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Family Focus 11/19/21

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
November 19, 2021
Dear BA Families:
It’s almost Thanksgiving! I know your scholar has been working hard on both their academics and activities. Keep encouraging them as they strive for excellence in following the Dominican pillars of prayer, study, community and service. At this time of year their motivation can wane and be distracted by the excitement of the holidays. I will have our mother's group pray for them both in their studies and their health!
Just a reminder that we are postponing Grandparents Day. November 23rd will be a normal, regular school day from 8:05 a.m. to 2:55 p.m. We look forward to rescheduling this special event in the spring!
The Bethlehem Academy Annual Report and Traditions magazine are out. Our Annual Report is on our website at this link: Annual Report. Pick up a Traditions magazine in the school office or on the table by the hallway to learn more about BA alumni and a recap of last year.
Our Counselor is creating special videos to share with all BA students during homeroom time. She will release these typically weekly. To follow, we will share the videos with you for discussion at home: Wednesday Wisdom
COVID Updates: Currently masks are being required in classes as an additional mitigation strategy. See the email from this past week regarding this. We will re-evaluate this after Thanksgiving break. Presently, BA has 3 active COVID cases (after today) and 16 additional students in quarantine. Since the start of the year we have had 32 total positive cases. Please help us stay in-person by following these mitigation strategies.
UPDATES ON FUNDRAISERS: Review our 2020-21 Annual Report on our BA website at: Annual Report 2020-21
- BA BASH Raffle 2021: Get your raffle tickets - great stocking stuffers! Prizes are $2021, $1021 and $521. Please get your ticket order form HERE. Drawing held December 31, 2021.
- Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift, the stronger DMCS is, the stronger BA will be! Click HERE to learn more.
- Student Sales: Prom students are selling Randy's Meats' Products through today, November 19. Get your orders in, information below!
- Annual Fund: To date we have raised: $74,900 with a match of $50,000! Thank you! Our goal this year is $255,000 for critical needs of our school. Please consider a donation through June 2022: Donate Online (click)
KUDOS: Congratulations to all of our students who submitted poems for the Veteran's Day program: Penelope Parrish, Preston Hubers, Harrison Gibbs, Matthew Volkmuth, Emily Rauenhorst, Eva Ardolf, Riley Bauer, Annabelle Francis, Jesus Palma, Anna DeMars, Aaron Huerta, Zachary Velishek, Thelma Santarrosa, Elliot Daschner and Kendra Hanson. Thelma was selected by SADD to present her poem during the programs. Each poem was so well written - Congratulations!
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
- Nov 20: HS Robotics Meet
- Nov 22: Dress Down Day-Rome Trip Fundraiser
- Nov 22: CSCOE online Parent Session on technology, see below
- Nov 23: Regular School Day (Grandparents Day postponed to the spring)
- Nov 24-29: Thanksgiving Break (Updated from earlier calendars)
- Nov. 29: NO SCHOOL / Teacher Workday/Student Catch Up Day
- Dec 4: Benefactor's Brunch
- Find our event school calendar on our website HERE
- The Salvation Army needs bell ringers: Sign up here
Junior Class Randy's Meats Fundraiser to Nov 19
Deadline Today!! 11th graders are taking Randy’s Meats orders for pizza, soups, meats, cookies, desserts and an assortment of Christmas decorations and gifts. All proceeds go to Prom 2022; order deadline is Friday, November 19. If the class raises $6000, junior Riley Langenfeld will shave his head!
Basketball Registration
Registration for the school's basketball teams is now available. Please see for the registration form. The activity fee is $140 per player and may be paid online at or by check to the school office. Participants also need to have a current sports physical clearance on file in the activities office. Girls basketball practice began Monday, November 15. Boys basketball practices will begin on Monday, November 22.
CSCOE PARENT SESSION: "Technology, Social Media, Screen Time and Parenting" November 22 at 7 p.m. with Dr. Jules Nolan
The use of social media and technology is one of the most popular areas of concern for parents of children and adolescents. How much is too much? How do we keep our kids safe online? What about the constant social comparisons? This session will focus on the latest research on use of social media and technology. It will also help us understand the relationship between brain development and what drives the need to feel connected online, as well as those areas of big concern like pornography and algorithms that target adolescent vulnerabilities. Parenting tips will be offered. Click HERE to register.
Holiday Scrip Now Available! Click HERE for a flyer with more information.
Positivity Project: Gratitude
Gratitude - "You are aware of and thankful for good things that happen" - is our Positivity Project character strength for this week and next. Find additional resources to use at home at the following links (password: P2): Grades 6-8 and Grades 9-12.
Student Shadow Days/New Student Application Information
Invite an interested family to learn more about BA! Invite a student interested in BA to join your scholar for the day! Student shadow days now available weekly. Invite a friend to register for a shadow day HERE. Family tours are offered M-F from 9am-4:30pm. Click HERE to sign up. New student online applications for the 2022-2023 school year are now open! You are our greatest resource in bringing great new students to BA! Please contact Kris Sauer If you are interested in hosting a informational meeting in your home for prospective students and their families. Watch Facebook and our website (News and Enrollment tabs) for more information.
Wolf Ridge Parent Info Mtg-Dec 1
Attention 8th Grade Parents: there will be a Wolf Ridge Parent Meeting on Wed, December 1 6 PM via Zoom. At least one parent from each family should plan to attend. Contact Julie Smisek with any questions prior to meeting. Zoom meeting link:
Bethlehem Academy is Hiring!
We have coaching openings in track and field and fast pitch softball and are looking for people to officiate junior high basketball games. Please email if interested.
Winter Youth Activities
Looking for something for your scholars to do this winter? Check out this flyer in English and in Spanish for information and links to great programming in our Faribault community, including: sports, 4-H, the public library, parks & rec, River Bend Nature Center, the Paradise Center for the Arts, and more!
COVID Vaccination Clinics
Rice County Public Health is hosting vaccination clinics for students ages 5 and up. Students must be pre-registered; walk-ins must have a parent present. Clinics held in Northfield Nov 18th, 3:30-6:30pm (flyers in English and Spanish) and in Faribault Nov 23rd, 3:15-5:45pm (flyers in English and Spanish).
Free Meals for Students
Community dinners are offered Monday-Thursday, 4:30-5:30pm at Jefferson Elementary School (922 Home Place). Kids eat free; adult meals are $3.50. More information in English and Spanish HERE.
Click the link below for the calendar.
Family Focus 11/12/21

