBA #TogetherWeFly. Thank you!
Senior Scholarships/Transcripts
Mr. Schuman will continue to email all seniors any new scholarship offers that come up. See below for a list of current scholarships and deadlines. Students should email Mr. Schuman at with any questions or if a transcript is needed for a particular scholarship. Students still applying to colleges should use Naviance to submit their transcript requests. Parents and students are encouraged to email at any time with questions/concerns.
Faribault Sertoma Club Scholarship
The Faribault Sertoma Club will offer (2) $1500 scholarships for post-secondary education to high school seniors graduating in the spring of 2020. The recipients of these scholarships will be students who best personify Sertoma’s motto, “Service to Mankind.” Please email Mr. Schuman for an application. Deadline is April 30, 2020.
Rotary STRIVE Program Postponed
Juniors: the Rotary STRIVE program is postponed until further notice. Please e-mail if you have any questions.
Summer Lawn Mowing Jobs
The Olmsted County-based Neighbors Helping Neighbors program, a chore-based service to help seniors and those with disabilities with lawn mowing, is expanding in the Faribault area. They currently have two elderly women in our area looking for lawn mowing assistance. This summer the volunteers will not have contact with the homeowner, but will work in the yard on their own, or with their family. Contact at or 507-287-2010 if interested.
Nursing Home Outreach
We encourage you to join Ms. Heselton’s classes in sending letters, poems, or artwork to isolated nursing home residents. Please send your message to: Milestone Senior Living (2500 14th St NW, Faribault, MN 55021) or contact Anne Pleskonko to be a resident penpal; and/or Pleasant Manor Senior Community (41 Brand Ave, Faribault, MN 55021). Residents are lonely without the option for visitors and would love your notes of encouragement!
MSAB Captions Project