Family Focus 11-8-24

November 8, 2024 - Celebrating our 160th Year!
Dear Parent/Guardians:
Veterans Day: On Monday we will host a short Veteran’s Day program in the BA gym starting at 8:30 am. All are welcome to join us for this event, which will include remarks from John McDonough, Air Force veteran and past Commander of the Faribault American Legion. The event will also include the presentation of colors by members of the Rice County Central Veterans Association; patriotic performances by the Bethlehem Academy Band and Tom Donlon; and a reading by Kaitlyn Hunt ‘27, the winner of our school-wide poetry contest on veterans and patriotism. Share this invitation with veterans in the community so we may honor them as well.
Girls basketball starts Monday for this short but busy week. A reminder there is NO SCHOOL Friday, November 15. We will be closed for teacher workshops.
This Thursday, Nov 14 is our fall admissions open house! Please spread the good word about BA and invite interested families to join us on campus for student-led tours and informational sessions. Pre-register for the open house at this link; Cardinal visit days have also begun. Prospective students can choose a Cardinal visit day at this link. Contact Kris with any questions!
GRANDPARENTS DAY - Tuesday, Nov. 26: Please extend an invitation to grandparents/special adults in your student's life to join us in the BA gymnasium on November 226at 1:00 pm for a special program, tours and cookies. (Regular 2:55pm release although some may leave early with grandparents, with your permission, after the program.)
SPECIAL ADVENT EVENTS: During Advent we have special Masses and our Christmas Concerts. Please mark your calendars and plan to join us!
- December 9: 10:30 am Immaculate Conception Mass at Divine Mercy Catholic Church (there will be NO Friday Mass this week)
- December 15: BA Band & Choir Christmas Concerts, BA gym
- December 20: 10:30 am Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass at BA

UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar
- November 18: Boys basketball season opens
- November 18-22: Campus Ministry food drive to benefit St. Vincent de Paul
- November 19: Online School Store Closes. Click HERE to order.
- November 20: Grade 9/10 retreat
- November 21: NHS "Black Out" Dress Down Day
- November 22: Brian Greenfield @ BA, 1pm assembly. Click here for his bio/information.
- November 26: Grandparent's Day, 1pm
- November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break / No School
- The BA Annual Fund goal is: $260,000. Each gift supports our students and staff directly. We are thrilled to announce a $50,000 matching grant - all gifts received through December 1 will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to the match. Please consider a gift or call to set up a meeting at 507-334-3948. THANK YOU! Donate online at: Annual Fund
- Alumni Club: Calling all BA alumni! We have launched the Alumni Club to bring alumni together AND raise money for student academic and extracurricular programs like FFA, arts, and athletics. Click HERE for more information or to join.
- Mother Samuel Building Update: With the construction of the new school and sale of the Divine Mercy School block, we have been working with Divine Mercy Catholic Church and are pleased to announce that we have reached an agreement with them to purchase the Mother Samuel Building, connected to BA and housing the Adoration Chapel. The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis (for DMCC) and Dominican Veritas Ministries (for BA) must approve the agreement; both will consider doing so at meetings scheduled for later this month. More details to follow - we excited for the opportunities this has for future BA programs and opportunities!
Thank you for your partnership,
Kris Sauer, Ed Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School

BA Job Openings: Please remember to spread the word about our Head of School search! Find the job posting on our website HERE; share broadly to your LinkedIn network (post is HERE) of share today's post on our Facebook page. We are also looking for a part-time (Tuesday/Thursday) kitchen assistant and a nighttime custodian. Find job postings HERE. Thank you!

Host Family Needed! Permanent placement fell through (too many cats!) and our BA 8th grader is in need of a permanent placement. Please consider hosting! Stipend plus BA tuition credit and other incentives available. Contact Cheryl Da Silva for more information: 617-710-5700;
JO Volleyball Meeting Nov 18: All grade 4-11 girls volleyball players interested in playing JO volleyball are invited to attend a registration meeting Nov 18, 7pm in the BA cafeteria. Players can register at this link; find the meeting flyer with more information on the program HERE.
Girls and Boys Basketball Registration: Registration for girls and boys basketball is now open. The link to register may be found on under the More menu. The activity fee for participating in basketball is $140 per player. The fee may be paid online under the More menu, by check or by having the fee added to your tuition account. Student participants must also have a valid sports physical clearance on file with the school’s activities office in order to participate. Sports physicals are good for 3 years from the date of the exam. Sports physical clearance forms are available under the More menu on the website.
Girls Basketball began practicing on November 11.
Boys Basketball begins practicing on November 18.
Registration for Winter Co-operative Sports through Faribault Public Schools is now open. This includes Dance, Hockey, Wrestling, Gymnastics and Boys Swimming.
Wolf Ridge Tastefully Simple Fundraiser: Help support the 8th graders in their Tastefully Simple fundraiser. 100% of all profits goes toward the cost of the bus for our students. Any additional funds will help defray the cost for our chaperones. Email Kris Shuda, the Tastefully Simple consultant and past BA parent that is generously donating her profits, with any questions you may have at or visit for product information.
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Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Friday Focus 11-01-24

