Family Focus 3-18-22

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
March 18, 2022
Dear BA Families:
Happy Spring Break! I'll be praying for all of your safety as many families plan to travel this break. Please pray for our Parish/School Belize travel group as they head out to serve Christ. Follow them online: (
Remember to join us for our Lenten activities: Mass at Immaculate Conception Church each Wednesday at 10:30am and Friday mornings Stations of the Cross at 10:35am and on Monday, March 28, our NHS members are hosting the parish soup supper with DMCS. Also, take our Lenten "Kindness Challenge!" (Kindness)
BABS have you reserved your ticket for April 9? Donate, attend, and/or volunteer! Each grade level this year has picked a theme that you can donate toward: 6-Movie; 7-Camping; 8-Sports; 9-Gardening; 10- Bonfire or Beach; 11-Movie; 12-BBQ/Grill. ALL BASKET DONATIONS ARE DUE APRIL 1. Send in donations toward these themes marked for the grade level. Check out the volunteer needs on our "Sign Up Genius" and connect with us to reserve your tickets to BABS, you won't want to miss our celebration! (Ticket Link)
BA REGISTRATION FOR 2022-23 CONTINUES: Enrollment is a two step process. 1) FACTS-this is where you re-enroll your scholar for next year and set up your payment plan-this can be adjusted later. 2) TADS-Apply for tuition assistance, if needed - MORE SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE! Apply HERE by April 15. Award letters and tuition agreements are sent in May to enrolled students. Reach out to Kris Sauer with questions.
BABS-April 9: Raffle tickets now available and donations and Baskets Needed! Order raffle tickets HERE. See ideas for donations on our webpage from group events to auction items (BABS link). Contact Teresa, our new Development & Marketing Assistant to donate your time, talent, or treasure.
Annual Fund: To date we have raised: $283,200. We are so thankful for this support! Gifts continue to be accepted through June 2022. Donate Online
Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift. The stronger DMCS is, the stronger BA will be! Click HERE to learn more. To date they are over $7 million!
COVID Updates: This week BA had no positive COVID cases and no one in quarantine. Since the start of the school year we have had 61 COVID positive student cases and 9 staff.
KUDOS: To our scholars and our staff for the completion of the 3rd quarter of the year! The next two months will go by quickly!
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online. Join us weekly for Mass on Wednesdays and Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 10:30 a.m.
- March 21: Golf, baseball season opener
- March 21-25: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
- March 28: NHS students serve at the DMCC Lenten Soup Supper
- March 29: HS Choir solo and ensemble contest
- March 29: Post-Prom parent meeting, 6:00pm, BA Cafeteria
- March 31: Gr 10-11 PSEO Info Meeting, 6:30pm-see below
- April 1: BABS Baskets and donations due!
- April 4: Summer Student Worker deadline
- April 5: BA Blood Drive in the BA gym; Gr 9 Pre-ACT test
- April 8: Reconciliation
- April 9: BABS; click here for more information
- April 10: Gr 10 Pre-ACT test
- April 12: Gr 6-7 retreat, BA gym
- April 14: Grandparents Day, 1pm!
- April 15: Re-enrollment Deadline!
- Click HERE for the 2022-2023 BA School Calendar
- Find our event school calendar on our website HERE
Prayers for the safety of our scholars, staff, and families over spring break. Special prayers asked for the families of Ukraine.
Help the Gardner Family: Former BA Band Director, Scot Gardner, is looking for volunteers to help his family meet the needs of their son, Christopher. See their letter with more information HEREand help if you can.
Looking for a way to help the Caron Family? Classmate Matthew Friesen has set up a GoFundMe account to help Andrew Caron and his family as he recovers from his recent auto accident. Donate to the family HERE.
Tuition Tax Documents: Please remember that your tax deduction for tuition spans two school years. TADS information can be downloaded from your account under Reports/Tax Year. Find the process from obtaining tax information from FACTSHERE.
