Family Focus 1/15/2021

Dear BA Families:
Happy Snow! I hope that this heavier snowfall finds you safe and warm in your home. As our announcement shared yesterday, today is a snow day for our middle school students and an online learning day for our high school scholars. At this point in the year, we want to give our high school students every opportunity to be successful and stay on track toward their academic goals. Thank you for partnering with us in this goal. All afternoon activities and sporting events have been canceled for today.
Congratulations! Special congratulations to our Spelling Bee participants from DMCS and BA: Abby Bauer, Megan Cina, Caden Dokkestul, Owen Dotterweich, Langston Richter, Sarah Tobin, Mikayla Dienst, Keira Dryer, Braiden Johnson, Keira O'Connor, Raymond Onstad, Leighton Richter, Ella Simon, and Adey Wesee. After two hours, our finalists were: 1st- Langston Richter, 2nd-Owen Dotterweich and 3rd-Leighton Richter. I am so impressed with all of the contestants. Such dedication and drive to academic excellence and the Sinsinawan Dominican pillar of study!
Calling All Talented Students! The Bethlehem Academy talent show will be Thursday, February 4th, as part of Catholic Schools Week. Each act will need to be pre-recorded by 3:30pm on Monday, February 1. The video will be presented to the whole school on Thursday. If you would like to participate, please sign up at this link. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Gardner, Mr. Zabel, or Mr. Hillesheim.
Schedule for the upcoming three weeks:
- Mon, Jan 18: No School - Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
- Tues, Jan 19-Fri, Jan 22: All students in person learning. Friday High School Mass
- Tues, Jan 19: Right to Life Dress Down Day (see details below)
- Fri, Jan 22: HS Right to Life March in St. Paul and Pregnancy Options of Faribault local event at 6:30 p.m. by their offices with guest speakers (see more info on this local event below).
- Mon, Jan 25: No School - Teacher Workday
- Tues, Jan 26-Fri, Jan 29: All students in person learning. Friday Middle School Mass
- Sat, Jan 30-4pm: BA Catholic Schools Week Mass at DMCC - if your family would like to assist at Mass, please reach out to Mrs. Kratt or Ms. Shimota.
- Catholic Schools Week & Snowball Activities. Theme: Faith. Excellence. Service.
- Mon, Feb 1- Country vs. Country Club (Hats allowed)
- Tues, Feb 2- Jersey Day - Day of Giving: students will be creating valentine cards for area seniors
- Wed, Feb 3 - WIN DAY-come in for support and projects
- Thurs, Feb 4- Pajama/Relaxed Clothes Day; Buddy Day with DMCS (virtual activities) and BA Talent Show presentation.
- Fri, Feb 5- Dress to Impress, HS Mass; Snoball Activities & Crowning
- FREE LUNCH: Will continue through April 30 for all BA students.
- 2021-22 FINANCIAL AID APPLICATIONS OPEN! Apply early for scholarships at this link: financial aid app. Please be sure to take advantage of our scholarship program. The initial application deadline is February 20, 2021.
- MARCH FOR LIFE: This January 22 is the March for Life with the Diocese and/or a local gathering in Faribault with Pregnancy Options at 6:30 p.m (see more info in the community section below).
COVID Update: As of January 8, 2021, we have one new COVID case with possible exposure at school in high school. We do have 11 students choosing distance learning fulltime and 20 students quarantining.
- Updated Student Symptom Screening form and Decision Tree - click on the links for updated information.
- All Illnesses: Please note, if your child is sick at any time, we do not expect them to join online learning. We want to give them time to recover. Just notify the attendance line as you normally would.
- BA Annual Fund: Our goal is to raise $250,000 by June 30, 2021. As of January 15 we are at $130,428 -Thank you! We have another $50,000 pledged bringing us to 72% of our goal. Remember, by making a larger donation in 2021, you may actually decrease your taxable income!
- BABS:We are looking for committee members to join our team of volunteers. If you like to decorate, call for donations, have a talent for arranging silent auction baskets, or just have great ideas, please contact me at my email below. WE NEED YOU!
KUDOS: To our Student Service Club for creating blankets this week in support of Pregnancy Options!
Have a blessed long weekend as we celebrate Martin Luther King Day on Monday!
