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Family Focus 8/17/24

date 08/23/2024 author Kris Sauer category August 2024, 2024-25 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

August 17, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardians: 

We are excited for the start of the school year! We welcome teachers to campus for workshops Monday - see below for new staff announcements. Our Parent Open House night is Wednesday, August 21 from 5:30-7pm. We are excited to welcome all our parents for this informational open house. Students are welcome to join you, but please note that they have their own orientation Monday, August 26 from 9-11:30am. FYI that a light meal will be provided (we know many of you will be coming straight from work); at least one parent of our new 6th graders and our new 7th and 8th graders must attend this event - please email Mr. Brent Zabel ( if a conflict prevents you from joining us.

Our back to school mailing was sent to families Monday - be sure to return the lunch and health forms included. You can also find these same resources on our website's back to school page (click here). High school students were sent their schedules yesterday - reach out to Mr. Friesen or Mr. Bienias with questions. Tuition contracts must be completed by August 23rd or laptops and school schedules will be held. 

Staffing Update: We are very excited to announce the hiring of Mary Clare Stroh Melero, BA Class of 2012, as our new choir teacher! See introduction below. Click here for more information on all our new staff members: Nathan Bienias and Lindsay Bjorkquist, school counselors; Tom Nardi, Middle School Theology Teacher; and Grant Yackley, Assistant AD/Assistant Dean/Technology Integrationist. 

Mary Clare Stroh Melero ‘12, Choir:  As an alum who cherished her time in band and choir, I could not be more excited to come back to Bethlehem Academy to work in the music department as a choir teacher! After graduating from BA in 2012, I spent several years as a missionary sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with young people across the United States. After my time as a missionary, I pursued opportunities to grow into a professional musician. Only by the grace of God I found success. Through His gifts of worship leading and songwriting I have been able to learn so much. In 2018 I married my husband, Ryan Melero, and convinced him to move from California to the promised land: Faribault, MN! Over the last 6 years we have had 4 children (Ryan Jr. 5, Mateo 5, Mary Christina 4, Natalia Joy 3) and started a local business - Melero & Sons Autoglass. I have continued writing and worship leading. Somewhere along the way I started giving both private music lessons and group lessons to the point where in 2022 I was able to open a studio space here in downtown Faribault where I give lessons and record music with individuals. I am THRILLED to bring my passion of bringing the gospel to young people and teaching music together. I look forward to spending time and sharing my joy for Jesus and music with your students at our beloved Catholic school!

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar

  • August 19: Fall middle school sports open - click HERE for BA and co-op sports registration information
  • August 21: Parent open house, 5:30-7:00pm - meet teachers and staff, visit classrooms, tour BA - plan to join us! Students welcome but not required as they have their own orientation August 26.
  • August 24: DMCS Ribbon Cutting Ceremony following 4pm Mass with Archbishop Hebda, DMCS open house to follow until 8pm.
  • August 26 (9am-11:30 a.m.) Student Orientation
    • Seniors - arrive by 8:30 a.m. to pick your parking spot
    • All grade 6-12 students - arrive by 9 a.m. and meet in the gym
    • New High School Students - 11:30a.m.-1p.m. Stay to eat pizza and receive your laptop.
  • August 27: First Day of School! Tardy bell rings at 8:05 a.m.
  • September 2: No School, Labor Day Holiday

BA JOB OPENINGS: Email if interested to:

  • Part-time Theatre Director
  • Substitute Teachers & Kitchen Assistants
Find other great BA news on our Facebook and Instagram pages. 

Please reach out with questions. Blessings on your week ahead!

In partnership
Kris SauerEd Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School


Summer Read: Every grade has a summer reading assignment. Click HERE to find the reading guides.

2024-2025 Parent Ambassadors: We are looking for grade-level parent representatives to serve as a liaison for each class with both the school and prospective families. Serving in this capacity fulfills the parent service hour requirement for the year. Find more information on the POINT BA page; click here for parent volunteer program information; contact Kris with questions. 

2024-2025 Back-to-School web page: Click HERE for all your back to school resources!

Fall Sports Registration
The fall sports season starts Monday! To register for football (grades 7-12) or volleyball (grades 6-12), please visit and go to the More menu for registration form and activity fee payment. The $140 activity fee may be paid online, by check or adding it to your EduTrak payment account. Participants must also have a valid sports physical on file. Sport physicals are good for 3 years from the date of examination. Typically, students have sports physicals for 7th grade and 10th grade (or 6th grade, 9th grade and 12th grade).  

Please visit for information on available cooperative sports (soccer, girls swimming, girls tennis, cross country running).  

Moms in Prayer Group: Enrich your prayer life - all moms are invited to join this fabulous group Tuesdays at 1:45pm at BA in Sr Theresa's office in the basement level (stop in the front office for directions.)


Ruth's House 20th Anniversary-Student Volunteers Needed: Sign up by August 17 to volunteer at the Aug 23rd 20th anniversary event. Ruth's House is looking for student volunteers to help with parking, the welcome booth, our donor appreciation event, kid games and activities, and clean-up.  There are various shifts lasting two hours or under and are always scheduled with another individual. Click HERE to sign up. 

Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 8/9/24

date 08/15/2024 author Kris Sauer category August 2024, 2024-25 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

August 9, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardians: 

The start of the school year is just around the corner! High school fall sports start Monday (see below for more information) and work on the building is very close to completion. Our back to school mailing will go out Monday. Please watch for it as there are lunch and health forms that need to be returned to school. You can also find these same resources on our website's back to school page (click here).

Teacher workshop week begins August 19 and our Parent Open House night is scheduled for Wednesday, August 21 from 5:30-7pm. Please note that this open house event is for parents - we want you to have a chance to hear from and ask questions of the leadership as well as meet and hear from our teachers as we partner with you for the new school year. Students have their own orientation Monday, August 26 from 9-11:30am. FYI that a light meal will be provided (we know many of you will be coming straight from work); at least one parent of our new 6th graders and our new 7th and 8th graders must attend this event - please email Mr. Brent Zabel ( if a conflict prevents you from joining us.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar

  • August 12: Fall high school sports open - click HERE for BA and co-op sports registration information
  • August 19: Fall middle school sports open - click HERE for BA and co-op sports registration information
  • August 21: Parent open house, 5:30-7:30pm - meet teachers and staff, visit classrooms, tour BA - plan to join us! Students welcome but not required as they have their own orientation August 26.
  • August 24: DMCS Ribbon Cutting Ceremony following 4pm Mass with Archbishop Hebda, DMCS open house to follow until 8pm.
  • August 26 (9am-11:30 a.m.) Student Orientation
    • Seniors - arrive by 8:30 a.m. to pick your parking spot
    • All grade 6-12 students - arrive by 9 a.m. and meet in the gym
    • New High School Students - 11:30a.m.-1p.m. Stay to eat pizza and receive your laptop.
  • August 27: First Day of School! Tardy bell rings at 8:05 a.m.

BA JOB OPENINGS: Email if interested at:

  • Custodian
  • Part-time Theatre Director
  • Substitute Teachers & Kitchen Assistants
Find other great BA news on our Facebook and Instagram pages. 

Please reach out with questions. Blessings on your week ahead!

In partnership
Kris SauerEd Friesen
Interim Co-Head of School


HS Summer Band: High school summer band camp has started, with a final round of practices on August 13th, and 15th from 3:30 to 6:00 p.m. If you cannot make it to one of the rehearsals, please let Mr. Lorence know. (email:

Summer Read: Every grade has an summer reading assignment. Click HERE to find the reading guides.

2024-2025 Parent Ambassadors: We are looking for grade-level parent representatives to serve as a liaison for each class with both the school and prospective families. Serving in this capacity fulfills the parent service hour requirement for the year. Find more information on the POINT BA page; click here for parent volunteer program information; contact Kris with questions. 

2024-2025 Back-to-School page: Click HERE 

Summer Office Hours: BA's front office is open Monday through Thursday, 9am-1pm, closed Fridays.

Fall Sports Registration
The fall sports season starts Monday! To register for football (grades 7-12) or volleyball (grades 6-12), please visit and go to the More menu for registration form and activity fee payment. The $140 activity fee may be paid online, by check or adding it to your EduTrak payment account. Participants must also have a valid sports physical on file. Sport physicals are good for 3 years from the date of examination. Typically, students have sports physicals for 7th grade and 10th grade (or 6th grade, 9th grade and 12th grade).  

Please visit for information on available cooperative sports (soccer, girls swimming, girls tennis, cross country running).  



Pregnancy Options Run Baby Run! Event August 10: Support the mission of Faribault's Pregnancy Options and participate in their 10th annual Run Baby Run fundraiser with 10k, 5k and 1 mile options. Click HERE for info and the link to register. 

Ruth's House 20th Anniversary-Student Volunteers Needed: Sign up by August 17 to volunteer at the Aug 23rd 20th anniversary event. Ruth's House is looking for student volunteers to help with parking, the welcome booth, our donor appreciation event, kid games and activities, and clean-up.  There are various shifts lasting two hours or under and are always scheduled with another individual. Click HERE to sign up. 

Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 8/3/24

date 08/08/2024 author Kris Sauer category August 2024, 2024-25 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

August 3, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardians: 

We were blessed with beautiful weather and a great turnout for yesterday's Cardinal Golf Classic at the Legacy! Thank you to everyone who participated and to our student athlete volunteers.

The start of 2024-2025 is right around the corner! We are looking forward to partnering with you in the formation of your sons and daughters in prayer, study, community and service. Our back to school packets will be mailed this week. Resources for the start of the year can be found on our website's back to school page (click here). Fall sports begin August 12 for high school students and August 19 for middle school students. Click HERE for fall sports information. Finally, a few families still need to set up their tuition agreeement in EduTrak (new system this year). Click here to get started; reach out to Lisa with questions. 

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar

  • August 7: BA Red Cross Blood Drive @ DMCC. Sign up to donate HERE
  • August 12: Fall high school sports open - click HERE for BA and co-op sports registration information
  • August 19: Fall middle school sports open - click HERE for BA and co-op sports registration information
  • August 21: Parent open house, 5:30-7:30pm - meet teachers and staff, visit classrooms, tour BA - plan to join us!
  • August 26 (9am-11:30 a.m.) Student Orientation
    • Seniors - arrive by 8:30 a.m. to pick your parking spot
    • New High School Students - 11:30a.m.-1p.m. Stay to eat pizza and receive your laptop.
  • August 27: First Day of School! Tardy bell rings at 8:05 a.m.

BA JOB OPENINGS: Email if interested at:

  • Part-time BA Van Driver
  • Part-time Theatre Director
  • Substitute Teachers & Kitchen Assistants
Find other great BA news on our Facebook and Instagram pages. 

Please reach out with questions. Prayers for a blessed last few weeks of summer!

Kris SauerEd Friesen
Interim Co-Head of School


Summer Band has Started! High school summer band camp has started, with more practices on August 6th, 8th, 13th, and 15th from 3:30 to 6:00. Plan to meet in the band room. We will be going over our band handbook, working on pep band music, polishing our parade marching for Homecoming, and meeting new members of the band. If you cannot make it to one of the rehearsals, please let Mr. Lorence know. (email:

2024-2025 Parent Ambassadors: We are looking for grade-level parent representatives to serve as a liaison for each class with both the school and prospective families. Serving in this capacity fulfills the parent service hour requirement for the year. Find more information on the POINT BA page; click here for parent volunteer program information; contact Kris with questions. 

2024-2025 Back-to-School page: Click HERE 

Summer Office Hours: BA's front office is open Monday through Thursday, 9am-1pm, closed Fridays.

Red Cross Blood Drive - Wednesday, August 7
The Bethlehem Academy Student Council and Divine Mercy Catholic Church are hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, August 7 from 9am to 3pm at Divine Mercy Catholic Church.  Students aged 16 and older are eligible to donate.  Consider donating to help save lives!
Sign up for a time at
Learn more about donating blood

Fall Sports Registration
The fall sports season is just around the corner.  To register for football (grades 7-12) or volleyball (grades 6-12), please visit and go to the More menu for registration form and activity fee payment.  The $140 activity fee may be paid online, by check or adding it to your EduTrak payment account.  Participants must also have a valid sports physical on file.  Sport physicals are good for 3 years from the date of examination.  Typically, students have sports physicals for 7th grade and 10th grade (or 6th grade, 9th grade and 12th grade).  

Please visit for information on available cooperative sports (soccer, girls swimming, girls tennis, cross country running).  


Pregnancy Options Run Baby Run! Event August 10: Support the mission of Faribault's Pregnancy Options and participate in their 10th annual Run Baby Run fundraiser with 10k, 5k and 1 mile options. Click HERE for info and the link to register. 

Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 7/26/24

date 08/01/2024 author Kris Sauer category July 2024, 2024-25 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

July 26, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardians: 

We are beginning to gear up for the start of 2024-2025! Our maintenance team is hard at work cleaning the building and our concessions upgrade project is underway. Thank you to our parent volunteers who have been helping us with this project! We will be installing the concessions stand storage door and finishing painting on Monday, with carpet scheduled to be installed the end of next week. Find concessions project pictures and other great BA news on our Facebook and Instagram pages. 

Yesterday we emailed to you our updated 2024-2025 dress code policy. Click here for a copy of that policy plus all other back-to-school information - and don't forget to remind your son or daughter to be working on their summer read for English class! Finally, if you haven't already, please set up your tuition agreeement in EduTrak (new system this year). Click here to get started; reach out to Lisa with questions. 
Our final event of the summer - the Cardinal Golf Classic - takes place next Friday, August 2nd at the Legacy. This is a great day of fun and fellowship with fellow BA parents, alumni and supporters. Click HERE for more information and to register to play. Finally, please support our 8 SMART riders with a donation through July 31. Doing so goes directly to BA student scholarships. Click HERE to show your support for their ride. 

Finally, we are still looking for a few staff members to add to our team, including a driver for our BA van, choir teacher, theater director, math teacher, and substitute teachers & kitchen assistants. Find job descriptions HERE and help spread the word.

Thank you for your partnership!

Kris SauerEd Friesen
Interim Co-Head of School


Summer Band Starts July 30! High school summer band camp is on July 30th and August 1st, 6th, 8th, 13th, and 15th from 3:30 to 6:00. Plan to meet in the band room. We will be going over our band handbook, working on pep band music, polishing our parade marching for Homecoming, and meeting new members of the band. If you cannot make it to one of the rehearsals, please let Mr. Lorence know. (email:

2024-2025 Parent Ambassadors: We are looking for grade-level parent representatives to serve as a liaison for each class with both the school and prospective families. Serving in this capacity fulfills the parent service hour requirement for the year. Find more information on the POINT BA page; click here for parent volunteer program information; contact Kris with questions. 