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
November 12, 2021
Dear BA Families:
"Here we go Cardinals!" It's exciting to have our volleyball team back at State this year. I look forward to cheering them on as they compete. Thank you for once again adjusting with us this past week in regards to having your scholar wear masks and then moving to online learning. We return to in-person learning on Monday, Nov. 15 as most quarantines end on Monday.
Join us for a short Veteran's Day Celebration on Monday at 8:30 a.m. Our band and choir will salute area veterans, student written poems will be read, and we will hear from Major Dan Rasmussen, U.S. Marine Corps, National Guard and Army Reserves (Retired). A small reception will be hosted for veterans after the program.
UPDATES ON FUNDRAISERS: Review our 2020-21 Annual Report on our BA website at: Annual Report 2020-21
- BA BASH Raffle 2021: Get your raffle tickets - great stocking stuffers! Prizes are $2021, $1021 and $521. Please get your ticket order form HERE. Drawing held December 31, 2021.
- Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift, the stronger DMCS is, the stronger BA will be! Click HERE to learn more.
- Student Sales: Prom students are selling Randy's Meats' Products today through November 19. Get your orders in, information below!
- Annual Fund: To date we have raised: $64,800 with a match of $50,000! Thank you! Our goal this year is $255,000 for critical needs of our school. Please consider a donation on "Give to the Max Day - Nov. 18" or anytime through June 2022: Donate Online (click)
COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: As of 11/15/2021 we will have six active positive cases with an additional 13 students quarantining due to exposure. Masks continue to be recommended to help mitigate additional spread. Visit our COVID web page for mitigation strategies, additional information and clinic listings.
KUDOS: Thank you to our fall volleyball and football coaches for great seasons! Special thanks to Faribault Public School for the cooperative sports program, we have several students competing in soccer, swimming, tennis, wrestling, hockey, dance line and cross country and are thankful for this partnership.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
- Nov. 15: Veteran's Day program! Calling all Veterans, please arrive by 8:15 for a short program at 8:30 a.m.
- Nov. 16: Letter jacket orders 7:30-8:30am-see below for more info
- Nov 17: Student of the Month Ceremony, 7:30am, BA Cafeteria
- Nov 18: Paradise Student Gallery opening reception, 5-7pm
- Nov. 18: BA Open House Info HERE; Registration HERE
- Nov. 19: Band Trip to U of MN Indoor Concert; Drama Club after school until 4pm.
- Nov 20: HS Robotics Meet
- Nov 22: Dress Down Day-Rome Trip Fundraiser
- Nov 23: Grandparents Day, 1pm (Updated from earlier calendars)
- Nov 24-26: Thanksgiving Break (Updated from earlier calendars)
- Dec 4: Benefactor's Brunch
- Find our event school calendar on our website HERE
Letter Jackets-Nov 16
Meca Sportswear will be at Bethlehem Academy on Tuesday, November 16 from 7:30am to 8:30am for letter jacket orders. Students that have lettered in a varsity activity or expect to letter this year are invited to order a letter jacket. More information attached.
Junior Class Randy's Meats Fundraiser to Nov 19
11th graders are taking Randy’s Meats orders for pizza, soups, meats, cookies, desserts and an assortment of Christmas decorations and gifts. All proceeds go to Prom 2022; order deadline is Friday, November 19. If the class raises $6000, junior Riley Langenfeld will shave his head!
CSCOE PARENT SESSION: "Technology, Social Media, Screen Time and Parenting" November 22 at 7 p.m. with Dr. Jules Nolan
The use of social media and technology is one of the most popular areas of concern for parents of children and adolescents. How much is too much? How do we keep our kids safe online? What about the constant social comparisons? This session will focus on the latest research on use of social media and technology. It will also help us understand the relationship between brain development and what drives the need to feel connected online, as well as those areas of big concern like pornography and algorithms that target adolescent vulnerabilities. Parenting tips will be offered. Click HERE to register.
Grandparents' Day-Nov 23, 1pm
We will be holding our annual Grandparents' Day on Tuesday, November 23 at 1:00pm in Van Orsow Auditorium. We hope many of our students' grandparents can join us. Proxy grandparents are also welcome. Click HERE for information.
Basketball Registration
Registration for the school's basketball teams is now available. Please see for the registration form. The activity fee is $140 per player and may be paid online at or by check to the school office. Participants also need to have a current sports physical clearance on file in the activities office.
Girls basketball practice begins Monday, November 15. The high school girls will practice from 3:10-5:00 on Monday. The junior high (grades 6-8) girls will meet on Monday after school and have practice begin Tuesday from 3:30 to 5:00.
Boys basketball practices will begin on Monday, November 22.
Holiday Scrip Now Available! Click HERE for a flyer with more information.
Positivity Project: Gratitude
Gratitude - "You are aware of and thankful for good things that happen" - is our Positivity Project character strength for this week and next. Find additional resources to use at home at the following links (password: P2): Grades 6-8 and Grades 9-12.
Open House/Shadow Days/New Student Application Information
Invite an interested family to learn more about BA! Our fall open house is Thurs, Nov 18 starting at 6pm. Pre-registration encouraged (sign up HERE); walk-ins welcome. Invite a student interested in BA to join your scholar for the day! Student shadow days now available weekly. Invite a friend to register for a shadow day HERE. Family tours are offered M-F from 9am-4:30pm. Click HERE to sign up. New student online applications for the 2022-2023 school year are now open! You are our greatest resource in bringing great new students to BA! Please contact Kris Sauer If you are interested in hosting a informational meeting in your home for prospective students and their families. Watch Facebook and our website (News and Enrollment tabs) for more information.
Attention Senior Parents!
Mark your calendars for the following important dates:
- Monday, November 15 - 4:00 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the FHS Library
Don't know where to start with the FAFSA? Come and complete the FAFSA with help from financial aid officers from surrounding colleges. The experts will be on hand to help navigate the form and answer all questions that you may have.
Bethlehem Academy is Hiring!
We have coaching openings in track and field and fast pitch softball and are looking for people to officiate junior high basketball games. Please email if interested.
Winter Youth Activities
Looking for something for your scholars to do this winter? Check out this flyer in English and in Spanish for information and links to great programming in our Faribault community, including: sports, 4-H, the public library, parks & rec, River Bend Nature Center, the Paradise Center for the Arts, and more!
COVID Vaccination Clinics
Rice County Public Health is hosting vaccination clinics for students ages 5 and up. Students must be pre-registered; walk-ins must have a parent present. Clinics held in Northfield Nov 18th, 3:30-6:30pm (flyers in English and Spanish) and in Faribault Nov 23rd, 3:15-5:45pm (flyers in English and Spanish).
Free Meals for Students
Community dinners are offered Monday-Thursday, 4:30-5:30pm at Jefferson Elementary School (922 Home Place). Kids eat free; adult meals are $3.50. More information in English and Spanish HERE.
Click the link below for the calendar.
Grandparents' Day Flyer
Meca Sportswear Letter Jacket Information
Josten's Traditional BA Class Ring Order Form
Family Focus 11-05-2021

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
November 5, 2021
Dear BA Families:
All Saints Mass began our week. During this first week of November we gathered on Monday for "All Saints Mass" hosted by Divine Mercy Catholic School's 4th grade class. What a beautiful way to begin our week and reflect on the lives of the Saints! Our Spanish classes also created a Dia de Los Muertos Altar in memory of those we love.
Although our football team is not continuing in sections, they have much to be proud of in their accomplishments this year. I am very proud of these young men for their commitment and their prowess. Please congratulate them when you see them cheering on the girls in volleyball! Our volleyball team continues on to fight for a chance to represent BA at State. Please plan to join us in cheering them on as they compete tomorrow (Saturday, Nov 6) at 10am in Rochester!
Our "Traditions" publication is out! Watch for yours in the mail if you are alumni or stop in to pick one up. Special thanks to Kari Tobin for her layout styling and Brent Zabel and Jason Hillesheim for their photography skills. Thanks to Mellanie Smith and Kris Sauer for assisting in writing the articles.
Facemasks Required Next Week, Nov 8-12
I’m sorry to report that we have had 5 positive COVID cases, as of now, just this week alone. We suspect this is a result of all of the gatherings and events over Halloween weekend. Thankfully so far no one is hospitalized, but with volleyball playoffs and potential greater spread at school, we are asking all students/staff to wear masks next week to see if we can stop the spread.This will also help ensure that our volleyball team members can play in competitions potentially this next week. Thank you for your cooperation.
- BA BASH Raffle 2021: Get your raffle tickets - great stocking stuffers! Prizes are $2021, $1021 and $521. Please get your ticket order form HERE. Drawing held December 31, 2021.
- Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift, the stronger DMCS is, the stronger BA will be! Click HERE to learn more.
- Student Sales: Prom students are selling Randy's Meats' Products today through November 19. Get your orders in, information below!
- Annual Fund: To date we have raised: $64,800 with a match of $50,000! Thank you! Our goal this year is $255,000, which is critical to supporting teacher/staff salaries, supplies, books, student programs, and building and maintenance needs. Please consider a donation: Donate Online (click)
COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: As of 10/29/21 we have had 14 total COVID positive cases for the year. At this time we have five active cases/three families.
KUDOS: Thank you to Emily Shimota, Noah Battles, sacristans, eucharistic ministers and our altar servers for assisting with the joint All Saints Mass.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
- Nov. 5: Veteran's Day student poem deadline (see below)
- Nov. 9: HS Synod small group at DMCC - see info below
- Nov 10: Student of the Month Ceremony, 7:30am, BA Cafeteria
- Nov. 11: Veteran's Day program! Calling all Veterans, please arrive by 8:15 for a short program at 8:30 a.m.
- Nov. 16: Letter jacket orders 7:30-8:30am-see below for more info
- Nov. 18: BA Open House Info HERE; Registration HERE
- Nov 18: Paradise Student Gallery opening reception, 5-7pm
- Nov. 19: Band Trip to U of MN Indoor Concert
- Nov 22: Dress Down Day-Rome Trip Fundraiser
- Nov 23: Grandparents Day, 1pm (Updated from earlier calendars)
- Nov 24-26: Thanksgiving Break (Updated from earlier calendars)
- Find our event school calendar on our website HERE