November 1, 2024
Dear Parent/Guardians:
What a privilege it was to join together with DMCS and our Faribault Catholic community for All Saint's Day this morning at Divine Mercy Catholic Church! It is just so powerful to gather all our young people together to pray and worship - please know that you are always welcome to join us in worship for our weekly Masses.
Last night's Trunk or Treat event was nothing short of amazing! Despite the cold, blustery (snowy?!?!) day, we hosted at least 1000 trick-or-treaters (and their adults) on our campus. A very special Cardinal thank you to everyone who donated candy or cash and to our students, BA & DMCS staff, parents and community members who very creatively and enthusiastically provided Halloween-themed trunks. It was a blast! Check out our Facebook page for photos of the fun.
Congratulations to our girls volleyball team! Although their run at sections has ended, they were this year's Gopher Conferene Champions. Thank you to our 8 seniors for leading a season to be proud of! Speaking of pride - GOOD LUCK to senior Brooklyn Becker, running at the State AA Cross Country Meet tomorrow morning at 10am for the Faribault co-op team. #CardinalPride!
It's time to grow the Cardinal family! Our fall admissions open house is in less than two weeks, held on campus November 14 from 5-7pm. Please spread the word and encourage families and prospective students to join us. Pre-register for the open house at this link; Cardinal visit days have also begun. Prospective students can choose a Cardinal visit day at this link. Contact Kris with any questions!
The week ahead:
UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar
- November 11: 8:30am Veteran's Day Program, BA gym; Girls basketball season opens
- November 13: School photo retake day, 7:30am start
- November 14: Admissions Open House, 5-7pm: please invite friends to check us out!
- November 15: No School / Teacher Workday
- November 18: Boys basketball season opens
- November 18-22: Campus Ministry food drive
- November 20: Grade 9/10 retreat
- November 22: Brian Greenfield @ BA, 1pm assembly. Click here for his bio/information.
- November 26: Grandparent's Day, 1pm
- November 27-29: Thanksgiving Break / No School
Please pray for those who are struggling with grief; for the caregivers in our community who care for the sick, elderly, and inform; and those struggling with their physical or mental health.
Thank you for your partnership,
Kris Sauer, Ed Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School
BA Job Openings: Please remember to spread the word about our Head of School search! Find the job posting on our website HERE; share broadly to your LinkedIn network (post is HERE) of share today's post on our Facebook page. We are also looking for a part-time (Tuesday/Thursday) kitchen assistant and a nighttime custodian. Find job postings HERE. Thank you!
Kleenex donations requested: Sniffle season is upon us and our kleenex stock is low. Please donate and replenish our school supply if you are able. Thank you!
DMCS/Whooping Cough: Pertussis (whooping cough) has been reported at DMCS and in our community. Please click here to see the announcement from the MN Departmen of Health with more information.
FFA Fruit Sales: FFA is holding their annual fruit and nut sales. Orders taken through November 8. Contact Mr. Johnson to connect with one of our FFA students to place an order!
Girls and Boys Basketball Registration: Registration for girls and boys basketball is now open. The link to register may be found on under the More menu. The activity fee for participating in basketball is $140 per player. The fee may be paid online under the More menu, by check or by having the fee added to your tuition account. Student participants must also have a valid sports physical clearance on file with the school’s activities office in order to participate. Sports physicals are good for 3 years from the date of the exam. Sports physical clearance forms are available under the More menu on the website.
Girls Basketball begins practicing on November 11.
Boys Basketball begins practicing on November 18.
Registration for Winter Co-operative Sports through Faribault Public Schools is now open. This includes Dance, Hockey, Wrestling, Gymnastics and Boys Swimming.
HIGH SCHOOL UPDATECareer Development Survey: As part of Career Development month in November Mr. Bienias is planning to send a career interest survey to high school students to get an idea of where their career interests are at. Please email Mr. Bienias by Friday, November 8 if you do not want your son or daughter to participate in this survey.
7th Grade Vision Screening Nov 5: 7th graders will have their vision checked on Tuesday; please contact Nurse Michele or the office to opt your child out of the screening. Please remind your 7th grader to wear their prescribed glasses/contacts on Tuesday!
Wolf Ridge Tastefully Simple Fundraiser: Help support the 8th graders in their Tastefully Simple fundraiser. 100% of all profits goes toward the cost of the bus for our students. Any additional funds will help defray the cost for our chaperones. Email Kris Shuda, the Tastefully Simple consultant and past BA parent that is generously donating her profits, with any questions you may have at or visit for product information.
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Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar:
Family Focus 10/25/24

