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Family Focus 5/28/21

date 06/28/2021 author Kris Sauer category 2020-21, May 2021 comment Leave a comment

May 28, 2021

Dear BA Families:

This week we saluted our seniors, honored students with end of year recognition, crowned Mary and said farewell to three BA staff legends! It certainly is a week of celebration and tradition and I am blessed to share in all of these festivities for the first time this year as your President/Principal. A 156-year legacy of excellence in Catholic education, Bethlehem Academy gives students a foundation for life. Thank you to all of our parents, families, supporters and alumni who partnered with us this year to endure and succeed despite the many challenges. Thank you for giving your child the gift of Catholic education. WE ARE BLESSED!

As we prepare for the next school year, I am excited to introduce you to four new staff joining our team for the 2021-2022 academic year. Please welcome:

Father John Powers: Father John grew up in Northeast Minneapolis with his sister, and parents, Marge and Mike Powers. He attended St. John’s University, studying history, and graduated in 2009. He entered the St. Paul Seminary and was ordained in 2015. He has served at various locations and will now be assigned to Holy Trinity in Waterville, St. Andrew’s in Elysian and Bethlehem Academy where he will teach a middle school theology class. Father John looks forward to getting to know our students and families!

Shane Roessler - Counselor: Mrs. Roessler is an experienced counselor with over 20 years of service. She lives in Waseca with her husband and two daughters. She will be supporting our students as our new guidance counselor beginning in the fall. "I would have to say that I am most excited to begin working with a great group of students who are striving to be the best they can be and helping out the world around them."

Edward Wendt, Jr. – Band Teacher: Mr. Wendt, Jr. comes to BA band from Totino-Grace Fine Arts Academy. He has organized drum lines, directed jazz and pep bands and organized band trips to St. Louis, Memphis and New Orleans. "I want my students and future students to have experiences like these that they will remember for the rest of their lives. These experiences are what I hope to bring to the classroom when teaching band for Bethlehem Academy!"

In addition, Rachel Tondryk has accepted the Spanish teaching position. She previous taught at both St. Dominic's and Benilde-St. Margaret's. She has a graduate degree in World Languages and Cultures. Watch for her bio and photo over the summer!


  • May 31: Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
  • June 1-2: High School Final Exams, no early release for MS or HS
  • June 2: Last Day of School, regular dismissal
  • June 12: Scot Gardner retirement celebrated hosted by the Gardner Family and BA; 12-2pm, BA Back 40
  • June 19: Heritage Days Parade - Families, join us to celebrate Faribault Catholic Schools!
  • July 23-27: JOIN US AT THE FAIR! Watch for volunteer opportunities for all of our activities, athletes and grade levels!
  • July 29-31: SMART Ride - Join us to raise scholarship dollars!
  • August 6: Cardinal Classic Golf Tournament, Faribault Golf Club. Sign up to play, click here
KUDOS:  To our seniors, teachers, and staff for a remarkable graduation week!

  • Annual Fund: HELP US REACH - $250,000 by June 30, 2021, less than $3,000 left to reach our goal!
  • Cardinal Club Raffle: We will be mailing out invitations to purchase raffle tickets for our Cardinal Club Raffle. Join the fun and support BA as summer begins!
  • BA Fair Stand: We need your support at the Rice County Fair. We want to thank the Simones family for agreeing to manage the stand, but mark your calendars to volunteer - July 21-25, 2021. Shifts and a sign up genius will be announced. We are asking EVERY STUDENT AND FAMILY TO TAKE A SHIFT IN ORDER TO MEET OUR BUDGETARY NEEDS. Thank you!

ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2021-22 Tuition Agreements Sent: Financial aid has been awarded and tuition agreements have been sent. Contact Kris Sauer or Sister Mary Margaret if you have questions or concerns regarding your agreement.

May your summer bring joy, may your family find peace and may God bless you during the summer months! Our office will be open from 9-1 p.m. M-Th. Stop in!

Blessings, Mindy Reeder



Order your 2020-2021 YEARBOOK
Have you ordered a yearbook for the 2020-2021 school year? Cost is $65. Order yours by the May 29 deadline - see the attached form or order online here. Contact Mr. Zabel if you have any questions. 

School Choice at the Capitol!

The Archdiocese has asked our Catholic school families to help express support for school choice bills presently going on at the MN State Capitol. Click here for more information on the bills and how to express your support. 

2021-2022 Calendar
See attached for next year's BA/DMCS school calendar.

Banon Family Meal Support
Some of tour DMCS/BA families have been offering support to Ella Banon and her family by providing occasional freezer meals. We would like to continue to offer this to the family over the summer as Ella begins chemotherapy in June. If you would like to provide an occasional meal please contact Ellie Wilder or 507-210-9060 as she is coordinating the effort. Thank you!

Host Family Needed for 2021-22
Host family needed for KoAm-sponsored Jiyun (8th grade female from South Korea), arriving next fall. Great cultural exchange, monthly stipend & support provided. Jiyun is sociable, empathetic, proactive, and responsible. She wants to become a good college student with good English skills. Jiyun has a younger brother and loves school, friends, and music. She is excited to come to America and study at BA! Contact Kris Sauer if interested in this great opportunity.

NOTE FROM THE NURSE’S OFFICE: Required Immunizations
All students who will be in 7th grade this fall are required by law to have a Tdap (tetanus booster) as well as a meningitis shot. The meningitis shot is the first in a two-shot series which should be completed at 16 years of age. Students who will be in 12th grade are required by law to have a second meningitis shot. Students should have had their first shot in the series before the start of 7th grade. Any students who have conscientious objector forms on file will need to fill out a new form for this fall. If you have any questions or need a conscientious objector form, please contact Mary Herzog in the nurse’s office, 507-334-3948.

BA Employment Opportunities
BA is hiring for a number of positions next year, including an Academic Support High School Position (Part-Time).  Send in your resume and two references to if interested! Other openings include Head Boys Basketball Coach.  Find more information on these positions on our website here

Summer Robotics & Sports Camps @ BA!
All BA/DMCS summer camps are still open - including ROBOTICS and SPORTS!! Options for both high school (robotics, football) and younger students (grades 1-8: robotics, football, basketball, volleyball) available. Click here for information and registration forms for all our summer options!

SMART Ride July 29-31, 2021
Save the date for this summer's SMART ride! Single day biking options available or join all 3 days, with camping at Mankato. This great event raises money for student scholarships! Click
here for information on this great event. 

Cardinal Golf Classic Aug 6
Registration is now open for the annual Cardinal Golf Classic! This year's event will be held at the Faribault Golf Club Friday, August 6 with a scramble format starting at 1pm. Registration just $100 includes golf, awards dinner, gift and hole contests. Sign up your foursome
here today! 

Online School Store Now Open! 
BA facemasks, car clings and polo shirts are now available for purchase on our online school store. Also available are BABS fixed priced items, including wrought iron planters and messenger bags. Click
here to purchase these great items! 

Heritage Days Parade June 19
We are looking for student and parent volunteers to be a part of the BA/DMCS parade float in the Heritage Days parade Saturday, June 19 at 6:15pm! This is a fun way to get a jump start your student’s 2021-2-22 service hours. Email Kris if you can participate.

Robotics & Sports Camps @ BA!
Great summer camp options @ BA, including robotics for both middle and high school students (robotics camp flyer attached). Other options include football, girls volleyball and boys and girls basketball camps. Click here for information and registration forms for all our summer options!


Frozen at the Paradise Center for the Arts
Please come and see Frozen! BA students Monica Wilder, Eva Tutak, Lily Ernste, Anne Azelton, and Avalon Roberts are  in it! Performances June 13, 19, and 20. Find the  link to get tickets here!

Faribault Golf Course: Kitchen Workers
Faribault Golf Course is seeking 3 part-time line cooks (1-2+ years’ experience) to start the golf season. Pay depends on experience and availability. Call or send resumes to Chef Patty LeBeau at or call 612-701-7190.

Vector Marketing Jobs for Class of 2021
Vector has Customer Sales and Service positions available this summer for seniors. Jobs are flexible full or part time positions. Work from home, $18/hour. For more information or to schedule an interview, please apply online at:

Yearbook Order Form
2021-2022 BA/DMCS School Calendar
MS/HS Robotics Summer Camp Flyer

Family Focus, 5/21/21

date 05/27/2021 author Kris Sauer category May 2021, 2020-21 comment Leave a comment

May 21, 2021

Dear BA Families:

The final weeks of May are slipping past quickly. The rain showered our events this week, but Baby Animal Day endured thanks to the diligence of Ms. Story and her FFA members. Home & School celebrated our students with ice cream on the Back 40, a welcome treat. Our seniors began their finals and preparations for graduation next Friday, May 28, 2021 - join us in-person or online to salute our graduating class of 2021!!

Specifically, we are looking for a high school academic support staff to join our team. Are you good at helping scholars stay on task and giving them homework support? Are you looking for a part-time position? Do you have a heart for students who struggle? We also have coaching positions open, a summer student maintenance coordinator, and some teaching positions. Check out our posting and apply! All of our openings are on our website: 

CELEBRATE OUR RETIRING STAFF! This June we are honoring three departing staff members -Scot Gardner & Eileen Kriechbaum who are retiring - and Tracy Meschke who is departing for other opportunities. Please celebrate with us and send cards and notes. A special additional event is also planned for Scot Gardner with his family on June 12 at BA.


  • May 24-25: Senior Exams, Periods 1-3
  • May 26: Mary Ceremony, 1pm: All school, 4 guests/senior - This event will end between 2:30 - 3 p.m. and students can go home at this time. Regular bus and BA van schedule. Watch the Mary Ceremony on Facebook or YouTube.
  • May 26: Baccalaureate, 7:30pm: All are welcome
  • May 27: Awards Day, 9am: All school, 4 guests/senior.  Gr 6-11 dismissed approximately 11:15am, no lunch served. Regular Faribault bus schedule, BA Van departs at 11am. Watch on Facebook or YouTube.
  • May 27: PSEO registration deadline-see below for more info
  • May 28: Commencement, 7:30pm: All are welcome. Watch on Facebook or YouTube.
  • May 29: Yearbook order deadline
  • May 31: Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
  • June 1-2: High School Final Exams, no early release for MS or HS
  • June 2: Last Day of School, regular dismissal
  • June 12: Scot Gardner retirement celebrated hosted by the Gardner Family and BA; 12-2pm, BA Back 40
  • June 19: Heritage Days Parade - Families, join us to celebrate Faribault Catholic Schools!
KUDOS:  To FFA for hosting a wonderful Baby Animal Day during rainy weather! Thanks to Home & School and Student Service Club members for serving ice cream after lunch this week.

  • Annual Fund: We remain at 99% of our goal of $250,000 with now less than $3,000 to raise before June 30, 2021, in order to reach this goal. Please share the news and support the mission of BA!
  • BABS Fund-A-Need: Thank you for the amazing support, we are nearly to our goal of $84,000 to purchase security cameras and updated classroom SMART boards.
  • Cardinal Club Raffle: We will be mailing out invitations to purchase raffle tickets for our Cardinal Club Raffle. Join the fun and support BA as summer begins!
  • BA Fair Stand: We need your support at the Rice County Fair. We hope to have a coordinator to manage the stand, but mark your calendars to volunteer - July 22-25, 2021. Shifts and a sign up genius will be announced. We are asking EVERY STUDENT AND FAMILY TO TAKE A SHIFT IN ORDER TO MEET OUR BUDGETARY NEEDS. Thank you!
  • Summer Events: Join us at our summer events - the BA Smart Ride and BA Golf Classic.  See details below.


  • 2021-22 Tuition Agreements Sent: Financial aid has been awarded and tuition agreements have been sent. Contact Kris Sauer or Sister Mary Margaret if you have questions or concerns regarding your agreement.

FINISHING THE YEAR STRONG/COVID & MASK UPDATES: YES - Schools have to still require students and staff to wear masks when inside. The recent announcements by the CDC and Governor Walz regarding lifting the mask mandates specifically excludes schools.

“Minnesota’s Safe Learning Plan, along with the existing face covering guidance for schools and child care settings, remain in effect. Through the end of the 2020-21 school year (last teacher contact day), masks must continue to be worn by everyone inside school buildings or on a school bus.”


We understand that this is frustrating and thank you for understanding that in order to remain open, our school, and all schools, will need to continue with our existing mask wearing policy for all students and staff when inside the building. We will keep you updated should that policy change. The Archdiocese recommends that you contact your elected officials with your frustration regarding this mandate for schools.

At this time, we have no new positive cases among school students and/or staff and no one is quarantining. Please see links to additional COVID resources below:

Please pray and join in on the 5K run Sat May 22 for Ella Banon, younger sister to BA 8th grader Barak Barner who is recovering with cancer. The link to participate or donate is here:

Mindy Reeder


Order your 2020-2021 YEARBOOK
Have you ordered a yearbook for the 2020-2021 school year? Cost is $65. Order yours by the May 29 deadline - see the attached form or order online here. Contact Mr. Zabel if you have any questions. 

2021-2022 Calendar
See attached for next year's BA/DMCS school calendar.

Host Family Needed for 2021-22
Host family needed for KoAm-sponsored Jiyun (8th grade female from South Korea), arriving next fall. Great cultural exchange, monthly stipend & support provided. Jiyun is sociable, empathetic, proactive, and responsible. She wants to become a good college student with good English skills. Jiyun has a younger brother and loves school, friends, and music. She is excited to come to America and study at BA! Contact Kris Sauer if interested in this great opportunity.

NOTE FROM THE NURSE’S OFFICE: Required Immunizations
All students who will be in 7th grade this fall are required by law to have a Tdap (tetanus booster) as well as a meningitis shot. The meningitis shot is the first in a two-shot series which should be completed at 16 years of age. Students who will be in 12th grade are required by law to have a second meningitis shot. Students should have had their first shot in the series before the start of 7th grade. Any students who have conscientious objector forms on file will need to fill out a new form for this fall. If you have any questions or need a conscientious objector form, please contact Mary Herzog in the nurse’s office, 507-334-3948.

Adult 2021 Summer Employment Opportunity
Bethlehem Academy is looking for an energetic adult to help supervise the summer student work program. This student supervisor will work with the students under the direction of the BA maintenance team. The position runs from June 7 to  August 13 from 8am-2:30pm with a half hour lunch break. Pay is $12/hour.  Contact Steve Zabel at 334-3948 ext. 220 or by
email if you or anyone you know may be interested. Position is flexible and may be shared. Deadline to apply is May 24. 

BA Employment Opportunities
BA is hiring for a number of positions next year, including an Academic Support High School Position (Part-Time).  Send in your resume and two references to if interested! Other openings include High School Spanish teacher, and Head Boys Basketball Coach.  Find more information on these positions on our website here

Summer Robotics & Sports Camps @ BA!
All BA/DMCS summer camps are still open - including ROBOTICS and SPORTS!! Options for both high school (robotics, football) and younger students (grades 1-8: robotics, football, basketball, volleyball) available. Click here for information and registration forms for all our summer options!

SMART Ride July 29-31, 2021
Save the date for this summer's SMART ride! Single day biking options available or join all 3 days, with camping at Mankato. This great event raises money for student scholarships! Click
here for information on this great event. 

Cardinal Golf Classic Aug 6
Registration is now open for the annual Cardinal Golf Classic! This year's event will be held at the Faribault Golf Club Friday, August 6 with a scramble format starting at 1pm. Registration just $100 includes golf, awards dinner, gift and hole contests. Sign up your foursome
here today! 

Counseling Support: We have learned of a suicide challenges circling social media on TikTok, Twitter and other sites. It involves encouraging teens to engage in "blue whale" and chapstick suicide challenges. Please be sure to talk with your child and be aware of their social media use and accounts. Here are other resources:

Crisis Phone Lines

YouthLine:  Text teen2teen to 839863 or call 1-877-968-8491

Crisis Text Line: Text Hello to 741741

Trevor Project: Call 1-866-488-7386 or text "start" to 678-678

Here is a list of suicide warning signs for teens. 

Online School Store Now Open! 
BA facemasks, car clings and polo shirts are now available for purchase on our online school store. Also available are BABS fixed priced items, including wrought iron planters and messenger bags. Click
here to purchase these great items! 

Heritage Days Parade June 19
We are looking for student and parent volunteers to be a part of the BA/DMCS parade float in the Heritage Days parade Saturday, June 19 at 6:15pm! This is a fun way to get a jump start your student’s 2021-2-22 service hours. Email Kris if you can participate.


REMINDER: PSEO 2021-22 Deadline May 27
All students interested in pursuing PSEO next year, 2021-22, MUST: (1) Notify the counselor of their intention/set a meeting with the counselor; and (2) Turn in their 
Notice of Student Registration 21-22 form to the counseling office BY Thursday, May 27. This deadline important as PSEO student classes may impact how next year's schedule looks for all students. If your student wants to do PSEO, please remind them to turn in this form on time.

JUNIORS: Upcoming ACT Test Dates
here! for the June 12 exam. Late signup deadline is TODAY: May 21. Reach out to Ms. Rogers ( with questions.

SENIOR MOMS: RSVP for May 27 Lunch
All senior moms invited to the traditional seniors moms-organized lunch following the Awards Day ceremony Thursday, May 27! Lunch starts around 11am at Redemption. Please RSVP your attendance to Kris Shuda at so she can forward a head count for this special event.  

SENIORS: Grad Party List
A reminder to please email Class of 2021 grad party details (date, time, location, menu) to
Barb Johnson for the master class grad party list.  

Robotics & Sports Camps @ BA!
Great summer camp options @ BA, including robotics for both middle and high school students (robotics camp flyer attached). Other options include football, girls volleyball and boys and girls basketball camps. Click here for information and registration forms for all our summer options!


Faribault Golf Course: Kitchen Workers
Faribault Golf Course is seeking 3 part-time line cooks (1-2+ years’ experience) to start the golf season. Pay depends on experience and availability. Call or send resumes to Chef Patty LeBeau at or call 612-701-7190.

Vector Marketing Jobs for Class of 2021
Vector has Customer Sales and Service positions available this summer for seniors. Jobs are flexible full or part time positions. Work from home, $18/hour. For more information or to schedule an interview, please apply online at:

Yearbook Order Form
2021-2022 BA/DMCS School Calendar
MS/HS Robotics Summer Camp Flyer

Family Focus 5/14/21

date 05/19/2021 author Kris Sauer category 2020-21, May 2021 comment Leave a comment

May 14, 2021

Dear BA Families:

We are down to our last three weeks of school. It's been an incredible year! I know that our scholars have sacrificed, our teachers have adapted, and together with the grace of God, we have endured a year of challenges while continuing to follow our mission to provide excellence in Catholic education - "to lead, to serve, to inspire, and to seek the truth - Veritas!" Thank you for your partnership, your feedback throughout the year, and your grace as we traveled the challenges together. As we prepare to celebrate our 2021 graduating class with many of the pandemic restrictions lifted, may prayers find our nation, and our world, healed as summer begins.

I will be back at BA this next Monday, healed from my surgery. My fight with cancer looks positive and many prayers have been answered. I still have a journey ahead of me, but feel ready to return. Thank you again for your support. Over the next few weeks the schedule is packed. Please review the events below. Except for Awards Day, we will not be having any early release dates for 6-11th grade students.

This June we are honoring three staff members who will be retiring-Scot Gardner, Eileen Kriechbaum and Tracy Meschke. Please celebrate with us and send cards and notes. A special additional event is also planned for Scot Gardner with his family on June 12 at BA. While we bless our retiring staff, we also need new team members to carry on the legacy of excellence at BA. Please visit our webpage to share these openings with others:


  • May 17: AP Stats Exam
  • May 19: Home and School Ice Cream treats @ lunches
  • May 20: FFA - Baby Animal Day
  • May 21: HS Mass, Extraordinary Ministers Commissioning
  • May 20-21: Regular Class Schedule w/Senior Cardinal Hour Exams
  • May 24-25: Senior Exams, Periods 1-3
  • May 26: Mary Ceremony, 1pm: All school, 4 guests/senior
  • May 26: Baccalaureate, 7:30pm: All welcome
  • May 27: Awards Day, 9am: All school, 4 guests/senior, Gr 6-11 dismissed approximately 11:15am, no lunch served 
  • May 27: PSEO registration deadline-see below for more info
  • May 28: Commencement, 7:30pm: All welcome
  • May 29: Yearbook order deadline
  • May 31: Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
  • June 1-2: High School Final Exams, no early releases
  • June 2: Last Day of School
  • June 12: Scot Gardner retirement celebrated hosted by the Gardner Family and BA; 12-2pm, BA Back 40.
KUDOS:  To our spring sports teams, athletes and coaches! We are proud of you and thank you for your commitment.

