Family Focus 4/16/2021

April 16, 2021
Dear BA Families:
I am pleased to report that Mrs. Reeder's surgery went well and she is resting at home. Your continued prayers for her recovery are greatly appreciated.
BABS 2021 - DENIM & DIAMONDS THANK YOU! Thank you to all the donors, supporters, participants, and volunteers who made BABS 2021 a success! I am pleased to report that so far BABS has brought in $102,886, including $45,916 from the auctions, raffles, and games and $56,970 for our Fund-A-Need (FAN). That is enough in FAN donations to purchase all needed security cameras and 11 new SMART Boards for our classrooms. Our goal is to raise enough to purchase SMART Boards for all 18 of our classrooms. You can watch the video here and donate directly to this year's Fund-A-Need here. Please help if you can, and thank you for helping us raise the dollars needed to continue to empower our students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual, and academic excellence here at Bethlehem Academy!
Upcoming schedule:
- April 21: Administrative Professional Day - say thank you to our front office staff!
- April 23: HS Mass Day
- April 26-28: MS MAP Testing
- May 1: Prom 2021
- 2021-22 Financial Aid Update: We will be working on financial awards in the next few weeks. Students must be enrolled for next year for aid to be allocated. If you haven't already, please complete enrollment in FACTS and respond to any emails from TADS requesting financial aid application documents or additional information, as we cannot review/assess incomplete applications. Contact Kris Sauer if you have questions or need assistance with this process.
- Earn Tuition Credit - Summer Student Workers Needed: We still have openings in our summer student work program. Students are guaranteed 2 weeks of work and all earnings are credited towards tuition. Contact Barb Johnson to sign up.
BA Annual Fund: THANK YOU-what a blessing! We are at $246,878. 98.7% of our goal of $250,000. Gifts to the annual fund can be sent through June 30, 2021 - perhaps we will surpass our goal thanks to prayers and support this year!
FINISHING THE YEAR STRONG/COVID UPDATES: As we approach the end of the school year, we ask your assistance in remaining vigilant in upholding COVID safety protocols. We've seen an uptick in students and family members who have been asymptomatic but tested postive for COVID, and numbers in Rice County are also going up as COVID variants take hold. Please help us keep students healthy and in school the rest of the year by:
- Staying home if sick; contact the attendance line with info & symptoms;
- If your student or member of your household is getting tested for COVID, your student should stay home and isolate until you receive and provide a copy of test results to the office;
- Consistently wear a mask, continue to social distance from others - and please ask your students to do so as well.
At this time, we have 1 positive case among school students and/or staff. Any confirmed or exposed school members are quarantined. All interested staff have received the vaccine. We will continue to follow safety protocols including spacing, mask wearing, ventilation and cleaning as well as the 10 day quarantine. Please see links to additional COVID resources below:
- MDH Home Screening Tool for COVID Symptoms
- Rice County COVID-19 Testing Resources
- Rice County COVID-19 Vaccine Information
- Rice County Free Mental Health Resources
Please pray: For Mrs. Reeder and all members of our community dealing with cancer, including Ella Banon, younger sister to BA 8th grader Barak Barner.
John Wollershim, Assistant Principal
Parents Volunteers Sought for Mr. Gardner Open House
Calling all band parents/guardians! Scot Gardner has served Bethlehem Academy as the band director for 44 years. During his tenure, he has touched the lives of thousands of students, building their confidence, inspiring them with his love of music, and inviting them to strive for excellence both in their music and in life. To celebrate Scot, Cassie Kratt is seeking parents volunteers to help plan a retirement open house during the early summer of 2021. Please email if you are interested in honoring Scot in this special way. Thank you!
School Store!
Need BA facemasks or car clings? Missed out on buying the cool wrought iron planters on our BABS silent auction?!? We've set up an online school store for these items and more! Click here to purchase these great items! Coming soon: BA polo shirts!
Fair Stand Manager Needed
BA parent team sought to run the BA Cardinal Cafe fair stand July 21-25, 2021, at the Rice County Fair. Tuition reduction and training from the retiring managers provided. Contact Kris Sauer for more information.
Student Summer Workers NEEDED!!