Mindy Reeder, President/Principal
Right to Life Dress Down Day, Tuesday, Jan 19
Student Service Club is having a dress down day this Tuesday, Jan 19, in honor of Right to Life month. All funds collected will go to buy diapers and other baby items for Pregnancy Options. To dress down (sweatpants ok): pay $1 and/or donate the following items: post-it notes, paper products; K cups for Keurig, tea bags, cleaning supplies (wipes, bathroom cleaner), diapers (sz 4, 5, 6), baby wipes & hygiene items; To wear a hat: add $2; To wear leggings: add $2 (Make sure the sweater or shirt covers up the backside!) Please help this organization out. THANK YOU!
Basketball Games: Spectator Update
The number of spectators that can attend basketball games this season is limited due to State of Minnesota orders. The Gopher Conference is limiting the number to 2 spectators per participant. This restriction allows each school to better meet both social distancing guidelines and any contact tracking requirements should the need arise. (The Big 9 Conference is also limiting spectators to 2 per participant.) Varsity/JV parents have been contacted about the opportunity to purchase passes for the season. Contact Athletic Director Ed Friesen with any questions.
See our online calendar for streaming links to games. Subscribe to our NFHS Network Channel to watch most of our games, both home and away, online.
Home and School: Volunteers Needed!
Home and School - your parent organization! - is looking for new parent volunteers to lead this parent group so vital to our BA community. Jane and Michelle are “retiring” and without new leader volunteers, this group will have to disband. Contact Jane at or Barb or Tammy in the office (507-334-3948) if you have any questions.
Shadow Days & Tours
Does your student have a friend interested in BA? Invite them to join them for a shadow day (classmates are encouraged to come together) or for a personal family tour. Sign up to shadow here; sign up for a family tour (offered Mon-Fri from 3-6pm) here. Applications are now open for 2021-2022! Find more information on our admission page.
BA Angel Hot Lunch Fund
The lunch program still has over $1500 in negative hot lunch accounts. If you are able during this time of free hot lunches, please consider donating to help clear these accounts. If 30 BA families donated $50 each, we could bring current all accounts and help our families who are struggling during this pandemic. Drop a donation in an envelope marked “BA Angel Lunch Account Fund” in the front office; contact Tracy Meschke at with any questions. Thank you!
Facemasks and BA Car Clings Available for Sale
We are now selling BA facemasks and car clings in the BA Front Office! Click here for more information. Send in payment (cash or check made out to BA) with your order to Tammy in the front office or email Tammy with any questions.
Wanted: Spring Sports Coaches
We have the following spring sports coaching positions open: Head Baseball, Assistant Baseball, Middle School Baseball, Head Track & Field, Assistant Track & Field (# of assistants to be determined). If you or someone you know is interested please contact Athletic Director Ed Friesen at At this time, we believe the spring season will start late March or early April – a couple of weeks later than normal.
Interested in College Band?
Members of the Notre Dame Band are hosting a series of virtual open house events for high school students interested in college band. The open house for the Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana region is THIS SUNDAY, January 17th, at 6pm EST / 5pm CST.RSVP HERE. Notre Dame band members will be talking about aspects of college band in general, as well as information about the Notre Dame Band. This event is intended for high school juniors and seniors, but freshmen and sophomores are invited to attend as well.
Current 10th & 11th Grade Students: PSEO for Fall 2021
PSEO offers high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to take courses at eligible post-secondary institutions. Students must meet the admissions requirements of the post-secondary institution, but do not pay for tuition, fees, or books. They earn high school credit and, if students continue their education beyond high school, colleges or universities may choose to transfer their completed coursework through PSEO as college credits. Students interested in taking PSEO courses at South Central or other colleges and universities must discuss this option with the counselor prior to clss registration, which will open to returning students the week of February 22. Please note that many schools have deadlines as early as the beginning of April. FAQs about PSEO can be found here on Counselor's Corner on the BA website. If you have any questions concerning PSEO, please reach out to Ms. Rogers at
ACT Test Prep Class through Faribault Community Education
As they have done in the past, Faribault Community Education is offering an ACT Test prep class through Advantage Test Prep (other classes and locations found at The 3-hour classes are held on 4 Saturdays starting January 30 at the Faribault Education Center. There is also an online class option. Click here for more information.
