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Family Focus 9/10/21

date 09/13/2021 author Kris Sauer category September 2021, 2021-22 comment Leave a comment

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)

September 10, 2021

Dear BA Families:

Today students lived the Pillar of Service as each class went out into the community to serve! We've already received emails and praise from community organizations. I hope we are instilling a love of service to others. As we wrap up our second week of school all students should have their laptops. New this year, students will be accessing their class content and assignments through Schoology, a learning management system now owned by PowerSchool. Scholars can find the link to Schoology in the BA Bookmarks folder in Google Chrome or the bookmarks area of the Cardinal App Store. Parents may still, at this time, check grades utilizing previously created parent PowerSchool accounts.  We will soon be rolling out the parent access to Schoology.  Watch for more information to come!


  • Annual Fund: Bethlehem Academy kicked off our Annual Fund drive this August. Gifts can be made at anytime from now through June 2022. A donor is matching all funds, up to $25,000 if we reach $25,000 from December 31, 2021. Our total goal this year is $255,000. Donate Online (click)
  • Spooktacular: Spooktacular is a Halloween-themed 5k run/1-mile walk fundraiser in partnership with Divine Mercy Catholic School (DMCS). Join us for all the fun October 16 and help to raise $4,000 for BA! Registration information coming soon.
  • Support our Student Trips: Students traveling to Guatamala are selling coffee, more information below and place your orders HERE.
  • Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Kicks off officially this weekend. Please prayerfully consider a gift - the stronger DMCS is, the stronger BA will be!

ATHLETICS & ACTIVITIES: Students thrive in athletics and activities. Watching them compete in athletics or excel in their activity is a joy! If your scholar is new to BA, please be sure to scroll to the end of this letter to sign up for athletics and activities. Strong friendships and personal confidence is developed through the additional activities and athletic programs that students become involved with during the school year, so encourage your scholar!

COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: BA continues to watch numbers and reports. As of 9/10/21 we have one student with COVID resulted through exposure in athletics. Please review the chart below for our present plan. As a reminder, please keep your scholar home when:

  • Exhibiting symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell)
  • Someone in your direct family was diagnosed with COVID
  • If you are notified that your student was a close contact, but has no symptoms, we ask that they wear a mask and monitor for symptoms. (This is a close contact, not just possible exposure.)

ATHLETIC & ACTIVITY SIGN UP: Please peruse the opportunities listed below for your scholar to get involved in BA programs. NEW THIS YEAR - Knowledge Bowl - Sign up and information is below. Robotics sign up is still open.

    UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events on our school calendar. 

    • Sept. 17: DRESS DOWN FOR CANCER. ($1/$2 for hats, leggings)
    • Sept 18, 1pm: Tackle Cancer home football game
    • Sept 18, 4-10pm: DMCC Spiritfest
    • Sept. 20-24: MS Map Testing, see attached summary
    • Sept 22: MS/HS NET Retreat/Joe Roueche Talk for Parents
    • Sept 24: Prom $ Dress Down Day ($1/$2 for hats, leggings)
    • Sept 27-Oct 1: Homecoming Week


    • Tracking Volunteer Hours - Parents: We are transitioning to a new SignUpGenius-based system, meaning once you sign up & show up to volunteer your hours are logged - you will no longer need to separately record your volunteer time. The volleyball and football sign ups just sent out are included in this, and any hours already logged for this school year will be moved to the new system. More information to follow. Students will still need to log their volunteer hours through their religion classes. 
    • Parent Special Event - Parish-wide "It's all about the Relationship" by Joe Roueche on Sept. 22 from 7-8:30 p.m in the BA gym. Sign up information HERE.
    • Homework Club will run Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 p.m. with Mrs. Kohl.
    Continue praying for the health of all students and staff. Have a beautiful weekend - hope to see you at the game tonight!

    Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal


    Fall Trap Openings - Sign Up by Sept 13!

    We have room for more people on the Fall Trap Team. Please email Coach Rost at if interested. Students need to register through the league by September 13th  and need to get a code from Coach Rost to sign up. 


    Student Volunteers Needed at SpiritFest Saturday, September 18!
    Many volunteers are needed to help make the Sept 18 Divine Mercy Catholic Church's annual SpiritFest a success. Sign up for a volunteer shift at this link. Hours served are eligible for our family and students' volunteer hours. See attached flyer for more information.