Our summer student work program is back! Interested high school students (grades 9-12 in 2021-22) are encouraged to apply. Please call the BA office @ 334-3948 or email Barb Johnson with the names of your students. Students are guaranteed 2 weeks and will work at both BA & DMCS under the direction of Head Custodian Steve Zabel. Hired students may be asked to work additional weeks. The hourly wage is $8.21/hour. All earnings will be credited to their tuition account.
Summer Football and Girls Basketball & Volleyball Camps
BA will be hosting a number of camps this summer. Football camps are open to students in Grades 4-12, with a passing camp open to varsity players. Girls basketball and volleyball camps are open to girls in grades 2-8. Click here for information on all our summer sports camps.
GRADE 9/10: ACT ASPIRE MAKEUP TEST INFOACT Aspire make up testing will take place the last week of April. ACT has informed us that we will have scores sometime in July. We will keep you posted as we learn more. To learn more about the test, visit
PROM: Prom will be held May 1, 2021. Attendees should plan to wear masks for most of the evening. Prom will be hosted in our gymnasium, with the Grand March at 5pm and the dinner and dance from 6-9:45pm. Please note new end time to accommodate fireworks display at the parent-planned Post Prom event. Grand March guests: BA seniors who attend Prom are allowed 4 guests each. BA juniors who attend Prom are allowed 2 guests each. This is per BA student, not per couple. Non-BA student attendees do not have a Grand March guest allotment. (For example: 2 BA seniors attend together=8 Grand March guests; 1 BA junior + 1 outside guest = 2 guests, etc.). Students should provide their guest names to Tammy Anderson by Thursday, April 29. More details to follow early next week.
Scheduled AP exams begin at BA on Monday, May 3rd through Thursday, May 13. See attached letter for exam dates and what students should and should not bring to the AP exam.
GRADE 10/11: PSEO Update
PSEO Student Registration: Deadline May 31st, no exceptions. More information about what PSEO is can be found here on the BA website. If your student is interested in PSEO, they must set up an appointment with Ms. Rogers to discuss their options; apply to their selected college’s PSEO program; email Ms. Rogers a completed Notice of Student Registration form and a transcript request, OR meet with Ms. Rogers a second time. If emailed, must be sent before noon on 05/31.
JUNIORS: Upcoming ACT Test Dates
Register here! for the June 12 exam (sign up deadline: May 7; late signup deadline: May 21).
College Visit Info
Virtual College Night Event Week of April 19
BA Students have been invited to a Virtual college night event! With the ongoing challenges of holding in-person College Fairs, the school/college counseling staff from Catholic high schools in the metro area have teamed up to deliver exciting programming for students and families the week of April 19, 2021. These events will include live, virtual sessions with admission representatives from a variety of colleges and universities with a different theme each night. Sessions will begin at 6:30 p.m. with recordings available later. Registration for these events is free, yet necessary to secure a spot, due to limited capacity.
SENIORS: Faribault Sertoma Club Scholarship
The Faribault Sertoma Club is offering two $1500 scholarships for post secondary education. The recipients of the scholarships will best personify Sertoma's motto, "Service to Mankind". Deadline is April 30.
SENIORS: Grad Party List
A reminder to please email Class of 2021 grad party details (date, time, location, menu) to Barb Johnson for the master class grad party list.
SENIORS: Faribault Daily News Graduation Section-May 6 Deadline
The Faribault Daily News will again publish its annual special section featuring area high school graduates. There is also a special online version where seniors can create and personalize a page of their own to share with friends and family. Graduates or their parents may submit a photo (at least 1MB, vertical and preferably pictured from the waist up) and information on the Daily News website at It is free; the deadline for graduate submissions is May 6. For more information, contact Regional Managing Editor Suzanne Rook at 507-333-3134 or
Guatemala Mission Trip Info Night April 19
Interested high school students and their parents should plan to attend this introductory session held April 19 at 6pm in the St. Faustina Commons. Email Anna at with questions.
Faribault Golf Course: Kitchen Workers
Faribault Golf Course is seeking 3 part-time line cooks (1-2+ years’ experience) to start the golf season. Pay depends on experience and availability. Call or send resumes to Chef Patty LeBeau at or call 612-701-7190.