Socktober - Thank you!
Thanks to the BA community, the Student Service Club collected 636 pairs of new socks! Club officers will be taking them to St. Vincent de Paul next week.
8th Grade Wolf Ridge Trip Fundraiser-Deadline Nov 5
We are having our annual Tastefully Simple fundraiser sale with 100% of the profits helping to defray the bus cost for the February eighth grade Wolf Ridge trip. The deadline to order is TODAY, November 5th. Product information can be found at and orders can be made through Kris Shuda, a BA past parent who is generously donating the profits of her sales. Orders will be delivered directly to each customer’s door via UPS. Please direct any questions to Julie Smisek, 8th grade advisor, at or Kris Shuda at the link above. Eighth graders and their families thank you for your support!
Veteran's Day Student Poetry Contest: Deadline Nov 5
SADD is sponsoring a poetry contest for Veteran's Day. Find a flier with more information HERE. The topic for the poem or tribute speech is Veteran’s Day or Patriotism. All students in grades 6-12 are eligible, the minimum is 10 lines. Email entries TODAY to Mrs. Donlon.
Letter Jackets-Nov 16
Meca Sportswear will be at Bethlehem Academy on Tuesday, November 16 from 7:30am to 8:30am for letter jacket orders. Students that have lettered in a varsity activity or expect to letter this year are invited to order a letter jacket. More information attached.
Junior Class Randy's Meats Fundraiser
11th graders are taking Randy’s Meats orders for pizza, soups, meats, cookies, desserts and an assortment of Christmas decorations and gifts. All proceeds go to Prom 2022; order deadline is Friday, November 19. If the class raises $6000, junior Riley Langenfeld will shave his head!
CSCOE PARENT SESSION: "Technology, Social Media, Screen Time and Parenting" November 22 at 7 p.m. with Dr. Jules Nolan
The use of social media and technology is one of the most popular areas of concern for parents of children and adolescents. How much is too much? How do we keep our kids safe online? What about the constant social comparisons? This session will focus on the latest research on use of social media and technology. It will also help us understand the relationship between brain development and what drives the need to feel connected online, as well as those areas of big concern like pornography and algorithms that target adolescent vulnerabilities. Parenting tips will be offered. Click HERE to register.
Grandparents' Day-Nov 23, 1pm
We will be holding our annual Grandparents' Day on Tuesday, November 23 at 1:00pm in Van Orsow Auditorium. We hope many of our students' grandparents can join us. Proxy grandparents are also welcome. More information to follow.
Holiday Scrip Now Available! Click HERE for a flyer with more information.
Open House/Shadow Days/New Student Application Information
Invite an interested family to learn more about BA! Our fall open house is Thurs, Nov 18 starting at 6pm. Pre-registration encouraged (sign up HERE); walk-ins welcome. Invite a student interested in BA to join your scholar for the day! Student shadow days now available weekly. Invite a friend to register for a shadow day HERE. Family tours are offered M-F from 9am-4:30pm. Click HERE to sign up. New student online applications for the 2022-2023 school year are now open! You are our greatest resource in bringing great new students to BA! Please contact Kris Sauer If you are interested in hosting a informational meeting in your home for prospective students and their families. Watch Facebook and our website (News and Enrollment tabs) for more information.
Attention Senior Parents!
Mark your calendars for the following important dates:
- Monday, November 15 - 4:00 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the FHS Library
Don't know where to start with the FAFSA? Come and complete the FAFSA with help from financial aid officers from surrounding colleges. The experts will be on hand to help navigate the form and answer all questions that you may have.
High Schoolers: The Synod Process Needs Your Voice!
It’s not too late to join a Synod small group, and share your perspectives with our parish and the Archdiocese! Parents, we need your voice as well! Sign up on the DMCC website HERE. Upcoming meetings are as follows, more information in the attached flyer:
- November 9: Youth Ministry and Young Adult Ministry
Bethlehem Academy is Hiring!
We are looking for a Development and Marketing Assistant and a Maintenance Team Member. Click HERE for more information and how to apply. We also have coaching openings in track and field and fast pitch softball and are looking for people to officiate junior high basketball games. Please email if interested.
Free Meals for Students
Community dinners are offered Monday-Thursday, 4:30-5:30pm at Jefferson Elementary School (922 Home Place). Kids eat free; adult meals are $3.50. More information in English and Spanish HERE.
Area Seniors Need Yard Help!
The following senior citizens in Faribault need help with yard work this fall. Find the list below, and contact Jessica Thornton (Program Coordinator, Senior Independence at Family Service Rochester) at or 507-287-2010 ext 1033 if you can help.
- Tom B - 526 Little Ford Lane, Faribault: Clean gutters
- Donna D - 620 8th St SW, Faribault: raking and window washing. Windows are older, need to be taken apart. Client will instruct and provide supplies.
- John H - 111 2nd St SW, Faribault: needs someone to move items in garage and help arrange things, has supplies
- Gloria O - 830 Rogers Row, Faribault: fall clean up. Raking, cleaning up year, hauling bags of leaves, etc to the landfill, has supplies
- Donna S - 422 Shumway Ave, Faribault: general yard clean up, raking
Click the link below for the calendar.
DMCC Synod Meetings: Young Adult & Parent Info
Meca Sportswear Letter Jacket Information
Josten's Traditional BA Class Ring Order Form
Family Focus 10/29/21

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
October 29, 2021
Dear BA Families:
This week begins our second quarter of the school year. It's an exciting week as our fall sports continue with play-off games. Congratulations to our football team with a win this past Tuesday! Kudos is also extended to our volleyball team who won their match last night over Houston! Both continue section play tomorrow (Saturday): volleyball at 10am vs Rushford-Peterson in Rochester; football at Fillmore Central at 7pm. Our Robotics and Knowledge Bowl teams will begin with winter training and competitions. Our Theater Club meets this Friday after school with assistance from director Patrick Braucher of the Paradise Center for the Arts. He will be supporting BA this year in our theatrical programming. Join us this quarter in celebrating our students, supporting their needs, and cheering them on as our new quarter begins.
ALL SAINTS DAY: On Monday, Nov 1, at 8:30 a.m. we will gather for an all school Mass with DMCS in our gymnasium. Everyone is invited! The 4th grade class will be sharing the stories of the "lives of the Saints" as we celebrate this Holy Day.
NO BUSING MONDAY: There will be no busing Monday, November 1, as the public school system does not have school for its students that day. Bethlehem Academy and Divine Mercy Catholic School do have school on Monday, November 1. Please make alternate transportation arrangements for your scholar to attend school on Monday.
DOES YOUR SCHOLAR NEED ACADEMIC SUPPORT? Take advantage of our school day support with Mrs. Kohl and Mr. Wollin, and our after school homework club with Mrs. Kohl and Mr. Ponciano.
- Spooktacular: Thank you for supporting our fundraising by participating or volunteering at Spooktacular. It was a great day, but we did not reach our goal and will be in school for a full day as scheduled on December 17, 2021.
- BA BASH Raffle 2021: BA is kicking off BA BASH Raffle 2021! With only 1000 tickets available, and prizes of $2021, $1021 and $521, this is a great way to get involved and support BA. We hope to raise $10,000 from this raffle and invite you to participate. Please get your ticket order form HERE and, with new beginnings ahead, pray for a healthy and positive 2022! Drawing held December 31, 2021.
- Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift, the stronger DMCS is, the stronger BA will be! Click HERE to learn more.
- Annual Fund: To date we have raised: $64,300 with a match of $50,000! Thank you! Our goal this year is $255,000, which is critical to supporting teacher/staff salaries, supplies, books, student programs, and building and maintenance needs. Please consider a donation: Donate Online (click)
COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: As of 10/29/21 we have had 11 total COVID positive cases for the year. We do not have any active cases at this time but do have some students quarantining due to exposure or positive family members.
KUDOS: Congratulations to our NHS members and their advisor, Ms. Piehl for the beautiful induction ceremony after Mass this week. Special congratulations to senior Sophia Smith who was named a finalist in the National College Match scholarship program.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
- Oct 29: MS Halloween Dance, 7-10pm, see info below in MS
- Oct 29: Theater Club meeting, 3pm
- Oct 31: Trunk or Treat, 4-6pm, BA parking lot. Register your trunk HERE (Note: this event is NOT Oct 30 as on some early calendars)
- Nov. 1: All Saints Day, BA/DMCS MASS in the BA Gym
- Nov 1: After Prom Parent Meeting, 6pm-see HS Section for more info
- Nov. 11: Veteran's Day program! Calling all Veterans, please arrive by 8:15 for a short program at 8:30 a.m.
- Nov. 18: BA Open House Info HERE; Registration HERE
- Nov 18: Paradise Student Gallery opening reception, 5-7pm
- Nov. 19: Band Trip to U of MN Indoor Concert
- Nov 23: Grandparents Day, 1pm (Updated from earlier calendars)
- Nov 24-26: Thanksgiving Break (Updated from earlier calendars)
- Find our event school calendar on our website HERE
Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal
The volleyball team has advanced in the section playoffs and will be playing at the Rochester Mayo Civic Center. The Rochester Mayo Civic Center requires all spectators to wear masks. Spectators also walk through metal detectors when entering the facility.

8th Grade Wolf Ridge Trip Fundraiser to Nov 5
We are having our annual Tastefully Simple fundraiser sale with 100% of the profits helping to defray the bus cost for the February eighth grade Wolf Ridge trip. The fundraiser begins this week and runs through November 5th. Product information can be found at and orders can be made through Kris Shuda, a BA past parent who is generously donating the profits of her sales. Orders will be delivered directly to each customer’s door via UPS. Please direct any questions to Julie Smisek, 8th grade advisor, at or Kris Shuda at the link above. Eighth graders and their families thank you for your support!
Veteran's Day Student Poetry Contest: Deadline Nov 5
SADD is sponsoring a poetry contest. Find a flier with more information HERE. The topic for the poem or tribute speech is Veteran’s Day or Patriotism. All students in grades 6-12 are eligible, the minimum is 10 lines. Email entries by Nov 5 to Mrs. Donlon.
Holiday Scrip Now Available! Click HERE for a flyer with more information.
New Student Application/Shadow/Open House Information
We are excited to open applications to new students for the 2022-2023 school year starting November 1st! Student shadow days begin November 2nd. Invite a student interested in BA to join your scholar for the day! Register for a shadow day HERE. Our fall open house is scheduled for Thursday, Nov 18 starting at 6pm. Pre-registration encouraged (sign up HERE); walk-ins welcome. Family tours are offered M-F from 9am-4:30pm. Click HERE to sign up. You are our greatest resource in bringing great new students to BA! Please contact Kris Sauer If you are interested in hosting a informational meeting in your home for prospective students and their families. Watch Facebook and our website (News and Enrollment tabs) for more information.
Online BA School Store!
We have select items available for purchase, either online or in the school office, including Yeti tumblers, Puravida bracelets in BA colors, and polo shirts. See the available items HERE.
Grandparents' Day
We will be holding our annual Grandparents' Day on Tuesday, November 23 at 1:00pm. We hope many of our students' grandparents can join us. Proxy grandparents are also welcome. More details will be coming.
After Prom Meeting Nov 1
There will be an After Prom brainstorming meeting for any junior or senior parent wishing to help coordinate and plan the After Prom Party on Monday, November 1 @ 6:00pm in the BA Cafeteria. Items to be discussed include: fundraising, venue, activities, prizes, schedule, food. Bring your ideas and join us!
Attention Senior Parents!
Mark your calendars for the following important dates:
- Monday, November 1 - 6:30 p.m. at the FHS Performing Arts Center. Join all senior parents in Faribault to cover all things FAFSA. If you are new to Financial Aid, plan on attending to hear direct from the financial aid officers at South Central. Meeting at Faribault High School (FHS).
- Wednesday, November 3 - during lunch - Josten's orders for caps & gowns, announcements and other graduation memorabilia items are due.
- Monday, November 15 - 4:00 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the FHS Library
Don't know where to start with the FAFSA? Come and complete the FAFSA with help from financial aid officers from surrounding colleges. The experts will be on hand to help navigate the form and answer all questions that you may have.
Meca Sportswear will be at Bethlehem Academy on Thursday, November 4 from 7:30am to 8:30am for letter jacket orders. Students that have lettered in a varsity activity or expect to letter this year are invited to order a letter jacket.
Class Rings
Josten's will be at Bethlehem Academy on Wednesday, November 3 during lunch to collect class ring orders from students in grades 10-12. Also, students that already have a class ring and need it re-sized, repaired or cleaned are invited to bring their rings to the Josten's rep during Wednesday's lunch.
Middle School Halloween Dance Oct 29
The Junior Class is hosting a middle school Halloween dance Friday, October 29 from 7pm-10pm in the BA gym. All BA grade 6-8 students are invited to attend this prom fundraiser. Cost is $10; pizza and beverages will be provided.
High Schoolers: The Synod Process Needs Your Voice!
It’s not too late to join a Synod small group, and share your perspectives with our parish and the Archdiocese! Parents, we need your voice as well! Sign up on the DMCC website HERE. Upcoming meetings are as follows, more information in the attached flyer:
- November 2: Parents as Primary educators and Helping the young encounter Jesus
- November 9: Youth Ministry and Young Adult Ministry
Bethlehem Academy is Hiring!
We are looking for a Development and Marketing Assistant and a Maintenance Team Member. Click HERE for more information and how to apply. We also have coaching openings in track and field and fastpitch softball and are looking for people to officiate junior high basketball games. Please email if interested.
Free Meals for Students
Community dinners are offered Monday-Thursday, 4:30-5:30pm at Jefferson Elementary School (922 Home Place). Kids eat free; adult meals are $3.50. More information in English and Spanish HERE.
Area Seniors Need Yard Help!
The following senior citizens in Faribault need help with yard work this fall. Find the list below, and contact Jessica Thornton (Program Coordinator, Senior Independence at Family Service Rochester) at or 507-287-2010 ext 1033 if you can help.
- Tom B - 526 Little Ford Lane, Faribault: Clean gutters
- Donna D - 620 8th St SW, Faribault: raking and window washing. Windows are older, need to be taken apart. Client will instruct and provide supplies.
- John H - 111 2nd St SW, Faribault: needs someone to move items in garage and help arrange things, has supplies
- Gloria O - 830 Rogers Row, Faribault: fall clean up. Raking, cleaning up year, hauling bags of leaves, etc to the landfill, has supplies
- Donna S - 422 Shumway Ave, Faribault: general yard clean up, raking
Click the link below for the calendar.
DMCC Synod Meetings: Young Adult & Parent Info
Meca Sportswear Letter Jacket Information
Josten's Traditional BA Class Ring Order Form
Family Focus 10/15/2021

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
October 15, 2021
Dear BA Families:
The first quarter comes to a close next Tuesday. As a school family, we are all feeling the weight of returning to a full school schedule filled with activities, sports, academics and events. I know that everyone is thrilled to be back into a more normal routine, but we are carrying with us the load of 18 months of a pandemic lifestyle. Join us in prayers and talking with your scholar about their struggles and triumphs at the end of this first quarter.
CONFERENCES: Our middle school staff appreciated visiting with you about your scholar's progress during Middle School conferences last night; our high school team looks forward to the same on Monday for high school students. A separate email to sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences was sent out; register HERE or below.
Spooktacular: We look forward to seeing your tomorrow! Online registration is closed; same day registration is available. Please join us! We need each BA family to raise $100 through participation or pledges; this is a budgeted fundraiser for our school. More info and a pledge form HERE. To date we have 88 participants signed up. If BA reaches our goal of 115 participants by Saturday, we will have an early release day Dec 17. Thank you!
- Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift, the stronger DMCS, the stronger BA will be! Click HERE to learn more.
- Annual Fund: To date we have raised: $54,200-we have reached our $50,000 match - doubling your gift! Thank you! Our goal this year is $255,000, which is critical to supporting teacher/staff salaries, supplies, books, student programs, and building and maintenance needs. Please consider a donation: Donate Online (click)
COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: As of 10/15/21 we have had 11 total COVID positive cases for the year, three are active and quarantining. Please remember to keep your scholar home if they have any symptoms or if a member of your family is diagnosed with COVID. If they have been a close contact, students should wear a mask for one week while at school.
KUDOS: This week we thank administrative team for helping to guide in school decisions and our strategic plan, thank you - Ed Friesen, John Wollersheim, Shane Roessler and Kris Sauer.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
- Oct 16: Spooktacular Fun Run for Education. Race day registration available! Find out more HERE.
- Oct 17: "Our Lady of Fatima" movie at The Village Theater on Sunday at 6:30 pm. A donation of $1 requested.
- Oct 18: High School Parent/Teacher Conferences - 3:30-7:30 p.m. via Zoom. Click HERE; sign up closes 9pm Sun Oct 17
- Oct 18: 7:30pm Senior parent info zoom meeting (details below)
- Oct. 19: Picture re-take day
- Oct 19: End of the 1st Quarter - check in with your scholar!
- Oct 20-22: MEA Break - NO SCHOOL
- Oct 27: NHS Induction @ BA Mass - 10:30 a.m.
- Oct 27: Jostens reps, class rings & graduation-see HS section
- Oct 27: 7:30pm Junior Parent Info Night-see HS section for more info
- Oct 29 - Trunk or Treat Dress Down Day - see info below
- Oct 29 - MS Halloween Dance, 7-10pm, see info below in MS
- Oct 31: Trunk or Treat, 4-6pm, BA parking lot. Register your trunk HERE (Note: this event is NOT Oct 30 as on some early calendars)
- Nov. 11: Veteran's Day program! Calling all Veterans, please arrive by 8:15 for a short program at 8:30 a.m.
- Nov 23 - Grandparents Day, 1pm (Updated from earlier calendars)
- Nov 24-26: Thanksgiving Break (Updated from earlier calendars)
- Find our event school calendar on our website HERE
Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal

The annual April BABS event is the most longstanding, successful fundraising event at Bethlehem Academy. The Board of Directors, together with staff and the BABS committee, is interested in getting your input on this important fundraiser for our school. Please click HERE to take the survey and let us know what you think. The survey should only take 5 minutes and is completely anonymous. Thank you!
October 19 - Picture Re-take Day
Scholars who missed picture day in September are invited to have their pictures taken Tuesday morning, October 19. Forms available in the front office and found HERE.
Trunk or Treat Student Dress Down Oct 29
BA’s Student Service Club is hosting a Dress Down Day Friday, October 29. For a dollar or a bag of candy, students may dress in costume or dress down for the day. Costumes should be neat, clean, modest, and school-appropriate. No scary masks or plastic weapons, please. Hats, leggings (worn with a long top/skirt/dress), sweats or athletic pants are allowed. No athletic shorts please. Close to 1000 kids participate! All proceeds go towards providing extra candy for our community-wide Trunk or Treat event from 4-6pm Sun, Oct 31 in the BA/DMCS parking lots. Sign up a Trunk HERE.
8th Grade Wolf Ridge Trip Fundraiser to Nov 5
We are having our annual Tastefully Simple fundraiser sale with 100% of the profits helping to defray the bus cost for the February eighth grade Wolf Ridge trip. The fundraiser begins this week and runs through November 5th. Product information can be found at and orders can be made through Kris Shuda, a BA past parent who is generously donating the profits of her sales. Orders will be delivered directly to each customer’s door via UPS. Please direct any questions to Julie Smisek, 8th grade advisor, at or Kris Shuda at the link above. Eighth graders and their families thank you for your support!
We are excited to open applications to new students for the 2022-2023 school year starting November 1st! Student shadow days begin November 2nd. Invite a student interested in BA to join your scholar for the day! Register for a shadow day HERE. Our fall open house is scheduled for Thursday, Nov 18 starting at 6pm. Pre-registration encouraged (sign up HERE); walk-ins welcome. Family tours are offered M-F from 9am-4:30pm. Click HERE to sign up. You are our greatest resource in bringing great new students to BA! Please contact Kris Sauer If you are interested in hosting a informational meeting in your home for prospective students and their families. Watch Facebook and our website (News and Enrollment tabs) for more information.
Student Services Socktober Campaign
For Socktober, the Student Services Committee is collecting socks in the boxes by the office and in Mrs. Donlon’s room, now and until the end of October. All donations will be given to St. Vincent de Paul in Faribault. Students at BA have the opportunity to earn service hours by bringing in socks. One pair is 30 minutes; students can earn only up to 2 hours of service (4 pairs of socks.) But the group encourages people to bring in as much as they can because it will help the less fortunate immensely as we are getting closer to the winter months. Thank you!
BA BASH Raffle 2021
BA is kicking off BA BASH Raffle 2021! With only 1000 tickets available, and prizes of $2021, $1021 and $521, this is a great way to get involved and support BA. We hope to raise $10,000 from this raffle and invite you to participate. Please get your ticket order form HERE and, with new beginnings ahead, pray for a healthy and positive 2022! Drawing held December 31, 2021.
Moms in Prayer Meeting Weekly
The Bethlehem Academy Moms in Prayer group meets weekly on Tuesday mornings from 8-9 am in the Adoration Chapel. Please join us! Contact Lori Bittenbender at or 972-955-4730 with questions.
Online BA School Store!
We have select items available for purchase, either online or in the school office, including Yeti tumblers, Puravida bracelets in BA colors, and polo shirts. See the available items HERE.
Our laptops are brand new. Please take good care of them!
- Every weekend (Friday or Saturday night before going to bed), plug in the laptop, quit all applications, re-start the laptop and leave the display/lid open. We have a policy to check and install Apple software updates on a weekly basis.
- Use a backpack with a laptop compartment. Be careful to not drop or toss backpack with the laptop in it. Set it down gently! Also, be careful about very full backpacks - set it down to minimize the amount of weight from textbooks and other items on the laptop itself (keep backpack vertical).
- A neoprene sleeve can be helpful to provide additional protection for the laptop. Note the laptops are 13" MacBook Airs (2020 M1 models)
- Some people like the clamshells that snap to the laptop. Please note some shells do not meet Apple's specifications completely and can actually add too much weight to the display, stressing the hinges.
- Keep the laptop in a safe, secure location when not using (car trunk, locked locker, etc.).
- Please let Mr. Friesen know of any problems.
Jostens' Reps-Junior & Senior Presentations
Josten's representatives will be on campus Wednesday, October 27, to speak to juniors and seniors during Cardinal hours. Students will have the opportunity to order class rings (juniors) and graduation materials (seniors), including cap and gown ordering (school pays), and announcements and other product options (choice; student pays).
Attention Senior Parents!
Mark your calendars for the following important dates:
Monday, October 18 - 7:30 p.m. Zoom meeting (at the end of zoom conferences). Shane Roessler, BA School Counselor, will be covering all things you need to know now that you have a senior. Join us for a 30 minute Zoom presentation (link here) to cover the important targets this senior year. A question and answer session will be held at the end. This meeting will be recorded for those that can not attend.
Monday, November 1 - 6:30 p.m. at the FHS Performing Arts Center.
Join all senior parents in Faribault to cover all things FAFSA. If you are new to Financial Aid, plan on attending to hear direct from the financial aid officers at South Central. Meeting at Faribault High School (FHS).
Monday, November 15 - 4:00 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the FHS Library
Don't know where to start with the FAFSA? Come and complete the FAFSA with help from financial aid officers from surrounding colleges. The experts will be on hand to help navigate the form and answer all questions that you may have.
Junior Parent Information Night Oct 27
Middle School Hallowen Dance Oct 29
The Junior Class is hosting a middle school Halloween dance Friday, October 29 form 7pm-10pm in the BA gym. All BA grade 6-8 students are invited to attend this prom fundraiser. Cost is $10; pizza and beverages will be provided. Students must turn in a signed permission slip (click HERE) by Wednesday, October 17 to attend. Parent chaperones needed! Sign up information to follow.
It’s not too late to join a Synod small group, and share your perspectives with our parish and the Archdiocese! Parents, we need your voice as well! Sign up on the DMCC website HERE. Upcoming meetings are as follows, more information in the attached flyer:
- October 19: Welcoming Parishes & Collaboration in Parish Ministry
- October 26: Liturgy& Sunday Experience & Sharing the Gospel in Word and Deed.
- November 2: Parents as Primary educators and Helping the young encounter Jesus
- November 9: Youth Ministry and Young Adult Ministry
Bethlehem Academy seeks an energetic individual to join our maintenance team! This team member will work directly with the Maintenance Supervisor in coordinating all care for the facility, from cleaning to repairs and lawn care and snow removal. Required Qualifications: 1st Class Boilers License; Basic knowledge in the following areas: plumbing, electrical and carpentry; Good vision is required in order to read material safety data sheets; Good attendance is required as well as ability to work various shifts; Ability to work extra hours if necessary. Send resume and two references to: Mindy Reeder at
Click the link below for the calendar.
Family Focus-MEA Update 10/19/21

October 19, 2021 - MEA Break Update
REMINDER: NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Wednesday, October 20th, through Friday, October 23rd. Second quarter will begin on our return to school on Monday, October 25th following the break.
Dress Code Changes Starting Oct 25
A reminder that shorts and sandals/flip flops may not be worn following the MEA break through spring break. Again, please no shorts or sandals in school starting Monday, October 25 through spring break in March.
Student Directory Update
We will be finalizing the Bethlehem Academy School Directory soon. If you do not want your phone number or address in the directory, please contact the main office ASAP at 507-334-3948 or by email to Barb Johnson. The directories will include all Gr 6-12 families and distributed to all families that have paid their Home & School dues. Please notify the office of any phone, email or address changes for school correspondence and in case we need to reach you during the school day.
Vaccination Update
Minnesota has launched ‘Kids Deserve a Shot,’ a vaccine incentives program rewarding Minnesotans 12-17 years old for completing their COVID-19 vaccine series. Minnesotans 12-17 years old who start and complete their two-dose COVID-19 vaccine series between October 18 and November 30 are eligible to receive a $200 Visa gift card. All Minnesotans 12-17 years old who have completed their COVID-19 vaccine series at any time in 2021 can enter to win a $100,000 Minnesota College Scholarship! Five drawings will be held. Register for the incentives HERE; free vaccinations offered Thursday at Rice County Public Health. See the flyer with more information HERE.
Link to parent email on website
Can’t find the weekly parent email in your inbox? You can always find it on our website under the Resources / Parent Central tab; or click HERE.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
- Oct 19: End of the 1st Quarter - check in with your scholar!
- Oct 20-22: MEA Break - NO SCHOOL
- Oct 27: NHS Induction @ BA Mass - 10:30 a.m.
- Oct 27: Jostens reps, class rings & graduation
- Oct 27: 7:30pm Junior Parent Info Night
- Oct 29 - Trunk or Treat Dress Down Day
- Oct 29 - MS Halloween Dance, 7-10pm
- Oct 31: Trunk or Treat, 4-6pm, BA parking lot. Register your trunk HERE (Note: this event is NOT Oct 30 as on some early calendars)
- Nov. 11: Veteran's Day program! Calling all Veterans, please arrive by 8:15 for a short program at 8:30 a.m.
- Nov 23 - Grandparents Day, 1pm (Updated from earlier calendars)
- Nov 24-26: Thanksgiving Break (Updated from earlier calendars)
- Find our event school calendar on our website HERE
Click the link below for the calendar.
- BA School Calendar - Week of Oct. 25
- BA-FHS Coop Sports Calendar - Week of Oct. 18
- BA-FHS Coop Sports Calendar - Week of Oct. 25
"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
Family Focus 10/8/2021

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
October 8, 2021
Dear BA Families:
Spooktacular is almost here! This beautiful fall is a wonderful time to gather as a family for a healthy walk or run in partnership - and what better opportunity than Spooktacular with DMCS. Please join us on Oct. 16 for this important fundraiser. Bethlehem Academy seeks to raise $6,000 and have 115 participants. If we meet this goal, Dec. 17 will be an early release day for all BA students. The sign up information is below - COME OUT FOR A BEAUTIFUL FAMILY, FALL ACTIVITY!
SCHOOLOGY: All families should have received an email inviting them to set up their parent "Schoology Account." This will give you access to your scholar's classroom pages for homework, assignments and grades. Please contact Ed Friesen with any questions at
CONFERENCES: A separate email to sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences is going out today. Middle School Conferences are Oct. 14 and High School Conferences are Oct. 18. We are offering zoom only conferences this fall. Please watch for this email and sign up to meet with your scholar's teachers.
Spooktacular: Join us for this Halloween-themed 5k run/1-mile walk fundraiser! To support ongoing classroom needs, we are asking each BA family to raise $100 through race participation or pledges. More info and a pledge form HERE. Earn cookies coupons & gift cards; a 5-day dress down pass & $50 Amazon gift card for the top BA fundraiser; AND if BA reaches our goal of 115 BA participants, we will have an early release day Dec 17. Click HERE to sign up to walk or run!
- Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift, the stronger DMCS, the stronger BA will be!
- Annual Fund: Our total goal this year is $255,000. To date we have raised: $35,048 (+25,000 match pledge met - THANK YOU!) Our matching donor increased the offer and will match up to $50,000 if we raise a total of $50,000 by January 1! Donate Online (click)
COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: BA continues to watch numbers and reports. As of 10/8/21 we have had six total COVID positive cases, three are active. Please review the chart below for our present plan and keep your scholar home if they have any symptoms.
FACTS Family Portal for Enrollment & Tuition Agreements: Through our partnership with FACTS, we have now upgraded our enrollment and tuition payment systems into one family portal, effective immediately. Due to this transition, all families will access their FACTS Payment Plan through their FACTS Family Online account, which was created during enrollment. Click here to access the FACTS family login page; click here for detailed instructions on how to log in. Please contact FACTS Customer Service at 1-866-412-4637 or Kris Sauer at BA if you have trouble accessing your account.
2021-22 Tuition Agreements: Families who have not set up their tuition agreement in FACTS (not TADS) for the current school year have accounts that are PAST DUE. Please set up your tuition payment plan prior to MEA break or your student(s) will not be allowed to attend classes following the break. Contact Kris Sauer if you have questions or need assistance.
KUDOS: This week we are celebrating our Maintenance Team - Steve, Loren and Hugh! Please send them a card and thank them for all they do!
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
- Oct 14: Middle School Parent/Teacher Conferences offered via Zoom. Click HERE to sign up.
- Oct. 15: Recognizing our School's Leadership Team (National Boss' Day) - Ed Friesen, Mindy R, Kris S and John W. Thank them for all they do to help lead our school!
- Oct 16 - Spooktacular Fun Run for Education. Sign up HERE
- Oct 18: High School Parent/Teacher Conferences, via Zoom. Click HERE to sign up.
- Oct. 19: End of the 1st Quarter - check in with your scholar!
- Oct 20-22: MEA Break - NO SCHOOL
- Oct 27 - NHS Induction @ BA Mass - 10:30 a.m.
- Oct 31 - Trunk or Treat, 4-6pm, BA parking lot. Register your trunk HERE (Note: this event is NOT Oct 30 as on some early calendars)
- Homework Club will run Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 p.m. with Mrs. Kohl. Mr. Ponciano is here Monday and Wednesday from 3:15-4 p.m. as well to support high school scholars.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal

MN Vikings Discounted Tickets & BA Football Fundraiser
The Minnesota Vikings are excited to offer an outstanding combination of football and fundraising. Through this special offer, $66 tickets are discounted to $58 to the noon October 10 game vs. the Detroit Lions. Plus, for each ticket sold through this special offer, the Minnesota Vikings will donate $10 to the Bethlehem Academy football program. Click on Buy Tickets to secure your seats!

