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Family Focus 5/25/24

date 05/30/2024 author Kris Sauer category May 2024, 2023-24 comment Leave a comment

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)

May 25, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardians: 

Congratulations to the graduates of the Class of 2024! What an amazing week celebrating these 43 hardworking students. We are so excited to see what they do next, and are blessed and grateful to have been part of their journey.

NO SCHOOL Monday for Memorial Day!

High school finals
conclude next week for students grades 9-11, Red day period 1-3 exams on Tuesday and White day period 1-3 exams on Wednesday. Students will be dismissed at 1:05pm on both Tuesday and Wednesday.

Middle school students will have a field day on Wednesday. Dress code items ALLOWED for the day: athletic shorts, leggings, regular t-shirts with sleeves, appropriate any size logos. Not allowed: Spandex shorts, clothing showing bottom or midriffs. 
Please wear walking shoes and carry bring your own water bottle. 

Parent volunteer information was sent out via email Thursday. Please click HERE for information, including all the summer volunteer opportunities we have available. 

2024-2025 tuition contracts are now available in Wordware/EduTrak. If you have an existing account, please click HERE to log in. Find the purple tuition icon and follow the prompts to set up your contract. Don't have an account? Watch for an email from Lisa Moon with your family key and login information. Please reach out if to Kris or Lisa if you have any questions. Thank you! 

The week ahead:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar

  • June 15: Heritage Days parade - parent/student volunteers needed
  • July 11-13: SMART Bike Ride for Catholic education 
  • July 17-21: BA fair stand @ the Rice County Fair - parent and student volunteers needed
  • August 2: BA Cardinal Golf Classic - golf with us at the Legacy! 

Prayers for the Class of 2024 and for a restful Memorial Day weekend. Prayers to all our fallen military members and their families. 

Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen UphusKatie Smith
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at


Message from the School Nurse: If your student has a medication that is not controlled, please pick up from the nurses office by May 29, 2024. If you have a controlled medication, make sure you have made arrangements to pick from nurse before May 29, at 1pm. Thank you! Have a great summer!

Summer Office Hours: Starting Monday, June 3, BA's front office will be open Monday through Thursday, 9am-1pm, closed Fridays.

Summer Reading Assignments: English teachers have begun sharing the 2024 class-based summer reading assignments. Click
HERE to find titles and reading guides for each grade and/or high school class.

BA Summer Camps: All are welcome to join our summer camp programs! Click HERE for information and registration forms for our volleyball, girls & boys basketball, football, and robotics camps this summer. Information for the fall 2024 grade 4-6 youth football league sign up is also included on this page.

Click HERE to register for Totus Tuus.

Click HERE to sign up for Summer Stretch.




Register for the Eucharistic Congress here:



Fall sport option for BA students!  Mountain biking with the local team: Cannon Valley Composite.  All ability levels are welcome.  For more information, reach out to Coach Todd Trembley at

Stanford Summer Mentors program: Click HERE for the flyer with more information on this program. 


Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 5/17/24

date 05/24/2024 author Kris Sauer category 2023-24, May 2024 comment Leave a comment

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)

May 17, 2024

Dear Parent/Guardians: 

What a blessing to celebrate Mass this morning with Divine Mercy Catholic School! We concluded Mass with a Eucharistic Procession where interested students and staff silently and reverently followed the Eucharist and Our Lady of Fatima from the front steps of BA to the Adoration Chapel. The procession also helped our school community commemorate and kick off locally the Eucharistic Congress procession starting today across the country. God is good!

Graduation Week! This is one of the busiest and most rewarding weeks of the year as we prepare to honor and celebrate the Class of 2024! Please join us Wednesday, May 22 at 1pm in the gym for the all-school Mary Ceremony and for Baccalaureate Mass with Bishop Williams at 7:30pm at Divine Mercy Catholic Church. Friday, May 24, we will gather at 9:30am for our grade 6-12 Awards Ceremony. We ask that grade 6-11 students be in Mass Dress Code on Wednesday and Friday next week. Students grades 6-11 will be dismissed at the conclusion of the Awards Ceremony, Friday around 11am. No grade 6-11 lunch will be served Friday, May 24. Please join us at 7:30pm May 24 for the Class of 2024 Commencement ceremony. All are welcome. Senior parents - see below for additional information.

Finals begin next week for students grades 9-11, with Cardinal A-C finals Thursday and Cardinal D finals Friday morning. Seniors will take their white period 1-3 exams Monday and red period 1-3 finals Tuesday. Please encourage your scholar to reach out to teachers with questions or for assistance as the year winds down.