2024-2025 Back-to-School page: Click HERE 

Summer Office Hours: BA's front office is open Monday through Thursday, 9am-1pm, closed Fridays.

Red Cross Blood Drive - Wednesday, August 7
The Bethlehem Academy Student Council and Divine Mercy Catholic Church are hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Wednesday, August 7 from 9am to 3pm at Divine Mercy Catholic Church.  Students aged 16 and older are eligible to donate.  Consider donating to help save lives!
Sign up for a time at
Learn more about donating blood


Shattuck/Faribault Community Soccer Camp 2024 July 29-August 2: The 2024 Summer Camp, hosted by Shattuck-St. Mary's is coming up soon!  Registration now available!  Hone your skills, continue playing, prepare for the fall, all with the Community Soccer Camp.  Camp is hosted by the Shattuck / St. Mary's Soccer Center of Excellence! Click HERE for registration info. 

Pregnancy Options Run Baby Run! Event August 10: Support the mission of Faribault's Pregnancy Options and participate in their 10th annual Run Baby Run fundraiser with 10k, 5k and 1 mile options. Click HERE for info and the link to register. 

Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 7/19/24

date 07/26/2024 author Kris Sauer category July 2024, 2024-25 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

July 22, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardians: 

We are humbled by the confidence extended by the Board of Directors in naming us interim Co-Head of School and look forward to partnering with all of you to continue our mission of providing a Dominican Catholic education following the pillars of prayer, study, community, and service to guide your sons and daughters toward personal, spiritual, and academic excellence. (Click HERE for the leadership announcement email from Board Chair Beth Dienst sent the morning of 7/122/24 for more information.)

As we plan for 160th year of academic excellence, we are excited to welcome the following members to the Bethlehem Academy team:

Grant Yackly, Assistant AD/Assistant Dean/Technology Integrationist: I am delighted to be joining the BA community. Most recently, I served as a Health and Physical Education Teacher at the Academy of Holy Angels. Additionally, I coached boys' high school hockey for two seasons and held various summer educational positions for New Prague Area Schools. I obtained my bachelor's degree from Minnesota State University - Mankato and am set to complete my master's degree next summer at the University of St. Thomas. I am dedicated to fostering a Christ-like environment in all my past and future endeavors, both personally and professionally. I am very excited about beginning at BA!

Tom Nardi, Middle School Theology Teacher: 
I am thrilled to join the BA community as the Middle School Theology Teacher! I'm from Prior Lake and attended the University of St. Thomas where I studied Theology and Catholic Studies. I spent the last year working and teaching at Brilla College Prep Middle School in The Bronx, NYC with the Seton Teaching Fellows program, and I’m excited to be back home! I’m an avid MN sports fan and watch all of the Vikings and Twins games, I also like to keep score/stats for the Twins as well. I’m excited to meet everyone and teach the students of Bethlehem Academy!

Nathan Bienias, School Counselor: I am excited to join you as your new school counselor for grades 9-12. I'm here to support you in achieving your academic goals and addressing your social and emotional needs. Originally from New Brighton, MN, I enjoy all things nerdy, including Magic: The Gathering and Dungeons & Dragons. My favorite band this year is Sleep Token. A fun fact about me is that I have a twin brother with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). My girlfriend and I bond over our love of cats, and she inspired me to get two kitties of my own - pictures available upon request. I look forward to getting to know each of you and helping you find success in your high school journey!

In addition, we congratulation Brent Zabel on his promotion to Dean of Students while we welcome the addition of Lindsay Bjorkquist, who - we learned late last week - will step in Katie Smith's position as middle school counseling support (see intro graphic at left). Stephen, as previously announced, will be on hand through the end of July before transitioning to a new counseling position at Lakeville South. Finally, we are excited to add Joe Zappa as our new nighttime custodian.

As we partner with you for the upcoming year, find a list of summer volunteer hours below - including a VERY flexible opportunity to earn hours by helping us prep and paint the concessions area for a much-needed refresh! If you haven't already, a reminder to please complete your tuition contract as soon as possible. Click HERE to log in. Find the purple tuition icon and follow the prompts to set up your contract. Thank you to those who have already taken care of this!  Please note any unpaid 2023-24 tuition will be added to your 2024-2025 tuition contract if not paid by August 23rd. Contact Lisa to make arrangements for payment or if there are any questions.  

Don't forget to sign up to join us for the Cardinal Golf Classic August 2nd at the Legacy. This is a great day of fun and fellowship with fellow BA parents, alumni and supporters. Click HERE for more information, including affordable sponsorship options to raise the profile of your company with our 100+ golfers. Support our 8 SMART riders with a donation through July 31. Click HERE

THANK YOU to the Simones and Casper family for their excellent work organizing and running the BA Cardinal Cafe fair stand. Their efforts, as well as the efforts of all of our student and parent volunteers, meant we had another successful week at the Rice County Fair! 

Finally, blessings and prayers to our colleagues at Divine Mercy Catholic School as they move into their new building on the DMCC parish campus. Find a link to help them move in the volunteer opportunities section below. 