Tri-Star Manufacturing: Assembly Work
Student workers sought for summer assembly work at Tri-Star Manufacturing in Kasson. Contact Peggy Sheldon at 507-331-4347 if interested.
AP Exam Dates & Information
Family Focus April 9, 2021

Dear BA Families:
I am pleased to report that Mrs. Reeder's surgery went well and she is resting at home. Your continued prayers for her recovery is greatly appreciated.
JOIN US VIRTUALLY OR IN PERSON: BABS - DENIM & DIAMONDS, is TOMORROW, April 10! We look forward to seeing many of you at BABS tomorrow night for our in-person event. For those not able to attend, we encourage you to support this great event virtually! The Silent Auction is open and features many wonderful items. Place your bids through Sunday, April 11 at 2pm here. Our Live Auction will be live streamed on both our Facebook page and our YouTube channel. You can donate directly to this year's Fund-A-Need here. Please help if you can!
Upcoming schedule:
- April 10: BABS Denim & Diamonds, find info here
- April 12: Grade 10 ASPIRE test (NEW DATE); last day to purchse Prom tickets
- April 14: Grade 9 ASPIRE test (NEW DATE)
- April 21: Administrative Professional Day - say thank you to our front office staff!
- 2021-22 Financial Aid Update: We will be working on financial awards in the next few weeks. Students must be enrolled for next year for aid to be allocated. If you haven't already, please complete enrollment in FACTS and respond to any emails from TADS requesting financial aid application documents or additional information, as we cannot review/assess incomplete applications. Contact Kris Sauer if you have questions or need assistance with this process.
- Earn Tuition Credit - Summer Student Workers Needed: We still have openings in our summer student work program. Students are guaranteed 2 weeks of work and all earnings are credited towards tuition. Contact Barb Johnson to sign up.
BA Annual Fund: THANK YOU-what a blessing! We are at $246,038 - 98% of our goal of $250,000. Gifts to the annual fund can be sent through June 30, 2021 - perhaps we will surpass our goal thanks to prayers and support this year!
FINISHING THE YEAR STRONG/COVID UPDATES: As we approach the end of the school year, we ask your assistance in remaining vigilant in upholding COVID safety protocols. We've seen an uptick in students and family members who have been asymptomatic but tested postive for COVID, and numbers in Rice County are going up as well as COVID variants take hold. Please help us keep students healthy and in school the rest of the year by:
- Staying home if sick; contact the attendance line with info & symptoms;
- If COVID testing, stay home and isolate until you receive and provide a copy of test results to the office;
- Consistently wear a mask, continue to social distance from others - and ask your students to do so as well.
At this time, we have 1 positive case among school students and/or staff. Any confirmed or exposed school members are quarantined. All interested staff have received the vaccine. We will continue to follow safety protocols including spacing, mask wearing, ventilation and cleaning as well as the 10 day quarantine. Please see links to additional COVID resources below:
- Updated Quarantine Guidance for Vaccinated Persons
- COVID-19 Testing for Kids and Families
- COVID-19 Vaccine Eligibility Expanded to all Minnesotans 16+
- Visit MDH COVID-19 Vaccine Website
- MDH Travel Updates
Please pray: For the O'Donnell family, who lost Lilly (former BA classmate of our junior class) to a tragic car accident last weekend; Ella Banon, younger sister to BA 8th grader Barak Barner; and Mrs. Reeder as she recovers from surgery.
John Wollershim, Assistant Principal
Spring Sports
Spring sport activity fees may be paid online or by sending a check to the school office. The activity fee for baseball, fastpitch softball, golf and track & field is $135 per participant. The $165 fee for trap shooting may also be paid online or by sending a check to the school office.
Student Summer Workers NEEDED!! Sign Up By April 6
Our summer student work program is back! Interested high school students (grades 9-12 in 2021-22) are encouraged to apply. Please call the BA office @ 334-3948 or email Barb Johnson with the names of your students. Students are guaranteed 2 weeks and will work at both BA & DMCS under the direction of Head Custodian Steve Zabel. Hired students may be asked to work additional weeks. The hourly wage is $8.21/hour. All earnings will be credited to their tuition account.