Juniors (and Seniors): ACT Test Sites Re-opening
Students whose ACT test was cancelled last December should check their registration status through their account. Testing sites have begun to re-open in Minnesota, and students may be able to register for upcoming tests. The deadline for February 6 test registration is Friday, January 15. Please contact Ms. Rogers at with any questions.
FAFSA Updates 2021
The covid relief bill passed at the end of 2020 included some significant changes to the FAFSA. Here is an article that explains what changes were made. FAFSA is also providing a free educational webinar to the public on all recent changes to the college process on Wednesday, January 27 at 7pm. You can join through this Zoom Link. For other information about financing your student's education, please check out this page on the BA website, or reach out to Ms. Rogers at with any additional questions.
College Deadline Update Emailed to Seniors: It is getting to that point where college deadlines have either recently passed or are coming up very soon! Contact Ms Rogers If you need: mid-year transcripts, information about schools/programs or pathways to your chosen trade, or help with scholarship applications. If you have received a decision about your application: update your application status in Naviance. If you have decided where you are going next year: update your decision status in Naviance. If you are still considering your plans for next year, email Ms. Rogers at: to discuss your options.
Tri-Lakes Sportsman’s Club Scholarship
Graduating seniors interested in the outdoors and/or pursuing a degree in the outdoors or the environment are invited to apply for a $500 scholarship sponsored by the Tri-Lakes Sportsman’s Club. An application and personal essay, due March 10, is required. See Naviance or Ms. Rogers for more information.
Faribo 4 Kids Thomas Laughlin Scholarship
Faribo 4 Kids is sponsoring the Thomas Laughlin scholarship opportunity. There are 2 scholarships, each worth $1500. Applications must be postmarked by March 19, 2021. Seniors were sent this email Jan 6; more information can also be found through "Scholarships" on Naviance.
Allina Health Orthopedics Sports Medicine Scholarship
Allina Health Orthopedics will be offering two $2,500 scholarships, which will be awarded annually to one female and one male student athlete who intends to attend college to pursue a career in sports medicine. Deadline to apply is March 1, 2021. Contact Ms. Rogers for more information.
Steele-Waseca Electric Coop College Scholarship
Are you a Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric customer who has a Class of 2021 scholar planning to continue his/her education full-time at a two- or four-year technical school or college? If so, please have your senior email Ms. Rogers to find out more about applying for a $500 scholarship. Eligible students will be asked to fill out a form detailing academics, school and community involvement, and submit a short essay on their future goals.
MS Positivity Project
In our religion classes MS scholars will be looking for the characteristic of perseverance within themselves and in their classmates. Perseverance is a quality we want all of our students to strive toward. Attached please find the perseverance card for your information and for extended conversations at home.
AIM Higher K-8 Scholarship
The Aim Higher Scholarship is a $1,000, student-based scholarship awarded to K-8 students from families with demonstrated need. This year's application deadline is February 20, 2021. Application is via the online TADS financial aid form found here. Click here to find more information via the English flyer and the Spanish flyer.
Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group
Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. Visit for more information.
Pregnancy Options March for Life Event, Jan 22 6:30pm in Faribault
Pregnancy Options invites you to gather with them at 6:30pm January 22 in the street in front of Pregnancy Options (18 2nd St NW, Faribault). There will be hot apple cider and hot chocolate along with candles. We will be praying for the end of abortion, the overturning of Roe v Wade, and the strength of Pregnancy Options. Mayor Kevin Voracek will be present and will sign a proclamation on the Sanctity of Life in Faribault. Rep. Brian Daniels, Sen. John Jaskinski, and a representative from MCCL have been invited to come to share a few words. They are offering this as an alternative to and/or in addition to going to the Capitol. This will not be a long event and the center will be open if you would like to visit. If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please contact the director, Gina Little. There are many ways to participate depending on what you are interested in! Gina’s email is
Faribault Soccer Association Summer Registration
Registration for the Faribault Soccer Association summer program is now open. The deadline to register for Traveling Soccer is February 6th. The players age is their age on December 31, 2021. Register online here; more information on the website here.