Positivity Project Home Activities: To help extend the learning to your students' homes, we encourage you to share these P2 for Families resources with your students' families. The password is: P2- 6-8 | 9-12
Enrollment/Financial Aid/Tuition Agreement Deadlines:
MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES: We know that at this time we are seeing an increase in the mental health needs of our scholars. Here is a link to Rice County resources.
PARENT SUPPORT PROGRAM: Phoenix Counseling, with a Catholic focus, is our counseling association and is available to BA parents. Please visit their website for videos and resources as part of the "Peace of Mind" for families supported by Catholic Schools' Center of Excellence. (Link to website).
Online School Store @ Star Sports & Apparel! BA has opened at school store at Star Sports and Apparel. Orders are filled as they are placed, so purchase your BA gear any time! Click HERE to for all the great options!
PSEO Information Meeting March 31: Is your scholar interested in taking PSEO next year? PSEO (Post Secondary Education Options) is the name for the opportunity for high school students to take college classes through a college for both high school and college credit. There are many important items to consider when looking at PSEO. To make sure you and your scholar are aware of them all, there will be an informational meeting on Thursday, March 31, at 6:30 p.m. in the BA Library. 10th and 11th grade tudents who are interested in PSEO are strongly encouraged to attend.
PreACT – For students in grades 9 and 10: The ACT is the most common college entrance exam in Minnesota and the United States. It is commonly taken by students in spring of their Junior year and/or fall of their Senior year. The PreACT is designed to prepare students for taking the ACT. It is a standards-based assessment which monitors progress toward college and career readiness. Students are automatically registered for these tests, which are paid for by the school. Grade 9 students will take this test Tuesday, April 5; Grade 10 on Thursday April 7. To learn more about the PreACT exam, click HERE.
Open Campus: Signed open campus permission slips were due to the front office. today, March 18. Eligible Seniors may have open campus every Friday beginning Friday, April 1st to Friday, April 29th. Starting Monday, May 2nd, open campus will be available daily for eligible senior students.
Scholarship: Faribo 4 Kids is again offering the Thomas Laughlin Scholarship. THREE $1,500 scholarships will be given again this year for students attending any form of higher education. Find the 2022 scholarship application HERE. Applications must be postmarked by March 18, 2022.
P.E.O. Local Scholarship: High school senior girls pursuing post-secondary education are encouraged to apply for the up to $1000 P.E.O. Scholarship. Applications available in the school counselor's office and due by April 14.
Evening School Maintenance position open: Hours 3-11pm during the school year, 6:30am-3 p.m. in the summer. Deadline to apply: March 18, 2022. Click HERE for the full job description.
As we head into spring break, spring sports are getting underway at Bethlehem Academy and Faribault High School. Available sports include girls fastpitch softball, baseball, track & field, golf and boys tennis.
Girls Fastpitch Softball is offered by Bethlehem Academy to girls in grades 6-12. The high school team began practice this week and middle school will begin practice on Monday, March 28. Please visit our athletics website,, for registration link, activity fee payment link, schedules, forms, parent-player-coach handbook and other items. The activity fee is $140 per participant and may be paid online or by sending a check to the school office. Student participants must also have a valid sports physical clearance on file with the school. Sports physicals are good for 3 years from the date of the exam. Register for Girls Fastpitch Softball HERE. Completing the online registration form is required. Pay the Softball Activity Fee HERE.
Baseball, Track & Field, Golf and Boys Tennis are offered through cooperative sports agreements with Faribault Public Schools. Please visit for schedules, registration, forms and other information. The activity fee for high school students is $170 and the activity fee for middle school students is $85. Payment of activity fees for these sports is done through the district’s Infinite Campus web portal. Contact Shawn Behrens in the high school activities office to create your Infinite Campus account. Ms. Behrens may be reached at 507-333-6210 or Click here for Faribault Falcon sports registration. Student participants must also have a valid sports physical clearance on file with the school. Sports physicals are good for 3 years from the date of the exam.