Kris SauerEd Friesen
Interim Co-Head of School


Parent Volunteer Program Information: Click HERE

See below for a list of parent and student volunteer opportunities this month. The concessions project help  is VERY flexible in terms of days and times!

  • DMCS Moving Help (BA parents and students earn service hours) Click HERE to sign up. Self-report your hours in POINT; we will get a list from DMCS as well so as not to miss anyone! 
  • Paint the Concessions Stand Monday, July 22! Help us save money on the concessions project and join us to prep and paint the concessions and bathrooms. A 2nd paint date is set for Monday, July 29. Contact Kris if you can help!

HOST FAMILY NEEDED: We are still seeking a host family for Daln, an incoming 8th grade girl from South Korea. Daln's favorite subject is P.E. and Art. She loves to make friends, work out, and aspires to become a cosmetologist. KoAm provides the host family gift of $500/month and provides additional student fund to cover all additional expense for the student. Boarding and transportation provided by the host family. BA provides a tuition credit, fulfillment of the parent service hour requirement, and a year-long home athletic passes. It is a wonderful way to bring a great cultural exchange within your own community! Please contact KoAm's local area coordinator Haewon Park at 612-234-1518 or

Summer Band Starts July 30! 
High school summer band camp is on July 30th and August 1st, 6th, 8th, 13th, and 15th from 3:30 to 6:00. Plan to meet in the band room. We will be going over our band handbook, working on pep band music, polishing our parade marching for Homecoming, and meeting new members of the band. If you cannot make it to one of the rehearsals, please let Mr. Lorence know. (email:

2024-2025 BA School Calendar: Click HERE 

Student Summer Reading Assignments: Click HERE to find titles and reading guides for each grade and/or high school class for your sons and daughters. 

Summer Office Hours: BA's front office is open Monday through Thursday, 9am-1pm, closed Fridays.


Register for the Eucharistic Congress here:

Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 7/12/24

date 07/18/2024 author Kris Sauer category July 2024, 2024-25 comment Leave a comment

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2024-2025)

July 12, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardians: 

We hope you had a wonderful July 4th weekend, and are enjoying this week of sun and little to no rain!

THANK YOU to our 2024 SMART Riders: current and past parents Sara & Cory Caron, Aaron Langer, Bob Crone, and George Farmer; alumni Wade Bauer (BA Class of 1974) and Dave DeGrood (BA Class of 1977); and BA Art Teacher Jason Hillesheim! They have been braving the heat and contending with newly arranged routes thanks to all the rain we've had lately. The ride concludes tomorrow (Saturday). Please keep them in your prayers as they ride and raise dollars to help BA students with tuition assistance, and consider supporting them with a donation HERE

As we partner with you for the upcoming year, find a list of summer volunteer hours below - including a VERY flexible opportunity to earn hours by helping us remove wallpaper, paint, and prep the concessions area for a much-needed refresh! A reminder to please complete your tuition contract as soon as possible. Click HERE to log in. Find the purple tuition icon and follow the prompts to set up your contract. Thank you to those who have already taken care of this!  Please note any unpaid 2023-24 tuition will be added to your 2024-2024 tuition contract if not paid by August 23rd. Contact Lisa to make arrangements for payment or if there are any questions.  

Don't forget to sign up to join us for the Cardinal Golf Classic August 2nd at the Legacy. This is a great day of fun and fellowship with fellow BA parents, alumni and supporters. Click HERE for more information, including affordable sponsorship options to raise the profile of your company with our 100+ golfers. 

Finally, blessings and prayers to our colleagues at Divine Mercy Catholic School as they move into their new building on the DMCC parish campus. Find a link to help them move below. 

Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
Kris SauerEd Friesen, Brent Zabel
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at


Parent Volunteer Program Information: Click HERE

See below for a list of parent and student volunteer opportunities this month. The concessions help is VERY flexible in terms of days and times!

  • July 17-21: BA fair stand @ the Rice County Fair - parent and student volunteers needed, click here to sign up. Help needed all shifts but especially on Sunday, July 21. 
  • DMCS Moving Help (BA parents and students earn service hours) Click HERE to sign up. 
  • Concessions Phase 1: July 16, 6:30pm: Help us save money on the concessions project and join us to strip the wallpaper borders in the bathrooms. Prep and painting planned for the last 2 weeks of July. Contact Kris if you can help!

HOST FAMILY NEEDED: We are still seeking a host family for Daln, an incoming 8th grade girl from South Korea. Daln's favorite subject is P.E. and Art. She loves to make friends, work out, and aspires to become a cosmetologist. KoAm provides the host family gift of $500/month and provides additional student fund to cover all additional expense for the student. Boarding and transportation provided by the host family. BA provides a tuition credit, fulfillment of the parent service hour requirement, and a year-long home athletic passes. It is a wonderful way to bring a great cultural exchange within your own community! Please contact KoAm's local area coordinator Haewon Park at 612-234-1518 or

2024-2025 BA School Calendar: Click HERE 

Student Summer Reading Assignments: Click HERE to find titles and reading guides for each grade and/or high school class for your sons and daughters. 