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Family Focus 1/8/2021

January 8, 2021
Dear BA Families:
Happy New Year! Our first semester ended with much success. So many of our students worked incredibly hard to end the semester positively. THEY ARE DEDICATED SCHOLARS! I pray for our students each week and am so grateful to partner with you and our staff as we celebrate their success.
We will be in our Hybrid Phase One learning model next week, and in person every day the last two weeks of January due to previously scheduled days off:
- Week Jan 11-15: Students in building Mon-Tues, Thurs-Fri. No class Wednesday-faculty available for student support. Friday, Jan 15 - Middle School Mass day.
- Monday, Jan 18: No School. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
- Tue, Jan 19-Fri, Jan 22: All students in person learning. Friday High School Mass
- Mon, Jan 25: No School - Teacher Workday
- Tues Jan 26-Fri, Jan 29: All students in person learning. Friday Middle School Mass
- FREE LUNCH: All BA students will receive Free Hot Lunch through April 30 due to our acceptance into a COVID relief program. An email (copy attached) regarding this was sent out earlier this week. Special thanks to our lunch program team who took the additional steps and to qualify BA for this program.
- FINANCIAL AID APPLICATIONS OPEN: An email (copy attached) was sent to families inviting you to apply for financial aid for 2021-2022. Please be sure to take advantage of our scholarship program. Early applications encouraged; the initial application deadline is February 20, 2021.
- MARCH FOR LIFE: This January 22 is the March for Life with the Diocese. Please see the information to sign up your scholar. Space is limited this year due to COVID protocols, please sign up by Tuesday, January 13 as this is a wonderful opportunity for our students to actively participate with others of their faith.
COVID Update: As of January 8, 2021, we have not had any additional Covid-19 cases where students have been in school. We do have 25 students distance learning due to personal requests, confirmed cases at home or exposure.
- Updated Student Symptom Screening form and Decision Tree - click on the links for updated information.
- All Illnesses: Please note, if your child is sick at any time, we do not plan to have them join online learning. We want to give them time to recover. Just notify the attendance line as you normally would. They will have time to make up assignments.
- BA Annual Fund: Our goal is to raise $250,000 by June 30, 2021. As of January 8 we are at $125,200 -Thank you! We have another $50,000 pledged bringing us to 70% of our goal. Remember, by making a larger donation in 2021, you may actually decrease your taxable income!
- BA Bash Raffle: Thank you for participating in our new, BA Bash Raffle. BA profited $12,400 from the raffle. Our budgeted goal was $10,000. Congratulations to our winners: 1stPrize: Joanne DeGrood; 2ndPrize: Jolene Mostrom; 3rdPrize: Pam Sartor
Thank you for your feedback on our winter survey. These results and your input is helping us reaffirm areas of strength and plan for areas for growth, not only for this year, but next year as well. We look forward to revised and additional classes, expanded spiritual activities and experiences, accelerated programming, community building events and additional student support. God is great! Keep praying for all that God has planned for your scholar and BA!
Mindy Reeder, President/Principal
Robotics Returns Monday, January 11
After a required pause, the Vex Robotics Club is ready to get back to action! Any grade 6-12 BA student interested in joining should plan to meet Mondays starting Jan 11 from 3-5pm in the BA library. No fees this year. If interested and not yet signed up, please bring a copy of the attached form to the Monday’s meeting. Contact Coach Robinson at with any questions.
Home and School: Volunteers Needed!
Home and School - your parent organization! - is looking for new parent volunteers to lead this parent group so vital to our BA community. See attached letter for more information; contact Jane Hillesheim or Barb or Tammy in the office (507-334-3948) if you have any questions.
Shadow Days & Tours
Does your student have a friend interested in BA? Invite them to join them for a shadow day (classmates are encouraged to come together) or for a personal family tour. Sign up to shadow here; sign up for a family tour (offered Mon-Fri from 3-6pm) here. Mid-year transfers are welcome, and applications are now open for 2021-2022. Find more information on our admission page.
BA Angel Hot Lunch Fund
The lunch program still has over $1500 in negative hot lunch accounts. If you are able during this time of free hot lunches, please consider donating to help clear these accounts. If 30 BA families donated $50 each, we could bring current all accounts and help our families who are struggling during this pandemic. Drop a donation in an envelope marked “BA Angel Lunch Account Fund” in the front office; contact Tracy Meschke at with any questions. Thank you!