High School Track & Field began practice this past week. Middle school track & field begins practice on April 4. Track & field is open to students in grades 6-12. (I am not sure if 6th grade can participate in middle school track.)
High school Baseball began arm conditioning this past week. Practice begins on Monday. Middle school begins practice on April 4. Baseball is open to students in grades 6-12.
Golf begins practice on Monday, March 28. Golf is open to students in grades 7-12.
Boys Tennis begins practice on Monday, March 28. Boys Tennis is open to boys in grades 7-12.
Americorps Jobs: A full description of the various positions can be found here,
Registration for the Steubenville Youth Conference is now open! Open to grades 8 (going into 9th next year) and up. July 29-31 at the University of St. Thomas. Cost is $275 per person, $100 deposit to hold your spot. Register online HERE. Find the conference video teaser HERE.
SUMMER STRETCH June 13th-17th, 2022 This program is designed for middle school students going into grades 6-8 to "stretch" themselves by making new friends, growing in their faith, and having new experiences. Each day includes a morning service project (local needs, River Bend Nature, Sharing and Caring Hands, Feed My Starving Children), lunchtime Bible Student, and afternoon activity (waterpark, movie, Valleyfair, tour of Twins Stadium).***activities mentioned above are subject to change based on availability. Register for Summer Stretch |
![]() Register for Totus Tuus |
Day Program Grades 1-6 Divine Mercy Catholic School June 27-July 1 9:00am-2:30pm $50 per student, with $100 family max |
Evening Program Grades 7-12 Divine Mercy Catholic Church/Farmhouse June 25- June 30 7:30p-9:45pm Free to attend |
Click the link below for the school activities calendar.
Family Focus 3-11-22

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
March 11, 2022
Dear BA Families:
Thank you for joining us for conferences. We were happy to greet you face-to-face this spring and partner with you in your scholar's achievements and goals. Please reach out with any additional information or questions. We look forward to your feedback on conferences and other important BA programs as we plan for next year. Watch for a survey next week!
LENT & SISTERS: This week we celebrated National Sister's Week for those serving in vocations. Scholars honored our two Sinsinawa Dominican sisters with special cards and a gift from Home & School. We invite you to join us in our Lenten activities: Mass at Immaculate Conception Church each Wednesday at 10:30am, Friday mornings Stations of the Cross at 10:35am. Also, take our Lenten "Kindness Challenge!" (Kindness)
BABS is just around the corner-April 9! Donate, attend, and/or volunteer! Each grade level this year has also picked a theme that you can donate toward: 6-Movie; 7-Camping; 8-Sports; 9-Gardening; 10- Bonfire; 11-Movie; 12-BBQ/Grill. Send in donations toward these themes marked for the grade level. Check out the volunteer needs on our "Sign Up Genius" and connect with us to reserve your tickets to BABS, you won't want to miss our celebration! (Ticket Link)
GRANDPARENT'S DAY RESCHEDULED: Please invite your scholar's grandparents to our rescheduled event on Thursday, April 14, starting at 1pm.
BA REGISTRATION FOR 2022-23 CONTINUES: Enrollment is a two step process. 1) FACTS-this is where you re-enroll your scholar for next year and set up your payment plan-this can be adjusted later. 2) TADS-Apply for tuition assistance, if needed - MORE SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE! Apply HERE by April 15. Award letters and tuition agreements are sent in May to enrolled students. Reach out to Kris Sauer with questions.
Annual Fund: To date we have raised: $282,800. What an incredible response! Gifts continue to be accepted through June 2022. Donate Online
Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift. The stronger DMCS is, the stronger BA will be! Click HERE to learn more. To date they are over $7 million!
COVID Updates: This week BA had no positive COVID cases and no one in quarantine. Since the start of the school year we have had 61 COVID positive student cases and 9 staff.
KUDOS: To our Robotics Teams and special congratulations to our MS Team. They will compete at the Vex IQ World Championship in Dallas this May! Special thanks to Cassie Kratt and congratulations to our high school choir for their performance this week at contest! We wish senior, Kacie Hofius the best in her spring skating show this Saturday.