The annual April BABS event is the most longstanding, successful fundraising event at Bethlehem Academy. The Board of Directors, together with staff and the BABS committee, is interested in getting your input on this important fundraiser for our school. Please click HERE to take the survey and let us know what you think. The survey should only take 5 minutes and is completely anonymous. Thank you!
USDA School Lunch Program Info
BA is participating in the United State Department of Agriculture (USDA) Seamless Summer Option (SSO) for the entirety of the 2021-22 school year. This means that our school provides free meals to all students! To read Mrs. Trnka's letter on the USDA program, please click HERE.
Student Services Socktober Campaign
For Socktober, the Student Services Committee is collecting socks in the boxes by the office and in Mrs. Donlon’s room, now and until the end of October. All donations will be given to St. Vincent de Paul in Faribault. Students at BA have the opportunity to earn service hours by bringing in socks. One pair is 30 minutes; students can earn only up to 2 hours of service (4 pairs of socks.) But the group encourages people to bring in as much as they can because it will help the less fortunate immensely as we are getting closer to the winter months. Thank you!
BABS Raffle 2021
BA is kicking off BABS Raffle 2021! With only 1000 tickets availabe, and a top prize of 2021. Creating new ways to support our mission is essential during this ongoing pandemic. We hope to raise $10,000 from this raffle and invite you to participate. Please order your tickets HERE and, with new beginnings ahead, pray for a healthy and positive 2022! Drawing held December 31, 2021.
Moms in Prayer Meeting Weekly
The Bethlehem Academy Moms in Prayer group meets weekly on Tuesday mornings from 8-9 am in the Adoration Chapel. Please join us! Contact Lori Bittenbender at or 972-955-4730 with questions.
Game Day Volunteers Needed
Our athletics program depends on the helping hands of many volunteer parents and alumni. For football and volleyball, we need adults to help at the admissions table/gate and in the concession stand. Please consider sharing your time and talent with us!
The VOLLEYBALL volunteer sign-up can be found at:

The FOOTBALL volunteer sign-up can be found at:

Online BA School Store!
We have select items available for purchase, either online or in the school office, including Yeti tumblers, Puravida bracelets in BA colors, and polo shirts. See the available items HERE.
Our laptops are brand new. Please take good care of them!
- Every weekend (Friday or Saturday night before going to bed), plug in the laptop, quit all applications, re-start the laptop and leave the display/lid open. We have a policy to check and install Apple software updates on a weekly basis.
- Use a backpack with a laptop compartment. Be careful to not drop or toss backpack with the laptop in it. Set it down gently! Also, be careful about very full backpacks - set it down to minimize the amount of weight from textbooks and other items on the laptop itself (keep backpack vertical).
- A neoprene sleeve can be helpful to provide additional protection for the laptop. Note the laptops are 13" MacBook Airs (2020 M1 models)
- Some people like the clamshells that snap to the laptop. Please note some shells do not meet Apple's specifications completely and can actually add too much weight to the display, stressing the hinges.
- Keep the laptop in a safe, secure location when not using (car trunk, locked locker, etc.).
- Please let Mr. Friesen know of any problems.
BA Development & Marketing AssistantBethlehem Academy seeks an energetic individual to join our team. If you love fundraising, are quick with databases and have a passion for communication, this is the position for you! Qualifications: Four-year college degree in communications or marketing OR the equivalent of work experience in marketing, fundraising or database management. Experience with database programs preferred, specifically Raiser’s Edge, or willing to train. In this position you will support fundraising, special events, communications, alumni relations and admissions efforts. This position works directly with the President and Director of Enrollment to support the tracking, promotion and planning of development and marketing events throughout the year. Please send your resume and two references to: Melinda Reeder, by Oct. 25, 2021.
BA Maintenance Position Available
Bethlehem Academy seeks an energetic individual to join our maintenance team! This team member will work directly with the Maintenance Supervisor in coordinating all care for the facility, from cleaning to repairs and lawn care and snow removal. Required Qualifications: 1st Class Boilers License; Basic knowledge in the following areas: plumbing, electrical and carpentry; Good vision is required in order to read material safety data sheets; Good attendance is required as well as ability to work various shifts; Ability to work extra hours if necessary. Send resume and two references to: Mindy Reeder at
Student Job Opportunity @ DMCS
Divine Mercy Catholic School is looking for a responsible 16-18 year old to work in their After Care Program. Available times are 3-5:30pm, schedule is flexible and varies. Contact Ginger Van Hecke at if interested.
Northfield Automotive Office Receptionist
Northfield Automotive is looking for a friendly and motivated part time Receptionist to join our office family. We are a growing dealership and looking to expand our staff. Schedule is Monday through Thursday 3:00pm to 8:00pm and Saturdays 8:00am to 5:00pm.Initial duties would include answering phones and scheduling, filing and scanning and other office work as needed $13-$16/hr. Pay depends on experience. Please apply in person: Northfield Automotive Inc., 1201 Hwy 3 South, Northfield, MN 55057, 507-645-4478.
Click the link below for the calendar.
Family Focus 10/01/21

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
October 1, 2021
Dear BA Families:
Welcome October! We invite all families and alumni to join us at the Homecoming game tonight at Bruce Smith Field. Don't forget to come early, between 5-7 p.m., for a sloppy joe tailgate party hosted by juniors as a Prom fundraiser. Our art scholars are also featured in an exhibit at the Paradise Center for the Arts, with the gallery opening reception this Friday 5-7pm, so stop in there before the game! Congratulations to all of our Homecoming Court: Matthew Croke, Andrew Donahue, Matthew Nelson, Brady Strodtman and Aiden Tobin. What wonderful young men who represented themselves so well during the KDHL interview on Thursday (listen to the show HERE). They continue to be inspirational role models to our student body.
Special thank you to all of our parents who came out for the parent presentation last Wednesday evening, "It's All About the Relationship." Hearing from Joe Roueche and parish and school leaders while supporting one another and our children is key in ensuring that our children become "Saints!" Don't forget, if you can, join our prayer group hosted by Lori Bittenbender each Tuesday, information below.
Spooktacular: Join us for this Halloween-themed 5k run/1-mile walk fundraiser in partnership with Divine Mercy Catholic School (DMCS)! We are asking each BA family to raise $100 through race participation or pledges. More info and a pledge form HERE. If we reach our goal of 115 BA participants with $6,000 raised for BA, we will have an early release day Dec 17. Click HERE to sign up to walk or run!
- Support our Student Trips: Students traveling to Guatemala are selling coffee, more information below and place your orders HERE.
- Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift, the stronger DMCS, the stronger BA will be!
- Annual Fund: Our total goal this year is $255,000. To date we have raised: $32,398 (+25,000 match pledge met - THANK YOU!) Our matching donor increased the offer and will match up to $50,000 if we raise a total of $50,000 by January 1! Donate Online (click)
COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: BA continues to watch numbers and reports. As of 10/1/21 we have had three total COVID positive cases; only one is currently active. Please review the chart below for our present plan and keep your scholar home if they have any symptoms.
KUDOS: to Brent Zabel & Shari Piehl for organizing our Homecoming events!
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
- Oct 14: Middle School Parent/Teacher Conferences - these will continue to be offered via Zoom this year.
- Oct 16 - Spooktacular Fun Run for Education. Sign up HERE
- Oct 18: High School Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Oct 20-22: MEA Break - NO SCHOOL
- Oct 29 - NHS Induction @ BA Mass - 10:30 a.m.
- Oct 31 - Trunk or Treat, 4-6pm, BA parking lot. Register your trunk HERE (Note: this event is NOT Oct 30 as on some early calendars)
- Homework Club will run Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 p.m. with Mrs. Kohl. Mr. Ponciano is here Monday and Wednesday from 3:15-4 p.m. as well to support scholars.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal

School Pictures
Parents: FYI pictures for grades 6-11 were sent went home with students this week.
Moms in Prayer Meeting Weekly
The Bethlehem Academy Moms in Prayer group meets weekly on Tuesday mornings from 8-9 am in the Adoration Chapel. Please join us! Contact Lori Bittenbender at or 972-955-4730 with questions.
MN Vikings Discounted Tickets & BA Football Fundraiser
The Minnesota Vikings are excited to offer an outstanding combination of football and fundraising. Through this special offer, $66 tickets are discounted to $58 to the noon October 10 game vs. the Detroit Lions. Plus, for each ticket sold through this special offer, the Minnesota Vikings will donate $10 to the Bethlehem Academy football program. Click on Buy Tickets to secure your seats!

The annual April BABS event is the most longstanding, successful fundraising event at Bethlehem Academy. The Board of Directors, together with staff and the BABS committee, is interested in getting your input on this important fundraiser for our school. Please click HERE to take the survey and let us know what you think. The survey should only take 5 minutes and is completely anonymous. Thank you!
Game Day Volunteers Needed
Our athletics program depends on the helping hands of many volunteer parents and alumni. For football and volleyball, we need adults to help at the admissions table/gate and in the concession stand. Please consider sharing your time and talent with us!
The VOLLEYBALL volunteer sign-up can be found at:

The FOOTBALL volunteer sign-up can be found at:

BA Maintenance Position Available
Bethlehem Academy seeks an energetic individual to join our maintenance team! This team member will work directly with the Maintenance Supervisor in coordinating all care for the facility, from cleaning to repairs and lawn care and snow removal. Required Qualifications: 1st Class Boilers License; Basic knowledge in the following areas: plumbing, electrical and carpentry; Good vision is required in order to read material safety data sheets; Good attendance is required as well as ability to work various shifts; Ability to work extra hours if necessary. Send resume and two references to: Mindy Reeder at
Student Job Opportunity @ DMCS
Divine Mercy Catholic School is looking for a responsible 16-18 year old to work in their After Care Program. Available times are 3-5:30pm, schedule is flexible and varies. Contact Ginger Van Hecke at if interested.
Online BA School Store!
We have select items available for purchase, either online or in the school office, including Yeti tumblers, Puravida bracelets in BA colors, and polo shirts. See the available items HERE.
Our laptops are brand new. Please take good care of them!
- Every weekend (Friday or Saturday night before going to bed), plug in the laptop, quit all applications, re-start the laptop and leave the display/lid open. We have a policy to check and install Apple software updates on a weekly basis.
- Use a backpack with a laptop compartment. Be careful to not drop or toss backpack with the laptop in it. Set it down gently! Also, be careful about very full backpacks - set it down to minimize the amount of weight from textbooks and other items on the laptop itself (keep backpack vertical).
- A neoprene sleeve can be helpful to provide additional protection for the laptop. Note the laptops are 13" MacBook Airs (2020 M1 models)
- Some people like the clamshells that snap to the laptop. Please note some shells do not meet Apple's specifications completely and can actually add too much weight to the display, stressing the hinges.
- Keep the laptop in a safe, secure location when not using (car trunk, locked locker, etc.).
- Please let Mr. Friesen know of any problems.
Northfield Automotive Office Receptionist
Northfield Automotive is looking for a friendly and motivated part time Receptionist to join our office family. We are a growing dealership and looking to expand our staff. Schedule is Monday through Thursday 3:00pm to 8:00pm and Saturdays 8:00am to 5:00pm.Initial duties would include answering phones and scheduling, filing and scanning and other office work as needed $13-$16/hr. Pay depends on experience. Please apply in person: Northfield Automotive Inc., 1201 Hwy 3 South, Northfield, MN 55057, 507-645-4478.
Click the link below for the calendar.
Family Focus 9/24/21

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
September 24, 2021
Dear BA Families:
HAPPY BA HOMECOMING! BA Scholars and staff look forward to next week for all of our Homecoming Week festivities. In following tradition, our seniors will be away on Sunday and Monday at their Senior Retreat. This year, the seniors will go to Zumbrota for ropes courses, bonfires, Mass, and time to bond at the beginning of their senior year. Homecoming events and dress up days are below and we invite all families and alumni to join us at the game! Click HERE for a full list of the week's events!

- Call to ask permission before toilet-papering
- Never write inappropriate words on any property
- Never destroy property
- Practice safety
Join us starting at Noon Friday, Oct. 1 for our Homecoming Schedule:
- 9:15 a.m.: Prayer Service
- 9:45 a.m.: “Get to Know Your Court!”
- 10-10:45 a.m.: Games on Back 40 (Rain – indoor games)
- Noon: PEPFEST (Parents and Guests welcome)
- 1 p.m. Crowning of King
- 1:30 p.m. Short parade around streets circling BA building. See MAP.
- 2 p.m. EARLY RELEASE – Parents please arrange to pick up your scholar early today!
TESTING AT BA: Middle School completed testing today, Our 11th grade students will take a practice ACT test on Monday, Sept. 27. All testing schedules are available for your review on our website at: TESTING DATES
- Annual Fund: Our total goal this year is $255,000. To date we have raised: $26,552 (+25,000 match pledge met). Our matching donor increased the offer and will match up to $50,000 if we raise this by January 1! Donate Online (click)
Spooktacular: Join us for this Halloween-themed 5k run/1-mile walk fundraiser in partnership with Divine Mercy Catholic School (DMCS)! We are asking each BA family to raise $100 through race participation or pledges. More info and and a pledge form HERE. If we reach our goal of 115 BA participants with $6,000 raised for BA, we will have an early release day Dec 17. Click HERE to sign up!
- Support our Student Trips: Students traveling to Guatemala are selling coffee, more information below and place your orders HERE.
- Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift, the stronger DMCS, the stronger BA will be!
COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: BA continues to watch numbers and reports. As of 9/24/21 we have had two students with COVID. Please review the chart below for our present plan. We will continue to evaluate our plan if numbers increase within the BA school community. As a reminder, please keep your scholar home when:
- Symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell)
- Someone in your direct family was diagnosed with COVID
- If you are notified that your student was a close contact, but has no symptoms, we ask that they wear a mask and monitor for symptoms. (This is a close contact, not just possible exposure.)
KUDOS: To everyone who worked on and/or donated to our Tackle Cancer efforts at last Saturday's football game. Together we raised $2900 for the Randy Shaver Cancer Research and Community Fund! Thanks also to our BA Band members and Mr. Wendt for a wonderful performance at SpiritFest! Special thanks to all of our families and students who also volunteered at Spirit Fest including our BA Football Team during clean up. Did you know BA won a $900 raffle at Spirit Fest? THANK YOU!
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
- Sept. 27 - Gr 11 practice ACT test
- Sept. 30 - NHS application deadline-see info in HS section
- Sept 27-Oct 1: Homecoming Week
- Monday: Celebrity Look-Alike Day
- Tuesday: Dress Like Your Parent Day
- Wednesday: Mass Attire / 10:30am Mass
- Thursday: Decade Day / Buddy Day w/DMCS (Mass Day schedule)
- Friday: Cardinal/Spiritwear Day / 12 noon Pepfest (parents & guests welcome) / 1pm King Coronation / 1:30pm Parade around block / 2pm Early Release
- Oct 1: 7pm Homecoming football game & Future Cardinal Night (click HERE to invite a prospective BA student) / 9:15-midnight Homecoming dance - high school only; informal mixer event; outside student guests allowed but must be registered in the BA front office.
- ATHLETIC & ACTIVITY SIGN UP: Please peruse the opportunities listed below for your scholar to get involved in BA or DMCS cooperative programs. Robotics sign up is still open.
- Homework Club will run Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 p.m. with Mrs. Kohl.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal

MN Vikings Discounted Tickets & BA Football Fundraiser
The Minnesota Vikings are excited to offer an outstanding combination of football and fundraising. Through this special offer, $66 tickets are discounted to $58 to the noon October 10 game vs. the Detroit Lions. Plus, for each ticket sold through this special offer, the Minnesota Vikings will donate $10 to the Bethlehem Academy football program. Click on Buy Tickets to secure your seats!

The annual April BABS event is the most longstanding, successful fundraising event at Bethlehem Academy. The Board of Directors, together with staff and the BABS committee, is interested in getting your input on this important fundraiser for our school. Please click HERE to take the survey and let us know what you think. The survey should only take 5 minutes and is completely anonymous. Thank you!
Game Day Volunteers Needed
Our athletics program depends on the helping hands of many volunteer parents and alumni. For football and volleyball, we need adults to help at the admissions table/gate and in the concession stand. Please consider sharing your time and talent with us!
The VOLLEYBALL volunteer sign-up can be found at:

The FOOTBALL volunteer sign-up can be found at:

