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Family Focus 9/23/22

date 09/29/2022 author Kris Sauer category September 2022, 2022-23 comment Leave a comment

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)

September 23, 2022

Dear BA Families: 

Tackle Cancer! Thanks to our BA football team players for hosting the Tackle Cancer dress down today. Tomorrow please join us at our 1pm game where the team will be raising additional dollars for cancer research. Cancer has touched many of our lives and the research and support continues to be needed. THANK YOU! Just as a a reminder, on special themed dress down days, students are to come in the theme attire or wear normal dress code. Please remind your scholars as Homecoming themed days are noted below for the week of October 3.

MASS POLO SHIRTS: The High School Mass polo shirts purchased by BA have arrived. Unfortunately, the middle school shirts are still back-ordered. We will pass out the high school shirts this next week during homeroom. We do hope to have the middle school shirts within the next few weeks. 


UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online
  • Sep 26: Extended New Family Survey deadline, add'l 6th and new 9th grade families input needed. Click HERE to complete. Thank you!
  • Sep 26-27: Middle School MAP testing. See middle school section for more information.
  • Sept 27: Picture Day! Click HERE for the order form. 
  • Sep 28: Senior Year Parent/Senior Meeting, 7pm Cafeteria 
  • Sep 29: WIN Day
  • Sep 30: NO AFTERNOON FARIBAULT BUSING. Faribault Public School students are being dismissed at 1pm this day for FHS homecoming.
  • Oct 3-7: Homecoming Week! See below for more information.
  • Oct 5: Close Up meeting, 7pm, Mr. Wollin's room, DC rep will be here. See high school section for more information.
  • Oct 12: Student of the Month, 7:30am
  • Oct 15: Spooktacular Fun Run; Sign up HERE; more info to follow
  • Oct 18: Early Release @ 1pm, P/T Conferences 1:30-6:30pm
  • Oct 19-21: MEA - No School
  • Oct 31: BA/DMCS Trunk or Treat event, 4-6pm
  • Volunteers needed! Sign up here: volleyball games, football games. Find our new Volunteer Connection page HERE.
  • Encourage students to sign up for activities! Robotics registration can be found HERE or in the office. Scholars can still join SADD & Campus Ministry! The Close Up trip meeting is 7pm Oct 5 meeting (see high school section for more info). FFA is also holding sign up meetings, including for a FFA Trap Team, talk with Mr. Johnson to join.
  • Homework Club: Homework Club with Mrs. Kohl is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 3-4pm in Room 204. All students welcome!
  • Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email by 8am if possible. Thank you!
KUDOS: To our football team for hosting their Tackle Cancer event and raising critical dollars to support cancer research.

Join me in prayers for peace and the mental and physical health of scholars.

Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal

Homecoming Week (Oct 3-7) Info: Planned by the Senior Class, each day of Homecoming Week features a different dress down theme along with related fun activities. A pep fest is held Friday noon in Van Orsow Auditorium followed by coronation at 1pm. All are invited to attend (reserved seating for Court family members). [Note that by longstanding tradition, BA crowns a Homecoming King but not a Homecoming Queen. Instead, seniors elect a SnoBall Queen at the winter SnoBall.] The Homecoming parade begins around 1:30pm Friday following the noon pep fest. Note that students are dismissed after the parade concludes, usually around 2pm. Faribault buses run on a normal dismissal schedule. The parade will run through downtown as it did prior to COVID. The Homecoming dance follows the Homecoming football game and is a mixer (not an “ask” dance) open to high school students, grades 9-12 only. Non-BA students may attend the Homecoming mixer if registered in the main office prior to the event.

  • Mon 10/3: Color Day.  Gr 6: white; Gr 7: purple; Gr 8: yellow; Gr 9: red; Gr 10: orange; Gr 11: green; Gr 12: blue; Faculty/staff: pink
  • Tues 10/4: Twin Day (pair with peers to wear identical costumes)
  • Wed 10/5: Mass Attire; 8:30am joint BA-DMCS Mass & Buddy Day
  • Thurs 10/6: College Day / Youth Volleyball Night @ home VB game
  • Fri 10/7: Show Your CARDINAL Spirit; noon pep fest, 1pm coronation, 1:30pm parade (Click HERE for a parade map.)
  • Fri 10/7: Homecoming football game, 7pm; Future Cardinal/Youth Night @ game; Homecoming Dance to follow the game in the BA gym
PowerSchool and Schoology: Following PowerSchool's purchase of Schoology, we transitioned from PowerSchool Classroom Learning to Schoology for a learning management system last school year.  The PowerSchool Classroom website is in the process of being decommissioned and will go offline in a couple of months.  We are in the process of updating how parent data is stored in PowerSchool.  That process will be completed soon.  When completed we will be providing you with information about parent accounts for both the PowerSchool web portal and the Schoology website. Mobile apps are also available for PowerSchool and SchoologyPowerSchool will be the primary site to see grades and attendance information.  Schoology will be the site to view what is currently happening in the classroom (assignments, lesson plans, notes, instructional videos, etc.)