- March 14: Softball, track & field season opener
- March 15: STRIVE meeting for Juniors at 1 p.m.; Spring sports meeting, 6:30pm
- March 18: Senior open campus forms due, see below
- March 21: Golf, baseball season opener
- March 21-25: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
- March 28: BA students serve at the DMCC Lenten Soup Supper
- March 29: HS Choir solo and ensemble contest
- April 4: Summer Student Worker deadline
- April 5: BA Blood Drive in the BA gym; Gr 9 Pre-ACT test
- April 10: Gr 10 Pre-ACT test
- April 9: BABS
- April 12: Gr 6-7 retreat, BA gym
- April 14: Grandparents Day, 1pm!
- Click HERE for the 2022-2023 BA School Calendar
- Find our event school calendar on our website HERE
Help the Gardner Family: Former BA Band Director, Scot Gardner, is looking for volunteers to help his family meet the needs of their son, Christopher. See their letter with more information HERE and help if you can.Looking for a way to help the Caron Family? Classmate Matthew Friesen has set up a GoFundMe account to help Andrew Caron and his family as he recovers from his recent auto accident. Donate to the family HERE.
Tuition Tax Documents: Please remember that your tax deduction for tuition spans two school years. TADS information can be downloaded from your account under Reports/Tax Year. Find the process from obtaining tax information from FACTS HERE.
Positivity Project Home Activities: To help extend the learning to your students' homes, we encourage you to share these P2 for Families resources with your students' families. The password is: P2- 6-8 | 9-12
Enrollment/Financial Aid/Tuition Agreement Deadlines:

MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES: We know that at this time we are seeing an increase in the mental health needs of our scholars. Here is a link to Rice County resources.
PARENT SUPPORT PROGRAM: Phoenix Counseling, with a Catholic focus, is our counseling association and is available to BA parents. Please visit their website for videos and resources as part of the "Peace of Mind" for families supported by Catholic Schools' Center of Excellence. (Link to website).

PreACT – For students in grades 9 and 10: The ACT is the most common college entrance exam in Minnesota and the United States. It is commonly taken by students in spring of their Junior year and/or fall of their Senior year. The PreACT is designed to prepare students for taking the ACT. It is a standards-based assessment which monitors progress toward college and career readiness. Students are automatically registered for these tests, which are paid for by the school. Grade 9 students will take this test Tuesday, April 5; Grade 10 on Thursday April 7. To learn more about the PreACT exam, click HERE.
Open Campus Permission Slips: Eligible Seniors may have open campus every Friday beginning Friday, April 1st to Friday, April 29th. Starting Monday, May 2nd, open campus will be available daily for eligible senior students. Open campus permission slips must be signed by a parent/guardian and turned in to the BA Front Office by Friday, March 18. Find the open campus form HERE. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact
Scholarship: Faribo 4 Kids is again offering the Thomas Laughlin Scholarship. THREE $1,500 scholarships will be given again this year for students attending any form of higher education. Find the 2022 scholarship application HERE. Applications must be postmarked by March 18, 2022.
Evening School Maintenance position open: Hours 3-11pm during the school year, 6:30am-3 p.m. in the summer. Deadline to apply: March 18, 2022. Click HERE for the full job description.
Faribault Youth Baseball Summer League Registration: Registration from Feb 1-March 15 for the 2022 summer metro baseball traveling league ages 10u-15u. Go to for more info and to register.CODING CAMP: During the exciting 3-week summer camp, students build really impressive AI products that people can use! AI Camp is founded by Stanford Ph.Ds, and have taught thousands of students about AI! No coding experience is needed. About 70% of our applicants are awarded with a scholarship. To apply, click here: This amazing opportunity is first-come, first serve. The deadline is 3/15."
Americorps Jobs: A full description of the various positions can be found here,
Registration for the Steubenville Youth Conference is now open! Open to grades 8 (going into 9th next year) and up. July 29-31 at the University of St. Thomas. Cost is $275 per person, $100 deposit to hold your spot. Register online HERE. Find the conference video teaser HERE.