Summer Football and Girls Basketball Camps Registration Now Open
BA will be hosting a number of camps this summer. Football camps are open to students in Grades 4-12, with a passing camp open to varsity players. Girls basketball camps are open to girls in grades 2-8. See attached flyers for more information.
Face masks and BA Car Clings Available for Sale
We are now selling BA face masks and car clings in the BA Front Office! Click here for more information. Send in payment (cash or check made out to BA) with your order to Tammy in the front office or email Tammy with any questions.
GRADE 9/10: ACT ASPIRE TEST INFOWe have rescheduled the ACT ASPIRE assessments to Monday, April 12 (Grade 10) and Wednesday, April 14 (Grade 9). your child will be taking ACT® Aspire® assessments. We ask you to encourage your child to do their best and get plenty of sleep the night before. To learn more about the test, visit
PROM: Prom will be held May 1, 2021. Students in 11th and 12th grade are invited and may invite an outside guest. Attendees should plan to wear masks for most of the evening. Students and guests are invited to Derham Farm at 3pm for pictures. Grand March will be held at 5pm in the BA gym. BA senior prom attendees are allowed 4 guests each and each BA junior attendee will get two guests for the Grand March. It will be live streamed. Prom will be hosted in our gymnasium, with the dinner (all-you-can-eat wood fired food truck) beginning at 6pm, and the dance running from 7-10:30pm. The dance portion of the evening will be limited with creative measures in place to mitigate exposure, as per MDH guidelines. Prom tickets are being sold during HS lunch periods; $30/couple, $15/individual. The deadline to purchase Prom tickets is Monday, April 12. An after prom party is currently being coordinated by junior and senior parents with more details to come.
Dear Parents: Navigating College Admissions-April 13 Virtual Event
Sponsored by the MN Independent School Forum, BA parents are invited to attend this free 6:30pm April 13 virtual event. In his book, Dear Parents (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018), Jon McGee, Head of School at Saint John’s Preparatory School in Collegeville, MN, offered parents of college-bound students a road map for navigating the complex and often emotional challenge of preparing themselves and their children for college. The parent of four children (one college graduate, two currently in college, and one still in high school), McGee will offer insights and guidance drawn from years of personal and professional experience about college, college preparation, and college choice at the various stages of our children’s lives. Click here to sign up for this FREE event.
GRADE 10/11: PSEO Update
PSEO Student Registration: Deadline May 31st, no exceptions. More information about what PSEO is can be found here on the BA website. If your student is interested in PSEO, they must set up an appointment with Ms. Rogers to discuss their options; apply to their selected college’s PSEO program; email Ms. Rogers a completed Notice of Student Registration form and a transcript request, OR meet with Ms. Rogers a second time. If emailed, must be sent before noon on 05/31.
JUNIORS: Upcoming ACT Test Dates
Register here! for the June 12 exam (sign up deadline: May 7; late signup deadline: May 21).
College Visit Info
Virtual College Night Event Week of April 19
BA Students have been invited to a Virtual college night event! With the ongoing challenges of holding in-person College Fairs, the school/college counseling staff from Catholic high schools in the metro area have teamed up to deliver exciting programming for students and families the week of April 19, 2021. These events will include live, virtual sessions with admission representatives from a variety of colleges and universities with a different theme each night. Sessions will begin at 6:30 p.m. with recordings available later. Registration for these events is free, yet necessary to secure a spot, due to limited capacity.
SENIORS: Faribault Sertoma Club Scholarship
The Faribault Sertoma Club is offering two $1500 scholarships for post secondary education. The recipients of the scholarships will best personify Sertoma's motto, "Service to Mankind". Deadline is April 30.
SENIORS: Open Campus
Open campus for seniors in good standing begins today and is offered every Friday through April 30. Daily open campus begins Monday, May 3rd. Seniors may only leave campus during a scheduled lunch or study hall. Signed parent permission is required and students must sign in and out in the front office.
SENIORS: Grad Party List
A reminder to please email Class of 2021 grad party details (date, time, location, menu) to Barb Johnson for the master class list.
Guatemala Mission Trip Info Night April 19
Interested high school students and their parents should plan to attend this introductory session held April 19 at 6pm in the St. Faustina Commons. Email Anna at with questions.