    Game Day Volunteers Needed
    Our athletics program depends on the helping hands of many volunteer parents and alumni.  For football and volleyball, we need adults to help at the admissions table/gate and in the concession stand.  Please consider sharing your time and talent with us!

    The VOLLEYBALL volunteer sign-up can be found at:
      Sign Up!

    The FOOTBALL volunteer sign-up can be found at:
      Sign Up!

    Mask Donations Needed: Our supply of masks to have on hand for students and visitors is almost gone. We could especially use donated boxes of disposable masks. Send in to the front office if you are able to help. Thank you!

    Gr 4-12 Robotics Team-Registration still open
    Robotics has started but it's not too late to join! Open to students grades 4-12, practices are in the BA Library Mondays and Thursdays from 3-5pm. Program fees are $75 payable to Divine Mercy Catholic School. Find the registration form

    Knowledge Bowl - New Academic Team to BA!
    Anyone interested in being part of a Knowledge Bowl team at BA?  Knowledge Bowl is a team competition against other schools in which you answer questions about a variety of academic topics. Teams work together to try and answer a question and the first team to buzz in gets a chance to answer the question for a point.  Competitions are held at various schools and there is a regional and state tournament competition.  We would need students versed in all fields of study,  from advanced math and science to English, History, and engineering. If you are interested, contact Dave Wollin at

    BA Maintenance Position Available
    Bethlehem Academy seeks an energetic individual to join our maintenance team! This team member will work directly with the Maintenance Supervisor in coordinating all care for the facility, from cleaning to repairs and lawn care and snow removal.  Required Qualifications: 
    1st Class Boilers License; Basic knowledge in the following areas: plumbing, electrical and carpentry; Good vision is required in order to read material safety data sheets; Good attendance is required as well as ability to work various shifts; Ability to work extra hours if necessary. 
    Send resume and two references to: Mindy Reeder at by Sept. 17, 2021.

    DMCS Student Job Opportunity

    Divine Mercy Catholic School is looking for a responsible 16-18 year old to work in their After Care Program. Available times are 3-5:30pm, schedule is flexible and varies. Contact Ginger Van Hecke at if interested. 

    Online BA School Store!
    We have select items available for purchase, either online or in the school office, including Yeti tumblers, Puravida bracelets in BA colors, and polo shirts. See the available items HERE


    • Spirit Fest-Sept. 18 from 6:15-6:40 p.m.- The BA pep band will be playing for Spirit Fest on Saturday, September 18th on the stage. Please be there at 5:45pm for warm-ups. 

    Faribault Community Boards-Youth Leadership Positions
    Getting involved in the community looks great on your high school resume as you live out the Dominican Pillar of Service!
    Here are options for volunteer leadership positions – and this will also help you meet your volunteer hour requirements at BA. Click HERE to check out the many options, from the Library Board to the Paradise Center for the Arts. Any students interested in applying can do so at this link:


    Registration for Confirmation and Middle School EDGE is closing on Monday, September 13! Students in 8th grade on up can sign up for confirmation. Middle School EDGE is open to students in grades 5-7. If you have a student who still needs to receive their First Communion, please let us know! 


    Registration link:

    Confirmation info:

    Middle School EDGE info:


    If you have any questions, please reach out! 

    Wed, Sep 22 Faith Formation Kick Off Night! includes: 

    • Parent NightIt’s all about the Relationship, with guest speaker Joe Roueche, 7-8:30pm BA Gym; Required to attend.
    • Middle School NET Retreat: (must be registered for EDGE), 6-9pm DMCS Gym
    • High School and Confirmation* NET Retreat: (must be signed up for High School Youth Group or Confirmation), 6-930pm DMCC Church *required for confirmation students

    Senior Service Coordinator Position: Neighbors Helping Neighbors
    Neighbors Helping Neighbors provide chore services to seniors over 60, and to others with disabilities, to help them remain living independent in their home. We currently have an opening for a part time staff position in Faribault.  We are looking for a Rice County community member, passionate about serving seniors and working with volunteers, to help us grow Neighbors Helping Neighbors. 
    The Senior Service Coordinator position is posted on our website HERE.  Interested candidates may view the job description and apply directly.  