![]() SUMMER STRETCH June 13th-17th, 2022 This program is designed for middle school students going into grades 6-8 to "stretch" themselves by making new friends, growing in their faith, and having new experiences. Each day includes a morning service project (local needs, River Bend Nature, Sharing and Caring Hands, Feed My Starving Children), lunchtime Bible Student, and afternoon activity (waterpark, movie, Valleyfair, tour of Twins Stadium).***activities mentioned above are subject to change based on availability. Register for Summer Stretch |
![]() Register for Totus Tuus |
Day Program Grades 1-6 Divine Mercy Catholic School June 27-July 1 9:00am-2:30pm $50 per student, with $100 family max |
Evening Program Grades 7-12 Divine Mercy Catholic Church/Farmhouse June 25- June 30 7:30p-9:45pm Free to attend |
Click the link below for the school activities calendar.
Family Focus 3/4/22

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
March 4, 2022
Dear BA Families:
Welcome March - the season of Lent begins. With March, the sun arrives a little earlier and warms us as we prepare for Easter during the season of Lent. As part of this preparation, students in 9th grade began March with an all day in-school Youth Frontiers Respect Retreat sponsored by the Faribault Rotary. Each year, planning a religious retreat along with daily prayer, Mass and spiritual events develops our young scholars character and enriches their faith life. Throughout Lent, we will also offer the Rosary each Friday morning at 7:40 a.m., Stations of the Cross, Fridays at 10:30 a.m., and continue with weekly Mass and Adoration inviting all of our families to join us when you can.
CONCERT TONIGHT! Don't forget to join us for our winter Band/Choir concert on Friday, March 4 at 7 p.m. tonight!
CONFERENCES MARCH 10: We invite you to in-person conferences this spring. Our staff looks forward to visiting with you! Please sign up here: (Sign Up)
BA REGISTRATION FOR 2022-23 CONTINUES: BA staff and partners bring 16 new classes to BA scholars over the last two years with the option for over 300+ online courses through Catholic Virtual and CIS classes with the U of M and Marquette. It's a great time to be a Cardinal, register early and tell your friends! Enrollment is a two step process. 1) FACTS-this is where you re-enroll your scholar for next year and set up your payment plan-this can be adjusted later. 2) TADS-Apply for tuition assistance, if needed - MORE SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE! Apply HERE by April 15. Award letters and tuition agreements are sent in May to enrolled students. Reach out to Kris Sauer with questions.
COVID Updates: Masks recommended. This week BA had no positive COVID cases and no one in quarantine. Since the start of the school year we have had 61 COVID positive student cases and 9 staff.
BABS-April 9: Raffle tickets now available and donations and Baskets Needed! Order raffle tickets HERE. See ideas for donations on our webpage from group events to auction items (BABS link). Contact Teresa, our new Development & Marketing Assistant to donate your time, talent, or treasure.
- Annual Fund: To date we have raised: $281,200. What an incredible response! Gifts continue to be accepted through June 2022. Donate Online (click)
- Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift. The stronger DMCS is, the stronger BA will be! Click HERE to learn more. To date they are over $7 million!
KUDOS: To our Robotics Middle School team, competing at State this Saturday and our middle school honors band students competing in Austin. Congratulations to our State wrestlers, Aiden Tobin '22 and Bo Bokman '25 as they compete today and tomorrow. Special thanks to Julie Smisek and all of the chaperones during our Wolf Ridge 8th Grade excursion. Congratulations to our STRIVE scholarship winners Justin Delesha, Madelyn Gersemehl, Abigail Kugler, and Sophy Smith.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.- March 5: MS Robotics teams @ State; MS Honors Band in Austin
- March 9: HS Choir Group Music Festival
- March 10: Conferences (Sign Up)
- March 10: BAAA Easter Flower order deadline. Order yours HERE (Store ID=440); see below and attached flyer for more info
- March 14: Softball, track & field season opener
- March 15: Spring sports meeting, 6:30pm
- March 21: Golf, baseball season opener
- March 21-25: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
- Find our event school calendar on our website HERE
Help the Gardner Family: Former BA Band Director, Scot Gardner, is looking for volunteers to help his family meet the needs of their son, Christopher. See their letter with more information HERE and help if you can.Looking for a way to help the Caron Family? Classmate Matthew Friesen has set up a GoFundMe account to help Andrew Caron and his family as he recovers from his recent auto accident. Donate to the family HERE.