Football Passing Camp (Varsity)
Football Summer Camp (Grades 4-12)
Girls Basketball Summer Camp (Grades 2-8)
Family Focus 3/31/21

Dear BA Families:
Happy Easter! We hope that this Easter weekend brings your family great joy and hope. As you prepare for the Easter celebration, please see below for a few announcements and reminders for your family from BA faculty. I also wanted to let you know that I have been diagnosed with breast cancer and will be out for surgery April 6-April 16 and working from home April 19-May 14. I expect to return in-person by May 17, just in time for our end of year events and graduation. I appreciate your prayers during this time. John Wollersheim will be back full-time in the building during my recovery.
Don't miss BABS - DENIM & DIAMONDS, April 10, 2021! Please purchase your raffle tickets here and admissions ticket here -you can also stop in the front office for both. We also invite you to donate here, support this year's Fund-A-Need and plan to bid on our fabulous live and silent auction items! Watch for (and share!) our posts on our Facebook page as we add new items. Check out our BABS webpage for all the details, including admissions and sponsors to date! WE ESPECIALLY NEED:
- VOLUNTEERS!! Free event admission if you sign up here to help.
- Wine, beer, or soda (new unopened bottles) for the Ring Toss!
- Gift cards for the "Pick a Pocket" game
PROM: Prom is scheduled for May 1, 2021. Students in 11th and 12th grade are invited and may invite an outside guest. Attendees should plan to wear masks for most of the evening. Students and guests are invited to Derham Farm at 3pm for pictures. Grand March will be held at 5pm in the BA gym. BA senior prom attendees are allowed 4 guests each and each BA junior attendee will get two guests for the Grand March. It will be live streamed. Prom will be hosted in our gymnasium, with the dinner (all-you-can-eat wood fired food truck) beginning at 6pm, and the dance running from 7-10:30pm. The dance portion of the evening will be limited with creative measures in place to mitigate exposure, as per MDH guidelines. Prom tickets will be sold during high school lunches after Easter. An after prom party is currently being coordinated by junior and senior parents with more details to come.
Upcoming schedule:
- April 2: NO SCHOOL/Good Friday
- April 5: NO SCHOOL/Easter Monday
- April 6:
- Red Cross Blood Drive @ BA. See info below.
- Aspire Test for 9th Grade at BA (Breakfast 7:30-8:00am) See more information below.
- Student summer worker deadline. See info below.
- April 7: BABS Silent Auction bidding opens. Click here!
- April 8: Aspire Test for 10th Grade at BA (Breakfast 7:30-8)
- April 9: HS Mass
- April 10: BABS Denim & Diamonds, find info here
- 2021-22 TADS Financial Aid updates: We are still accepting applications for tuition assistance. We will begin working on awards following the Easter break, so be sure to take advantage of our needs-based scholarship program and apply ASAP using this link: financial aid app. Please respond to any emails from TADS requesting documents or additional information as we cannot review/assess incomplete applications. Contact Kris Sauer if you need assistance with this process.
- REMINDER: All new and returning students who have completed enrollment in FACTS by Thursday, April 1 will be eligible for a $200 Amazon gift card drawing! If you haven't already, follow the link from Faribault Catholic Schools/FACTS to finish this today.
BA Annual Fund: THANK YOU-what a blessing! We are at $244,545 - 98% of our goal of $250,000. Gifts to the annual fund can be sent through June 30, 2021 - perhaps we will surpass our goal thanks to prayers and support this year!
COVID UPDATES: At this time, we have 1 additional positive case among school students and/or staff. Any confirmed or exposed school members are quarantined. All interested staff have received the vaccine. We will continue to follow safety protocols including spacing, mask wearing, ventilation and cleaning as well as the 10 day quarantine. We will be evaluating any updates from MDH and the CDC for implementation after Easter.
- Family vaccine connector: If you or anyone in your family is interested in receiving a vaccine, please sign up at the State of MN's Vaccine Connector, a tool that helps Minnesotans find out when, where, and how to get a COVID-19 vaccine. Sign up here.
- COVID Tests recommended: The Minnesota High School League and Health Department is recommending testing for students if they have symptoms. They are offering free tests and families may receive them at home. Click here to get your free test.