    Housekeeping Positions: Neighbors Helping Neighbors
    Neighbors Helping Neighbors has part-time Household Helper positions available for anyone 17 or over. Employees assist seniors 60 and over with light housekeeping so they can remain in their home. Flexible days/hours (2-20/week), $12.50/hour. Apply online by clicking

    Click the link below for the calendar.

    SpiritFest Raffle & Volunteer Info Flyer
    2021-2022 Student Testing Information

    Family Focus 9/3/21

    date 09/09/2021 author Mindy Reeder category September 2021, 2021-22 comment Leave a comment

    "But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
    Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)

    September 3, 2021

    Dear BA Families: 
    Welcome September! Teachers and staff helped students connect and prepare for the school year this week. As I walked through the halls and observed in classrooms, I found students connecting through social activities, in small groups discussing and energetically participating in their learning. I am honored to partner with our dedicated staff and our students who greet me each morning with a smile as we begin our new school year.

    COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: BA will continue to watch numbers and reports. We talk with Rice County and receive communication from the Diocese weekly. As you may be aware, the public school has added masks for adults and indoor sports attendance. The Gopher Conference, our sports organization, will also be evaluating this as we move forward, as will our Board of Directors for our school. Please review the chart below for our present plan.

    DID YOU FORGET TO SET UP YOUR TUITION PAYMENT PLAN? I will be calling families this week if your plan is not set up. Please contact me directly if you have questions or need support at

    ATHLETIC & ACTIVITY SIGN UP: Please peruse the opportunities listed below for your scholar to get involved in BA programs. NEW THIS YEAR - Knowledge Bowl - Sign up and information is below.


      • Sept 6: Labor Day - No School
      • Sept 8: School Picture Day - form found HERE
      • Sept 18, 1pm: Tackle Cancer home football game
      • Sept 18, 4-10pm: DMCC Spiritfest
      • Sept 22: MS/HS NET Retreat/Joe Roueche Talk for Parents
      • Sept 27-Oct 1: Homecoming Week


      • Student Laptops: All high school students should have their laptops by Friday. Next week middle school will begin receiving their laptops.
      • Tuition Agreements: Check your junk mail folder if you haven't seen anything. Note that we are NOT USING TADS this year, but FACTS. Contact Kris Sauer @ with questions. 
      • Tracking Volunteer Hours - Parents: We are transitioning to a new SignUpGenius-based system, meaning once you sign up & show up to volunteer you are good - you will no longer need to separately record your hours. The volleyball and football sign ups just sent out are included in this, and any hours already logged for this school year will be moved to the new system. More information to follow. Students will still log their volunteer hours separately through their religion classes. 
      • Parent Special Event - parish-wide "It's all about the Relationship" by Joe Roueche on Sept. 22 from 7-8:30 p.m in the BA gym. Sign up information HERE.
      • Homework Club will run Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 p.m. with Mrs. Kohl, starting September 7.
      Continue praying for the health of all students and staff. We join with Pope Francis who has asked everyone to unite in praying for the “battered population of Afghanistan and the people of Haiti" as well as our military members and families who lost their lives in service to our Country. Special prayers also needed for those hit by Hurricane Ida.

      Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal


      Mask Donations Needed: Our supply of masks to have on hand for students and visitors is almost gone. We could especially use donated boxes of disposable masks. Send in to the front office if you are able to help. Thank you!

      Spooktacular Committee Volunteers Needed: We are seeking 2-3 parents to serve on the Spooktacular planning committee. Spooktacular, a 
      Halloween-themed 5k run/1-mile walk fundraiser in conjunction with Divine Mercy Catholic School (DMCS) will be held Oct 16 this year. Our first planning meeting is Wed, Sept 8 at 4:30pm at DMCS. Contact Kris Sauer if interested in participating (counts for parent volunteer hours!). 

      Order Tackle Cancer Gear by Sept 8
      HERE to order your TACKLE CANCER BA gear! For any shirt or sweatshirt purchased, $5.00 of the cost will go toward Tackle Cancer. Orders need to be placed by September 8 so clothing can be picked up at  Star Trophy inside Ace Hardware by September 15. All staff, students, and  parents are encouraged to wear their Tackle Cancer clothing for the 1:00pm September 18th Tackle Cancer home football game vs. Randolph at Bruce Smith Field.