BA Activities Association (BAAA) Annual Easter Flower Fundraiser! This annual Easter flower fundraiser is now online! The BAAA will receive 30% of all plant sales, with proceeds going to offset the costs of athletic uniforms, choir robes, robotics fees, etc. Orders must be completed by 10 PM on Thursday, March 10. NO LATE ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Products can be picked up in the BA lobby April 12 & 13. Please contact your fundraiser chair: Clarice DeGrood or via 507-838-8073 with questions. Thank you for your support! Find the link to order HERE (Store ID = 440 and BA is the seller's name); flyer also attached.
Face coverings no longer required on school transportation: On Friday, Feb. 25, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) updated their face mask requirements for transportation operated by school systems. Beginning Monday, Feb. 28, Faribault Public Schools - and Bethlehem Academy - no longer requires students and adults to wear face coverings when riding a school bus or on other district-provided transportation. Students and staff may choose to wear a face covering at any time.
Enrollment/Financial Aid/Tuition Agreement Deadlines:

MENTAL HEALTH RESOURCES: We know that at this time we are seeing an increase in the mental health needs of our scholars. Here is a link to Rice County resources.
PARENT SUPPORT PROGRAM: Phoenix Counseling, with a Catholic focus, is our counseling association and is available to BA parents. Please visit their website for videos and resources as part of the "Peace of Mind" for families supported by Catholic Schools' Center of Excellence. (Link to website).

Class of 2022 College Scholarship & Other Info:
Tri-Lakes Sportsmen's Club will be offering a $500 dollar scholarship again this year to students with a love for the outdoors planning to attend a 2 or 4 year post-secondary program. Find the application HERE, due to Ms. Roessler by March 10, 2022.
Evening School Maintenance position open: Hours 3-11pm during the school year, 6:30am-3 p.m. in the summer. Deadline to apply: March 18, 2022. Click HERE for the full job description.
Faribault Youth Baseball Summer League Registration: Registration from Feb 1-March 15 for the 2022 summer metro baseball traveling league ages 10u-15u. Go to for more info and to register.Free Meals for Students
Community dinners are offered Monday-Thursday, 4:30-5:30pm at Jefferson Elementary School (922 Home Place). Kids eat free; adult meals are $3.50. More information in English and Spanish HERE.
Registration for the Steubenville Youth Conference is now open! Open to grades 8 (going into 9th next year) and up. July 29-31 at the University of St. Thomas. Cost is $275 per person, $100 deposit to hold your spot. Register online HERE. Find the conference video teaser HERE.
![]() SUMMER STRETCH June 13th-17th, 2022 This program is designed for middle school students going into grades 6-8 to "stretch" themselves by making new friends, growing in their faith, and having new experiences. Each day includes a morning service project (local needs, River Bend Nature, Sharing and Caring Hands, Feed My Starving Children), lunchtime Bible Student, and afternoon activity (waterpark, movie, Valleyfair, tour of Twins Stadium).***activities mentioned above are subject to change based on availability. Register for Summer Stretch |
![]() Register for Totus Tuus |
Day Program Grades 1-6 Divine Mercy Catholic School June 27-July 1 9:00am-2:30pm $50 per student, with $100 family max |
Evening Program Grades 7-12 Divine Mercy Catholic Church/Farmhouse June 25- June 30 7:30p-9:45pm Free to attend |
Click the link below for the school activities calendar.