Our courses follow our mission “to empower our students to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence.” We know that God has great plans for you! The intent of this curriculum guide is to assist you in your course selection and registration for the upcoming school year as well as planning for the remainder of your high school career.

Discuss your plans and selections with your parents and feel free to seek advice and help from faculty members and the school counselor. You are encouraged to consider past achievements to help make wise decisions in your academic selection. When you and your parents have decided on the classes for you, register your course selections online via PowerSchool. Be sure to follow directions carefully. 

You will only be allowed to change a class in the fall/spring for the following reasons:

  1. Credit for a scheduled course was earned during the summer/fall.
  2. Student does not have the prerequisite for a scheduled course.
  3. Course is at an inappropriate academic level for the student.
  4. An error was made by the scheduling office during the registration process.

Points to Consider in Your Course Selection

You owe it to yourself to select courses that are relevant to your future plans and challenge you as a scholar. Individual pathways may vary. Discuss your plans with your parents and our counselor to ensure that you select the right courses. We also encourage you to seek input from faculty. Keep your class workloads to what you know you can handle. Take time to sit down with your parents and school counselor to plan out a tentative schedule for grades 9-12.

Future Goal Considerations

In addition to fulfilling high school graduation requirements, students must consider entrance requirements at the post-secondary school of their choice. Please use the following information as a guideline. Each college/university may have unique entrance requirements. If you know a college you are interested in attending after high school, look up that school’s unique admission requirements.

Planning a Course of Study

What is your goal?

Vocational/Technical College Certificate, Diploma

Community College, Associate Degree or transfer Program

Traditional 4 year college/University Bachelor’s degree

“Selective” 4 year College/University Bachelor’s Degree


Riverland, DCTC, St Paul Technical College

South Central College, Century College, Riverland College

Concordia University, Marymount, UMD, MN State Mankato, UW-Eau Claire

St. Thomas, Marquette University, Carlton, St. Kate’s, St. John’s, St. Benedict’s, Bethel College, U of Mary’s (ND), Gustavus, St. Olaf, Loyola, Notre Dame, Villanova, Ivy League, Univ of Minnesota, UW Madison

  How many years of each class  should you take based on your goals? (Based on admission recommendations from sample institutions)


4 years

4 years

4 years

4 years, advanced levels

Social Studies

3.5 years

3.5 years

3 or more years

4 years, advanced levels


3 or more years

3 or more years

3 or more years

4 or more years


3 or more years

3 or more years

3 or more years

4 or more years

Physical Education

.5 year

.5 year

.5 year

.5 year


.5 year

.5 year

.5 year

.5 year

Fine Arts

 (most schools do not allow industrial tech to meet this requirement)

1 year

1 year

at least 1 year

at least 1 year

World Language (Spanish)

no recommendation

no recommendation

2 or more years

3-4 years


choose electives to prepare for a career 

or broaden your 


Take as many Advanced level, honors, AP, CIS, Marquette courses you can successfully manage

Our Mission
Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
105 3rd Ave. SW
Faribault, MN  55021
Phone:  507-334-3948
Fax:  507-334-3949