      Gr 4-12 Robotics Team-1st Practice Sep 9
      Robotics is back and open to all interested students in Grades 4-12. Practices will be held in the BA Library Mondays and Thursdays from 3-5pm starting Thursday, September 9. Program fees are $75 payable to Divine Mercy Catholic School. Find the registration form

      Knowledge Bowl - New Academic Team to BA!
      Anyone interested in being part of a Knowledge Bowl team at BA?  Knowledge Bowl is a team competition against other schools in which you answer questions about a variety of academic topics. Teams work together to try and answer a question and the first team to buzz in gets a chance to answer the question for a point.  Competitions are held at various schools and there is a regional and state tournament competition.  We would need students versed in all fields of study,  from advanced math and science to English, History, and engineering. If you are interested, contact Dave Wollin at

      Invitation to Join Moms in Prayer Group: Please contact Lori Bittenbender if interested in partnering in the Moms in Prayer ministry to pray with other BA moms.  We will meet for only one hour a week at BA (Room 102, in the conference room) to pray for our kids, their teachers and Bethlehem Academy. If interested, please contact Lori at 972-955-4730 or Learn more about Moms in Prayer at

      Volunteer at SpiritFest Saturday, September 18!
      Parents and students! Many volunteers are needed to help make the Sept 18 Divine Mercy Catholic Church's annual SpiritFest a success. Sign up for a volunteer shift at this link. Hours served are eligible for our family and students' volunteer hours. See attached flyer for more information.

      Game Day Volunteers Needed
      Our athletics program depends on the helping hands of many volunteer parents and alumni.  For football and volleyball, we need adults to help at the admissions table/gate and in the concession stand.  Please consider sharing your time and talent with us!

      The VOLLEYBALL volunteer sign-up can be found at:
        Sign Up!

      The FOOTBALL volunteer sign-up can be found at:
        Sign Up!

      BA Maintenance Position Available
      Bethlehem Academy seeks an energetic individual to join our maintenance team! This team member will work directly with the Maintenance Supervisor in coordinating all care for the facility, from cleaning to repairs and lawn care and snow removal.  Required Qualifications: 
      1st Class Boilers License; Basic knowledge in the following areas: plumbing, electrical and carpentry; Good vision is required in order to read material safety data sheets; Good attendance is required as well as ability to work various shifts; Ability to work extra hours if necessary. 
      Send resume and two references to: Mindy Reeder at by Sept. 17, 2021.

      BA Theater Director Position
      Bethlehem Academy is seeking a Director to lead our theater and drama programs throughout the year. Do you have a heart for theater? Do you love working with middle and high school students? This position is paid a stipend per show or program (Drama Club; Musical Production) and typically arranges a schedule for practices after the school day. Qualifications: Experience in theater and musical productions. Directing experience preferred. Application: Please send your resume and three references to: Mindy Reeder –

      Student Guatemala Mission Trip Coffee Fundraiser
      BA teens going on the Spring Break mission trip are selling coffee from Guatemala to fund the work projects they will do while in Guatemala. Free delivery to Faribault. Order HERE. The coffee is direct trade, so the San Lucas Mission buys directly from small farmers, meaning the families get paid a fair and livable wage for the coffee crop. Your support is greatly appreciated!

      Online BA School Store!
      We have select items available for purchase, either online or in the school office, including Yeti tumblers, Puravida bracelets in BA colors, and polo shirts. See the available items HERE


      • Spirit Fest-Sept. 18 from 6:15-6:40 p.m.- The BA pep band will be playing for Spirit Fest on Saturday, September 18th on the stage. Please be there at 5:45pm for warm-ups. 

      Faribault Community Boards-Youth Leadership Positions
      Getting involved in the community looks great on your high school resume as you live out the Dominican Pillar of Service!
      Here are options for volunteer leadership positions – and this will also help you meet your volunteer hour requirements at BA. Click HERE to check out the many options, from the Library Board to the Paradise Center for the Arts. Any students interested in applying can do so at this link:

      1st United Bank Junior Board Applications 
      Rising 11th and 12th graders are invited to apply for the 1st United Bank Junior Board of Directors. Applications due September 10, 2021. Application and more information attached



      Registration for Confirmation and Middle School EDGE is closing on Monday, September 6! Students in 8th grade on up can sign up for confirmation. Middle School EDGE is open to students in grades 5-7. If you have a student who still needs to receive their First Communion, please let us know! 


      Registration link:

      Confirmation info:

      Middle School EDGE info:


      If you have any questions, please reach out! 