BA Positions available - We are currently looking to fill the following positions. Contact President/Principal Mindy Reeder if interested:
  • BOD Finance Committee: Volunteer position advises the BA Board of Directors on financial policies and the annual budget. Meets monthly; BA family service hours awarded.
  • BOD Advancement Committee: Volunteer position advises the BA Board of Directors on fundraising efforts. Meets monthly; BA family service hours awarded.
  • BA 2nd Van Driver: Morning and afternoon scholar transportation while school is in session. Paid position, anticipated late winter start date. Class III drivers training provided.  
  • BA Fair Booth 2nd Family: Seeking a 2nd family to assist with operating the BA Cardinal Cafe during the Rice County Fair the 3rd week of July. Tuition stipend provided.
2021-2022 Yearbooks have arrived! Extra yearbooks are available for purchase. Cost is $70; write checks out to Bethlehem Academy, with "2021-22 yearbook" in the notes. Contact Mr. Brent Zabel with questions. 

Free BA Library Books! We’ve cleaned out the BA library and have boxes of books available for free! Parents and students are invited to stop in from 7:30-8:00am or 3-3:30pm to take what they want from the boxes located next to the vending machines by the east gym entrance. Please stop by before Friday, September 30; books will be donated to the AAUW book sale after that date.

Positivity Project: Perspective (6-8
) Grades (9-12)To practice and encourage the character strength of perspective (you appreciate when people see things in different ways.) with your scholar, please click on the highlighted grades above (password: P2), where together you will watch a video, read a quote, and talk about the answers to three questions.

Class of 2023 Seniors & Parents:
1. You are invited to a Senior Parent Meeting on Wednesday, September 28, at 7 p.m. in the BA Cafeteria. This important night will cover what to expect for the last year of high school. We hope to see you there!

2. An important note about October - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities are are waiving their application fee for the ENTIRE MONTH of October. For more information, please check out the following:

CLOSE UP TRIP 2023:  For students in grades 9-12 interested in the Project Close Up trip, there will be a meeting Oct 5 @ 7pm in Mr. Wollin's room (G9). The Project Close Up rep from Washington, DC, will be at the meeting to answer questions. Details include: Trip will be March 26-April 2, 2023. Trip cost is $2970 and includes travel, food, hotels, tickets to events, and many other extras. The trip includes group studies of current events and government operations, visits to Congress (while in session) and our Congressmen, tour of the Capitol, and the sites of Washington, DC, and New York City including the DC monuments, a Broadway play, trip to the top of Rockefeller Center, 911 memorial & Brooklyn Bridge visit, etc. Contact Dave Wollin with questions or visit the Project Close Up website

MAP Growth Testing – For students currently in grades 6, 7 and 8 : By dynamically adjusting to each student’s test responses, MAP Growth Exams create a personalized assessment experience that accurately measures individual student performance in the areas of English, Math, Language and science (grade 6 science in the fall and grade 8 science in the spring). Middle School students are automatically registered for these tests which are paid for by the school. Testing dates for students, which typically take a couple hours each scheduled day, are: Thurs Sep 22, Fri Sep 23, Mon Sep 26, and Tues Sep 27 (6th Science only).

FREE 6th Grade Gopher Basketball League: Enroll by Sep 30
All 6th graders interested in playing basketball are encouraged to sign up for the free Gopher League. Find more information on BA basketball and gopher league options 
HERE. New Gopher League registration deadline: Sept 30. 

Family Focus 9/16/22

date 09/23/2022 author Ed Friesen category 2022-23, September 2022 comment Leave a comment

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)

September 16, 2022

Dear BA Families: 

It's Divine Mercy Catholic Church Spirit Fest and the groundbreaking for the new education center tomorrow! I hope you can join me at Divine Mercy Church on Saturday evening as we raise funds for the parish and break ground for the Divine Mercy Catholic School-expanding all we offer as the Catholic Schools of Faribault! It's a full evening of entertainment, food, and fellowship. The BA Band will play a few numbers around 5:15pm and the Groundbreaking is at 5:45pm. Did you know that each year the parish supports BA with a substantional monthly gift? In addition, the parish priests visit with our scholars, talk to classes and assist with Masses. What a joy to celebrate together and support one another - and don't forget the fireworks at dusk. See you there!


UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online
  • Sept 17: Spirit Fest at Divine Mercy Catholic Church; Volunteers Needed! Sign up HERE
  • Sept 17: DMCS new school groundbreaking @ SpiritFest, 5:45pm at Divine Mercy Catholic Church
  • Sept 18: Tackle Cancer Gear order deadline. Order HERE.  
  • Sept 21: Middle School New Family Night (6:30pm), BA Library
  • Sept 23: Tackle Cancer Dress Down Day ($1, sweatpants ok; $2 to wear leggings, hats)
  • Sept 23: Opening Student Art Reception at the Paradise Center for the Arts, 5-7pm. Exhibit runs in the Corey Lyn Creger Memorial Gallery until Nov 12.
  • Sep 22-23 and 26-27: Middle School MAP testing. See MS Section for more information.
  • Sept 24: Tackle Cancer events at the home football game, 1pm
  • Sept 27: Picture Day! More details to follow
  • Sep 29: WIN Day
  • Oct 5: Close Up meeting, 7pm, Mr. Wollin's room, DC rep will be here
  • Oct 7: Homecoming-see below for the week's dress down themes
  • Oct 12: Student of the Month, 7:30am
  • Oct 18: Early Release @ 1pm, P/T Conferences 1:30-6:30pm.
  • Oct 19-21: MEA - No School
  • Home & School: Please send in your Home & School Dues to the office! ($30) you can also Venmo using the QR code to the left.   
  • Volunteers needed at games! Sign up here: volleyball games, football games.
  • Encourage students to sign up for activities! Robotics registration can be found HERE or picked up in the office. SADD & Campus Ministry held their first meeting, but there is still time to join! Scholars can also travel to New York and D.C. through Close Up, plan to attend the 7pm Oct 5 meeting if interested. Contact Mr. Wollin with questions. FFA is also holding sign up meetings, talk with Mr. Johnson to join.
  • Homework Club: Homework Club with Mrs. Kohl is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 3-4pm in Room 204. All students welcome!
  • Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email by 8am if possible. Thank you!
KUDOS: To our volleyball team - what a way to come together and fight for the win this week vs Kenyon Wanamingo and last night over Medford! Congrats to senior Kate Trump for reaching the 1000 digs mark at last weekend's volleyball tournament and to all of our scholars participating in athletics and activities this fall - we look forward to seeing you thrive!

Please continue to pray for our scholars and our staff as we begin this new year together.

Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal

Homecoming Week Dress Down Themes:

  • Mon 10/3: Color Day.  Gr 6: white; Gr 7: purple; Gr 8: yellow; Gr 9: red; Gr 10: orange; Gr 11: green; Gr 12: blue; Faculty/staff: pink
  • Tues 10/4: Twin Day (pair with peers to wear identical costumes)
  • Wed 10/5: Mass Attire
  • Thurs 10/6: College Day
  • Fri 10/7: Show Your CARDINAL Spirit
BA Positions available - We are currently looking to fill the following positions. Contact President/Principal Mindy Reeder if interested:
  • BOD Finance Committee: Volunteer position advises the BA Board of Directors on financial policies and the annual budget. Meets monthly; BA family service hours awarded.
  • BOD Advancement Committee: Volunteer position advises the BA Board of Directors on fundraising efforts. Meets monthly; BA family service hours awarded.
  • BA 2nd Van Driver: Morning and afternoon scholar transportation while school is in session. Paid position, anticipated late winter start date. Class III drivers training provided.  
  • BA Fair Booth 2nd Family: Seeking a 2nd family to assist with operating the BA Cardinal Cafe during the Rice County Fair the 3rd week of July. Tuition stipend provided.
New Family Survey: A reminder to our families with new students to please complete the new family survey by Monday, Sept 19. Click HERE to complete. Thank you to the families that have responded. Your input is greatly appreciated!

2021-2022 Yearbooks have arrived! Extra yearbooks are available for purchase. Cost is $70; write checks out to Bethlehem Academy, with "2021-22 yearbook" in the notes. Contact Mr. Brent Zabel with questions. 