Lunch program update: Last month, BA's lunch program successfully passed an in-person administrative review conducted by the MN Department of Education's USDA-governed school nutrition program. Earlier this week we had a snap MN Department of Health inspection, which the program also successfully passed. This correlates to the results of previous snap inspections, which are standard, conducted earlier this year. 

Have you completed the enrollment form for your student(s) for next year? You should be receiving emails from PowerSchool Enrollment. If you do not see them, please check your junk/spam folder. Tuition award letters were sent Tuesday to parents whose students are re-enrolled. Please contact Kris Sauer if you do not see an email or wish to discuss enrollment for next year. We anticipate releasing tuition contracts via EduTrak and providing updated information on the parent volunteer program - including several summer volunteer opportunities - next week. Thank you for your commitment to Catholic education for your student(s)!

The week ahead:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar

  • May 27: Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
  • May 28: 1:05 dismissal for all students
    •  High school red period 1-3 exams
  • May 29: Last Day of School, 1:05pm dismissal
    • High school white period 1-3 exams
    • Gr 6-11 Laptop & power cord turn in

Prayers for the Class of 2024, for those who have recently lost loved ones, and for all those in our BA community who are suffering either physically or mentally.

Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen UphusKatie Smith
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at


Message from the School Nurse: If your student has a medication that is not controlled, please pick up from the nurses office by May 29, 2024. If you have a controlled medication, make sure you have made arrangements to pick from nurse before May 29, at 1pm. Thank you! Have a great summer!

Summer Reading Assignments: English teachers have begun sharing the 2024 class-based summer reading assignments. Click
HERE to find titles and reading guides for each grade and/or high school class.

BA Summer Camps: All are welcome to join our summer camp programs! Click HERE for information and registration forms for our volleyball, girls & boys basketball, football, and robotics camps this summer. Information for the fall 2024 grade 4-6 youth football league sign up is also included on this page.

Senior Week Event Dates/Times/Info
  • Wed, May 22, 1pm: Mary Ceremony, BA gym: parents and special guests invited to attend. The Mary Ceremony is a beautiful all-school ceremony held in Van Orsow Auditorium. Seniors pay tribute to Mary with speeches and a prayer service/crowning ceremony, then honor all those who are important in their lives by distributing flowers of varying significance to fellow students, faculty, parents, guardians, grandparents, and other special friends in attendance. Seniors wear their caps and gowns.
  • Wed, May 22, 7:30pm – Baccalaureate Mass at Divine Mercy Catholic Church (seniors report by 7:15pm and wear their caps and gowns) All families and guests invited to join us for a special Mass celebrating the Class of 2024. Bishop Williams will preside; the Christian Man/Woman Award announced at Mass.
  • Friday, May 24, 9:30am – Awards Day program: All school and senior academic, athletic, and activities-related awards are announced at this event. Senior scholarships are announced and awarded. Seniors wear their caps and gowns. Parents are invited to attend.
  • Fri, May 24, 11:15am – Faculty/Staff/Senior Brunch – Seniors only with faculty and staff; traditionally senior moms have separately set up a lunch at this time.
  • Fri, May 24, 7:30pm – Commencement (seniors report by 7:15pm; band/choir report earlier). Held in Van Orsow Auditorium. All are welcome to attend. Seating is first come, first serve and there is no limit to the number of attendees. 
Click HERE to register for Totus Tuus.

Click HERE to sign up for Summer Stretch.




Register for the Eucharistic Congress here:



Fall sport option for BA students!  Mountain biking with the local team: Cannon Valley Composite.  All ability levels are welcome.  For more information, reach out to Coach Todd Trembley at

Stanford Summer Mentors program: Click HERE for the flyer with more information on this program. 


Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Family Focus 5/10/24

date 05/16/2024 author Kris Sauer category May 2024, 2023-24 comment Leave a comment

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6 (Campus Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2023-2024)

May 10, 2024

**Head of School Update from the Search Committee**
Thank you for your prayers and patience as we work through the Head of School search process. We are continuing to evaluate candidates and will be having one spend most of this coming Tuesday, May 14, touring BA, visiting classrooms, and meeting with faculty, staff, and student leaders.

Dear Parent/Guardians: 
Thank you to our teachers! We enjoyed honoring our teachers all week for their hard work and dedication to our students. Congratulations to our band and choir students for a lovely concert Wednesday night, to our FFA students for an educational agricultural day Thursday, and to our Students of the Month honored Thursday morning for their work in math, science, and agricultural. The final weeks of school are upon us - we are actively preparing for Senior Week and finals - and encourage you to reach out if your student needs support these next few weeks.

Have you completed the enrollment form for your student(s) for next year? You should be receiving emails from PowerSchool Enrollment. If you do not see them, please check your junk/spam folder. If you still do not see an email or wish to discuss enrollment for next year, please contact Kris Sauer. FYI that the requested enrollment fee will be incorporated into the tuition agreements which will  be sent in the next week or so.