      Wed, Sep 22 Faith Formation Kick Off Night! includes: 

      • Parent NightIt’s all about the Relationship, with guest speaker Joe Roueche, 7-8:30pm BA Gym; Required to attend.
      • Middle School NET Retreat: (must be registered for EDGE), 6-9pm DMCS Gym
      • High School and Confirmation* NET Retreat: (must be signed up for High School Youth Group or Confirmation), 6-930pm DMCC Church *required for confirmation students

      Youth After School Programs
      Faribault YouthConnect! Network offers many programs for to Faribault youth this fall during the after school hours and on non-school days. Attached is a menu (in three languages) highlighting various opportunities offered by 4-H, Buckham Library, FPS Community Schools, Faribault Public Schools Activities, Paradise Center for the Arts, Parks and Recreation and River Bend Nature Center. Check out the attached flyer for more information. 

      Senior Service Coordinator Position: Neighbors Helping Neighbors
      Neighbors Helping Neighbors provide chore services to seniors over 60, and to others with disabilities, to help them remain living independent in their home. We currently have an opening for a part time staff position in Faribault.  We are looking for a Rice County community member, passionate about serving seniors and working with volunteers, to help us grow Neighbors Helping Neighbors. 
      The Senior Service Coordinator position is posted on our website HERE.  Interested candidates may view the job description and apply directly.  

      Housekeeping Positions: Neighbors Helping Neighbors
      Neighbors Helping Neighbors has part-time Household Helper positions available for anyone 17 or over. Employees assist seniors 60 and over with light housekeeping so they can remain in their home. Flexible days/hours (2-20/week), $12.50/hour. Apply online by clicking


      Click the link below for the calendar.

      SpiritFest Raffle & Volunteer Info Flyer
      1st United Bank Board of Directors Application
      Faribault Youth Connect Fall Activity Flyer

      Family Focus 8/27/21

      date 09/01/2021 author Kris Sauer category 2021-22, August 2021 comment Leave a comment

      August 27, 2021

      Dear BA Families: 

      The BA School year begins on Monday! What a wonderful start to our year as we gathered at the picnic, met and blessed new scholars and families, and kicked off our year by selecting students for BA Cardinal Houses. Energy was high this week and I know that the Holy Spirit will continue to be on fire as we return to classrooms on Monday. 

      What are BA Cardinal Houses? Our BA student council helped to create our presentation video shared with students prior to the "selection ceremony." Take a minute and click HERE to view the introductory video. All students were selected for one of the various Houses, noted below, drawn by random selection. We will gather in Houses this next week for our first activity. The goal of these Houses is to bring students closer together, build fellowship among the youngest and oldest students, provide more leadership opportunities for our juniors and seniors as mentors, and build opportunities to grow in our faith and school spirit! Here are the five houses:

        • Veritas – truth (GREEN) 
        • Caritas – love/charity (ORANGE) 
        • Gratia – grace (AQUA) 
        • Credo – faith/belief (creed) (YELLOW) 
        • Salve/Salvara – to save (GREY)

      Thank you to Student Council leaders and seniors Madelyn Bauer, Aiden Tobin, Matthew Croke, and Katie Seidel for their work in putting this together!

      COVID SAFETY PROTOCOLS: Please see the graphic below for a quick reference. BA will continue to watch numbers and reports. We talk with Rice County and receive communication from the Diocese weekly. If mandates and adjustments are needed we will communicate that with our families.

      DID YOU FORGET TO SET UP YOUR TUITION PAYMENT PLAN? I will be calling families this week if your plan is not set up. Please contact me directly if you have questions or need support at

      ATHLETIC & ACTIVITY SIGN UP: Please peruse the opportunities listed below for your scholar to get involved in BA programs. NEW THIS YEAR - Knowledge Bowl - Sign up and information is below.


        • August 30: First Day of School! Faribault busing & BA Van will run.
        • Sept. 1: Join us for our Wednesday Mass at 10:30 a.m. as we kick of our year at IC Church.
        • September 3: Class service projects planned mid-day 
        • September 6: Labor Day - No School.


        • Student Laptops: Some laptops have arrived, but our roll out will be a bit delayed. Teachers will provide instruction in various ways.
        • Tuition Agreements: Check your junk mail folder if you haven't seen anything. Note that we are NOT USING TADS this year, but FACTS. Contact Kris Sauer @ with questions. 
        • Tracking Volunteer Hours - Parents: Log your parent volunteer hours at: HS Students will log their volunteer hours separately in Naviance, MS students through their religion classes. 
        • LUNCH in 2021-22: Please fill out the free and reduced lunch forms in your back to school packets. We still rely on funding from this program even though BA will once again be offering free lunches to students this year. Do remember to please put money into your child's account for those extra helpings and treats that they love! 
        • Parent Special Event - parish-wide "It's all about the Relationship" by Joe Roueche on Sept. 22 from 7-8:30 p.m in the BA gym. Sign up information below.
        • Homework Club will begin Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4 p.m. with Mrs. Kohl.
        • Spirit Fest is September 18: Join the fun, buy raffle tickets or volunteer - all the details at:
        Join us in praying for the start of the school year and the health of all students and staff. We join with Pope Francis who has asked everyone to unite in praying for the “battered population of Afghanistan and the people of Haiti" as well as our military members and families who lost their lives this week in service to our Country.

        Blessings, Mindy Reeder- President/Principal


        Online School Store Now Open!
        Order your new BA gear at our online school store. Orders taken through midnight, August 30. Find the link
        HERE. We also have select items available for purchase, either online or in the school office, including Yeti tumblers, Puravida bracelets in BA colors, and polo shirts. See the available items HERE

        Order Tackle Cancer Gear by Sept 8
        HERE to order your TACKLE CANCER BA gear! For any shirt or sweatshirt purchased, $5.00 of the cost will go toward Tackle Cancer. Orders need to be placed by September 8 so clothing can be picked up at  Star Trophy inside Ace Hardware by September 15. All staff, students, and  parents are encouraged to wear their Tackle Cancer clothing for the 1:00pm September 18th Tackle Cancer home football game vs. Randolph at Bruce Smith Field.

        Knowledge Bowl - New Academic Team to BA!
        Anyone interested in being part of a Knowledge Bowl team at BA?  Knowledge Bowl is a team competition against other schools in which you answer questions about a variety of academic topics. Teams work together to try and answer a question and the first team to buzz in gets a chance to answer the question for a point.  Competitions are held at various schools and there is a regional and state tournament competition.  We would need students versed in all fields of study,  from advanced math and science to English, History, and engineering. If you are interested, contact Dave Wollin at

        Invitation to Join Moms in Prayer Group

        "Mom, will you pray for me?" Our kids are facing a battlefield for their hearts and minds. Placing our children and their schools in the Lord’s capable hands is what Moms in Prayer is all about. Through prayer, battles are won. Please contact Lori Bittenbender, mom to a new 7th BA grader, to partner in the Moms in Prayer ministry and pray with other BA moms.  We will meet for only one hour a week at BA (Room 102, in the conference room) to pray for our kids, their teachers and Bethlehem Academy. If interested, please contact me at 972-955-4730 or Learn more about Moms in Prayer at

        Back to School Information: Find back to school information, including school supply lists, summer reading assignments, and other important information on our Back to School page HERE. Our updated COVID-19 information page is HERE.

        Summer Read Program
        Don't forget about your student's summer read! Find the list of books and the handouts on our website
        at this link.

        REMINDER: Required Immunizations
        All students who will be in 7th grade this fall are required by law to have a Tdap (tetanus booster) as well as a meningitis shot. The meningitis shot is the first in a two-shot series which should be completed at 16 years of age. Students who will be in 12th grade are required by law to have a second meningitis shot. Students should have had their first shot in the series before the start of 7th grade. Any students who have conscientious objector forms on file will need to fill out a new form for this fall. If you have any questions or need a conscientious objector form, please contact Mary Herzog in the nurse’s office, 507-334-3948.

        Volunteer at SpiritFest Saturday, September 18!

        Parents and students! Many volunteers are needed to help make the Sept 18 Divine Mercy Catholic Church's annual SpiritFest a success. Sign up for a volunteer shift at this link. Hours served are eligible for our family and students' volunteer hours. See attached flyer for more information.

        Joe Roueche Parent Presentation Sept 22
        Parents, while your students attend the HS and MS NET Retreats, please join us in the BA gym for a 7pm presentation by Joe Roueche on "It's All About the Relationships." Click
        HERE for more information.