Summer Office Hours: BA's front office is open Monday through Thursday, 9am-1pm, closed Fridays.


Register for the Eucharistic Congress here:

Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 6/30/24

date 07/12/2024 author Kris Sauer category June 2024, 2023-24 comment Leave a comment

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)

June 30, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardians: 

The Bethlehem Academy Board of Directors closed out the 2023-2024 school year at their meeting Wednesday night. Thank you to outgoing Board Chair, Cory Caron, for his leadership these past three years and welcome to incoming Board Chair, Beth Dienst. We extend our gratitude as well to Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa Associates Mary Jane Alexander and Patty Murray, for their service to the Board. 

The Selection Committee for the Head of School position, together with school leadership, is actively working on an interim leadership model for the 2024-2025 school year while we continue with the search process. We will share more in the coming weeks.

The Board also passed an updated PSEO class reimbursement policy effective for next school year: for each PSEO class of 3 credits or more taken in a high school semester, tuition may be reduced 3.5% if, upon successful completion of the course, parents make a request to the BA business office within a time period set by the school administration. Once classes begin in the fall, details on the process and relevant deadlines will be provided in a timely manner to those affected by this policy.  

n contracts / Scrip: We ask parents to complete their tuition contracts and set up a payment schedule in EduTrak ASAP. Click HERE to log in. Find the purple tuition icon and follow the prompts to set up your contract. Email Lisa Moon if you need family key information to set up an account. FYI: Scrip credits earned will be applied to EduTrak contracts as a payment June 28.

Happy Fourth of July! A reminder that the office will be closed next week, July 1-5. The leadership team is likewise taking time away from the office July 1-5. Enjoy your time with friends and family!

Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
Kris SauerEd Friesen, Brent Zabel
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at


Parent Volunteer Program Information: Click HERE

  • July 11-13: SMART Bike Ride for Catholic education. Click HERE to register to ride or sponsor a rider. (Participating parents earn volunteer hours for biking!) 
  • July 17-21: BA fair stand @ the Rice County Fair - parent and student volunteers needed, click here to sign up. 
  • August 2: BA Cardinal Golf Classic - sponsor this great event and/or golf with us at the Legacy! Click here to register. 

FREE Baby Grand Piano! A member of our BA community has a Yamaha baby grand piano they would like to give to a passionate instrument lover who will take it and care for it. Please reach out to Gina Yetzer if interested. 

2024-2025 BA School Calendar: Click HERE 

Student Summer Reading Assignments: Click HERE to find titles and reading guides for each grade and/or high school class for your sons and daughters. 

Lost and Found: Claim by July 10!

Summer Office Hours: BA's front office is open Monday through Thursday, 9am-1pm, closed Fridays, and will be closed the week of July 1-5.

PSE Local Coordinator Position Available: PSE, the student exchange company that is sending Bethlehem Academy a Korean boy for the '24-'25 school year is looking for a Local Coordinator.  This is a contracted, paid position and is about 1 hour per month.  The Local Coordinator checks in with the student and the host family monthly and fills out an online report (14 questions) and uploads the students grades in a PDF format. The LC vets the host family, making a trip to the home to meet the family and see the student's bedroom and also does an orientation with the family (a PowerPoint presentation) and also the same with the student. The pay is $80 a month to fill out the online report and the LC then gets paid $300 for meeting the family and doing the orientations for both students. Please contact Cheryl Da Silva, PSE Regional Manager 617 710 5700 or if interested.


Register for the Eucharistic Congress here:

Faribault Transportation Open House
Faribault Transportation is holding an Open House on Tuesday, June 25th from 4:00 to 6:30pm. It’s a fun Summer get together with our drivers.  It is open to the community.  If you are interested in driving school bus or being a bus aide, this is a great opportunity to learn more about these positions at Faribault Transportation. Tuesday, June 25th from 4-6:30pm. Bring your family!!  Faribault Transportation is located at 2615 NW 1st Ave. in Faribault.

Fall sport option for BA students!  Mountain biking with the local team: Cannon Valley Composite.  All ability levels are welcome.  For more information, reach out to Coach Todd Trembley at

Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 6/21/24

date 06/27/2024 author Kris Sauer category June 2024, 2023-24 comment Leave a comment

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)

June 21, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardians: 

Summer is underway and the leadership team together with staff are working hard to close out 2023-2024 and prepare for the next school year. Look below our signature for information on summer events including parent and student volunteer opportunities, student & staff summer read info, lost and found items, and office hours. 

Tuition contracts/registrations/Scrip: As we near the end of June, we ask parents to complete their tuition contracts and set up a payment schedule in EduTrak ASAP. Click HERE to log in. Find the purple tuition icon and follow the prompts to set up your contract. Email Lisa Moon if you need family key information to set up an account. FYI: Scrip credits earned will be applied to EduTrak contracts as a payment June 28.