October 25, 2024
***Scheduling note: No Faribault busing Friday, November 1.***
Dear Parent/Guardians:
Fall is flying by! Thank you to all our parents who joined us for conferences Wednesday. We so value partnering with you in your child's educational journey! Today at Mass we had the honor of joyfully inducting 17 new members into Bethlehem Academy's National Honor Society Chapter. Tuesday saw the conclusion of our Cardinal football team's season as they lost in section playoffs to Goodhue. With a win Thursday night over Southland, volleyball now moves to the section quarterfinals Monday night. Congratulations to all our Cardinals for their hard work and dedication to the Dominican pillars of prayer, study, community and service!

Adoration Chapel Parking Reminder: please remind your students to pay attention to parking signs on 2ndAvenue and not park in front of the Adoration Chapel. Those spots are reserved for the adorers who are praying in the chapel, many of whom are older and rely on the close parking these spots provide. Thank you!
Finally, invite friends, family and neighbors to check out BA at our fall prospective student open house November 14 from 5-7pm. Families can register at this link; Cardinal visit days have begun. Prospective students can choose a Cardinal visit day at this link. Contact Kris with any questions!
The week ahead:
UPCOMING EVENTS: Click HERE for a copy of the 2024-2025 BA School Calendar
- November 4: Founder's Day
- November 6: Student of the Month, 7:30am
- November 6: Veteran's Day Poetry Contest deadline
- November 7: FFA hunting $ dress down day
- November 7: Post-Prom A&W Dining Night Out, 4-9pm
- November 11: Veteran's Day Program, Girls basketball season opens
- November 14: Admissions Open House, 5-7pm
- November 15: No School / Teacher Workday
- November 18: Boys basketball season opens
Please pray for the caregivers and those struggling with their physical or mental health.
Thank you for your partnership,
Kris Sauer, Ed Friesen
Interim Co-Heads of School
Fr. Kevin Kenney Ordination Oct 28: Father Kevin Kenney, former Divine Mercy Catholic Church pastor, will be ordained as the new auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis on Monday, October 28. Information on all the ordination events can be found at this link; watch a livestream of the ordination HERE.
BA Job Openings: Please remember to spread the word about our Head of School search! Find the job posting on our website HERE; share broadly to your LinkedIn network (post is HERE) of share today's post on our Facebook page. We are also looking for a part-time (Tuesday/Thursday) kitchen assistant and a nighttime custodian. Find job postings HERE. Thank you!
Socktober: SADD's new sock donation drive continues through Thursday, October 31. Students can earn service hours for each package donated!
FFA Fruit Sales: FFA is holding their annual fruit and nut sales. Orders taken through November 8. Contact Mr. Johnson to connect with one of our FFA students to place an order!
Wolf Ridge Tastefully Simple Fundraiser: Help support the 8th graders in their Tastefully Simple fundraiser. 100% of all profits goes toward the cost of the bus for our students. Any additional funds will help defray the cost for our chaperones. Email Kris Shuda, the Tastefully Simple consultant and past BA parent that is generously donating her profits, with any questions you may have at or visit for product information.
Winter Sports Registration Now Open!
Girls and Boys Basketball Registration: Registration for girls and boys basketball is now open. The link to register may be found on under the More menu. The activity fee for participating in basketball is $140 per player. The fee may be paid online under the More menu, by check or by having the fee added to your tuition account. Student participants must also have a valid sports physical clearance on file with the school’s activities office in order to participate. Sports physicals are good for 3 years from the date of the exam. Sports physical clearance forms are available under the More menu on the website.
Girls Basketball begins practicing on November 11.
Boys Basketball begins practicing on November 18.
Registration for Winter Co-operative Sports through Faribault Public Schools is now open. This includes Dance, Hockey, Wrestling, Gymnastics and Boys Swimming.
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Talk. They Hear You. Talk to your kids before they make plans with friends. The new school year is a great time to establish family rules for social activities. Youth need your help understanding the facts about alcohol and other drugs. Talk with them about the risks of underage drinking and substance use, and be clear and consistent about your expectations. For tips on how and when to begin the conversation, visit
Hable. Ellos eschucan. Hable con sus hijos antes de que hagan planes con sus amigos. El nuevo año escolar es un buen momento para establecer reglas familiares para las actividades sociales. Los jóvenes necesitan su ayuda para entender los datos sobre el alcohol y otras drogas. Hable con ellos sobre los riesgos del consumo de alcohol y sustancias por menores de edad y sea claro y coherente con sus expectativas. Para obtener consejos sobre cómo y cuándo comenzar la conversación, visite |
Online BA School Calendar:
Online Faribault Falcons Calendar: