Class schedules are designed and faculty assigned according to the choices made by the student during registration the prior school year. Every effort is made to schedule students in the electives they have selected. Should a change be required the following procedures will be in effect: Faculty Initiated Class Change Faculty initiated class changes require prior approval of the counselor and an administrator. A teacher is to meet with the counselor to discuss the reasons for the recommended class change, and parents will be contacted. Upon approval from the administrator, the counselor will process the change. Student Initiated Class Change A class change may be made at the beginning of each semester by request of the student with a parent and teacher signature on a form provided by the counselor. This must be made within the first 3 weeks of the semester with a teacher signature. A $25 course change fee per course may be charged for changes to primary courses requested by the student during class registration. Factors that are considered when making schedule changes and assessing the course change fee: