Family Focus 12/10/21

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
December 10, 2021
Dear BA Families:
Blessed second week of Advent. Campus ministry gathered us for our weekly Advent prayer prior to Mass. As you celebrate at home, here are some additional family Advent resources, click "Advent." In addition, we invite you to join us for our Christmas concerts. Our Choirs will perform this Sunday, Dec. 12 at 2 p.m. in IC Church and our Band concert will be Monday at 7 p.m. in the BA Gymnasium.
Snow Days: Today is our first snow day. For our first 2 snow days we will have "no school days" - no online learning. Any additional snow days will be online learning days. Like today, we follow Faribault Public Schools in calling a snow day. If you did not receive a notice via text or email please let the office know. We also post on our website and on Facebook when this occurs. In addition, all of today's evening activities are canceled. Today is a school scheduled "red day" - therefore, Monday will be our "red day." Students are also reminded to bring their $1 as we moved "Ugly Sweater Day" to Monday. Bring $2 if your scholar wants to wear a hat or leggings.
COVID Updates: Masks remain required in classes as an additional mitigation strategy for our final week prior to break. This week BA had no additional positive COVID cases; we have two active COVID cases and four additional students required to quarantine. Since the start of the year we have had 35 total positive student cases and 6 staff test positive. Please help us stay in-person by following these mitigation strategies. Bishop Hebda recently urged additional mitigation strategies for large indoor gatherings. See his Dec 1 letter HERE and his Dec 9 Video HERE. ADDITIONAL MASK DONATIONS NEEDED! Please bring to the front office if you are able to help.
- BA BASH Raffle 2021: Great stocking stuffers! Prizes are $2021, $1021 and $521. One more week to get your ticket! Please order HERE or call and email the office. Drawing held December 31.
- Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift. The stronger DMCS is, the stronger BA will be! Click HERE to learn more. To date they are over $6 million!
- Annual Fund: To date we have raised: $89,400 with a match of $50,000! Our goal is $255,000 for critical needs of our school. Please consider a donation through June 2022: Donate Online (click)
KUDOS: To all of our basketball teams and coaches as they begin the season! Also, we wish to congratulate our coop sports members in wrestling, hockey, dance line and swimming for their hard work in getting off to a great start! Special congratulations to our Students of the Month in specialist classes: Cecilia Azelton, Carter Pavek, Claire Wisdo, Aiden Tobin, Aubrey Howard, Kacie Hofius, Caiden Lamphere, and Michael Crone.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
- Dec. 12: BA Choir Christmas Concert, 2pm, IC Church
- Dec. 13: BA Band Christmas Concert, 7pm, Van Orsow Auditorium
- Dec. 13: SADD Ugly Sweater Dress Down Day (rescheduled)
- Dec 13: Post-Prom Dining Night Out @ Basilleo's - see below
- Dec. 15: Knowledge Bowl meet @ Rochester
- Dec. 16: Prom Dining Night Out @ A&W - see below
- Dec. 17: Rome Trip Dress Down Day; FFA Competition Day
- Dec 20-Jan 2: Christmas Break - No School
- Jan 7: Youth Basketball Night @ Girls home game - see below
- Jan. 13 - 8:30 a.m.: Spelling Bee
- Find our event school calendar on our website HERE
- The Salvation Army needs bell ringers: Sign up here
Staff Xmas Lunch Help: Home and School needs your help! We are hosting our annual Christmas Luncheon for the BA Faculty and Staff Thursday, Dec 16 and are looking for donations of your time and treats! If you can help, please sign up HERE.
Rome Trip Bake Sale Dec 19: BA students going on a pilgrimage to Rome this June, are hosting a bake sale at Divine Mercy Catholic Church to fundraise their trip. Please stop by after the 8am and 10am Masses on December 19 to support these students and get delicious treats!
Mental Health Resources: We know that at this time we are seeing an increase in the mental health needs of our scholars. Here is a link to Rice County resources.
Prom/Post-Prom Fundraisers
The Junior Class is hosting several fundraisers to raise money for Prom; Junior and senior parents are likewise hosting several fundraisers for the Post-Prom event. See below for dates and information:
- CANCELED Dec 10-& 11 Post-Prom Apple Pies @ Hy-Vee: Hy-Vee had a supply chain issue; we have had to cancel this fundraiser.
- Dec 13 Post-Prom Dining Night Out @ Basilleo's; 10% of all purchases Monday, Dec 13 from 4-10pm - including gift cards! - will go back to the BA After Prom Party. Take-out and delivery will be available in addition to dining in the restaurant.
- Dec. 16: Prom Dining Night Out @ A&W - a portion of all sales from 4pm to close - both in the restaurant and via the drive through - will go towards BA's 2022 Prom hosted by the Junior Class.
Online School Store Launched @ Star Sports & Apparel! BA has opened at school store at Star Sports and Apparel. Orders are filled as they are placed, so purchase your BA gear any time! Click HERE to for all the great options!
Holiday Scrip Now Available! Click HERE for a flyer with more information.
January Youth Basketball Nights: Youth basketball teams, prospective Cardinals, DMCS families all invited to join us! Sign up HERE.
Home Basketball Game Help Needed: Many volunteers are needed to help at home basketball games this winter. Please consider sharing your time and talent in support of our student activities!

Part-time Positions @ Bethlehem Academy
Interested in a part-time position? Bethlehem Academy is currently hiring a BA van driver for driver for daily student transportation. Click HERE for more information. We also have coaching openings in track and field and fast pitch softball and are looking for people to officiate junior high basketball games. Please email if interested.
Rice County Vaccination Clinic Dec 14
Rice County is providing free COVID -19 vaccinations at the Faribault Middle School Tues, Dec 14 from 3:30-5:30pm. Find information in English HERE and in Spanish HERE.
PetSmart is hiring! Click HERE for a flyer with more information.
Free Meals for Students
Community dinners are offered Monday-Thursday, 4:30-5:30pm at Jefferson Elementary School (922 Home Place). Kids eat free; adult meals are $3.50. More information in English and Spanish HERE.
Click the link below for the calendar.
Family Focus 12/3/21

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
December 3, 2021
Dear BA Families:
Welcome Advent! As we begin Advent our hearts seek the renewal of Christ in this Season of Hope. Our students attended Reconciliation this week as we began Advent. Join us each week at our Mass for additional Advent prayers and reflections led by Campus Ministry. Family Advent resources are available, click "Advent." Faribault is also hosting a special Winterfest this Saturday, join the fun at: Winterfest in Faribault!
Benefactor's Brunch: This Saturday we will honor four BA supporters inducting them to the Court of Honor. This year we recognize Sister Mary Margaret Murphy, Russ Kennedy, Dr. Walter Neihaus '55 and Mary Heideman. All four benefactors exemplify the spirit of our four Dominican Pillars: Prayer, Study, Community and Service, by supporting BA with gifts of time and treasure for many years. We are blessed!
Snow Days: Should we have a snow day in December, please know that our first 2 snow days are no school days - no online learning. Any additional snow days will be online learning days. We follow Faribault Public Schools in calling a snow day, and notify our families via text, email and Facebook when this occurs.
COVID Updates: Currently masks are required in classes as an additional mitigation strategy. This week BA had 3 positive COVID cases in quarantine with no exposure at school. There are no additional students required to quarantine at this time. Since the start of the year we have had 35 total positive cases. Please help us stay in-person by following these mitigation strategies. ADDITIONAL MASK DONATIONS NEEDED! Please bring to the front office if you are able to help.
- BA BASH Raffle 2021: Great stocking stuffers! Prizes are $2021, $1021 and $521. Please get your ticket order form HERE. Drawing held December 31, 2021.
- Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift, the stronger DMCS is, the stronger BA will be! Click HERE to learn more.
- Annual Fund: To date we have raised: $78,900 with a match of $50,000! Our goal is $255,000 for critical needs of our school. Please consider a donation through June 2022: Donate Online (click)
KUDOS: Congratulations to Justin Delesha who completed his Eagle Scout project out at Calvary Cemetery. He constructed a compost and dirt depository at the south end of the cemetery. Special congratulations extended to all BA students featured in this month's Art Exhibit at the Paradise Center for the Arts and thanks to Mr. Hillesheim for all of his preparations for the beautiful exhibit.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
- Dec 4: Benefactor's Brunch
- Dec 7: WIN Day
- Dec 10: SADD Ugly Sweater Dress Down Day-proceeds to St. Vincent de Paul for toys and food items
- Dec 10-11: Apple Pie Prom fundraiser at Hy-Vee - see below
- Dec. 12: BA Choir Christmas Concert, 2pm, IC Church
- Dec. 13: BA Band Christmas Concert, 7pm, Van Orsow Auditorium
- Dec 13: Post-Prom Dining Night Out @ Basilleo's - see below
- Dec. 15: Knowledge Bowl meet @ Rochester
- Dec. 16: Prom Dining Night Out @ A&W - see below
- Dec. 17: Rome Trip Dress Down Day; FFA Competition Day
- Dec 20-Jan 2: Christmas Break - No School
- Find our event school calendar on our website HERE
- The Salvation Army needs bell ringers: Sign up here
Mental Health Resources: We know that at this time we are seeing an increase in the mental health needs of our scholars. Here is a link to Rice County resources.
Prom/Post-Prom Fundraisers
The Junior Class is hosting several fundraisers to raise money for Prom; Junior and senior parents are likewise hosting several fundraisers for the Post-Prom event. See below for dates and information:
Dec 10-& 11 Post-Prom Apple Pies @ Hy-Vee: BA's Post-Prom committee is making and selling apple pies on Friday December 10 from 4pm to 8pm and Saturday December 11 from 11am-3pm. Pies are $12.99. Volunteers needed! Sign up to help HERE.
- Dec 13 Post-Prom Dining Night Out @ Basilleo's; 10% of all purchases Monday, Dec 13 from 4-10pm - including gift cards! -
will go back to the BA After Prom Party. Take-out and delivery will be available in addition to dining in the restaurant.
- Dec. 16: Prom Dining Night Out @ A&W - a portion of all sales from 4pm to close - both in the restaurant and via the drive through - will go towards BA's 2022 Prom hosted by the Junior Class.
Candy Grams! Help support the BA Rome pilgrimage trip! Candy canes with a message can be ordered for $1 each. Candy canes will be delivered Dec 17. Return the order form attached with payment (write "Candy Gram" on the envelope) to the front office by Dec 10.
Online School Store Launched @ Star Sports & Apparel! BA has opened at school store at Star Sports and Apparel. Orders are filled as they are placed, so purchase your BA gear any time! Click HERE to for all the great options!
Counselor's Resources: Twice a month in homeroom prior to Mass, our school counselor is providing homeroom teachers with a Mass-linked reflection to share with students. Find today’s reflection HERE.
Holiday Scrip Now Available! Click HERE for a flyer with more information.
Home Basketball Game Help Needed: Many volunteers are needed to help at home basketball games this winter. Please consider sharing your time and talent in support of our student activities!
DMCS Kids Christmas Shop Donations Needed!
PAWS, the parent group at DMCS, is hosting their first annual Kids Christmas Shop. Donate possible gift items by December 9th. See FLYER for more information.
Part-time Positions @ Bethlehem Academy
Interested in a part-time position? Bethlehem Academy is currently hiring a BA van driver for driver for daily student transportation. Click HERE for more information. We also have coaching openings in track and field and fast pitch softball and are looking for people to officiate junior high basketball games. Please email if interested.
Rice County Vaccination Clinic Dec 14
Rice County is providing free COVID -19 vaccinations at the Faribault Middle School Tues, Dec 14 from 3:30-5:30pm. Find information in English HERE and in Spanish HERE.
PetSmart is hiring! Click HERE for a flyer with more information.
Free Meals for Students
Community dinners are offered Monday-Thursday, 4:30-5:30pm at Jefferson Elementary School (922 Home Place). Kids eat free; adult meals are $3.50. More information in English and Spanish HERE.
Click the link below for the calendar.
Family Focus 11/19/21

"But Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him,"
Jeremiah 17:7 (Bible verse of the year chosen by Peer Ministry)
November 19, 2021
Dear BA Families:
It’s almost Thanksgiving! I know your scholar has been working hard on both their academics and activities. Keep encouraging them as they strive for excellence in following the Dominican pillars of prayer, study, community and service. At this time of year their motivation can wane and be distracted by the excitement of the holidays. I will have our mother's group pray for them both in their studies and their health!
Just a reminder that we are postponing Grandparents Day. November 23rd will be a normal, regular school day from 8:05 a.m. to 2:55 p.m. We look forward to rescheduling this special event in the spring!
The Bethlehem Academy Annual Report and Traditions magazine are out. Our Annual Report is on our website at this link: Annual Report. Pick up a Traditions magazine in the school office or on the table by the hallway to learn more about BA alumni and a recap of last year.
Our Counselor is creating special videos to share with all BA students during homeroom time. She will release these typically weekly. To follow, we will share the videos with you for discussion at home: Wednesday Wisdom
COVID Updates: Currently masks are being required in classes as an additional mitigation strategy. See the email from this past week regarding this. We will re-evaluate this after Thanksgiving break. Presently, BA has 3 active COVID cases (after today) and 16 additional students in quarantine. Since the start of the year we have had 32 total positive cases. Please help us stay in-person by following these mitigation strategies.
UPDATES ON FUNDRAISERS: Review our 2020-21 Annual Report on our BA website at: Annual Report 2020-21
- BA BASH Raffle 2021: Get your raffle tickets - great stocking stuffers! Prizes are $2021, $1021 and $521. Please get your ticket order form HERE. Drawing held December 31, 2021.
- Divine Mercy Build Project - United for Our Future: Please prayerfully consider a gift, the stronger DMCS is, the stronger BA will be! Click HERE to learn more.
- Student Sales: Prom students are selling Randy's Meats' Products through today, November 19. Get your orders in, information below!
- Annual Fund: To date we have raised: $74,900 with a match of $50,000! Thank you! Our goal this year is $255,000 for critical needs of our school. Please consider a donation through June 2022: Donate Online (click)
KUDOS: Congratulations to all of our students who submitted poems for the Veteran's Day program: Penelope Parrish, Preston Hubers, Harrison Gibbs, Matthew Volkmuth, Emily Rauenhorst, Eva Ardolf, Riley Bauer, Annabelle Francis, Jesus Palma, Anna DeMars, Aaron Huerta, Zachary Velishek, Thelma Santarrosa, Elliot Daschner and Kendra Hanson. Thelma was selected by SADD to present her poem during the programs. Each poem was so well written - Congratulations!
UPCOMING EVENTS: Additional activities and sporting events online.
- Nov 20: HS Robotics Meet
- Nov 22: Dress Down Day-Rome Trip Fundraiser
- Nov 22: CSCOE online Parent Session on technology, see below
- Nov 23: Regular School Day (Grandparents Day postponed to the spring)
- Nov 24-29: Thanksgiving Break (Updated from earlier calendars)
- Nov. 29: NO SCHOOL / Teacher Workday/Student Catch Up Day
- Dec 4: Benefactor's Brunch
- Find our event school calendar on our website HERE
- The Salvation Army needs bell ringers: Sign up here
Junior Class Randy's Meats Fundraiser to Nov 19
Deadline Today!! 11th graders are taking Randy’s Meats orders for pizza, soups, meats, cookies, desserts and an assortment of Christmas decorations and gifts. All proceeds go to Prom 2022; order deadline is Friday, November 19. If the class raises $6000, junior Riley Langenfeld will shave his head!
Basketball Registration
Registration for the school's basketball teams is now available. Please see for the registration form. The activity fee is $140 per player and may be paid online at or by check to the school office. Participants also need to have a current sports physical clearance on file in the activities office. Girls basketball practice began Monday, November 15. Boys basketball practices will begin on Monday, November 22.
CSCOE PARENT SESSION: "Technology, Social Media, Screen Time and Parenting" November 22 at 7 p.m. with Dr. Jules Nolan
The use of social media and technology is one of the most popular areas of concern for parents of children and adolescents. How much is too much? How do we keep our kids safe online? What about the constant social comparisons? This session will focus on the latest research on use of social media and technology. It will also help us understand the relationship between brain development and what drives the need to feel connected online, as well as those areas of big concern like pornography and algorithms that target adolescent vulnerabilities. Parenting tips will be offered. Click HERE to register.
Holiday Scrip Now Available! Click HERE for a flyer with more information.
Positivity Project: Gratitude
Gratitude - "You are aware of and thankful for good things that happen" - is our Positivity Project character strength for this week and next. Find additional resources to use at home at the following links (password: P2): Grades 6-8 and Grades 9-12.
Student Shadow Days/New Student Application Information
Invite an interested family to learn more about BA! Invite a student interested in BA to join your scholar for the day! Student shadow days now available weekly. Invite a friend to register for a shadow day HERE. Family tours are offered M-F from 9am-4:30pm. Click HERE to sign up. New student online applications for the 2022-2023 school year are now open! You are our greatest resource in bringing great new students to BA! Please contact Kris Sauer If you are interested in hosting a informational meeting in your home for prospective students and their families. Watch Facebook and our website (News and Enrollment tabs) for more information.
Wolf Ridge Parent Info Mtg-Dec 1
Attention 8th Grade Parents: there will be a Wolf Ridge Parent Meeting on Wed, December 1 6 PM via Zoom. At least one parent from each family should plan to attend. Contact Julie Smisek with any questions prior to meeting. Zoom meeting link:
Bethlehem Academy is Hiring!
We have coaching openings in track and field and fast pitch softball and are looking for people to officiate junior high basketball games. Please email if interested.
Winter Youth Activities
Looking for something for your scholars to do this winter? Check out this flyer in English and in Spanish for information and links to great programming in our Faribault community, including: sports, 4-H, the public library, parks & rec, River Bend Nature Center, the Paradise Center for the Arts, and more!
COVID Vaccination Clinics
Rice County Public Health is hosting vaccination clinics for students ages 5 and up. Students must be pre-registered; walk-ins must have a parent present. Clinics held in Northfield Nov 18th, 3:30-6:30pm (flyers in English and Spanish) and in Faribault Nov 23rd, 3:15-5:45pm (flyers in English and Spanish).
Free Meals for Students
Community dinners are offered Monday-Thursday, 4:30-5:30pm at Jefferson Elementary School (922 Home Place). Kids eat free; adult meals are $3.50. More information in English and Spanish HERE.
Click the link below for the calendar.