Free BA Library Books! We’ve cleaned out the BA library and have boxes of books available for free! Parents and students are invited to stop in from 7:30-8:00am or 3-3:30pm to take what they want from the boxes located next to the vending machines by the east gym entrance. Please stop by before September 30; books will be donated to the AAUW book sale after that date.

PowerSchool and Schoology: Following PowerSchool's purchase of Schoology, we transitioned from PowerSchool Classroom Learning to Schoology for a learning management system last school year.  The PowerSchool Classroom website is in the process of being decommissioned and will go offline in a couple of months.  We are in the process of updating how parent data is stored in PowerSchool.  That process will be completed soon.  When completed we will be providing you with information about parent accounts for both the PowerSchool web portal and the Schoology website.  Mobile apps are also available for PowerSchool and Schoology.  PowerSchool will be the primary site to see grades and attendance information.  Schoology will be the site to view what is currently happening in the classroom (assignments, lesson plans, notes, instructional videos, etc.)

Positivity Project: Being Present and Other People Matter – Mindset (6-8) Grades (9-12)To practice and encourage the character strength of mindset (being present/other people matter) with your scholar, please click on the highlighted grades above (password: P2), where together you will watch a video, read a quote, and talk about the answers to three questions.

MAP Growth Testing – For students currently in grades 6, 7 and 8 : By dynamically adjusting to each student’s test responses, MAP Growth Exams create a personalized assessment experience that accurately measures individual student performance in the areas of English, Math, Language and science (grade 6 science in the fall and grade 8 science in the spring). Middle School students are automatically registered for these tests which are paid for by the school. Testing dates for students, which typically take a couple hours each scheduled day, are: Thurs Sep 22, Fri Sep 23, Mon Sep 26, and Tues Sep 27 (6th Science only).

Middle School New Family Info Meeting Sept 21, 6:30pm, BA Library
BA's middle school (MS) teachers are hosting an informational middle school new family meeting on Sept. 21 at 6:30pm. While the target audience is new families, the meeting is open to all and will share how MS partners with MS teachers and families and create a home and school connection.

FREE 6th Grade Gopher Basketball League
All 6th graders interested in playing basketball are encouraged to sign up for the free Gopher League. Find more information on BA basketball and gopher league options 
HERE. New Gopher League registration deadline: Sept 30. 

Click Here to volunteer for Spirit Fest Sept 17


Family Focus, 9/9/22

date 09/13/2022 author Kris Sauer category September 2022, 2022-23 comment Leave a comment

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7 (Peer Ministry-selected Bible verse for 2022-2023)

September 9, 2022

Dear BA Families: 

The Cardinals gathered by classes today to serve the Faribault Community through various service projects! Each year we encourage our scholars to follow CARDS - Character, Accountability, Respect, Decision-Making and Service. What a joy to see all of the scholars supporting our community today.

A special thank you to all of our families as you partner with your scholar these first two weeks of the school year. I know adjusting back to the school year schedule can have challenges and I thank you for reaching out with questions. For our new families, please mark your calendars as Middle School will be inviting new families in on Sept. 21st to meet teachers and learn more about Middle School at BA. 

HOT LUNCH: Contact Julie Trnka for a WordWare keycode to set up your online account. Find the MN Free/Reduced Lunch Program annual form HERE; Fill out this FORM if you have a scholar with special dietary needs.


UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional events are online
  • Sept 13:  PSAT (Gr 11) test registration deadline, see below
  • Sept 17: Spirit Fest at Divine Mercy Catholic Church; Volunteers Needed! Sign up HERE
  • Sept 18: Tackle Cancer Gear order deadline. Order HERE.  
  • Sept 21: Middle School New Family Night (6:30pm)
  • Sept 23: Tackle Cancer Dress Down Day ($1, sweatpants ok; $2 to wear leggings, hats)
  • Sept 23: Opening Student Art Reception at the Paradise Center for the Arts, 5-7pm. Exhibit runs in the Corey Lyn Creger Memorial Gallery until  Nov. 12.
  • Sept 24: Tackle Cancer events at the home football game, 1pm
  • Sept 27: Picture Day! More details to follow
  • Oct 7: Homecoming
  • Oct 18: Early Release, Conferences 1-6 p.m.
  • Oct 19 & 20: MEA - No School
  • Home & School: Please send in your Home & School Dues to the office! ($30) you can also Venmo this at:  
  • Volunteers needed at games! Sign up here: volleyball games, football games.
  • Encourage students to sign up for activities! Robotics registration can be found HERE or picked up in the office. SADD & Campus Ministry held their first meeting, but there is still time to join! Scholars can also travel to New York and D.C. through Close Up, contact Mr. Wollin if interested. FFA is also holding sign up meetings, talk with Mr. Johnson to join.
  • Attendance: If your scholar is sick or has an appointment, please email by 8am if possible. Thank you!
KUDOS: To all of our scholars and staff as we endured some very warm days this week!

