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Family Focus 10/14/2020

date 11/08/2020 author Ed Friesen category October 2020, 2020-21 comment Leave a comment

October 14, 2020


Dear BA Families:


Happy MEA Break! As you gather for final fall activities during MEA our staff met to plan and review for the weeks ahead. We were blessed with warm weather for our games and Spooktacular events. Thank you for your support and participation as we continued these events and traditions.


Upcoming Events:

  • October 22: Student of the Month celebration
  • October 23: End of 1st Quarter, NHS Induction
  • October 29: HS Virtual Conferences
  • October 31: Trunk or Treat at the Fairgrounds, 4-6pm; register your trunk here

Thank you for your continued prayers and partnership! Please reach out if you have any concerns or questions. We will continue to follow up with several of the inappropriate homecoming behavior and thank you for sharing with us what you know.


Blessings, Mindy Reeder, President/Principal




MEA Break Dress Code Update

Please see below for a reminder of our Dress Code policy for pants/shorts and shoes- - no shorts or flip flops until after spring break. These changes will be effective Monday, October 19, following the MEA break. 


Pants/Shorts: All students will wear pant/trouser style bottoms (of any color) including jeans that meet the top of the ankles. Khaki and jean jogger pants may be worn. Prior to MEA and following spring break, students may wear dress shorts or bermuda shorts that are knee length with a sewn hem.  Short lengths may not be more than 2 inches above the knee cap.  Students are allowed to wear capri pants of any color. Jogger dress pants and jogger jeans are acceptable.


Shoes: All students will wear shoes. State law requires that for health reasons, no bare feet will be allowed in the school building. Backless shoes are acceptable. Flip flops may be worn before MEA and following Spring Break.


Yearbook Orders-Discount through Oct 16

Great news everyone! Josten's has extended its back to school yearbook promotion until October 16th. The starting price is $50 plus tax. After October 16th the price will go up to $55. The sooner you buy it the cheaper it is. You don't want to miss out on this historic year! Order form attached or go to this link to order your 2020-2021 yearbook today. Please contact Mr. Zabel if you have any questions.


AP Exam Order 

Students taking AP courses at BA are required to take the May AP exams. Students not in AP classes are allowed to take the exams if they choose. See attached form for more information and a test order form; contact Ms Rogers with questions. Students need to get these forms in to Ms. Rogers ASAP after the MEA break.


Jostens Reps @ BA Tuesday, October 20

Josten’s representatives will be meeting with the sophomores (class rings) and seniors (graduation) Tuesday, October 20 during period 3.


University of St. Thomas Virtual BA Visit Oct 21

The University of St. Thomas will have representatives available for virtual visits with BA students October 21 from  11:15-11:45am, with additional time added based on student interest. Students should contact Ms. Rogers if they are interested in meeting with admissions and learning about St Thomas.


Attached Files

AP Test Letter and Order Form 2020.pdf

Welcome Back Promotion Yearbook Order Form 2020-2021.pdf


Family Focus October 9, 2020

date 11/08/2020 author Ed Friesen category October 2020, 2020-21 comment Leave a comment

Dear BA Families:

Happy Homecoming! This week brought BA students together to celebrate all that is BA. School pride included selecting homecoming royalty, dress up days, senior prizes, Mass, bingo and ultimate frisbee. Today we gathered for lunch on the Back 40 to celebrate homecoming, our history, and our future. 

HOMECOMING ISSUES: Unfortunately, some students this week have thought it is “funny” or acceptable to say or write negative racial or sexual comments. This is not something that we can laugh about and we have been addressing these issues. As we celebrate BA this weekend, please take this opportunity to also talk with your scholar about expectations. Our mission is, “To love as Jesus Christ loves, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: VERITAS.” 

SPOOKTACULAR!To date we are over $3,000 in donations and participation fees with presently about 90 registered for live or virtual racing-but it’s not too late to participate! You can sign up tomorrow morning or donate online. If we reach this goal, our students will earn an early release day. Check out the link here.