The week ahead:

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar

  • May 20: Senior exams, white periods 1-3
  • May 21: Senior exams, red periods 1-3
  • May 22: Mary Ceremony, 1pm 
    • Baccalaureate Mass @ DMCC, 7:30pm
  • May 23: High school final exams Cardinals A, B, C
  • May 24: **Gr 6-11 dismissed around 11am, no lunch served**
    • High school Gr 9-11 Cardinal D exams
    • Awards Day, 9:30-11am
    • Senior Brunch, 11:15am
    • Commencement, 7:30pm
  • May 27: Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
  • May 28: 1:05 dismissal for all students
    •  High school red period 1-3 exams
  • May 29: Last Day of School, 1:05pm dismissal
    • High school white period 1-3 exams
    • Gr 6-11 Laptop & power cord turn in

Kudos to:

  • The junior class and the prom and post-prom coordinators/parent volunteers for a very successful Prom 2024: Under the Sea!
  • Middle and high school choir and band students for a lovely concert Wednesday night.
  • FFA students for their work sharing all things agriculture with BA and DMCS students Thursday during FFA Ag Day

Prayers for those who have recently lost loved ones, and for all those in our BA community who are suffering either physically or mentally at this time.

Blessings, The BA Leadership Team
Ed Friesen, Brent Zabel, Kris Sauer, Stephen UphusKatie Smith
Click on individual names to contact a member of the Leadership Team or email the entire team at


BA Summer Camps: All are welcome to join our summer camp programs! Click HERE for information and registration forms for our volleyball, girls & boys basketball, football and robotics camps this summer. Information for the fall 2024 grade 4-6 youth football league sign up is also included on this page.

Senior Scholarships: Senior scholarship information sought for the commencement program. Please email Kris Sauer with necessary information ASAP. 

Senior Week Event Dates/Times
  • Wed, May 22, 1pm: Mary Ceremony, BA gym: parents and special guests invited to attend. The Mary Ceremony is a beautiful all-school ceremony held in Van Orsow Auditorium. Seniors pay tribute to Mary with speeches and a prayer service/crowning ceremony, then honor all those who are important in their lives by distributing flowers of varying significance to fellow students, faculty, parents, guardians, grandparents, and other special friends in attendance. Seniors wear their caps and gowns.
  • Wed, May 22, 7:30pm – Baccalaureate Mass at Divine Mercy Catholic Church (seniors report by 7:15pm and wear their caps and gowns) All families and guests invited to join us for a special Mass celebrating the Class of 2024. Bishop Williams will preside; Christian Man/Woman Award announced at Mass.
  • Friday, May 24, 9:30am – Awards Day program: All school and senior academic, athletic, and activities-related awards are announced at this event. Senior scholarships are announced and awarded. Seniors wear their caps and gowns. Parents are invited to attend.
  • Fri, May 24, 11:15am – Faculty/Staff/Senior Brunch – Seniors only with faculty and staff; traditionally Senior moms have separately set up a lunch at this time.
  • Fri, May 24, 7:30pm – Commencement (seniors report by 7:15; band/choir report earlier). Held in Van Orsow Auditorium. All are welcome to attend. 
Click HERE to register for Totus Tuus.

Click HERE to sign up for Summer Stretch.




Register for the Eucharistic Congress here:


Talk to your teens about the risks associated with marijuana use.

Make sure they know the facts.

It’s illegal for people under age 21 to use and possess marijuana in Minnesota, and the legal ramifications could vary widely. If your child is in possession of marijuana, they will be disqualified from participating in sports and activities. In addition, using marijuana before age 18 may affect how the brain builds connections for functions like attention, memory and learning.

For more facts about marijuana, visit

Hable con sus hijos adolescentes sobre los riesgos asociados con el consume de marihuanaAsegúrese de que conozcan las realidades.  Es ilegal que personas menores de 21 años consuman y posean marihuana en Minnesota, y las ramificaciones legales podrían variar ampliamente. Si su hijo está en posesión de marihuana, será descalificado para participar en deportes y actividades. Además, consumir marihuana antes de los 18 años puede afectar la forma en que el cerebro establece conexiones para funciones como la atención, la memoria y el aprendizaje. Para obtener más datos sobre la marihuana, visite
Fall sport option for BA students!  Mountain biking with the local team: Cannon Valley Composite.  All ability levels are welcome.  For more information, reach out to Coach Todd Trembley at

Stanford Summer Mentors program: Click HERE for the flyer with more information on this program. 


Online BA School Calendar:

Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:

Our Mission
Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
105 3rd Ave. SW
Faribault, MN  55021
Phone:  507-334-3948
Fax:  507-334-3949