I hope you can join our mother's prayer group, information below, to begin prayers for your scholar and our teachers this school year. Please share any special prayer requests with this group as they meet weekly.

Blessings, Mindy Reeder - President/Principal


Positivity Project: Open-Mindedness: This week our school community will be focusing on the character strength of Open-Mindedness.  Open-mindedness means you like to consider new ideas and try new things. You examine things from all sides and don’t jump to conclusions. To practice and encourage the character strength of open-mindedness with your child, please visit the Positivity Project’s P2 for Families (password: P2), where together you will watch a video, read a quote, and talk about the answers to three questions.

Grade 11: PSAT Registration due Sept 13: BA is offering the PSAT test for 11th grade students only on Oct 12. To take the exam-the ONLY qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship Program-sign up in the front office by Tuesday, September 13. Cost is $18. Contact Ms. Roessler with questions.

Homework Club: Homework Club with Mrs. Kohl is offered Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, 3-4pm in Room 204. All students welcome!

2021-2022 Yearbooks - have arrived! Extra yearbooks are available for purchase. Cost is $70, write checks out to Bethlehem Academy, with "2021-22 yearbook" in the notes. Contact Mr. Brent Zabel with questions. 

Free BA Library Books! We’ve cleaned out the BA library and have boxes of books available for free! Parents and students are invited to stop in from 7:30-8:00am or 3-3:30pm to take what they want from the boxes located next to the vending machines by the east gym entrance.

PowerSchool and Schoology: Following PowerSchool's purchase of Schoology, we transitioned from PowerSchool Classroom Learning to Schoology for a learning management system last school year.  The PowerSchool Classroom website is in the process of being decommissioned and will go offline in a couple of months.  We are in the process of updating how parent data is stored in PowerSchool.  That process will be completed soon.  When completed we will be providing you with information about parent accounts for both the PowerSchool web portal and the Schoology website.  Mobile apps are also available for PowerSchool and Schoology.  PowerSchool will be the primary site to see grades and attendance information.  Schoology will be the site to view what is currently happening in the classroom (assignments, lesson plans, notes, instructional videos, etc.)

Game Tickets Now Available Online: BA athletic event tickets are now available for purchase online! Click HERE to order season passes or individual game tickets or download the Hometown Fan app. Cash sales at the door still available. 

HS Close Up DC/NY Trip: Any student in grades 9-12 who is interested in Project Close Up, please see Mr Wollin or email him.  Close Up is a program that allows students to travel to Washington, DC, and take part in tours and discussions that teach young people about our American governmental system. Our trip this year will also include a weekend in New York sightseeing.The trip will be over spring break 2023.

Moms in Prayer - As we live in a world filled with uncertainty, isn’t it comforting to know that God created you for such a time as this? Now is our time to RISE UP BOLD, rebuild, & reconnect like never before! To stand in the gap for our children & their schools through prayer. Please join us Tuesdays at 8am in the Adoration Chapel. Email Lori Bittenbender with questions.

Gently Used Football Gear Needed: The Bethlehem Academy youth football program for grades 4/5/6 are in need of gently used football equipment. If you have gear sitting around that your kids have outgrown consider donating it to the program! Equipment needed in youth and adult sizes: white football helmets, shoulder pads, black football pants, pads and cleats. Please drop off any donations at Bethlehem Academy or text Angel at 507-210-4691 for pick up.

Middle School Newsletter: Please click HERE for the September 2022 Middle School Newsletter.  

FREE 6th Grade Gopher Basketball League
All 6th graders interested in playing basketball are encouraged to sign up for the free Gopher League. Find more information on BA basketball and gopher league options HERE. New Gopher League registration deadline: Sept 30. 

Middle School New Family Info Meeting Sept 21
BA's middle school (MS) teachers are hosting an informational middle school new family meeting on Sept. 21 at 6:30pm. While the target audience is new families, the meeting is open to all and will share how MS partners with MS teachers and families and create a home and school connection. More information to follow.

Youth Adoration Hour, 3-4pm Mondays. Register HERE.

Click Here to volunteer for Spirit Fest Sept 17


Our Mission
Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
105 3rd Ave. SW
Faribault, MN  55021
Phone:  507-334-3948
Fax:  507-334-3949