AIM HIGHER TONIGHT FUNDRAISER TONIGHT: Please join me later tonight to support Aim Higher and their scholarship program. They donate to Catholic schools across our Diocese and support us individually with scholarship gifts to our students. This is their only fundraising event of the year. Here is a link from Archbishop Hebda: Video Link of Archbishop Hebda. In addition, I will be hosting a watch party at 6 p.m. tonight online. Join me at this link and our school could win the drawing for our school! Join: Meeting ID: 948 3704 1062 Passcode: ba2020 In addition, you should sign up to bid on some great items or donate at:

Upcoming Events:

  • October 14-16: MEA - No School
  • October 23: End of 1st Quarter
  • NHS Induction
  • October 29: HS Virtual Conferences
  • October 31: Trunk or Treat at the Fairgrounds

Greenhouse Update: We are excited to announce that we have our final approval for occupancy with our Greenhouse! Our students can now begin larger plant projects for additional learning opportunities. Thanks to everyone who helped to make this possible!


  • Wanted: Face Masks, Sanitizer and Disinfectant Wipes!
  • Feeling Ill? Please keep students and their siblings home. This is part of the safety protocols for COVID. Click here for info and call the attendance line ( or 507-334-3948) with the symptoms.

Thank you for your continued prayers and partnership! Please reach out if you have any concerns or questions. We will continue to follow up with several of the inappropriate homecoming behavior and thank you for sharing with us what you know.


Mindy Reeder, President/Principal


(See separate sections below for updates specific to high school or middle school)

FFA Meetings: Oct 13 and Oct 26

FFA breakfast meeting Tuesday, October 13th starting at 7:30am - we will launch our Fruit/Butter Braid Sales, which will start 10/13 and run through Nov 6. All profits will go into the FFA fund which covers the cost for contest fees, state, and hopefully next year’s national convention among many things. Our Next official FFA monthly meeting is Monday, October 26th at 3:00pm in the greenhouse. Officers will be nominated for elections.

Free COVID Testing Oct 13-15

Free COVID-19 testing is being offered from 12-6pm, October 13-15 at the Faribault Armory-MN National Guard facility. Open to everyone, with or without symptoms, no insurance needed. Appointments are required, click here to sign up. See attached flyers in English and in Spanish for more information.

Yearbook Orders-Discount through Oct 16

Great news everyone! Josten's has extended its back to school yearbook promotion until October 16th. The starting price is $50 plus tax. After October 16th the price will go up to $55. The sooner you buy it the cheaper it is. You don't want to miss out on this historic year! Order form attached or go to this link to order your 2020-2021 yearbook today. Please contact Mr. Zabel if you have any questions.

BA Robotics Club Starts Oct 26

After a delayed start, the Vex Robotics Club is ready to get started! The first meeting for BA students will be held Monday, Oct 26, 3-5pm in the BA library. No fees this year; interested students bring a signed copy of the attached form to the first meeting.

Socktober through Oct 31

BA’s Student Service Club is hosting Socktober through the end of the month. Please send in new socks with your students; all donations will be donated to St. Vincent de Paul.

BA Spiritwear / Online School Store

We are pleased to announce that we have created an online school store selling BA spiritwear. Find the link here. Orders will be taken online through Tuesday, Nov 10, with delivery expected the first week in December. Choose door-to-door delivery (fees apply) or local delivery to BA (free). These items make great Christmas gifts. Check it out today!

Rice Co Public Health Vaccine Program

Now more than ever, it is important to keep your child’s vaccines up to date. Rice County Public Health has a Child and Teens Checkups Program that can help. See attached flyer for more information.

TRUNK OR TREAT Oct 31: Trunks Needed!

The annual BA/DMCS Trunk or Treat will be a drive-by event held at the Rice County Fairgrounds Saturday, October 31, from 4-6pm. Free hot dog dinner included! Sign up to host a trunk here, and plan to have your student(s) participate in our dollar/bag of candy dress down day the last week in October. Watch this space for details.

BA School Directory: Home and School

We will be finalizing the Bethlehem Academy School Directory soon. If you do not want your phone number or address in the directory, please contact the main office ASAP at 507-334-3948. The directories will include all families in grades 6-12 and will be distributed to all families that have paid their $25 Home and School dues.

Updated Contact Information?

Please make sure to notify the BA office of any phone, email or address changes for school correspondence and in the event that we need to reach you during the school day.

Volunteer Opportunity

Family Service Rochester, a non-profit agency that helps seniors with different needs, is seeking volunteers to help senior homeowners in Faribault with fall clean-up. This would include raking, picking up sticks, cleaning out garden beds, etc. Please contact Jennell Loeffler at 507-287-2010 ext. 1082 or if interested.