  • Annual Fund: We remain at 99% of our goal of $250,000. We need just under $4,000 before June 30, 2021, to reach this goal. Please share the news and support the mission of BA!
  • BABS Fund-A-Need: Thank you for the amazing support, we are nearly to our goal of $84,000 to purchase security cameras and updated classroom SMART boards.
  • Cardinal Club Raffle: We will be mailing out invitations to purchase raffle tickets for our Cardinal Club Raffle. Join the fun and support BA as summer begins!
  • BA Fair Stand: We are reviewing options for our Fair Stand, see open positions and let us know if interested in supporting us.
  • Summer Events: Join us at our summer events - the BA Smart Ride and BA Golf Classic.  See the details below.


  • 2021-22 Financial Aid Update: Financial aid has been awarded and tuition agreements will be sent soon. If you still need to complete your application, please do so as soon as possible. Contact Kris Sauer if you have questions .

FINISHING THE YEAR STRONG/COVID & MASK UPDATES: With the recent announcements by the CDC and Governor Walz regarding mask wearing for fully vaccinated individuals, we wanted to reach out with the guidance from the MN Department of Education that we are following until updated notice is received:

“The CDC has not yet provided clear guidance for school settings, but has stated that they expect to update guidance for children in school and summer camps soon. Additionally, our youngest Minnesotans remain ineligible for vaccines and eligibility for 12- to 15-year-olds was just announced this week. As a result, Minnesota’s Safe Learning Plan, along with the existing face covering guidance for schools and child care settings, remain in effect. Through the end of the 2020-21 school year (last teacher contact day), masks must continue to be worn by everyone inside school buildings or on a school bus.”


We understand that this is frustrating and thank you for understanding that in order to remain open, our school, and all schools, will need to continue with our existing mask wearing policy for all students and staff when inside the building. We will keep you updated should that policy change.

Continue to support protocols and remain vigilant. Please help us keep students healthy and in school the rest of the year. Remember-

  • Stay home if sick; contact the attendance line with info & symptoms;
  • We encourage testing OFTEN! See links below. It is encouraged that your student test every two weeks.
  • If your student or member of your household is getting tested for COVID due to exposure or symptoms, stay home and isolate until you receive and provide a copy of test results to the office.
  • Consistently wear a mask indoors and continue to social distance from others.

At this time, we have no new positive cases among school students and/or staff and no one is quarantining. Please see links to additional COVID resources below:

Please pray: For Ella Banon, younger sister to BA 8th grader Barak Barner who is recovering with cancer and students separated from BA this year due to anxiety and illness.

Mindy Reeder


Order your 2020-2021 YEARBOOK
Have you ordered a yearbook for the 2020-2021 school year? Cost is $65. Order yours by the May 29 deadline - see the attached form or order online here. Contact Mr. Zabel if you have any questions. 

2021-2022 Calendar
See attached for next year's BA/DMCS school calendar.

NOTE FROM THE NURSE’S OFFICE: Required Immunizations
All students who will be in 7th grade this fall are required by law to have a Tdap (tetanus booster) as well as a meningitis shot. The meningitis shot is the first in a two-shot series which should be completed at 16 years of age. Students who will be in 12th grade are required by law to have a second meningitis shot. Students should have had their first shot in the series before the start of 7th grade. Any students who have conscientious objector forms on file will need to fill out a new form for this fall. If you have any questions or need a conscientious objector form, please contact Mary Herzog in the nurse’s office, 5078-334-3948.

Fair Stand Manager Needed
BA parent or parent team sought to run the BA Cardinal Cafe fair stand July 21-25, 2021, at the Rice County Fair. Tuition reduction and training from the retiring managers provided. Contact
Kris Sauer for more information.