2 Host Families Needed! We are looking for two families to host an 8th grade girl and an 8th grade boy (not siblings) from South Korea for 2024-2025. See the parent email sent 6/20; contact Kris Sauer if interested. 

Prayers and thanksgiving for a successful, faith-filled trip student trip to Italy (including Rome, Assisi, and Florence), for an end to this incessant rain, and for a safe, happy, and healthy summer break!

Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen UphusKatie Smith
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at


Parent Volunteer Program Information: Click HERE

  • WIN CASH-Cardinal Club Raffle: Order your 2024 Cardinal Club raffle tickets by noon June 27 for a chance to win cash! Top prize: $1500. Click HERE for an order form. 
  • July 11-13: SMART Bike Ride for Catholic education. Click HERE to register to ride or sponsor a rider. (Participating parents earn volunteer hours for biking!) 
  • July 17-21: BA fair stand @ the Rice County Fair - parent and student volunteers needed, click here to sign up. 
  • August 2: BA Cardinal Golf Classic - sponsor this great event and/or golf with us at the Legacy! Click here to register. 

2024-2025 BA School Calendar: Click HERE 

Staff/Student Summer Reading Assignments: Both students and staff have a summer reading assignment this year. Click HERE to find titles and reading guides for each grade and/or high school class for your sons and daughters. Staff is reading "The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness" by Jonathan Haid, a particularly timely title as social media warnings and school cell phone bans are in the news this week. 

Lost and Found: Claim by July 10!


Summer Office Hours: BA's front office is open Monday through Thursday, 9am-1pm, closed Fridays, and will be closed the week of July 1-5.

PSE Local Coordinator Position Available: PSE, the student exchange company that is sending Bethlehem Academy a Korean boy for the '24-'25 school year is looking for a Local Coordinator.  This is a contracted, paid position and is about 1 hour per month.  The Local Coordinator checks in with the student and the host family monthly and fills out an online report (14 questions) and uploads the students grades in a PDF format. The LC vets the host family, making a trip to the home to meet the family and see the student's bedroom and also does an orientation with the family (a PowerPoint presentation) and also the same with the student. The pay is $80 a month to fill out the online report and the LC then gets paid $300 for meeting the family and doing the orientations for both students. Please contact Cheryl Da Silva, PSE Regional Manager 617 710 5700 or if interested.


Register for the Eucharistic Congress here:

Faribault Transportation Open House
Faribault Transportation is holding an Open House on Tuesday, June 25th from 4:00 to 6:30pm. It’s a fun Summer get together with our drivers.  It is open to the community.  If you are interested in driving school bus or being a bus aide, this is a great opportunity to learn more about these positions at Faribault Transportation. Tuesday, June 25th from 4-6:30pm. Bring your family!!  Faribault Transportation is located at 2615 NW 1st Ave. in Faribault.

Fall sport option for BA students!  Mountain biking with the local team: Cannon Valley Composite.  All ability levels are welcome.  For more information, reach out to Coach Todd Trembley at

Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 5/31/24

date 06/20/2024 author Kris Sauer category May 2024, 2023-24 comment Leave a comment

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)

May 31, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardians: 

Happy summer! We hope you and your family has a wonderful, relaxing break. School may be finished for the year, but there is still a lot happening at BA! See below for important summer transition information.

Staffing Updates: The end of the school year also brings with it some changes in staffing for next year. We are excited to welcome Mr. Tom Nardi to the staff as our new middle school theology teacher. Tom is a University of St. Thomas alumni who spent the last year in the Bronx with the with the Seton Education Partners program. We are excited to welcome him to the BA team! Sadly as the school year ends, we say farewell to Ms. Emily Cicha (Choir) who will be moving on to new opportunities and to Mr. Ken Gigante who has returned to the Philippines with his family. Mr. Stephen Uphus will also be departing staff for a new opportunity, but will be available to work with students through the end of July and will continue coaching football in the fall. We are thankful for their time with us at BA and wish them all the best. We are working to fill these positions, along with hiring a night time custodian and a high school math teacher. Find current openings HERE and please spread the word!  

Parent Volunteer Program: Information was sent out via email Thursday. A reminder that the policy was amended this year and any parent hours not served (25 hours per family) will be billed next May. Please click HERE for all the details and to get signed up in POINT (replacing SignUpGenius) to volunteer. LOTS of summer volunteer opportunities, including selling raffle tickets after Mass June 15-16, the Heritage Days parade June 15, helping on the golf tournament committee, biking the SMART Ride July 11, 12 and/or 13, working at the BA fair stand (July 17-21), and signing up to be a parent class ambassador. Reach out to Kris Sauer with any questions.  

2024-2025 tuition contracts are now available in Wordware/EduTrak. If you have an existing account, please click HERE to log in. Find the purple tuition icon and follow the prompts to set up your contract. Don't have an account? Watch for an email from Lisa Moon with your family key and login information. Please reach out if to Kris or Lisa if you have any questions. Thank you! 