Bus Safety Video for Faribault Bus Riders

Parents of students riding the Faribault Public Schools bus are asked to view this video from the Minnesota State Patrol on bus safety. 


Please remind your student(s) of the importance of bringing a mask with them to school every day. They should have extras in their backpack, their locker, and their car. While we have extras available, we have been going through them faster than anticipated. Thank you!

BABS Committee

We are looking forward to another fantastic BABS event April 10, 2021! BABS (BA Backers & Supporters) is our biggest fundraising and social event of the year and key to successfully moving BA forward. To make this event a success, we need your help. If you are interested in serving on the BABS Planning Committee, please contact Mrs. Reeder at Thank you!


AP Exam Order Deadline: October 13 

Students taking AP courses at BA are required to take the May AP exams. Students not in AP classes are allowed to take the exams if they choose. See attached form for more information and a test order form; contact Ms Rogers with questions.

Jostens Reps @ BA October 20

Josten’s representatives will be meeting with the sophomores (class rings) and seniors (graduation) on October 20 during period 3.

University of St. Thomas Virtual BA Visit Oct 21

The University of St. Thomas will have representatives available for virtual visits with BA students October 21 from 11:15-11:45am, with additional time added based on student interest. Students should contact Ms. Rogers if they are interested in meeting with admissions and learning about St Thomas.

Juniors: PSAT Testing Oct 29

PSAT-NMSQT is coming up on October 29th! Reminder: current 11th grade students who signed up for this test last year are the only ones eligible for the October date. The PSAT-NMSQT will now be also offered on an additional date: January 26, 2021. If you are a junior interested in taking the test on this date, please reach out to Ms. Rogers ( ; the deadline to sign up is December 1. 

MACAC College Fair-Virtual Options

This year’s Minnesota Association for College Admissions Counseling (MACAC) college fair in Minneapolis will be held online from September 28-October 14. There are a multitude of opportunities for students to register for and attend Zoom presentations about colleges including Riverland, UW-River Falls, Saint Benedict's and more! Sign up for the sessions you are interested in attending, and even if the times don't line up, the sessions will be recorded and available online. MACAC also has day long virtual college fairs on October 12, 18, and November 8th at this link If you want more information or to set up a session during your study hall or a school day, please reach out to Ms. Rogers and she will help you learn more.

Class of 2021 - College Application/Naviance Navigation. 

Seniors! Remember to request your transcripts and letters of recommendation through Naviance. Check out the Naviance how-to videos on matching the Common App, requesting letters of recommendation, adding colleges and requesting transcripts, and exploring colleges at this link. If you have any questions, please email and/or stop by your counselor’s office. 

ACT October Test Deadline Extended

The deadline for all October dates of the ACT exam has been extended to Friday, October 5th! October test dates are: 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/25. You can also sign up for a later date through


Parent/Teacher Conferences

Thank you to all the parents who participated in yesterday’s Parent-Teacher Conferences via Zoom. We are dedicated to working in partnership with you; please reach out if you have any additional questions regarding your child’s progress. Find staff emails on our website at this link


Parents Night Out Oct 23!

Divine Mercy Catholic Church wants to encourage you to take a date night with your spouse! Join us Friday, October 23, 2020 at 7 PM – 9 PM at DMCC. Hear from David Rinaldi as he talks about Christ-centered parenting in today's crazy world and how you remain united as husband and wife. Following Dave's talk there will be refreshments and time for you to talk as a couple. Our evening will end with Adoration and priests will be available for confession. David Rinaldi’s powerful presentations have been life-changing moments for thousands of teens and adults across the country. With over 20 years of experience working with youth, David communicates the love of God and the truths of the Catholic faith with a boldness and humor that teens and adults alike can appreciate.This event is free to attend and registration is required. Register on Divine Mercy’s Facebook Page, or by emailing Andrea Gibbs at

Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group

Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. Visit for more information.