Facemasks and BA Car Clings Available for Sale
We are now selling BA facemasks and car clings in the BA Front Office! Click here to see the facemask and here for the car clings. They are “sold out” in the school store because they are now available here at BA! Send in payment (cash or check to BA) with your order to Tammy in the front office or Email Tammy with any questions.
Semester 1 Report Cards
Semester 1 report cards were sent in a password-protected email earlier this week. Please contact us if you did not receive the report card or had difficulty with opening the report card.
Winter Sports has Begun!
The winter sports teams began practicing this week. The first games will take place at the end of next week. Seating capacity will be limited to 2 spectators per participant; some junior high venues may be more limited. Most games will be live-streamed. Visit our online school calendar or our sports website for schedules, including streaming links. Or, download the rST Activity Scheduler app to your smart phone to access schedules and streaming links. For coop sports schedules and streaming links, visit their online calendar or sports website.
Wanted: Spring Sports Coaches
We have the following spring sports coaching positions open: Head Baseball, Assistant Baseball, Middle School Baseball, Head Track & Field, Assistant Track & Field (# of assistants to be determined). If you or someone you know is interested please contact Athletic Director Ed Friesen at At this time, we believe the spring season will start late March or early April – a couple of weeks later than normal.
Faribo 4 Kids Thomas Laughlin Scholarship
Faribo 4 Kids is sponsoring the Thomas Laughlin scholarship opportunity. There are 2 scholarships, each worth $1500. A copy of the application form is attached. Applications must be postmarked by March 19, 2021. Seniors were sent this email Jan 6; more information can also be found through "Scholarships" on Naviance.
Allina Health Orthopedics Sports Medicine Scholarship
Allina Health Orthopedics will be offering two $2,500 scholarships, which will be awarded annually to one female and one male student athlete who intends to attend college to pursue a career in sports medicine. Deadline to apply is March 1, 2021. Contact Ms. Rogers for more information.
Steele-Waseca Electric Coop College Scholarship
Are you a Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric customer who has a Class of 2021 scholar planning to continue his/her education full-time at a two- or four-year technical school or college? If so, please have your senior email Ms. Rogers to find out more about applying for a $500 scholarship. Eligible students will be asked to fill out a form detailing academics, school and community involvement, and submit a short essay on their future goals.
AIM Higher K-8 Scholarship
The Aim Higher Scholarship is a $1,000, student-based scholarship awarded to K-8 students from families with demonstrated need. This year's application deadline is February 20, 2021. Application is via the online TADS financial aid form found here. Find more information via the English flyer and the Spanish flyer.
March for Life Friday, January 22
As promoted to our high school students in religion class: high school and college students are invited to this day of prayer, inspiration, pro-life education and advocacy for the pre-born. Families are welcome and may register as a group. Cost is $25 per person; lunch and transportation provided by Divine Mercy Youth Ministry. Online registration by January 13 required. Click here to learn more. There will some phenomenal speakers, and the group will be marching from St. Agnes to the Capitol for the MCCL rally at the Capitol. Space is limited due to COVID transportation restrictions.
Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group
Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. Visit for more information.
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Family Focus 12/18/2020

*** REMINDER: NO SCHOOL Monday, December 21 and Tuesday, December 22. Classes resume Monday, January 4, 2021***
Dear BA Families:
MERRY CHRISTMAS! At this time of year I want to extend my appreciation for the partnership we have with all of you, our scholars and families. We are honored that you have chosen Bethlehem Academy. We know that God placed each scholar in the BA family for a very special purpose. All of our teachers and staff extend our wishes and prayers to you for rest and renewal this Christmas and many blessings for 2021!
We will return to school on January 4 in this same Hybrid Phase One learning model as this week. Please remember, if you were in large groups or traveled, stay home this first week and notify us by email at for online learning. Our schedule the week of Jan 4 :
- Monday, Jan. 4, Red Day: All students in person learning.
- Tuesday, Jan. 5, White Day: All students in person learning.
- Wednesday, Jan. 6: No classes scheduled. Scholars may be asked to come in for support or may request time with teachers.
- Thursday, Jan. 7, Red Day: All students in the building.