- Free Mental Health Resources available to Families: The Rice County Trauma Project has partnered with Advanced Trauma Consulting to create a short video series addressing grief, loss and pandemic trauma. You'll find the toolkit HERE.
Please continue to pray for Ella Banon, younger sister to one of BA's 8th grade students, Barak Barner. Your prayers and support are asked for by the family. Fiind Ella's GoFundMe page at this link. Ella Strong t-shirts may also be ordered here.
Mindy Reeder, President/Principal
Spring Sports
Spring sport activity fees may be paid online or by sending a check to the school office. The activity fee for baseball, fastpitch softball, golf and track & field is $135 per participant. The $165 fee for trap shooting may also be paid online or by sending a check to the school office.
Student Summer Workers NEEDED!! Sign Up By April 6
Our summer student work program is back! Interested high school students (grades 9-12 in 2021-22) are encouraged to apply. Please call the BA office @ 334-3948 or email Barb Johnson with the names of your students. Studens are guaranteed 2 weeks and will work at both BA & DMCS under the direction of Head Custodian Steve Zabel. Hired students may be asked to work additional weeks. The hourly wage is $8.21/hour. All earnings will be credited to their tuition account. Requests for summer work must be submitted by Tuesday, April 6, 2021.
Student Council Blood Drive April 6
BA's Student Council is hosting an American Red Cross blood drive at BA on Tuesday, April 6 (Red Day). Interested parents and students should use this link to sign up and then click on Bethlehem Academy on the left. Spots are filling up fast! If you are 17 years old or older, you are eligible to donate. If you are 16, you can donate with parent permission. See this page for more information about donating and eligibility requirements. FYI that donors will need a picture ID with you on April 6 (driver’s license, BA student ID). Thank you!
Face masks and BA Car Clings Available for Sale
We are now selling BA face masks and car clings in the BA Front Office! Click here for more information. Send in payment (cash or check made out to BA) with your order to Tammy in the front office or email Tammy with any questions.
On April 6 (Grade 9) and April 8 (Grade 10) your child will be taking ACT® Aspire® assessments. The valuable data we gain from these assessments allows us to make evidence-based decisions when addressing your child’s strengths, areas for improvement, and growth potential. This can give you an early indication of his or her likely readiness for the future, providing time to address areas where improvement is needed. We will be administering the ACT Aspire Summative assessment to continue charting your child’s progress year-over-year. Measuring academic growth is necessary to keep your child on track for college and career readiness. The test is aligned with the ACT, the most popular college entrance test in the United States. It will allow us to adjust curriculum and instruction as needed, to help maximize your child’s ACT performance in the coming years. We ask you to encourage your child to do their best and get plenty of sleep the night before. To learn more about the test, visit
GRADE 10/11: PSEO Update
PSEO Student Registration: Deadline May 31st, no exceptions. More information about what PSEO is can be found here on the BA website. If your student is interested in PSEO, they must set up an appointment with Ms. Rogers to discuss their options; apply to their selected college’s PSEO program; email Ms. Rogers a completed Notice of Student Registration form and a transcript request, OR meet with Ms. Rogers a second time. If emailed, must be sent before noon on 05/31.
JUNIORS: Upcoming ACT Test Dates
Register here! for the June 12 exam (sign up deadline: May 7; late signup deadline: May 21).
College Visit Info
Virtual College Night Event Week of April 19
BA Students have been invited to a Virtual college night event! With the ongoing challenges of holding in-person College Fairs, the school/college counseling staff from Catholic high schools in the metro area have teamed up to deliver exciting programming for students and families the week of April 19, 2021. These events will include live, virtual sessions with admission representatives from a variety of colleges and universities with a different theme each night. Sessions will begin at 6:30 p.m. with recordings available later. Registration for these events is free, yet necessary to secure a spot, due to limited capacity.
SENIORS: Open Campus
Open campus for seniors in good standing begins today and is offered every Friday through April 30. Daily open campus begins Monday, May 3rd. Seniors may only leave campus during a scheduled lunch or study hall. Signed parent permission is required and students must sign in and out in the front office.
Guatemala Mission Trip Info Night April 19
Interested high school students and their parents should plan to attend this introductory session held April 19 at 6pm in the St. Faustina Commons. See attached flyer for more information. Email Anna at with questions.