Attached Files

BA Activities 10-12-20.pdf

VEX EDR Parent-Student Letter.pdf

Welcome Back Promotion Yearbook Order Form 2020-2021.pdf

Get Tested_ Faribault_English.pdf


Get Tested_ Faribault_Spanish.pdf

FHS Coop Activities 10-12-20.pdf


Family Focus 10/3/2020

date 10/03/2020 author Ed Friesen category October 2020, 2020-21 comment Leave a comment

Dear BA Families:

Our staff is honored to partner with all of our families. Over the past few weeks we have had an increase in allergies, colds, and strep. As we follow the COVID decision tree, we know that this is hard on our families and our teachers. Your feedback is important. Please know that this challenging time requires our school to follow the executive orders in order to remain with in-person learning. We will work to improve our communication with you as we evaluate how best to proceed with each symptom and the revision of any protocols. AT THIS TIME WE HAVE NO COVID 19 CASESthanks to your support, the work of our staff, and by following protocols. 

This week our Board reviewed our COVID 19 Pandemic Response Plan.We have consulted with the Diocese and our MDH Regional representative to confirm if there are areas within our plan that we can adjust as well as make more clear while ensuring that we are following the mandates required for nonpublic schools. It is our primary goal to keep our students and staff safe while offering in-person learning, and to follow our mission to offer academic excellence and spiritual growth. I understand this personally as my father has Stage IV cancer and I help to care for both of my parents. The Board made recommendations for updating and clarifying our plan. Staff will review as well and our revisions will be complete after MEA. Here are the areas that we are updating:

  • Mask Breaks: Adding mask breaks as our weather cools, which limits opportunities for outdoor learning.
  • Decision Tree: Including the new MDH decision tree that was revised on 8/31/20 (we previously shared this with families and have put on our website, but want to formally add to our plan).
  • Medical Exemptions: Defining and clarifying that BA must follow the mask mandate which includes allowing for medical exemptions where some cannot wear masks. (We do have staff and students who have medical exemptions.) The Diocese did verify that we have to follow the allowance for medical exemptions.
  • WIN for High School Students: During MS Mass Fridays, we do have room for about 30 of our HS students to join us in the balcony for Mass. Students can let their homeroom teacher know if they wish to attend in person. Unfortunately we do not have this space available for MS during HS masses.
  • Overall: We will review our plan to ensure that it meets any further updates while honors both our staff and students. To review our current plan now linked to the mandated mask executive order, please click here.

HOMECOMING & SPOOKTACULAR!We look forward to celebrating Homecoming Week! Please plan to join us online for Homecoming events. Limited tickets for the Homecoming football game are available next Saturday as well. More information on both coming soon. We look forward to celebrating the rich history of BA during Homecoming! We also need every family to participate in Spooktacular and raise $50 a student. You can run in person or virtually on Saturday, Oct. 10. Our goal is to raise $3,000 and have 120 participants. If we reach this goal, our students will earn an early release day. There are additional prizes for individuals and classes, check out the link here.

Upcoming Events:

    • October 5: Senior Retreat
    • October 5-10: Homecoming Week! 
    • October 5, 6, 8: Middle School MAP testing
  • October 8: Middle School Parent/Teacher conferences, 


    • October 10:Spooktacular virtual or in-person 5k/1-mile run/walk for Catholic Education. More info here
    • October 13: AP Exam Test Order deadline
  • October 14-16: MEA - No School


  • Wanted: Face Masks, Sanitizer and Disinfectant Wipes!
  • Feeling Ill? Please keep students and their siblings home. This is part of the safety protocols for COVID. Click here for info and call the attendance line ( or 507-334-3948) with the symptoms.

Thank you for your continued prayers and partnership!


Mindy Reeder, President/Principal


(See separate sections below for updates specific to high school or middle school)

Homecoming Week October 5-10

With the return of fall sports, Homecoming is back on the schedule for next week. Click here for more information on all the spirit-filled activities! And a dress code reminder: we expect students to remain in neat, clean, modest attire for dress down days. Hats are NOT allowed; leggings are IFthey are under a pair of shorts, dress, long tunic, etc. **Middle school students, please remember Friday is a Mass Day and students should come dressed for Mass. They may change into their “spiritwear” after Mass. 

Spooktacular Oct 10: Sign up today!

Support Catholic education - join us Oct 10 for the BA/DMCS Spooktacular Fun Run. Both virtual and in-person events offered this year. Students are asked to raise $50 through participation or sponsors. LOTS of great incentives, including top fundraiser, top class, and an all-school goal of 120 participants. Use the pledge sheet attached to help your student track their fundraising! In-person race sign up here; virtual race sign up here. First participant drawing held Oct 2.

Bus Safety Video for Faribault Bus Riders

Parents of students riding the Faribault Public Schools bus are asked to view this video from the Minnesota State Patrol on bus safety. Information on bus safety in both English and Spanish are also attached for your reference. 

COVID Testing Site Information

The Symptoms & School Attendance section on our COVID Response Plans page has been updated to include area testing sites, hours, and contact information. Find a copy attached or on the page here

Chess Club

Students interested in building community and learning to play chess should contact Mr. Madden, HS social studies teacher, about a new club forming. All grades and all skill levels welcome. Meetings to be held 3:05-3:55 on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons.

BABS Committee

We are looking forward to another fantastic BABS event April 10, 2021! To make our biggest fundraising and social event of the year a success, we need your help. If you are interested in serving on the BABS Planning Committee, please contact Mrs. Reeder at Thank you!

TRUNK OR TREAT Oct 31: Trunks Needed!

The annual BA/DMCS Trunk or Treat will be a drive-by event held at the Rice County Fairgrounds Saturday, October 31, from 4-6pm. Free hot dog dinner included! Sign up to host a trunk here.


Please remind your student(s) of the importance of bringing a mask with them to school every day. They should have extras in their backpack, their locker, and their car. While we have extras available, we have been going through them faster than anticipated. Thank you!


Class of 2021 Senior Retreat Oct 5

A reminder that the Class of 2021 will have a day-long NET Ministry-led retreat Monday, October 5 at Derham Farm/The Barns at Crockers Creek. Please remind students to bring their facemask and to be at BA by 7:30am to get on the bus.

AP Exam Order Deadline: October 13 

Students taking AP courses at BA are required to take the May AP exams. Students not in AP classes are allowed to take the exams if they choose. See attached form for more information and a test order form; contact Ms Rogers with questions.

Jostens Reps @ BA October 20

Josten’s representatives will be meeting with the sophomores (class rings) and seniors (graduation) on October 20 during period 3.

MACAC College Fair-Virtual Options

This year’s Minnesota Association for College Admissions Counseling (MACAC) college fair in Minneapolis will be held online from September 28-October 14. There are a multitude of opportunities for students to register for and attend Zoom presentations about colleges including Riverland, UW-River Falls, Saint Benedict's and more! Sign up for the sessions you are interested in attending, and even if the times don't line up, the sessions will be recorded and available online. MACAC also has day long virtual college fairs on October 12, 18, and November 8th at this link If you want more information or to set up a session during your study hall or a school day, please reach out to Ms. Rogers and she will help you learn more.

Class of 2021 - College Applications

Seniors! Remember to request your transcripts and letters of recommendation through Naviance. If you have any questions, please email and/or stop by your counselor’s office. 

ACT October Test Deadline Extended

The deadline for all October dates of the ACT exam has been extended to Friday, October 5th! October test dates are: 10/10, 10/17, 10/24, 10/25. You can also sign up for a later date through


Middle School Conferences Online October 8

Middle School Parent/Teacher conferences will be held from 4-7:30pm Thursday, October 8. Please sign up for a time to meet with your child’s teachers and discuss their progress HERE.

MS October Newsletter

The October Middle School newsletter was emailed to MS parents and guardians mid-day Friday, October 2. Please reach out to your students advisory teacher if you did not receive one.


Synod 2020

The Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis are continuing Synod 2020 with two virtual prayer and study series. Download the app or sign up for weekly emails to participate and learn more. Click here for more information. 

Middle School Edge/High School Youth Group

Middle School EDGE & High School Youth Group is open to all BA families. This is another great opportunity for your students to gather with others that want to grow in their faith and to enhance what they are learning in the classroom. Registration is required for both. Visit for more information.


Attached Files

COVID Testing Locations 9-29-20.pdf

Bus Safety Training 2020.pdf

Bus Safety Training-Espanol 2020.pdf

BA Sports 2020-10-05.pdf

FHS Coop Sports 2020-10-05.pdf


Our Mission
Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
105 3rd Ave. SW
Faribault, MN  55021
Phone:  507-334-3948
Fax:  507-334-3949