- Friday, Jan. 8, White Day: All students in person learning. HS Mass Day - 8:30 a.m. Dress for Mass.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: We missed our traditional, beautiful Christmas concerts. Watch online next week for links to a limited, online concert on both our Facebook and YouTube pages. Please plan to enjoy the wonderful music and share this with family at home. This second semester we welcome new 6th grade student, Trey M. Please help welcome him to our school family.
COVID Update: As of December 17, 2020, we have not had any additional cases and remain at nine positive Covid-19 cases total in our BA family since this fall (members who have tested positive but not transferred through school.) Presently we have no students needing to quarantine.
- Updated Student Symptom Screening form and Decision Tree - click on the links for updated information.
- Traveling for Christmas or gathering with groups outside of your immediate family? Please plan to quarantine at home and notify the school office that your child will be online that first week in January. Call/email the school attendance line (507-334-3948, to let us know. Thank you for partnering with us to keep our students and staff safe!
- All Illnesses: Please note, if your child is sick at any time, we do not plan to have them join online learning. We want to give them time to recover. Just notify the attendance line as you normally would. They will have time to make up assignments.
- Online learning transition for quarantine: If your scholars needs to quarantine for exposure or while waiting for test results, please notify the attendance line as you normally would for an illness. Generally we ask that a student be out three days before transitioning to formal distance learning.
- Counseling support is available at school with our counselor for students, Ms. Tori Rogers. Please email her if your child would like time to visit each week at: If you or your family is looking for additional support, one of our BA families reached out to share their information, Leah Ernste, 952-373-0055.
STAFF CHANGES: Several teachers will be making adjustments to their schedule in the second semester. Mr. Scot Gardner is happy to have his son, Christopher, back home. He plans to return to teaching in January. Mr. Dave Wollin made the hard decision to only teach his AP class during the 2nd semester for personal reasons. Mr. Tom Madden looks forward to teaching the geography classes.
SPECIAL PRAYER OPPORTUNITY FOR TEENS: Join the parish as we begin 2021 in prayer during a special Adoration hour on January 1, 2021, from 7-8 p.m. See the attached flier for details!
- BA Annual Fund: Our goal is to raise $250,000 by June 30, 2021. As of December 17 we are over $100,000 -Thank you! We invite you, or your extended family, to help us reach halfway to our goal by Christmas! This is a great time to give! With the 2020 COVID giving tax rule changes, all donations of any amount can be taken as a tax credit in 2020. We reached our original goal of $100,000 by Christmas and invite you to help us achieve our stretch goal by January 1, 2021 of $125,000, halfway toward our total goal of $250,000. Spread the news!
- BA Bash Raffle Tickets-Did you get your order in? Raffle tickets make a great stocking stuffer! Only 1000 of the $25 tickets printed. Top Prize-$2020, 2nd Prize-$1020, 3rd Prize: $520. Proceeds help us cover extra costs related to the COVID-19 pandemic and educational needs for our students and staff. Click HERE to download your order form. All ticket orders must be received by December 30, 2020. To date we’ve sold nearly 600 tickets.
KUDOS: To our National Honor Society, Student Service Club, Student Council, and many students who participated in various service projects throughout Advent. From sending cards to nursing homes and hospitals, to care packages and gifts to St. Vincent de Paul and area residents in need, their acts made a difference! We even had students helping to deliver home-cooked meals. Such an amazing impact our scholars make in our community! Great work also to our FFA students on their fruit and butter braid sales! This will help to grow their programming.
Congratulations also to Elliot Smith who was named to the Minnesota Football Coaches Association (MFCA) Class 1A Individual Academic All-State Team. Only 14 players from all of Class A were selected for this honor. Congratulations also to seniors Kennedy Tutak (Hamline University, volleyball) and Kade Robb (Dakota State University, basketball) on their commitment to continue athletics next year at the collegiate level.
Extending the sincerest wishes for a beautiful Christmas and Happy New Year!
Mindy Reeder, President/Principal
BA Winter 2020 Survey: Deadline Today-Friday, Dec 18
If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to respond to our survey as we complete our first full semester of the academic year. Please do so TODAY, Friday, Dec. 18, 2020, so we may assess results over the Christmas break. Find the parent survey at this link and the student survey at this link.