        Theater Director Position

        Bethlehem Academy is seeking a Director to lead our theater and drama programs throughout the year. Do you have a heart for theater? Do you love working with middle and high school students? This position is paid a stipend per show or program (Drama Club; Musical Production) and typically arranges a schedule for practices after the school day. Qualifications: Experience in theater and musical productions. Directing experience preferred. Application: Please send your resume and three references to: Mindy Reeder –

        SCRIP Note Update: BA students and families may participate in the DMCS Scrip program to earn tuition credit. See the attached August update for more information.

        South Parking Lot-Staff Only Parking
        Parents of student drivers please remind your scholars that the south parking lot by the greenhouse has been designated for staff only this school year. The main parking remains an option for all students and visitors.


        • Spirit Fest-Sept. 18 from 6:15-6:40 p.m.- The BA pep band will be playing for Spirit Fest on Saturday, September 18th on the stage. Please be there at 5:45pm for warm-ups. 

        High School NET Retreat Sept 22
        High school students! Click
        HERE for information on the High School NET retreat held Sept 22, 6-9:30pm at Divine Mercy Catholic Church.

        DMCC High School Youth Group
        HERE for Divine Mercy Catholic Church high school youth group information and activities!

        Faribault Community Boards-Youth Leadership Positions
        Getting involved in the community looks great on your high school resume as you live out the Dominican Pillar of Service!
        Here are options for volunteer leadership positions – and this will also help you meet your volunteer hour requirements at BA. Click HERE to check out the many options, from the Library Board to the Paradise Center for the Arts. Any students interested in applying can do so at this link:

        1st United Bank Junior Board Applications 
        Rising 11th and 12th graders are invited to apply for the 1st United Bank Junior Board of Directors. Applications due September 10, 2021. Application and more information attached

        HIGH SCHOOL CHURCH PROGRAMS: Confirmation & High School Youth Group Information online - grow in body, mind and spirit!

        Gr 4-6 Football!
        Students interested in playing youth football should plan to attend a meeting (with their parents) Tuesday, August 31st at 6:30 on BA's Back 40 (field on south side of the school, next to the greenhouse). Varsity head coach Jim Beckmann will talk to parents and students about the season. Parents are needed to volunteer to help with practices and games (no football knowledge is required.) Find the sign up form attached. Please email Kevin Dokkestul with questions. 

        Middle School NET Retreat Sept 22
        Middle school students, please click
        HERE for information on registering for the Middle School NET retreat, 6-9pm at Divine Mercy Catholic School.

        DMCC Middle School EDGE
        HERE for information on Divine Mercy Catholic Church's middle school EDGE program. Open to all 5th-7th graders, this program is for those in middle school who want to come together with other teens to grow in their faith and to learn more about the Catholic Church. This provides a great opportunity to prepare for Confirmation. 

        Youth After School Programs
        Faribault YouthConnect! Network offers many programs for to Faribault youth this fall during the after school hours and on non-school days. Attached is a menu (in three languages) highlighting various opportunities offered by 4-H, Buckham Library, FPS Community Schools, Faribault Public Schools Activities, Paradise Center for the Arts, Parks and Recreation and River Bend Nature Center. Check out the attached flyer for more information. 

        Senior Service Coordinator Position: Neighbors Helping Neighbors
        Neighbors Helping Neighbors provide chore services to seniors over 60, and to others with disabilities, to help them remain living independent in their home. We currently have an opening for a part time staff position in Faribault.  We are looking for a Rice County community member, passionate about serving seniors and working with volunteers, to help us grow Neighbors Helping Neighbors. 
        The Senior Service Coordinator position is posted on our website HERE.  Interested candidates may view the job description and apply directly.  

        Housekeeping Positions: Neighbors Helping Neighbors
        Neighbors Helping Neighbors has part-time Household Helper positions available for anyone 17 or over. Employees assist seniors 60 and over with light housekeeping so they can remain in their home. Flexible days/hours (2-20/week), $12.50/hour. Apply online by clicking

        2021 BA Gr 4-6 Football Registration
        SpiritFest Raffle & Volunteer Info Flyer
        Scrip Note-August Update
        1st United Bank Board of Directors Application
        Faribault Youth Connect Fall Activity Flyer

        Our Mission
        Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
        105 3rd Ave. SW
        Faribault, MN  55021
        Phone:  507-334-3948
        Fax:  507-334-3949