2 Host Families Needed! We are looking for two families to host an 8th grade girl and an 8th grade boy (not siblings) from South Korea for 2024-2025. Please consider opening your home to this student so they can join us at BA! Host families receive a monthly stipend, a tuition credit, and fulfill their parent service hour commitment when they host an international student. Please contact Kris Sauer if interested. 

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar

  • June 15: Heritage Days parade - parent/student volunteers needed. Click HERE to sign up. 
  • July 11-13: SMART Bike Ride for Catholic education. Click HERE to register to ride. 
  • July 17-21: BA fair stand @ the Rice County Fair - parent and student volunteers needed, click here to sign up. 
  • August 2: BA Cardinal Golf Classic - golf with us at the Legacy! Earn service hours - be a committee member for this event! Click here to sign up. 

Kudos to our spring sport athletes! Good luck to our co-op track athletes competing in section finals tomorrow. Special shout out to Barak Barner (110 hurdles) and Brooklyn Becker (800m) qualifying for state in Thursday's preliminary races. Girls softball finished their season in Austin last week, boys co-op baseball finished their season in Winona yesterday with a tough 6-5 loss. 

Prayers for a safe, happy, healthy summer break!

Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen UphusKatie Smith
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at


Summer Office Hours: Starting Monday, June 3, BA's front office will be open Monday through Thursday, 9am-1pm, closed Fridays.

Summer Reading Assignments: English teachers have begun sharing the 2024 class-based summer reading assignments. Click
HERE to find titles and reading guides for each grade and/or high school class.

BA Summer Camps: All are welcome to join our summer camp programs! Click HERE for information and registration forms for our volleyball, girls & boys basketball, football, and robotics camps this summer. Information for the fall 2024 grade 4-6 youth football league sign up is also included on this page.


Click HERE to register for Totus Tuus.

Click HERE to sign up for Summer Stretch.

Register for the Eucharistic Congress here:



Fall sport option for BA students!  Mountain biking with the local team: Cannon Valley Composite.  All ability levels are welcome.  For more information, reach out to Coach Todd Trembley at


Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 5/25/24

date 05/30/2024 author Kris Sauer category May 2024, 2023-24 comment Leave a comment

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)

May 25, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardians: 

Congratulations to the graduates of the Class of 2024! What an amazing week celebrating these 43 hardworking students. We are so excited to see what they do next, and are blessed and grateful to have been part of their journey.

NO SCHOOL Monday for Memorial Day!

High school finals
conclude next week for students grades 9-11, Red day period 1-3 exams on Tuesday and White day period 1-3 exams on Wednesday. Students will be dismissed at 1:05pm on both Tuesday and Wednesday.

Middle school students will have a field day on Wednesday. Dress code items ALLOWED for the day: athletic shorts, leggings, regular t-shirts with sleeves, appropriate any size logos. Not allowed: Spandex shorts, clothing showing bottom or midriffs. 
Please wear walking shoes and carry bring your own water bottle. 

Parent volunteer information was sent out via email Thursday. Please click HERE for information, including all the summer volunteer opportunities we have available. 

2024-2025 tuition contracts are now available in Wordware/EduTrak. If you have an existing account, please click HERE to log in. Find the purple tuition icon and follow the prompts to set up your contract. Don't have an account? Watch for an email from Lisa Moon with your family key and login information. Please reach out if to Kris or Lisa if you have any questions. Thank you! 

The week ahead:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar

  • June 15: Heritage Days parade - parent/student volunteers needed
  • July 11-13: SMART Bike Ride for Catholic education 
  • July 17-21: BA fair stand @ the Rice County Fair - parent and student volunteers needed
  • August 2: BA Cardinal Golf Classic - golf with us at the Legacy! 

Prayers for the Class of 2024 and for a restful Memorial Day weekend. Prayers to all our fallen military members and their families. 

Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen UphusKatie Smith
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at


Message from the School Nurse: If your student has a medication that is not controlled, please pick up from the nurses office by May 29, 2024. If you have a controlled medication, make sure you have made arrangements to pick from nurse before May 29, at 1pm. Thank you! Have a great summer!

Summer Office Hours: Starting Monday, June 3, BA's front office will be open Monday through Thursday, 9am-1pm, closed Fridays.

Summer Reading Assignments: English teachers have begun sharing the 2024 class-based summer reading assignments. Click
HERE to find titles and reading guides for each grade and/or high school class.

BA Summer Camps: All are welcome to join our summer camp programs! Click HERE for information and registration forms for our volleyball, girls & boys basketball, football, and robotics camps this summer. Information for the fall 2024 grade 4-6 youth football league sign up is also included on this page.

Click HERE to register for Totus Tuus.

Click HERE to sign up for Summer Stretch.




Register for the Eucharistic Congress here:



Fall sport option for BA students!  Mountain biking with the local team: Cannon Valley Composite.  All ability levels are welcome.  For more information, reach out to Coach Todd Trembley at

Stanford Summer Mentors program: Click HERE for the flyer with more information on this program. 


Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Our Mission
Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
105 3rd Ave. SW
Faribault, MN  55021
Phone:  507-334-3948
Fax:  507-334-3949