Moms in Prayer Meeting Weekly
The Bethlehem Academy Moms in Prayer group meets weekly on Tuesday mornings from 8-9 am in the Adoration Chapel. Please join us! Contact Lori Bittenbender at or 972-955-4730 with questions.
Gr 4-12 Robotics Team-Registration still open
Robotics has started but it's not too late to join! Open to students grades 4-12, practices are in the BA Library Mondays and Thursdays from 3-5pm. Program fees are $75 payable to Divine Mercy Catholic School. Find the registration form HERE.
BA Maintenance Position Available
Bethlehem Academy seeks an energetic individual to join our maintenance team! This team member will work directly with the Maintenance Supervisor in coordinating all care for the facility, from cleaning to repairs and lawn care and snow removal. Required Qualifications: 1st Class Boilers License; Basic knowledge in the following areas: plumbing, electrical and carpentry; Good vision is required in order to read material safety data sheets; Good attendance is required as well as ability to work various shifts; Ability to work extra hours if necessary. Send resume and two references to: Mindy Reeder at by Sept. 27, 2021.
Student Job Opportunity @ DMCS
Divine Mercy Catholic School is looking for a responsible 16-18 year old to work in their After Care Program. Available times are 3-5:30pm, schedule is flexible and varies. Contact Ginger Van Hecke at if interested.
Online BA School Store!
We have select items available for purchase, either online or in the school office, including Yeti tumblers, Puravida bracelets in BA colors, and polo shirts. See the available items HERE.
Our laptops are brand new. Please take good care of them!
- Every weekend (Friday or Saturday night before going to bed), plug in the laptop, quit all applications, re-start the laptop and leave the display/lid open. We have a policy to check and install Apple software updates on a weekly basis.
- Use a backpack with a laptop compartment. Be careful to not drop or toss backpack with the laptop in it. Set it down gently! Also, be careful about very full backpacks - set it down to minimize the amount of weight from textbooks and other items on the laptop itself (keep backback vertical).
- A neoprene sleeve can be helpful to provide additional protection for the laptop. Note the laptops are 13" MacBook Airs (2020 M1 models)
- Some people like the clamshells that snap to the laptop. Please note some shells do not meet Apple's specifications completely and can actually add too much weight to the display, stressing the hinges.
- Keep the laptop in a safe, secure location when not using (car trunk, locked locker, etc.).
- Please let Mr. Friesen know of any problems.
National Honor Society (NHS) Applications
NHS applications are now available. To be eligible for NHS, a junior or senior must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5. In addition, applicants must have been enrolled at BA for at least a year, have a reputation of excellent character, demonstrate leadership qualities, and have a heart for serving others. If your scholar is interested in membership in one of the nation’s oldest service organizations, please have them and pick up an application from Mrs. Piehl. Completed applications are due to Mrs. Piehl by 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 30th. Current members do not need to reapply.
6th Grade Basketball
While winter sports registration at Bethlehem Academy will take place later this fall, we want to get an early indication on 6th graders (both girls and boys) who are interested in playing basketball this winter. Please email by Sept 30th to if your 6th grade daughter or son is interested in playing basketball this winter. More details will be forthcoming.
Click the link below for the calendar.
Family Focus 9/17/21

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
September 17, 2021
Dear BA Families:
Blessed Fall! Our third week of school comes to a close with the blessing of beautiful fall weather to embrace us each day. This Saturday I look forward to seeing you at 1pm for our first home football game, a benefit to "Tackle Cancer," or at Spirit Fest - at Divine Mercy Catholic Church starting with 4pm Mass. Gathering together in support of our students, our parish and our programs is a wonderful way to connect this fall, especially if you are new to our Cardinal community. We also have multiple opportunities for your to volunteer, another great way to meet other parents. Please scroll down to get connected!
TESTING AT BA: Each year our students take part in national assessments. Middle School begins their MAP assessments next week. Be sure they are rested and bring water bottles. High school testing begins with 11th grade taking a practice ACT on Monday, Sept. 27. All testing schedules are available for your review on our website at: TESTING DATES
PLEASE NOTE-NO PM BUSING SEPT 24: Next Friday afternoon, September 24, there will be no public school busing in the afternoon due to Faribault High School's homecoming parade. If your scholar rides the public school bus, please arrange for them to be picked up next Friday afternoon at 2:55pm at BA.
- Annual Fund: Bethlehem Academy kicked off our Annual Fund. Gifts can be made at anytime from now through June 2022. A donor has offered a $25,000 match for all funds raised up to $25,000 through December 31, 2021. Our total goal this year is $255,000. Donate Online (click)
- Spooktacular: Spooktacular is a Halloween-themed 5k run/1-mile walk fundraiser in partnership with Divine Mercy Catholic School (DMCS). Join us for all the fun October 16 and help to us get to our goal to raise $4,000 for BA! Click HERE to register to join the fun!
- Support our Student Trips: Students traveling to Guatemala are selling coffee, more information below and place your orders HERE.
- Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift, the stronger DMCS, the stronger BA will be!
COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: BA continues to watch numbers and reports. As of 9/17/21 we have had one student with COVID resulted through exposure in athletics. Please review the chart below for our present plan. As a reminder, please keep your scholar home when:
- Symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell)
- Someone in your direct family was diagnosed with COVID
- If you are notified that your student was a close contact, but has no symptoms, we ask that they wear a mask and monitor for symptoms. (This is a close contact, not just possible exposure.)
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
- Sept 18, 1pm: Tackle Cancer home football game & Parents Night. Find activity information HERE
- Sept 18, 4-10pm: DMCC Spiritfest
- Sept. 20-24: MS Map Testing, more info HERE
- Sept 22: MS/HS NET Retreat & Joe Roueche Talk for Parents
- Sept 24: Prom $ Dress Down Day ($1/$2 for hats, leggings)
- Sept 24: NO FARIBAULT PM BUSING; Faribault Public Schools dismissing early for FHS homecoming parade
- Sept 27-Oct 1: Homecoming Week-more info to follow next week
- Monday: Celebrity Look-Alike Day
- Tuesday: Dress Like Your Parent Day
- Wednesday: Mass Attire / 10:30am Mass
- Thursday: Decade Day / Buddy Day w/DMCS students
- Friday: Cardinal/Spiritwear Day / 12 noon Pepfest/ 1pm Coronation / 1:30pm Parade around block / 2pm Early Release
- Oct 1: 7pm Homecoming football game/ 9:15-midnight Homecoming dance - high school only; mixer, not a formal dance; outside guests allowed but must be registered in front office.
- ATHLETIC & ACTIVITY SIGN UP: Please peruse the opportunities listed below for your scholar to get involved in BA or DMCS cooperative programs. Robotics sign up is still open.
- Parent Special Event - Parish-wide "It's all about the Relationship" by Joe Roueche on Sept. 22 from 7-8:30 p.m in the BA gym. We are asking confirmation parents to attend and encouraging all of our parents to go. Sign up information HERE.
- Homework Club will run Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 p.m. with Mrs. Kohl.
Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal

BA seniors are selling t-shirts for Homecoming this year! The cost of each shirt is $10, and the amount is due at the time of order. We will be taking orders until 3:00 p.m. on Monday, September 20th. Don’t miss out on your opportunity to support the Cardinals while we “Knock out the Knights.” Click HERE for the order form.
Many volunteers are needed to help make the Sept 18 Divine Mercy Catholic Church's annual SpiritFest a success. Sign up for a volunteer shift at this link. Hours served are eligible for our family and students' volunteer hours. See attached flyer for more information.
Game Day Volunteers Needed
Our athletics program depends on the helping hands of many volunteer parents and alumni. For football and volleyball, we need adults to help at the admissions table/gate and in the concession stand. Please consider sharing your time and talent with us!
The VOLLEYBALL volunteer sign-up can be found at:

The FOOTBALL volunteer sign-up can be found at:

Gr 4-12 Robotics Team-Registration still open
Robotics has started but it's not too late to join! Open to students grades 4-12, practices are in the BA Library Mondays and Thursdays from 3-5pm. Program fees are $75 payable to Divine Mercy Catholic School. Find the registration form HERE.
BA Maintenance Position Available
Bethlehem Academy seeks an energetic individual to join our maintenance team! This team member will work directly with the Maintenance Supervisor in coordinating all care for the facility, from cleaning to repairs and lawn care and snow removal. Required Qualifications: 1st Class Boilers License; Basic knowledge in the following areas: plumbing, electrical and carpentry; Good vision is required in order to read material safety data sheets; Good attendance is required as well as ability to work various shifts; Ability to work extra hours if necessary. Send resume and two references to: Mindy Reeder at by Sept. 24, 2021.
Student Job Opportunity @ DMCS
Divine Mercy Catholic School is looking for a responsible 16-18 year old to work in their After Care Program. Available times are 3-5:30pm, schedule is flexible and varies. Contact Ginger Van Hecke at if interested.
Online BA School Store!
We have select items available for purchase, either online or in the school office, including Yeti tumblers, Puravida bracelets in BA colors, and polo shirts. See the available items HERE.
Our laptops are brand new. Please take good care of them!
- Every weekend (Friday or Saturday night before going to bed), plug in the laptop, quit all applications, re-start the laptop and leave the display/lid open. We have a policy to check and install Apple software updates on a weekly basis.
- Use a backpack with a laptop compartment. Be careful to not drop or toss backpack with the laptop in it. Set it down gently! Also, be careful about very full backpacks - set it down to minimize the amount of weight from textbooks and other items on the laptop itself (keep backback vertical).
- A neoprene sleeve can be helpful to provide additional protection for the laptop. Note the laptops are 13" MacBook Airs (2020 M1 models)
- Some people like the clamshells that snap to the laptop. Please note some shells do not meet Apple's specifications completely and can actually add too much weight to the display, stressing the hinges.
- Keep the laptop in a safe, secure location when not using (car trunk, locked locker, etc.).
- Please let Mr. Friesen know of any problems (
- Spirit Fest-Sept. 18 from 6:15-6:40 p.m.- The BA pep band will be playing for Spirit Fest on Saturday, September 18th on the stage. Please be there at 5:45pm for warm-ups.
6th Grade Basketball
While winter sports registration at Bethlehem Academy will take place later this fall, we want to get an early indication on 6th graders (both girls and boys) who are interested in playing basketball this winter.
Please email by Sept 30th to if your 6th grade daughter or son is interested in playing basketball this winter. More details will be forthcoming.
Wed, Sep 22 Faith Formation Kick Off Night! includes:
- Parent Night: It’s all about the Relationship, with guest speaker Joe Roueche, 7-8:30pm BA Gym;
- Middle School NET Retreat: (must be registered for EDGE), 6-9pm DMCS Gym
- High School and Confirmation* NET Retreat: (must be signed up for High School Youth Group or Confirmation), 6-930pm DMCC Church *required for confirmation students
Click the link below for the calendar.
SpiritFest Raffle & Volunteer Info Flyer