Adult 2021 Summer Employment Opportunity
Bethlehem Academy is looking for an energetic adult to help supervise the summer student work program. This student supervisor will work with the students under the direction of the BA maintenance team. The position runs from June 7 to  August 13 from 8am-2:30pm with a half hour lunch break. Pay is $12/hour.  Contact Steve Zabel at 334-3948 ext. 220 or by
email if you or anyone you know may be interested. Position is flexible and may be shared. Deadline to apply is May 21. 

BA Employment Opportunities
BA is hiring for a number of positions next year, including an Academic Support High School Position (Part-Time).  Send in your resume and two references to if interested! Other openings include High School Spanish teacher, and Head Boys Basketball Coach.  Find more information on these positions on our website here

Summer Camps @ BA!
Boys basketball camps just added to the BA summer offerings. Other options include robotics, football and girls volleyball and basketball camps. Click here for information and registration forms for all our summer options.

SMART Ride July 29-31, 2021
Save the date for this summer's SMART ride! Single day biking options available or join all 3 days, with camping at Mankato. This great event raises money for student scholarships! Registration opening soon.

Cardinal Golf Classic Aug 6
Registration is now open for the annual Cardinal Golf Classic! This year's event will be held at the Faribault Golf Club Friday, August 6 with a scramble format starting at 1pm. Registration just $100 includes golf, awards dinner, gift and hole contests. Sign up your foursome
here today! 

Counseling Support: We have learned of a suicide challenges circling social media on TikTok, Twitter and other sites. It involves encouraging teens to engage in "blue whale" and chapstick suicide challenges. Please be sure to talk with your child and be aware of their social media use and accounts. Here are other resources:

Crisis Phone Lines

YouthLine:  Text teen2teen to 839863 or call 1-877-968-8491

Crisis Text Line: Text Hello to 741741

Trevor Project: Call 1-866-488-7386 or text "start" to 678-678

Here is a list of suicide warning signs for teens. 

Online School Store Now Open! 
BA facemasks, car clings and polo shirts are now available for purchase on our online school store. Also available are BABS fixed priced items, including wrought iron planters and messenger bags. Click
here to purchase these great items! 

Heritage Days Parade June 19
We are looking for student and parent volunteers to be a part of the BA/DMCS parade float in the Heritage Days parade Saturday, June 19 at 6:15pm! This is a fun way to get a jump start your student’s 2021-2-22 service hours. Email Kris if you can participate.


REMINDER: PSEO 2021-22 Deadline May 27
All students interested in pursuing PSEO next year, 2021-22, MUST: (1) Notify the counselor of their intention/set a meeting with the counselor; and (2) Turn in their 
Notice of Student Registration 21-22 form to the counseling office BY Thursday, May 27. This deadline important as PSEO student classes may impact how next year's schedule looks for all students. If your student wants to do PSEO, please remind them to turn in this form on time.

JUNIORS: Upcoming ACT Test Dates
here! for the June 12 exam. Late signup deadline: May 21. Reach out to Ms. Rogers ( with questions.

SENIORS: Grad Party List
A reminder to please email Class of 2021 grad party details (date, time, location, menu) to
Barb Johnson for the master class grad party list.  



Paradise Center for the Arts Summer Classes
The Paradise Center for the Arts offers a number of summer youth classes. See attached flyer for more information, or check out their website

Faribault Golf Course: Kitchen Workers
Faribault Golf Course is seeking 3 part-time line cooks (1-2+ years’ experience) to start the golf season. Pay depends on experience and availability. Call or send resumes to Chef Patty LeBeau at or call 612-701-7190.

Vector Marketing Jobs for Class of 2021
Vector has Customer Sales and Service positions available this summer for seniors. Jobs are flexible full or part time positions. Work from home, $18/hour. For more information or to schedule an interview, please apply online at:

Yearbook Order Form
2021-2022 BA/DMCS School Calendar
Paradise Center for the Arts Summer Youth Classes

Our Mission
Bethlehem Academy, a Catholic school in the Sinsinawa Dominican tradition, strives to empower its students and staff to achieve personal, spiritual and academic excellence. We challenge ourselves to love as Jesus Christ loved, to lead, to serve, to inspire and to seek the truth: Veritas.
105 3rd Ave. SW
Faribault, MN  55021
Phone:  507-334-3948
Fax:  507-334-3949