Attendance Reminders
A reminder to call or email the front office (507-334-3948 or if you plan to have your scholar learn online January 4-8 or with any changes to your scholar’s attendance - doctor appointment, excused absence, college visit, etc. The front office will then inform your scholar’s teachers. Thank you for your help with this!
Home and School Update
It’s not too late to pay your Home and School dues! Please turn your $25 in at the front office. Also a reminder that Home and School is looking for new parent volunteers. See the attached Christmas letter from Michelle and Jane. New volunteers are needed or this group so vital to our school community will have to end. Thank you!
BA Christmas Angel Fund
Help us support BA families in need!Please consider a donation to the Christmas Angel Student Lunch Account Fund. Many families in our BA community are struggling in a multitude of ways this Christmas season. Please keep them all in your prayers and, if you are able, please consider donating to help families cover their students’ lunch accounts, many of whom fall just outside the federal and state guidelines for assistance. Donations can be dropped off at the BA front entrance or mailed to our address. Thank you for the donations we’ve already received.
Prospective Student Visit Options
Help us grow our student enrollment and spread the good news about BA! Take the Future Cardinal Challenge and invite one family/student to join us for a personal tour or one of our limited shadow opportunities. Mid-year transfers are welcome, and applications are now open for 2021-2022. Find more information on our admission page.
Alumni Update Form
We would appreciate any updates for your post-college graduates. Please fill out the attached form and email it to Sister Mary Margaret. Alumni can also update their contact information, sign up for our Veritas newsletter, or share news on our Alumni website page found here. Thank you!
Holiday Shopping: Amazon Smiles
If you are holiday shopping via Amazon, go to, pick Bethlehem Academy as your organization and AmazonSmile will donate to BA, at no cost to you. It works with Amazon Prime and you can use Scrip to pay for your purchases. Thank you!
Holiday Scrip: Holiday SCRIP is a great option for gift giving! You purchase these small denomination gift cards after all Sunday Masses at Divine Mercy Catholic Church and from the Divine Mercy Catholic School Business Office at 15 SW Third Avenue.
Winter Sports Update
Governor Walz's current orders will allow sports teams to begin practicing on Monday, January 4. However, a date for when games may start has not been set. We will be receiving additional guidance and direction from the Minnesota State High School League in the coming days. Please watch for more information about the winter sports season to come in the near future.
Unemployment Benefits to HS Students
The State of MN has announced that due to Covid-19, high school students who have lost work due to the pandemic may be eligible to receive unemployment. If your student lost their job due to the pandemic, they may be eligible to receive unemployment benefits. The application deadline is December 26. FYI that Ms. Rogers also emailed this information to all high school students December 10. Find more information here.
Ag Career Scholarship
The Minnesota Corn Growers Association (MCGA) is providing four $5,000 scholarships to MN students who are pursuing a career in agriculture. Find the application at The deadline to apply is January 8. Scholarship applicants must be a young adult member of MCGA who is working toward a degree in an agriculture-related field.
Steele-Waseca Electric Coop College Scholarship
Are you a Steele-Waseca Cooperative Electric customer who has a Class of 2021 scholar planning to continue his/her education full-time at a two- or four-year technical school or college? If so, please have your senior email Ms. Rogers to find out more about applying for a $500 scholarship. Eligible students will be asked to fill out a form detailing academics, school and community involvement, and submit a short essay on their future goals
Mill City Senior Living Caroling Dec 19
Join DMCC in Caroling on Saturday, December 19th to spread some Advent and Christmas joy to our parishioners living at Mill City Senior Living. Please arrive at 5:50pm and head towards the flagpole. A table will be set up with candles and song sheets. If you would prefer to have the songs emailed to you so that you have them on your phone, please contact Andrea Gibbs. We will begin singing at 6:00pm. Mill City asks that you please wear a face covering and keep distanced from those not in your household. Mill City 's address is 1520 17th St NW, Faribault
JAN 1: SPECIAL PRAYER OPPORTUNITY FOR TEENS: Join the parish as we begin 2021 in prayer during a special Adoration hour on January 1, 2021, from 7-8 p.m. See the attached flier for details!
Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group
Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. Visit for more information.
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